How to choose the right type of seal for wooden windows?


Wooden windows with opening sashes make it possible to ventilate the room. This is the reason for their disadvantage: such structures lack tightness. During the cold season, this causes condensation and ice to form on the glass, and cold air penetrates into the room.

For this purpose, insulation is done in the fall. In Soviet times, cotton wool, paper and soft fabric were used. Modern tools have simplified this procedure. You can find a special sealant in stores. How to use it correctly is discussed in this article.

Installation of seal

What is a sealant for wooden windows

This material allows for a tight fit of window or door elements to each other. It is made from silicone, rubber, PVC, and other elastic raw materials. The use of seals in wooden windows significantly increases the thermal insulation and sound insulation of the building.

As a rule, the seal is a rubber strip of various shapes, which can be on a pliers basis or without it. Currently, the following types of seals are available on the building materials market.

  1. Self-adhesive. A rubber tape made in the form of the Latin letters D, C, E, V with an adhesive applied on one side. For installation, it is enough to remove the sewn tape from it and glue it to the place required for sealing. The disadvantage of this type is the poor quality of the adhesive base, which after some time loses its properties.
  2. Without adhesive backing. It is also a rubber tape of the same shape as self-adhesive, but without an adhesive base. This seal is fastened using frost-resistant and moisture-resistant glue. When choosing glue, it is important to purchase a certified and branded product. Otherwise the seal will come off.
  3. Seal with fastening in the groove . It is made of rubber in the form of a tape and also has various shapes; its distinctive feature is the fastening element, which is inserted into a pre-prepared groove along with the seal. The advantage of this type is that no adhesive is required, but at the same time you need to cut grooves for installation.
  4. Silicone. Refers to liquid seals, preferably used on windows that will not be opened during the sealing period. This type has high tightness and thermal insulation. Also, using this liquid base, you can install glass in wooden frames for better sealing.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the design of the window and how it is used.


The video shows how to replace the seal on wooden windows:

Choosing a seal for wooden windows is not a difficult task, but it is very important. Further thermal insulation will depend on the quality of the purchased products. Depending on the type of material, its installation is determined. You can perform the installation yourself using any of the above methods. If everything is done correctly and efficiently, the resulting insulation will perform its functions for a long time.


How to choose a seal

Before insulating a window, you need to choose a product based on how it will be used at the time of sealing. When choosing a sealing material, you should pay attention to the following aspects.

  • It is necessary that it have a high degree of frost resistance and moisture resistance.
  • Resistance of raw materials to compression during active opening and closing of the window.
  • The size of the seal should be optimal, that is, not exceed the sealing area and not be smaller than it.
  • The adhesive on the material (self-adhesive) must have water-repellent properties.

As a rule, two types of seals are used for wooden windows such as:

  1. Silicone seal. The elastic type of raw material is widely used in medicine and the food industry. Also, this type is non-toxic and has high moisture resistance. There are two types of silicone sealant.
  2. Liquid silicone. It is produced in plastic containers and applied to the surface using a special gun. This type of seal can be used when installing glass or sealing wooden windows that are not planned to be opened. You can also glue a rubber seal with liquid silicone, as it has adhesive properties.
  3. Rubber silicone. Produced in the form of flat strips of various shapes. Used to seal doors and windows of various types and types. It has high water resistance and tightness.
  4. Self-adhesive seal. Rubber or silicone tape of various shapes, having a layer of adhesive for fixation to any surface. The disadvantage of this type is the poor quality of the glue, which after a certain time loses its adhesive properties and may lag behind the surface.

The types of sealing materials described above can be used for wooden and plastic windows and doors.

Manufacturers and prices

Today, many companies are engaged in the production of insulation for wooden windows. Moreover, more than half of them provide low-quality products. To avoid buying a fake, you need to pay attention to the following manufacturers:

  1. Aviora – price 15-30 rubles per m.p.
  2. Cyclone - price 18-28 rubles per m.p.
  3. Deventer – price 450 rubles per queen.
  4. KIM TEC - price 1400 rubles per queen.
  5. TEKOPLAST – price 45 rubles per m.p.
  6. Ultima – price 25-30 rubles per m.p.
  7. Bison – price 475 rubles per queen.
  8. Lada-imide - price 35-47 rubles per meter.

Details on how to adjust plastic windows are described in this material.


To install the seal, you do not need to have any specific knowledge or skills; just prepare the installation site and stick it on. You will need the following tools for installation.

  • Penknife.
  • Silicone glue gun (if a non-self-adhesive sealant is used).
  • Silicone glue (if a non-self-adhesive seal is used).
  • Alcohol or any other degreasing material.
  • A piece of clean cloth.

After all the necessary things have been purchased, you can begin installing the sealing tape on wooden windows. This process consists of the following steps.

  1. It is necessary to open the windows and clear the installation site of dirt and debris.
  2. The cleaned installation site is degreased with alcohol or other means.
  3. If a self-adhesive seal is used, then it is necessary to remove part of the sewn-in film of the adhesive coating and glue part of the sealing material to the window frame. Gradually removing the sewn film from the seal, it is necessary to glue it around the perimeter. If the seal is not covered with adhesive, the pasting area must be coated with liquid silicone using a gun.
  4. The joints of excess material are cut off with a penknife.

After the entire gluing process is completed, you need to check how the window closes and whether there is an excess section of the seal. When choosing a material, it is not recommended to choose something much thicker than necessary, since there is a possibility that the door or window will not close. The seal can be installed either on the stationary part of the window or door or on the movable part, this will in no way affect the quality of the seal.

Replacing the seal of wooden windows

Like everything in our world, the seal does not last forever and after a certain period of time it wears out and ceases to perform its original functions. If the sealing material is worn out, it should be replaced with a new one. The replacement process consists of the following steps.

  1. Removing the old seal.
  2. Cleaning residual glue or silicone from old material.
  3. Degreasing the cleaned area.
  4. Installation of new material.

The sealing material is replaced not only in case of mechanical damage, but also after its service life has expired, since the material shrinks and does not provide the original effect.

Therefore, it can be summarized that with the help of a sealant it is possible to increase the thermal insulation of a building without spending a lot of money and time. This material can also be used to restore old wooden windows or doors.

Installing the rubber band yourself

Replacing the self-adhesive seal on wooden windows follows the following scheme:

  • thoroughly clean the window surface from dirt;
  • degreasing and drying it;
  • determining the installation location (sash or frame);
  • actually securing the material.

In this case, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • the tape is cut into strips of the required size (you can first divide it in half);
  • the protective layer should be removed carefully so as not to stretch the seal itself;
  • during fastening, the tourniquet must be pressed, but not very hard;
  • the window will be ready for use after 2 hours.

Rubber adhesive or sealant is used to attach a regular rubber seal to the frame. Except for this point, replacement is carried out using the technology described above. It happens that consumers use a stapler to install such insulation. But this method leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the sash over time, so it is not advisable to use it.


Almost every manufacturer of wooden windows strives to improve the quality of their products. The success of the manufacturer depends on how attractive the produced window will look. But despite appearances, the quality and reliability of a window can be deceiving. An important part of every window is the seal. A properly selected seal will provide protection against blowing and good sound insulation.

The design of modern wooden windows has two sealing circuits. One is located on the rebate of the window sash, the second is on the overlap of the sash. The dimensions of the grooves where it is installed will help you choose the right seal for the window structure. The seal must meet the highest requirements. The more high-tech the seal is made, the longer the window in which it is installed will remain a quality product. With a low-quality seal installed, the window may remain beautiful in appearance, but even when closed, the wind will pass through it. As a rule, a draft enters the room through the most unprotected place of the window unit - the corners of the sash. This is due to the fact that the seal, when installed at the corners, does not fit together well. When installing the seal on the corners of the sash, it is very important to use special scissors for cutting, which form a clear angle. In the absence of such scissors, the cut is not clear, and the corner of the window may be blown out.

When choosing seals for a window unit, you need to pay attention to the properties of the material from which it is made. The physical characteristics of the seal depend on the quality of the material. One of these indicators is the ability of a material to recover. The fact is that when the window is closed, the seal performs its direct function - it seals the gap between the sash and the window frame, preventing the occurrence of a draft and the penetration of extraneous sounds from outside into the room. At this moment, the seal is in a compressed, working state. If the window sash is opened, the seal will begin to recover to its original state in which it was before installation. The lower the temperature outside, the slower the recovery process. If the seal does not restore its original shape, then the next time the sash is closed, the seal will no longer perform its functions fully, which means we get a draft and extraneous noise in the apartment.


There are many domestic manufacturers producing seals. These are large companies:

There are also little-known companies:

When purchasing expensive materials, you should carefully study the packaging, because it contains basic information about the purpose and technical data.

Correctly and efficiently installed insulation prevents cold air and harmful gases from entering the room from the street, creates a feeling of comfort and serves as a good heat insulator.

In conclusion, you can watch a video that gives useful practical tips:


Foamed thermoplastic elastomer (TPS)

A novelty in materials for the production of seals for wooden windows is the foamed thermoplastic elastomer TPS. Unlike seals made of TPE material, seals made of TPS have higher thermal conductivity and sound insulation. Structurally, seals made of TPS material do not consist of a homogeneous material, like seals made of TPE, but consist of microcells isolated from each other. It is this structure of the final product material that makes it possible to increase thermal conductivity and sound insulation.

Wooden windows with opening sashes make it possible to ventilate the room. This is the reason for their disadvantage: such structures lack tightness. During the cold season, this causes condensation and ice to form on the glass, and cold air penetrates into the room.

For this purpose, insulation is done in the fall. In Soviet times, cotton wool, paper and soft fabric were used. Modern tools have simplified this procedure. You can find a special sealant in stores. How to use it correctly is discussed in this article.

Installation of seal

Seals are installed at the joints of parts or sashes to prevent air penetration. There are:

  • rubber, polymer;
  • foam;
  • film
  • on glue;
  • using a self-adhesive base;
  • grooved with a fastening element.

They are produced in tapes of different lengths and widths, which are intended for insulating windows and doors. The door strips are wider, in the form of a single strip. Window panels on one panel are assembled into two or three strips that can be easily separated from each other.

Variety of species


Polymer insulation is made from thermoplastic elastomer or artificial rubber with the addition of natural rubber. Operating temperature -45…+80 °C. They tolerate any atmospheric conditions well.

High-quality seals are widely used to seal car doors, so this will be the most profitable solution for windows. The material is elastic, easily compressed, acquiring the desired shape, and quickly recovers after the pressure is removed.

It not only traps air, but also retains heat well in the house and is an excellent thermal insulator. Seals come in different colors, but black and white, as well as their shades, are more common. Quite durable, which allows you to increase the service life to 15 years.

These polymers in cross-section can have the shape E, P or D. Shape E is the thinnest, compared to other shapes of the same width, and is used for gaps up to 3.5 mm. The P-form is used where the gap is 3-5 mm, it is more plastic. Insulation materials resembling the letter D in cross section are capable of closing large gaps because they have the largest diameter.

Different types of profiles

Attention. When choosing insulation, measure the largest gap width. The material should be 2-3 mm larger than this area. It is also important to take into account the smallest gap distance, where the compression of the seal should not exceed the permissible values ​​​​indicated on the packaging. If it is not possible to maintain these values, seals with different heights should be used.

Polymer insulation has a great advantage over foam insulation: it better protects the room from cold and noise. A significant drawback is the high price, which puts off many buyers. Plastic models are often equipped with a special groove fastening.

Groove mounting method

This insulation differs from self-adhesive tape in that it has a special fastening. The shape of the material is similar to the letter P: short grooves in the form of a herringbone are applied on a straight section. Grooves are pre-made in the frame; the herringbone fits into them, securely securing the entire tape. In addition to a tubular seal, a rectangular or plate seal, which has greater rigidity, can be used.

(9th method) Removing cracks in window frames

Due to various circumstances (exposure to temperature changes, moisture), cracks appear on window frames. To maintain the integrity of the structure and prevent their further expansion, we seal cracks in several ways:

  • pour molten paraffin;
  • seal with special putty for wood;
  • fill the gaps with sealant, you can match the color to the frame.

If necessary, we repaint the window, and the cracks become invisible and the frame has an attractive appearance.

Installation using Swedish technology

In modern windows, installation of the seal in the groove, known as the Swedish method, has become widely used. During manufacturing, a recess is made in the frames, into which insulation is subsequently placed. If there is no such groove, you can make it yourself:

  • the sashes are removed;
  • a groove is cut in the frame to the size of the seal mounting leg;
  • and the width is made 2-3 mm narrower, the depth is greater than the leg by approximately the same value.

To ensure that the sealing material does not wear out due to abrasion, it is installed in such a way that it is compressed when the valves are closed. On the frame, this can be achieved by securing it from the front side, and where the hinges are located - from the end. For ease of threading the tape, a mounting roller is used. When working with it, in order not to stretch the material, the wheel is rolled in two directions.

Using the roller

Wear of rubber seals

One of the possible reasons: during a long period of operation, the seal in the double-glazed window, which is a rubber gasket, has become unusable.

Solution: complete replacement of the damaged seal. In order to extend the shelf life of the product, it is recommended to lubricate it with special silicone grease more than 2 times a year. This measure will help prevent the rubber gasket from drying out, which will reduce its wear time. Such products can be purchased at any relevant store.

Replacing the seal

Over time, the insulation may become unusable. Signs indicating the need for replacement:

  • mechanical damage;
  • violation of sealing;
  • peeling off.

Damage is detected visually. Pay attention to cracks, abrasions, and peeling of the material. Foam rubber begins to crumble when destroyed, this is clearly visible from its particles left on the frame. Depressurization can be detected with the help of an open flame, for example, using a lighter: the flame is carried along the entire insulation and the fire is monitored; if it deviates, then there is damage.

The insulation peels off if the surface was poorly cleaned before gluing. You can, without tearing off the material, try to clean the place, apply a layer of glue and glue it again.

When replacing a plastic element, you need to take into account the angles: at the bend on the inside, cut off an angle of 90 °, then the insulation is laid evenly and does not stick out.

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