Reviews of Krauss windows: is the Russian frost not as bad as they make it out to be?

The history of this profile system began in 2006. the Krauss trademark and began producing plastic windows and doors using modern extrusion equipment purchased from the famous Austrian company Technoplast . Krauss PVC profiles are an entirely domestic product, therefore, the assurances of managers of some window sales companies that Krauss are made in Germany are not true.

Experts find that structurally Krauss PVC profiles reproduce the famous German brand KBE - in terms of quality they are in no way inferior to the products of the famous German manufacturer. This gives them a great advantage in the domestic market, since many residents of our country cannot afford expensive plastic windows and doors, but want to get a quality product for their money.

PVC profile Krauss 5800

  • Profile installation width: 58 mm

  • Number of profile cameras: 3
  • Glazing thickness: 24-32 mm
  • Double-glazed window rebate height: 24 mm
  • Fitting groove axis distance: 9 mm
  • The reduced heat transfer resistance of the frame-sash combination is 0.78 m2°C/W
  • Products are certified

Features – a complete analogue of the most common profile series KBE-etalon (installation depth 58 mm). It repeats the KBE standard in appearance, geometry, plastic quality, physical and mechanical characteristics and profile durability, but KRAUSS-5800 windows are more affordable. When using all KRAUSS profile systems, PVC chips from Mitsubishi and additives (additives that provide specified physical and mechanical properties of the profile) from Mitsubishi and Basf are used.

Customer reviews are real (you can call yourself)

On December 20, 2014, as part of service improvement, we began surveying clients about the quality of work after installation of products, indicating the client’s phone number at his request.
We will now publish all reviews (questionnaires) on the website. You can look at the review and call the client yourself and ask about us directly. See the profiles above. 12.20.14 Windows, in the production of which the Krauss profile is used, immediately attracted attention with their affordable price. However, this put us on our guard, but the company manager assured us of the quality and said that all products come with a guarantee. Still, a little apprehensive, we first ordered one window into the kitchen. We are completely satisfied with the purchase we made. In the summer we will order windows for the rooms also from this profile. The reviews are the most positive. Special thanks to Alexander. Valery, 43 years old

09/12/14 The KRAUSS profile is really good, but even the best profile can be ruined by poor-quality installation. People, don’t be fooled by the prices, look at the quality of KRAUSS...they installed one window perfectly for me, but I ordered the second window from another company (they offered to do it cheaper), the installation was done disgustingly...because of this, problems began with my window...don’t repeat mine errors!!!No complaints about krauss!!! Alexandra Yurievna

11/24/13 Affordable and guaranteed. To test the dacha, we first ordered one window. We were satisfied. Next year we will change the windows throughout the house, we definitely settled on this profile. Stanislav

01/18/13. Despite the winter, we decided to change the windows (fortunately the temperature outside is not minus 40). Firstly, it turns out that it’s cheaper to install in winter, and the time for production - I didn’t have to wait long - three days and I already had installers. We installed three windows gradually over 5 hours, there was slight discomfort with a draft during their work, but now Sochi. I would also like to add that according to the contract, the second part of the payment is deferred for a month. Sergey Petrovich, 48 years old

05.15.12 There can be no complaints - because good materials, high-quality assembly, and an excellent manufacturer together produce windows that cannot be demolished. They never sweated or got wet. Vitaly

PVC profile Krauss 7300

  • Profile installation width: 70 mm

  • Number of profile cameras: 3
  • Glazing thickness: 24 - 40 mm
  • Double-glazed window rebate height: 24 mm
  • Fitting groove axis distance: 13 mm
  • Reduced heat transfer resistance of the frame-sash combination 0.68 m2°C/W
  • Optimal passage of isotherms along the profile section
  • Minimized warehouse program due to unification
  • Compatible with other KRAUSS series
  • Modern design, no sharp edges
  • Products are certified

PVC profile Krauss 7500

  • Frame profile thickness 70 mm

  • Number of chambers in frame profile 5
  • Glazing thickness (max. without additional options) 40 mm
  • Standard number of sealing circuits 2
  • Profile heat transfer resistance (max.) 0.75 (-)

Distinctive features of the Krauss 7500 PVC profile:

  1. Modern design, no sharp edges;
  2. Minimized warehouse program due to the unification of the metal amplifier;
  3. Co-extruded bead seal;
  4. Compatibility with other KRAUSS systems;
  5. Optimal passage of isotherms along the profile section.

Features of production and brand history

Krauss profile systems are produced by Krauss, which is a major manufacturer in Russia. The advantages of the products are confirmed by quality certificates. Advanced technologies are used in the manufacture of profile systems to ensure the durability of structures.

The Krauss brand belongs to a Russian company founded in 2002, which in 2006 acquired an extrusion profile production line in Austria. The production of systems is concentrated in the city of Krymsk (Krasnodar Territory).

The increase in capacity was facilitated by investments from Turkey, which made it possible to expand the production of aluminum profiles. The systems are equipped with Turkish fittings for windows and doors, providing tilt-and-turn opening.

The production uses polyvinyl chloride resins, which are manufactured in Japan.

Profile systems are distinguished by the arched shape of the internal walls, which prevent condensation from entering the inside of the chamber. Additional rigidity of the structure is given by the enlarged walls of the grooves in the places where the impost connections are attached.

Window production uses fittings, which are sold through branches and organizations. The mechanisms that ensure the tilt-and-turn position of structures are characterized by a minimum number of prefabricated units. The fittings use 2 permanent units, and 3 of them are selected depending on the configuration and dimensions of the products.

The minimalism of the assembly and technological solution in Fornax fittings provides a standard option for systems of this type. The mechanisms are equipped with a locking mode against improper opening, anti-burglary elements, and pressure adjustment. The fittings meet the requirements of the State Standard and are distinguished by a silver color. The ease of turning the handles is ensured by the presence of roller elements - trunnions.

Advantages of Krauss windows

  • High thermal insulation, the profile is resistant to temperature changes and therefore can serve its owners for many years.
  • The configuration of the profile chambers prevents the formation of condensation. High sound insulation. The carefully developed design of Krauss profiles provides high sound insulation, and street noise will not bother you.
  • Nice appearance. Incredible white profile. The Krauss window will fit perfectly into any interior.
  • Environmental friendliness. Krauss profiles are made exclusively from materials that are safe for health - this is confirmed by sanitary safety certificates. That is why they are often installed in children's institutions and healthcare organizations.
  • Supplemented with Roto fittings, the window will be reliable and safe. The KNK company offers to order designs of any style and color.

In the production of Krauss PVC profiles, exclusively imported raw materials are used: PVC resins from the Japanese concern MITSUBISHI and components from leading manufacturers in Western Europe . Using our own recipes for preparing mixtures allows us to obtain a consistently high-quality formula. Experts define it as universal for all climatic conditions of Russia.

The Krauss profile provides effective thermal insulation, which significantly saves space heating costs in winter. Windows made from Krauss PVC profiles are durable and practical, easy to use and maintain, and serve for a long time without losing their original appearance.

Reviews of PVC windows "Krauss"

Although the geography of application of these structures is wide: not only the native Krasnodar region for the profile, but also the Moscow region, and quite northern Tolyatti, etc. Either global warming has finally finished off the Russian General Moroz, or, contrary to restrained recommendations, the Krauss profile is quite warm and comfortable for central Russia.

Perhaps the sealant, which experts highly appreciate, plays a role.

Glazing of a high-rise building in Tolyatti with Krauss profile

Other reviews about the Krauss profile are alarming:

“... proved to be brittle during the assembly and installation of windows”

“... I didn’t reorder Krauss for the dacha, because over time the windows began to close poorly”

“... I bought into the cheapness of Krauss windows.” There are drafts, dust from the street lies on the windowsill,” there are not many such responses, but they do exist.

There is only one thing to say. If installers have weak hands, then they can compromise any profile system.

For a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of aluminum and plastic profiles, see the article “What is the best way to glaze a balcony or loggia?” Photos of glazing with different types of aluminum profiles and the cost of cold glazing in Moscow - all this is in the article about aluminum glazing of balconies on our website. How to change cold glazing to warm glazing without changing the appearance of the building facade, read here: -lodzhii/osteklenie/zamena-kholodnogo-ostekleniya-na-teplo.html

But you can’t blame all the troubles on the installers. For example, Russian standards, unlike European ones, allow a profile wall thickness of less than 3 mm. If certain companies abuse this assumption, then increased fragility of the profiles, blowing through, and the introduction of dust are possible.

“What is the best fittings for a plastic window?” – this article will help you make the right choice if you are not satisfied with the T&T fittings that come with Krauss windows. What should you consider when choosing fittings for a plastic window? – you will also find the answer to this question on our website. The general principles of adjusting the fittings are described here:

What to do? Almost all commentators report that the first thing they noticed was the low prices for Krauss windows. Low prices in themselves do not mean low quality of the product in bulk. But, as the famous song says, “... some will be lucky, and some will not!” And the lower the prices, the higher, according to the law of statistics, the chances of this “no!”

Responses to Krauss aluminum profile

Glazing of the loggia with Krauss aluminum profile

Judging by consumer comments, Krauss aluminum profiles in the Moscow region are used mainly for glazing balconies, country verandas, and cold extensions to cottages. The requirements for the glazing of this kind of premises are much lower than for the glazing of apartments, and therefore there are no complaints about the profile. Some commentators note that it is cheaper than Provedal, others praise it for its light weight.

A certain Kim S. reports that he and his brother managed to independently install the glazing of the attic windows at their dacha with Krauss aluminum profiles. This is perhaps the most remarkable response.

Reviews about PVC profile Krauss (Krauss)

Inna . I bought an apartment for my mother and the first thing I did was change the windows - the old wooden ones were terrible in appearance and cold. Krauss chose the company, their windows are at my work. I was pleased with my choice, immediately after the technician installed it. Windows have good protection from bad natural conditions. When it rains, water does not enter the apartment. When there is wind, everything is calm at home. All closing and opening mechanisms work flawlessly. My mom also liked that she now has modern windows that are easy to open and close. That they require minimal maintenance and do not need to put foam rubber between the sashes.

Discussion: there is 1 comment

  1. Vladimir:
    05/20/2020 at 08:11

    1) installers work for a long time and are very dirty. They left behind garbage (6 bags), although according to the terms of the contract they were supposed to take the garbage out to the entrance. We had to take the garbage out of the apartment ourselves. Those. the clause of the contract was not complied with. 2) on the very first day of installation, the kitchen window was installed crookedly, and therefore we had to wait. The next day the installer came, took some measurements and announced that due to bad weather conditions the installation would not be carried out. How then is installation carried out in winter??? As a result, the installation was completed a day after the latter’s visit. 3) they delivered a damaged balcony door. The defect was replaced during the completion of installation (on the 3rd day) 4) the installed balcony door closes with force, the visit of the repairman, whom we had to wait for another day or so, did not lead to anything, only a few words about how many people face this problem and that we needed to buy a more expensive lock. 5) side slopes stand at an obtuse angle, some at a right angle. The installer explained this by the passage of light and a more favorable angle for opening the window and balcony door, although there was no request for such benefits.


How to choose the right profile for plastic windows?

The profile is a key element of the window design, since it allows you to not only determine the aesthetic perception of the window itself, but also its strength indicators, service life, and so on. It is imperative to pay attention to the thickness of the outer walls. The profile itself is a hollow, closed-type system, inside of which there are partitions that provide it with a certain strength. The price of the structure and duration of use depend on this indicator. Each product has internal and external walls.

Depending on the thickness of the polyvinyl chloride layer, all products are divided into three classes. Standard “A” includes models with a thickness of outer walls of 2.8-3 mm, and internal walls of about 2.5 mm. This is fully consistent with Russian and international standards. Such models are characterized by an increased level of strength, good sound and heat insulation.

Class “B” is distinguished by the thickness of the external walls of at least 2.5 mm, the internal ones - approximately 2 mm. This variety retains heat less well, but is less susceptible to deformation due to constant and dynamic physical stress; it does not retain street noise very well. Type “C” is not regulated by regulatory documents, therefore windows are made from such profiles, mainly for non-residential premises; you can often find designs from this type of profile for apartments, but they are cheaper than all others.

Windows are also divided into groups according to temperature zones depending on climatic conditions. Lightweight models are designed for warm climates where the average annual temperature does not fall below zero. Such products can withstand short-term temperature drops down to -5 degrees.

Standard profiles are designed for moderate climates, where the temperature can periodically drop to -20 degrees, but they can withstand -45 degrees, but also for a certain period. Frost-resistant ones tolerate well down to -55 degrees. Our country produces mainly standard and frost-resistant products.

Window profiles must withstand severe mechanical loads. This parameter allows you to determine how correctly the internal partitions are located, how polyvinyl chloride reacts to temperature changes, because this material can become brittle in severe frosts.

When we chose products to include in the rating of the best profiles for plastic windows, we were guided by all these factors. In addition, the price-quality ratio of the products, as well as user reviews, were taken into account. We hope that after carefully studying this review, you will be able to choose a window profile that will serve you well for a long time.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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