Insulation Izolon. Table of technical characteristics and material features

Professional builders value such thermal insulation, which, in addition to its immediate function, has a number of additional characteristics. In particular, environmental safety, moisture resistance, sound insulation. Surprisingly, today, all of the above qualities are combined only by isolon.

This is a unique domestic development, which is in consistently high demand in Russia, Europe, and the CIS countries. There are no high-quality analogues of isolon yet, so it makes sense to consider in detail the key features and technical characteristics of this material.

Possible uses of NPE

Izolon NPE
Thanks to its characteristics and properties, lack of toxicity, and low cost of production, this type of isolon has become indispensable for packaging. Having supplanted corrugated cardboard and bubble film, NPE gradually won and confidently holds 90% of the packaging materials market. Comfortable material does not deteriorate and absorbs shock and mechanical loads. And even the possibility of rupture due to a point load or contact with a sharp object is not a significant factor limiting its use. NPE packaging is used for food, dishes, glass products, furniture, any electronic, computer, household appliances, and other products. Isolon is convenient for transportation as gaskets and wrapping material.

In mechanical engineering, during repair and construction work, the use of NPE is limited. However, in the absence of high temperatures, significant load-bearing loads and a decrease in other quality requirements, “non-crosslinked” isolon is used as thermal insulation, protection from noise, steam, and condensate. NPE is often used as a substrate for leveling the surface before laying laminate or parquet or as energy-reducing reflective insulation (foil version).

Thermal conductivity

This characteristic is the main one for all insulation materials. ISOLON® has 0.31-0.32 W/m. K, one of the best indicators among heat insulators. NPEs of different names have a declared thermal conductivity of approximately 0.38 W/mK, which is not entirely true. If you look at real tests of these materials, and not advertising brochures, the thermal conductivity of NPE is 0.045-0.050 W/m.K, and some gas-foamed polyethylenes do not have real thermal conductivity tests at all, since NPE does not need it as packaging. Wanting to get closer to ISOLON® in terms of characteristics, NPE manufacturers provide incorrect data.

Installation technology

The main feature of the product is to ensure tightness, so all joints between products should be sealed. The working surface must be dry and free of various contaminants.

Experts say that one layer of 3-5 mm will be enough to provide high-quality insulation for the room. But the coldest places need to be insulated in several layers, or purchase a material with greater thickness and combine insulation with glass wool, forming a thermal insulation sandwich.

Thermal insulation of the subfloor includes the necessary list of works.

  • After purchasing a material of appropriate thickness, the first step is to prepare the surface. If there is an old coating on it, it is dismantled and the floor is leveled.
  • If necessary, products are cut to the required length and width; for this you need to take measurements of the working base. It is best to cut products with an ordinary knife.
  • If self-adhesive material is used, then before installing it, the protective film is removed, and then the raw materials are laid. During work, the products must be lightly pressed against the surface to ensure better fixation.

  • Work with conventional products is carried out using acrylic adhesive compounds.
  • Following the instructions for laying isolon on the base of the floor, before installing the raw materials, you need to apply waterproofing. However, in most cases, the flooring is not provided with additional protection from moisture.
  • A polyethylene film is laid on top of the thermal insulation, since isolon does not absorb moisture.
  • The material is fixed at the seams with tape, a construction stapler, or the products are welded to each other;

Floor insulation

Quite often, this heat insulator is used for floor insulation work. When carrying out floor insulation work, there are some nuances that you should be aware of. Only in this case can the quality of the procedure be ensured.

An event using this insulation can be carried out in one of two ways. The first option involves using during work, in addition to the main material, an additional heat insulator. Often the choice is made in favor of mineral wool. The process itself begins with surface preparation. Next, the slats are fixed to the base. Dowels are used to securely fix them. A distance of 50 cm must be maintained between the bars.

For high-quality installation of insulation, you need to scrupulously study the nuances of this matter.

Then mineral wool is laid between them, and foil insulation is laid on top of the slabs. It is secured to the slats using dowels. An important point when performing this operation is that the joints of the sheets must be located on the slats. They must be glued using metallized tape. With its help, maximum tightness of the sheets is ensured. After this, a second row of slats is mounted on the isolon, located perpendicular to the first. Next, the plywood sheets are laid. To secure them, ordinary self-tapping screws are used. Upon completion of the work, installation of the floor covering is carried out.

The second option excludes the use of additional thermal insulation material. Izolon is laid on wooden slats. It is placed in one layer end-to-end. To eliminate seams, you must use metallized tape. Then plywood should be laid on the insulation layer, and then secured with self-tapping screws. Flooring material is laid on top of them. Usually laminate or parquet boards are used. To improve the performance of a “warm floor” system, isolon PPE-L is usually laid on the base.

Pros and cons of the material

Izolon has many advantages, for example, this material:

  • characterized by high density and tensile strength, making it difficult to tear;
  • convenient to cut not only with scissors, but also with a cutter, which allows you to create smooth and clear cut lines;
  • is considered an environmentally friendly raw material for the manufacture of anything, and is also anti-allergenic and does not provoke allergic reactions;
  • inert to combustion, it melts and is lightweight, and therefore does not weigh down large flower arrangements;
  • does not mold, is resistant to water and moisture, and the formation of pathogenic microbes;
  • adheres well to each other and other ornamental materials;
  • may involve tinting with pastels, due to which life-size flowers can be made more similar to real ones;
  • characterized by low vapor permeability, high levels of flexibility and elasticity;
  • has no persistent chemical odor, does not emit toxic substances into the air, and therefore does not harm either humans or the environment;
  • Can be painted with various dyes (including those based on rubber, as well as acrylic enamel).

The uniqueness of finished products made from isolon is the fact that they can be wiped with a damp cloth (with the exception of tinted fragments). At the same time, the service life of the flowers will be long, because isolon can keep its shape for more than one year in a row. This material has a certificate of quality and compliance with the required standards. However, in addition to the advantages, ornamental raw materials for life-size flowers have several disadvantages, for example:

  • despite the assurances of manufacturers, sometimes suffers from transportation;
  • not every type of material is suitable for creating large flowers, and therefore the choice must take into account the thickness of the raw material;
  • Isolon attracts dust and becomes electrified, which is why it needs to be stored in plastic bags, and the crafts themselves should be treated with a special compound;
  • is not a universal raw material for flowers of different sizes (the larger the flowers, the greater the thickness of the isolon should be).

As for the disadvantages of working with the material, to achieve a better result during the work you have to use a hair dryer. It is more powerful and allows you to give blanks cut according to templates the required shape. Another disadvantage of working with isolon is the need to strengthen the base in complex structures.

Despite the fact that the material itself weighs little, sometimes the finished composition tends to fall, which has to be resolved by selecting appropriate supports, playing up the aesthetics of their appearance.

Application of PPE

Izolon PPE

The unique technical characteristics and sanitary and epidemiological qualities of cross-linked polyethylene foam make the range of application of this type of isolon much wider:

  1. Construction - waterproofing foundations, basements; protection of almost all communication systems; reliable heat, steam, noise, waterproofing for walls, partitions, ceilings, ceilings, floors, roofs; steam and thermal insulation of rooms with high humidity (saunas, baths).
  2. Mechanical engineering - insulation of isothermal cabinets; climate control equipment (air conditioners, refrigerators); heat-reflecting screens; sealing mounting tapes; vibration isolation products.
  3. Medicine - insoles, thermal blankets, elastic products for specialized purposes, packaging of fragile equipment, orthopedic products.
  4. Automotive industry - interior trim for the purpose of thermal and noise insulation, vibration reduction; various seals; damping pads; protective elements against corrosion of metal parts.
  5. Packaging - production of shock-absorbing material (packaging, cushioning) for safe transportation and storage of various products for industrial and household purposes; liners that protect finished products from deformation.
  6. Goods for sporting purposes and for tourism - mats; rugs; helmets; shields; punching bags; gloves; water fencing devices; life jackets; swimming boards.

ISOLON® in construction

Isolon in construction is the most effective insulation, vapor barrier, sound insulator and vibration insulator, significantly reducing the weight of building structures and saving usable space. Isolon 500 and Isolon 300 are used, with a thickness of 5, 8, and 10 mm and mats of 15 and 20 mm. As well as modifications: foil polyethylene foam Isolon, highly effective reflective insulation and self-adhesive polyethylene foam Izolontape are also widely used in installation construction work. ISOLON® is widely used in construction, as steam, heat and sound insulation during the construction of cottages, cottages, and bathhouses, during the repair of residential and office premises, as thermal and reflective insulation of equipment and heating, plumbing and ventilation pipelines and air conditioning systems. The elasticity and closed-cell structure of the material are used as sealants for plasterboard structures and in prefabricated building elements in the form of Dichtungsband tapes. Izolon PPE is an excellent covering insulation material for winter concreting and monolithic works. When carrying out concrete work in the autumn-winter period, when the concrete is heated, Isolon PPE insulation sheets cover the poured areas, counteracting heat loss during hydration of concrete mixtures. Excellent vibration-proofing and sound-proofing qualities of the material (at a frequency of 2000 Hz - 38%; at a frequency of 6000 Hz - 60%) and a significant impact noise reduction index allow it to be used in the construction of “floating” floors, meeting the requirements of the most modern world soundproofing standards and as a high-quality substrate under laminate In the construction of private houses and during renovations, the EcoHeat line of soundproofing and heat-insulating substrates is used. GeoIzolon (Geoisolon) is laid in the connecting seams of concrete runways and roads; thanks to its elasticity, they do not deform and are not destroyed by temperature fluctuations and vibrations.

Briefly about the main thing

Isolon is a universal insulation material that is widely used not only in construction, but also in other areas of the economy. Thanks to its closed porous structure, it has improved performance characteristics: plasticity, minimal water absorption, high levels of noise and heat protection.

The chemically neutral material is produced in the form of canvas (roll), plates and construction tape; There are colored varieties for creative needs. The canvas may have an adhesive and/or foil layer. The choice of the appropriate PPE option depends on the type of work to be done.

Manufacturers in Russia

Here are the best isolon production companies:

The cost of thermal insulation varies, it is determined by the type and size of the finished product. Thus, the price of roll insulation ranges from 100 to 500 rubles per m2. If you buy heat-insulating material in slabs, then you will have to pay from 315 to 1020 rubles per square meter.

Release forms of isolon

Universal fabrics izolon

This category of materials includes rolled and sheet products of different thicknesses, from various types of isolon, designated by digital indices 100, 300 or 500, with the possible addition of alphabetic symbols.

Izolon 100

This material is considered to be the most affordable, which does not mean its low quality. It’s just that its production does not require any complex technological processes. Recycled raw materials may well be used for production. But at the same time, the operational characteristics of the resulting insulator will fully satisfy many requests.

The previously used name for this variety was “Izolon NPE”. The abbreviation meant that this was ordinary, so-called non-crosslinked polyethylene. That is, it does not undergo special processing to create additional intermolecular bonds.

Izolon 100 in sheet form

The average density of such material is 25 kg/m³. and at the same time it shows, of course, far from a record, but still quite decent thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.045 W/(m×℃).

The material is produced on extrusion lines with physical foaming of the raw material melt. The result is a structure with a closed gas cell, and the cells are quite large in size.

The difference from other types of isolon, made from cross-linked polyethylene, is not only, of course, in price. This material is good for thermal insulation or noise reduction only in conditions where it is not subject to compressive loads. The problem is that after deformation, the cells are, so to speak, reluctant to return to their previous shape. That is, in such conditions, isolon will “caking”, losing thickness, air content, and thermal and sound insulating qualities.

For example, insulating a wall and then covering the frame with clapboard - Izolon 100 is perfect. But using it as an elastic insulating and noise-absorbing substrate, say, under the finishing floor covering, laminate or linoleum, will not work. it will quickly wash out and lose its advantages.

The release form of conventional isolon 100 depends on the required thickness of the material.

Canvases with a thickness of 1 to 10 mm are sold in rolls up to 50 meters long. The width of the rolls is 1050, 1300 and 1600 mm.

Izolon 100 with a thickness of more than 10 mm (up to 50 mm inclusive) is sold in sheets. The standard sheet size is 1000×2000 mm (an example is shown in the illustration above).

During production, pigment dye can be added to the melt - multi-colored canvases are readily purchased by interior designers and craftsmen.


Izolon 300

The name of this material, which has fallen out of official use, is Izolon PPE NH. This means that the products are made of cross-linked polyethylene, and the cross-linking process itself was carried out using chemical technology.

Let us repeat right away - the compression of polyethylene means the creation of cross-links between the linear molecules characteristic of this polymer. That is, the molecular lattice takes on a three-dimensional structure, which immediately has a positive effect on the characteristics of the material.

Even visually, the cells of cross-linked and non-cross-linked polyethylene foam are different. Izolon 300 has smaller bubbles, more regular shapes and all of approximately the same size.

Everything is clearly visible in the photograph: at the top is the “anarchy” of non-crosslinked polyethylene foam, at the bottom is the seemingly denser structure of the crosslinked material.

But the main thing is different: the structure of cross-linked polyethylene foam will always fail to restore its configuration after deformation, regardless of what and how long the load is applied.

It’s easy to verify this by doing a simple experiment yourself. You can try to squeeze the Isolon 100 and Isolon 300 (or 500) fabric with your fingers as hard as you can, and watch what happens then.

After compression, a dent will remain on the isolon made of non-crosslinked polyethylene foam, and on the second sample the same deformation will quickly “overgrow”.

What's the conclusion? And the fact that such isolon, made of cross-linked polyethylene, can be used as insulating substrates, anti-vibration gaskets, damping layers that limit the spread of impact noise, etc.

Thus, to all the capabilities of the previously discussed isolon 100, the indicated functions are also added.

Isolon 300 sheets (panels) of different thicknesses in black and white colors

One more important detail should be emphasized. In the production of foamed cross-linked polyethylene, technologies make it possible to control the process, achieving the required level of gas saturation, or, as they call it, the foaming ratio of the feedstock. Therefore, the characteristics of the output materials (density and operational parameters) can differ quite significantly.

I won’t give a table here - we’ll just say that with a foaming ratio of 5 to 40, the density of Izolon 300 can vary in the range from 185 to 25 kg/m³. The thermal conductivity coefficient at a foaming ratio of 15 times (67±10 kg/m³) is equal to 0.042 W/(m×℃), and at a foaming ratio of 30 (33±5 kg/m³) - 0.037 W/(m×℃).

Release forms of isolon 300:

  • Rolls of canvas with a thickness of 0.8 to 15 mm, a width of 1500 mm, a length of up to 150 m.
  • Sheets with a thickness of 15 to 50 mm, a width of 1000 or 1400 mm, a length of 2000 mm.


Izolon 500

Isolon 500 is considered the most “advanced” option, combining unique physical, chemical and operational characteristics.

According to the old classification, the material was called Izolon PPE NR or Izolon PPE-7. This is also cross-linked polyethylene, but only the creation of transverse intermolecular bonds is carried out by a physical method - by irradiating the material with an electron flow. The result is a very high cross-linking density, and the resulting isolon itself acquires unique qualities. In terms of the combination of excellent thermal insulation ability along with high elasticity, “volumetric memory” - the desire to return to its original position after removing the load, the ability to absorb vibration and noise - it simply has no equal.

Izolon 500 can be used on any construction site, without restrictions, where effective insulation, vibration damping, and noise insulation are required.

A large number of materials with some differences in their properties are produced under the brand name “Izolon 500”. In particular, the density can range from 25 to 200 kg/m³, and the thickness can range from less than 1 mm to 50 mm. More precisely, after foaming, the resulting webs can reach a thickness of up to 5 ÷ 10 mm, and then they are duplicated (glued together) into webs up to 15 mm thick or sheets up to 50 mm.

Just as in the case of Izolon 300, there is a gradation in the frequency of foaming - from 5 to 40. In addition, there are certain differences in manufacturing technology and even in the material used.

It’s not difficult to understand which material is in front of you if you know the current markings.

The following alphanumeric scheme is usually practiced:


(X – numbers, L – letters).

Four numbers mean: the first two are the foaming ratio of the material, the second are the thickness of the finished product. For example, if the tag says Izolon 500 4020, then this is a material with forty-fold foaming and a thickness of 20 mm.

By the way, if the frequency of foaming is known, then it is easy to “estimate” the so-called apparent density of isolon. To do this, you just need to divide 100 by the factor. In our example it turns out 25 kg/m³

But with letter symbols some “interesting variety” is possible.

  • Izolon 500 XXXXX AV

This index marks isolon, made on the basis of foamed cross-linked polyethylene, the production of which is carried out by vertical foaming (meaning the location of the furnace in the production line and, accordingly, the longitudinal vector of the direction of movement of gas bubbles in the process of formation and hardening of the structure of the material.

Attention: Let’s make a reservation right away - the difference in the “direction of processing” mainly affects the external texture of the material and its resistance to mechanical loads of compression and tearing in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

Such webs (AV) or sheets usually have a very smooth outer surface.

This is what the texture of vertical foaming isolon looks like.

When foaming, sheets with a thickness of 0.8 to 5 mm are obtained, with a foaming ratio from 05 to 40. When duplicating (gluing), a material of the required thickness is obtained.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of the material at an average density of 33 kg/m³ is 0.036 W/(m×℃).

Release form:

– rolls with strip thickness from 0.8 to 15 mm, length up to 600 m, width from 800 to 1500 mm.

– sheets with a thickness of 15 to 50 mm, a length of 2000 mm, a width of 1000 or 1400 mm.

  • Izolon 500 ХХХХ AN

This isolon is processed in a horizontal oven. The finished material of this type usually has a micro-relief, sometimes somewhat “velvety” surface.

The relief on the surface of sheets or canvases is a material of horizontal foaming.

This technology makes it possible to produce sheets (webs) up to 20 mm thick.

The release form is practically no different from AV. True, the minimum thickness of the sheet (canvas) is 4 mm.


  • Izolon 500 ХХХХ SV

This is exactly the exception mentioned above. That is, isolon, obtained not from polyethylene foam, but from a modified analogue - penosevilene. Despite numerous similarities in parameters, this variety is still distinguished by increased softness and elasticity of canvases and sheets.

Otherwise, the characteristics and classification are similar. As you might guess, the letter symbol V indicates production in a vertical oven. Foaming thickness – up to 5 mm.

Release forms:

— fabrics in rolls with a thickness of 6 to 16 mm, a width of 800 to 2000 mm, with a roll winding diameter of up to 1000 mm;

- sheets with a thickness of 15 to 50 mm, width 1000 and 1400 mm, length - 2000 mm.

  • Izolon 500 ХХХХ SН

As you might guess by analogy with the previously discussed samples, this material differs from the previous one in manufacturing technology and in some indicators of spatial strength. In addition, the maximum foaming thickness of the sheets here reaches 20 mm.

Isolon with reflective surface

It has long been known that insulation materials equipped with a reflective surface show significantly greater efficiency. The ability to direct the flow of thermal radiant energy in the desired direction provides significant cost savings for equal opportunities. Nothing surprising - just remember the well-known effect of a thermos, in which heat can remain for days.

Naturally, such abilities are necessarily “adopted” by manufacturers of thermal insulation materials. And isolon is no exception in this regard.

Any of the materials discussed above (Izolon 100, 300 or 500) is used as a base. And the reflective layer can be either aluminum foil or laminated lavsan film with a metallized surface. Materials with aluminum foil are marked with additional symbols LA, with lavsan film - LM.

Foil-coated isolon 500

The foil or lavsan layer also provides a significant advantage to the vapor barrier ability of the material. That is, such sheets or sheets become an excellent solution, for example, for thermal and vapor barrier of steam rooms in a bathhouse. They are placed under a layer of wooden sheathing - and the heat is retained for a long time, and the load-bearing walls are saturated with moisture.

Foil can be called more resistant to moisture, but isolon with reflective lavsan film is preferable, for example, in the design of an electric heated floor. Simply for safety reasons, since the coating will not act as a conductor during a breakdown.

Laying isolon with a reflective layer before installing a “warm floor”

Such qualities of the material are especially in demand in conditions of limited space, where it is difficult or even impossible to use thick layers of insulation. A classic example is a balcony or loggia, where every centimeter of space counts. The combination of isolon with a reflective surface and other thermal insulation material gives a very significant effect. By the way, this can be easily verified if you calculate the insulation of a balcony using the proposed calculator. Try to calculate both options, with or without foil isolon - and the difference will be very eloquent.

By the way, the calculator allows you to calculate the insulation of any balcony surfaces (walls, floor, ceiling, parapet) and with any neighborhood (street, warm or cold balcony).

To work with the program, you will need to know the values ​​of the normalized thermal insulation resistance for walls and ceilings. The attached diagram map will help with this issue.

Diagram map for determining the normalized heat transfer resistance of building structures (by region of the Russian Federation).

Varieties of special purpose isolon

As has been noted more than once, the main advantages of isolon are its thermal insulation and noise-absorbing characteristics. This prompted material manufacturers to produce some special varieties intended for specific construction or finishing areas.

Izolon EcoHeat underlay for underfloor heating

This reflective material is designed specifically for installation in underfloor heating systems. Such a substrate hides minor unevenness of the base well, while significantly increasing the efficiency of the heating elements. In fact, this is exactly the material that we reviewed a little earlier and were convinced of its usefulness.

Roll of special underlay for heated floors

In addition to its insulating qualities, such a substrate based on Isolona 500 meringue also provides a very significant anti-noise effect. Thus, a 2 mm thick canvas provides an absorption of 24 dB of impact noise, and for a 3 mm thick substrate this figure even reaches 30 dB.

Release form: rolls 8 m long, 1000 mm wide, 2 or 3 mm thick.

Izolon EcoHeat underlay for floating floors

A real disaster for residents of high-rise buildings can be impact or structural noise that travels through building structures over long distances. It’s not easy to fight them, but it’s still possible. And one of the effective schemes is an elastic damper (spring) between two massive parts. The parts can be a floor slab and a screed, and between them, preventing their direct contact, there is an elastic gasket.

It is for such a layer that the “Izolon EcoHeat” underlay under a “floating” floor is intended

A floating floor underlay effectively solves the problem of impact noise propagation.

With a thickness of 5 to 10 mm, such a substrate, separating the ceiling and the leveling screed, has the effect of reducing impact noise by 36 ÷ 44 dB!

Release forms - rolls 8 m long, 1000 mm wide, 5, 8 or 10 mm thick. All rolls are packed in shrink film.


Izolon EcoHeat underlay for flooring

The technology of laying many floor finishing coverings, including those belonging to the elite category, requires placement, provides high-quality interlocking connections, and increases the comfort of using the floor. Including not only “softness”, but also insulation, reducing the spread of impact and airborne noise, vibration.

An excellent solution would be to use a special “Izolon EcoHeat” substrate for these purposes. It was developed precisely for this application.

Izolon EcoHeat underlay for flooring

The material is resistant to deformation, practically does not absorb moisture, and with a thickness of only 2 or 3 mm, it demonstrates a reduction in the impact noise level by 18 ÷ 30 dB.

Release form - rolls of substrate based on Isolon 500, 8 m long, 1000 mm wide, with sheets 2 or 3 mm thick.

Izolon EcoHeat backing for wallpaper

A unique material that allows you to independently “include wall surfaces in the noise defense system.” A thin elastic gasket under the trim perfectly resists the spread of airborne noise.

In addition, such a substrate eliminates the very unpleasant effect of “wall coldness” that occurs. Another convenience is that the pre-glued layer evens out minor surface irregularities, allowing for a high-quality finish. An additional plus is that the wall will not be affected by mold or mildew.

Many have already appreciated the capabilities of the thin backing for wallpaper “Izolon EcoHeat”

The substrate itself is a thin layer of isolon, covered on both sides with a paper “wrapper”. Moreover, the quality of gluing is such that the paper is inseparable from the polymer. The paper layer has an even white tint, that is, it will not appear in any way even when gluing very thin wallpaper. On the contrary, it will set a very even foundation in this regard.

The backing is glued using the usual technology for “heavy” wallpaper. And after complete drying, it is ready for finishing.

It goes on sale in rolls 500 mm wide and 14 meters long. The thickness of the substrate can be 3 (Classic) or 5 (Premium) millimeters.

IZOLON EcoHeat for wallpaper

Types of insulation

The material comes in the following types : roll, sheet, foil and isolon tape.

Rolled isolon has a thickness from 2 to 10 mm, width from 80 to 150 cm, length from 50 to 200 m.

is marked as follows: the first 2 digits indicate the foaming ratio, and the second - the thickness of the sheet.
For example, Isolon 3005 has a thickness of 5 mm, a foaming ratio of 30 and a density of 33 kg/m³. Table 1 . Characteristics of rolled isolon

Izolon PPEThickness, mmDensity, kg/m³Roll length, mSheet width, m

Indicators of the expansion factor of foaming are poorly understood by the buyer, so you can use the table of the dependence of the expansion factor on the density of the material.
Table 2 . Density and foaming ratio of rolled isolon

Density, kg/m³2001006650332925
Foaming ratio5101520303540

Leafy . Available in slabs 1*2 m or 2*1.4 m. Thickness can range from 15 to 100 mm.

Foiled . Available in both rolls and sheets. It is distinguished by the presence of a foil layer on 1 or 2 sides, attached by lamination. Therefore, the letter “l” appears in the marking. Width – 1.2 m, length – from 80 to 300 m.

Izolon tape . It is distinguished by the presence of an adhesive layer with a protective paper membrane on 1 or 2 sides. The roll width is 1 m, length – 10, 20 or 30 m.

Properties and characteristics depending on the type

The properties and characteristics of isolon directly depend on its type and determine the possible scope of application. Before choosing a particular variety, it is worth getting acquainted with the available options.


PPE – cross-linked polyethylene foam. During the production of this variety, the components change their state at the molecular level. They come with a cross-ligamentous and mesh molecular base. Thanks to this, the material better resists the effects of aggressive substances and has increased moisture resistance, which significantly expands its possible scope of use.

NPE – non-crosslinked polyethylene foam. This material has virtually no bonds at the molecular level. It is a substance with a closed cell structure filled with gas. During the production process, at the foaming stage during heat treatment of the feedstock, the mass is filled with carbon dioxide. Penetrating into the large pores characteristic of this variety, it gives the canvas the required properties.

Foil coated on one or both sides

In its structure and composition, this variety is no different from the classic one. However, it has a foil film with a thickness of 10 - 100 microns on one or both sides. For its manufacture, aluminum or another metallized composition can be used.

Due to its high performance characteristics, foil material is used when performing work inside and outside the building. The choice of variety depends on the scope of application. So, for installing floor coverings, Isolon with a heat-reflecting film is selected. During installation, the sheet is positioned so that it is on top.

There are several types of foil insulation depending on the type of coating and its thickness:

  • “A” – isolon, coated with aluminum on one side, its thickness varies from 3 to 10 mm;
  • “B” is a foamed polymer covered with foil on both sides; it is considered more resistant to mechanical stress;
  • “C” – insulation with a self-adhesive base, it is most often used in everyday life due to its ease of installation;
  • “ALP” is a self-adhesive isolon, during the production of which a transparent film up to 3 mm thick is applied over the foil, its purpose is additional protection.

Products without coating

The performance characteristics of this variety are relatively low. The absence of additional coating worsens its properties and reduces its cost. Due to its availability, it is used in various fields.

Covering and self-adhesive material

The covering material allows you to form an airtight coating. It is glued to the base with glue. The sheets are laid end-to-end or overlapped if the thickness is relatively small. The tightness of the connections is ensured using construction tape.

Self-adhesive isolon is attached to the base immediately after the protective film is removed. A special adhesive composition applied to the surface of the material will allow it to be fixed in the desired position. Self-adhesive foil isolon is especially popular.

Natural analogue

Cork can be used for sound insulation. The cork surface is porous; the material consists of interconnected cells. Thanks to them, noise absorption from outside and inside is ensured. There is a technical version of this material and a household version. For sound insulation, finishing an apartment with technical cork is more suitable. This is a rolled soft material. The cork surface absorbs noise by 24 dB. More suitable for finishing floors inside an apartment.

Floors can also be covered with household cork. It is allowed to glue sheets to the main surface of the floor. Since waterproofing is usually laid between the base, such floors will have good sound insulation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The list of advantages and benefits of isolon is impressive:

  • The sound absorption of the material approaches 70%.
  • Foamed polyethylene is safe for the environment and health.
  • Low vapor permeability and water absorption (does not exceed 1%) make it possible to use isolon without waterproofing, which is mandatory for many insulation materials. Foil isolon
  • Elasticity allows the material to be laid on structures with complex geometries. Thanks to its elasticity, the material is easily restored after mechanical stress and can be reused.
  • Isolon, resistant to precipitation and ultraviolet radiation, is indispensable when performing outdoor work.
  • Excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Thus, 10 mm of laid insulation is equivalent to 15 cm of brickwork, 20 mm of mineral wool, and about 5 cm of wood. Insulating a room with isolon can reduce energy costs by a third.
  • The low weight of the material does not load the elements of building structures and the car.
  • Fire safety.
  • Durability up to 80 years.
  • Preservation of operational characteristics by the material in the temperature range -60°С - +100°С.
  • During the production process, it is possible to duplicate (join, glue) isolon with aluminum foil, metallized film, vinyl leather; embossing; coloring.
  • The heat reflecting ability of foil insulation is 95%-97%.
  • Ease of working with the material. Isolon is easily cut and attached to various surfaces with a self-adhesive base, stapler, small nails, silicone glue or self-tapping screws.
  • Resistance to dynamic and mechanical influences.
  • Production waste is subject to recycling.
  • Resistance to aggressive chemicals and biological destroyers.
  • Large selection of rolled and sheet insulation of various sizes, thickness, density. The presence of a material with a foil layer or an adhesive layer protected by a paper membrane.

The list of shortcomings is quite modest:

  • Relatively high cost.
  • The material requires careful transportation and careful installation without damaging the thin aluminum layer.
  • Plaster is not applied to isolon, wallpaper or other finishing materials are not glued, which can “load” it with their weight and lead to breakage or unwanted deformation.

What it is

The term isolon appeared thanks to the developments of the Izhevsk Plastics Plant. The material is foamed polyethylene with a porous structure. This feature provides isolon with high quality heat and sound insulation. It should be noted that the material is quite elastic, which greatly simplifies the installation process.

How polyethylene foam with a uniform cell structure is produced

The technological process of isolon production can be divided into three stages:

  • All components involved in the process are mixed in one container, adhesion agents and foaming agents are added.
  • The finished mass is heated to high temperatures, melts, forming finished sheets.
  • The material is sent to the oven, where it undergoes additional heat treatment. At certain temperatures, foaming agents react, creating pores on the surface of the sheets.

If we are talking about the production of foil material, at the final stage, one side of the sheet is covered with thin aluminum foil. Lamination technology is used here.

Features of using isolon

Sealing isolon

To ensure that the material does not lose the properties declared by the manufacturer during operation, its sheets are laid end-to-end without overlapping. To reliably seal butt seams, special aluminum tape is used. When insulating the surfaces of building structures, always leave gaps for ventilation between the insulated element and the isolon used. This will prevent the formation of condensation, which is destructive for many materials. For safe operation, it is prohibited to lay conductive foil insulation directly next to electrical wiring.

Safety of using isolon

There is no release of any toxic substances into the environment even if the isolon is heated to +140°C. The material is hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, hygienically safe. Its operation allows contact with food and human skin. During the production of foamed polyethylene, there are no emissions that destroy the ozone layer of the atmosphere, because the freon included in the gas mixture for foaming is successfully replaced with isobutane, propane-butane and other gases. When disposed of, buried, or accidentally released into the soil, no harmful substances and gases are released that pollute water bodies and groundwater. Resistance to aggressive petroleum products and organic solvents makes isolon a reliable insulator for various products and surfaces. Polyethylene foam is fireproof (due to the inclusion of fire retardants - fire extinguishing additives) - it does not burn, but decomposes into carbon dioxide and water.




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