Which plastic windows are the highest quality: reviews of manufacturers, rating of the best

  • April 23, 2020
  • Windows and Doors
  • Olga Kaysina

Currently, plastic windows are actively replacing wooden ones. In Europe, preference is given to natural materials, but in our country this trend is not visible. Nowadays, traditional carved frames are preferred by rich people. PVC products are in much greater demand. They are affordable, durable, and beautiful. In addition, plastic windows have good noise and heat insulation properties. It is also important that they do not require complex care.

Today, stores offer a huge number of PVC window systems. Some time ago, these products came only from foreign manufacturers. Now the situation is somewhat different. On sale you can see a huge number of PVC window systems from domestic manufacturers. Consumers now face a difficult task: how to choose high-quality plastic windows?

Main selection criteria

When considering any window profile, you need to be interested in information about the company that produced it. In the descriptive part you can find the word “German”. If it is present, this does not always mean that the window was made in Germany. A large percentage of such profiles are made in our country, but using German technology. In this case, cheaper energy resources are used. Therefore, such windows are cheaper than those that were produced directly in Germany.

When choosing this product, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Thermal insulation chambers. This indicator is the most important when choosing suitable windows. It is generally accepted that the more chambers there are, the better the thermal insulation properties are. However, this is not entirely true. With an excessive number of chambers, it may happen that the thermal conductivity coefficient increases, and thanks to the plastic partitions, it will act as a cooling radiator.
  2. Profile width. When choosing a window for a living room, it is recommended not to skimp on this parameter in any way. The wider the profile, the warmer the room will be.
  3. Steel reinforcing insert. It comes with both a solid and an open circuit. If there are no specific requirements for window installation, then it is recommended to choose a profile with an open loop. This is due to the fact that the thermal insulation properties are then better ensured.
  4. Certificate. The presence of this document gives you the right to be sure that the manufacturer provides a guarantee for its products.
  5. Profile. It is one of the main criteria when choosing plastic windows. It should be noted that there are rotary structures, blind systems, as well as tilt-and-turn options. Windows that have a tilt-and-turn mechanism look beautiful. Well, they are much more expensive. Quite often, people prefer to order combined window units, that is, those in which one sash opens and the other is a blind structure. This choice can be explained by the desire to save money.
  6. Low-emission (energy-saving) products. Today they continue to be popular. Low-emission products are saturated with silver atoms. Thanks to this, they acquire high light transmittance. At the same time, they have excellent thermal insulation properties.
  7. Accessories. It’s also not worth saving on it. Accessories are consumables. It is necessary to initially purchase high-quality curtains, handles, and locks. Then these parts will last long enough.

How to choose plastic windows

A plastic window consists of three main components: profile, glass unit and fittings. A detailed study of the properties of each element will help you avoid making mistakes when deciding to purchase a particular assembly.

Profile selection

We are talking about the supporting structure of the window - a hollow plastic form of a complex structure, on which the durability and practicality of the entire product depends.

Profiles are divided into 3 classes:

Class Outer wall thickness Inward wall thickness
A 2.8 mm 2.5 mm
IN 2.5 mm 2 mm
WITH Profiles that do not meet the criteria of classes A and B

The standard profile wall thickness is 3 mm, but in order to reduce the cost of the product, this parameter is reduced to 2.5 mm. For massive window units, thin walls are prohibited for safety reasons .

The standard thickness of the reinforcement (the internal steel element that gives rigidity to the plastic structure) is 1.5 mm. Failure to comply with the established standard is fraught with deformation and sagging of the sashes.

Innovative glazing systems do not require reinforcement. They themselves are quite strong and durable, but they are much more expensive.

The profile surface can be matte or glossy. Traditionally, white frames are in demand, but the PVC color palette is varied and can satisfy every taste.

Unlike wood, plastic does not shrink - windows are not deformed. The chemical formula of PVC has already been improved, so modern frames do not emit toxic substances and are safe for humans.

According to the educational publication ChemicalSafetyFacts, polyvinyl chloride in plastic windows does not pose a danger to the environment.

Profile Features

Profiles differ in width (in professional language this is installation depth). The value varies from 58 to 124 mm and directly determines the consumer qualities of windows: sound insulation and heat saving. The larger the profile width, the better the insulating properties of the window.

Profile width (common modifications)
58-60 mm A typical version of windows used in southern regions. High thermal insulation is not required here; the design is light and inexpensive.
70-84 mm Design with increased thermal insulation properties for multi-storey buildings in the middle zone.
90 mm or more Premium profile with 5-6 cameras. Effectively retains heat and has special sound insulation. Designed for the harsh climate of northern latitudes.

The number of air chambers indirectly depends on the width of the profile. Their minimum number in a profile (do not confuse them with double-glazed windows) is 3. Improved options have 5 or more cavities.

The same principle works here: the more cameras, the “warmer” and more reliable the profile . The latter is especially important in the case of large windows.

Comparative characteristics of profiles with different numbers of cameras:

Number of profile cameras, pcs. Installation depth, mm Thermal insulation, m²°C/W Sound insulation, dB
3 60 0.7 25
4 60 0.78 25
5 70 0.8-0.85 32-45
6-8 80-86 0.95-1.05 36-47

The standard profile has 2 sealing contours, and the improved multi-chamber versions have 3. The preferred material for sealing and sealing joints is EPDM rubber . The criterion indicating its reliability is elasticity.

According to the results of recent expert testing, the best profiles were those with an outer wall thickness of 2.7 mm or more and a heat transfer resistance of over 0.8 m2 °C/W.

External chambers, thanks to special channels, remove condensate that forms inside the sections due to the difference in temperatures inside and outside the room. The drops flow onto the street, so this process does not affect thermal conductivity and does not affect the appearance of the windows.

For windows without sashes, glazing in kitchens and living spaces, we recommend paying attention to designs with ventilation valves. They will provide a flow of fresh air with minimal heat loss.

Advice: to avoid becoming the owner of a fake, check for markings on the inner surface of the window frame. On the mark with the manufacturer's mark there are numbers indicating:

  • shift number;
  • code of the equipment on which the PVC profile was manufactured;
  • release date.

Types of window designs

The architectural features of the building require the use of various types of modules:

With folding section Several ventilation modes and micro-ventilation are available. This type is suitable for observation windows located at a significant height, as well as attics. For the latter, the profile may have loops in the upper part.
With rotating section The sash opens inward, which entails an active flow of air. Sometimes such frames are made with an outward opening. For standard residential windows, one turning section is sufficient. When glazing wide balconies and loggias, as well as in large-area structures, there can be 2 or more hinged sashes.
Tilt-and-turn design The most common by combining the functions of the two previous options.
Blind window The section cannot be opened. As a rule, fixed windows are combined with one or more movable sashes. But occasionally they are used as separate modules.

Selecting a double-glazed window

This element accounts for most of the window area, which means it is also responsible for maintaining warmth and silence in the room.

A double-glazed window is a structure consisting of several glasses hermetically connected to each other. The gap between them, by analogy with the cavities in a plastic profile, is called a chamber. This space is sealed and is filled with air or gas during production.

The last option is preferable. The mixtures used to fill the space between the glasses (argon, krypton, xenon) are denser than the surrounding atmosphere, therefore they block the cold and maintain a stable temperature in the room. Since the gases used are natural, they will not cause harm even in the event of a leak.

The classification of double-glazed windows is extensive, so before purchasing it is advisable to determine for yourself several important characteristics of the future window:

  • Number of cameras : 1, 2, 3 or more. The more cameras, the warmer the window, but its light transmission capacity decreases.
  • Gap width : 6-16 mm. This value is limited by the profile size and affects the price of the window.
  • The total width of the glass and air layers - in any case, it must be at least 14 mm.

The thermal insulation of a double-glazed window increases with increasing space in each chamber. But starting from the 24 mm mark, these indicators deteriorate due to the appearance of convection between the glasses.

Types of glass used:

Regular colorless The basis for creating modern double, tinted, energy-efficient and other double-glazed windows with certain properties. The most budget option.
Energy saving low emission with thin hard or soft coating Maintains a constant room temperature. Reduces heating and cooling costs due to special reflective coating.
Multilayer noise-reducing glass - triplex Consists of 2 or more sheets, fastened with acoustic layers. It is durable and protects furniture from fading under the influence of sunlight.
Tinted glass Made by adding metal oxides to give clear glass a tint. Used to create privacy and limit the brightness of sunlight.
Shockproof glass It is made by hardening - powerful heating and then rapid cooling. The process increases the rigidity and impact resistance of glass by 5 times.

At the customer's request, different types of glass can be combined.

Number of cameras and purpose of windows

Single-chamber double- glazed windows are suitable for technical buildings with fixed windows.

In two-chamber structures (the buyers of which are most often homeowners in the southern regions), the distance between the glasses is 12 mm. The standard width of such a double-glazed window made of transparent glass together with the air gap is 44 mm.

Three-chamber glazing is more expensive. It is suitable for houses located in the middle zone and along noisy highways. Glass itself is not a soundproofing barrier. If noise is the main problem, you should turn to triplex with an acoustic layer and increase the air gap in the glazing.

Comparative characteristics of various double-glazed windows are given in the table:

Parameter 1 camera 2 cameras 3 cameras
Weight, kg/m² 20 35-40 40
Light transmittance,% 85 77 65
Noise insulation, dB 24 29 30-39

SNiP 02/23/2003 establishes the parameters for thermal protection of premises. In accordance with the requirements of this standard, 3-chamber double-glazed windows are recommended in most climatic zones of Russia. For the harsh conditions of Siberia and the Far East - 5-chamber windows.

Selection of accessories

These detail elements can both “destroy” an expensive window and turn a budget window into an exemplary one.

The fittings are located around the perimeter and provide the owner with comfortable operation: the window opens, takes a given position during ventilation, changes the angle of inclination, and when closing, seals the sash to the frame.

When choosing window fittings, a couple of factors deserve special attention:

  • Anti-corrosion coating that prevents oxidation processes, rust and subsequent fracture.
  • Estimated value of operation cycles (1 cycle = 1 opening + closing). The higher this indicator, the longer the fittings will last. The parameter varies from 15 to 32 thousand cycles.

It is recommended to use only metal products as mechanisms under load. Preference is given to stainless steel with nickel plating and hidden hinge designs . Plastic is used for decoration (for example, as a coating for handles).

Advice: if springing is felt when closing the sash of a new window, this is a reason to check that the metal fittings have not been replaced with budget plastic ones. The latter tends to bend when the handle rotates.

There are often cases of exclusion from the package of parts that are insignificant, in the buyer’s opinion, without which some of the comfort is lost. In addition to the main elements, the design should include:

  • Incorrect action blocker - prevents the sash from sagging on the lower hinge when changing from the swing to the folding position. The absence of this link can result in the transom falling out.
  • The strike plate ensures the tightness of the structural parts. It is located along the internal perimeter - one strip on each of the four surfaces of the frame.
  • Folding scissors are a device responsible for folding the window into ventilation mode.
  • Rotation limiter . The purpose of the mechanism is to hold the open window in its extreme position.
  • Adjusting screw - needed to change the position of the hung sash and reduces the load on other structural elements.

When choosing accessories for glazing a nursery, you should remember that the locking mechanism must be equipped with a lock. In this case, the child will not open the window without the help of an adult.

Residents of the first floors should order anti-burglary fittings designed for increased mechanical loads in addition to shock-resistant glass.

Installation Features

When choosing window profiles for your home, it is definitely recommended to think about how to install them. Many manufacturers provide a guarantee for their products only if the installation of windows is carried out only by their official representatives. Therefore, when purchasing a window profile, it is recommended to carefully read the warranty terms. After all, there may be various nuances.

It is also necessary to inquire about the finishing of the slopes. Some manufacturers offer very good discounts on this work when purchasing and installing windows.

The main advantages and disadvantages of wooden and plastic windows

The advantages of plastic windows are:

  1. Good heat and sound insulation.
  2. Interesting appearance.
  3. Easy care. For example, there is no need to apply any protective coatings to window frames.
  4. Ease of use.
  5. Plastic windows are quite durable.
  6. The profiles are repairable.

The most important disadvantages of plastic windows are:

  1. High price.
  2. If any damage occurs, it is quite problematic to eliminate the defects with your own hands.
  3. For plastic windows, specific fittings are used.
  4. In bad weather, additional insulation of such windows is required.

The main advantages of wooden windows:

  1. They have high decorative properties.
  2. Wood is an environmentally friendly material.
  3. If something is damaged, you can fix it yourself.
  4. Any fittings are suitable.

The main disadvantages of such designs are:

  1. The need to quite often apply various varnishes and impregnations to protect wooden frames from the negative influence of the environment.
  2. Windows require periodic maintenance.

Based on these comparative characteristics, preference can be given to one design or another.

All about double glazed windows

A double-glazed window is also one of the main elements of any window. This is the same transparent glass that allows light to pass through and allows you to see what is outside the window. It is responsible for a good level of protection from street noise, from the cold, and for good lighting.

On a note! The first double-glazed window appeared about 100 years ago.

A double-glazed window can easily replace double window frames. It consists of two sheets of float glass connected to each other (created using the technology of pouring molten glass), and between them there is a special gasket, thanks to which there is a certain space between the glasses. It prevents any sounds or cold from penetrating into the room. The window remains transparent. The glass itself can have a thickness from 3 to 12 mm. For windows in an apartment, a thickness of no more than 5 mm is sufficient.

The described option is a single-chamber double-glazed window. But if three or more glasses are connected, and there are cameras between them, then there can be 2, 3-chamber double-glazed windows. The more of them, the warmer it will be in the house, but the light will penetrate a little worse. The thickness of the glass unit can be 24, 26 or 32 mm. The choice of type and size will depend on the choice of window profile.

The glass unit is sealed, inside it there is dry air or a special inert gas (for example, argon). Good windows should not fog up when the temperature changes. Windows with argon are more expensive.

Advice! You can select a package based on the labeling. So, SPD is a two-chamber version, SPO is a single-chamber version.

Double-glazed windows for windows
By the way, glass may have certain characteristics. For example, it can be sprayed, tinted, impact resistant, matte, and so on. Here you need to take into account your preferences and budget.

A special metal gasket is installed between the sheets. It allows the package to maintain its exact dimensions and correct shape. Usually the frame is also made of aluminum or steel. This is the source of the appearance of cold bridges. Its width varies between 6-24 mm.

The frame is also needed to absorb moisture, for this it has perforations, and in the cavity inside there is an absorbent substance that absorbs moisture. That's why windows don't fog up from the inside.

The glass unit must be sealed. Otherwise, it will not retain heat well. Inside, a butyl substance is used for sealing, which is applied to the area of ​​​​the edges between the glass and the frame. This sealant does not harden and is not afraid of temperature fluctuations. Its outer layer is a solid polymer substance such as epoxy or silicone.

The best window profiles

People often wonder which plastic windows are the best. There are a lot of companies that produce them. It is quite difficult to figure out which manufacturer really deserves attention. Let's try to answer these questions.

We bring to your attention a list of the most popular brands of plastic windows:

  1. Veka profile. Its average cost is 9,500 rubles.
  2. Rehau. The average price of such a profile is also 9,500 rubles per window.
  3. KVE. The product can be purchased for 7,700 rubles.
  4. Salamander. These windows are much more expensive. The average price of one unit is 26,000 rubles. It is worth noting that this profile has proven itself on the market for quite a long time.
  5. Montblanc. The average cost of one window is 7,800 rubles. This profile is also quite popular.
  6. Kaleva. The products of this brand are produced by a domestic manufacturer. This window profile costs from 10,000 rubles.
  7. Proplex. The average price of such a window is 8,800 rubles. This window profile is also popular.
  8. Schuco. The average price is 9800 rubles per 1 square meter.

The rating of the highest quality plastic windows presented to your attention is based on reviews of people who use these products. Let's take a closer look at each brand.

Selecting a profile by brand rating

If you don’t know which profile is best for plastic windows, then look at the rating and study the characteristics. Today, several undisputed leaders in this field of activity have emerged. Each company offers its own unique features. Topping the list are windows from Mont Blanc, Salamander, Rehau, KBE, Century.


This brand has high popularity ratings on the market. The plant produces profiles whose width reaches 76 mm. There are various models equipped with three, four or five cameras.

Main advantages:

  • High quality parameters. All materials used by the manufacturing plant are selected carefully, the production process is controlled in detail at all stages, which allows us to completely eliminate defects.


Now many are trying to install plastic windows. Which companies are better? Experts know this well. Veka profiles are produced in the Moscow region. In addition, there are branches in Khabarovsk and Novosibirsk. But the head office is located in Germany.

Today the company produces 6 main types of profiles. The advantages of this product include the following indicators:

  1. High quality.
  2. A wide range of.
  3. The designs provide micro-ventilation.
  4. Excellent fittings.
  5. Aesthetic appearance.

Among the shortcomings in reviews, the following are most often noted:

  • high price;
  • easily soiled frames;
  • There may be problems with the seals.

In reviews, buyers report that the high price corresponds to the quality. Anyone who purchased such windows does not regret their choice.

Types of profiles by material

The main classification is considered to be the division of profiles according to the material of production:

  • Wooden - today they are again gaining unprecedented relevance due to their refined and aesthetic appearance, high level of quality and durability parameters. But such structures require proper care and have a high price.

Wooden profiles for windows Source plastok.ru

  • Fiberglass profiles . They have high technical and operational characteristics. But they are short-lived, so they are practically not used in our climate zone.
  • Aluminum profiles . They have a stylish look, but they have weak strength, short service life and are cold.
  • Metal-plastic ones are the most relevant and popular. They consist of aluminum, which is additionally coated with high-quality plastic. The design has the highest technical characteristics. The window block has low thermal conductivity and increased resistance to temperature fluctuations and other negative natural influences.

By studying information about plastic windows, profiles, the client decides which model to choose based on technical properties and characteristics. Modern society has opted for metal-plastic structures, which perfectly combine affordability, high quality, and increased durability.

Aluminum profile is used both for windows and for the entrance group Source okna-biz.ru


Many people ask: what are the highest quality plastic windows? To find the answer to this question, you can consult a specialist or read reviews.

A German company produces Rehau window profiles. It also has production facilities in Russia since 2002. It is worth noting that today this company is a leader in terms of production volume. The enterprises are equipped with the most modern equipment and are certified according to the management system.

The main advantages of Rehau window profiles include the following:

  1. The manufacturer provides a guarantee for its products.
  2. The window profile is very high quality.
  3. A huge selection of models is presented.
  4. The profiles are reliable, durable, easy to clean, and provide protection from insects.

According to reviews, the main disadvantage is the high cost of this product. The reviews also note the following disadvantages:

  • you come across profiles whose quality leaves much to be desired;
  • the windows are ventilated;
  • sometimes locks jam;
  • There is no complete sound insulation.

Why fittings are important

Fittings in plastic windows play a big role, as they are responsible for the safety and multifunctionality of the entire structure. Thanks to it, you can ventilate the room, regulate its temperature and air exchange. If you want your window to serve you for as long as possible, you should never skimp on fittings.

To enhance window protection, choose appropriate models that have steel locks, hooks and hooks, and the window is locked at several points. If you are worried about your child, then you need child locks and locks that your child will not open without your knowledge. The micro-ventilation mode, step opening, and protection against closing are very convenient, which are only possible with the installation of appropriate fittings.

KVE profile

When considering which plastic windows are of the highest quality, it is necessary to talk about this brand.

KBE is a German company that has built its enterprises on the territory of the Russian Federation. Their factories are located in Khabarovsk, as well as in Voskresensk. Experts did not find any special differences from the products of other companies. However, this manufacturer does not increase prices for its products (unlike its competitors).

The main advantages of KBE plastic windows include the following:

  1. Good quality profile.
  2. Reasonable price.
  3. Quite a large selection of models.
  4. Aesthetic appearance.
  5. Possibility to install bent profiles.

Disadvantages noted in reviews:

  • Such windows have a single-leaf seal shape, so their waterproofing is weak;
  • plastic turns yellow over time;
  • poor quality adjustment bolts;
  • the windows are ventilated.


Many people are interested in: which company has the best double-glazed windows? Among the popular brands, Salamander must be highlighted. This is a German corporation. Most of its factories are located in European countries, although the manufacturer itself assures its consumers that all window products are produced exclusively in Germany.

The main advantages of Salamander plastic windows are:

  1. Interesting design.
  2. The outer surface of the windows is of good quality.
  3. Comfortable and beautiful fittings.
  4. Snow white plastic.
  5. All necessary accessories are included in the kit.

The main disadvantage is the high cost of production. The following disadvantages are also noted:

  • poor build quality (given the high cost of windows);
  • profiles require complex inter-seasonal adjustments.

"Mont Blanc"

Many people want to know which plastic windows are of the highest quality. Customer reviews highlight the pros and cons of various models. This helps to get an idea about a particular brand.

The production of Mont Blanc window profiles is carried out by a company whose enterprises are located in the CIS countries. It has been on the market for more than 13 years.

“Mont Blanc” can be indicated when answering the question of which plastic windows are of the highest quality. The reviews note the following advantages of this product:

  1. Huge selection of options.
  2. Good quality profiles.
  3. The price is quite affordable.
  4. The presence of a thickened PVC profile, which increases the strength of the structure.

Disadvantages noted in reviews:

  • the profile and mosquito net have an unpleasant odor that takes a long time to dissipate;
  • At first the plastic is snow-white, but turns yellow over time;
  • The quality of the fittings is low.

Variety in design

According to their design features, metal-plastic profiles are today divided into several groups. The main difference between the models is the thickness of the aluminum layer, plastic, the number of air layers, and the thickness of the glass unit itself. Conventionally, all designs are divided into several options:

  • Models for harsh climates . They are equipped with a durable body, have high rigidity parameters, and at least 4 chambers.
  • Windows for harsh weather conditions . Here, protection from strong gusts of wind and a high degree of resistance to the influence of water and moisture are additionally considered.
  • Windows for temperate climates . Balanced window designs that can be used in almost any climate zone. They have an affordable price.

Most often, manufacturers offer models consisting of several cameras. The level of strength increases and thermal conductivity parameters decrease. The technical characteristics of the 3-chamber options are ideal for temperate climates, and the cost of the finished product is pleasingly low. However, there are a lot of other parameters, the study of which is simply necessary for a competent, correct, rational choice of design for each specific case.

Air chambers Source 1okna.at.ua


When considering which plastic windows are of better quality, you should definitely note the Kaleva brand. This is a domestic manufacturer that has proven itself well in the market for this group of products.

Users prefer to purchase this profile because its design is quite interesting. This point is often noted in reviews. What are the highest quality plastic windows? We have already reviewed several foreign brands. The domestic brand Kaleva is a worthy competitor to them.

The advantages of these plastic windows noted in reviews:

  1. Interesting design.
  2. Acceptable prices.
  3. Good fittings.


  • in the cold season, the windows fog up heavily and “cry”, forming whole puddles under the windowsill;
  • poor sound insulation;
  • low quality seals.

The reviews contain many complaints about the installers of these windows. These companies, also related to the Kaleva brand, miss delivery deadlines, do poor quality work, and provide poor customer service.


This is also a Russian company. Some time ago it was a small company that was engaged in the manufacture of windows from other people's profiles. To date, this company has managed to organize a full production cycle. Window systems are created jointly with Korean developers who have extensive experience in designing thermal insulation systems.

Not everyone believes that Proplex has the highest quality plastic windows. Reviews about this brand are mostly positive. Many people note that the price really matches the quality.

The main advantage of the product is its low cost. This allows you to buy inexpensive high-quality plastic windows. Other advantages:

  1. Plastic does not turn yellow over time.
  2. Good noise and heat insulation.
  3. Multi-chamber profile.


  • windows “cry” in the cold season;
  • poor quality fittings;
  • weak seal.

Is the cost of a window an indicator of quality?

How not to get confused in the large selection of PVC window manufacturers and order the ideal option for yourself? The Internet is full of offers for the production of plastic windows from all kinds of German, Russian, Ukrainian and even Belarusian window profiles. As a rule, on the phone they say: “Order windows from a more expensive profile! They are better!

Why are cheap windows worse?

Expensive profiles are easy to clean and do not turn yellow, thanks to the quality of the plastic. Strong reinforcement is installed so that the window does not deform over time . The quality of the seals , and therefore the thermal insulation of the window,
also depends on the profile manufacturer Everything else is affected by: installation, fittings and double-glazed windows.

Prices for standard windows

We hope that we have answered popular questions when choosing windows. Now we’ll tell you in more detail what you need to pay attention to when searching for windows.

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