How to choose adhesive for foil foam foil to concrete (izolon, polyethylene foam)

Penofol adhesive for concrete may be needed in a variety of situations, but it definitely requires the right choice taking into account the characteristics of the materials, operating conditions, requirements for quality and strength of fixation. Penofol is foamed polyethylene, which is covered on one or both sides with food-grade aluminum foil. The total thickness of the insulation is a maximum of 10 millimeters; it is usually used for insulation alone or in combination with other materials and measures.

The main advantages of penofol are minimal thickness, as well as small size along with high insulating properties. The usable area of ​​a room insulated with penofol remains unchanged; the material does not absorb the heat accumulated in the room, but effectively reflects it. The main task of penofol is to retain warm air indoors in winter and cool air in summer.

When deciding how to glue penofol to concrete, you should take into account the characteristics of the surface and the additional materials used. The sheets are glued tightly to the composition, they can additionally be fixed with plastic umbrellas, and covered with a mesh on top. The adhesive must provide maximum bonding strength and withstand the effects of any negative factors.

Glue characteristics: advantages of the material and selection criteria

To understand how to glue isolon to concrete, you need to study the basic requirements for the composition. Attaching penofol to glue today is considered the highest priority option, due to the ability to quickly and efficiently complete the work and provide a number of additional advantages.

Advantages of adhesives

Before starting work, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with all the advantages of this type of fastening in order to determine its relevance for a specific situation and select the appropriate composition.

The main advantages of placing penofol on glue:

  • Speed ​​and ease of installation.
  • Cost-effective - glue is relatively inexpensive and requires little consumption.
  • The ability to carry out installation yourself, since the work does not require special skills, tools, or knowledge.
  • Properly selected adhesive for foil foam foam holds the lightweight material well.

  • Adhesive compositions intended for this type of work are not afraid of moisture and effectively resist water.
  • There are absolutely safe and environmentally friendly natural-based adhesive compositions, which, nevertheless, guarantee high efficiency.

Mandatory requirements for glue

When choosing what to glue foamed polyethylene covered with foil to concrete, you need to focus on the basic requirements for the compositions.

What should be the adhesive composition for fixing penofol to concrete:

  • Demonstrate a high level of water resistance.
  • The composition must exhibit high adhesion to both concrete and penofol.
  • The glue should not negatively affect both types of material (do not spoil, destroy, or change properties).

  • Resistance to sudden temperature changes, environmental influences, and bacteria.
  • The ability to maintain its technical characteristics for a long time and provide high fixation strength.
  • Compliance with the type of room in which the work is planned to be performed - non-toxic certified compounds are chosen for residential premises and offices; for external finishing, an adhesive composition that is resistant to frost/heat and humidity is needed; for baths and saunas, adhesives with water-repellent characteristics are used.

Regardless of what type of glue was chosen, it is advisable to choose products from trusted manufacturers who provide a certificate for the product confirming compliance with quality standards and established norms.

Types of penofol

Types of penofol
The most common option is a material covered with foil on only one side. It is marked "A". Most often, craftsmen prefer to lay it.

There are also other types of penofol:

  • covered with foil on both sides (marked “B”);
  • on one side there is foil, and on the other there is a self-adhesive coating (a product of this type is marked with the letter “C”);
  • there is a metal layer on both sides, with one of the foil sides covered with an additional layer of film (this type is marked with the letters “ALP”);
  • Only one side is covered with foil, the other is equipped with a relief pattern (such products are marked “M” and “R”).

Penofol, marked with the letters “AIR”, is used to equip air ducts. Products that are used for heating mains, o. As an independent heat insulator, only penofol marked “C” is used, however, provided that the room temperature does not drop to very low levels.

Manufacturers: list of verified brands

Penofol can be glued to concrete using different compounds; there are several manufacturers on the market offering proven substances.

The best options for compositions for gluing penofol to concrete:

  • Atlas Stopter K-20 glue

    – exhibits high technical characteristics and ensures high-quality connection.

  • Allfix

    – the composition is universal, suitable for all types of bases, provides a high level of adhesion.

  • Facade

    – one-component composition, frost-resistant and waterproof, suitable for outdoor work.

  • Luxe-88

    – three-component adhesive, antibacterial and absolutely safe, provides instant adhesion.

  • T-Avangard-K

    – not only glues, but also provides additional waterproofing.

Correct way to use

The method of attaching insulation does not require a large amount of coupling compound, because the material weighs little.

If the adhesion is carried out with a metal surface, then the glue should not contain various aqueous components. Otherwise, rust and other negative consequences will appear after a while.

The place where the penofol will be installed must first be prepared. The process of such work may include simple dust removal, leveling walls, and sealing cracks in the structure.

Before applying the composition to a metal coating, it is treated with agents that prevent corrosion.

Typically, type A products are used for installation. For such insulation, glue must be applied on the side where there is no foil. Smear the surface slowly, in an even layer. It is important that none of the areas are left without adhesive mass, otherwise the coupling may be of poor quality.

Before leaning the material against a wall, floor, etc., when the glue has already been applied, it must be left for 30-50 seconds so that the composition has time to set.

Then the penofol needs to be attached and smoothed so that there are no various puffs left and the layer is even. Next, the seams between the parts of the products are sealed, but this can be done after the work process is completely completed.

You need to be extremely careful with the edges of the insulation, which may come off due to insufficient amount of solution or improper manipulation.

How to glue correctly: advice from professionals

Before starting work, you need to prepare tools and materials: the foam boards themselves, a primer for coating the concrete surface, a brush or roller, a degreaser, a spray bottle. It is also advisable to take care of personal protective equipment.

Glue application methods:

  1. Stripes

    – four L-shaped stripes are applied to the sheet in the corners and two long ones in the center, giving an average level of fixation.

  2. Spot

    – dense drops are applied in increments of 30 centimeters, the fixation is of the least quality.

  3. Solid

    – the adhesive composition is evenly applied over the entire area of ​​the sheet, retreating 3-4 centimeters from the edge, this way it is possible to achieve the highest quality connection.

What you need to remember when gluing penofol to concrete:

  • It is advisable to do the work together.
  • You need to study the instructions in advance, calculate the glue consumption, and purchase the optimal volume.
  • For beginners, aerosol glue is best.
  • Concrete must first be treated with a primer, which will protect against fungus and increase adhesion.
  • If possible and funds allow, it is better to apply the glue in a continuous layer with a maximum thickness of 2-3 millimeters.
  • The sheets are leveled immediately after they come into contact with the work surface.

How to glue penofol to the wall behind the battery

All of the listed brands of glue can be used to make reflective screens from foil polyethylene foam. Provided that the distance from the penofol glued to the wall to the heating device is at least 40-45 cm.

For a water heating battery, you have to use a different method:

  • From inside a niche or just behind the radiator, we clean the space on the wall from dirt, wallpaper and paint residues;
  • We cover the wall with acrylic primer;
  • We cut out the required size sheet from the foam sheet;
  • Using a mounting gun, we apply plumbing silicone sealant from the tube along the contour onto the wall so that a seam with a height of at least 7-8 mm is formed.

All that remains is to place penofol from the inside behind the battery and lightly press along the contour. To prevent the reflective sheet from falling off while the sealant dries, we temporarily fix the insulation to the wall with ordinary tape.

If everything is done correctly, there will be an air gap of several millimeters between the screen and the wall from the inside. This is more than enough to compensate for the expansion and contraction of polyethylene during strong and moderate heating of the battery. It is clear that the best screens are made from penofol with smooth foil.

Preparatory work

First, you need to properly prepare the concrete for gluing, which will ensure a monolithic, uniform connection. They eliminate all defects, unevenness, cover up cracks, repair chips, and thoroughly clean the surface from dirt and dust. Cover the base with a primer and wait until it dries completely. All metal elements must be treated with an anti-corrosion compound.

Gluing stage

The glue is applied to the side without foil in a thin, even layer, spreading evenly over the entire surface. The edges are impregnated with glue as thoroughly as possible so that the penofol does not lag behind the concrete surface. The insulation must be held for 10-40 seconds so that the adhesive composition can set and fix the sheet to the surface more efficiently. Next, the sheet is pressed against the concrete, carefully smoothed, distributed evenly, additionally gluing the seams.

Choosing a suitable adhesive for gluing penofol to concrete is a very important task that must be approached seriously. It is advisable not to skimp on the composition, since the strength, reliability, and durability of the fixation will depend on its compliance with the requirements and operating conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages of penofol

Advantages of foil material

Even a person who does not have the skills of a builder can easily cut this material and apply it to any surface. Since the main components of the product are polyethylene and food foil, rodents and all kinds of household pests are indifferent to penofol.

The material is environmentally friendly and will not ignite even if other household items catch fire. Due to the fact that the product practically does not allow steam to pass through, it is widely used to insulate public and home saunas.

Regarding the disadvantages, it is better to insulate with penofol from the inside. The product is not recommended for use when finishing the outside of a living space. It is difficult to fix with glue and adhesive solution, and if fixed with nails, it can tear. Penofol is inconvenient from a technological point of view - this material is difficult to “disguise” due to the softness of its structure.

Mounting features

Izolon (penofol) is covered with aluminum foil, which allows for the best possible retention of heat. Its adhesion to the surface of the insulation can be chemical or physical, that is, cross-linked. Izolon may have additional characteristics such as thickness or color. If you are looking for win-win insulation for your home, then this option will be the best choice. It is also perfect for insulating elements of air conditioning systems, pipelines, and production mechanisms. Foamed polyethylene is used for both external and internal work. The material has quite significant advantages.

Foil insulation design

Thermal insulation with foil is produced in:

They differ in size, thickness and the foil-covered base layer used.

Base layer types:

  • polyethylene foam;
  • basalt wool;
  • expanded polystyrene.

The foil is glued to the base layer or applied by spraying.

Some have layers of foil on both sides. Or with a layer of applied glue - self-adhesive, which allows for easy installation. Self-adhesive is used in corners and on uneven surfaces. The joints of the insulation are taped with foil tape.

When purchasing insulation with a reflector, you need to pay attention to:

  • base layer;
  • foil thickness;
  • taped with a reflector on one side or both.

The thickness of the insulation itself depends on the base material used.

What kind of glue to glue foamed polyethylene with?

When choosing insulation, a special place is occupied by foamed polyethylene - a material with sound, heat and vapor barrier properties. Depending on the manufacturer, it can be penofol, isolon or polyfoam. The construction market offers different types: with one-sided or double-sided foil, as well as with a self-adhesive plane. The material on which the insulation is attached also varies. Based on all the parameters, you need to be able to choose the appropriate adhesive for polyethylene foam.

Insulating the balcony ceiling

To ensure that penofol stays on the loggia ceiling for a long time, do not forget about the important rules for installing thermal insulation:

  • penofol is first laid in the longitudinal direction;
  • then the transverse layer is fixed;
  • installation involves butt joints, the cracks are carefully treated with polyurethane foam;
  • layer-by-layer fastening involves the use of strips and screws;
  • the slats can be laid evenly with your own hands only using a building level;
  • It’s the turn of the sheathing, do not allow distortions and depressions.

What is isolon?

Izolon is a universal insulation product made of elastic polyethylene foam, providing all types of insulation. The widest range of isolon is presented in:

All these are various subspecies of amazing material, but they all have:

Izolon also differs in production technology into uncrosslinked and crosslinked. If we talk about the first type, then it is simply foamed polyethylene, in the structure of which there is a small number of chemical bonds, while in the second the molecules are cross-linked together, thus the structure is modified, which makes it possible to achieve an increased level of thermal insulation, resistance to temperature changes and the effects of organic solvents .

Alternative types of materials

There is no alternative to isolon as such, but we would be wrong if we do not briefly talk about materials that in certain cases can replace it.

Cotton materials, which include mineral wool, glass and ecowool, have almost the same heat and sound insulation properties as isolon. Their manufacturers insist that their main advantages are:

Mineral wool is available in the form of rolls and sheets and has different softness and thickness. It is extremely easy to install structures using various types of wool:

The disadvantage of the material is its allergenicity; you should work in protective gloves and a mask to prevent contact of the material with the mucous membranes and skin of the hands. It also requires additional vapor barrier, since it loses its properties from moisture. In principle, the technology is simple and you can easily do everything yourself without overpaying to contractors.

Foam plastic or its analogues

The undoubted advantages of polystyrene foam include the following:

Polystyrene foam also has many disadvantages:

Polystyrene foam is used mainly in non-residential premises or for outdoor use. Installation is carried out using an adhesive mixture and requires additional fastening with “fungi”, careful coating of seams, plaster and subsequent painting.

Best answers

Try to stick it with drool...

You'd be better off insulating it with polystyrene foam from the outside. and the floor can be insulated. You talk to those who do this.

I think you need to consult a construction store at the store or try installation

First, prime it several times with bentonite, and then glue, but it’s better with a heat-insulating layer, even PVA, but there are some that are sold as self-adhesive on a heat-insulating backing.

think about it, maybe galvanized iron, or better yet stainless steel, because foil is weak

oh, if the sticker is crooked, get a magnifying glass, with a focus like in ancient Greece they burned the fleet)

I use Termoizol - foil on foam, it’s easy to work with: I insulate steel baths - they turn out no worse than cast iron ones, they are warm. And food grade can be glued onto cardboard with slots for hooks for easy insertion.

Buy penofol, they are sold in different thicknesses. It can be self-adhesive, but if not, try double-sided tape!

If the foil is glued to the glass with egg yolk, then it will definitely stick to the concrete

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