The best child protection for windows: all options from bars to locks

Plastic windows are a huge risk for children deprived of parental supervision even for a minute. It is possible and necessary to protect babies from falling out, and for this it is not at all necessary to give up functional and aesthetic designs. It is enough to install locks on plastic windows against children and thereby protect their stay at home for the time when they are out of sight of adults.

What types of locks do manufacturers of plastic windows offer, how effective are they and how do they differ? More about this, as well as about products from the most famous manufacturers below.

Types of locks: how to protect windows from opening

The problem of children falling out of windows is relevant, and this has provoked the development of a whole trend in the field of creating convenient and reliable ways to protect window structures. The following options are available on the market today:

  • handles with built-in locks;
  • overhead and mortise locks;
  • Cable locks for window locking;
  • “plugs” with a removable handle;
  • latches with keys.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, level of comfort and reliability.

Safety first

As experience shows, only cheap or incorrectly installed locks can be easily opened with a paper clip, master key, pin, hairpin, and other improvised means.

It’s no secret that today even a conventional thief is able to open the combination lock on the entrance door, and getting inside costs nothing at all. You can always find a door equipped with a simple type of lock, not of the highest quality, which opening is a pleasure for people of this “profession”.

Thinking about it and want to check how easy it is to break into the lock of your front door? Easily!

You need to do the following:

  • using an L-shaped plate inserted into the keyhole, press and rotate the mechanism to open the lock;
  • bend a hook from a regular paperclip, insert it inward, use a pick to feel for the pins protruding from the grooves, and push in all the way until the cylinder rotates;
  • Repeat the same procedure with the remaining pins until the lock gives way under the pressure of your master key and you can’t open the door.

Was everything successful? Unfortunately, such a lock does not fully protect your home. An alternative solution is to install a more reliable mechanism.

Handles with a mortise lock - why they are convenient

Proven protection for windows for children - handles with locks that guarantee protection of mechanisms from unplanned impact. This option is chosen by people for whom it is important to provide the required level of protection for children without compromising the indoor microclimate. It is not difficult to activate the lock - to do this, just change the position of the lock to the desired one by turning the key.

You can order a handle from a company specializing in this, usually a manufacturer of metal-plastic windows. Representatives of the company will carry out installation and teach the intricacies of use.

As an option, child-resistant window handles can be purchased at retail outlets and installed yourself. Standard fasteners are suitable for this. A new handle replaces the stationary one.

The main disadvantage of the product is the need to properly store the fittings: the handle and the unlocking key. Every time there is a need to fill the room with fresh air, you will need to use a “master key”.

The cost of a finished pen differs and depends on the brand and the quality of the material used for manufacturing. On average, the price ranges from 600 to 2000 rubles.

A type of security handle with an unlocker is a handle with a button. To open the window, you need to apply force - while holding the button, turn the handle. This option is only suitable for protection from very young children who do not have the physical strength and ingenuity to solve the problem. Older children will be able to handle the button, so choosing such a mechanism will be an unjustified risk.

Handle with button for hinged windows

Which method should I use?

We propose to consider some ways of how to open a door correctly and without consequences with a simple master key, using the example of several simple mechanisms.

Warning: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not recommended to use this information for illegal purposes, including those prohibited by applicable law.

Method No. 1

Incorrectly installed doors can a priori be easily opened without much effort. Especially if the door leaves do not fit tightly together and there is a large gap between them.

Bend the large hook out of the paperclip and thread it through the gap, encircling the inner latch, and pull the other end of the paperclip toward you. Pinch both ends and pull towards you, the latch will loosen and the door will open.

Method No. 2

Lock with a secret - such locks are most often installed in interior doors; they work on the principle of turning the handle by pressing a button located in its center. It is impossible to open the door from the outside using a similar action.

But, nevertheless, opening such a lock with master keys is as easy as shelling pears. In this case, straighten the paperclip, insert it into the keyhole, push the tab that holds the latch, and turn the handle.

Method No. 3

The door with a latch is perhaps the most accessible and unreliable. Insert the straight end of a paperclip between the flaps so that it is under the latch and move it up until you feel the latch being removed with a pick.

Such a lock is convenient because the bolt can be returned to its original position, and no one will know that it was opened by anyone.

Method No. 4

Suitcase locks can hardly be called secret, reliable and durable. It can be opened at once using the most primitive tools, the same paperclip or hairpin. Bend the end of the paperclip into a small loop, it is advisable to replicate the shape of the key to this lock as much as possible.

Insert the end of the paperclip into the hole and twist until you find the clamp and release the spring inside the mechanism.

As you understand, most locks are just a deterrent, a kind of deterrent, but not 100% safe for your home and property.

What are clamps - about the level of protection

Relatively affordable and reliable protection for plastic windows from children is metal plates. They are mounted at the base of the structure, as a result of which it becomes possible to change the mode by turning the latch. The plates are produced in Germany, their price is below average (up to 300 rubles). The products will be an excellent solution for those who want to increase the level of safety for a child at minimal cost.

Protection elements of this kind have their disadvantages. Owners of metal-plastic structures claim that middle-aged children, as they explore the device, quickly discover its secret and achieve what they want without any problems - opening the windows. In addition, such protection makes it difficult to move the handle in the “Closed” position.

During the transition to the tilt-and-turn ventilation mode, the latch must be moved again, otherwise just a few seconds will be enough to open the window. Often adults overlook such trifles, while children take advantage of their forgetfulness, risking their health and life.

The principle of operation of the blocker

The main task of a sash lock is to prevent the window from opening easily. So that parents can freely open the structure, the lock is moved to the position of the lowered latch, which is attached to the fixed part. After closing the window, move the protective tab to the raised position. To increase the reliability of the lock, many manufacturers add additional elements to the device: keys or buttons. Securing the blocker is not difficult: the protection element is screwed using a regular self-tapping screw onto the stationary part of the window.

What you need to know about deadbolt and cable locks

Child locks for windows are special handles that can be removed to prevent them from opening on their own. The element is installed on the structure, replacing standard handles with them.

An interesting option is clamps with a cable. Many parents choose them for themselves, considering them the most convenient and reliable. The mechanism of operation of the product is simple and is similar to the operation of a conventional front door chain. The difference lies in the plastic sheath for the steel cable. The sash is secured in a single position with fixation in a special recess with a lock.

An example of such a lock is the English-made Jackloc product, which today occupies a leading position on the market. The products belong to the elite group, are sold at prices starting from 1,500 rubles, and are available in a wide range of colors. The average cable length is 2000 mm, which allows you to fully use the windows by opening them for ventilation. The products are practical, reliable and easy to use.

Select an option

It is not necessary to use panels of fabric to decorate a window. There are many original options, including such exotic ones as ribbons attached to the cornice. Cute tiebacks in the form of funny soft toys or a garland of small LED light bulbs will help diversify the design of classic curtains. The following types of decor will allow you to decorate the window in an interesting, unusual and convenient way for a child:

  • Roman curtains. A stylish and functional option, popular in many countries. Laconic drapery made of linen, silk or bamboo is suitable for a child’s room of any age, both girls and boys.

Practical and beautiful Source

  • If you don’t know how to decorate a window in a nursery, try to do without curtains. Northern Europeans like these windows and they don't look naked. If the window faces north, or you refuse textiles so as not to collect allergens, the right decor will create the right accents. Vinyl stickers depicting your favorite characters or paper garlands are suitable for decoration; the main thing is that they let in enough light.

In Scandinavian style Source

  • At a safe height. Another idea that is loved in Europe, America, and Japan. Highly positioned curtains will not become a toy for a growing mischievous child, they will retain their original beauty, and will save parents’ nerves.

Window decoration to match the interior Source

  • A composition of curtains can also be asymmetrical, which pleasantly diversifies the interior and helps visually adjust the size of a disproportionate window opening.

Practical curtain Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in interior redevelopment

About the reliability of window bars - is it worth using?

If handles for windows with a lock, all kinds of clamps and plates seem too complicated and unreliable, you can try to solve the problem by installing bars on the windows. The option with bars is especially relevant for apartments on the first floor of multi-storey buildings.

Installing protective structures will help “kill two birds with one stone”: protect children and prevent unauthorized access of third parties to the apartment through the window. You should be prepared for the fact that installation of grilles will cost much more than security locks.

Anti-vandal film

This method will only protect against fragments if the glass breaks. But if children are very active, this can happen with a high probability, so such a safety net won’t hurt. In addition, you can get a couple more bonuses at the same time:

  • Hacking protection. Depending on the thickness of the film, it can withstand more or less significant impact loads;
  • Tinted glass to limit sunlight from entering the room.

You can stick the film on yourself, it will last for several years, after which it can be removed completely or replaced.

Panoramic windows up to the floor must be covered with film

Manufacturers of protective mechanisms for windows - rating

If you want to truly protect your child from windows, you should choose protective products only from trusted manufacturers. Below is a list of the most well-known companies with an impeccable reputation among consumers:

  1. MACO is an Austrian company. Manufactures products with anti-corrosion coating. The guaranteed service life of the products is 10 years, or 40 thousand operating cycles. Specializes in handles with a lock and a button-lock.
  2. ROTO is a German company. Specializes in the production of protective devices for windows of all types. On average the cost is up to 500 rubles. From the company you can order a product based on your own design with individual fittings.
  3. Baby Safe Lock. European manufacturer of window devices for complete protection of children from open windows. The BSL lock has an important difference from its analogues - the key is bright red. Manufacturers chose this color in order to constantly control its location. The average cost of locks is from 500 to 1500 rubles.
  4. The PenKid company from Turkey specializes in the production of protection for windows of various configurations. The devices are mounted on metal-plastic windows, as well as on structures made of wood and other materials, without compromising functionality or aesthetic appearance.

In retail outlets you can buy window protection products made in China at more affordable prices, but in this case it hardly makes sense to talk about guaranteeing an effective result.

Criterias of choice

When decorating a window in a children's room, designers recommend combining aesthetics and practicality, and being guided by the following rules for choosing window drapery:

  • During the daytime, curtains should not prevent sunlight from entering the room. It is better to avoid dense, heavy fabrics - they not only excessively darken the room, but also create additional stress on the cornice.

Small bright bedroom Source

  • Preferred are high-quality natural fabrics and materials that can withstand frequent washing without losing their appearance and shape, for example, linen, cotton, bamboo.

Harmony of colorful fabrics and beige background Source

  • A child is unlikely to appreciate long, voluminous curtains with designer draperies, but you will get tired tidying up these wonderful dust collectors. The trend in recent years has been light, shortened curtains or prefabricated (rolled) varieties.

Bay window solution Source

Rules for parents

Before the window limiter is installed and the long-awaited parental peace is finally achieved, you need to strictly follow simple rules in order to protect the children:

  1. The child must be supervised by an adult if there is even a slight risk of opening the window on his own.
  2. The frame and fittings of the structures must be in full working order and without defects to prevent accidental opening.
  3. If the child is left unattended, it is worth choosing a window position with the “front ventilation” function, which the child himself is unlikely to be able to change.
  4. It is important not to focus the child’s attention on windows and manipulations with them.
  5. You should not encourage your child’s desire to stand on the windowsill, change the position of his arms, and especially not open the windows.
  6. You cannot leave pieces of furniture near the window sills, which would make things easier for the child.
  7. Under no circumstances should you rely on mosquito bars - this is a deceptive protection that is extremely dangerous for children.

In conclusion, we note that the overwhelming number of tragic cases when children fell out of windows happened in the absence of adults near them at that time. The kids had the opportunity to climb onto the windowsill and open the window without hindrance. Even minor protective measures, like the plates described above, will help protect babies for a while. For reliability, it is better to combine locks and latches on windows with bars, while observing safety rules.

In cases where it is not possible to install proven mechanisms of European brands or Turkish production, it is worth considering homemade temporary protection. To do this, it is enough to dismantle the handles, using them only when necessary. The aesthetics of the window will suffer from this, but the level of safety for the child will become much higher.

Style, color and age of the child

It is important to understand that the design of a window in a children's room, the design of which is made taking into account the age of the child, remains relevant only for a while. Each age has certain preferences: children like cartoon characters, but younger schoolchildren become indifferent to them. When choosing, take into account the following factors:

  • Size and color scheme of the room. A compromise could be the choice of curtains in warm, but not too bright shades in the style of the room.
  • Color of furniture and other textiles.

Lilac comfort Source

  • Practicality: fabric consumption, possibility of frequent washing, expected use period.

They do not require special care Source
The easiest way is to choose curtains that are similar in color to the walls, ceiling or furniture upholstery. This is a win-win option for creating a harmonious nursery interior. Girls and boys have distinct color preferences. Based on them, it is customary to choose the following color and print options:

  • For a little girl. Fabrics in delicate shades are suitable, not necessarily pink. You can't do without images of fairies, princesses, butterflies and unicorns. Fabrics with small polka dots, floral prints, or a combination of both look charming.

Classics of the genre Source

  • For a little boy. Fabrics with images of cars, airplanes, fairy-tale characters, or plain, but always light. Stripes, checks or abstraction will do.

Pilots, cannon planes... Source

Noble cage Source

  • Junior schoolchildren. Boys remain faithful to pirates, spaceships and cowboys, girls - to kittens, lace and teddy bears. Both of them like prints with images of animals and plants. A good option is fabrics with educational patterns in the form of letters and numbers.

In the middle of the ocean Source

  • Teenagers. Everything is individual here; The easiest way is to ask the owner of the room what color he (she) likes, and try not to be surprised by the answer.

Geographical surroundings Source

In a classic style Source

Media data

Rice. 3. The equipment can protect against hacking in any way.

The media most often reflects the protective function of a house window as an obstacle to the entry of thieves into a home. According to data provided by law enforcement agencies, about 1,000 thefts or attempted break-ins occur per day. The top three methods of penetration include the use of openings. Most often, such incidents occur during a long absence of all family members. Protecting your home is a must. And today there are all possibilities for this. According to surveys of journalists conducted on the streets of one large Russian city, the population, of all types of home protection, relies on a strong metal door, a small percentage uses an alarm system, and almost no one protects a window from burglary. The exception is the residents of the first floors; according to the tradition of past generations, they use gratings. But now this trend is on the decline.

Perhaps not all consumers know, but today you can do without grilles. Plastic windows are produced in different configurations, including those with unique resistance to hacking attempts from the outside. For this purpose, special locking fittings and a reinforced frame are used in production. Installation technique is equally important.

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