Calculation of the cost of repair services for plastic windows

carries out repairs of double-glazed windows and their replacement in Moscow at a price of 1,500 rubles per m2.

We provide a 1-year warranty on all work.

Before starting work, we draw up an agreement in which we fix the total amount of work. The price does not change during the work.

Replacing double glazing in a plastic window

A double-glazed window is a translucent window structure that occupies about 80% of the opening. It consists of a frame, hermetically sealed glass and a heat insulator located between them.

A double-glazed window can have different areas, thicknesses, geometric shapes and different coefficients of sound insulation and heat transfer. If desired, you can install various types of glass in it: regular, frosted, patterned, tinted, mirrored, impact-resistant, sun-protective, multifunctional, self-cleaning, etc.

If your double-glazed window is broken, a technician will arrive to take measurements within 2 hours after your call. Measurement is carried out free of charge. Call: +7 (495) 773-00-93.

Replacing a double-glazed window in a window – what should you consider?

  • It is not advisable to install solar control glass in rooms where there is little sunlight - in constant shade or on the north side of the building. Sun protection is not required here. The best option for such premises would be to install i-glass with high heat-saving properties or new generation multifunctional glass, which has higher heat-saving properties.
  • Saving on double-glazed windows when purchasing windows (about 200 rubles per 1 m2) will turn into a problem at the first frost. Their cost can be reduced by using low-quality raw materials (sealants or desiccant). Such double-glazed windows will begin to become covered with moisture from the inside, which is impossible to get rid of. Poor quality sealant will begin to melt in the sun, leaving indelible marks and emitting an unpleasant odor.

In these cases, you will have to change the double-glazed window, and its cost ranges from 1200 to 2000 rubles per 1 m2.

There is an opinion that multifunctional glass has a bad effect on the growth of plants and seedlings. Calculations of the industry center O.K.N.A. Marketing shows that the direction of the world (south or north) has a significant impact on growth rather than the type of glass. The volume of ultraviolet radiation entering the southern and northern windows differs by 5 times, and the difference in the volume of light entering through a window with ordinary and multifunctional glass is only 12%.

Photo: multifunctional glass has virtually no effect on the growth of plants on the window; the side of the world on which the window faces (south or north) is of significant importance. Therefore, the lucky owners of the south side should not worry about the growth of plants - glass with coatings will let in sufficient sunlight , at the same time, they will relieve plants from burns from overheated glass in the summer. Eastern, western and northern windows receive enough light when the sun shines through them, but this period is short-lived. However, amateur gardeners know that to grow light-loving seedlings in the period from February to March, phytolamps are required on all windows without exception. During the period of its growth, the duration of daylight hours is only 9-11 hours, with 14-16 hours required for active growth. Fortunately, the cost of such lamps is low, starting from 600 rubles.

Prices for double-glazed windows without frames

Below is a table with prices for replacing double glazed windows. Please note that the technician's visit and glass replacement occur on the same day.

ServicePrice, m 2
Replacing damaged glass in wooden windows1500 — 3500
Replacing damaged glass in plastic windows3000 — 3500
Replacement of single-chamber double-glazed windows in plastic windows (4mm)3000
Replacement of double-chamber double-glazed windows in plastic windows (4mm)3500
Replacing tinted glass+30%
Replacement of triplex glass6000
Replacement of energy-saving glass+20%
Tempered glass replacement+30%

Price list for window repairs in Moscow

Features of replacing double glazed windows

If you want to improve the characteristics of a window, for example, increase its thermal protection, then replacing the installed double-glazed window with another one with improved characteristics can help. It is also replaced when the frame is cracked or the glass is damaged in some way. Regardless of how badly the glass unit is damaged, only an experienced specialist should replace it. Cracked and broken glass is very dangerous, as the fragments can accidentally injure you, so they must be replaced immediately, as a matter of urgency.

If you have single-chamber double-glazed windows in your house, and you want to increase the comfort of the room, then you need to replace it with a double-chamber one. It is much less common to need to replace a double-glazed window with two chambers. Basically it is replaced if it has been damaged. Very often, at the request of clients, a double-glazed window with simple window glass is replaced with exactly the same one, but with any other glass that has certain features.

Replacement of a double-glazed window or a new window – what to choose?

Double-glazed windows are often confused with a modern window. But this is not a window, but its translucent part, consisting of 2, 3, and sometimes 4 glasses, connected to each other by spacer frames and two layers of sealants. The durability of double-glazed windows according to GOST 24866 - 2014 “Glued double-glazed windows for construction purposes” must be at least 20 years.

Photo: replacing a double-glazed window or installing a new window? More than 20 years have passed since the first plastic windows with double-glazed windows appeared in Russia. Therefore, today many property owners are faced with a choice: buy new plastic windows or repair them.

If the window profile remains white, is not stained and is easy to clean, and the fittings work without interruption, then it is not necessary to completely replace the window. You can get by by replacing the glass unit, thereby upgrading the window and getting a new level of comfort and safety.

Replacing double glazed windows advantages:

  • 50% of the cost of a new window
  • Does not require window dismantling,
  • There will be no dust, dirt,
  • There is no need to re-finish the slopes.

Replacing a double-glazed window cons:

  • Possible when the profile and fittings are in good condition
  • When the window is well installed and there are no blows along the installation seam

Urgent replacement

Sometimes broken glass can't wait. If it is winter outside, or you live on the lower floors, then the broken glass unit must be replaced as soon as possible. When you contact us by phone, you can order a measurement specialist to visit you within 2 hours after the call. The measurement is free of charge.

Once the measurements have been taken, we will be able to manufacture, deliver and install glass to replace the broken glass within 24 hours.

The additional payment for urgency is calculated individually and is at least 500 rubles. To fill out an application, call us at +7.

Why is it necessary?

Double-glazed windows sometimes require repairs. This can happen after deformation or depressurization due to improper installation, with regular violation of operating standards, or after mechanical damage, which is the most common cause. If a double-glazed window is damaged and the heat-shielding properties are lost, and condensation, plaque or ice forms inside it, then repair will not help, the only way out is to replace it.

Only an experienced technician should repair a damaged double-glazed window, since it is almost impossible to do such a complex job that requires special knowledge without the proper experience. Repairs require special knowledge of window design, as well as skills and experience in troubleshooting. A double-glazed window is a rather complex system, so if the mechanisms break down, the technician needs to know certain design features and be able to correctly select the parts that require replacement.

If it is necessary to urgently replace a double-glazed window, the payment may be adjusted. Replacement time up to 24 hours. More details by phone.

Is it possible to replace a double-glazed window in a window with your own hands?

Replacing a double-glazed window in a window consists of several stages:

  • Call a measurement specialist from a window company. To order double-glazed windows, you will need their dimensions - width, height and thickness.

Photo: replacing a double-glazed window with a new one

  • The master will advise on the types of glass and advise what to choose.
  • Drawing up a contract and payment (in many companies this can be combined with the visit of a measurement specialist)
  • Delivery and installation of double-glazed windows.

Replacing double-glazed windows yourself is good if you have experience. In other cases, it is better to entrust this work to professionals:

  • The glass unit cannot be reduced if the size is wrong
  • The double-glazed window is heavy (a square meter of a 2-chamber double-glazed window weighs 30 kg) and at the same time fragile. It is enough to put it on the floor or touch it at an angle when carrying it and it may burst.
  • The glass unit is installed in the opening on special linings that transfer the weight to the sash and frame. An incorrectly installed double-glazed window will cause the sash to warp and cause it to not work properly.

New double-glazed windows will give the window a second life, and the choice of glass taking into account the necessary needs of the residents in the house will make life more comfortable and safe.

List of companies for replacing double-glazed windows*

Examples of our work on replacing double-glazed windows

  • Departures: 2
  • Time: 6 hours
  • Cost: 17,000 rub.
  • Warranty: 1 year

The client called the hotline with a complaint about freezing windows. A specialist who went to the site discovered low-quality double-glazed windows, due to which the apartment had insufficient thermal insulation. The client was asked to replace single-chamber double-glazed windows with double-chamber ones, with much better thermal insulation. After obtaining consent and concluding a contract, double-glazed windows were produced and installation was carried out on site. The total time from receiving the order from the client and the technician’s visit for measurements to the completion of installation of double-glazed windows was less than 24 hours.

The total cost of work and materials was 17,000 rubles. 1 year warranty.

Call a specialist

Our services

Repairs damaged and replaces double-glazed windows that are unfit for further use. The craftsmen will carry out all repair work very efficiently and quickly, as they have experience in such work and are equipped with the necessary working tools. They will qualitatively, professionally and quickly replace cracked, broken, damaged, unfit for further use or with broken double-glazed windows.

If the glass unit of your window is damaged in any way, or you decide to increase its heat-saving and protective properties, contact. Our craftsmen will quickly and competently help solve problems related to improving the quality characteristics of the window.

Repair of PVC windows in Moscow

Masters offer residents of Moscow and the Moscow region their services for repairing plastic windows on favorable terms! Our specialists will promptly fix problems, carry out preventive maintenance and restore comfort to your home. We offer a free specialist visit for diagnosis and consultation. The work is carried out at a time convenient for you.

Our craftsmen have extensive experience working with PVC profiles produced by KBE, Rehau, Schuco, Veka and other brands, which allows them to quickly and competently diagnose the problem and promptly fix it. The services we provide include: adjustment, alignment of geometry, replacement of fittings and mechanisms, work with sashes and double-glazed windows, sealing and insulation, installation and dismantling services, etc. In our work we use high-quality and extremely reliable fittings from Maco, Roto, Siegenia Aubi.

In addition to service, our company also provides a range of services for the prevention of possible window faults: cleaning and lubrication of mechanisms and seals, adjustment, diagnosis of possible faults. Timely implementation of preventive maintenance can reduce to zero the likelihood of a plastic window breaking and, as a consequence, its costly repair.

An example of performing the necessary work to repair a PVC window:

Removing the damaged plastic window locking mechanism New locking mechanism Installing new fittings into the sash We fix the fittings... ...using self-tapping screws New locking mechanism installed

Removing the damaged plastic window locking mechanism

New locking mechanism

Installing new fittings into the sash

We fix the fittings...

...using self-tapping screws

New locking mechanism installed

Replacement of double-glazed windows in plastic windows

It is quite difficult to damage a double-glazed window, but sometimes such breakdowns occur.
The cause may be mechanical damage, violation of technology during assembly and installation of the window. If the translucent element is “out of order,” then it will not be possible to repair it with improvised means and a complete replacement of the part will be required. Our specialists will do this work quickly, competently and without delay. From 4000 rub.


Adjusting plastic windows

Is the window skewed, the sash does not close tightly enough, are drafts and condensation forming?
This all indicates the need for adjustment. This is a simple operation, but if it is not performed on time, the structure may become significantly deformed, which means it will require replacement or repair. It is more practical to call a specialist who will perform the adjustment work at the optimal cost. 300 rub. per sash


Replacement of fittings in PVC windows

The smallest design details play a huge role in the operation of the entire mechanism.
The tightness of the sash, the ease of opening, and the tightness of the window depend on their serviceability. You can replace the fittings yourself, but one careless movement or uncalculated effort will lead to breakdown, so it is more rational to entrust this concern to professionals who will complete the task in a matter of minutes. Order

Sealing of plastic windows

Over time, cracks may appear in the window structure, which are formed due to improper installation or natural factors.
To fix the problem, you will need to completely replace the sealant. Often the work is carried out from the outside, which means that only experienced industrial climbers can perform it. These are the kind of craftsmen who work in our company: high-altitude workers will seal a plastic window in accordance with all GOST and safety standards. From 300 rub. per m.p.


Service maintenance

Servicing a plastic window is the surest way to avoid breakdowns and subsequent expensive repairs.
It is enough to invite a specialist once a year to professionally clean, lubricate and adjust the mechanisms. If you follow these guidelines, most problems can be avoided, including major repairs and window replacements. From 800 rub. - behind the PVC window sash


Replacing the seal in plastic windows

The seal is responsible for the tightness of the junction of the sash.
Due to non-compliance with care rules, natural factors and improper installation, it becomes thinner and wears out. This piece of hardware cannot be repaired, so a complete replacement is required. The craftsmen of our company have been working with plastic windows from well-known manufacturers for many years and can easily replace the seal in any structure. From 150 rub. per m.p.


Replacement and installation of handles in PVC windows

Most often the handles fail.
This is a movable element of PVC window fittings, therefore it is most susceptible to breakdowns. Careless handling, debris getting into the mechanism and other factors affect the performance of the part. In most cases, it is more logical and easier to replace the handle than to try to repair it. The craftsmen of our company will help you with this, and also, at the client’s request, will install anti-vandal handles instead of ordinary ones. From 500 rub.


Sash insert

Inserting a sash will solve the problem of air exchange in a room with “blind” windows.
This is a specific type of activity that requires precise calculations, special tools and experience in carrying out such operations. Our company’s specialists will help you resolve the issue and install a swing or tilt-and-turn sash in your existing plastic window. From 10,000 rub.


Converting a sash into a tilt and turn sash

If you are not satisfied with the existing window design and swing sash, then the company’s specialists will help you solve your dilemma.
The craftsmen have significant experience in working with plastic structures from various manufacturers, so they will be able to improve the mechanism without harming the main frame. From 2500 rub.


Removing scratches

Scratches and minor mechanical damage spoil the appearance of the window.
To get rid of it, you will need professional polishing of the surface. Our company’s specialists will easily complete this work. Our technicians, using professional equipment and tools, will return your windows to their original appearance. From 200 rub.


Installing protection on plastic windows

Anti-vandal fittings have saved many apartments and commercial premises from burglary.
It is worth replacing just a few structural elements, and your windows will become not only reliable protection from the weather, but also an insurmountable barrier to intruders. In addition, protective fittings are necessary for those who have small children living in the house. Order

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