What is the best hardware for a plastic window?

What are the principles for choosing fittings for plastic windows?

In our analysis we will proceed from the following premises:

1. In reality, fittings from the most prestigious and reputable brands differ in cost from fittings from “second-tier” brands (Turkish, Chinese with German brand names, etc.) by 300-400 rubles. This is the cost of that bottle of vodka, which you will have to give to a master every six months so that he can “correct” your windows.

Moreover, this difference is constantly decreasing. The cost of labor in Asian countries is growing; in terms of energy consumption and hardware and administrative costs, they are already ahead of the West.

Conclusion: saving on accessories is stupid. As the British say, “...we are not rich enough to buy cheap things.” We put the price criterion in last place in importance.

Line for the production of window fittings in Turkey
2. You should be at least a little familiar with the production culture of certain companies.
It is no secret that many Western companies in the 90s, in pursuit of profit, began to move their production to other countries, incl. in Russia. Despite the assurances that the branches will be certified at the parent enterprises, and that Western specialists will control the technical processes, this is hard to believe.

Please note: accessories from well-known brands that reach domestic consumers are, in fact, produced in domestic sources, and the quality is even worse than Turkish or Chinese products. Moreover, based on documents, price or appearance, it is quite difficult to distinguish it from one made in Germany or Austria. The difference is revealed later, during the operation stage.

Conclusion: you need to buy accessories from those manufacturers about whom it is known for certain that they did not move their production to other countries. Or at least those who were actually able to establish quality control of their products in Russia, China, etc.

3. It is naive to assume that hardware products from leading German and Austrian manufacturers differ greatly in quality from each other. It cannot be that two enterprises operate in neighboring cities, sell their products in the same market and at the same time do not exchange experience or copy what a competitor offers.

“The most “detailed” review of types of fittings” for plastic windows – exclusively for readers of our site. The main furniture brands are also listed in the expert material on our website. Read tips on choosing fittings specifically for your window here: https://oknanagoda.com/okna/furnitura/kak-vybrat-furnituru-dlya-okna.html

Conclusion: the consumer’s choice can only be influenced by nuances determined by the traditions of the hardware manufacturer, its experience in a particular market, and other seemingly minor points.

The basis is a full set of functions expected from a tilt-and-turn window, beautiful appearance, durability, ease of adjustment and operation - this is inherent in the products of all leading manufacturers.

It is these nuances that we will pay attention to.

Accessories for Rublyovka

Fittings made in Germany Siegenia-Aubi

The Russian luxury buyer rarely lives in an apartment building. As a rule - in a cottage. For furnishing windows in a prestigious home, experts recommend Siegenia-Aubi fittings.

The main argument: the high flexibility of this system: it can be equipped with a window of the most complex shape: triangular, oval, etc. It’s no secret that cottages are often built according to individual and sometimes very bizarre designs.

Other advantages of this fittings: it is produced exclusively in Germany; its quality is impeccable. It is durable, although it requires service (lubrication) approximately every six months. But I think this is not a problem for the owner of the cottage.

Many parts for the left and right wings are interchangeable - it will be more difficult for installers to blame their problems on the fact that “now there is no such thing in the warehouse, we will come and change it later, but for now we will put this one in.” Yes, and planned repairs will be painless.

Siegenia-Aubi fittings are ideal for luxury developments

For those who are concerned about security, Siegenia-Aubi is among the most difficult fittings to crack: its “defensive” elements can withstand a record load of 1.5 tons (usually this figure does not exceed 600 kg).

And for those who are afraid of drafts, we can inform you that the design has seven pressure points on the sash to the frame instead of the standard five.

In terms of price, Siegenia-Aubi is in the higher segment, but, let’s say, this is not the most expensive fittings on the Russian market. There are also more expensive ones, and in domestic prices, quality and price exist as if in different dimensions, without touching each other.

Summary: Siegenia-Aubi is No. 1 for a wealthy Russian who wants to equip the windows of his cottage with good fittings.

Siegenia fittings for windows and doors

Large-scale glazing, panoramic windows, roofs are increasingly relevant nowadays - they significantly increase the amount of light in the room. This is very important in built-up cities. Reliable fittings for sliding structures, Siegenia portals, provide comfort, protection, and safety for decades. The manufacturer offers the following line of systems (in a wide range of colors).

Portal HS and ES

Portal HS is an innovative achievement in the manufacturing technology of this hardware; it allows for easy operation of sashes weighing up to 400 kg. The reliability of the HS portal Siegenia in an innovative proposal - an opening width of up to 12 m is possible, and a total width of up to 19 m. Anti-vandal protection is suitable for profiles with a thickness of up to IV 92. An updated barrier-free threshold (19 mm) is provided for the convenience of movement of disabled people in wheelchairs, slot ventilation by default . Decorative trims from Siegenia conceal working parts on wooden and plastic windows, and elegant lacquered handles are available in a wide range.

Portal ES is used for window sashes up to 250 kg, both for lift-and-slide and parallel-slide tilt designs. The fittings have a special circular sealing system, which includes a carriage with guides and locking elements of four pieces. This contributes to a high degree of tightness. The closing/opening play of the sashes is up to 15 mm; synthetic gaskets completely insulate from the noise created when the sashes move. This option has a ventilation standard, barrier-free production is possible. ES is easy to install, use and maintain.

Portal PS Plus and PSK Plus

The fittings are intended for wooden and plastic Siegenia window sashes up to 160 kg. It is a unique parallel-sliding system with double forced control. It greatly simplifies the process of opening the doors; when you turn the handle 90 degrees, easy opening occurs. The fittings are equipped with reliable mushroom-shaped pins – RC2. Siegenia PORTAL PS PLUS is suitable for any type of material with an adjustment groove in the profile - 16 mm. The modernized system has an impeccable design; variations of individual modules are possible. PS PLUS is high German quality, easy maintenance, long service life.

PSK Plus is a safe, convenient use of parallel-sliding tilt fittings for structures weighing from 100 to 200 kg. Siegenia psk portal has many advantages. Doors weighing 200 kg are equipped with semi-automatic control. Slot ventilation, (instead of folding) mushroom-shaped trunnions increase the level of protection and reliability. The guide requires 35 mm, the system is suitable for a profile made of any material, the groove is 16 mm. Siegenia psk is equipped with an original spring mechanism with a trolley, it gives easy and comfortable control. Large portals with this fittings give the room additional light and comfort.

Portal FS Plus and CS

An innovative solution for structures that fold. The weight of each leaf is up to 80 kg; one portal can contain up to 7 leaves. Siegenia portal is easy to assemble (great flexibility), the opening width can be up to 6.3 m. The movement of the doors is easy due to the rollers. The location of the guide can be either lower or upper, and the method of opening outward or inward. At the same time, space is significantly saved, the space is not overloaded, and the usable area is preserved. Barrier-free thresholds are acceptable, installation on any materials with a 16 mm groove. Large selection of modules in a color palette.

Portal CS is a smart, modern sliding fitting from Siegenia for easy retrofitting of doors, windows made of wood and PVC, sash weights from 80 to 150 kg. With its help, individual modules can easily and quickly be transformed into sliding structures of various variations, at the request of the customer. High-quality fittings are equipped with adjustable roller trolleys, integrated anti-burglary protection (trunnions). The handles come in a wide range of colors, and the drive has locking hooks and anti-squeeze protection. Installation on a profile of any material with a 16 mm groove. Options to choose from: lockable or standard, burglary protection equipment, mushroom-shaped pins.

For the normal elite

Austrian fittings MACO INVISIBLE

But our wealthy compatriot spends the second half of his day in his prestigious office. And he can live not in a cottage, but in an elite high-rise building - a settlement, as they now say.

Without at all detracting from the advantages of Siegenia-Aubi, for such options (prestigious office, settlement), experts often recommend fittings from the Austrian company MASO.

Reason: a large set of different kinds of options that will ensure a comfortable stay in a room with windows equipped with such fittings.

Its advantages:

  • Easy closing function
  • Up to six degrees of burglary protection
  • Final wax coating of parts providing increased anti-corrosion resistance
  • Presentable appearance
  • All kinds of limiters, protection against impact on the jamb, micro-lifting of the sash when closing, multi-position designs for ventilation

Experts point out only one major drawback of MACO fittings: some difficulty in self-adjustment compared to German models. But, obviously, for an office, the durability of equipment is more important than if everyone who is not too lazy to climb on any occasion to “debug” a complex design that is very sensitive to inept intervention.

All MACO fittings are produced at two factories in Austria.

Summary: MASO fittings are No. 1 for office premises and prestigious apartment buildings. In terms of price characteristics, it occupies one of the first positions. But she's worth it!

What people say about GU

We decided to introduce you to consumer reviews by filtering out advertising and insane remarks.


Disadvantages mentioned on forums

Hard to find

Sergey writes on a forum dedicated to discussing GU, he writes that windows for this fittings are not always easy to find.

Sergei himself expresses an opinion with which we agree: the reason is that GU works only with official representatives. Free sale would make accessories more widespread, but the quality of service would drop.

The fittings break

GU fittings production site

There is a lot of dissatisfaction on the Internet that some parts of the fittings have become unusable. For example, on the okna-firm forum, user Lelik comments on the possibility of replacing individual broken parts: “If the fittings were good, then there would be no need to change them!”

From numerous reviews we can conclude that the fittings do sometimes fail. It seems that if you install more expensive fittings, the likelihood of breakdown will be reduced.


Advantages mentioned on forums

For the middle class

Winkhaus fittings – German brand

What should an average city dweller, let's say, a skilled worker with a good salary, a small entrepreneur, a manager who is valued at work, an official, do, if he wants to install a window with reliable, but not too expensive fittings in his apartment?

Answer: Winkhaus. The oldest hardware company produces products for every taste and budget - from very prestigious to quite budget ones. What speaks in its favor is that, according to expert estimates, it is the only one that was able to establish production in Russia, but according to German standards.

There are modifications of Winkhaus proPilot , which are cheaper in price than Turkish models, but higher in quality and functionality. When analyzing the market, we found enterprises that are ready to supply Winkhaus fittings in bulk for 600 rubles. It is clear that these are some basic configurations with a minimum set of options, but this is one and a half times cheaper than Turkish fittings!

Not to mention durability. There are testimonies of people who operated Winkhaus for ten years without service. And they would have used it longer if the window had not broken.

“Adjusting windows with Siegenia-Aubi fittings” with your own hands is the most complete manual on our website. You can adjust MACO fittings yourself, following the advice on our website. Adjusting windows with Winkhaus fittings is described here: https://oknanagoda.com/okna/furnitura/regulirovka-okon-winkhaus.html

Perhaps Winkhaus is inferior to Siegenia-Aubi in terms of elasticity and MASO - in terms of softness and number of options. But installing a plastic window and forgetting about it for 10 years means a lot in domestic conditions!

Summary: WinkHaus is No. 1 for a person with average capabilities. Moreover, if these capabilities continue to grow, then a person will simply need to switch from one Winkhaus model to another: from proPilot to autoPilot, and then, as ultra-modern modifications of ActivPilot are introduced into the domestic market, one can safely switch to them.

From a marketing point of view, full coverage of the entire price range is the most important advantage of Winkhaus, making it the No. 1 brand on the Russian market. He builds a consumer pipeline; scores goals all over the place.

How to choose fittings for plastic windows

Before reviewing the best manufacturers, let’s touch on the criteria for choosing accessories in order to better understand the issue under discussion. When purchasing plastic windows, you need to pay attention to such features of the fittings as:

  1. Use cases
    . One type of fittings may allow the sash to open only towards itself. Other types include reclining and micro-ventilation mode. The more functions, the wider the possibilities for fresh air flow.
  2. Pressure quality
    . Thermal and noise insulation depends on the tightness of the sash locks. When buying a window, insert a piece of paper into it and close the sash. If the sheet can be pulled out in this position, then in winter it will be possible to see through from under the plastic window.
  3. Number of locking points.
    There can be from 3 to 7. The more such elements, the more tightly the opening part is fixed.
  4. Mechanism of protection against erroneous action.
    This function means that it is impossible to turn the handle to tilt the window when it is open in a hinged manner. If there is no protection, then this action can easily break the hinge or disconnect the opening part.
  5. Child protection.
    The function is implemented in the form of an additional lock with a key from below, in the handle itself, or by removing the handle and closing the rosette hole with a plug. Increases safety in the presence of small children and prevents unauthorized opening (for example, in an enterprise, so that valuable objects/materials cannot be taken out through a window opening).

Tilt limiter. Sets the degree of tilting of the sash to adjust the optimal air passage. In case of a draft or strong wind, the window will not slam.

For those who don't have to choose

Turkish fittings Kale

But not everyone in Russia enjoys the right to choose.

What happens if, say, the authorities of a large city decide to resettle pensioners from a depressed central area somewhere on the outskirts, and open shopping and entertainment complexes in the center? And he transfers the order for the construction of a new microdistrict “for grandmothers and grandchildren” to some Turkish construction company? And she, in turn, orders accessories from someone who is closer, who is related?

In most cases, Kale Kilit turns out to be “closer and dearer”. Or simply Kale, as it is already commonly called in the vast expanses of 1/6 of the land. Its fittings are simple and reliable. Cheap. It is easy to install. And it was done quite conscientiously. It may not have a multi-position micro-ventilation option, but it won’t draft like a chimney on blizzard February evenings.

Summary: Kale is #1 for those who don't have to choose. It goes not only to new buildings. Currently, we are capturing the widest market, cooperating with many companies producing profiles and installing them throughout Russia.

And don't be afraid of this! If you are a modest Soviet pensioner and are not afraid that your diamond necklace with pearl pendants will be taken from your home, then you do not need fittings with six degrees of protection. And Kale has everything else!

Who are the consumers of GU fittings?

GU fittings – for the middle class

These are high-quality fittings, but the prices for them cannot be called exorbitant. Of course, it will be more expensive than Russian brands, but not by much. For example, a handle that can be locked with a key will cost 350 rubles. Opening limiter only 60 rub.

Mosquito nets produced by GU cost about 700 rubles. per m2. With fittings from the UNI-JET line, the matter will depend on the standard configuration and the number of additional gadgets - the price varies from the “economy” option to the “extra” option.

Any representative of the middle class can afford GU fittings: they are of high quality, but not elite.

Advantages of Ziegenia Aubi fittings

The main advantage of this brand of fittings is its long service life. According to manufacturers, all products are designed for 25 thousand closing and opening cycles. Even with active use of the products, wear is minimal.

Elex ProfileNordprof profileSturm profile

In addition to durability and functionality, hardware manufacturers paid special attention to the comfortable operation of their products. The products accurately respond to any movement of the owner. All solutions are as modern as possible; the range of products from manufacturing companies is regularly updated.

The products are protected from corrosion due to special processing of the material. It will be an excellent choice not only for home use, but also for completing window profiles for various offices and companies.

Website visitors can order Ziegenia Aubi fittings in Chelyabinsk together with plastic window profiles from other manufacturers. Study the offers of various companies, give preference to the one that offers optimal conditions, as well as a guarantee for the products offered.

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