Clothes dryer on the balcony: types, installation methods and types of designs

Using a conventional or electric dryer in the bathroom significantly limits the area of ​​the room. That is why many owners move this element to other parts of the apartment. Conveniently and practically, you can place a clothes dryer on a balcony of any size. A variety of models with compact sizes and numerous rods for hanging things will ensure ease of use of the models.

Clothes dryers mounted on the ceiling of a balcony or loggia are one of the most popular models.

When choosing a suitable dryer, it is recommended to pay attention to the materials from which it is made, the design of the product, and installation conditions. A detailed description of all types of dryers will allow you to easily find the option that is best suited for your balcony. Also, using our step-by-step instructions, you can easily make a simple portable and stationary dryer with your own hands.

Clothes dryers on the balcony: pros and cons of placement

The presence of a clothes dryer on the balcony allows you to conveniently dry things at any time of the year. The advantageous difference between such placement of dryers, as opposed to the bathroom, is the minimum humidity in the auxiliary room, as well as the saving of free space in the bathroom. Finding a suitable dryer even for a small balcony is not difficult. The variety of models allows you to find the best option with a practical and compact design.

Free-hanging dryers are a little more difficult to install.

The disadvantages of installing a dryer on a balcony include the need for additional preparation of space for folding models or mounts for stationary hanging models. In addition, on an unheated balcony, an ordinary dryer will be of little use in winter: clothes will dry on it for a very long time and may still have to be dried in the room or bathroom.

Clothes dryer on the balcony: classification according to operating principle

According to the principle of operation, there are two types of dryers:

  1. Conventional clothes dryers. Drying things on them is done in a natural way. They are affordable, easy to install and use. The disadvantage of such models is the long drying time for things on unheated balconies in the autumn-winter periods.
  2. Electric clothes dryers. An electric dryer is a structure containing heating elements. Due to this, each shelf (bar) of the dryer heats up well and generates enough heat to quickly dry things. The best option for installation on unheated or unglazed balconies.

Clothes dryer with ceiling mounting.
The only disadvantage of the models is the need to connect to a power source located on the balcony. If there is no outlet, you will have to prepare a hole in the wall leading to the room adjacent to the balcony and separate the wire for connecting the electric dryer.

Clothes dryer for the balcony: variety of materials

Modern dryers are made from a variety of materials, which makes it easy for owners to select the right product. When evaluating models made from different materials, you should pay special attention to the following parameters: moisture resistance:

  • the higher the material’s resistance to moisture, the longer the product will serve its owners;
  • weight (for mobile models): the ability to simply rearrange the product will ensure ease of movement around a balcony or loggia of any area;
  • adjustment: the ability to adjust the position and height will allow you to conveniently configure the model for use by the owners;
  • the need for repainting/varnishing: if the product is mechanically damaged or after many years of use, repainting may be required, without which normal use of the dryer will be impossible.

Aluminum clothes dryers

Aluminum models are among the most affordable and popular. They are made of lightweight aluminum construction, painted with wear-resistant paint. Typically, such dryers are folding and take up quite a lot of space. But at the same time, they allow you to dry a large number of things at once.

Wall-mounted clothes dryer for the balcony with twine attached to opposite walls.

Small aluminum dryers include hanging models (fixed on the frame of an open balcony window or attached directly to the wall). They are quite easy to use, but have certain restrictions on the weight of things that will be dried. Thus, if underwear and hosiery can be placed on an aluminum drying rack in any quantity, it is recommended to place heavy items (wet jeans, winter sweaters) on it in quantities of 2-3 units. Otherwise, the structure may become deformed.

Modifications of Liana dryers

In addition to those attached to the ceiling, there are wall-mounted liana dryers on sale. These structures are mounted on walls. Quite often, wall mounting is more reliable than ceiling mounting. Much also depends on the finishing materials of the ceiling.

For example, if you install a ceiling-mounted clothes dryer, attaching it to the lining, the latter most likely will not withstand the large weight of the structure with laundry. Therefore, it is advisable to attach the metal support of the dryer to the ceiling before finishing it. In addition, making holes in reinforced concrete floors is not easy.

Structure attached to the wall

It is easier to install the wall-mounted version of the drying structure, since drilling holes for dowels in the brick is much easier. A dryer loaded with clothes creates a load directed perpendicular to the wall surface, which reduces the risk of the dryer breaking.

Heavy items should be placed on the tubes of the wall structure located closer to the wall

When using wall-mounted devices, you must follow a simple rule: hang heavy things on the rods located closer to the wall . The lightest laundry should be hung on the farthest tubes. This will reduce the load on the support attached to the wall.

Steel clothes dryers

Balcony dryers made of steel have the longest service life. These can be either hanging or floor-standing models. Used for indoor placement. Steel dryers fixed to the walls will last a very long time. They can be equipped with slats for hanging laundry, or they can be corners between which a clothesline must be stretched.

A clothes dryer for a balcony is selected not only by design, but also by parameters.

Floor models can be located in any part of the balcony, but if necessary, they will be quite difficult to move. Such products are heavy. It is recommended to initially place them in a corner distant from the balcony door and openable window. There are also external models made of stainless steel. They are attached to the balcony from the outside, allowing you not to take up its free space. A clothesline or stainless steel wire is stretched between the individual elements, on which things will be placed. It is recommended to choose such models for tiny balconies.

Plastic clothes dryers

Balcony clothes dryers made of plastic are an excellent option for equipping a small room. Often such models look like a small hanging frame with 5-7 slats. It is on these slats that wet things will be placed. A serious disadvantage of such models is unreliability. When a plastic dryer is overloaded, there is a high probability of its deformation and even breakage.

Folding wall-mounted clothes dryer for the balcony.

Therefore, such hanging models are recommended to be used exclusively for drying underwear and hosiery. Particular attention should be paid to the rules for fixing the product. The presence of hooks will make it easy to fix it on the frame of an open balcony window. But corner fasteners will require mounting the dryer directly on the wall. It is the attachment points of the models that are their “weak” point. Most often, cracks in plastic form due to overload in this part of the product.

Note! Plastic portable dryers are a good solution for drying baby's things.

How to choose the right installation location

It is very important to choose the installation location wisely; the ideal location is selected taking into account the size of the balcony itself, the distance to which the windows and doors open. They should not touch hanging laundry or ropes.

It is necessary to fasten the vine in such a way that water flowing from clothes does not fall on finishing materials that are not resistant to moisture. It is equally important to consider the strength of the support on which the brackets are attached.

If the ceiling is covered with plastic panels, then it is necessary to further strengthen the fastening points. The best option would be wooden blocks; they can withstand the weight of the dryer and laundry.

To install a ceiling dryer, you will need tools; they need to be prepared at the planning stage

Wooden clothes dryers

As the name suggests, wooden dryers are made from wood. To produce expensive models, wood from species that are highly resistant to moisture (larch, cedar, oak) is used. Budget wooden dryers include models made from pine and spruce.

A clothes dryer can also be original and interesting.

The products are additionally coated with a varnish with protective properties, which ensures their long service life. But, despite the quality of processing, inexpensive products may become unusable after 1-3 years of operation (depending on the frequency and conditions of use). At best, they will only require re-varnishing. In the worst case scenario (this often happens when placing a wooden dryer on an unheated balcony), dark spots (rot, mold) may appear in some areas.


On the modern market you can find Liana dryers of various sizes. In many ways, the parameters depend on the manufacturer. The width of the product usually varies from 1.4 to 2 meters. As for the length of the tubes and the design itself, a large number of different options are possible. The most common minimum length is 1.3 m. Standard sizes also include the following: 140 cm; 150 cm; 160 cm; 170 cm; 180 cm; 190 cm; 200 cm.

However, the smallest option are dryers with a length of 50 centimeters. The maximum size of “Liana” is 3 meters.

Combined clothes dryers for the balcony

There are models of clothes dryers made from several types of materials considered. For example, lightweight aluminum models can be supplemented with plastic side compartments designed exclusively for drying underwear and hosiery.

This balcony dryer is easy to install, easy to transport and adjust.

They are easy to move due to their lightweight design. Steel dryers can also be equipped with plastic linings. In this embodiment, plastic plays a more decorative than practical role. The only exceptions are models whose frame is made of steel, and the shelves and strips themselves are made of durable plastic or polymer. Stylish and unusual ones include metal models with wooden legs. This combination of materials ensures the preservation of the original appearance and condition of the product for many years.

Clothes dryers on the balcony: installation methods and types of designs

When choosing a suitable dryer model, you need to take into account its dimensions and installation specifics. According to the installation features, mobile and stationary products are distinguished.

The mobile dryer can be removed if necessary (for example, for the winter).

Stationary dryers are mounted directly on the balcony and moving them will require re-preparing the fasteners in the ceiling and walls.

Wall-mounted clothes dryer for the balcony.

According to the design features, the following types of clothes dryers are distinguished:

  • folding dryers: consist of several sections that can be used (folded out) as needed, easily folded to small sizes and conveniently stored even on a tiny loggia; retractable: are a structure that can be pulled out (to the side or down) to provide access to slats and rods for drying things. Refers to compact models;
  • with a vine (rod): attached to the ceiling and equipped with several lowering rods on ropes, takes up minimal space, and is easily adjustable in height; elevator: is a structure that has a pair of sidewalls, between which there are rods; unlike the “liana”, the rods do not hang down, but are fixed on the sidewalls;
  • mesh dryer: a wall-mounted model (usually located under the frame of a balcony window) with a frame and a mesh of rods;
  • hanging dryers: stationary models, with a clothesline stretched between the metal sides, occupy free space under the ceiling.

Common installation errors

Long-term operation of the ceiling dryer is only possible with proper installation of the device. This is why it is so important to thoroughly study the instructions before installation. You also need to become familiar with the common mistakes that are often made when attaching a structure at the preparation stage:

  • the markings were made incorrectly, due to which the dryer is attached unevenly, as a result it has to be dismantled;
  • the cords are weakly tensioned, resulting in sagging of the rods; if, on the contrary, a strong tension is applied, then it is extremely difficult to lower them;
  • the use of nails to fix the structure leads to the fact that during operation they become loose, and accordingly the device becomes unreliable;
  • You should not make the distance between the fasteners too large or, on the contrary, small, this will affect the tension of the ropes, it will be too strong or weak.

The dryer should not be positioned close to the wall; the fastening is done with a 15 cm indentation; you also need to leave space so that windows and doors can open easily.

External type dryers and their features

Installing an “outdoor” clothes dryer attracts many owners. Thanks to the external placement of the models, the space of the balcony itself remains free. But before you make a choice in favor of an outdoor dryer, you should consider the following features:

  1. Dryer design. Modern models are equipped with mobile units with clotheslines. Thus, to hang things to dry, you only need to move the rope that is not occupied by things, turning it on the block. Hanging laundry on models without movable elements is not very convenient.
  2. Dryer dimensions. The practicality of the chosen model depends on its parameters. For an elongated balcony equipped with several windows, a model with a small number of clotheslines and a significant length is optimal. For small balconies, it is better to select products with a short length, but a large number of ropes and a sliding mechanism.
  3. Terms of Use.

Outdoor clothes dryer for a balcony or loggia.
Note! It is recommended to install outdoor dryers on balconies facing closed courtyards. Therefore, you should not choose an external dryer for a balcony facing a busy avenue: road dust and other contaminants will constantly settle on the drying items.

Recommendations for installing the “liana”

Buyers usually have no questions about how to hang a “liana” on a balcony or in a bathroom, since the installation kit is provided with detailed instructions describing the steps and diagrams. But in order for the device to last a long time and be convenient to use, you must follow the rules, which are also recommended by the manufacturer or your own experience.

Choosing a convenient place

If the bathroom space allows, a clothes dryer can be installed there too. However, indoor spaces often suffer from insufficient ventilation and the drying process will not occur quickly enough. In bathrooms, the level of humidity is already exceeded; the constant presence of wet laundry can provoke the growth of mold.

A popular, but not the best solution is a “liana” over the bathtub

Traditional places for installing a Liana dryer are a balcony or loggia. Outside the city, they can be successfully replaced by a terrace, veranda or even a gazebo - places where the laundry is partially in the fresh air, but protected from the rain.

When choosing an installation location, you need to check the reliability of the walls or ceiling - the surfaces where the brackets will be attached. If the ceiling is covered with plastic panels, you will have to remove them and install embedded wooden blocks. Wooden trim can easily withstand the weight of a product with hanging laundry, but it can also be strengthened if necessary.

Preparing the Product and Tools

When choosing a “liana”, pay attention to the strength of the rods, cords, fasteners and rollers. It is better to give preference to manufacturers who have been manufacturing dryers for a long time and have several models in their arsenal.

It is better to refuse cheap Chinese offers. According to user reviews, the crossbars and “comb” made of low-quality plastic quickly become deformed, and the rollers fly out of the grooves.

Bad purchase - the holders quickly broke down

In addition to the new product, you will need tools. If the walls on the balcony are brick or concrete, a hammer drill or drill will be useful. The rest of the set is universal for any surface:

  • screwdriver, screwdriver;
  • tape measure, pencil, square for marking;
  • construction knife or scissors;
  • pliers, hammer.

You need a stepladder or a stable stool, since the brackets are mounted at a great height, on the ceiling or on the wall (under the very ceiling).

A set of improvised tools from the owner’s storerooms

Before installation, check the dryer contents. If any elements look unreliable, they must be replaced immediately. Instead of short screws, you can use longer ones if the holders will be attached with dowels to concrete or brick.

Installing a dryer on the ceiling

Installation takes place in 5 stages:

  1. Preliminary marking. Using a tape measure and pencil, mark the locations of the brackets, then make holes for the dowels.
  2. Installation of brackets. It is important to maintain the distance between them, otherwise there will be problems with height adjustment.
  3. Fixing the “comb” holder on the wall. This is a “control point”, so it should be in an accessible place, but at a distance from the brackets specified in the instructions.
  4. Cutting the nylon cord (rope) into the required number of pieces (from 5 to 7).
  5. Installation of rods, pulling and blocking cords, fastening fittings.

Related article: Is it possible to insulate a balcony to room temperature
Installation instructions for different models may differ, so follow the instructions strictly, observing the intervals between individual parts.

The dryer is ready for installation

Do not install the ceiling dryer on a surface with spotlights or in close proximity to a swing-out door.

Possible installation errors

Let's consider installation defects that may arise due to the work of an inexperienced technician. For example, beginners often take the easy route, using nails instead of screws. If it is necessary to replace parts, the nails are difficult to pull out, which can damage the product, and the screws are easily unscrewed with a screwdriver.

Installation near the door is not a good idea, the linen will interfere with movement

Inaccurate markings mean that after testing the dryer, you will have to dismantle and then reinstall the brackets and holder. Insufficient tension in the cords will lead to sagging of the crossbars, and excessive tension will result in the inability to lower them down.

An ill-thought-out installation location also threatens reinstallation. The holes made will spoil the appearance of the walls or ceiling, and masking them is an additional waste of time and effort.

Internal dryers

Placing the clothes dryer on the balcony allows you to protect clothes from dust from the street. But it is important to take into account both the dimensions and ease of use of a particular model. Despite its significant benefits, a large model will block the passage along the balcony (for example, to the storage room). It is also important to remember the different rules for installing products.

The most popular are dryers mounted on walls and ceilings. They are attractive due to their ease of access and usually take up little space. And when choosing folding products, owners will be able to equip their balcony with a very compact and practical drying rack. Floor-standing models are often quite bulky. The reason for this is the need to create correct air access to each of the drying items.

Useful videos about dryers

Installation of a Polish-made dryer in the bathroom:

Recommendations for installation on plastic lining:

Video instructions for installing the “liana” on the balcony:

The easy-to-use “liana” is a good and economical assistant for housewives. Laundry is washed on average 2-3 times a week, which means the dryer will be busy all the time. It is much more comfortable when the laundry hangs high from the ceiling and does not interfere with moving around the balcony. Ordinary ropes will not provide such convenience.


Floor-standing dryer models

Floor-standing models usually take up a lot of space, so it is recommended to install them on spacious balconies or loggias, which are practically not used by the owners for storing personal belongings. There are two main categories of floor dryers: vertical (high) and horizontal (low). The first ones are a rack with a strong frame, with a height of about 2 meters. Between the side parts of the frame there are horizontal meshes with rods.

Using floor clothes dryers on balconies.

In modern vertical dryers, individual meshes can be adjusted in angle, ensuring the choice of an arrangement in which items on different meshes will not touch, and proper air access to all clothes will be ensured. Horizontal (low) dryers are a mesh with folding side parts (or without them) on a cross-shaped support. Their height usually does not exceed 1 meter.

Ceiling models of dryers for balconies

Mounting a balcony dryer on the ceiling can significantly save space and eliminate clutter. There are two main types of such models:

  1. With separately adjustable rods . The height of the individual rods is adjusted with a separate rope (fixed to the wall), which allows you to conveniently hang things and at the same time dry them properly.
  2. With joint adjustment of all rods. An important difference of this type is the absence of adjustment ropes. The rods are located directly between the two sidewalls, which, in turn, are suspended on accordions.

Thus, in order to hang things, the housewife will have to pull up (lower) the dryers. After hanging things, she can easily raise the drying rack to the ceiling so that clothes do not interfere with the passage.

Each specific type of balcony dryer has individual advantages and disadvantages.

Note! A separate type includes compact ceiling drying racks with clothespins. They are a plastic circle with about 20 clothespins on it.

At the top there is a plastic hook that can be hung on a pre-prepared fastener or to another ceiling dryer. Such products are optimal for drying light and thin items (for example, underwear, children's clothes, scarves).

The evolution of clotheslines – “Liana” dryer

There is a convenient, easy-to-install design on the household goods market - the Liana dryer. It consists of two functional units. One of them is attached to the wall, the other to the ceiling. A frame with rods on ropes is mounted on the ceiling. A holder for these cords is fixed on the wall. By moving them, you can raise and lower the clothes drying rods.

Wall-ceiling mount “Liana”

Note! The wall holder must be able to withstand the load of all the drying clothes, otherwise you simply will not be able to fix the rods in the desired position. The holder must be securely fastened.

The advantage of drying vines is the cascade arrangement of the rods. This allows clothes to dry quickly and evenly.

You can do the installation yourself. For this:

  • Mark the location for attaching the brackets to the ceiling.
  • Drill holes in these places using a hammer drill.
  • Secure the brackets with self-tapping screws.
  • In a position convenient for use, fix the cord holder on the wall with self-tapping screws.
  • Take one barbell. Secure it in the structure by pulling a long cord through the left roller, and a long and short cord through the right one.
  • Place height clamps (caps) on the ends of the cords.

Fastening element for installing a wall unit

The kit includes detailed installation instructions. Consider its provisions. After installation, check the operation of each rod.

Wall-mounted models of balcony dryers

There are many wall-mounted dryers available in different sizes and configurations. They are also distinguished by their compactness. To choose the most suitable wall-mounted dryer, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with their design features:

  1. Lift dryers. It is a frame (in the form of a rectangle), inside of which there is a frame with rods and side supports. Before use, it is necessary to unfold the product: lift the frame with the rods and fix it on supports in a horizontal position. The attractiveness of the models is their compactness and ease of use.
  2. Rod dryers (without adjustment). They look like a pair of corner brackets, between which there are numerous rods. Such models take up little space, but do not fold. Therefore, they are more suitable for installation on spacious balconies.
  3. Folding dryers. The sides of the models resemble an accordion. They include intersecting elements, between which rods are fixed. To use the product, you will need to pull the folded accordion towards you to gain access to the rods.

Idea for attaching clothes dryer ropes on the balcony.

Tips for choosing a dryer for a balcony

When choosing a suitable balcony dryer, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  1. Compactness of the dryer; The product should not take up much free space on the balcony used. For small spaces, hanging models or mobile folding devices are the best option.
  2. Dryer material; It is recommended to install aluminum, plastic and metal dryers on unheated balconies. Any model can be placed on heated ones.
  3. Working surface size; Determines the quality of drying of different types of things. When constantly washing jeans, sweaters, sweaters (or T-shirts), the optimal solution would be large dryers with a high load.
  4. Frequency and volume of washing; If you frequently carry out large volumes of washing, you should give preference to suspended ceiling models or an external dryer. For small amounts of laundry, a floor dryer or vine will suffice.
  5. Number of rods and their length; Determines the ability to dry a large number of clothes at the same time. For a family of 1-2 people, a dryer with 5 short rods is enough. For a large family with children, a dryer with 6 or more rods of medium and long length is suitable.
  6. Availability of a seating area on the balcony. The balcony seating area involves the installation of height-adjustable ceiling exhaust dryers or the installation of an external dryer.

Types of clotheslines

What is important when choosing ropes? Firstly, strength. They must be able to withstand the weight of wet laundry. Secondly, minimal stretching and sagging. You can choose from the following options:

  • Metal cable sheathed in polyvinyl chloride. The most durable, long lasting product. It is not afraid of moisture, practically does not deform, and does not stain laundry. The disadvantage is the high price.
  • Plastic cord. Moisture-resistant, does not stain clothes, comes in several colors, inexpensive. Disadvantage: soon after the start of use, it sag noticeably under the weight of the laundry.
  • Polypropylene rope. Wear-resistant, difficult to deform. A good option at a good price.
  • Jute cord. Durable, environmentally friendly, not electrified.
  • Cotton rope. Durable, environmentally friendly, but moisture often causes dark spots to appear on it. They may leave marks on clothing.

Steel cable in PVC braid

Polypropylene laundry cord

Tip: Before choosing a more expensive option, evaluate your needs. Why do you need an expensive metal cable if you wash things in small parts?

How to make a clothes dryer on the balcony with your own hands

The simplest option for making a dryer on the balcony is to install metal corners with 4-5 holes pre-drilled in them. A clothesline will be stretched between these holes.

It is better to fasten the corners with dowels. You can also easily make an entire drying system with your own hands using ordinary metal-plastic pipes and adapters for them. The work is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. A frame with optimal dimensions is assembled from plastic pipes (corner fittings act as connectors).
  2. Holes are drilled in the pipes at equal distances for stretching the clothesline.
  3. The ropes are being pulled.

A folding cross-shaped support is assembled from PVC pipes (they should be secured together with screws that are not screwed tightly, but with a slight allowance). If desired, the device can not be supplemented with a floor support, but can be hung on the ceiling using an accordion (attached to a finished frame in advance) or fixed on metal hooks with ropes (hung on hooks).

The choice of a suitable dryer for a balcony must be carried out taking into account all the characteristics of the models, dimensions and purpose of the balcony. For a room that is not used as a storage room or a place to store non-seasonal items, any type of room can be selected (you can simply stretch linen thread between the corners, or use large floor-standing models).

For a balcony used as an office, storage room or including a seating area, it is recommended to give preference to compact folding models. These can be stationary products or portable dryers.

Regardless of which dryer model you choose, the main thing is its comfortable and convenient use.

When using any type of dryer, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions and observe the maximum load. Otherwise, the model will begin to deform or the linen thread on it will begin to sag. You can also make clothes dryers yourself if you wish. Metal corners, wood and even PVC pipes can be used for work. From these available materials you can easily make a product with a high load and an attractive appearance.

Assembly instructions

Before hanging a ceiling-mounted clothes dryer, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • hammer drill with drill, diameter 6 mm;
  • screwdriver;
  • tape measure and marker;
  • dowels with a diameter of 5 mm and screws with a diameter of 4 mm.

Start by printing out the packaging with the dryer design parts. Remove all the parts one by one, check their availability with the completeness in the instructions. Please read the installation manual carefully.

The work of installing a liana dryer can be easily done with your own hands, without turning to the help of specialists. Detailed instructions with photos are given in the table:

Attach the fasteners to the ceiling, having previously measured with a tape measure and marked the distance between them equal to the length of the tubes. Mark with a marker the location of the holes that need to be drilled to install the fasteners

Use a puncher to make holes in the ceiling and insert dowels into them

Attach the fasteners with rollers to the holes and secure them with self-tapping screws

Select a location for the stop bar so that it is easily accessible. Attach the plank at a height of 1.5–1.6 m from the floor using dowels and screws

Thread the short and long cords through the ends of the rod (if they are not already tucked in) and secure them. Pull the short cord through the roller in the mount closest to the locking bar. Pull the long cord through the rollers in two fastenings

Place caps on the cords and secure them so that it is convenient to lower and raise the handset. Sequentially install all the rods included in the kit

As you can see, installing the dryer is not difficult. Finally, check the functionality of all rods and wipe them from dust and dirt. Now you can start drying your clothes.

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