Wooden window blocks with separate and paired sashes. Fastening window blocks in wall openings. Window devices

What is window sash

A window frame is a structure consisting of frames and enclosed in one window unit. The structure is made of interconnected wooden beams located horizontally and also vertically. Represents opening or non-opening doors.

Main functions of window structures:

  1. Provide daylight.
  2. Allows for ventilation of rooms.
  3. Adds strength to the window.
  4. They create an aesthetic appearance both inside and outside the house.

The complex window design consists of three parts:

  1. Motionless. In other words, it’s a frame. It is rigidly fixed to the opening in the wall of the building. There are frame boxes for winter (inner box) and summer (outer box) periods, as well as general purpose.
  2. Movable. Here we are talking about sashes. They can open inward, outward, or upward or downward. The doors can be equipped with vents and transoms. The doors are made of timber frames with glazing.
  3. Windowsill. It is an element that closes the junction of the binding and the opening and also performs an aesthetic function.

What it is

Window casement is a structure with vertical and horizontal elements of a window block, which are connected into one unit.

Window sash functions:

  1. With its help, light penetrates into the room.
  2. Decorative element on the facade of a building.
  3. Allows you to open a certain part of the window for ventilation.
  4. Gives glass additional strength.
  5. Determines indoor climate conditions.
  6. Acts as thermal insulation.
  7. Isolates the building from street noise.

Components of the structure:

  1. The box is the part that connects all the elements.
  2. Strapping bars - used to divide the glass into several elements.
  3. The doors are the part that can move.
  4. Gorbylek – reduces the size of glass, making it possible to use thinner glass.
  5. A window is a small part that makes it possible to ventilate rooms.
  6. Transom - most often the upper blind part of the window.
  7. Impost is a fixed element that divides the window into sashes and ensures the rigidity of the frame. When the sash is opened, a vertical bar remains, which is called an impost.
  8. The mullion is the jumper between the transom and the sash.
  9. Fittings are various mechanisms and devices with which you can open a window and provide micro-ventilation.
  10. Beading – secures the glass in the sash.
  11. Sealing gaskets - for better fit of the sash, improved sound and heat insulation.
  12. Decorative overlays - can imitate binding.

Types and sizes

Window designs can be divided depending on different criteria. For example, blind and sash trims are distinguished. Solid structures do not allow ventilation of the room, but casement structures can provide access to fresh air. The latter, if they open inward or in both directions, have the following advantages:

  1. They are easier to wash.
  2. Replacing glass is also much easier, since the work can be done indoors.
  3. Open doors, if they are located on the ground floor, do not interfere with the movement of passing people.

Sash wooden frames can have one, two or three leaves. Three-leaf frames are a structure made of one blind leaf (that is, it does not open) and two opening ones.

In addition to blind and casement window frames, a combined type can be distinguished. It contains the features of vertical and horizontal casement windows. The former open in both directions, and the latter only inward.

According to the type of design, frame strappings are divided into:

  1. Single;
  2. Having double glass;
  3. Twin;
  4. Pairs;
  5. With separate double bindings.

Single windows are designed for rooms where there is no particular need to retain heat. Their purpose is explained by the method of manufacture. The wooden frame is equipped with double glass. For example, such simplified designs can be used on a veranda or summer kitchen.

Double bindings differ from single bindings in that they have two glasses. This allows you to slightly increase the thermal insulation properties of the house. Double windows no longer have any other advantages. The double type of window consists of paired sashes. In general, a complex structure is formed, for which a window is provided.

Paired windows are slightly different from single ones . They have another sash, which is additionally mounted to one of the upper sashes. Windows with separate double frames combine external and internal sashes, which are mounted using one frame.

The sizes of window trims will be determined depending on:

  1. The area of ​​the room or space that needs to be illuminated.
  2. Location of the house in relation to the cardinal directions. The south side will generally have more sun.
  3. Architecture of a building or type of house.
  4. Ceiling heights.

To determine the required area for lighting, you need to divide the area of ​​the window opening by the floor area.

The window area should be at least one fifth of the floor area. For example, a room of 20 m2, the windows should be about 3 m2 in size.

The standard dimensions of a window frame for a residential building are: a height of just over two meters, a width of just over one and a half meters (the number of sashes is taken into account), and a height above the floor of no more than one meter. If vents are planned, they are made at a height from the floor of approximately 1.8 meters. The window is mounted on the right side of the binding.

Optimal solutions for creating comfortable conditions

In modern homes, much attention is paid to creating an optimal indoor microclimate. Since it is important to maintain the desired temperature and humidity during the cold season, more and more people are choosing double window designs.

Paired and separate sashes are available for windows with double frames.

Owners now often prefer to install windows with paired sashes, although separate sashes also have their advantages. It is worth taking a closer look at two types of structures.


Wood is considered the best material for window frames. It has several very important qualities such as:

  1. Natural material;
  2. Very durable;
  3. Wood retains heat due to the air in its structure.
  4. Beautiful appearance.

For production, such tree species as pine, larch, oak, cedar, and fir are used. Of these, the most durable can be called oak and larch. But in other respects they lose, for example, they do not hold heat well. This fact is explained by the too dense structure of the tree. The most common types of wood for making bindings are pine and oak. The advantage of pine is that it has a low cost, and oak is a durable and reliable material.

Features of wooden window designs

In the design of wooden windows, it is important to take into account the following specific features:

  • narrow vertical profiles are better able to absorb loads from the glazing and at the same time minimize the impact of moisture on wooden transverse parts;
  • the profile must be sufficiently beveled (at least 18°) so that rainwater is quickly drained from the lower part of the window frame, which bears the greatest load;
  • all window parts exposed to moisture, for example windproof strips, must be easily replaced;
  • To ensure high-quality application and retention of the paintwork, all outer edges must be rounded (minimum radius must be 4 mm).

How to choose a window frame

Window trim should be selected based on many criteria. Here are the most important ones:

  1. The window is selected depending on the climate that is typical for the area. To be more precise, one or another binding of a specific type of wood is selected.
  2. You also need to take into account the architecture of the building.
  3. The window design is selected depending on the purpose. As noted above, there are with and without sashes.
  4. Strength characteristics are also taken into account.

If the windows in the room are small, then it is more advisable to choose sashes that span the entire height of the window. For high openings, mounting the full-length sashes is not suitable. The reason is that the design is too heavy. Additional fasteners will be needed. In addition, such sashes are inconvenient to wash, change, and so on.

To solve the problem with a high window, a transom is added to it. Due to it, the design becomes more complicated in its execution, but the transom helps to “shorten” the sash part. If the transom opens, then a mullion is made between it and the sash - a horizontal wooden block element.

Split window sash

Designs with separate bindings are made from two frames. They are connected by cladding. Sometimes the second inner frame is replaced with a folded one.

Great demands are placed on bindings , because, as mentioned above, they must retain room heat to the maximum. To do this, their vestibules need to fit very tightly to each other. Also, wooden parts must be securely fixed in the grooves of the tenons.

The binding folds are fixed in one plane. Thanks to this, the glass fits better to them and to the frame as a whole.

Window units with paired sashes

The pair design is essentially the same as the single design, but there is a slight difference. The upper part of the doors has an additional door. Depending on how it is mounted outside or inside, heat exchange between the room and the environment occurs.

If the sash is mounted outside, then heated air from the room will penetrate between the glasses. The glass will fog up. If the sash is made indoors, then, on the contrary, colder layers of air will fill the space between the glasses.

There are also windows that have paired frames. As noted above, a window or transom can be made here.


Windows, which are the enclosing elements of a building, must not only provide the premises with natural light and ventilation, but also have appropriate thermal and acoustic qualities.

The filling of a window opening (window filling) includes: a window frame, frames inserted into it, a window sill board and an external drain. Window sashes, consisting of opening, fixed or combined sashes, determine the type of window: one-, two- and three-leaf windows or a window with a balcony door (Fig. 152).

Window types and sizes are standardized and compiled in GOST. The minimum width of a single-leaf window is 60 cm; double-hung windows are available in widths of 90, 110 and 130 cm. The vast majority of civil buildings have double-hung or double-glazed windows. In northern regions, triple glazed windows are often used. For temporary structures, single-glazed windows are permitted.

Rice. 152. Types of windows:

a - single-leaf; b - double-leaf; c - window with balcony door; d - sections of windows with separate and common frames; 1 - boxes; 2 — upper bar of the sash; 3 - the same, lower; 4 - caulk; 5 - window sill board; 6 - solution; 7—low tide; 8 - vertical bar of the sash; 9 - loop; 10 - vertical bar of the vestibule

The window frame is a mandatory element of a window with wooden frames and consists of side jambs, a top and a bottom trim. For large window sizes, the frame may have additional horizontal or vertical elements (imposts). There are wooden, reinforced concrete, solid, composite and separate boxes (Fig. 153). In the box, in the places where the bindings are abutted or hung, a quarter with a depth of 10 mm is selected for the width of the binding bar. The bindings are hung using hinged hinges. Boxes with bindings form a window unit.

To protect it from rotting, the box is antiseptic, and when installed in the opening between the stone wall and the wooden box, only leather or glassine is laid. The box in the opening is secured with crutches or long nails driven through the box into antiseptic wooden plugs, specially placed in the wall along the course of the masonry. The gap between the frame and the masonry on the façade side is sealed with mortar; on the inside, the window slopes are plastered or finished with hardboard. The gap under the bottom frame of the box is caulked and covered with a standard wooden, reinforced concrete or plastic window sill board. The lower outer slope (weir) is made of mortar coated with galvanized roofing steel or made of ceramic tiles.

Rice. 153. Schemes of window frames:

a - general view; b - cross-section of a box found in old buildings; c - elements of strapping of modern wooden boxes; d and e - elements of a reinforced concrete box;

1 - top; 2 - jamb: 3 - bottom trim; 4 — horizontal impost; 5 - vertical impost; 6 - gluing line; 7 - common box option; 8 - window sill board

Bindings (sashes, vents, transoms) are made of wooden blocks with a section of 44X65, 54x64 and 64X75 mm; The slabs dividing the sash into parts are 30 mm in size along the façade, and along the depth of the opening the size of the sash is equal to the size of the sash bar. A quarter (rebate) measuring 10x15 mm is selected from the outside of the bindings and slabs of the binding, in which the glass is then secured with metal pins and putty or wooden slats (glazing beads) with screws. Strapping bars can be simple or overlaid. Windows with simple frames are glued at the seams for the winter; windows with floating bars are less ventilated, and if there are sealing gaskets made of rubber or textile cord in the vestibules, they do not need to be glued over.

Rice. 154. Windows with paired sashes:

a - section along the window; b - cross-section of the upper and side bars of the box and frames; c - cross-section of adjacent frame bars and frames; d - cross-section of the vertical impost and frames; 1 - ventilation hole; 2 - float; 3 - gasket

Recently, economical windows with paired sashes, closely adjacent to each other, have been widely used (Fig. 154). Paired bindings are advisable in cases where local climatic conditions and the internal temperature and humidity conditions of the room exclude the possibility of glass fogging and the formation of ice in the vestibules.

The inner frame of such a window is attached to a common solid frame on hinges, and the outer one is hung on the inner one, fastened to it with hooks or screws that are removed when wiping the glass. The presence of sealing gaskets in the vestibules increases the tightness of paired frames, but paired wooden frames are sound-conducting and their use, especially on facades facing noisy highways, is undesirable.

Triple glazing of windows is carried out by hanging single and double sashes on composite wooden frames.

All sash elements are equipped with window devices: handles, locking bolts, window shutters, stoppers, awnings and transom devices. Paired bindings are locked with handles with a special tension device.

Rice. 155. Filling window openings with glass blocks:

a - piece glass blocks; b - glass panel; 1 - jumpers; 2 - glass blocks; 3 - fittings; 4 - steel fastening parts; 5 - bituminized glass wool or glass felt; 6 - layer of bitumen; 7 - waterproofing mastic; 8 - cement mortar; 9 - two layers of roofing felt on bitumen; 10 — reinforced concrete frame of the panel; 11 — reinforced concrete racks and connections inside the panel; 12 - wooden plugs; 13 — relief of glass blocks

In addition to wooden bindings, bindings made of aluminum alloys and plastics began to be used in civil engineering. Twin binding made of plastic materials resists well the penetration of street noise into the building and does not require first-class joinery wood for its production.

In some cases, window filling is made of glass blocks that transmit light, but are not visible to the eye, having a size of 194 X 194 mm and a thickness of 60 and 98 mm (Fig. 155, a). Glass blocks are mounted in the opening using a cement mortar of 1:2.5 or 1:3 composition without ligating the vertical seams (the seams are reinforced with steel reinforcement 0 4+-6 mm). This filling of window openings is used in the lobbies of public buildings, exhibition spaces, staircases of residential buildings, windows of bathhouses and laundries, etc. Sometimes glass block panels are used to fill the openings (Fig. 155, b).


Estimated cost

Window frames have different prices. It depends on the manufacturer used to produce the material, service, and so on. For example, if you focus on the material, then pine is the cheapest type of raw material. It turns out that the approximate price for a single-leaf window is 15,000 rubles. Larch windows are already more expensive, about 16,000 rubles. The price for an oak window exceeds 20,000 rubles.

Thus, window designs on the construction market are presented in a wide variety, ranging from the simplest to the combined ones. When choosing, you should pay attention to the glazing. It must be of especially high quality so that the window does not fog up or freeze during operation, and the frame does not rot. This applies to wooden bindings. If we are talking, for example, about metal ones, then they are coated with a special anti-rust solution.

Separate window frames - features and advantages

Separate window sashes at one time became a successful alternative to single and double glazing. A single frame is more suitable for a veranda, summer terrace; for cold weather you need double glazing. But the double frame seems out of place in the days of summer heat.

The advantage of separate bindings is the ability to remove the inner frame if necessary. When it’s already warm outside, it’s really not needed. Thus, the window becomes more functional.

Paired bindings have the best thermal insulation characteristics, however, separate ones also cope with their task, subject to proper installation.

A window block with separate sashes includes two frames with hinged sashes.

There are different types of windows with separate sashes:

  • frames open inwards and outwards
  • both frames open inwards and are connected to the cladding
  • the internal frame is replaced by a folding one

The separate binding is quite functional and ensures the mobility of the doors relative to each other. However, the need to ensure proper insulation and tightness of the structure comes to the fore.

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