Stained glass film - Properties and choice: 145+ (Photo) Options (transparent, with a pattern, self-adhesive). How to stick and remove?

Apartment decoration

Classic stained glass has a complex structure, which is soldered using a special technology. Glued multi-colored elements are assembled into whole pictures or a specific pattern. Despite its prestige, the technology is expensive. It also looks out of place in small apartments. For this it is more profitable to use special material.

An alternative to stained glass is film material

High-quality polymers correctly glued to the glass surface will look respectable and unusual. Compared to classic stained glass, they are more profitable and practical. In small rooms, the decor can be complemented by curtains on the windows and placed key accents. In spacious country buildings, such a unique, spectacular decoration can be used for panoramic windows; glass partitions and entire walls are created from it. Such complex decor can transform the surrounding space.

Nowadays many versions of the canvas have been developed:
  • Athermal material. Protects against infrared rays.
  • Stained glass layer for glass. Used in ornaments on the glass surface of a window.
  • Protective self-adhesive film. Can be used in creating stained glass windows, protecting various parts from mechanical damage and cracks.
  • With an adhesive layer with a pattern.
  • Static coating, which is usually sold in rolls 90 cm wide, does not have an adhesive base and is attached to the surface by static adhesion.

Looks respectable, unusual

The different quality and properties of film stained glass ensure its use in many ideas. The appearance is improved and the service life of windows is extended.

How to remove material from canvas

If it is necessary to remove a self-adhesive film from a door glass, it is first heated to separate the adhesive from the coating. A household hair dryer will help with this. When heated, the material softens and peels off. At this time, the product is picked up by the corner and separated from the surface.

Try removing the film from the glass using hot water. To do this, simply moisten the surface with water and after a while remove it using a sharp object.

By using decorative self-adhesive film, you can make any fantasies come true. Using this material on the glass of the door leaf will help you change the style and design of the room with minimal losses on your budget.

How to properly glue film to glass and remove air bubbles formed during pasting is shown in the video.

Voted over 186 times, average rating 4.6


Nikolay 09/08/202013:28 Good afternoon! We encountered the following situation: we ordered glass. door, hardened, 10mm. Optiwhite, transparent. The side screens and the upper transom stand out noticeably (in green). Can you help me select and stick the film on the door so that the entire portal is the same green color?


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Composition, classification of products

The film stained glass window consists of a decorative top and bottom paper layer.

To produce the first layer, vinyl, polyester or other polymer with a printed pattern is used. The second layer is a backing that ensures gluing to glass without the use of special equipment, adhesives, or tools.

This simplifies the technology of using the material and makes it convenient.

Consists of a decorative top and bottom paper layer

The cost of a decorative product will also depend on the quality. There are elite self-adhesive models from European manufacturers, and cheaper analogues from domestic and Chinese manufacturers. Taking into account the fact that a stained glass window with a pattern can quickly become boring, and its installation is carried out quickly, it is not necessary to pay a lot of money for it. It is better to change the coating more often, matching it according to the time of year and the new wallpaper. True, expensive materials last longer and are available in different coating options.

Decorative material has many advantages:
  • Available operation.
  • Low costs.
  • Easy replacement.

Has many advantages over other materials

Its unique characteristics and properties allow it to be used for its intended purpose, in the embodiment of various design ideas for the exterior and interior decoration of a house.

It has different applications. It is easy to stick on:
  • ceramic tiles;
  • mirrors;
  • entrance and interior doors;
  • slabs from woodworking products;
  • plastic surfaces;
  • tempered glass for shower cabins.

Film stained glass is also successfully used in advertising.

Beautiful decoration for the closet

It can be divided according to the following characteristics. By properties:
  • Transparent, opaque. Often the first option imitates the corrugated surface of frosted glass, has a slightly noticeable pattern, and is visually similar to frost. Opaque films have different color combinations, including those similar to the original stained glass with lead separating strips. Users prefer to decorate surfaces with images of plants, animals, and reproductions of paintings. Using modern technologies, photographs of loved ones and relatives can be printed on the material. The number of solutions is varied, limited only by imagination.
  • Three-dimensional, textured, matte. The coatings are distinguished by the elaboration of texture, the quality of the applied pattern, and ornament. Three-dimensional products are often made to order, while textured ones often have one shade and a non-smooth surface.

Cozy living room

According to the method of application, it is divided into groups:
  • Surfaces with a finished image on the entire glass plate are purchased ready-made for the parameters of the glass being processed.
  • Matrix blanks are used in cutting out individual parts that make up the ornament or image created by the appliqué. They come in poly and monochrome.
Making stained glass is simplified by using stencils that can be downloaded on the Internet.

There are coatings that are applied to a wet surface. The film is also pre-moistened with water. First, the upper edge of the workpiece is applied to the surface, gradually going down, the blade is adjusted.

Film is an original decorative element

There are also materials with an adhesive layer . To stick them, remove the protective paper coating and apply it to the glass. Then the top part is leveled with a dry towel, eliminating any remaining glue and various defects.

Self-adhesive stained glass film

Decorative film that imitates real stained glass windows can be used in different locations using different methods. In addition to decorating the dining room, kitchen, and imitation stained glass, the following are used:

  • Decoration of loggias and balconies. The space becomes more colorful and stylish. A sufficient amount of light penetrates into the room, and visibility from the street becomes minimal.
  • Complementing the design of a bathroom or bathroom with small windows.

Manufacturing is simplified using stencils

  • Pasting apartment windows on ¾ or 2/3 of the canvas. The method is intended for apartments located on the first floors. The technology is used in the private sector to hide from prying eyes, without the use of heavy textiles.
  • Decoration of an interior or entrance door made of tempered glass.
  • Imitation of complex patterns, stained glass on transparent surfaces (panoramic windows, acrylic glass walls, transparent doors or glass elements of a greenhouse).

The decor will look elegant in country cottages when transparent partitions and double-glazed windows are installed in the house.

Stained glass patterns on transparent surfaces

In addition to windows, stained glass coverings can be glued to tempered glass, acrylic, wood, chipboard, mirrors, and tiles. By choosing a color scheme, you can achieve a feeling of coolness . This is achieved using blue and green shades. You can also make the room feel cozy by using yellow colors. Such a technique would be justified when people passing along the street can view the interior of the apartment.


Transparent material is not intended for decoration. It has a protective function and has a matte surface without a glossy sheen. The width of the canvas is 90 cm, sold in rolls of 15 linear meters.

Such self-adhesive surfaces are used to protect smooth products and materials from mechanical damage and scratches during transportation and storage. They are applied to different structures.

Bathroom decoration

The transparent coating does not create ornaments or patterns on the glass, making the image more cloudy. When processing a mirror, its reflective qualities are lost.

The positive properties of the material include:
  • optical transparency;
  • light fastness;
  • anti-vandal protection;
  • preventing the shedding of fragments;
  • easy installation;
  • dismantling


The main option of matte coatings is to protect the interior area of ​​the apartment from sunlight and glare, reducing the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. In addition to the low price, matte film has other advantages:

  • the possibility of updating and decorating the design;
  • visual, light impenetrability;
  • increasing the density of the glass surface, protecting against minor scratches;
  • ease of care;
  • excellent performance during operation.

This window can update any boring interior.

Frosted glass has been popular for a long time. The most famous method is sandblasting.

Under increased pressure, the glossy canvas is exposed to jets of fine sand, causing scratches. But such treatments are expensive, so matte films became the solution to the problem. They are easy to use and can be applied to glass in 30 minutes.

The amount of light transmitted depends on the thickness of the coating. The thicker it is, the lower the transmittance and the blurrier the contours of the image. Some coatings are reflective and do not transmit infrared rays. Also on sale are anti-vandal films with a multi-level structure. The polymer composition of such coatings provides viscosity.

The volume of transmitted light depends on the thickness of the coating

What is stained glass film for windows

Stained glass film for windows usually means a film consisting of two layers:

  • top decorative. It is made of polyester, vinyl or other polymer material with a pattern or design applied to it;
  • bottom paper. Acts as a substrate and is designed for gluing to glass.

Due to the presence of a self-adhesive layer, applying a pattern or design to glass does not require additional equipment, tools or adhesives. This makes the technology of using the material simple and convenient.

Rice. 2. Options for using stained glass film.

The relatively low cost of the decorative coating and the ease of its application allow, if necessary or at the request of the customer, to replace the stained glass pattern or design. In addition, the properties and characteristics of the decorative film coating make it universal, since stained glass film can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also to implement various design solutions for the interior and even exterior decoration of a house.

It can easily be glued to mirrors, interior and entrance doors, wooden and plastic surfaces, ceramic tiles and various slabs based on woodworking products, as well as tempered glass of shower cabins. Stained glass films are widely used in outdoor advertising. It is not surprising that this material is in high demand, given the possibility of its effective use in such a diverse range of fields and applications.

Film with a pattern

Many people choose a solution that is sold ready-made. You just need to stick it on the prepared surface.

Using stained glass film you can create original compositions. This is not only a decorative, protective coating for the glass surface. Its structure allows rays to pass through, depending on the type of coloring.

The coating can be glued on one side or on both sides, creating different compositions and increasing the strength of the glass insert. It is impermeable and can be used in high humidity levels.

Film with a pattern is suitable for gluing door inserts, mirrors, and shower walls. The thickness of the layer is 75 microns, and transparency depends on the color, the same indicator of glass.

Living room in Art Nouveau style

The film has lead veins of different shades and thicknesses, so the image becomes more durable and decorative. Film stained glass will not overload the window frame and forms a flatter surface.

By using beautiful and unusual decorations, you can make the interior more attractive.

Manufacturers offer the following versions:
  • Natural motifs, landscapes. These are beautiful nature motifs, landscapes in the Venetian style, which are suitable for decorating doors, windows, and shower stalls.
  • Geometric ornaments. In modern interiors, geometry is more popular. Geometric patterns are reflected on home textiles, wallpaper, tiles and other surfaces. The decor is suitable for residential premises and offices.
  • Stained glass with small elements. Options with kaleidoscope pictures will look impressive.

Other motifs and patterns. Stickers are based on templates, including photographs. This emphasizes the character and style of the interior and creates a special climate.

Advantages and disadvantages

The growing popularity of stained glass film is due to a number of advantages:

  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation - even after several years, stained glass windows will not lose the richness of their shades and will look impressive.
  • Resistance to moisture and household chemicals - surfaces covered with stained glass windows can be treated with non-abrasive detergents and can be safely carried out with wet cleaning.
  • High level of tensile strength - the material is difficult to damage, and the self-adhesive membrane itself serves as protection for glass and mirrors.
  • Excellent decorative properties - thanks to the huge assortment, you can choose stained glass with any patterns, properties, colors and styles.
  • Huge variability - by simply gluing or replacing the film you can easily bring something new to any interior.
  • Durability - subject to proper use, self-adhesive stained glass film will last up to 30 years.
  • Minimal optical distortion – the self-adhesive has the same thickness over the entire surface area, which minimizes the occurrence of aberrations.
  • Ease of use - the film is easy to attach to the surface thanks to a special self-adhesive layer.

There are few disadvantages to film stained glass windows, but if you decide to use this decorative material, you need to know about some nuances:

  • The transparency of stained glass is lower than that of ordinary glass - laminated glass units will transmit less sunlight.
  • If the gluing technology is violated, defects may remain on the surface that will not be easy to eliminate.
  • Polyester materials are highly flammable, so the film should not be used in rooms with a high risk of fire.
  • Self-adhesive of dubious origin cannot boast of high environmental friendliness - low-quality material can release dangerous fumes into the atmosphere.

Advantages of coverage

Stained glass compositions have almost no differences in visual parameters. Only upon careful examination, by touch, can one determine an imitation of a design, a composition made of glass.

Stained glass compositions have almost no differences in visual parameters

The main advantages of film with a pattern include:
  • Practicality.
  • Wide variety (you can choose a coating of any color, size, configuration).
  • Durable coating with a service life of up to 15 years.
  • Low price, availability.
  • Ease of use and further care.
  • Resistance to household chemicals and other aggressive substances.
  • Resistant to sudden changes in humidity and temperature, not afraid of a salty environment, ultraviolet radiation, and various contaminants.

High-quality products do not lose their original color for a long time, maintaining their texture and shape. They can be easily dismantled.

Have a lot of variety

When glass breaks, the film prevents glass fragments from scattering. With minor damage (cracks), the defect will not be noticeable. When applying a decorative coating to tempered or acrylic glass, the strength indicators will be significant.

The disadvantages of stained glass coatings are worse external performance compared to natural stained glass. The material is also flammable, you need to protect it from contact with hot objects


What to do with pasting defects?

The easiest way to remove defects is on film with a water-soluble base. If you notice that the canvas lies unevenly, peel off the edge of the self-adhesive to the area with the defect and smooth it again, eliminating creases and bubbles. It is best to adjust the decor during the application process, otherwise you will have to re-glue everything again.

If you used a water-free film, it will not be possible to eliminate defects without removing the stained glass. Use one of the proven solutions:

  • Warm the surface with a hairdryer and separate the self-adhesive from the glass, carefully pulling the edge away.
  • Remove the glass along with the film and immerse in warm water. After 10-15 minutes, the glue will dissolve and the material can be easily removed.
  • Lift the edge of the canvas and drip solvent onto the base. By processing the base centimeter by centimeter, you will be able to completely remove the stained glass from the glass.

If, after removal, the film is still suitable for finishing, repeat all gluing steps again. If not, take a new workpiece and work more carefully this time.

With the right choice of design and strict adherence to the gluing technique, stained glass film will delight you with its attractive appearance for a long time and will not cause any trouble in maintenance. Using self-adhesive, you can create stylish, elegant compositions that can transform your interior.

Choice for decoration

The large range of stained glass films produced will make it easy to buy the decor that will meet the wishes and requirements of the consumer. But sometimes it is difficult to choose a good option, so you should stick to the basic rules.

There are no universal models of films that are equally suitable for the living room and kitchen. Decor is selected for each room. In addition to illumination and dimensions, the parameters of windows and ceiling heights are taken into account.

Durability of the coating with a service life of up to 15 years

To choose the right building material, you need to consider the following criteria:
  • Purpose of the room. You can use different ornaments for the bedroom, living room, kitchen. There are no specific requirements when choosing them. Only the wishes of the owner are taken into account.
  • Placement of premises. If the windows are on the south side or on a noisy street, it is rational to glue stained glass film on them with the function of delaying sunlight and noise absorption. This will add comfort to your home.
  • Muted, soft shades are often used for the bedroom, while colorful, brighter options are used for the living room.

Any image is selected to decorate the surface . Therefore, in addition to the color scheme, the development of an image (abstraction, animals or plants) is carried out.

Advice The color of the coating should be combined with the design; it can support the overall mood or become a contrasting spot that will refresh and highlight the atmosphere. Photos from the Internet can help in choosing a color.

Low price, availability

Give the room coolness and lightness with a cool color scheme:
  • emerald green;
  • violet;
  • blue;
  • blue.

To add a touch of coziness, warm shades are provided:

  • brown;
  • red tones;
  • ocher;
  • Bordeaux;
  • yellow.

The size of the parts included in the composition plays an important role. A pattern made from small elements will visually expand the space and vice versa. Therefore, for a small room you should not select images from large parts.

The texture of the coating also affects visual perception. The glossy surface has low reflectivity, so it contributes to the visual expansion of space. And matte stained glass will reduce the area of ​​processed glass.

Ease of use and further care

Caring for stained glass

As a rule, in original stained glass windows, lead partitions are used to separate the elements of the design. They trap dust and dirt, which makes proper maintenance difficult. For self-adhesive decorative film, everything is much simpler. Cleaning is carried out using both dry and wet methods. The main thing to remember is to avoid the use of abrasives and solvents.

Advice! Ideal options for cleaning would be soapy water, light gels, liquid soap, and glass spray.

Application in the design of different rooms

To modernize the design, you can glue stained glass film to a specific part. They are used to decorate glass entrance doors (in a store or office) so that the visitor from the inside can appreciate the originality of the design. Interior doors can be combined with identical film stained glass windows or glued with different patterns made in the same color scheme.

You can get rid of excess light with the help of colored stained glass windows.

Advice If there is insufficient natural light, a transparent coating with a cloudy surface will be suitable, which will look unusual.

Resistance to household chemicals and other aggressive substances

An unobtrusive decor without bright colors and large patterns is suitable for the bedroom. Here you can play with a gradient of texture, shades, and transparency . In the hall, guests will be attracted by the windows decorated with large flowers or bright images. Repeating elements will look impressive.

The theme of vegetables, fruits, and products is selected for the kitchen. To add light to the room, the choice is orange and yellow stained glass.

Coverings with a religious theme and a reproduction of a painting by the artist will add solidity to the cabinet. In offices, they often stick a plain film or add advertising.

Resistance to sudden changes in humidity and temperature

Material characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

Whether it is worth using self-adhesive or another film for a glass surface can be understood by understanding the characteristics of the material, its pros and cons. The following positive properties of various films are highlighted:

  • Helps prevent room heating in hot weather;
  • In cold weather, the opposite effect will occur, heat will not escape, the window will retain heat longer;
  • Serves as protection against fading of objects from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Does not attract dirt, there is no need to frequently clean the surface, such as curtains;
  • The presence of different colors and patterns, which helps to choose the product to suit the interior of the room.

There are also negative sides:

  • Some films are thin and fragile, which can lead to defects when installed on a surface;
  • If you buy a low-quality film, you may encounter the problem of difficulty in removing it from the surface, which leads to damage to the window itself;
  • You need to try hard to glue the material without bubbles.

The presence of different colors and patterns, which helps to choose the product to suit the interior of the room.

How to glue film to glass?

The technique of gluing stained glass film is simple and does not require special knowledge or skills. It is advisable to carry out work at temperatures above 5 degrees so that the coating adheres firmly to the tank base.

The work is carried out in a certain stage:
  • The canvas is cut to fit the glass parameters (with a margin of 1-2 centimeters) using a stationery knife or scissors. When using blank matrices, individual parts are prepared that make up a complex pattern or image.
  • The working surface is degreased with a soap solution.
  • About 5-10 cm of the edges of the film must be separated from the protective layer and pressed against the glass with the back. To prevent air bubbles from appearing on the surface, smooth it with a flannel cloth and then with a rubber scraper. If bubbles appear and cannot be removed, then pierce them with the thinnest needle.
  • If the quality of gluing is insufficient, use a hair dryer to heat the adhesive surface and smooth the film layer.

Simple sticker technique

Purpose of decorative film

  • Decorative and informational. This addition to glass can change the design of the door and emphasize the individual features of the interior. Inscriptions or images are applied to this material, which is of great importance for various institutions.
  • Protecting users' personal space from prying eyes. In this case, due to the film glued to the glass of the door leaf, the possibility of viewing the room from the inside is eliminated. Through it, only the silhouettes differ.
  • Protecting the door glass from damage. In the event that it breaks, the film will protect against flying fragments and save people from injury.
  • If you don’t want to change the old canvas, the film will give you a chance to transform it, hiding defects on the door and old glass.

Film types:

  • Decorative, in a variety of colors and patterns.
  • With a mattifying effect.
  • With photo images in 3D format.
  • With the effect of stained glass, not inferior in beauty to the real thing.
  • Mirrored.
  • Tinted films on the door.

ORACAL PVC films with a matte or shiny surface are usually used. There are about 60 shades in the range. The products are resistant to high humidity and durable. Their use produces an opaque surface in a variety of colors.

Silk film is often used to decorate glass. The product received this name because it resembles iridescent silk.

Removing the film coating

Sometimes, when gluing, the canvas lies skewed, not covering the required surface. Certain nuances will help correct the situation:

  • The canvas is glued to a soap solution.
  • Heat it with a hair dryer, and then lift one end and carefully remove it.
  • Using a solvent. Moisten the cotton wool with the composition, lift one side of the canvas, and drop liquid under it. Gradually it should go away.

VIDEO: We glue stained glass film as easily and simply as possible

Stained glass film

We mount the film

Choice of material: transparent, matte, white, color films

The properties also determine the scope of their use, because they have a certain degree of transparency, which is usually taken into account when developing the interior composition. If patterned coatings are usually used to decorate furniture and mirrors in homes or offices, then to decorate windows it is advisable to buy self-adhesive white matte film or silver, depending on living or working conditions. This glass material improves indoor conditions through natural protection from the sun and excess heat. Black coatings further reduce the thermal conductivity of double-glazed windows and other structures.

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