How to choose roller blinds for the balcony: light-proof Blackout

Sun, summer, heat and... the only desire is a little coolness. Blackout roller blinds are universal textile products that allow you to protect yourself from the sweltering heat on summer days, while maintaining the originality and splendor of the interior.

They are appropriate in the bedroom, in the living room, in the kitchen, and in the office. Different styles of execution allow them to harmoniously blend into the style of the room without violating the overall design integrity.

A window in a room is, of course, a mandatory attribute of any room, be it a bedroom, living room or kitchen. But sometimes the light it emits interferes with sleep or is simply annoying.

Then Blackout blinds come to the rescue - a modern and stylish analogue of classic curtains .

It almost completely blocks light and provides quality rest even on a sunny day.

Blackout blinds. What it is?

Thick, opaque fabric was first made in Finland when it was decided to invent a product to help people improve their sleep quality during the white nights. The invention quickly gained worldwide popularity and began to be used to create curtains and in all other areas where it may be necessary to dim natural light. The new material was called: blackout (which translated from English means “ to darken ” or “ muffle ”). Now the fabric is made not only in Finland, but also in Germany, Holland, Belgium and other countries.

Blackout blinds are made of special non-woven fabric , which is almost 100% capable of protecting the room from light penetration. To create the outer layer of curtains, white material or a color as close to it as possible is usually used. This layer is designed to reflect the sun's rays and prevent them from entering the room.

The middle layer is necessary to diffuse the light that penetrates through the outer layer, and it also does not allow heat to pass through. All these functions are best performed by dark material with a dense structure, most often preference is given to black.

The third layer is decorative.

Blackout fabric curtains are also available . In this case, light cannot penetrate the room due to the rather dense weave of the threads. Such curtains cannot be light; materials are usually found in black, burgundy, blue or brown.

Many people prefer these modern “protectors” from sunlight.

The main advantages influencing the choice of buyers include the following points:

This option will be a real salvation for owners of rooms on the sunny side. Blackout blinds are capable of blocking heat and extraneous noise from the street. With such protection, you can relax in the room at any time of the day without any problems - even with the window open.

The material used to make sun blinds is distinguished by its strength and durability. Of course, the manufacturer asks a considerable price for the high quality of its products, but the money spent will be fully justified.

When compared with ordinary fabric curtains or roller paper curtains, it can be noted that the blinds in question do not fade and do not tear.

For housewives, ease of care for such materials will also be a pleasant bonus - dust can be easily collected with a vacuum cleaner or a damp sponge for cleaning.

Safety and environmental friendliness are other (very important for many consumers) positive aspects. Blackout products are made without the use of various substances that can release harmful fumes into the atmosphere, so they are safe for adults and children. Such materials are fire-resistant and when nearby objects ignite, they begin to melt and then die out completely.

Many will appreciate the ease of installation of products with a maximum darkening effect. Hanging blinds won’t take much time; you don’t need any special skills.

The variety of models and colors offered by numerous manufacturers will make it easy to choose the right option for a particular interior style. Such blinds, both vertical and horizontal, look harmonious not only in modern interiors, they will fit well into a Provence or classic room.

This is what blackout roller blinds look like

Window decoration

The design of any window is based on four main elements.

- Privacy - perhaps only people who live far from prying eyes, say, in the forest, do not need this. For others, ensuring privacy is a top priority. Mini-curtains provide, one might even say, complete privacy of private life.

— Light control – consists of practically two elements: suppression of bright light flux is necessary when it interferes (daytime sleep, TV, computer, etc.), and if it is necessary to limit the negative impact of ultraviolet rays. Roller blinds provide an excellent opportunity to control sunlight by simply raising and lowering (and blackout options can even provide complete darkness).

- Functionality - the principle of operation - rising and falling increases their functionality, since it allows you to set the required clearance. In addition, modern window design involves the use of light brightness sensors and remote controls that allow you to control closing from a distance. Read in detail : About all the mechanisms of roller blinds

— Style is the choice of fabric, color and style, which, without conflicting with the general direction of the interior, add beauty to the balcony. Read more : About day-night curtains for changes in the interior

Advantages and disadvantages

There is no need to talk much about opaque curtains: they are the dream of everyone who cannot sleep from the light of street lamps or whose rest occurs during the daytime.

Blackout blinds have a lot of pros and very few cons:


They do not allow sunlight to pass through when closed, even on the clearest and sunny day;

They do not allow heat from the sun to pass through, which is especially important when the bed is located on the sunny side of the house;

They additionally isolate noise, so you can safely open the window and enjoy sleeping in the fresh air;

The durability of modern curtains is determined by the synthetic material from which they are made;

Such curtains are environmentally friendly: they have no foreign odor and do not emit various types of harmful fumes into the air, so they can be safely hung on a window near a child’s bed;

Practicality and durability are also a huge advantage of blinds, which do not tear (like paper ones) and do not fade in the sun (like woven ones);

They are easy to care for - just wipe them with a damp sponge or go over them with a vacuum cleaner;

A wide range of shades allows you to find that golden mean that will perfectly fit into the image of the room, be it Classic, Modern, Loft, Provence or Scandinavian style;

Easy installation: to hang the blinds, you will need 10 minutes of free time and instructions;

The fire-resistant material of the blinds does not burn. When exposed to fire, it begins to melt and soon dies out.

Still, Blackout blinds are the best solution for a modern bedroom. And its interior does not have to be imposing and trendy. Such curtains are also suitable for classic bedroom decoration with massive wooden furniture and even lambrequins, and will hide curtains that are too simple.

If we talk about the disadvantages of blinds with a “night” effect, then you might think about the unaffordable price. But it is not always the case. Firstly, everyone has different price expectations, and secondly, you can choose more affordable models or, conversely, choose more expensive ones. Experts call the best manufacturers companies from Germany, Belgium, Holland and Finland, where the idea of ​​creating Blackout blinds originated.

How to choose roll curtains

Today the market offers many options for light-proof curtains, among which there are often fakes, or manufacturers use low-quality fabric. To avoid falling for tricks, you should follow a few tips for choosing curtains:

  • A real opaque fabric should not transmit light when looking through it at a light source, for example, a light bulb;
  • if possible, you should ask for a piece of the fabric from which the roll is made and see if there is a layer of black thread inside it;
  • on the front side, a real blackout looks like suede, and on the back it should shine;
  • High quality roller curtains should be equipped with a metal strip at the bottom, with which they are attached to the window with a magnet, as well as side strips so that the curtain adheres to the window.

Types of Blackout blinds

All Blackout blinds are presented exclusively in roller format. The fact is that conventional slatted blinds allow light to pass through and are not able to so effectively rid a room of sunlight. Light-proof models can be made of polyester, cotton with impurities, fiberglass, nylon.

As mentioned above, roller blinds are attached to windows to protect from the sun and decorate the room, and work on the principle of blinds. They can be raised by twisting and lowered in the same way, that is, untwisted. The design works thanks to a mechanism on a chain, and the lock helps secure the position of the curtain at the desired level. There are also roller blinds with automatic electrical adjustment.

Of course, roller blinds differ from ordinary curtains and curtains in appearance and design.

Roller blinds can be fixed:

  • on the wall above the window;
  • directly in the window opening.

There are several main types of roller blinds:

  • classic;
  • cassette;
  • mini curtains.


Smooth, flat, they look very laconic, do not collect dust in folds, and do not drag along the floor. They can be raised to any convenient height, thanks to which the textiles will be reliably protected from children's games, from animal hair and claws.

They are affordable (their cost depends on the size). These roller blinds need to be cleaned a little more often than other types.


They are attached to the window in a special plastic box and are pulled down very carefully. In this box, the curtains are rolled up, and when you need to cover the window from light, they simply unfold.

The cassettes are made to match the color and texture of the window frame; this element is almost invisible. When rolled up, the curtains do not become dirty and are reliably protected from any damage. The color of the cassette can be matched to both plastic and wooden frames.

Cassette curtains are more expensive than classic ones; they come into very close contact with the glass. They are recommended to be installed when the room is rarely darkened (therefore they are ideal for the kitchen), and are suitable for slanted opening windows.

Cassette curtains can be used instead of blinds, combined with curtains and transparent tulle.

Mini roller blinds

They attach very quickly and easily, no need to drill the frame for installation. These curtains are fixed with staples or Velcro, and special magnets are used to prevent the fabric from sagging.

Expert commentary

Vladislav Dobronravov

Leading technical specialist at Okna-Media company

Typically, such roller blinds cover only the glass; they are mounted directly inside the frame.

Roller blinds are loved by both designers and ordinary people due to their ease of use, conciseness, and modern design. Roller blinds easily combine with a classic interior; they can be complemented with tulle, curtains, lambrequins and other various types of curtains and fabrics. These products are very practical.

Where to install?

Blackout blinds are suitable for absolutely any room:

  • Bedroom;
  • Children's;
  • Living room;
  • Kitchen;
  • Balcony;
  • Bathroom with window;

Successfully combined in:

  • office premises;
  • conference rooms;
  • restaurants, cafes;
  • hotels, inns.

The external design is determined taking into account the style of the room, but most buyers prefer light, plain blinds with a “night” function.

Installation Features

The design of roller blinds is suitable for any size of windows and their design: plastic, metal-plastic, wooden, high or low. Vertical blinds are installed on a glazing bead or attached directly to the window frame.

The canvas is already sold complete with a metal tube and fasteners, fishing line with guides and installation instructions. The only additional thing that may be required is a drill or hammer drill to drill a hole in the opening.

Installation steps:

1. First, you need to degrease the outside of the window opening with an alcohol-containing solution. 2. Determine the guides by placing the canvas against the window, then mark the place at the top where they end. 3. Remove the side covers from the box. 4. Pull the chain and unfold the curtains. 5. Remove the protective film from the adhesive area of ​​the box and press it against the upper edge of the window. 6. The end of one box must be attached. 7. Adjusting the second end, position the canvas straight and attach the box. 8. After removing the film from the guides, stick it at the marking location. 9. Attach the protective caps to the box.

Tips for choosing

When purchasing Blackout roller blinds, you need to consider several important points in order to choose the right model:

When going to the store, you should take with you a piece of paper with the dimensions of the window. You need to find out the width and height of the window opening and sashes, the dimensions of the glass themselves and the distance between the handle on the sash and the glass. Precisely sized curtains will provide the most effective darkening.

When choosing curtains for curtains, you need to take into account some of the nuances of the room's interior . The chosen color can harmoniously combine with the upholstery of upholstered furniture - or play in contrast with the curtains on the window. With the help of stripes and color effects, you can visually expand the room or increase the ceilings, as well as make the room warmer or colder.

The density of the fabric and the use of spraying affect the performance of blackout curtains. Denser matter is better able to protect against the penetration of sunlight. The presence of a metallized coating on the material helps to reflect light, and the vinyl layer protects the product from excess moisture.

When choosing Blackout products, you should give preference only to trusted companies that have proven themselves due to the high quality of their products. This technology was created by Finnish blind manufacturers, but other European companies also strive to maintain their brand and produce materials of excellent quality.

To avoid getting a fake, you can look through the material at a light bulb or other light source. A true Blackout will not allow even the slightest hint of light to be seen.

Roller blinds with box

A large selection can confuse a potential buyer, but a simple algorithm will help you choose a worthy canvas:

  1. Determine the density of the material . The denser it is, the better it will block sunlight. For the southern bedroom, choose thick fabric; for the northern one, you can take lighter material. Fabric light curtains do not block light almost 100%, but even they “work” in a room on the north side of the room;
  2. The color and pattern on the canvas should match the style of the room . So, a print with balloons would be appropriate in a nursery, while a plain version would be suitable for an adult classic bedroom;
  3. Sputtering . Japanese manufacturers are famous for their metallized coating on the street side, which reflects up to 90% of sunlight. For the bathroom, it is better to choose blinds with vinyl, which repels moisture;
  4. The guides allow you to close the window tightly . They are located almost along the entire perimeter of the window (letter P) and do not provide any gaps on the sides.

Manufacturers . The concept of “Blackout blinds” was brought into fashion by the Finns - they were the ones who invented the material for opaque curtains, so it is better to give preference to them or choose any other European manufacturer, having first read reviews about the quality of their products.

Blackout curtains

The easiest and most economical way to protect against excessive light and heat is to choose thick curtains for the windows . They should be light in color so that they do not heat up and do not fade too much when exposed to direct sunlight.

Alternatively, you can also use a combination of several curtain options made of lighter fabric in a light color. Such multi-layer protection will be an excellent design solution for any room. It is worth considering some disadvantages of this option:

  • many layers of fabric do not allow fresh air into the room;
  • A large number of curtains accumulate more dust, so they need to be washed constantly.

This method, of course, is the simplest and most cost-effective, but not the most effective. Caring for thick curtains will take more time than caring for blinds or curtains in rolls.

Selection summary

To select curtains according to the size of the window, you need to know the following parameters:

  • width and height of the opening;
  • width and height of the sashes;
  • glass size;
  • the distance between the handles of the sashes and the glass.

To make an interior with blackout fabric roller blinds look harmonious, you should consider some design tricks:

  • the design of the curtains should match some elements that are already present in the room - furniture upholstery, paintings, the color of furniture, walls or carpet;
  • curtains can contrast with other textiles;
  • a vertical stripe on roller blinds will help visually raise the ceilings;
  • horizontal stripes “expand” the room;
  • white curtains traditionally “open up” a small space; in addition, it is a universal color that fits perfectly with any interior;
  • warm shades of roller blinds will “warm” the northern room (colors of gold, orange, cream and red shades, yellow are suitable);
  • cool colors will “refresh” southern sunny rooms (use blue, green, gray, purple fabrics);
  • when creating a “rustic” style (country, Provence or others), it is better to combine roller blinds with tulle, light curtains or lambrequin.

Blackout fabrics are in demand and popular, they are available in various colors, decorated with embossing, patterns, special weaving of the front side, and the use of patterns with pile. Thanks to such a wide selection, you can easily decorate any interior and purchase exactly the textiles that will highlight the beauty of the room and the soul of the house as a whole.

Combination with the interior

Blackout blinds look especially stylish in the interior. It is wrong to think that they look ridiculous in the decoration of a spacious bedroom or living room; on the contrary, such curtains will create an excellent background for its decor.

In a snow-white or bright living room, contrasting roller blinds act as a bright accent. Purple looks especially good against white walls. A bright shade supports the decor of the room - a floor lamp in the corner, a couple of candles and a vase of flowers.

Roller curtains can be combined with classic long curtains . Firstly, it is practical: Blackout blinds block light when closed, and conventional curtains add aesthetics and homeliness to the living room. Secondly, layering continues to be a trend in interior design.

Blackout roller blinds for home cinema . If necessary, you can easily eliminate bright sunlight and enjoy a pleasant viewing of your favorite movie at any time of the day. If you need to close several windows at the same time or a large opening, you can use the GRAND blackout roller blind.

Lightproof roller blinds – price

We produce opaque roller blinds according to individual parameters, and the cost of the finished light-protection system is influenced by such factors as:

  • design features - open roller shutters or roller shutters in a protective box;
  • installation option - with tape without drilling or with self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • type of fabric – color, composition, pattern/no image, texture;
  • type of control - mechanical or remote, etc.

At the same time, no matter which design option you choose, you can buy light-proof roller blinds in Moscow inexpensively. We are a manufacturing and trading company that operates without intermediaries, so our prices are free of intermediary markups.

The price list on the website shows the basic prices for light-proof blinds; the exact cost can be found out from the manager by phone.


Any product, even one that requires minimal care, still needs regular attention.

Here are some tips to help maintain the attractiveness of this textile:

  • roller blinds often come into contact with the windows, so it is necessary to keep the glass themselves clean and regularly wipe them from dust;
  • Roller blinds should be protected from high humidity and temperature so that wet dust and dirt do not settle on them;
  • When washing the glass, the curtains are fully raised and rolled up;
  • blackout practically does not wrinkle, but it is advisable to tuck the product carefully to avoid creases - they affect not only the appearance, but can also ruin the mechanism;
  • frequent ventilation will help to naturally clean the curtains from dust and foreign odors (which is important for the kitchen);
  • The mechanism also needs maintenance, so it must be lubricated regularly.

As for the fabric itself from which roller blinds are made, blackout is quite easy to care for:

  • the fabric is washed once or twice a year, in warm water (up to 40 degrees);
  • Select the “delicate” machine wash mode;
  • permissible machine spin speed – up to 400;
  • Blackout does not need to be wrung out, since synthetic fabric dries very quickly;
  • the product is dried flat out in the shade on the street, on the balcony or in a room that can be ventilated;
  • If necessary, the blackout is ironed, but often this action is not required, because the dense material hardly wrinkles.

Blackout roller blinds stand out for their price-quality ratio. With their help you can decorate non-standard window openings. They do not absorb odor and are therefore easy to care for. By choosing such curtains, you will find the most practical way to solve the problems of energy saving and light protection.

Following simple rules and regular attention to textile interior items will not only create a cozy atmosphere in the house, but will extend the life of things and save money in the family budget.

Advantages of blackout curtains

  • Protection from any light from the street up to 100%;
  • High wear resistance and resistance to fading;
  • Hypoallergenic and non-toxic;
  • Heat and sound insulation: curtains absorb noise well, keep the room cool on hot days, and warm on rainy days;
  • Fire resistance;
  • Practicality in care and use (do not wrinkle, drape well and keep their shape, easy to clean, repel dust);
  • Large selection of colors, prints and formats to suit any interior.

Multi-colored combined blackout curtains in a spacious living room

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