Preparing the apartment for installation of plastic windows

To prevent window replacement from turning into a nightmare, appropriate preparation of the apartment is necessary, which will minimize stress, not cause harm to health and property, and not spoil relations with neighbors. The OKNA MEDIA portal has prepared a list of key points that potential owners of new plastic windows should take note of.

If you decide to replace windows in your house/apartment, you will certainly have to deal with the work of dismantling old window units. At first glance it may seem that there is nothing complicated in dismantling, so to speak, breaking is not building. There is some truth in this, however, the quality of the connection between the window frame and the wall structure, as well as the comfort of the inhabitants of the house during the installation process and after its completion, depends on how correctly the window opening and the room itself are prepared for installing a new plastic window.

The process of dismantling windows is dusty and noisy.

Window dismantling must be accompanied by appropriate preparation of the room, as this process is dusty and noisy. Dismantling the old window unit begins with removing the sashes using a mounting crowbar. Then the old ebb and window sill are removed, which often requires a hammer drill, which is an inexhaustible source of dust and construction debris. Next, again using a hammer drill, you need to clean the junction of the internal slope with the frame.

To remove the frame itself from the opening, you need to use a hacksaw to cut the bottom crossbar of the structure and break off the freed parts using a mounting crowbar. The top crossbar is removed with extreme caution, as there is a risk of the top slope (lintel) collapsing. After removing the frame from the opening, it is necessary to eliminate the old sealing material, and also clean the surface of the base with a hammer drill or spatula, knocking down all the irregularities, protrusions and sagging. Sand, mortar particles and other debris that have accumulated on the sill of the window opening should be thoroughly swept out with a brush.

After dismantling the old window unit, it is necessary to remove the resulting debris and only after that the installation of a new plastic window begins. As you can see, the dismantling process is quite dusty and dirty, but if you prepare for it in advance, you can really minimize the stress associated with replacing windows. Below is a list of key points that potential buyers of new PVC windows should take note of.

Removing the old window

In order to ensure high-quality installation of modern plastic windows with double-glazed windows, it is necessary to carefully and accurately dismantle old wooden window structures. Therefore, it is important to pre-prepare the room for work. So, any foreign objects should be removed from the windowsill. In addition, curtains and any other foreign objects must be removed. For ease of dismantling work, it is necessary to ensure free access to the electrical network. It is also advisable to cover the floor with cloth or film. Thanks to this, the floor covering will be protected from construction dust.

Direct dismantling of old windows begins with removing the sashes. Then the window sill is removed. When dismantling, you should act so that the bottom of the opening of the window structure is not damaged. Next, the ebb tides are removed. Thanks to this, the old window can be completely removed from the opening. For this purpose, a mounting cutter or an ordinary hacksaw is used.

After this, the dismantling crew begins to remove the slopes. In this case, only plastic and plasterboard slopes are subject to removal. A screwdriver is used to dismantle these slopes.

Rice. 9. Main stages of dismantling work.

Provide free access to the window opening

For the normal process of dismantling an old window unit, as well as installing new plastic windows, installers require a free approach to the window opening. For a living space, it is advisable to move furnishings and household appliances away from the window, if possible, and cover them with a protective film. It is necessary to remove flowers, trinkets and personal items from the windowsill, that is, the window must be completely empty. Of course, you need to remove the curtains and curtains, which can also be used as material for covering furniture, if it is thick enough. After installing PVC windows, curtains can be easily washed off dust in the washing machine. One thing to take into account is that the new plastic window will need to be lifted up the stairs or by elevator. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the staircase passage is not blocked with any objects, and if there are any, then remove them in advance. Boxes for storing supplies and vegetables are often installed in entrances. Please ensure that the distance is sufficient so that the window frame can fit into the door without the risk of damaging it.


Are plastic windows harmful?

Environmental safety and the absence of harmful effects on human health are the most important issues when choosing window frames. If the choice fell on PVC windows, in other words - plastic windows, you can be sure that their use will not lead to undesirable consequences. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a product of complex chemical synthesis, which is based on natural raw materials - table salt (sodium chloride), oil and gas. And various modifiers, stabilizers, pigments and other additives are in a biologically passive (bound) state, are absolutely non-volatile substances and are not released into the environment during normal operation of plastic windows. PVC is chemically inert, durable and weather-resistant, which makes it indispensable in a wide variety of applications, including those with increased sanitary safety requirements. For example, the usual kefir and many other food products are produced in PVC containers; vessels for storing donor blood and blood plasma are also made from PVC. Plastic windows are recommended for installation in kindergartens, schools and medical institutions. The safety of PVC profiles “Trocal” “KBE”, “Proplex” and “Wintech”, which our company brings to your attention, is confirmed by international quality certificates from Germany and Russia.

Are plastic windows fireproof?

We hasten to reassure you - plastic is difficult to ignite and does not support combustion. Plastic windows have been tested under extreme conditions and have shown amazing results: they can withstand temperatures up to + 150C for 30 minutes, without forming bubbles, cracks or peeling. At + 800C, PVC windows can withstand 3 hours.

The ignition temperature of wooden windows from an external source is + 210-270C, while plastic windows ignite at a temperature of + 330-400C.

Our company has all the necessary fire safety certificates for each profile. They comply with international and Russian standards.

Will the apartment really become quieter after installing plastic windows?

To answer the question, we present the following data. On a busy highway the noise level is about 85 decibels. If you move 50 m away from this road, the noise level will drop to 75 decibels. When installing plastic windows, the noise will decrease by 25-35 decibels and reach a level of sound comfort that fluctuates around 40-45 decibels. For comparison, a similar level of noise is produced by a running computer. If you live next to a main street, a railway, or another source of increased noise, then we are ready to offer you to order double-glazed windows with different distances between the glasses and preferably with different glass thicknesses, which will significantly improve the noise insulation indicator.

Will the apartment really become warmer after installing plastic windows?

This is true. Modern plastic windows save heat twice as efficiently as old wooden ones. Here are the factors that ensure high thermal insulation properties of plastic windows:

  • multi-chamber PVC profiles reliably protect windows from freezing, each chamber becomes an obstacle to the cold;
  • the presence of sealing contours with wide contact areas on the frame and sash provide high protection against drafts and heat loss;
  • modern fittings provide reliable clamping;
  • the tightness of double-glazed windows, and the use of energy-saving double-glazed windows recommended by our company will reduce heat loss in the apartment and significantly reduce heating costs in private homes.

Why do windows sweat?

And so, in the question above, we talked about one of the advantages of PVC windows - their tightness, but having installed such windows in an apartment, residents continue to use them in the same way as old wooden windows. In the old wooden windows, a draft constantly blew through the cracks, providing the necessary flow of fresh air into the room. With plastic windows, drafts are excluded, but due to the absence of cracks in the frames, you are also deprived of natural ventilation of the room. In a room without ventilation, humidity increases from people in it, from flowers, cooking, or drying clothes. There is nowhere for moisture to go and it settles on the coldest surfaces in the room: on the glass. Regular ventilation will eliminate condensation. That is why we install a “micro-ventilation” function in all our windows, which allows moisture to be removed from the room even in cold, winter time. Depending on the air humidity, ventilation intervals should be longer or shorter.

Will there be a lot of dirt when replacing windows?

Installing plastic windows is one of the types of construction and installation work and, alas, it will not be possible to avoid dirt and dust when installing windows. Therefore, you should carefully approach the upcoming process and worry about protecting your living space: clear the window from curtains and drapes, protect furniture and household appliances from dust.

This is especially true for old brick and Stalinist houses - where large window openings are equipped with ancient insulation with centuries-old dust. In panel and block houses built in the second half of the 20th century, openings were arranged differently and in some cases there was much less dust. However, you should carefully approach the upcoming process of installing new plastic windows and worry about protecting your living space.

What to do with construction waste after installing windows?

Cleaning and removing garbage from the apartment to the landing is always a free service. Please note that taking construction waste into the yard and storing it there, without a special container for construction waste, is an illegal act, punishable by fines. If you do not have the opportunity to independently remove construction waste and dismantled wooden windows, then our company offers a paid service - loading the waste onto a vehicle and transporting it to a landfill.

Is it possible to install windows in winter?

Plastic windows can be installed at any time of the year. Installation can be done in winter if the air temperature is not lower than 18 degrees. At the same time, special “winter” materials are used to strengthen windows in window openings and to insulate them. We install PVC windows at any time of the year. Replacing PVC windows will cool the apartment no more than regular ventilation, since the window openings remain open for no more than 40 minutes.

What to do if the sash “falls out”?

Many, when faced with such a situation for the first time, perceive it as a serious window failure. But in fact, there is nothing terrible here and it is quite simple to transfer the mechanism to the correct state:

  1. holding the sash in the hanging position, pull the handle lock lever with your fingers to a vertical position - along the profile to unlock the handle;
  2. turn the handle up;
  3. With your second hand, firmly press the upper hinge corner of the sash to the frame;
  4. holding the sash in this position and the locking lever vertically, turn the handle to the horizontal position.

Now you can release the lock and close the sash as usual.

The glass of a plastic window broke, what should I do?

If the glass in your window breaks, it can no longer be repaired, you can only replace it. This is due to the fact that all the glass in a double-glazed unit is connected into one common system. Double-glazed windows are very easy to change, but to do this you need to call a service technician. After the double-glazed window is ready, it is brought to you and installed in place.

What causes cracks to form at the junction of the frame and window sill, frame and slopes?

Everyone knows that all materials change their linear dimensions under the influence of temperature. When heated they expand, and when cooled they contract. Due to the fact that all materials expand differently (that is, each has its own coefficient), cracks form at their junction. This is not a defect in installation or material, but just a time factor. This can be corrected by re-sealing the joints with liquid plastic.

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Protect floors and floor coverings

It is better to remove the carpet or other floor covering from the room or at least tuck it in to ensure clear passage to the window. If the room has expensive flooring that cannot be lifted, then you should cover it, since in addition to dirty marks from the feet of window installers, dents/scratches from the dismantled window or tools may remain on it. The floor surface can also be protected by covering it with fiberboard sheets.

Protect furniture and household appliances

Everything that can be removed from the room where the windows will be replaced should be removed, especially for household appliances that are very sensitive to dust. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to unplug household appliances from the sockets and carefully wrap them in dust-proof material. This, of course, will take some time, but it will protect you from scratches, accidental chips, as well as from clouds of dust, constant companions of repair work. If there is a strong wind outside on the day of window installation, it is worth securing the material with tape or twine on all the items that you have wrapped. It should be noted that on average, after dismantling, an apartment will remain without a window for at least an hour. In addition, directly during the process of dismantling the window, it is better to keep the door to the room closed so that dust cannot be blown throughout the house by a draft.

Clear the stairwells and landing on the floor for bringing in windows

It is necessary to understand that workers will bring windows into the apartment or house through the corridor and flights of stairs. All staircases in the entrance must be inspected so that nothing interferes with the workers. The space in the corridor must be free for access and also covered with a thick film. Pets should also be placed in other rooms so that they do not breathe dust. It is imperative to take into account the weather conditions under which the window is being replaced. During the installation process, the window opening will be without a window for an hour, maybe more, especially if it is a balcony. All the rain, dust blown by the wind, snow - everything will be on the floor, walls and furniture in the room. You may even need some tape to secure something more firmly in case of windy weather. The walls of the room also need to be covered with a good layer of film, after removing carpets, paintings, clocks, calendars, and so on. To remove construction waste, you need to immediately prepare bags. Most often, after completing the work, installers will clean up after themselves, especially large debris, but they will definitely not clean up the mess thoroughly.

Take care of children

While windows are being replaced, it is better to send small children to relatives, and older children to take a walk in the yard or spend time with friends or go to the movies. If children remain in the house, their every step should be monitored, since an open window opening often attracts children who do not understand the consequences of their curiosity.

Relieve stress from pets

If there are pets in the house, then this kind of repair work can become real stress for them due to the presence of strangers in the house. In addition, a large amount of dust and an unprotected window opening during window installation in cold weather can create not only discomfort for them, but also cause a cold. Therefore, it is better to move your beloved pets to a warm room or leave them with friends or relatives for a while.

Warn neighbors about window replacement

It is advisable that neighbors are aware of upcoming repair work. It is quite noisy; many have small children who may be frightened by the noise; slightly older children may be doing homework. In order not to anger your neighbors, it is better to notify them in advance. The process of installing plastic windows or glazing a balcony takes at least 3 hours. In some cases, this time may not be enough.

Therefore, you need to put up with temporary inconveniences in order to later enjoy the splendor of brand new plastic windows.

Provide for the removal of construction waste

Typically, representatives of a window company are responsible only for the dismantling and installation of window units, and for cleaning the area and removing construction waste, as a rule, responsibility falls on the customer. Therefore, it is advisable to stock up on 2-3 bags for construction waste. Please note that according to current Russian regulations, it is prohibited to throw undisassembled window blocks into a city landfill. This action is regarded as an unauthorized dump of solid waste, which naturally entails penalties.

However, today in the domestic market there is such a service as window removal, which will save you from unnecessary worries and unnecessary expenses. When ordering new plastic windows, you should ask the manufacturer whether the service package includes such a service.

Have patience

Turnkey installation of PVC windows usually takes 2 or more days, depending on the type of slope finishing. In accordance with the technological rules, the installation of a plastic window is carried out within 2 days: the first is the direct dismantling and installation of the window block, the second is the finishing of the slopes. If the plans include plastered slopes, then construction work may require a longer time. Accordingly, all residents of the apartment will have to be patient, since increased activity will be observed in your home for at least 2 days. However, compared to the service life of the window and the comfort that your family will receive in the end, this is an insignificant amount of time, which will fly by very quickly and unnoticed if you are properly prepared for the window replacement process. Remember, the better the apartment is prepared for window replacement, the more pleasant and easier it will be for a specialist to work. And an installer in a good mood will certainly do everything better and faster.

How not to turn window replacement into a “disaster”

January 15, 2016

The reasons why people put off deciding to replace old windows with new, more modern ones may be different. For some, this is due to financial problems or lack of time. And someone, perhaps, perceives such a step as an event that requires special effort. Such people, as a rule, wait until the “revolutionary situation” with windows in a separate apartment reaches its climax. Until then, they are ready to put up with drafts, incessant street noise, and broken fittings.

Most likely, this is how one of our customers perceived the need to replace windows. She came to our office with her fears. Moreover, she was satisfied with both the price and the option for future windows that could finally protect the apartment from cold air currents, from which the old windows no longer protected. When the customer came to us, it was already deep autumn, and she was still in a state of indecision.

What scared her? She explained it to us this way: “When I imagine the chaos that will begin in the apartment, I get scared. This is a disaster: furniture can be scratched, chandeliers can be broken. The floors will definitely be ruined, the wallpaper will be torn somewhere! And there will be so much dust and debris: you’ll have to break out the old windows! In addition, my granddaughter Tanya and her dog Zhulka now live while their parents are on a long business trip. What if they catch a cold? Or should we just endure this winter?”

Of course, you can be patient. But is it worth it? After all, our winters are long and also frosty, with winds and snowfalls. How will granddaughter Tanya and the same dog Zhulka feel in an apartment whose windows are not able to retain heat? And the hostess herself is unlikely to be pleased with such an atmosphere.

Yes, of course, some inconveniences associated with replacing windows are inevitable. But if we compare the duration of the process of replacing windows and the life expectancy of inoperative windows during winter and spring colds (we are not talking about the constancy of the noise effect due to the lack of tightness of old windows), then the conclusion suggests itself: the windows need to be replaced immediately! And if, in preparation for the immediate process of dismantling old windows and installing new ones, we follow a simple algorithm of actions, then the disaster that our customer so feared will simply not come to pass.

So, in our recommendations we will proceed from the fact that window replacement will take place in an apartment where people live. We'll walk you through the steps you need to take using one room as an example. If you plan to replace windows in other rooms, then these steps simply need to be repeated, since windows are installed in different rooms on different days.

So, we recommend the following sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare the room for installation work: free up as much space as possible in the window area (1-1.5 m), where the main work will take place. Remove the curtains. If possible, it is worth removing upholstered furniture that is most susceptible to dust. If this is not possible, plastic packaging film will help to carefully cover all the furniture (including cabinets) in the room. This will not only significantly reduce the amount of dust that gets onto closed items, but will also protect their surface from mechanical damage.
  2. Take care of the safety of the crystal chandelier: of course, it is better to remove it (as well as the lamps, if any) so as not to accidentally touch it when moving the window structure. If this is not possible, then you can also create impenetrable packaging for them from film, securing it with tape.
  3. Maximize the passage from the front door to the temporary storage area of ​​the new window (as a rule, during the winter season it takes time for the window structure to warm up to room temperature, so direct installation of the window is planned only the next day after its delivery).
  4. To be completely sure of the safety of the floor, it is better to cover its surface with thick plastic film in advance (our craftsmen do this only in the area where the work will be carried out).
  5. Consider where it is best to organize storage space for the window structure; film is also useful here: it can be very useful in preventing the window structure (especially if it is wet due to rain or snow) from coming into contact with the wallpaper or floor surface.
  6. Take care of the safety of children (animals) by excluding their access to the storage area of ​​the window structure to prevent it from tipping over.
  7. If after replacing the windows you do not plan to re-paste the wallpaper, then you should think in advance about their safety around the perimeter of the window. During dismantling and installation, it is possible that they will tear and damage the top layer. To avoid this, use a thin, sharp blade to make neat cuts in the wallpaper on the sides and under the window sill, soak them and bend them back. Upon completion of all work on installing the window, you can return the wallpaper to its previous position by carefully joining them at the places of the cuts.
  8. If there are children and animals in the apartment, take care of the place where they will be during the installation of the window. Despite the fact that hypothermia does not threaten the apartment even in winter (the window opening, as a rule, remains open for no more than 20-25 minutes), it is better for children and animals to be in a separate, closed room. Take care of some interesting activities for children during this period.
  9. To prevent dust from penetrating outside the room during the period of dismantling the old and installing a new window, close as much as possible all the cracks in the doorway of the room where the work is being done.
  10. But there is no need to worry about the garbage that will inevitably appear during the work of replacing the window: it will be packed in bags and removed without your participation (by prior agreement) after the installation of the new window is completed.

A few days after putting your room in order, you will forget about your worries and worries, especially since the new window will allow you to eliminate drafts and blowing from your life forever, and the noise outside the window will no longer bother you with persistent consistency. Agree that the temporary inconvenience associated with preparing an apartment for window replacement is a very small price to pay for the future many years of comfortable living in it.

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  • January 25, 2016

    Modern GVL slopes

    When managers ask customers what slopes they would like to see in a window opening, many of them have no idea what they are talking about. Indeed, slopes are by no means the most obvious element of a plastic window (or rather, its complete appearance), the purpose of which cannot be determined by its name alone. As part of the educational program conducted by our company, we would like to tell you in detail about what slopes are, which ones are the best, and what their advantages are.

  • January 21, 2016

    A brief excursion into history through French windows

    France. Even the very name of this country exudes some spirit of romanticism. Just listen: F-R-A-N-C-I-Y, F-R-A-N-C-I-Y. Although the associations that arise in this case may be completely different for different people. Someone will imagine the Champs Elysees, someone will dream of the Louvre, someone will see the beauty of the nature of Provence, someone will remember their trip to this wonderful country and plunge into the bliss of memories. And even though sometimes our knowledge about this wonderful country is fragmentary or even forms in our minds not entirely correct ideas, France remains for us a country of dreams, a country with enormous power of attraction, a country - a fairy tale, a country - a dream.

  • January 12, 2016

    Non-standard position of the plastic window handle

    The handles of plastic windows, as standard, are located strictly in the middle of the sash. Actually, where else should they be located? The center is the best option. Firstly, it does not violate the aesthetic appearance of the window unit. Secondly, the central location is the most common. But don’t think that the handle in the middle of the window sash is the only available option for its location. Thanks to the features of modern fittings, it becomes possible to significantly expand the variability of the placement of the handle relative to the plane of the PVC window. And it is precisely this opportunity that it offers to its highly respected customers. If necessary, the handle of a plastic window can be placed almost anywhere on the sash, focusing solely on issues of ease of working with the window unit. We will not dwell in detail on the technical side of the issue; we will only say that this is not a problem for the manufacturer.

  • December 25, 2015

    New from Window Continent - aesthetic Isotra HIT II blinds

    Blinds, which were very popular at the turn of the century, have not lost any of their relevance today. Yes, modern manufacturers are ready to offer their customers other solutions aimed at performing similar tasks. But blinds are still recognized as the most optimal, convenient and familiar option for protecting apartments from the sun and prying eyes. That is why, since December, Window Continent has been offering its customers a new Isotra HIT II blind system, which is supplied by the well-known company INTCOM. The new horizontal blinds, among other things, boast an improved cornice design and 16mm slats. At first glance at the new blinds you will understand that they look very beautiful, neat and aesthetically pleasing. Their appearance will perfectly complement the aesthetics of your already beautiful plastic window.

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The window market comes to the rescue

All of the above will make more than one potential owner of plastic windows give up and ask the question, is there really a simpler solution to all these problems? Of course there is. Today, many window companies are introducing protective systems to minimize the homeowner's discomfort when installing windows. These options include a special protective curtain, which is installed under the ceiling at a distance of 2 meters from the window opening, turning into a dust barrier. If windows are installed in winter or under unfavorable weather conditions, then it is worth using the heat shield option. In just 7-10 minutes, which will not require installing the screen, the apartment will be freed from cooling and street debris, which will greatly facilitate cleaning after installing a new plastic window. These services, either comprehensively or separately, should be ordered additionally from the company, unless it is offered to you during the consultation process by the window sales manager.

WINDOWS MEDIA recommends reading: Thermal screen STOPFROST and protective curtain DUST - increase window sales

Advantages of a plastic window

Other advantages of PVC windows include their durability. The service life of such structures can reach 15-20 years. In addition, PVC windows do not require serious maintenance. The tightness of the joints is another advantage of plastic window structures. Due to this feature, you can significantly reduce the cost of heating the room. Another advantage is fire safety, which is due to the properties of PVC. Finally, such window designs do not emit any harmful substances that negatively affect human health and the environment. The environmental friendliness of these structures is confirmed by numerous certificates.

Rice. 2. Plastic windows will last for 15-20 years.

Heat saving

One of the first and main advantages of replacing old windows with new plastic analogues is providing the required level of heat conservation. Due to this, owners of houses and apartments can significantly save on the maintenance and heating of their property. Plastic windows can significantly reduce heat loss due to the tightness of the joints and the use of double-glazed windows. Thanks to the filling of the double-glazed chambers with special gas, cold street air does not enter the room. This is also facilitated by the presence of several external and internal sealing contours.

Rice. 3. Plastic windows allow maximum heat retention in the house.

Noise insulation

PVC windows provide not only the proper level of heat conservation, but also sound insulation. This is especially important for apartments and houses that are located near busy city highways. In old ordinary windows there are always cracks through which any noise immediately enters the room, preventing you from resting during the day and getting a good night's sleep at night. Installing plastic windows with double glazing allows you to enjoy complete rest both at night and during the day. In addition, installing a plastic window prevents dust and exhaust gases from entering the room, which negatively affect people's health.

Rice. 4. Replacing a regular window with a plastic one will allow you to forget about street noise.

Easy to care for PVC windows

The advantages include the ease of maintenance of metal-plastic windows. In order to keep PVC windows clean, it is enough to wash them with regular detergent at least once a week. Moreover, unlike old wooden windows, plastic profiles do not require “sealing” for the winter. And in the spring they do not have to be repainted and treated with special compounds to protect them from deformation. It is possible that sometimes for high-quality operation of this window structure, lubrication of the tilt-and-turn fittings will be necessary. This is usually done 2 times a year during the period of changing the winter/summer regime.

Rice. 5. Plastic windows do not require special care.


As mentioned above, metal-plastic windows do not have a negative impact on people's health. They are not subject to adverse external influences and do not emit any harmful substances into the atmosphere. Moreover, PVC is a self-extinguishing and highly flammable material. Accordingly, it is susceptible to possible fire. The use of special anti-burglary fittings also allows for complete protection of an apartment or house from possible intrusion by intruders. Multi-chamber double-glazed windows are almost impossible to break, so bars will have to be installed on the windows of the first floors.

Rice. 6. Plastic windows effectively protect the house from intruders.

Plastic window design

The fifth advantage of PVC windows is their design. Thanks to the versatility of these designs, they can be used harmoniously in any interior style. In addition, metal-plastic windows have an aesthetically beautiful appearance. In this case, PVC windows can have different sizes and colors. Additionally, this design can be made in various shapes. In practice, not only standard rectangular PVC windows are used, but also round, arched and many other options. It is thanks to all of the above advantages that PVC windows are considered the most popular glazing option in all developed countries.

Rice. 7. Plastic window configurations.

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