Eco-veneer doors: features and use of technological material

One of the renovation stages involves the installation of interior doors, and here you want to find an option that will last a long time and at the same time retain its appearance. Increasingly, owners are choosing doors made of eco-veneer; what it is, what are the characteristics of the material and the conditions of its operation, I will tell you below. I suggest you get acquainted with a selection of useful information and compare eco-veneer with other popular finishes.

Light shades always look stylish Source

About eco-material and its difference from PVC

In online articles answering questions about eco-veneer, what kind of material it is for doors, I see some confusion. It is widely believed that these are wood fibers compressed in polymer or resin, which are rolled out during the production process and polymerized under pressure into a film.

In fact, in Russia, eco-veneer means a polypropylene film with wood decor. On sale under this marking you can find doors with two more types of coatings:

  • Cheap paper-based film coating . This finishing film is a layer of paper impregnated with synthetic resins. The cost of the product (usually a drawstring design) is low, and outwardly it is sometimes indistinguishable from the real thing, eco-veneered. You should be wary of the unusually low price, because the difference will appear during operation.

Model in modern style Source

  • PVC films . The toxicity of the polyvinyl chloride film itself is a myth. But this, unfortunately, cannot be said about the composition of the outer coating. If the color or fixative contains resins based on formaldehyde, such a polymer cannot be called safe. Dangerous additives are indirectly indicated by smell, but it is not always present, or may appear later, for example, when heated under the sun's rays.

Therefore, answering the question, PVC doors or eco-veneer, which is better, I would say that, in a certain way, in terms of basic performance characteristics, they are interchangeable. At the same time, the quality of the decor differs, namely, it decides how accurately the coating will convey the natural texture of the wood.

Eco-veneer is a covering made of polypropylene, a plastic that is safe for health (for example, medical containers are made from it). The material is relatively new; in production it is not much more expensive than polyvinyl chloride film. Thanks to edgeless technology, the coating is durable and reliably imitates natural material.

Section of the door leaf Source

Both polypropylene and PVC are not afraid of water, both are available in matte and glossy textures, but the resemblance to wood is determined by the quality of the decor. The prefix “eco” in the name of polypropylene film is a marketing ploy that evokes associations with natural veneer.


  1. Yu.I. Vetoshkin, Yu.I. Tsoi. Woodworking. Practical guide. Publishing house ProfiKS (2006)
  2. Directory of the latest technologies in construction and repair. Publishing Phoenix 2013
  3. Judith Miller. Furniture. All styles from antiquity to modern times. AstAstrel. 2007
  4. Website of Panorama LLC [xn--90abebddbw3a5aarg.xn--p1ai/novosti/ekoshpon-chto-za-material/ Doors in Belgorod]
  5. Website of the company Panorama LLC [xn--90abebddbw3a5aarg.xn--p1ai/novosti/dveri-s-pokrytiem-ekoshpona-eto/ Online door store in Belgorod]

To tie?

K:Wikipedia:Isolated articles (type: not specified)

Features of the technology

When looking for an answer to the question, eco-veneer or PVC, which is better, you should take into account the plasticity and softness of polypropylene. In this property, it is somewhat inferior in rigidity to PVC coating; A strong blow to the door (for example, when moving large furniture) can leave damage. The eco-material is fixed using special equipment using thermal vacuum pressing technology as follows:

  • The eco-veneer is fixed 5 mm above the door leaf and blown with air so that no dust remains.
  • The surface of the canvas is degreased and liquid glue is applied to it.
  • The workpiece is placed in the oven chamber. High temperature makes the polymer plastic, and it adheres to the surface of the doors. Air is removed from the chamber, the polymer is tightly glued to the base, repeating its shape.

Each model is available in several color options Source
Since polypropylene is softer than polyvinyl chloride (PVC), when it is heated, the likelihood of tears or cracks increases. Therefore, they prefer to apply eco-veneer to the canvas with shallow milling. Most often these are classic or modern models that are simple in design and have clear geometry. Although the coating has a thickness of 0.2 to 0.4 mm, it is much more difficult to ruin it than natural veneer, whose thickness reaches 1-3 mm.


The main characteristic when choosing a product is its safety, which can be expressed in absolute values ​​or in relative ones. Fire resistance, expressed in the time of burning of the canvas under the influence of direct fire, can be classified as absolute; safety of a particular coating can be classified as relative.

Let's give a small example: Solid wood doors are recognized as a model of environmental safety, but if chipping or peeling occurs, a child can easily get hurt on it. On the contrary, the attitude towards materials of artificial origin is rather negative; most parents are afraid of them; in the case we are examining, eco-veneer will behave much more predictably than it can save children or adults from injury, however, some compounds can harm a person in certain extreme external conditions. Below is a table with an approximate description of the safety of various formulations:

Normal conditions Extreme conditions
Polypropylene Safe Safe
PVC Safe Dangerous
Laminated Safe There is no clear answer due to various components

*Extreme conditions mean exposure to high temperatures. The table is for informational purposes only.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing something as significant for the interior as interior doors, it is important to have an idea of ​​the advantages and disadvantages of each product. A door made of eco-veneer also has its pros and cons. Door leaf with eco-veneer cladding has the following advantages:

  • Moisture resistance , which can be called absolute; the surface is not afraid of prolonged exposure to steam or splashes of water. The door can be installed in both the bathroom and the kitchen.
  • High performance . Dense propylene is resistant to abrasion and accidental mechanical impacts (you don’t have to worry about scratches), and does not fade in the sun.

Eco-veneer - a reliable option for the bathroom Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in doors, windows and related work

  • Long lasting appearance . Peeling of the film at the ends of the door leaf is excluded, as often happens on cheap models, since there are no joints at the ends.
  • Hypoallergenic . The material is safe for health; it does not release toxic substances even when heated. Eco-veneered doors are also suitable for a children's room.
  • Hygiene . The surface is easy to care for: any non-concentrated household chemical without coarse abrasive particles is sufficient. You should give up a hard sponge in favor of a napkin.
  • Decorativeness . The material successfully imitates wood; on high-quality models, the repeatability of the pattern is not noticeable. The use of pearlescent pigment gives the surface a matte silky finish.
  • Variety . Polypropylene coating is used for finishing any models: with a smooth (solid) fabric, side panels, with glass inserts, with an aluminum edge.
  • Affordable price . The criterion is often the main one, while the price/quality ratio remains decent.

A strictly shaped model will fit into any interior Source
Numerous advantages are the reason for the popularity of eco-veneer doors; but the pros are complemented by cons, and you need to know about them:

  • Light weight . This door structure is lighter than a wooden one, and therefore not as durable. It is easier to install, but also easier to damage. Repairing severe damage is most often impossible; the door will have to be replaced.
  • Low sound insulation . If the canvas is hollow or filled with corrugated cardboard, the sound insulation will be reduced.
  • Short service life . Good appearance lasts 10-12 years.

When to choose doors with eco-coating

Natural wood is a rather capricious material, inferior to eco-veneer in terms of durability and practicality. At the same time, the polypropylene layer imitates wood so well that it is increasingly difficult to distinguish them from each other. Eco-veneer coating for interior doors is chosen in the following cases:

  • When operating conditions are far from greenhouse conditions. Thick propylene film will be the best solution if there are pets and little fidgets in the house.

Classic with frosted glass insert Source

  • If you are looking for a bathroom door. This room usually has a modest volume, so moisture easily condenses on all surfaces.
  • For the interior, it is important that the doors are as similar as possible to natural wood, but it is necessary to fit within a narrow budget.
  • It is assumed that the end of the doors will be in contact with something. In this case, technology due to which there are no edges on the product is a winning option.

How to care for them

The rules of care are simple, but first we won’t talk about them, but about the prevention of defects. When purchasing a door, carefully inspect the door leaf and moldings from all sides. The smallest chip cannot turn into a serious problem - we don’t take such a door, even if we really like it and the seller offers a discount.

An animal in the house is also a warning factor. Yes, eco-veneer is dense and durable, but not so strong as to repel the pressure of a huge dog’s claws.

If the door was purchased without fittings for self-assembly, elements that will be damaged during the installation process (attachment points for hinges, locks, handles, as well as the top and bottom ends) are treated with varnish. And some care tips:

    Cleaning is done with a regular cotton napkin soaked in water;

    We remove stains, heavy dirt, and kitchen soot using special detergents. Eco-veneer does not react to such compositions. Aggressive chemistry does not change the color of the surface - incl. solvents;

    Do not remove stubborn dirt with abrasives. Solid particles in the powder on the sandpaper, especially steel wool, will leave scratches on the surface. You won't be able to delete them;

    To clean glass, we use special glass cleaners or folk remedies - vinegar, ammonia.

Subtleties of choice

If you have made a choice in favor of interior doors made of eco-veneer, and you are satisfied with the pros and cons, it’s time to decide on a specific model. I would advise choosing the product to match the interior style of your home. For convenience, all doors can be divided into three groups.

For a classic space, a blank, laconic door or a panel with frosted glass inserts is suitable. The modern style will be successfully complemented by a model with clear geometric shapes. There are also universal options in standard colors; they will fit into any space.

Textures for every taste Source

Color solutions

Manufacturers strive to reproduce the natural beauty of wood, so eco-veneer often imitates a variety of natural structures; models of unnatural shades are practically absent. When comparing eco-veneer or PVC, the advantage is on the side of polypropylene. Its structure has depth, which is revealed when the viewing angle changes.

It is easy to transfer any wood texture to the door leaf; options with a distinct wood pattern look especially attractive. Color solutions are selected in accordance with the following rules:

  • Brown palette for classic interiors, as well as Provence. Natural shades of various types of wood are preferred. Any imitation will do, depending on your tastes: regular and bleached oak, walnut, mahogany, ash.
  • The light palette includes white and light gray, as well as any of their variations: beige, pearl, pastel. Light shades have a sophisticated and stylish look. They are suitable for modern interiors, especially the popular Scandinavian style.

Scandinavian style canvas design Source

  • Dark palette . Such tones should be chosen with caution. A door with wenge-colored eco-veneer will be in its place if you know exactly what effect you want to achieve. A dark shade is good for contrast; in a dark room it will help to visually reduce the space.

What is eco-veneer

Eco-veneer is a modern building material, which was invented thanks to advanced European technologies. It almost identically repeats the relief and color of real wood (ash, cherry, alder, walnut, beech, oak and others).

Great for people who have pets or small children in their homes, who can quickly damage doors made of natural wood or veneer. And also for those who are looking for a less expensive option for the interior, namely doors. Often they can be half the price of veneered ones.

Video description

About the review of interior doors made of eco-veneer in the following video:


Based on their appearance, eco-veneer doors can be divided into two groups. The first group includes structures with a smooth (solid) canvas, that is, without any inserts made of other materials (glass, metal). However, the blank canvas may have panels and decorative inserts made of the same material.

A smooth door leaf is appropriate in the following cases:

  • If you want to focus on the texture of the wood, and choose a spectacular, eye-catching coating, for example, status stained oak or exotic: wenge, gonzalo, mahogany.

Dark shade for a respectable interior Source

Briefly about the main thing

Doors with eco-veneer finishing are one of the favorite options for interior designs. The name hides the outer layer, made of polypropylene, a polymer with many properties similar to PVC film. Eco-friendly material is resistant to steam and elevated temperatures, and has an advantageous budget price. The door, protected by a layer of eco-veneer, is suitable for use in the bathroom and kitchen.

The coating plausibly imitates any type of natural wood, but upon careful examination, its artificiality is revealed in the form of repeating elements of texture. The diversity of the offer allows you to choose the right model for any interior style.

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