Bathroom design with a window: 60 modern solutions + tips

A window in the bathroom is a bonus, with the help of which an ordinary bathroom can be turned into a luxurious SPA area, of course, if the resource is used correctly. What to consider when arranging such a bathroom or toilet, whether it is worth making the window opening an accent and what to include in its design in order to let in more daylight into the room and, if necessary, hide from prying eyes - we will tell you in this post.

Design: Robert Eliott Custom Homes

Design: Robert Eliott Custom Homes

Bathroom layout with a window: 9 popular options

A wall with an opening located on it, with the exception of very tiny ones, rarely carries any functional load: cabinets, mirrors or heated towel rails are not hung on it, and most often a bathtub or shower is located next to it. There is also a psychological moment in this: it’s so nice to lie in the foam or wash in the shower, looking at the city, garden or sky!

But since the size and location of windows in the bathroom can be very different, you also need to plan the design of a bathroom with a window in different ways. Let's look at the most common options.

Layout recommendations

We will separately touch on the topic of the arrangement of furniture and plumbing in a bathroom with a window. The most popular schemes:

  • The bath is opposite the window. There are 2 options: a transom above the bowl itself (as was the case in Khrushchev buildings) or a free-standing bathtub in the immediate vicinity of the opening. The second method is recommended if you have a beautiful view - then you can organize a home SPA and enjoy water treatments in the evenings.
  • Window in the shower. Most often this is a small opening under the ceiling to remove excess moisture, but an option with a standard frame is possible. Then the decorating techniques that we will discuss below will come in handy.
  • Sink by the window. The main disadvantage of such a washbasin is the lack of a mirror. It is best to move the sink to the side or make 2 sinks around the edges.
  • Window opening above the toilet. One of the universal solutions. The windowsill is used as decoration - place scented candles and other decorations on it.
  • Free layout. Leave a free approach to the frame - this will make it convenient for you to open it and wash the glass.

The photo shows the arrangement of a bathroom in the attic

A small window without reference to the interior filling

If the window opening is located high under the ceiling, is very small and generally does not affect the composition of the space, it is better not to focus attention on it. You can play with the design using roller blinds to match the wall or not touch it at all, shifting the focus to some piece of furniture: the graceful curves of the bathtub, a large chandelier, beautiful furniture.

Design: Olga Baykova, Roman Tutushkin

Design: Olga Baykova, Roman Tutushkin

Design: Yulianna Nikulina

Design: Yulianna Nikulina

If the window is narrow and high enough, centered on the wall and, despite its compactness, takes up enough space in the room, it makes sense to emphasize its presence with:

  • paints of a shade contrasting with the wall;
  • narrow Roman blinds with an expressive pattern on the fabric.

Design: Design Workshop of Yulia Pokrovskaya and Inna Volvak

Design: Design Workshop of Yulia Pokrovskaya and Inna Volvak

Design: Atelier Interior

Design: Atelier Interior

Design: Ivan Sorokin, Irina Marinevich

Design: Ivan Sorokin, Irina Marinevich

Why were the walls painted blue or green?

On stairwells, and initially in apartments, the walls were painted blue or green, up to half of them. The upper part was simply covered with whitewash, like the ceiling.

The height of painting was determined by the average height of men: so that their shoulders would not touch the whitened part.

Why did they do this? The answer is simple - from savings. The whole country worked for defense. Green and blue colors were most needed for army needs, and on a residual basis they were also supplied to civilians.

“Camouflage” paints were resistant to fading and abrasion.

Having received an apartment, the residents immediately did their best to find light paint and repaint this squalor in the kitchens and bathrooms. I remember how, at the age of 12, I was given a brush for the first time and a part of the wall was highlighted.

Two or three large windows on one wall and a freestanding bathtub

With such planning data, designers usually center the bathtub relative to the windows, choosing a spectacular model of a non-standard shape or from an expensive expressive material - marble, travertine, composite compositions. The windows themselves are decorated the same in order to emphasize the design of the space and the beauty of the plumbing fixtures.

Design: Sergey Ogurtsov

Design: Sergey Ogurtsov

Design: Alexander James Interiors

Design: Alexander James Interiors

Design: Nina Prudnikova

Design: Nina Prudnikova

Dormer window

It makes sense to decorate it when direct rays of the sun fall through it. An opening at an angle is best shaded with a roller cassette curtain, when the canvas slides along the side guides when unwinding and twisting, or blinds.

Design: Maria Pilipenko, Ekaterina Fedorova

Design: Maria Pilipenko, Ekaterina Fedorova

Design: Studio 30 Architects

Design: Studio 30 Architects

Design: Design Tiles

Design: Design Tiles

Window in the shower

Splash marks on glass are the main problem with this solution. If the view from the window is not important, it is optimal to install frosted glass and treat it with an anti-dirt coating: natural light will not go anywhere, and the process of cleaning the shower will become less troublesome.

Design: Barley Pfeiffer Architecture

Design: Barley Pfeiffer Architecture

Design: Charissa Snijders Architect

Design: Charissa Snijders Architect

Design: Elena Lazutina

Design: Elena Lazutina

Window between bathroom and bedroom

With this aesthetic solution, the opening can also be designed from the bedroom side. Inside the bathroom, the same means as for decorating a window in a bathroom with an adjacent bathtub will do: roller blinds or Roman blinds, blinds.

Design: Lauri Brothers

Design: Lauri Brothers

Is it possible to remove

When a decision is made to seal the window between the bathroom and the kitchen, they do not think about the legality of such a reconstruction. To be completely sure of the legality of the actions, it is worth studying the technical passport of the apartment. The absence of a window in the plans is typical for almost all projects of Soviet houses. In such cases, it is allowed to seal the opening without approval.

How to close

If designing a small wall window seems like a waste of time and effort, you can cover it with masonry or cover it with moisture-resistant material. Finishing materials are often used: covered with plasterboard or plastic panels. Then the cladding occurs over the opening and the frame with glass does not have to be dismantled.

You just have to remember the position of the window and never try to mount anything on the wall in this place.

How to seal to hang a cabinet in the kitchen

In Soviet apartments there is not much space in the kitchen. It may happen that you can place the kitchen unit fasteners in no other way than at the location of the window. It will not be possible to get by with finishing materials.

Then the structure is removed, and the opening is filled with brickwork on cement mortar or filled with concrete, constructing formwork and installing reinforcement. The same procedure will be most appropriate when laying tiles.

Window between bathroom and toilet

The window in the toilet has the same purpose as the kitchen and bathroom: insolation, ventilation and safety. It is also possible to remove such a window if it is not shown on the plans in the apartment passport. Repair and construction procedures in the case of a toilet are identical.

What fabrics are suitable?

For sewing Roman blinds, as well as curtains of classic length for the bathroom, polyester-based fabrics are suitable, as well as mixed fabrics with a predominance of synthetic materials (approximately 85-90%) in the composition (acrylic, polyester, polyamide) and the addition of natural ones - cotton, linen, cambric, muslin. Such compositions will prevent the fabric from shrinking, withstand moisture and repeated washing, and will not fade in the sun. Rolled options are usually purchased ready-made, and here it is important to check with the seller whether the canvas is impregnated with special water-repellent compounds. This option will extend the life of the system.

Design: Factor Design Build

Design: Factor Design Build

Design: Accent Window Fashions

Design: Accent Window Fashions

Materials for finishing the opening

The design of the opening should be combined with the overall style of the room. In addition, you need to select materials that will not deteriorate under the influence of moisture and steam. Plastic is suitable for such purposes.

Depending on the design goals, the opening can be either with or without a window sill. The frame can match the color of the interior or contrast. So, you can make a bright accent by highlighting the window area.

Designers advise laying the window sill with tiles: it is not susceptible to damage, it is easy to wash and clean. Natural stone or its imitation is also suitable for finishing. If it is not possible to purchase such materials, you can putty the slopes and paint them in the desired color.

Tiles in the bathroom.

How to decorate a bathroom window: 3 non-standard ways

Using stained glass on glass

An original and stylish decor option will help not only protect the room from the views of strangers, but also add play of light and colored spots to the interior.

Design: Brickstone Design

Design: Brickstone Design

Design: Brickstone Design

Design: Brickstone Design

Shutters (louvered shutters)

This system will be a good alternative to blinds. If necessary, the shutters can be moved apart and the window left “bare” or opened completely. Plus a beautiful graphic darkening of the space and an expensive appearance.

Design: Stashchuk Tatyana

Design: Stashchuk Tatyana

Electrochromic glasses (smart glasses)

These are glasses that can change from transparent to completely frosted. “Smart” glass can become frosted automatically, reacting to light or temperature changes, or be controlled by electricity: for bathrooms with a window, the second option is more suitable. By the way, the system can connect to a “smart home”.

Design: Schwartz and Architecture

Design: Schwartz and Architecture

Design: Sisson Lea Architects

Design: Sisson Lea Architects

Ensuring privacy

The most widely known and easiest way to ensure privacy is to install double-glazed windows with frosted glass of any color. However, sometimes property owners do not want to highlight a window, forget about privacy during the ordering process, do not want to reduce the light transmittance of double-glazed windows, or dream of doing it more effectively. Today it is possible to solve any problem with the help of:

  • stained glass – this option is suitable for connoisseurs of elegant, respectable interiors;
  • electrochromic windows - this method is ideal for those who love innovation and are willing to pay for it, and also want to change the light transmittance of windows at their discretion;
  • blinds or mirror film - these elements will help out those who forgot to take care of privacy when ordering a window.

In some cases, privacy is provided simultaneously with an increase in the level of burglary resistance of windows. For this purpose, triplex glass with decorative polymer film is used.

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