Dimensions parameters of PVC wall panels: width, length and thickness and weight.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that only running panels are available (often used - marked in red). Other sizes of interest are made to order; the purchase of such panels can be made both wholesale and retail.

PVC panels size 250 mm

0.25 x 2.5 m x 0.09 mm10 pieces6,250,05711,25to order
0.25 x 2.7 m x 0.09 mm10 pieces6,750,06412,825to order
0.25 x 3 m x 0.09 mm10 pieces7,50,07214,25in stock
0.25 x 4 m x 0.09 mm10 pieces100,0918to order
0.25 x 6 m x 0.09 mm10 pieces150,14428,5to order

PVC panels size 370 mm

0.375 x 2.5 m x 0.00954,680,0428,44to order
0.375 x 2.7 m x 0.00955,060,0469,11to order
0.375 x 3 m x 0.00955,620,0510,12in stock
0.375 x 4 m x 0.00957,50,06813,5to order
0.375 x 6 m x 0.009511,250,10120,25to order

PVC panels size 390 mm

0.39 x 2.5 m x 0.00954,8750,0448,78to order
0.39 x 2.7 m x 0.00955,2650,04910,53to order
0.39 x 3 m x 0.00955,850,05511,7in stock
0.39 x 4 m x 0.00957,80,0714,1to order
0.39 x 6 m x 0.009511,70,1123,4to order

PVC panels size 400 mm

0.40 x 2.5 m x 0.00954,8750,0448,78to order
0.40 x 2.7 m x 0.00955,2650,04910,53to order
0.40 x 3 m x 0.00955,850,05511,7in stock
0.40 x 4 m x 0.00957,80,0714,1to order
0.40 x 6 m x 0.009511,70,1123,4to order

PVC panels size 500 mm

0.50 x 2.5 m x 0.00956,250,05611,25to order
0.50 x 2.7 m x 0.00956,750,06313,5to order
0.50 x 3 m x 0.00957,50,0715in stock
0.50 x 4 m x 0.0095100,0918to order
0.50 x 6 m x 0.0095150,13530to order

For more detailed information, please see the PVC wall panels

Additional fixation of panels with PVC plastic fittings

Any installation of panels or lining will not be complete without plastic fittings for PVC panels:

  1. The final profile - it is also the finishing or starting bar in common parlance - a U-shaped PVC profile. Covers the end faces of the panels adjacent to the doorway.
  2. Internal corner - covers the joints of panels in the internal corners of the walls.
  3. External corner - covers the joints of PVC panels at the external corners of the walls.
  4. F - PVC profile - f-shaped profile exists in two types 40 mm. and 60 mm., used for decorative finishing of plastic slopes, end ends in doorways and adjoining to other surfaces.
  5. PVC ceiling plinth - fillet It is possible to use both a ceiling plinth and a regular plinth by covering the ends of the panels or lining.
  6. The connecting profile, also known as the H-shaped profile, serves to connect the panels to each other, thereby hiding the gaps.

Also, during installation work, many specialists began to use specialized glue, which glues the joints of panels or places them on an adhesive base to the wall.
Make an order

Design elements and their features

Enterprises produce window structures of the same size, but at the same time they can quite easily have different weights. What is the reason?

The fact is that companies use different materials in production. For example, the mass of plastic depends on its type, and the weight of a double-glazed window depends on its formula.

So, a square meter of PVC window is determined by the class and wall thickness.

  • class A - 3 mm;
  • class B -2.7 millimeters, note that strength decreases along with weight;
  • class C - not fixed.


Every additional component, be it an internal baffle, an air chamber or glass, adds extra pounds. Auxiliary stiffening ribs deprive the window model of lightness, but at the same time strengthen the block.

The structure of the glass unit for all windows is approximately the same, differing only in the number of chambers:

  • air chamber;
  • sheet of glass;
  • spacer frame;
  • molecular sieve;
  • two types of sealant.

Most plastic windows are reinforced with metal, this gives them the following properties:

  1. Strength.
  2. Rigidity.
  3. Protection against sagging.

It has been proven that a square meter of glass one millimeter thick weighs 2.5 kg . In a regular double-glazed window, a 4 mm layer is used.

We calculate that one m2 of glass is equal to 10 kilograms. Accordingly, we multiply by the number of glasses and get the weight of a single-chamber double-glazed window - 20 kg, two-chamber - 30 kg, three-chamber - 40 kg.

Do not forget about the existence of a frame, which takes into account:

  1. the plastic itself, the size of which is more than 3 kilograms;
  2. opening mechanisms using steel parts - at least 2 kilograms;
  3. spacer frame – 0.5 kilograms.

Basics of determining the mass of PVC windows

Type of glass unit Size formula, mm Thickness Heat transfer resistance coefficient, m2C Weight, kg/m2 With frame


One camera 4.16.4 24 0.32 20 25
Two cameras 32 0.47 30 35
Single chamber energy saving 4.16.4TopN 24 0.59 20 25
Double chamber energy saving 32 0.64 30 35
Single chamber energy saving soundproofing 4.14.6TopN 24 0.62 24 29
Double chamber energy saving soundproofing TopN 32 0.77 34 39

When independently calculating the weight of a plastic window, it is important to know its size and type of glass unit. Typically, for calculations, a double-glazed window with a glass thickness of 4 millimeters is taken. The table shows the result both with and without the standard frame.

The only thing that can be ignored in a simple version is the handles.


High-quality fittings make the product heavier. This happens because the opening mechanisms are made of particularly durable and heavy metal.

How to calculate the weight of 1 m² of glass

We have already mentioned that glasses come in different types, with different specific gravity and physical characteristics. First, let's talk about the most common ordinary high-quality transparent glass of the M1 brand.

We find in the reference book the weight of 1 m² of this glass with a thickness of 1 mm, its weight is 2.5 kg/m². Next, we multiply the height and width of the glass (in meters) by its thickness (in millimeters) and by the specific gravity (from the reference book). Thus, we get a mass of single glass.

Calculation of the mass of a double-chamber double-glazed window

The calculation principle is very similar, only the number of glasses changes and their thickness can change. For example, the formula of your package is 4M1–8–6M1–10–4M1. The linear dimensions are the same as the first double-glazed window. The arithmetic is as follows: 2 × 4 × 1.8 × 1.4 × 2.5 and add 6 × 1.8 × 1.4 × 2.5 to the result. Amount 88.3 kg.

  • 2 – two glasses 4 mm thick
  • 6 – one glass 6 mm thick
  • 1.8 – package height
  • 1.4 – package width
  • 2.5 – specific gravity of 1 m² of glass of millimeter thickness

What does the weight of a glass unit affect?

You can read on some websites that thermal conductivity indicators depend on the weight of the double-glazed window; it is more profitable to buy a heavy double-glazed window; it saves a large amount of thermal energy. This is not entirely true; the thickness of the glass, of course, has an effect on thermal conductivity, but the difference in thickness in millimeters makes this effect extremely small.

The width of the air chamber is what affects thermal conductivity. If you have a package with a thickness of 32 mm, then you can be sure that it is always “warmer” than a double-glazed window with a thickness of 24 mm.

Non-standard double-glazed windows.

The term “non-standard” refers to a light-transmitting product that differs from the most common one in several components, namely the thickness of the glass, the fittings used, etc. At the same time, with the same dimensions as regular ones, as a rule, they weigh more. From the point of view of the weight of the glass unit, as a non-standard one, we will consider the soundproofing version of the product.

So, how much does a double-glazed window weigh? If we compare soundproofing with standard, then the weight load of the glass used (1 m2) for the first will be approximately 5 kg greater than for the second. This is due to the fact that the soundproof version has built-in glass with a thickness of 6 mm. Accordingly, the weight of 1 m 2 of double glazing will have double (in comparison with standard) weight equal to 10 kg.

It is necessary to note an important point - with the additional weight of the structure itself, the pressure on the individual elements of the window increases, which affects the duration of its trouble-free operation. For example, excessive weight of the structure affects:

  • Accessories
    . To avoid the appearance of defects in the operation of fitting mechanisms, you should seriously consider the selection. The weight of the glass unit in this case plays a decisive role - the more cameras, the thicker the glass, the more reliable the fitting mechanism is required.
  • Production of installation
    . Since the weight of a soundproof double-glazed window is significantly greater than the weight of a standard one, the work associated with installation is very specific and takes longer.
  • Operation
    . It is no secret that with a heavy load on a double-glazed window, the period of trouble-free operation of the sash will be shorter than the period of operation of the sash with a standard load. This is due, first of all, to the distribution of greater load on the hinges and on the rubber seals.
  • Price
    . The additional thickness of the glass, the need to install special fittings designed for operation under conditions of additional weight load - all this affects both the weight and the cost of the final structure. Price for

Window weight and panoramic glazing

Panoramic glazing - floor-to-ceiling windows, glass doors covering the entire wall. Such structures have a large weight, which can reach 400 kg.

What you need to consider when using panoramic glazing:

  • The profile for panoramic glazing must support the weight of the glass unit.
  • The fittings must be suitable for heavy sashes. For example, the Roto* company offers fittings for sashes weighing up to 400 kg.
  • Possibility of lifting large windows and moving them indoors or in a suburban area.
  • Strength of the base for panoramic glazing and bearing capacity of the foundation.
  • Provide underfloor heating or heating radiators built into the floor.

If all aspects are not taken into account, there is a risk of cracked glass, jammed sashes, subsidence of the foundation and destruction of walls, and fogging of the double-glazed window.

Ways to calculate the mass of a structure

We already know the weight of a double-glazed window. It is approximately 20 kg, respectively, the weight of a single-chamber double-glazed window is half that and will be 10 kg. However, these are not the final parameters; Don't forget about the frame. A standard sash should not weigh more than 60 kg. This parameter is regulated by the standard. However, manufacturers often try to make sashes lighter in order to increase their service life. On average, the figure drops to 50 kg.

The lighter the sash, the longer it will last. The average weight of a double-chamber double-glazed window with a frame is 35 kg per meter of construction, and a single-chamber one - about 25 kg. When ordering a window, it is better to find out in advance from the manufacturer how much it will weigh.

You can calculate the weight of plastic windows using the following formula: you need to calculate the area of ​​the structure, take into account how many chambers the double-glazed window has, then find out the average weight. We multiply the height by the width and multiply by the mass of the glass unit. If there are more chambers in a double-glazed window, it is easy to calculate the mass by adding the already known weight; one glass – +10 kg.

The weight of a glass unit is more or less a fixed value. The main difference is the weight of the frame; you can calculate the average weight of the window, if you received it ready-made, using the given formula.

What does the weight of double-glazed windows affect?

PVC plastic windows have many advantages, manufacturers do not forget to constantly remind us about them. But they have “problems”; the list of shortcomings also consists of more than one item.

Let us choose only one of the shortcomings - the low performance of plastic profiles in terms of resistance to dynamic (variable) and static forces.

Not every double-glazed window can withstand a standard profile; for some, it is necessary to use special or reinforced models. Not only the plastic profile itself must be thick, but also the reinforcing metal elements mounted inside the profile cavity.

The use of a special profile increases the cost of the window, and this inevitably increases the selling price of the product.

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What depends on mass?

Most often, double-glazed windows are used, so the consumer will first of all be interested in knowing how much a plastic window with two glasses weighs. Most often, you can find out this parameter before purchasing: the manufacturer indicates the weight of the product. In some cases, the window unit can be inserted without fear, in some cases it is necessary to strengthen the wall. The latter is especially true for old houses.

The complexity of its maintenance also depends on the weight of the structure. The heavier the sash, the greater the risk of it sagging. This means that you will have to adjust the fittings more often. It is worth buying more powerful fittings and not saving on them, therefore, when choosing opening elements, you should also take into account how much a plastic window weighs.

If the weight of the window is large, you should not order a design with an excessively long sash. It's better to make two lighter ones.

Do you want to change windows? Use the cost calculator on our website to roughly determine the amount allocated for plastic windows. You can find out the standard sizes of PVC windows for panel houses at the link

And also in our material on the website there is information about standard sizes of wooden windows

Why do you need to know the weight of a window?

Clients are often concerned with the question: “What does a double-glazed window consist of and how much does it weigh?” Typically, the plant that manufactured the product does not hide this data and honestly names the weight of the structure.

Why people are interested in this characteristic:

  1. The weight of the structure matters when it is necessary to strengthen the walls and floors in a living space. For example, when performing installation in an old house.
  2. The weight of the window can cause problems in the future. If the sashes are too heavy, they will sag. This will cause the window to quickly become deformed.
  3. If the weight is large, it will be much more difficult to install the window yourself. This is important for people who want to install a window without the help of a specialist. If you come across a lightweight structure, you will be able to complete the installation faster.

Important! It is not recommended to order a sash that is too high and wide. The correct solution would be to divide it into parts.

How to find out the weight of a single-chamber double-glazed window

Very simple. Let's say the glass unit formula is 4–16–4 (the most common option). Dimensions 1.8 m in length and 1.4 m in width. The calculation will need to be performed as follows: 2 × 1.8 × 1.4 × 3 × 2.5 = 37.8 kg.

  • 2 – number of glasses in the package
  • 1.8 – package height
  • 1.4 – package width
  • 3 – thickness of each glass
  • 2.5 – specific gravity of one square meter of glass (thickness 1 mm)

To find out the weight of 1 square meter of double-glazed glass, you need to divide its total weight by the area.

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