Windows in an apartment sweat from the inside, what to do: folk remedies, step-by-step installation of a window valve

Window glass exhibits high sensitivity to indoor air humidity. When the outside temperature drops, they often become covered with fine mist or droplets of water. This is a rather dangerous effect, since moisture has a negative effect on most materials, contributes to the destruction of building structures and corrosion of metal parts.

When water freezes, it expands, enlarging any cracks and crevices where it has managed to penetrate. What to do if, when cold weather sets in, the windows in your apartment sweat heavily from the inside, what should you do to eliminate the causes of this phenomenon? Let's consider possible solutions to the problem.

Why is window fogging dangerous?

Attention! The danger of moisture settling on the surface of windows is the rapid destruction of all materials with which it comes into contact. This includes failure of the rubber seals between the glass unit and the plastic frame, and corrosion of metal fittings.

Foggy windows
In winter, moisture freezes, expanding and widening the gaps , forming cracks into which cold air penetrates . These areas become hot spots for ice formation , which increases the destruction of the window block. In the warm season, mold and fungus appear on wet surfaces, which negatively affects people's health.

Fungus and mold on windows

Assessing the state of the indoor microclimate

Microclimate assessment can be both subjective and objective. To correctly determine the cause of fogging of glass in windows, it is necessary to make an objective analysis of the state of the air in the room, that is, using instruments and standard measurement techniques. Subjective sensations are often deceptive - some are comfortable at +16 0C, while others freeze at +20 0C. Therefore, let’s arm ourselves with the necessary tools - a thermometer and a hygrometer.

First you need to measure the air temperature in the room. This is done in the center of the room at a height of more than 1 m from the floor, approximately in the middle of an imaginary vertical line drawn from the ceiling to the floor. The readings should be in the range of +18 – +22 0С. Many guides recommend starting from +20 0C, but the temperature in the house is a very individual thing, many people feel quite uncomfortable at this temperature, so deviations are quite acceptable.

Relative humidity is measured at the same point as temperature using a special device - a hygrometer. Now there are electronic hygrometers on sale that are completely inexpensive, but show the level of humidity with fairly high accuracy. Even some smartphones are equipped with programs for this type of measurement, but practice shows that there is no hope for the accuracy of the readings in this case.

The table above shows at what combinations of temperature and humidity dew will appear on the glass. For example, the temperature in your room is the classic + 20, and the humidity is 60% (which is much higher than normal).

In this case, dew will appear on the window when the glass unit cools to +12 0C. This can happen even with relatively mild frosts of about -10 – -12 degrees.

At a humidity of 40% and the same temperature, the dew point drops to + 6 0C. Such cooling of glass in a double-glazed window requires about -18 0C or more. The fairly high thermal conductivity of glass determines its heating from the side of the house, but it is also cooled quite intensively from the side of the street. But, given the fact that the bag is sealed and the absorbent is filled inside it, it basically cannot fog up inside the double-glazed window, unless there is a defect during assembly.

Fogging of the glass from the side of the room is possible if single-chamber double-glazed windows up to 8 mm thick are used and the humidity in the house is above 45%. Humidity in the cold season is considered optimal in the range of 30 - 45%. If it is below 30%, then the air is too dry and can irritate the mucous membrane; if it is higher, it threatens not only with fogging of the glass, but also with the active development of pathogenic microflora and the threat of mold in the corners and lines where the walls meet the floor and ceiling.

Why do windows sweat?

Windows sweat for the only reason - condensation occurs of water vapor located in the internal atmosphere of the room. The air in residential buildings or apartments is oversaturated with moisture, which is released when people breathe, cook, use hot water, etc. Any cold surface can become a place for condensation to settle, and the temperature of this surface does not have to be too low. There is a certain relationship between the level of humidity, air temperature and the formation of condensation, which has been examined in detail by physicists. Let's turn to science.

Dew point

In physics, the concept used is the dew point. In simplified terms, this is the temperature at which water begins to change from a gaseous state to a liquid state. The difficulty is that the dew point changes according to the temperature and humidity of the air, increasing proportionally as these indicators increase. This means that under different conditions, condensation will either settle or not. Consider a table showing the relationship between microclimate parameters and dew point value:

Table 1. Dew point value for different temperature and humidity indicators.

Dew point values

Dew point is not just a physical quantity or an abstract concept. It determines the indoor microclimate . For humans, the most comfortable value is the range of 10-12°. If the value drops below 10°, many people begin to feel unpleasantly dry air , and higher values ​​( more than 18° ) cause discomfort. If the dew point is above 26° , this is extremely unpleasant for all people, and asthmatics can die in such conditions.

Dependence of the appearance of condensation on the glass surface temperature

The higher the humidity and temperature in the room, the greater the likelihood of windows fogging up. The surface of the glass is always colder than the air in the room, since it is located on the border of two temperature regimes and partially releases thermal energy to the outside. If the glass temperature is equal to or below the dew point, the formation of condensation on the surface will begin immediately. This is the physical essence of the condensate sedimentation process, understanding which allows us to take effective actions to eliminate all undesirable phenomena or consequences.

Where does high humidity come from in the air?

Air humidity in a living room is a constantly changing . There are many reasons for the appearance of steam:

  • The most intense influx of moisture is a consequence of the breathing of people or animals . The steam that is visible when breathing in the cold is released in the same way during each exhalation, only it is not noticeable. The more people there are, the more moisture they release into the atmosphere of the room. This is a constant and invisible process that stops only after all people have left the room.

Moisture released by breathing

  • The second reason steam appears is cooking . Any option - from an ordinary teapot to a complex dish - releases a considerable amount of moisture into the atmosphere of the kitchen and the entire apartment (house). For a large family whose needs are quite large, large amounts of food must be prepared several times a day, which adds large amounts of water vapor to the air.

Steam from the kettle

  • The presence of indoor plants also contributes to the constant release of steam. The more flowers there are in the room, the larger their leaves, the more abundant the watering and the more active the release of excess moisture into the air. It is noteworthy that the life activity of plants is periodic, so the release of moisture will increase at certain times of the day.

Plants release moisture

  • Another source of increasing air humidity is the use of plumbing fixtures . Taking a bath, showering, using washbasins, toilets, etc. Washing dishes and other kitchen procedures that involve the use of water also contribute to the release of steam into the air.

Steam from running water from a tap

  • Finally, there are household procedures - washing, ironing, steaming and other household chores that involve the use of hot water and the release of significant volumes of water vapor into the air.

Washing machine with steam function

Attention! There is another factor that contributes to increased indoor humidity. This is insulation from the inside , cutting off the ability for water vapor to be absorbed into the wall material and removed outside. In such conditions, there is a sharp rise in the level of water vapor in the air , which requires taking the necessary measures.

Sources of high humidity may be present in full or in part, depending on the lifestyle and habits of the inhabitants of the house. However, the most intense supply of steam from people's breath does not stop as long as there is at least someone in the room. Visually, there are no signs of an increase in humidity, but in fact it is present and has every opportunity to settle on cooled surfaces if favorable conditions arise.

Note! Steam is partially absorbed into walls made of concrete or brick, and other objects that can absorb moisture. However, most of the steam is free in the air and is a source of condensation.

Video - Do-it-yourself heat and sound insulation of plastic windows

How to fix the problem

Once the problem of the weeping window has been identified, it is necessary to move on to the stage of solving it. Since the window sweats either due to high humidity in the room or due to low temperature in the area of ​​the window, you need to start by eliminating these problems.

  1. Increase the air temperature near the problematic window. Those who have an autonomous heating system need to tune the boiler and adjust the batteries under the problem area. If the apartment has central heating, it is necessary to: clean the radiators, add several sections of batteries, install a heat fan.
  2. Reduced humidity. You can reduce the humidity in the room by regularly airing it. Cold air dries out the humidity in the apartment. It is enough to ventilate the room for 15 minutes to reduce the humidity by 15-20%. It is recommended to move all indoor plants from the windowsill, as they produce moisture, which settles in the form of condensation.

How to get rid of condensation

Completely eliminating the cause of condensation—high air humidity— is difficult and not always possible. However, there are ways to combat this phenomenon and often give positive results. The most effective methods include physical options for influencing the microclimate of the room. Chemical solutions are often used , but they can only be beneficial under certain conditions, which are not always available. Let's look at the most common and most effective ways to get rid of fogged windows.

Room ventilation

Ventilation is one of the most effective methods of normalizing excess indoor air humidity. Normal air exchange allows air supersaturated with water vapor to be removed, replacing it with a drier supply air flow from outside. There are different types of ventilation:

  • Natural.
  • Forced (mechanical).
  • Combined.

House ventilation diagram

The most effective and stable option for organizing air exchange is unanimously recognized as a forced ventilation system . There are different types of compulsory complexes:

  • Supply . Provides the required amount of fresh air into the room. Exhaust air is removed through leaks in the enclosing structures - window or door openings and other openings.
  • Exhaust . The calculated amount of air is removed. The missing volume is replenished through leaks in fences or openings.
  • Supply and exhaust . Both methods of ventilation are used simultaneously.

To ensure maximum efficiency of the process, it is necessary to install a supply and exhaust ventilation unit, the performance of which corresponds to the size and purpose of the room.

Prices for supply valves

Supply valve

Example of a forced ventilation system

It is necessary to calculate the air exchange taking into account the existing conditions:

  • Number of people.
  • Volumes of released harmful substances.
  • Air exchange rate.

For residential buildings or apartments, it is customary to use a simplified calculation method - by multiple. This is an indicator that determines how many times within an hour the entire volume of air will be completely replaced with fresh air. For such a calculation, no special data is required; it is enough to calculate the volume and multiply it by the multiplicity value. The resulting value will show the required performance of the ventilation unit.

In addition to productivity, the need to heat the supply flow, as well as the removal of dust and small organic particles, should be taken into account. There are complex ventilation units on sale that provide all the necessary preparatory actions and supply a stream of fresh air purified and heated to the required level into the premises.

Combined action air handling unit

Such installations are expensive , but they solve the problem of ventilation of a private house or apartment fully and efficiently .

Sometimes you can get by with less complex and expensive devices. Dehumidifiers are used to remove water vapor from the interior atmosphere of the home. A popular and widespread design is a centrifugal dryer, which is a cylinder in which a shaft with blades rotates.

Air Dryer

Prices for the range of dehumidifiers

Air Dryer

Under the influence of centrifugal force, steam particles settle on the inside of the housing walls, flow down and fall into a special moisture receptacle. From there, the water is periodically drained into the sewer. The device is simple , relatively inexpensive and can finally solve the problem of excess moisture.

Mistakes when dealing with condensation

Use of window valves

Natural ventilation in apartments, which, according to construction engineers, should ensure normal air exchange in apartments, no longer works . This was due to the use of plastic windows and sealed doors. Ventilation ducts located in kitchens, bathrooms and toilets cannot work because there is no natural air flow through cracks in window frames or doorways. The lack of natural ventilation stimulates an increase in humidity , which is reflected in the occurrence of condensation on the windows.

Window valves are used to create natural inflow . They are installed in the top crossbar of plastic frames and create a limited supply of fresh air into the room.

Window valve

A pressure difference arises, which is necessary for the operation of the ventilation ducts, which contributes to the occurrence of calculated air exchange and a decrease in air humidity. Window valves are simple , inexpensive , and most plastic windows are supplied with them directly from the factory. The disadvantage is the entry of unprepared air flow, which reduces the room temperature . In cold weather, a layer of ice forms around the valves, which can completely block the holes and stop the flow of air inside.

To solve this problem, advanced and complex wall-mounted designs have been developed. To do this, a hole is made in the wall into which the receiving tube of the wall valve .

Ventilation valves

Some structures are placed above heating radiators, which allows you to cut off moist air from the wall and at the same time warm up the supply flow. Expensive and complex models of wall valves are manufactured with expanded functionality and are capable of cleaning and heating incoming air.

Window valve prices

Window valve

Eliminating fogging

There are several basic methods to help avoid fogging. Most of them don't even require any special skills or equipment.

Ventilate the room more often

Air humidity can increase due to various reasons: cleaning, cooking, drying clothes, and even due to human breathing. If the ventilation in the room is adequate, then problems with condensation can be avoided by periodically ventilating the room. However, if this has to be done more and more often, then it’s time to check the ventilation ducts and, if necessary, clean them or equip them with fans.

Install the correct double glazed windows

When choosing a double-glazed window, you should pay attention to what climate zone it is designed for. Remember: the wrong choice will result in significantly reduced efficiency

When selecting, take into account the temperature and humidity in the room and the climate. For example, for central Russia, double-glazed windows will be sufficient for frosts of -20 degrees, since more severe cold weather is rare here.

When choosing a double-glazed window, it is necessary to take into account the climate

Improve air circulation

In an attempt to avoid drafts, owners of wooden windows try to caulk and seal all sorts of cracks. Unfortunately, because of this, the air exchange between the house and the street worsens: a barrier stands in the way of drier street air, circulation drops, and all the moisture accumulates in the apartment. As a result, we get not only foggy windows, but also swollen frames, which will be very difficult to open.

You should remove polyurethane foam from such a “sealed” window, starting from the top

It is important to carefully notice changes, if any. If condensation remains, you should continue to remove the seal.

Organize proper heating

There are several key points here. First of all, heating devices should be placed directly under the windows. One of the causes of dew is incorrect installation of radiators or their poor performance. Radiators should be moved under the window - this will simultaneously improve air circulation and help heat the room. Otherwise, there will be stagnation of cold air, and the windows will constantly “cry”. Moreover, in most cases, wooden frames cannot be completely dried unless there is a heat source underneath.

A properly installed radiator improves air circulation in the room

During periods of falling room temperature due to heating problems, many people use gas stoves as an additional source of heat. Unfortunately, this option is far from the best, and simply unsafe. During operation, a gas stove pulls oxygen from the air, instead releasing huge amounts of water vapor and carbon dioxide. These combustion products gradually fill the apartment and, of course, raise the overall temperature, but in return they leave fogged windows, and in especially serious cases can negatively affect the owner’s health.

Eliminate other possible factors

Other factors that can cause dew to form on windows include:

Ventilation valves on windows. Special ventilation valves, which some manufacturers install in the upper part of the window, can significantly reduce the likelihood of fogging. The outside air flowing through them will help maintain convection near the inner glass. If absolutely necessary, you can make them yourself.

It is quite possible to install the ventilation valve yourself.

Window sill width. As already mentioned, radiators should be located under the windows, but an excessively wide window sill can negate all their effectiveness. Its width should be such that rising warm air can easily heat the window glass, taking away excess moisture.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a window valve

If the window frame is not equipped with a supply valve, you can install it yourself . To do this you will need (depending on the valve design):

  • Electric drill and drills 5-10 mm .
  • Jigsaw.
  • File.
  • Shoe knife.
  • Sealant.
  • The valve itself.

In addition, you will need a template for marking the frame crossbar .


Step 1. Prepare the necessary tools, as well as components for the valve itself.

Simple valve assembly

Step 2. Attaching the template to the crossbar, draw the outline of the hole for the supply valve.

We define the contour according to the template, in the center of the window

Step 3. Make through holes along the contour, which, using a jigsaw, are connected into a solid rectangular cutout.

Cut a through hole, strictly according to the template

Step 4. Use a file to straighten the edges of the hole.

If the jigsaw file is sharp, the edges will already be quite clean

Step 5: Install the valve mounting strip. It is attached with self-tapping screws to the overlap (quarter) of the window crossbar from the inside.

Installing the valve strip

Step 6. From the outside, install the outer part of the valve, equipped with a visor. Fastening with self-tapping screws and sealant.

The external visor is installed as sound insulation

Step 7. Secure and adjust the inside of the valve.

We complete the valve installation

You should work carefully and without haste, carefully monitoring the condition of the glass unit.

A set of measures that must be performed at the stage of ordering a window

Often the answer to the question of why plastic windows in a house sweat should be sought at the stage of ordering windows, their production and installation. Although up to 90% of success in the fight against window fogging depends on eliminating the above factors (high humidity and low temperature in the house), the disadvantages of metal-plastic structures themselves should not be overlooked.

Correct selection of double-glazed windows

For example, insufficient thickness of a double-glazed window or its lack of tightness will lead to the appearance of dew on the glass much more often than even an increase in the level of relative humidity in the room. And low-quality profiles in frames or sashes are even more dangerous. Therefore, when choosing windows, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of all components of the window and their compliance with the climatic zone.

When installing windows in central Russia, where the temperature does not stay below - 20 0C for a long time, a single-chamber package with a spacer frame width of more than 8 mm with 4 mm glass is quite sufficient.

If you have the financial opportunity to buy a package with “i” or “K” glass, then you can be doubly calm that dew will not appear on the inner glass. In more northern latitudes, a double-glazed window filled with inert gas will be required. Even at -30 0C it will not fog up even with very high humidity in the room.

The fact is actively advertised that when using krypton, xenon or argon, the thermal conductivity of a double-glazed window drops by almost an order of magnitude. This is nothing more than a trick by the manufacturers. Yes, indeed, the fact of the presence of inert gas instead of air reduces thermal conductivity, but only by a few percent when using conventional glass and up to 10% when using energy-saving glass.

Often the cost of bags filled with inert gases is unjustifiably inflated. If regular float glass is installed, then it is better to buy air-filled double-glazed windows.

The invisible role of the window sill

Many buyers of metal-plastic windows are tempted to choose the widest window sill so that flower pots, various decorative figures and souvenirs, vases or stereo speakers can fit on it. This may be convenient in terms of practicality and expansion of living space, but it is completely unjustified in terms of heating engineering.

Of course, if the wall is wide enough, more than 40 cm, then with a window installation width of 10 cm and slopes of 15 cm, there is nothing stopping you from choosing a window sill 20 centimeters wide. In this case, it will not protrude beyond the outer plane of the radiator and will not create a serious obstacle to warm air.

The movement of air will not change much even in the case when the plumb line of the window sill and the plane of the radiator coincide, but if the horizontal plane overlaps the vertical by more than 2.5 cm, the heat exchange will be disrupted, and more heat will go into the wall without heating the inner glass package. The threat of fogging in this case increases significantly.

It is better to choose a narrower window sill, sacrificing extra square decimeters of space, but receiving comfort and warmth in return. And pots with plants can be placed on a forged stand or cabinet placed nearby.

Simple ways to solve the problem

If radical methods of dealing with condensation are not available, or the size of the disaster is not so great, less complex and costly methods can be used. There are many of them, let’s look at the most common and accessible ones:

  • Lighted candles placed on a windowsill can not only decorate a room, but also normalize air circulation in the room and prevent glass from fogging up.

Candles on the windowsill normalize air circulation

  • If you wipe the glass with a solution of chalk or tooth powder in water , the formation of condensation may stop.

Chalk solution in water

  • Another option is a solution of alcohol in water , which is used to wipe glass. It is believed that the formation of condensation on their surface will stop.
  • Dissolve a tablespoon of table salt in 4 liters of water . Filter the solution and wash the glass.
  • Wipe the windows until they shine with crumpled newspaper . Printing ink has water-repellent properties that reduce the deposition of moisture on the surface of the glass.

In addition, you need to cover the aquarium , repair leaking taps and eliminate other sources of moisture . The listed methods are folk remedies for getting rid of window fogging. Their effectiveness is often exaggerated; it is inappropriate to use such techniques in complex cases. If positive results cannot be achieved, you can turn to chemicals purchased at a household chemicals store or at a car dealership.

They are available in the form of aerosols or liquid products, sprayed onto the surface of the glass and wiped with a soft cloth. The choice is large, you can try some types and determine a successful and effective remedy. Chemicals have a negative effect on the skin, so you should use protective equipment - rubber gloves, goggles, etc.

An example of a special chemical facilities

Possible difficulties and errors

When dealing with condensation on plastic windows, it may be difficult to restore good ventilation. If the reason lies in clogged ventilation ducts, then you will not be able to solve the problem yourself. It is necessary to contact the relevant organizations, which sometimes takes a lot of time.

The main mistake will be that window owners think about poor-quality installation only after condensation begins to appear. It is necessary to monitor the progress of each stage during the installation stage.

Another mistake is to close all the cracks so that it doesn’t blow . On the contrary, when dealing with condensation, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room.

If a problem such as blowing occurs, you should find the source of heat loss as soon as possible and eliminate it. To do this, we suggest you find out what to do if:

  • blows from the slopes;
  • from under the windowsill;
  • from the hinge side;
  • from under the bead;
  • or seal.

You will find all these articles on our website.

What to do if the glass inside the double glazing unit sweats

The appearance of condensation on the internal surfaces indicates a violation of the seal and the penetration of moist air between the glasses. An effective solution to the problem is to replace the double-glazed window , but you can try to seal it. To do this, remove the plastic beads, find the place where the sealant is missing or there is a hole, and apply an additional layer. It is recommended to pour silica gel granules into the perforated tube, but this is only possible if the glass unit is completely disassembled.

Video - How to fix a condensation leak on a window

If the window is still under warranty , you need to contact the company that manufactured this window unit and demand that the double-glazed window be replaced with a new, sealed one. No other options have been invented yet; there is no way to dry the air between the windows. It is noteworthy that such problems more often arise on single-chamber double-glazed windows ; double-chamber structures almost never sweat.

Window fogged up from inside

Causes of dew formation

The fact is that the very question of why wooden windows sweat is posed erroneously. Since both wood and plastic frames never sweat, at least no one has seen this yet. The frame material has nothing to do with it at all. Under certain conditions, any, for example, Finnish precious wooden window will fog up in the same way.

The formation of condensation on glass is influenced jointly or separately by three factors: cool air outside, high humidity and a double-glazed window with poor thermal insulation.

In winter and autumn, we, together with shoes and clothes, bring a lot of water and snow into the house, which saturate the air and the windows begin to “cry”. With all this, the wooden structure of the window absorbs the flowing condensate, swells and actually stops opening normally.

An increase in the humidity of the indoor atmosphere due to washing and drying clothes and working in the kitchen leads to the immediate appearance of dew on the cooler surfaces in the room, which are usually window glass.


Why do wooden windows “cry” in winter?

To questions from readers of the magazines “Ideas for Your Home”, “New House”, “Apartment Answer”, “100 Answers from Professionals.

The presence of countless indoor plants on the windowsills and thick curtains on the windows are other reasons for the windows to fog up.

Why don’t old wooden windows often “cry”? Due to its own structure and condition:

  • Old wooden frames have many intensively ventilated cracks. If you painstakingly caulk such a window in the fight against them, it will fog up in the same way, as the temperature difference will increase and air circulation will worsen.
  • In addition, the old windows have two frames, separated by an impressive space that acts as a buffer. If you bring the frames closer together or completely abandon one, the thermal insulation will decrease. It turns out that only double wooden windows do not get wet.

Useful tips

Convectors installed in the window sill show good results An upward flow of warm air heats the surface of the glass and prevents the formation of condensation. The only drawback of this method is its dependence on the duration of the heating season.

Note! Alternatively, a possible problem may be incorrectly “configured” windows. For more details, read our article - How to adjust plastic windows.

ventilation will help remove excessively humid air from the room . If this procedure is performed at least twice a day, the amount of condensation on the windows will noticeably decrease.

In conclusion, it must be recalled that the fight against a physical phenomenon will be successful only if its causes are eliminated . Other measures can only mitigate the consequences; they do not provide a full solution to the problem. The only way to get rid of condensation on windows is to normalize the microclimate in the apartment and organize normal air exchange . This will relieve all worries and stop the appearance of moisture on window glass forever.

The main causes of foggy windows and recommendations for their removal

Single glass block

When purchasing a window, do not store it on a double glazed unit. With single pane glass and double pane glass (not energy efficient), you will most likely experience a phenomenon called "fog window".

What to do: Replace the window with double glazing (not a window, a double glazed window).

Charged battery

The window should be blown out with warm air.

The radiator covered by the threshold does not allow the hot air to circulate properly and thus does not heat the window.

What to do: reduce the depth of the window shelf or remove the battery, and sometimes prepare an alternative source of heating the glass.

Poor ventilation in the room

The ventilation grilles are clogged with dust and are poorly drawn into the damp air so that they remain in the room.

What to do: Clean or replace the grilles, if not in them, make sure that ventilation is good and that moisture is usually removed from the room.

Flowers on a window shelf

Completely exhaust moisture. It forms on a double glazed window, forming a form of condensation on the glass.

What to do: Remove flowers from windows.

Not supported for windows in winter mode

Windows set to summer mode have less insulation than winter mode, making the inside of the glass cooler.

What to do: Switch the windows to winter or summer mode.

The room is ventilated for less than 10 minutes per day

No matter what kind of windows you have, they need to be opened and ventilated.

Microventilation mode is ideal for this.

What to do: ventilate the room for 10-15 minutes a day.

Errors during installation

However, it is rare that the window installation company did not select the windows or install the lines correctly.

The result is blowing, which causes the temperature of double glazed windows to drop, making the window sweaty.

What to do: To remove the source of cold air.

Very often there are sweaty windows that are located in the kitchen. The kitchen tends to have the highest humidity. The causes of this dampness are multi-purpose, from gas boilers to pots and washbasins.

Traditional methods of air dehydration

You can extract moisture from the air using various hygroscopic materials. One such remedy can be regular table salt. It is better to place it between the frames in dishes made of inert material - earthenware, glassware. If you sprinkle salt on the board, it can eat away at the paint. From time to time the salt needs to be changed to dry salt.

Charcoal and silica gel are also good moisture absorbers. But all this will be useless if you do not replace the damp material with dry one.

To prevent moisture from the room from getting inside the frame, it must be glued with insulating materials. Several types of window insulation tapes are sold in stores. If, after insulating the frame, the glass inside the bag remains fogged up, you need to open the outer window slightly and close the inner one. A small gap will be enough. By ventilation and equalizing the temperature with the outside air, condensation will stop and the glass will clean.

Anti-fog for cars

Automotive chemicals can be very useful around the house. Anti-foggers for windshields are as effective as folk remedies. They also last longer: on the outside of windows - 1-3 months, on the inside - until the next wash. In addition, they prevent icing, are easier to apply and have a long shelf life (from 2 to 5 years).

Names and cost of funds:

  • VERYLUBE – 150 rub. (320 ml);
  • Sonax – 300 rub. (300 ml);
  • CarPlan – 300 rub. (250 ml);
  • Sintec – 110 rub. (210 ml);
  • ABRO – 200 rub. (103 ml);
  • Eltrans – 110 rub. (210 ml).The method of application is the same as for folk remedies: you need to apply the composition to the glass and after some time rub the surface with a flannel cloth.

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