Door to the balcony (choose the right one): photo review of modern models, prices, installation methods

Equipment of a balcony room is one of the important stages in the improvement of living space. Modern technologies and different styles make it possible to combine a balcony with rooms for different purposes. This layout looks original, beautiful, and more functional, but requires the organization of protection between the loggia space and the living area of ​​the apartment. A balcony block helps solve this issue.

There are several types of balcony blocks, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages

Features of the balcony block in the interior

The balcony block is a structure in the form of a single plane connecting the door and the window opening. An excellent solution for apartments in which the external structure does not have insulation and insulation. This is a standard option, under the window of which a heating radiator is often placed. It does not have complex fittings, and the area of ​​light transmitting elements is very small.

A typical balcony block is a swing-and-turn sash and a swing door with a blind insert at the bottom

A swing door and two window blocks - this combination is called “Cheburashka”

The design can be made of any size, from complex fittings and a different color palette, which favorably emphasizes and improves the aesthetic appearance of the interior. Selected taking into account the existing design and features of the room.

Modern technologies allow us to produce balcony blocks of absolutely any configuration

Modern designs are presented in slightly different variations. Those wishing to increase the area of ​​space and increase natural light will benefit from having a large extended structure of appropriate quality. You can achieve your goal with the help of not one, but two windows and a doorway. In this case, the location of the door may be different (in the left, right or central part).

Manufacturing a block of complex shape increases the cost of the structure

To save space, you can expand the exit to the balcony by removing the top of the wall or window sill and replacing it with glazing. The result is maximum sunlight, a harmonious transition between rooms, and the ability to install non-standard doors, for example, with a sliding mechanism (relevant for small rooms). For wide loggias, an option with one window and two doors is acceptable.

The comfort of operating the shutters and doors depends on the functionality of the installed fittings

For long-term use of glazing, you should choose high-quality components

For convenient operation, it is recommended to make a structure in which all elements open in both directions.

Necessary accessories

If you need a high-quality door with a long service life, you should carefully examine the fittings.

After all, it is thanks to it that the door will work for a long time and efficiently, and it won’t be difficult to adjust the balcony door if necessary.


  • Lock;
  • Door hinges;
  • Internal lock;
  • Closer;
  • Retainer;
  • Lever;
  • Latches.

All of the above components are available in various variations. Everyone will choose what exactly they need, in what quantity and what color. You can also additionally install protection against small children, or ask to install a magnetic lock, etc.

Choosing glazing for the balcony design

Balcony glazing is an important part in the design of an apartment. Stained glass with white frames looks expensive and attractive. Such a block can be decorated with wooden chairs, a round table and a small wardrobe in the corner of the balcony. Lightness of design and versatility are suitable for loggias and balconies of any size and shape, giving modern design a more aesthetic appearance.

Stained glass looks bright and unusual

Fits perfectly into a balcony with a light finish, as daylight and light colors create a cozy atmosphere. Wood floors or dark brown laminate look good against the background of white frames and light walls.

Completely filling the glass with stained glass significantly reduces the level of natural light in the room

Frameless glazing is a modern technology that optimizes space and lets in the maximum amount of daylight. Gives a panoramic view from the window. Can be complemented with a forged parapet in a light or contrasting color to add originality to the interior.

Tall trees outside the frameless loggia window

Frameless window sashes can slide and fold, allowing access to fresh air

Frameless glazing takes up little usable area of ​​the loggia, ensures safe operation thanks to polished boundaries, and improves the sound insulation of the room.

Blinds - an extraordinary solution for decorating an exit to a balcony

Previously, blinds were considered exclusively an office accessory, but with the advent of new models with modern designs, they began to be used in residential premises. There are several types of blinds that can be successfully used in the design of a window with a balcony door.

Types of blinds:

  • Rolled;
  • Horizontal;
  • Vertical;

All models are an excellent solution for small rooms, as they practically do not take up space near the window. Let's take a closer look at each of the three types of blinds, their features and method of application in decorating a window with a balcony door.

Roller blinds

This type of blinds is attached directly to the window frame, with a separate panel for each sash. In the assembled position they are wound on the shaft, and in the open position they tightly cover the glass. Control is carried out using a decorative chain. The fabric from which roller blinds are made can be dense or not very dense, plain or with a pattern.

Roller blinds, even those made from the most decorative fabric, are rarely used as independent curtains. They are almost always a complement to regular curtains. There are two options for using roller blinds: they are mounted on the window and not on the door, or on the window and on the door. In the second case, the length of the blinds on the door covers only its glass part.

Horizontal blinds

These are the old-timers in the world of blinds. They are made of metal or plastic and look like horizontal strips held together with twine. Blinds are mounted on a non-opening window frame, and the opening is additionally decorated with curtains.

New models of horizontal blinds are mounted inside the double-glazed window and controlled by a mechanism located outside. Such models can be installed between the glass and in the window frame and in the door. Naturally, such blinds are also used in conjunction with fabric curtains. But in this case, it is allowed to hang only light curtains made of tulle, organza, openwork or other transparent material. They will serve the sole purpose of creating a cozy environment.

Vertical blinds

This type of blinds did not have to fight for its popularity - it came immediately and does not go away over the years. Vertical slats are attached to the wall cornice above the window or to the ceiling, easily rotated to any position in relation to the window, and, if necessary, to open a view from the balcony, they are assembled on one side. To decorate the balcony opening, long (to the floor) vertical blinds and short (to the window sill) are used.

Only vertical blinds can be an alternative to fabric curtains. They are made from jacquard polyester in different colors, so they can be easily matched to the interior of the bedroom, living room and any other room with a balcony. Vertical blinds are easy to match to any style of room, both modern and conservative, and if they do not fit into the interior design, they can be hidden behind thin curtains.

Selection of balcony block sizes

Before installing the balcony block, you need to decide on its dimensions. In most cases they have standard dimensions:

  • window height – 1400 mm, width – 1200 mm;
  • door height – 2100 mm, width – 700 mm.

Balcony block measurement diagram

Before ordering a design, it is still advisable to take measurements. Recommended scheme for determining the size of the balcony block:

  1. The total width of the opening is measured along the external slopes, and 3 cm is added to the result.
  2. The doorway is measured and the resulting width is increased by 1.5 cm.
  3. The exact size of the width of the balcony window is determined by subtracting the width of the window from the total width of the structure, and subtracting 5 mm.
  4. The vertical measurement of the external slopes is carried out, the height of the door and window is determined.

All measurements must be made with maximum accuracy.


The simplest and most common option is to use straight curtains, placing them on both sides of the balcony block.
Ideal for those who rarely go to the balcony. Fabric curtains add coziness to the room; if desired, the balcony door can be disguised by simply closing the curtain. Typically, designers strive to enhance the window opening so that the room appears larger: to do this, the cornice is placed across the entire width of the wall so that the main part of the curtains covers the partitions. This makes the window opening appear larger and makes the room visually wider.

Choose a fastener so that the curtains slide as freely as possible and the fabric does not create creases. Curtains with grommets are considered a practical option, while curtains with a hidden cornice are more aesthetically pleasing.

Photo of balcony blocks in the interior of an apartment and a private house

Glass doors

Visually increase the size of the room and provide maximum illumination due to continuous transparency. They are made of high-strength glass, but compared to other types they are still more fragile and expensive.

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They look great when decorating a living room, especially those located on the upper floors of high-rise buildings, as they provide excellent views and create the impression of weightlessness and open space.

Selecting the type of material used, based on the main characteristics, will not be difficult. The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of each and select an appearance that suits the overall interior.

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