Summer mode of plastic windows - is it necessary to make adjustments?

PVC windows are often equipped with fittings that make it possible to change the pressing force of the window with the frame. There are three closing modes: maximum (used in winter), weak (used in summer) and average (universal position). It is optimal to switch plastic windows to winter and summer mode twice a year. Let's figure out how, when and why this is needed, how to understand in what mode the window is used and whether it can be changed at all. We will also consider detailed instructions for changing these modes.

Changing window modes is important to improve performance Source

The need to change modes in PVC windows

Regularly changing modes allows you to increase the service life of windows. By making adjustments, the user changes the pressing force of the sash and frame. This is necessary because the material tends to shrink in winter and expand in summer. Changing modes reduces wear on the sealing gasket and fastening structures.

In addition, the transition to summer and winter mode of plastic windows needs to be reconsidered if:

  • blows cool in winter;
  • poor ventilation, lack of fresh air entering the home in summer;
  • unsatisfactory opening or closing of the sash due to accidental violation of the fittings settings;
  • A slight “sagging” of the sash can be helped by moving the window to the winter position, but it is better to change the fittings.

Changing the mode is not difficult, but requires certain knowledge Source
There are three modes for closing a PVC window:

  1. Summer mode on plastic windows - when the sashes do not fit tightly, providing constant circulation of fresh air between the home and the street, but sufficient to prevent the passage of dust from the outside (a kind of constant ventilation mode without the need to keep the window open).
  2. Winter mode on plastic windows is when the sash fits extremely tightly to the frame, and this prevents heat from escaping in the winter.
  3. Standard mode on plastic windows - it can be used all year round, because... it is averaged. In the absence of severe frosts in winter and the presence of a separate source of ventilation in summer, the need to change closing modes is not so urgent, so it would be optimal to use this adjustment.

The ability to switch between modes is guaranteed to be implemented by many well-known manufacturers of plastic windows. This opportunity applies to almost any fittings that exceed the budget option in class.

You can get rid of these shortcomings by simply setting the window mode correctly. Source

Additional adjustment methods

The position of PVC windows can be adjusted in different planes. To do this you need to know the location of the adjusting screws.

Most designs have the following adjustments:

  1. Vertical. You need to rotate the top screw of the eyelet from below. To lift the sash up, turn the screw clockwise.

  1. Horizontal. We use the bottom end screw on the eyelet at the bottom. Turn clockwise to tighten the frame to the hinges at the top or bottom, respectively.

  1. Angle fit from below. We use the bottom screw of the eyelet from below, if it is included in the design. Do not confuse it with the side screw (from the previous paragraph).

  1. Corner fit on top. We open the sash in two positions at once. Open the window to the side, turn the handle up and tilt the frame. The strongest pressure is when the mark is directed towards the sash.

  1. Adjustment of strikers. They become loose as the windows are used. We inspect them and raise/lower them if necessary.

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Determining whether a window mode can be changed

Quite often, the average person is not even aware that it is possible to switch window fittings to different modes. And having learned about it, he naturally wants to find out whether it is possible to switch his windows to summer or winter mode. To do this, you should carry out an external inspection of the fittings, and specifically the trunnion, which is also called an eccentric, and which regulates the force of pressing the sash against the frame. Its location is on the side of the window sash.

If the surface of the trunnion is covered with special recesses for screwdriver keys (they are ordinary cross-shaped, in the shape of an asterisk or hexagon) or the trunnion is oval-shaped, then this is an indicator of the possibility of changing modes at the window.

This is what the eccentrics of plastic windows look like Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in doors, windows and related work

Hardware classes

Depending on the class of fittings, the ability of a PVC structure to transition or not to transition from one mode to another is determined - from winter to summer and vice versa. The quality and functions of the fittings depend on the class. The manufacturer is also important, but not so much.

The following classes (or types) are distinguished:

  1. Budget. Fittings of this class are installed in windows with the lowest price. Allows you to only open and close windows.
  2. Standard. The fittings are provided for medium-priced PVC structures. Allows you to prepare windows for winter or summer.
  3. Specialized. Such fittings can be combined with anti-burglary fittings. Allows you to configure the window to the required mode.

How to figure out what mode the window is in right now

There are two such methods:

  • Use paper as an indicator of the force of pressing the sash against the frame.

The edge of this leaf needs to be placed between the sash and the frame during the closing process, and then assess the degree of clamping by trying to pull it out. Easy removal of the sheet indicates that the window fittings are adjusted to summer mode. If the sheet is pulled out with great effort, or at best, it doesn’t stretch out at all, breaking off, then the adjustment is winter.

  • Study the location of the trunnions (eccentrics).

The round pin usually contains a dash, dot or asterisk, which helps to recognize the set mode. In oval fittings, the degree of rotation is taken into account.

The second method will become more clear after familiarizing yourself with the types of trunnions in the next section.

Incorrect setting

First, a little about the correct setup:

  1. A correctly adjusted window does not create any sounds during operation, for example, the sounds of rubbing parts or surfaces.
  2. The parts responsible for the correct position of the sash in space should be located approximately the same.
  3. The rubber gaskets between the sash and the frame must be elastic and easily return to their original shape after opening the sash.

The setup can be done independently, since no special knowledge or skills are needed. But it is still necessary to carry out all work carefully. Even with small adjustment errors, the window may break, therefore, urgent repairs will be required.

What needs to be done before starting adjustment work, and what can result from non-compliance with the rules:

  1. You should find and use the instructions included with the PVC. If you randomly change the positions of the eccentrics, they may become unsuitable for further use and the entire adjustment mechanism may be disrupted. The pressure rollers and rubberized seal may also be damaged.
  2. It is worth checking the technical condition of the window first. If some parts are very worn, for example, a seal, then it will not be possible to adjust the winter mode. But you will be able to break the bolts.

Thus, seasonal modes have many advantages. They allow you to adjust the “climate” indoors, at home. Winter adjustment is especially important, since constant drafts can cause a lot of trouble.

Transferring modes should not be done more often than once every six months. More frequent changes may cause wear of some parts of the PVC structure or even breakage. To ensure that breakdowns occur as rarely as possible or not at all, it is worth taking care of the PVC structure. It must be cleaned and lubricated on time. The instructions contain detailed descriptions of care, the main thing is to follow them.

Fittings for plastic doors - step-by-step adjustment instructions

Plastic windows won't close - practical advice

Types of eccentrics

The degree of pressing of the sash against the frame is adjusted using parts of the closing mechanism called eccentrics or trunnions. Usually there are 3 such eccentrics on each window. They are located, as a rule, on the end side of the sash near the closing handle. This number and placement of trunnions is typical for standard windows. If the size of the glass unit is increased, then a larger number of locking fittings can be used. Adjusting the position of the eccentrics adjusts the window pressing force.

Adjusting a plastic window using a round pin with an indicator dot Source

There are 3 types of trunnions. Their adjustment has its own specifics:

  • Round shape.

A mark (in the form of a dot, dash or asterisk) placed on the trunnion on the indoor side means that the winter version is used, and if on the outer perimeter side, then the summer version. Finding the mark strictly in the middle of the window end indicates a standard (average) mode.

  • Oval.

The vertical arrangement of the fittings indicates weak pressure, i.e. summer mode. Accordingly, the horizontal is responsible for strong pressure, which is used in winter. The diagonal placement of the eccentric is responsible for the standard mode.

  • Round, variable location.

The same principle applies as with conventional round trunnions with marks. You just need to look not at the location of the marks, but at the shift of the eccentrics themselves: the edge closest to the room is for summer, the farthest is for winter, in the middle is universal.

Options for adjusting plastic windows Source

When the window fittings are functioning normally, adjustment is quite easy. If you have doubts about the correctness of your actions or the equipment is under warranty, it is recommended to contact the specialists of the company that carried out the installation to perform a seasonal transfer.

Features of restoration and replacement of seals (rubber bands)

Unfortunately, over time, all elements of a plastic window fail, and in particular the elastic polymer seals. The cause of this problem is pollution, dampness, and lack of regular lubrication.

If the elastic bands are no more than four to five years old, then you can try to revive them. To do this, you will need to dismantle the seals, then take a few rags and thoroughly soap them. Products are wrapped in these rags and left in this form for several hours. Sometimes such an experiment allows one to achieve stunning results, so it is allowed to be carried out for the purpose of “prevention”.

The need to replace sealing strips arises in the following cases:

  • loss of color;
  • the appearance of “bumps” on the surface;
  • multiple cracks.

A seal with multiple damages cannot be repaired.

In this case, all that remains is to purchase a new seal - usually its thickness is from 3 to 6.5 millimeters. Most often, manufacturers guarantee a service life of up to 10 years, but in practice the rubber dries out much earlier.

Sequence of actions when changing mode

Before switching plastic windows to summer mode, it is necessary to establish how many eccentrics you will have to deal with, their location and control option. There are window models that, in addition to the three standard eccentrics located at the end of the sash, have additional trunnions located on the upper, lower or opposite ends (or on all sides at the same time). Changing the mode will require reconfiguring all these hardware elements individually.

A set of necessary tools

Having taken care of how to switch the windows to summer mode, you should stock up on the following tools:

  • hex wrench No. 4 or No. 6, screwdriver or asterisk to adjust round eccentrics;
  • pliers to adjust oval hardware.

Paying attention to drainage channels

If you open any plastic window, you will see several small rectangular holes at the bottom of its frame. These are drainage channels to drain water that gets inside the structure. The liquid trapped inside flows to the outer edge of the frame, thanks to a barely noticeable slope, and flows out into the street through the water drainage holes.

Drainage holes and channels must be periodically inspected and cleaned of dust and street dirt so that “plugs” of debris do not form in them, interfering with the movement of water.

Video description

This short video shows how to switch a double-glazed window to winter mode in just a minute:
You will also additionally need:

  • a rag to remove any remaining lubricant from the closing mechanisms;
  • special lubricants for processing moving parts of window fittings;
  • silicone version of the lubricant for processing the sealing gasket;
  • set with keys to tighten the sash after sagging.

Manufacturers of PVC windows offer customers not to use winter mode at all during the first couple of years of operation, because... The new seal is able to provide high-quality protection from the cold without pressing hard. If you have warranty service from a window installer, it is advisable to use it for seasonal transitions.

Nuances of the regulatory process

Before switching windows to summer mode, they need to be prepared for use in the next season:

  • wipe each piece of fittings with a rag;
  • remove dirt from all surfaces and parts;
  • carefully remove the remaining old lubricant from the moving parts of the closing mechanism and treat them with a fresh layer;
  • to more evenly distribute the lubricant throughout all elements of the fittings, perform several successive closings and openings of the sash;
  • Use a dry cloth to remove excess lubricant.

Instructions on how to adjust a plastic window in case of possible irregularities and sagging Source

Seasonal Maintenance

The main feature of opening windows is that they do not have vents. For better ventilation of the room, the system provides rotary doors. During the operation of plastic double-glazed windows, you may notice that a draft appears in winter. Don't panic - this is not a manufacturing defect, but simply the seasonal mode is set incorrectly. Switching plastic windows to winter and summer modes is a mandatory maintenance procedure.

The tilt and turn mechanism of the glass unit must be adjusted depending on the season of the year

During long-term use, drafts may also appear. This occurs due to the loosening of the hinge screws of the rotary-locking mechanisms. By independently adjusting the windows for the winter, you can easily save 3-7 thousand rubles on calling specialists.

Leak test

How to prepare plastic windows for winter? With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection of the state of normal locking of the sashes in winter mode. Leak tightness can be checked in several ways:

  • Tactile. By running your hand along the frame, you can determine the presence of serious drafts.
  • Fire with a match or lighter. Deviation of the flame from the vertical indicates the presence of blowing.
  • A sheet of paper. They leave him in the closed door and try to pull him out. If the leaf comes out easily, the sash does not close tightly.

If the paper sheet is easy to pull out through the sash, then the window is not airtight.
Having identified problem areas, we begin to adjust the system to optimal requirements.

Video description

This video explains in detail the principle of the mechanism of plastic windows, the functions of the seal and trunnions, as well as the reasons for the blows from the windows:

  1. Having figured out how to switch plastic windows to summer mode and done this, the homeowner improves the circulation of fresh air. In addition, tension on the window seal is eliminated.
  2. Tightly closed windows in winter eliminate excess humidity and the formation of fungi and molds. Microgaps that allow heat to escape from the home are eliminated.
  3. In the off-season, the ideal mode would be the standard one, which takes the load off the seal and improves natural air exchange.

Having understood the nuances, it is not difficult to regulate window fittings.

The weak point is considered to be severe wear of the sealing gasket when operating PVC windows in the winter position of the fittings. The process of replacing rubber or carrying out other repair work on PVC windows requires considerable costs. Therefore, it is important to give the compactor a “rest” and switch from the “winter” mode in time to reduce the load. Matching the fitting settings to the season outside the window is the key to long-term operation without breakdowns.

Worn seals on plastic windows require replacement Source

Secrets of proper glass operation

Double-glazed windows of new windows arrive to their owners with information stickers from the manufacturers, and may also have special cork linings to increase transportation safety. Both types of excess decor can be easily washed off with plain water.

Some time after installation (a couple of years), window glass noticeably loses its transparency due to the appearance of microchips and scratches into which dust gets clogged. Most of this damage occurs on the outside, which is constantly sanded by the wind, carrying millions of particles of sand and other small debris. When washing the outside of windows, dust and sand are “rubbed” into barely noticeable cracks and deteriorate the optical characteristics of the glass. That is why window glass should not be washed with powders or products containing abrasive particles. It is strictly forbidden to remove dirt from them with a knife, blades or other sharp objects .

To wash double-glazed windows, use soapy water or special glass cleaning products. The procedure for cleaning sprayed glass or tinted products is no different from the usual process, since the film or tinting layer is usually located inside the glass unit - between the layers of glass. They cannot be damaged, unless, of course, you deliberately break the glass.

An exception is decorative films or coatings that reflect the sun's rays (not sprayed metal with heat-reflecting properties, but a film glued to the outside). Glass with such films is washed very carefully, using the most neutral household products. Before treating the entire window, you need to check the reaction of the film on a small, inconspicuous area.

Briefly about the main thing

Only some budget options for PVC windows are not equipped with fittings that allow you to change operating modes according to the seasons. Most window devices can change the force of pressing the sash against the frame. It is important to be able to use this feature of plastic windows, because... it allows you to better ventilate the room in summer, and in winter protect home comfort from external cold and excess moisture. Having understood and understood the principle of operation of eccentrics, it is easy to ensure timely transition of window fittings between seasons. You should not do this yourself if the windows are under warranty.

Preparing windows for the winter season

To prepare windows for winter, it is not enough to make adjustments that switch them to the appropriate mode. I recommend doing full maintenance. The work will not require more than one day, but will significantly increase the service life of the plastic profile, double-glazed windows and fittings.

Preferred procedure:

  1. First you need to wash the frames along with the glass unit. Cleaning is required on both sides - indoor and outdoor. For glass, use window cleaner or a weak solution of vinegar or ammonia. For plastic parts, a simple soap solution is suitable. The key is to avoid abrasive cleaners, which leave scratches and accelerate wear. It is also forbidden to use aggressive chemicals (alkalis, acids). To avoid streaks, the windows are wiped with paper or a rubber scraper.
  2. Next, the ebbs, window sills, and slopes are washed. The rules are the same here. Heavy external dirt can be wiped off with a sponge. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to deprive your favorite window of its attractiveness by leaving scratches.
  3. The drainage holes also need to be cleaned. Dirt can be removed with a toothpick. If there is a lot of it, this cleansing is done before the main wash.
  4. When the entire washed structure is dry, the shut-off valves are lubricated. If metal elements are rusty, it is permissible to use rust solvents, for example, WD-40.
  5. The sealing circuit is inspected. There should be no cracks, torn pieces, or severe deformations on it. It should not move away from the structure. If necessary, the material is changed. If there are no defects, it is lubricated with special compounds. I advise you to ask the installers during window installation what products are suitable.
  6. Now the regime is changing.
  7. The last stage is checking the tightness. It is better to correct all identified shortcomings immediately in order to avoid unpleasant surprises in the midst of frost.

At first, all the activities that prepare for the change of seasons may seem very difficult. However, it is enough to carry them out once or twice to understand everything and maintain your windows yourself. If doubts cannot be overcome, it is better not to take risks and order service from the manufacturers.

If you have any questions, you can always contact me directly, I will try to understand the problem in detail and provide advice.

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Do I need to change it during frosts?

This action is recommended, but not necessary, if the condition of the seal is good and it does not allow cold outside air into the living space. In this case, even in winter you can leave the summer settings. If the window is switched to the “winter” function, then in the warm season it needs to be switched to “summer”. This will reduce the pressure on the sealing element and extend its service life.

If you constantly change the settings, this will lead to the sealant losing its properties. Winter operation greatly affects this. In this mode, the seal is compressed more strongly. It is also affected by street moisture and cold. Under load, the seal collapses, which leads to the unhindered penetration of cold air into the room. Then you will need to insulate the window or replace the seal. Operation in the “summer” mode extends the service life of the sealing element by at least two times.


On new windows, when the seal is in good condition, manufacturers recommend year-round operation with summer settings.

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