Loggia 6 meters: examples of repairs, layout. 125 photos of a loggia with an original design!

Loggia design 6 meters: ideas and tips

In order to answer the question: how to arrange a loggia, you need to decide what exactly is missing in your apartment.

Extra room space

If the room adjacent to the loggia is too small, then expanding it to include the area of ​​the balcony is a very good option. On the loggia you can place a dining table, a play or study corner, etc.

However, one should take into account the fact that according to existing legislation, it is impossible to transfer so-called “wet zones” to balconies and loggias, that is, to place plumbing and water supply elements.


A 6-meter balcony is most often glazed with three frames. A connecting profile is mounted at the joint and the seam is sealed. The glazing of a 6-meter loggia can be cold, warm, aluminum or reinforced plastic. For greater convenience, when finishing the balcony, built-in furniture, electrical sockets, switches, and wiring are installed. To prevent windows from leaking at the top, install a wide canopy.

Technical characteristics of Rehau Grazio

MaterialRAU-PVC cadmium-free, using lead or calcium-zinc stabilizers
Sealing system2-circuit, seal overlap 5/8 mm inside
System depth70 mm
Number of cameras5 cameras
Heat transfer resistance0.85 m2·ºС/W
Color solutionsWhite profiles
DurabilityAt least 60 conventional years of operation


Comparison of Rehau window profiles

Comparison of Rehau window profiles
Blitz NewThermoGrazioDelightDelight DecorBrilliantIntelio 80Geneo
Heat preservation
Noise reduction
Light transmission
Number of cameras345555/666
Profile thickness60 mm60 mm70 mm70 mm70/76 mm70/80 mm80 mm86 mm
Glazing thickness24/32 mm24/32 mm32/40 mm32/40 mm32 mm32/40 mm42/50 mm40/50 mm
Price from 3200 RUR/m2 from 3500 RUR/m2 from 3950 RUR/m2 from 4100 RUR/m2 from 4500 RUR/m2from 5200 RUR/m2 from 4850 RUR/m2 from 7900 RUR/m2

Stages of finishing a loggia

The finishing of the loggia by our company’s specialists is carried out in accordance with the type of profile that was chosen. It includes the following steps:

  • sealing - careful sealing of seams and existing cracks with special compounds that prevent air and water flows from entering the room;
  • thermal insulation using special materials;
  • waterproofing;
  • protective finishing of the external part of the balcony;
  • glazing with selected profile types;
  • installation of “warm floor”;
  • finishing of floors, ceilings and walls.

Interior decoration

After installation, you can begin interior work. As an option, contact specialists - they will design a 6-meter loggia. Although it is better to do this yourself.

For the top, the optimal solution would be a fabric stretch ceiling, which is not afraid of temperature changes, can be quickly installed - the color range and the ability to apply 3D images will pleasantly surprise you.

Moisture-resistant, durable material is also durable and environmentally friendly. You can lay any type of covering on the floor, having first leveled the surface.

When choosing materials, make sure that neighbors above do not glaze the openings, because moisture may enter and the top slab may become damp.

To prevent mold from forming, treat it with a solution with antifungal properties. Considering that you already have walls, all that remains is to cover them.

In what style can you decorate the room?

The final touch in planning the arrangement of a 6 square meter loggia is choosing the style in which you will decorate it.


Provence involves the use of light, natural materials in decoration. The ceiling is whitewashed and the walls are covered with wood panels. You can cover them with decorative plaster. The furniture is wicker or wooden. Chairs with forged elements are also suitable. There are pastel linen curtains on the windows. On the windowsills there are pots of flowers or cute souvenirs.

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Country (boho)

There is also wooden furniture here, but it is more massive and simpler in shape. Natural tones predominate: olive, sand, brown. For decorations, handmade crafts are suitable. Subtle colors of curtains and capes on chairs, rugs on the floor are also the main features of country music.

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How to arrange a 6 square meter loggia in this style? Use white, turquoise, sand shades. You can lay wood or tiles on the floor. Simple, maybe wicker furniture. Or a hammock or a sun lounger instead of chairs. Soft lighting, large flowers in pots on the floor. A citrus tree will look beautiful.

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This interior is dominated by simple lines, an abundance of light and empty space, and the absence of strict boundaries. Modern style may include elements of a different design. The decoration uses ordinary decorative panels, the floor is covered with linoleum, the ceiling is whitewashed. Upholstered furniture, frameless or plastic, in any color scheme.

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Wall decoration should be done mainly in dark ash, beige, brick tones with bright splashes. Furniture and accessories - made of glass, wood, plastic, imitation brick and metal. Since the shades are muted, you will need good lighting, not only overhead, but also side and table lighting.

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Finishing and insulation of a 6 meter balcony

In parallel with protection from external adverse factors, an important task in arranging a loggia is considered to be the creation of an energy-efficient zone that will reduce heat loss to low levels.

The highest level of practicality is shown by the following finishing materials:

  1. Styrofoam. This is a material that is lightweight and low in price, as well as a good level of thermal conductivity. The sheets are extremely easy to install, and they allow you to effectively maintain the temperature on the balcony.
  2. Penoplex. This is foamed polystyrene, which retains heat well and is characterized by high water-repellent properties. Despite its high strength and elasticity, it is lightweight and at the same time resistant to temperature changes.
  3. Polyurethane foam. It is considered one of the best materials in terms of performance properties. It is non-toxic and lightweight, as well as non-flammable material with high heat retention properties.
  4. Basalt or mineral wool. Such materials are light in weight and easy to install, while at the same time they have high thermal conductivity. However, they have certain disadvantages - a short service life, as well as high hygroscopicity.
  5. Penofol. Not the most effective option, but it is quite suitable as an additional material to the main material.

Warm floor

In order to create the most comfortable microclimate on the loggia, to carry out redevelopment, it is important to maintain the appropriate temperature regime in such a room. Moving central heating pipes is most often prohibited, so it is better to install a “warm floor” on the balcony and combine its installation with high-quality types of insulation materials.

Floor installation involves a multi-stage scheme with leveling, heat and waterproofing. All these steps are mandatory for the “warm floor” to be sufficiently effective. After this, finishing materials are installed - laminate, linoleum or tiles.

Interior decoration

The logical conclusion of the work is cosmetic finishing inside the loggia. The interior can be strictly thought out or involve the implementation of standard design schemes. Most often, plastic or wooden lining or plasterboard slabs are chosen for balconies, which are subsequently painted or covered with wallpaper.

Connecting with a room

Often the design of loggias allows them to be combined with the main living rooms. This solution will significantly expand the usable area of ​​the house and bring original design ideas to life, as well as create the most comfortable area for relaxation and work.

It is important to remember that combining with a room will bring a lot of additional worries, and will also impose certain restrictions on the demolition of the partition and the transfer of heating systems. Also, for such structures, it is important to install exclusively energy-saving double-glazed windows and a heated floor system.

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