Child locks and window blockers - how to choose and install them yourself

Modern plastic windows have a beautiful design, excellent technical characteristics (heat and sound insulation) and a long service life. However, not all models have a good protective function against burglary and fire. A standard window has intrusion protection class 1, and the highest protection class is 4. When there are small children in the house, then additional elements that will protect the child from falling out are certainly also needed. What kind of anti-burglary fittings for plastic windows exist, what is the safety of plastic windows for children, and what is the fire safety of window structures - we will analyze it in detail further.


There are 3 types.


The limiter is a small bar with teeth on one side. Because of this, the second name is comb.

The limiter consists of:

KernelProvides fastening to the window. Advantage is produced in metal form.
The basisComb with 3 or 5 teeth. It depends on them in what position the frame will open and the width of the sash. The bar is connected to the stand mount.

Note: the comb is made of impact-resistant plastic or metal. Plastic - harmoniously combines with PVC structures, however, with strong gusts of wind it can burst.


The system consists of a metal handle and shut-off valves. There is a lock on the outside. The lock is a blocker for tilting a plastic window. This type of limiter is considered the most reliable (especially against children). The plastic window can only be opened with a key.

Turning the key in the window handle locks it in the closed or tilted position. The mechanism involves installing the lock itself with a blocker in a mortise or overhead form.


The limiter consists of three main parts: fastening to the frame, a clamp to the profile and a cord connecting them. Sometimes manufacturers use a chain instead of a cable. The cable rarely exceeds 20 cm in length.

Attention: the cable differs greatly from the comb. It is not able to fix the position of the window, only to keep it from swinging open. But the strength of the cable is greater - it can withstand pressure up to 550 kg in force.

The object is a window position fixator.

Baby Safe Lock

BSL is a product from Ukrainian manufacturers. It can be used on any type of structure and material. This is a more affordable analogue of Roto, which costs several times less.

The kit includes: a lock with a mate, linings (selected for the type of structure), special screws, installation instructions (not always, only when purchased from official dealers).

This window (or door) lock is characterized by the following features:

  • Complete protection of children from falling out.
  • Allows you to fully ventilate the room with the locking mechanism completely closed. This property foreshadowed its popularity in children's institutions, hospitals and even in some enterprises (where windows cannot be opened).
  • Allows you to protect your home from burglary.
  • You can use one key for locks throughout the house - this will save you from headaches and the need to carry a whole bunch of them with you.
  • It does not depend in any way on the available fittings and their quality.
  • Fairly simple installation.

Despite its simplicity, some people have problems with installation (especially if we are talking about a person without the appropriate skills). Therefore, we present to your attention detailed installation instructions:

  • We install the lower part of the locking mechanism into the lower part of the frame (which opens). It must be installed opposite the hinges using two self-tapping screws (required from the kit). At this stage you may need a screwdriver (small). Screwing occurs through milled holes.

Important! This part must be installed with a hidden hole and in such a way that it is flush with the plastic base of the frame.

  • Next, close the sash. We make markings with a stylus through the longitudinal holes in the lock. It is necessary to designate the places where the counter part of the lock will be fixed.
  • Then we screw it onto the frame itself using the remaining two screws. This element has strictly symmetrical outlines, so its placement does not require any special requirements.
  • We install the decorative lining.

If something remains unclear, this video instruction will help you figure it out.

Repair companies will charge at least 1,000 rubles for installing such an element, so it makes sense to do it yourself.

As you can see, nothing complicated. To fully open the door, you just need to insert the key into the hole. Such window protection for children costs around 450 rubles (the price may vary depending on the type of lining and the number of keys). Perhaps the only drawback of this device is that it cannot be dismantled. Therefore, it will remain forever (at least as long as the window structure is “alive”).

Principle and nuances of work

Despite their small size and simple mechanism, limiters are responsible for a number of important tasks.


  1. Securing the window in ventilation mode. The windows are fixed to the required slot size. This way it is possible to control the degree of ventilation of the room.
  2. Plastic window clamp. Thus, the position set by the limiter will not allow the window to slam shut due to gusts of air in windy weather and hit the wall or its own frame.
  3. Protection against falling out or slipping. The system prevents the window from opening wide. This blocks access for children and pets.

How to choose the right type of limiter:

Purpose of installation and required functionRecommendation for selection
Protection against: unauthorized entry by anyone from the outside, and animals and children from the insideCable or lock

Advice: when a limiter needs to be installed in skylights that open upward, then the choice is exclusively in favor of metal products.

The structure of the limiters is simple, so installing them yourself is quite simple.

Factory protection against burglary of windows.

To understand how protection works and why it is installed, you need to understand how hacking occurs. Of course, you can install all existing anti-hacking measures, but they together do not guarantee security. Because attackers are cunning and keep an eye on new products that appear on the market.

Any protection can protect you from an unprepared thief or a novice, but with seasoned wolves the situation is more complicated. Installed protection takes time, and the thief is afraid of being noticed. And, often, he abandons the work he started, fearing for his safety.

Resistance classes are aimed at informing the owner that the window can be opened. It just takes longer to complete each class.

Burglary resistance has 4 classes. Even an ordinary window can be equipped with anti-burglary fittings and increase the level of protection to class 4. The burglars work quickly and quietly. And anti-burglary devices complicate the hacking process. Resistance class 3-4 forces the thief to tinker with the security device, which means they require additional tools. All this time and noise, so the attacker better give up his idea.

A robbery outside the city is much easier to carry out because the houses are located far from each other. But in the city everything is in plain sight and a person cutting glass will attract attention.

By mounting method

There are 2 methods of installing the limiter:

  1. Installation under the window handle. The comb is attached to the fixed area of ​​the window frame. Its free movement is necessary. The limiter should not get caught in curtains or drapes.
  2. Installation in the end part of the sash. Long self-tapping screws are used to secure the pin. They are firmly embedded in the sash overlap lintels. Installation of the mechanism at the end can only be done in a plastic profile. Wooden frames are deformed. Natural wood fiber cannot withstand the force of the pin.

For a reliable design of the entire system, technical operating rules must be followed.

Windows with child locks - GOST provisions

In Russia, GOST 23166-99 “Window blocks” is in force. General technical conditions”, containing: classification of window units, requirements for them, operating and installation rules. Since September 1, 2016, changes have been made to the document, according to which window units must prevent cases of child injuries. To do this, it is necessary to install a security lock on the opening doors.

Excerpt from GOST 23166-99 (“Window blocks. General technical conditions”)

The responsibility for installing a security lock lies with the companies involved in the installation of plastic windows. The consumer may refuse this service. But your refusal will have to be documented. This may be a clause in the text of the contract being signed or a separate agreement.

If you still need a lock, then there are several options.

Installation of limiter on plastic windows

It is important to clearly find the places where the structure will be implemented. A comb with teeth is placed on the protruding part of the rod. Then cover the window with the bracket attached to the frame. The bracket fastening area is being “tested”.

All relevant marks are made with a pencil, and the locations for the holes for fixing the bracket are marked. Next, it is checked again whether the limiter fits into the latch. It will be impossible to correct marking errors after installing the mechanism. There will be marks on the frame.

Rule: when attached to rotary sashes, the limiter can be screwed anywhere in the profile and frame, when installed on tilt-and-turn elements - strictly in the upper zone.

Mounting the comb under the handle

Installing a window stop on a window takes place in 7 stages:

  • Drilling holes in a window frame. Don't try to screw in screws using your hands alone. So, it is impossible to avoid cracks. Only a drill can make neat sockets in a plastic profile. attach a thin nozzle and drill holes in the window. Their diameter should be suitable for the screws that will then be screwed in.
  • Rotate the plug 90 degrees. To do this, you need to find a groove on its surface, hook it with a knife, and turn it at a right angle.
  • Using a screwdriver, unscrew the two bolts found under the plug.
  • Remove the handle and set it aside without changing its position. This way, its direction will be recorded without errors. It is located perpendicular to the window vertical.
  • Place the bracket in the plane of the profile so that it extends further under the window handle. Perforations for screws should be visible in the holes of the bracket. The pin should be directed towards the return leaf. The handle is mounted on the bracket and takes its original position.

  • Align the clamp with the axis of the bracket (correct fit into the grooves is required). Having found the appropriate position of the latch, you need to put the appropriate marks on the profile.
  • In the marked areas, two holes are created using a drill with a thin gimlet. Afterwards it is possible to secure the limiter using self-tapping screws.

This completes the installation.

Note: you need to monitor the reliability of the comb fastening systematically, and tighten the screws according to the situation. Weakness of the coupling leads to breakage of the stopper and window profile.

Common breakdowns

Opening the profile in several positions at once indicates a malfunction of the double-glazed window.

Common reasons will be:

  • sagging transom;
  • the location of the fastening is only on the lower hinge;
  • jamming of structural parts;
  • entry of a foreign object into the system.

This problem often haunts owners of massive windows with a huge glass area.

Installation of the retainer at the end of the sash

Installation of this type involves placing the comb in an arbitrary location on the non-moving side of the frame. To secure the limiter, you need to use a long self-tapping screw, so it will break through all the jumpers inside the end (overlay) of the sash. The reliability of the system is ensured only in this way.

As in the option described above, the correct drilling of holes for the screws into which the fastener itself is screwed plays an important role.

Installing a limiter at the end of the window is used as an alternative solution. The method is applicable when there is fittings under the window handle or opposite it that prevent the fastener from being attached.

How to eliminate them

When the sashes sag, the hinges quickly wear out and become deformed. It is important to monitor them and adjust them from time to time.

If the fastening is not strong enough, an awkward movement can cause the sash to open either as a “window” or wide open. It is necessary to open them carefully after the handle has reached the correct position.

Emergency opening occurs when the handle is completely jammed. This is where the help of a specialist will come in handy; you will need to disassemble the frame, remove the hinges and install all the moving parts in their original place.

Negative consequences of a breakdown can be avoided if you have time to:

  • grab the transom when it is pointing down;
  • connect the upper corner of the device to the frame hinge;
  • apply pressure to the limiter button or lever;
  • change the “reclined” position to “open”;
  • close, press and fix the transom for a specific opening mode.

Bracket Attachment

A significant process of installing a limiter on a plastic window is installing the bracket. Differences between the holes of the comb and the profile should not be allowed. The markings must match clearly. If there are errors in it, the glass unit can be seriously damaged. Such defects are difficult to correct.

Technology and sequence of actions:

  1. Close the sash with the lock and mark the location for installing the bracket. The pin is placed opposite the ridge, and it is important to leave freedom for the window to open and close.
  2. Mark the attachment points with a pencil.
  3. Place the teeth at the level of the bracket and “estimate” the operation of the mechanism when the window moves.
  4. If the latch works satisfactorily, you can attach the bracket part to the window using self-tapping screws (choose them no longer than 13 mm).

The guide should not be placed on the adhesive solution. Regular stress, especially in bad weather, will tear off the bar.

When to change an element

Before replacing the old plastic window limiter with a new one, it is worth considering some familiar points:

  1. The details of the new sample must be identical to the previous ones. All parameters and dimensions of the device, including distance proportions between holes, must coincide with the original limiter.
  2. The clamps are different according to the model range and do not match in size and location of the grooves of the strip.
  3. If at least one part of the system becomes unusable, the entire structure must be replaced.
  4. To hang the new bracket you need to unscrew two screws.

When installing a new plank, be sure to follow the following rules:

  • residual plastic parts are eliminated from the self-tapping screws - violation of this instruction will likely lead to thread breakage at the moment of screwing in the bolts;
  • It is recommended to move along the previous thread - you can first turn the screw counterclockwise, and as soon as the fastener “falls off”, change the direction.

When the holes of the new limiter are not correct by 1.5-3 mm, they can be bored out with a file, and the bar can be secured with self-tapping screws with wide heads and press washers.

It is advisable not to use the comb in cold winter. Strong gusty winds and heavy rains place a significant load on the limiter. The pressure may exceed the capacity of the blocker. In such a situation, it is better to close the window in time.

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