Thermal conductivity and density of penoplex, comparison with polystyrene foam PSB

Today's methods for producing extruded polystyrene foam make it possible to obtain unique technical characteristics of penoplex. The structure is obtained with completely closed small cells, with a diameter of 0.08 to 0.22 millimeters. The difference between the technical characteristics of penoplex and production methods from the usual polystyrene foam, familiar to all of us from childhood (PSBs or simply polystyrene foam), can be seen in more detail here>>>

Penoplex, like regular expanded polystyrene foam, is made from the same substance - general polystyrene granules. But in the manufacture of penoplex, a different production method is used. Polystyrene granules are heated and the result is a homogeneous liquid melt, into which gas (a foaming agent) is introduced under high pressure. The melt seems to boil, which promotes uniform distribution of gas throughout the entire volume of the liquid substance. Then the process of extrusion (extrusion or extrusion) of the material occurs through calibrated holes - dies. This process achieves the technical characteristics of penoplex, which are not available to other types of insulation.

During the cooling process of the slabs, the gas contained in the cells of extruded polystyrene foam is gradually replaced by ambient air and, as a result, the finished foam does not contain gases of foaming agents. By the way, the PENOPLEX ® company uses the most common CO2 as a foaming agent, i.e. carbon dioxide, which surrounds us everywhere. Therefore, when imparting unique technical characteristics to penoplex, there is absolutely no damage to the environment.

Another feature of the outstanding technical characteristics is the fact that the PENOPLEX ® company itself produces raw materials - polystyrene for its own needs under the STAYROVIT ® trademark. This suggests that the production of penoplex does not depend on third-party suppliers, and the manufacturer always achieves unchanged technical characteristics of penoplex.

Production of penoplex and types of material

The production of penoplex is organized using the following technology: small polystyrene granules in a sealed chamber are exposed to high temperatures (1300C-1400C), as a result of which they melt, and after adding blowing agents they foam. Porophores are synthetic additives that, when heated, release nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which, after the penoplex cools, turn into frozen air bubbles, evenly distributed throughout the material.

Comparison of thermal conductivity of penoplex and other building materials

Components of blowing agents for the production of extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex):

Penoplex componentsVolume by mass
Fine perlite1
Sodium bicarbonate Na2CO31
Citric acid C6H8O70,8
Zinc stearate (C36H70O4Zn / Zn(C18H35O2)2) or barium stearate (C36H70BaO4)0,2
Tetrabromoparaxylene - an additive to provide self-extinguishing properties to foaming polystyrene1,2

Production of penoplex
Cured foam may contain some synthetic fillers, the presence of which determines the direction of application of the insulation - for walls, foundations, etc. The most common additives are flame retardants to increase fire safety (reduce the degree of flammability), antioxidants to protect the material from oxidation in the open air, antistatic substances to relieve static and dynamic stress during insulation operation, light stabilizers (protection from the negative effects of UV radiation), modifying additives and etc.

Polystyrene foam is pressed under pressure from the extruder chamber onto a conveyor for final formation into slabs or blocks. The percentage of gases in the insulation reaches 98% of the total volume of the finished penoplex, so the products are light in weight with impressive dimensions. Dimensions for each functional line of insulation are given in the tables below.

Sizes and types of penoplex

The small size of the pores (0.1-0.3 mm) and their complete isolation from each other guarantees high thermal insulation performance of any brand of penoplex. For different construction projects, it is necessary to select the appropriate series and brands of insulation, since structures can be operated under different conditions:

  1. Brand “K” is designed for insulation of pitched or flat roofs and roofs. Specific gravity (density) of the “K” series – 28-33 kg/m3;
  2. Series “C” – insulation for internal and external walls with a substance density of 25-35 kg/m3;
  3. Brand “F” is used to insulate foundations, basements and basements. Material with high moisture resistance, biological stability and specific gravity ≥37 kg/m3;
  4. Penoplex brand "Comfort" is a universal series of insulation with a density of 25-35 kg/m3. Direction of application – insulation of apartments, houses, basements, balconies and loggias;
  5. Brand “45” has the highest frost resistance and strength, specific gravity 35-47 kg/m3. Designed for thermal insulation of road surfaces, runways, and other heavily loaded objects and structures.

Expanded polystyrene sandwich panels
A separate category produces sandwich panels, which are an improved thermal insulator for insulating attics and mansards, facades and foundations of buildings. The sandwich panel has 2-3 layers and a cement bonded particle board as the bottom layer.

Choose what you need

Despite the fact that the production of Penoplex with technical characteristics corresponding to those declared is carried out by many manufacturers, one should take a responsible approach to the choice of the “homeland” and “parent” of the insulation. One should not discount the need to choose it to achieve maximum insulation in a particular case for certain conditions, materials, surfaces.

When selecting, you need to focus on:

  • brand and series of heat insulator required for the work;
  • the size of the slabs, especially if you plan to insulate a small room;
  • the density of Penoplex slabs, which should not be less than 25 kg/m3 (the quality of insulation and strength depend on this indicator);
  • manufacturer's brand;
  • block packaging (it must be intact, which guarantees the integrity of the slabs).

If in doubt, read the characteristics on the Penoplex packaging. The description contains all the necessary data to make a selection decision.

If you are in doubt about the indicated density, weigh the slabs to determine the density yourself, subsequently dividing the weight by the volume. For example, a Comfort slab with a thickness of 50 mm and normal density should not weigh less than 1.3 kg. At the fracture of the “regular” Penoplex, you can see many polyhedra of regular shape, along the boundaries of which the fracture occurs. The fracture should be orange due to the coloring pigment included in the composition. Purchasing products from well-known European factories will guarantee the quality of the products. The domestic manufacturer, represented by the Penoplex and TechnoNIKOL enterprises, is not far behind them.

After reading about penoplex, understanding what it is, where it can be used, assessing its pros and cons, you can be confident in the targeted choice of the right brand and in its correct use. Having done insulation once using Penoplex, ensure that heat is retained in the house for many years.

Operational and technical properties of penoplex, advantages and disadvantages

  1. Thermal conductivity – 0.03 Wm·0С, the indicator does not decrease even with strong humidification;
  2. Water resistance – 0.4-0.6% when immersed in water for 24 hours and for a month;
  3. The vapor permeability of the material can be compared with the same indicators of roofing felt with a layer thickness of 20 mm;
  4. Chemical passivity: penoplex does not react to contact with building mortars and most aggressive substances. Substances with which penoplex contact is contraindicated: kerosene, acetone, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, methyl ethyl ketone, ether, diesel fuel, gasoline, tar, paints and epoxy resins;
  5. High mechanical resistance to stretching, compression, tensile forces and multi-vector pressure. The compressive strength of penoplex is 0.2-0.5 MPa;
  6. Biological neutrality - penoplex does not develop mold, does not decompose and does not rot;
  7. Wide range of operating temperatures – from -50 to +750С. The temperature range for each brand is indicated on the packaging;
  8. Flammability groups for different brands are different, from G1 to G4, depending on operating conditions;
  9. Environmentally friendly material without the use of phenols and freons in the production;
  10. Guaranteed service life ≥55 years without noticeable loss in properties.

Insulation of the balcony with penoplex brand "Comfort"
Advantages of penoplex:

  1. Thermal conductivity properties make it possible to use penoplex even in the Far North - multiple freezing/thawing cycles of the material do not affect its characteristics;
  2. Light weight makes transportation, warehousing, storage and insulation of the object easier, allows you to lighten the foundation and not strengthen the ceilings;
  3. Simple installation without the help of specialists and special tools - penoplex can be easily cut with a regular hacksaw or cutter;
  4. Safety and environmental friendliness - you can work with the material without personal protective equipment;
  5. Low cost of all brands of insulation. Even with a large consumption of heat insulator, the costs of its purchase and installation pay off in 2-3 seasons.

Results of wall insulation with penoplex
Disadvantages of penoplex:

  1. Low fire safety - material of any flammability group, even with fire retardant additives, can catch fire and release caustic toxic smoke;
  2. Low coefficient of vapor permeability, and under certain weather conditions - negative. Therefore, it is not recommended to use penoplex for internal insulation of house walls. To maintain optimal operating conditions for the insulation, it is necessary to provide forced-air ventilation in the house and ventilation of channels in walls insulated with penoplex;
  3. Destruction of the material when exposed to ultraviolet radiation - sunlight. It is necessary to protect the insulation layer with plaster or other methods;
  4. Due to the smooth surface, the adhesion of penoplex to mortars is quite low, so the insulation should only be attached to dowels or special expensive glue, but not to mortars.

Penoplex "Wall"

Installation technology of polystyrene insulation boards

Insulation of external, internal walls and other structures using extruded polystyrene is carried out in several stages. Let's look at each of them:

  • The preparatory stage consists of preparing the walls for insulation, cleaning them from dirt, dust, old finishing materials, and paint coatings. In case of large unevenness, it is recommended to level the surface using a plaster mixture (and other methods depending on the design) and treat it with an antifungal compound.
  • Fixation using special adhesive facade compounds . The adhesive is applied directly to the insulating board using a comb.
  • Mechanical fastening is done using dowels.
  • Installation of facade mesh . For better adhesion of the glue to the insulation, you can create roughness on the surface of the slabs. The first plaster layer of façade adhesive is used to fix the reinforcing polymer mesh. Next, a second layer of plaster is applied, after which has dried, the walls are covered with decorative plaster (optional) and painted.
  • Instead of plaster, it is possible to decorate the walls with siding, wood, as well as the use of ventilated facades.

EPS installation technology
Thermal insulation of roofs is carried out either at the construction stage or during the reconstruction process, for example, when converting a cold attic into a living space. In this case, the insulation is laid on the base in several layers (the joints of the top layer should not coincide with the joints of the bottom). Next, a vapor-permeable membrane is spread over the penoplex. The resulting cake is secured with longitudinal slats with a thickness of at least 40 mm to ensure ventilation between the insulation and the roofing material.

Thermal insulation material “Wall” - properties and characteristics

The “Wall” brand is a renamed Penoplex 31 insulation with fire retardant additives, which has been improved for use in insulating “wet” facades, building foundations, plinths and basements, partitions and walls of houses outside and inside, roofs and attics. The characteristics of penoplex brand “Wall” are in the table below:

Specific gravity25.0-32.0 kg/m³
Compressive strength0.20 MPa (kgf/cm2)
Bend limit0.25 MPa
Moisture absorption in 1 day0,4%
Moisture absorption in 28 days0,5%
Fire resistanceGroup G3
Thermal conductivity0.030 W/(m K)
Sound insulation threshold41 dB
Dimensions (width, length, height)600 mm x 1200 mm x 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 mm
Temperature range-50/+750С

Insulation series “Foundation”

Why is thermal insulation needed?

The relevance of thermal insulation is as follows:

Heat loss through the walls of a typical multi-storey residential building is 30-40% . To reduce heat loss, special thermal insulation materials are needed. The use of electric heaters in winter contributes to additional energy costs. It is more profitable to compensate for these costs by using high-quality thermal insulation material, which ensures heat retention in winter and coolness in the summer heat. At the same time, the cost of cooling the room with air conditioning will also be minimized.

In the case of industrial buildings using a metal frame, insulation helps protect the metal surface from corrosion, which is the most detrimental defect for this type of structure. And the service life of a brick building is determined by the number of freeze/thaw cycles. The impact of these cycles is perceived by the insulation, because the dew point is located in the thermal insulation material, and not in the wall material.

Such insulation allows you to increase the service life of the building many times.

Protection against increasing noise levels is achieved by using such noise-absorbing materials (thick mattresses, sound-reflecting wall panels).

The use of a thermal insulation system makes it possible to reduce the thickness of external walls, while increasing the internal area of ​​the building.

Insulation brand "Foundation" - parameters and properties

The “Foundation” brand is a renamed Penoplex 35 insulation without fire retardant additives, which can now be used to create thermal insulation for the bases and plinths of buildings, blind areas and basements. The strength, waterproofness and thermal conductivity of the “Foundation” penoplex series are its main advantages. The characteristics of the “Foundation” are given in the table below:

Specific gravity29.0-33.0 kg/m³
Compressive strength0.27 (2.7; 27) MPa (kgf/cm2)
Bend limit0.4 MPa
Moisture absorption in 1 day0,4 %
Moisture absorption in 28 days0,5 %
Fire resistanceGroup G4
Sound insulation threshold39 dB
Thermal conductivity0.03-031 W/(m K)
Dimensions (width, length, height)600 mm x 1200 mm x 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 mm
Temperature range-50/+750C

Penoplex brand "Roof"

The main types of insulation used to reduce heat loss

To carry out thermal insulation measures of any type, the following types of insulators are used:

  • extruded polystyrene foam (XPS), refers to polystyrene derivatives (represented by various manufacturing enterprises, has many brands);
  • polystyrene foam, its production also involves the processing of polystyrene, but using a different technology (it has a sufficient number of manufacturers, the breakdown by brand is not clear, it is positioned as “foam plastic”).
  • mineral or basalt wool is fundamentally different from polystyrene products and acts as the main competitor of foamed polystyrenes (represented on the insulating goods market by a large number of manufacturers).

The number of manufacturing companies, both domestic and foreign, is measured in dozens. When choosing products, you need to rely on the physical properties of each individual product.

Penoplex "Roof" - properties and characteristics

Penoplex insulation of the “Roofing” series is a renamed material “Penoplex 35”, which is recommended for use in insulating pitched and flat roofs of any design. The use of the “Roof” series makes the further operation of the roof as simplified as possible, since the reliability and long service life of the insulation minimize the possibility of repairing the roof surface. The popularity of this innovative insulating material is also due to the fact that greenhouses and summer gardens can be built on such a surface - such trends are now in fashion. Penoplex can withstand such high loads that it doesn’t care about soil loads of up to several tons. Characteristics of the foam insulation brand “Roof” are in the table below:

Specific gravity28.0-33.0 kg/m³
Compressive strength0.25 (2.5; 25) MPa (kgf/cm2)
Bend limit0.4 MPa
Elasticity modulus15
Moisture absorption in 1 day0,4 %
Moisture absorption in 28 days0,5 %
Fire resistanceGroup G3
Sound insulation threshold23 dB
Thermal conductivity0.03-032 W/(m K)
Dimensions (width, length, height)600 mm x 1200 mm x 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 mm
Temperature range-50/+750C

“Comfort” is a universal brand of heat insulator

Warm floor - what is it?

The warm floor consists of mats and a heating system.
The first heated floor surfaces were used by the ancient Romans to heat baths. Hot air passed through special channels installed under the floor. The principle of modern heating designs has remained the same, but during this time the heating system has been significantly improved. The design is used for installation in premises of any purpose; it is considered an excellent alternative to conventional central heating. Efficiency is achieved due to increased heat transfer. Installation of the structure does not take much time; the procedure can be carried out in any room.

Brand of heat insulator “Comfort” - properties and characteristics

Penoplex "Comfort" is a modified and improved "Penoplex 31C" with universal characteristics. The material is actively used for insulating country houses, country houses and cottages. The high speed of installation and minimal labor costs popularize the insulation among private homeowners - it is used to insulate the subfloor, foundation and basement of a house, basement and roof, walls and partitions from the inside and outside of the building. Penoplex "Comfort" has high levels of moisture resistance and thermal conductivity. In the penoplex series line, the Comfort brand is recognized as universal.

Penoplex protects the soil from heaving when it freezes - when the soil is insulated with this material, the freezing point of the soil will rise. This series is optimal for insulating road and railway surfaces, runways and technical areas of airfields. Comfort slabs retain their unique characteristics throughout the entire period of operation. Characteristics of the “Comfort” penoplex insulation brand are in the table below:

Specific gravity25.0-35.0 kg/m³
Compressive strength0.18(1.8; 18) MPa (kgf/cm2)
Bend limit0.4 MPa
Moisture absorption in 1 day0,4 %
Moisture absorption in 28 days0,5 %
Fire resistanceGroup G4
Sound insulation threshold40 dB
Vapor permeability0.007-0.008 Mg/(m h Pa)
Thermal conductivity0.030–0.032 W/(m K)
Dimensions (width, length, height)600 mm x 1200 mm x 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 mm
Temperature range-50/+750C

It is a misconception to think that penoplex and foam plastic are brother materials. Some properties of penoplex can be equated to the parameters of polystyrene foam, but not flammability and water absorption.

General characteristics of penoplex

Manufacturers have long mastered the production of both non-flammable polystyrene foam and high-burning polystyrene foam. But the truth is that penoplex cannot spontaneously ignite, and in an open fire zone it will only melt, releasing carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) gases. If the fire is extinguished, the penoplex will not even smolder.

Low vapor permeability - good or evil?

As you know, the same property of a material can be considered a plus in one situation and a minus in another. This is exactly the case with the low vapor conductivity that extruded polystyrene foam is characterized by. Moreover, it does not conduct steam in any direction. Moisture does not penetrate from one side or the other. This distinguishes it from vapor barrier membranes, which may have one-way conductivity.

It is ideal on flat roofs

Where is vapor non-conductivity needed?

If installed correctly (without gaps and cracks) with joints taped, EPPS does not require the use of vapor barrier membranes. It hardly lets through steam. Neither in liquid nor in gaseous state. So the use of membranes and waterproofing is unnecessary. When using floors in a cake, this is excellent, because moisture usually comes from the ground. When using polystyrene foam, it does not penetrate either by capillary action or in the form of steam. In this case, this is definitely a plus.

Excellent for laying under screed

These properties are also a plus when using extruded polystyrene foam in blind areas, under paths, etc. In addition to protecting against freezing, it does not get wet. This allows, with a competent approach, to get rid of frost heaving and make, for example, not a deep strip foundation, but a shallow strip or Swedish slab.

The use of EPS in the roofing pie of a flat roof is also optimal - leaks are minimized, and almost no heat is lost. When using on pitched roofs, it’s already worth thinking about. The fact that Penoplex Roofing does not allow moisture into the attic space is good. But it will be possible to remove excess moisture from the attic only with the help of very good ventilation, which includes not only dormer windows. Additional elements will be needed on the ridge, in the roof plane. In general, given the cost of Penoplex, this is not always reasonable.

On the walls: yes or no?

Insulating walls with Penoplex is permissible only if you agree to make an effective ventilation system that will regulate the humidity in the house. In this case there are two options:

  • Insulate the walls with EPS from the inside. With this solution, moisture practically does not enter the enclosing structures (the material from which the walls are made) due to the low vapor permeability of the material. In this case, the Penoplex layer for walls can be of small thickness. Specifically, it is necessary to count, since it depends on the material and thickness of the walls, and the region of residence. But, with such insulation, it is necessary to select the external finishing of the facade so that moisture is not trapped inside the wall. Ventilated facades are most suitable for this purpose.
  • Stick the EPS on the outside. But at the same time, it is necessary to make an effective vapor barrier inside the room. It is needed to prevent moisture from entering the walls. Since there is EPS on the outside, it will not come out. To prevent moisture from accumulating in the wall, a vapor barrier is required. In this case, the thickness of Penoplex will be large. So large that the dew point is not in the wall, but in the thickness of the insulation. That is, in this case it will be necessary to insulate EPS walls with a thickness of 100 mm or more.

As you can see, there are options for using extruded polystyrene foam for wall insulation, but they are far from the best. Despite the fact that the material itself is good, it is poorly suited for this purpose.

When used on a pitched roof

And we must also take into account that the second option is only for non-hygroscopic materials.
Such a scheme is very undesirable for wooden, frame buildings; it is poorly suited for foam blocks. The fact is that no matter how good the vapor barrier is, some of the moisture will still get into the walls. If the material is non-hygroscopic, moisture will gradually be removed from the wall during the dry season. With hygroscopic materials this process is more complicated. As a result, the wood rots and the foam block walls “bloom.” Date: September 25, 2022


Expanded polystyrene can be bought from 1300 rubles per 1m3. The cost may vary depending on the raw materials used in production. This also affects the brand of material, which is the difference between Penoplex in terms of density and operating temperature range.

The cost of 1 m3 of Penoplex is 3.5–4.5 thousand rubles. It may vary depending on your region and the season of purchase of the material. Often, when purchasing in bulk, material can be purchased cheaper; often the size of the discount is affected by the total purchase volume.

When purchasing, you need to take into account the need to cut the material and adjust individual elements; for this reason, it is necessary to increase the volume of the purchased batch of insulation by 10% of the calculated one.


The prices in the table are valid in spring 2022:

ModelPrice in rubles
Foundation (50 mm thick, 8 pieces per pack)1400
Roof (80 mm, 5 pcs.)1420
Facade, (50 mm, 8 pcs.)1350
Comfort, (40 mm, 10 pcs.)1200
Wall, (50 mm, 8 pcs.)1350
Base, (50 mm, 8 pcs.)1655

That, in fact, is all I wanted to tell you about penoplex.


We found out what penoplex is, what properties it has, and in what cases it can be used. Also watch the video in this article. If you have any questions regarding this insulation, you can contact me in the comments.

Thanks to modern technologies, high-quality and affordable home insulation has turned from a dream into a completely solvable task. There are many reviews that it is better to choose polyspen or penoplex (penoplex). We will understand this by evaluating the properties of these materials.

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