Typical ventilation schemes based on Aereco technical solutions

Ventilation is a set of measures to create air movement and air exchange. During the cold season, all incoming cold air must be heated to the required temperature. In modern houses with sufficiently warm walls and sealed windows, the share of heat used to heat ventilation air is about 60% of the total heat costs for heating. It turns out that ventilation combines contradictory requirements, i.e., on the one hand, air must flow, on the other hand, all incoming air must be heated, and this costs money. Therefore, ventilation should work “reasonably”, ventilate exactly as much as needed, no more, and no less.


  • 1 Generally accepted classification of ventilation systems:
  • 2 Solutions for Aereko ventilation systems 2.1 Mechanical ventilation - individual house:
  • 2.2 Mechanical ventilation - individual maintenance of premises:
  • 2.3 Mechanical ventilation - general maintenance of premises:
  • 2.4 Hybrid ventilation – general maintenance of premises:
  • 2.5 Natural ventilation – multi-storey and individual housing:
  • 3 Types of typical ventilation projects
      3.1 Option for ventilation of premises “Economy” (Inlet units “Aereko” plus exhaust fans into the ventilation ducts of the room)
  • 3.2 Ventilation option “Economy plus” (Aereco air supply units plus a separate exhaust fan)
  • 3.3 Ventilation option “MAXI” (Intake units “Aereko” plus exhaust grilles “Aereko”, exhaust fan “Aereko”)
  • 3.4 Reasonable ventilation in the office
  • 4 Participant contribution
  • Aereko valve price

    NameCost, rub.
    Visit of the master
    Around Moscow400
    Moscow region up to 10 km.600
    Moscow region over 10 km.55
    Installation of fresh air ventilation valve Aereco EMM, white, teak, oak5450
    Delivery and departure of the team
    Around Moscowfrom 1500
    Moscow region to. 10 km. from 1900
    Moscow region, from 10 to 20 km.from 2300
    Moscow region over 20 km.40

    View price

    Generally accepted classification of ventilation systems:

    According to the method of air movement, ventilation systems are divided into systems with natural and artificial stimulation of air movement. In systems with natural impulse, air enters and leaves the premises due to gravitational forces arising from the difference in air temperatures outside and inside the serviced premises, from the difference in pressure of the “air column” between the lower level (room) and the upper level (exhaust device installed on the roof buildings), wind pressure. In systems with artificial (mechanical) propulsion, air is moved using mechanical fans. According to their purpose, ventilation systems are divided into supply and exhaust. Supply systems are used to supply external air into premises, processed depending on the parameters of external and internal air, if this is economically feasible or if the harmful substances contained in the supply air belong to hazard classes 1 and 2. Exhaust systems allow you to remove polluted air from rooms. According to the method of organizing the supply and removal of air, ventilation systems are divided into general and local. With general ventilation, supply air is supplied directly to the room with constant occupancy, and contaminated air is removed from the areas of the room with the highest concentration of harmful emissions. Local supply systems allow air to be supplied to certain areas of the room, fixed workplaces, and local exhaust systems to remove contaminated air directly from the source of harmful emissions.

    Solutions for Aereko ventilation systems

    (France) produces two modifications of wall hygroscopic valves for installation directly in external walls - UNT and EAN. These are small white plastic pencil cases measuring approximately 24x14.5x5.6 or 31.2x6.4x2.7 cm, respectively. They are equipped with sensor-drives that automatically change the flow area of ​​the valve depending on the level of humidity in the room air, which increases when a person is in the room. Depending on the model, air supply devices with accessories provide sound insulation of transport noise UNT by 52 dB, EAN by 42 dB, with full opening and a pressure drop of 10 Pa, 540 and 5-30 cubic meters of air are passed through, respectively. The valve should be positioned as high as possible towards the ceiling so that residents do not feel the incoming air as a draft. Supply units must be mounted in a HORIZONTAL position and not “upside down”.

    Humidity-controlled wall air supply device

    Hygro-adjustable air supply device with noise absorption

    All Aereco valves are divided into two types, according to the type of installation: through a window or through a wall. Window supply units are installed on the opening sashes in the upper part. Holes are milled into the window frame, through which air access from the street into the room is provided. In this case, the glass unit is not replaced or the window is dismantled. Wall valves are installed through the wall into a pre-prepared hole with a diameter of 100mm. Aereko valves operate autonomously, without using electricity, and are hygro-regulated, i.e. are guided by the level of relative air humidity. The higher the level of relative air humidity, the greater the need for ventilation, the greater the angle the dampers of the air supply devices will open, and, accordingly, the more air will penetrate into the room. Good ventilation means choosing the right ventilation system. The choice of ventilation method depends on the goals of the project (reducing heating costs, improving air quality, reducing heat loss, minimal maintenance), but, to a greater extent, on the characteristics of the building, especially when it comes to renovation and it is necessary to adapt to the existing architecture . The Aereko ventilation system consists of a combination of supply and exhaust hygro-controlled devices, as well as special central exhaust fans, which, depending on the level of humidity in the room (the most characteristic indicator of air pollution), automatically provide and control the entire air exchange process in the living room. The Aereco supply valve performs the functions of ventilation, noise reduction and heat saving. It works without the use of energy sources, reacting to the level of air humidity in the premises. The humidity sensor in a window or wall supply valve is a polyamide material with a high coefficient of linear expansion. The sensor is mechanically connected to the valve drive, which blocks the access of air to the room. Aereco ventilators, reacting to an increase in air humidity in the room, slightly open the damper built into them, thereby increasing the flow of fresh air. It is known that cold air is much drier than warm air, and this solves two problems at the same time: fresh air enters the home and the humidity in the room decreases. Aereco ventilation equipment automatically regulates air flow in each room 24 hours a day, depending on ventilation needs. Where it is installed, glass fogging and mold disappear and a healthy microclimate is established.

    The diagrams below show various ventilation systems with Aereco technology used in both individual housing and multi-family residential buildings:

    Mechanical ventilation – individual house:

    Fresh air is provided by a single exhaust fan, which, depending on the acoustic characteristics, can be located directly in the living area or in the attic. Air removal (green arrows) occurs through exhaust devices located in utility rooms (kitchen, bathroom and toilet). Connected to the fan, exhaust devices determine the total volume of air removed. Thanks to the humidity sensor and presence sensor, the exhaust units allow the air flows generated by the fan to be distributed according to the needs of each room. Humidity-controlled air supply units (blue arrows) distribute fresh air depending on the needs in each living room (bedroom, living room). Thus, in rooms and spaces that require increased air exchange, the distribution of fresh air occurs more intensely than in empty rooms. The pressure created by the fan ranges from 80 to 120 Pa.

    Mechanical ventilation – individual maintenance of premises:

    The principle of operation is the same as in individual housing (see above). Each apartment has its own fan, which allows for individualized costs in terms of energy costs and maintenance. This option may be especially interesting when reconstructing housing, because... allows you to remain independent from the general house ventilation system. The pressure created by the fan ranges from 80 to 120 Pa.

    Mechanical ventilation - general maintenance of premises:

    The principle of operation of supply and exhaust devices is the same as for individual maintenance of premises (see above). The difference lies in the central fan, which is installed on the roof and serves all apartments connected to a common ventilation duct. The pressure created by the fan ranges from 100 to 140 Pa.

    Hybrid ventilation – general room maintenance:

    Despite the fact that Aereko ventilation systems are a very effective and inexpensive solution for providing supply and exhaust ventilation as required in most domestic premises, in some cases the use of this ventilation with natural exhaust does not solve the problem of ensuring the required air exchange in the premises of a country house or office or apartments. In this case, it is necessary to calculate and install supply and exhaust ventilation based on mechanical ventilation units. Humidity-sensitive ventilation occupies a special place among other ventilation systems that operate depending on various external factors. Everyone knows today that humidity is one of the most significant indicators of the need for new air in most rooms of a home. Humidity level metering technology is used in both Aereco supply and exhaust units located in rooms where the humidity level determines the level of air pollution. The ventilation equipment is adjusted to match the relative humidity values ​​of the room. To ensure that the system operates optimally throughout the year, sensors automatically respond to the external temperature. This parameter is the determining factor when setting the temperature coefficient.

    Natural ventilation – multi-storey and individual housing:

    To ensure the supply of fresh air in individual homes and public buildings, natural driving forces (wind and thermal draft) are often used. These forces lower the pressure in the ventilation ducts, which causes air to circulate from the room to the outside through these same ducts. Polluted air is removed through exhaust grilles located in utility rooms, which leads to natural replacement with fresh air entering through supply units located in living rooms. Directly dependent on the action of wind and thermal draft, natural ventilation is not reliable enough: it should be improved. The optimal solution could be a hygro-controlled ventilation system, which changes the air flow depending on the level of relative humidity indoors and, thus, adapts to the constant change in pressure in the ventilation ducts, which is especially noticeable in winter, when it is possible to limit heat losses by reducing the flow area of ​​exhaust devices . The pressure created by a natural ventilation system ranges from 5 to 15 Pa and depends on the height of the building and weather conditions.

    Modern thermally insulated and sealed windows, good thermal insulation of walls help retain heat in a modern home. At the same time, natural air exchange is, at best, reduced to a minimum. The consequences of impaired air exchange are known: increased humidity, condensation, mold and, most importantly, poor quality of the air we breathe, and air quality is universally recognized as a determining factor in comfort in residential and office spaces, energy savings occupy a leading position in the construction sector.

    Installation nuances

    The Aereco window ventilation valve can be installed either on a removed sash or on an installed window - it is not necessary to dismantle the structure. However, if possible, it is better to remove the sash: it will be more convenient to work.

    In this case, you should install the valve either in warm weather, or prepare some way to block the window opening.

    The process itself consists of sawing holes in the frame and fusing the sash (the part that covers the frame) . You should work extremely carefully - the seal on the sash must remain intact when creating holes.

    For convenience, you can remove the window fittings (corner gear and scissors) from the top of the sash.

    List of tools

    To work you will need:

    1. Drill with a drill bit with a diameter of 10 mm.
    2. Jigsaw.
    3. Narrow, fine-grained file (optional).
    4. Silicone sealant.
    5. Self-tapping screws (4 for the strip and 2 for the “visor”).
    6. Template for holes (not necessary, but working with it is both more convenient and more accurate).

    For greater accuracy, you can use two drills: the first is 5 mm in diameter, with which a “test” guide hole will be drilled. The second is the main one, which will make a hole of the required diameter.

    You can make a template for the grooves yourself from hardboard or plywood (in extreme cases, cardboard will do), according to the specified dimensions.

    Stages of work (video)

    Stages of work

    Installation is performed in the following sequence:

    1. The location where the valve will be installed is marked.
    2. Places for the grooves are marked (the dimensions of the holes are indicated in the characteristics, the distance between the grooves is 10 mm) on the sash and on the frame.
    3. A starting hole is drilled in the sash and frame at both edges of each groove.
    4. A jigsaw blade is inserted into one of the groove holes and cut to the desired size.
    5. If necessary, the edges of the grooves are processed with a file.
    6. The valve strip is installed on the sealant on the flap.
    7. The plank is additionally secured with self-tapping screws.
    8. The external “visor” is mounted on self-tapping screws.
    9. The holes for the self-tapping screws are covered with plugs on top (included with the valve).
    10. We install the fittings on the sash (if removed).
    11. We install the sash in the frame (if removed).
    12. We install the inner valve body onto the latches.

    If the installation is carried out by a master, be prepared to spend about 1,500 rubles.

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    Types of typical ventilation projects

    When using the AEREKO valve, we can recommend four options for ventilation in an apartment or cottage, differing in efficiency:

    • Mini (Aereco air supply units only).

    • Economy (Aereco air supply units + low-noise exhaust fans in ventilation ducts).

    • Economy Plus (Aereco air supply units + separate exhaust fan).

    • Maxi (Aereko air supply units + Aereko exhaust grilles + Aereko exhaust fan).

    • “Mini” room ventilation option (Only “Aereco” supply valves)

    In this option, Aereco air supply devices are used. These can be in the form of window valves of the EMM, ENA series or as wall valves of the UNT series. For uniform ventilation of the entire apartment, air supply units are installed in each room, one air intake unit is designed for an area of ​​an average-sized room of 15-20 sq.m., respectively, a larger number of air intake units are installed over a larger area. Aereko valves do not create air flow, they only provide air access to the room. Air passes through the supply units due to draft in the ventilation ducts of your apartment. The better the draft in the ventilation ducts of your apartment, the more air will flow through the supply units. This type of ventilation is called “natural ventilation”. Dirty air exits through the ventilation duct (at the same time causing an influx of fresh air through the supply devices), due to the difference in temperature between the street air and room air. This option is recommended as a minimum for all rooms with sealed plastic or wooden windows.

    “Economy” room ventilation option (Aereko air supply units plus exhaust fans in the room ventilation ducts)

    In this ventilation option, Aereco window or wall valves are used as supply units. Because natural exhaust ventilation does not always work well and does not always cope with the air exchange needs. Therefore, to improve the operation of exhaust ventilation, overhead exhaust fans are installed. Exhaust fans are installed in utility rooms and in the kitchen on standard ventilation ducts.

    Ventilation option “Economy Plus” (Aereco air supply units plus a separate exhaust fan)

    In this option, window or wall valves “Aereko” are used as supply devices. However, air passes through the supply units not due to the draft in your ventilation ducts, but due to the operation of a separate exhaust fan. Thus, air will enter the apartment through air supply devices and exit through a hole in the wall. The ventilation of your apartment will always work in the best possible way, without depending on a standard exhaust duct with natural ventilation and its disadvantages. This ventilation option is the only one possible for those rooms where standard ventilation ducts either do not work at all or are completely absent. For all other apartments, it is recommended as an option for individual exhaust ventilation, without the disadvantages of natural ventilation.

    Ventilation option “MAXI” (Aereko air supply units plus “Aereko” exhaust grilles, “Aereko” exhaust fan)

    The flow of fresh air is organized through Aereco air intake devices. These can be either window valves of the EMM, ENA series, or wall valves of the UNT series. The exhaust fan “Aereko” is used as a hood, the main feature of which is its quasi-horizontal operating characteristic. In other words, air flow is maintained at an optimal level. In this he is helped by specially designed hygro-controlled exhaust grilles “Aereko”. It is they, depending on the level of relative humidity, that change their flow area and thereby determine the air flow. The Aereco ventilation system in its entirety, humidified air intake devices, humidified exhaust grilles, a mechanical exhaust fan provides the most reasonable ventilation, ventilates where needed, as much as needed and when needed. This ensures good air quality and savings on heating ventilation air. This ventilation option is recommended for all premises, especially for those in which payment for heating is carried out according to meter readings.

    Smart ventilation in the office

    For offices, the following air exchange arrangement is recommended. The flow of fresh air is ensured with the help of noise-reducing supply devices - valves built directly into the frame of any windows with double-glazed windows made of PVC, wood or aluminum, or into the wall. It is possible to install window valves not only during the manufacturing process of windows, but also on already installed windows without dismantling them and without replacing double-glazed windows. To install a wall valve, you will, of course, have to make a hole in the wall. It is very important that the supply units have sufficiently high sound insulation, so that the influx of fresh air is not accompanied by an increase in the noise level in office premises. The air flow in the premises is determined by the exhaust ducts. Especially for offices, where the humidity regime differs from that of residential premises and the level of relative humidity is not such a characteristic indicator of air pollution, AERECO has developed exhaust grilles with control depending on the number of employees within its field of view. A special infrared sensor “sees” how many people are in the room and accordingly increases or decreases the amount of air removed, saving heat. Although such grilles operate automatically, it is possible to manually adjust them to suit the needs of a particular room.

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