French window instead of a balcony block - what to consider when purchasing

In recent years, the possibilities for both interior and exterior design have been almost unlimited. And thanks to the fact that more and more companies are appearing that are ready to make something magnificent out of someone else’s home. Deciding on any innovation has become even easier - because professionals will do everything for you.

One of the modern solutions in Moscow is French glazing of the balcony. Sometimes this foreign version is used without glass.

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It should be noted that there is a wide variety of architectural solutions here, and some of them, by definition, are not French, but among the people, and now among repairmen and designers, they are ranked among them.

Initially, this meant a balcony that did not have its own room. In other words, this is the case when the external part is simply missing, leaving only an opening in the wall and a parapet. A door is provided, in the modern version most often completely glass.

Residents of an apartment can, just like everyone else, open their doors and breathe fresh air. But you won’t be able to dry clothes there or store temporarily unnecessary items. Just like making an extra room, because there is simply no space for it.

However, this type was popular in those ancient times, when the streets in France were narrow and the design of houses was far from perfect.

Historical reference

The traditional French balcony is fundamentally different from the version adapted to our living conditions. The latter can be adapted to any task. It can be a functional area, a place of relaxation, part of the apartment if combined with a kitchen ( it is not recommended to combine such a balcony with a bedroom , as this will deprive the owners of privacy), or an exit to the veranda (in the private sector).

In the old days, the main purpose of such a large floor-to-ceiling window was to quickly ventilate the room and some other functions that now seem curious. Historians believe that such miniature external structures were used to quickly empty chamber pots . Residents of Europe in the 18th century did not hesitate to pour sewage directly onto the street, and an elegant forged fence guaranteed the safety of the person on the balcony.

Thus, what we call a French balcony is actually just a modern type of panoramic glazing. Structurally, it differs significantly from the historical “portfonet” , as it came to us from France in the 18th and 19th centuries. But French glazing retains the most important features of a French balcony - large windows from floor to ceiling, a lot of light and the “airiness” of this part of the architectural appearance of the building.

The fundamental difference from a traditional balcony or loggia is the virtual absence of a wide balcony slab.

A nice bonus: if you are planning to perform French glazing on a balcony, and are not going to demolish the balcony partition (load-bearing wall of the building), dismantle the slab or make glazing with a large extension, then special permits may not be required. However, ordering the manufacture and installation of such a structure should be done from a company capable of developing competent design documentation, which will be accepted by the relevant regulatory authorities, and the work will be completed without violations. The contractor must also take responsibility for non-compliance with numerous technical requirements and compensate for material damage if any are discovered. Those. It is worth contacting companies with an impeccable business reputation.


We noticed the following advantages of French balconies:

  1. Increase natural light. You don’t have to turn on the electricity during the day, which helps save money. In addition, natural light makes household members more active. It is especially useful in the autumn-winter period, protects against depression, and improves sleep. Artificial lighting reduces stress tolerance and adds strain to the eyes.
  2. Visually increase the space. Installing large windows is a great design technique that looks great in small or crowded rooms.
  3. Allows you to save on finishing and construction materials and work. High-quality glazing will serve you for many years. All you need to do is wipe the glass from time to time. When renovating a room or facade, this part remains untouched.
  4. Panoramic view. You will be able to enjoy the beautiful view outside your windows, be it nature or the street. It's relaxing and inspiring. By the way, it is the panoramic view that is useful if a child is walking on the street, because it is easier for parents to keep an eye on him.
  5. Variety of decor. It is difficult to harmoniously decorate the façade of ordinary windows with anything. And the portfolio allows you to do this, giving the outside of the house individuality. For example, forged grilles attract much more attention compared to the façade of the building itself. But you can make curls and other ornaments to decorate the fence.

Sound insulation is also at a high level, because our French glazing is one of the highest quality. It provides excellent heat and sound insulation.

About permissions and approvals

If you strictly follow the letter of the law, then approval is always required when installing any window frames (except for glazing during construction). French-type glazing is no exception. Even for the installation of a canopy and external clothes dryers, it is theoretically necessary to obtain permission. In practice, precedents arise only during legal actions (sale, donation of an apartment, taking out a loan secured by housing), as well as if the balcony overlooks the main streets and changes the architectural appearance of the city. And, of course, in cases of collapse.

Why is approval needed?

  • Any frames (even light aluminum ones) are an additional load on the slab.
  • Poorly executed glazing can reduce the level of illumination in adjacent rooms.
  • Errors in calculations and during installation sometimes lead to the collapse of the entire structure. Both passers-by and people standing on the balcony may be harmed.

Is there a legal framework?

There is no law regarding unauthorized glazing. But it is equated to redevelopment and is considered in court in accordance with the Housing Code. In the absence of permission, the owner of the apartment is charged a fine (2.5 thousand rubles). But the most unpleasant thing is the order to dismantle the glazing and return the balcony to its previous appearance.

Which authorities should I contact?

Permission for panoramic glazing of a balcony or loggia is issued by the territorial housing administration. You need to contact this authority with a package of documents, including:

  • An application drawn up according to the form.
  • Notarization of ownership rights to the apartment.
  • Technical passport from BTI.
  • Coordination of the glazing project with the district fire inspection, city architectural department, sanitary and epidemiological station, BTI, house management company (DEZ).

The technical passport must be taken from the BTI at the stage of developing the glazing project. This document is the most difficult to obtain, since only firms that have official permission to design residential buildings have the right to draw up a project.

After reviewing the provided documents, the territorial housing inspectorate issues permission to carry out redevelopment. After glazing the balcony, employees of this inspection are invited to draw up a report on the implementation of the redevelopment.

The cost of completing all the paperwork is sometimes equal to the price of glazing. Not to mention the time spent visiting various authorities. For this reason, many people carry out glazing illegally. But this is always risky and may bring problems with the law for you or your heirs. Financial costs cannot be avoided in any case, but you can save your time by contacting a special company that provides assistance in obtaining permission for glazing. There are such organizations in all major cities.

Failure Cases

There is always the possibility of failure. Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • It is planned to move the heating radiator to the balcony , which could lead to an imbalance of the entire heating system.
  • Redevelopment of a balcony in a historical building or on the facade of a house located in the city center.
  • It is planned to partially or completely demolish the lintel under the window and expand the opening of the balcony door.
  • The project involves significant removal of glazing and changes in the shape and structure of the balcony.

On the ground and high floors

The luxurious panoramic view opening from the French balcony especially attracts residents of the upper floors: from a bird's eye view the entire city will be at your fingertips. For those who live lower (especially on the 1st-2nd floors), a French balcony is only appropriate if the windows offer a truly beautiful view . Otherwise, the portal windows will “reveal” not only the room, but also your private life: you and everything on your balcony will become the object of study by others. You can’t go out onto such a balcony to smoke or drink coffee in a nightgown, much less in an Adam suit. The greatest discomfort is possible at night, when the lights are turned on. But there is a way out of this situation:

  • you can install opaque glass, through which you can see everything, and the outside of the glass will have a tinted effect;
  • cheaper than glass is a special reflective film or film with one-way visibility , which you can stick to the glass yourself;
  • a more economical way is to use a self-adhesive film with a pattern , which you simply need to stick on the glass;
  • you can cover the windows in your apartment with blinds or curtains;
  • The bottom of the balcony is covered with sandwich panels .

Attention! When tinting glass, covering it with film or other darkening methods, you should take into account the provisions of GOST R 56926-2016 Window and balcony structures for various functional purposes for residential buildings. General technical conditions

Translucent fillings must have the function of transmitting the visible spectrum of solar radiation (in the wavelength range from 770 to 380 nm) and ultraviolet radiation from the sun (in the wavelength range from 200 to 380 nm). Translucency must be ensured throughout the entire estimated period of operation of the products through safe periodic maintenance.

Note - Safe periodic maintenance means cleaning the translucent structure from contamination (washing glass) manually without any additional special equipment. The person performing the maintenance must be on the floor of the room from the inside and have unhindered access to the translucent filling without the risk of falling out.

Residents of the upper floors can afford to install a transparent polycarbonate roof on the balcony and admire the stars at night. Just don’t forget to consider the possibility of cleaning such a roof.

For safety reasons, when using French glazing, only the top sashes open. It is also recommended to use safety guards, which we will return to later. These measures are only relevant for residents of the upper floors.

Don't forget about the human factor. Many will simply be afraid to go out onto such a balcony , especially if it is located on the upper floors of a high-rise building .

If a balcony or loggia is located on the first or second floor, another danger arises - such glazing can attract intruders. The integrity of glass is much easier to break for the purpose of illegal entry into the house. That's why some experts do not recommend installing such glazing on the first and second floors , unless you install impact-resistant glass. You should be afraid not only of robbers, but also of an accidentally thrown stone, etc. An option to solve this problem is to install armored glass and frames with a frame structure. Breaking such a frame is technically very difficult and takes a lot of time (unlike the ubiquitous frames with an impost).

Attention! Clause GOST R 56926-2016 states:

To prevent unauthorized entry into the room from the outside, the sash must be locked with a cylinder mechanism located in the handle, or with a window security lock installed in the lower horizontal bar. In this case, the keys must be in the cylinder mechanism or stored next to it in an accessible place inside the balcony (loggia).

Another aspect is increased wind loads . Frequent winds are a threat to the safety of the panoramic balcony design. The higher the balcony is located, the stronger the wind will be felt. It is necessary to accurately calculate the maximum wind loads in order to determine the area and optimal number of double-glazed windows.

But besides this weather factor, there is a more serious problem - the possibility of collapse, which is most relevant for residents of the upper floors and for those who decided to install panoramic glazing on the balcony of the Khrushchev building. This point deserves separate consideration.


Installing glazing is only the first stage. In order for the system to work at any time of the year, and the glass to remain transparent - not covered with condensation or ice, insulation should be carried out .

When is it necessary?

When installing cold glazing, when the glass frames do not reach a thickness of 80 mm, additional insulation is required. Frameless glazing does not provide airtightness, due to which the room will cool down and the glass will ice up in winter. What materials can

The following insulation materials are suitable for insulating balconies and loggias :

  • penoflex;
  • foil penofol;
  • moisture-resistant plywood;
  • foamed polystyrene foam backing;
  • laminate class 31-33.

All these materials are used for floor insulation with panoramic glazing.

Where exactly?

You can insulate the floor and glass. The main source of heat on the balcony and loggia are convectors that warm the air and glass heating radiators.


Insulation of the floor occurs immediately after dismantling the fence , at the stage of expanding the balcony slab.
It is built up with channels, which are attached to the concrete with anchor bolts. During the strengthening process, cells are formed for laying insulation.

The thickness of the insulation depends on the height of the side of the metal corner.

Foil materials are used to shield heat. The main thing is not to make a mistake and lay the working side up. An additional purpose of penofol is to separate thin, warmer materials from concrete.

Note. The polystyrene foam backing between the plywood and the laminate creates shock absorption and absorbs noise when walking. Its porous structure retains air, which also helps retain heat.

For a cottage

For glazing a cottage or summer house, the traditional historical version of such a balcony is also suitable, which is a floor-to-ceiling window with access to a very small protruding platform where only one person can fit.

Such designs are more common abroad, but they have also recently gained popularity here. The fundamental difference from a traditional balcony or loggia is the virtual absence of a wide balcony slab. There is a small ledge with a fence in the form of a forged lattice. You can create an elegant flower garden on a tiny French balcony, but you won’t be able to sit comfortably there and drink coffee. Moreover, it cannot be used for storing things. And drying clothes on such an elegant element of the building’s exterior would be simply barbaric. But the view from the window is panoramic.

Varieties of design

French glazing is installed on loggias and balconies of standard sizes instead of a plastic block or brickwork. But in the traditional version, the platform is either completely absent or protrudes slightly (30-50 cm from the wall).

In the traditional version there is no balcony area.

In Khrushchev

Experts know that French-type glazing is often chosen by residents of Khrushchev and Stalin buildings with small balconies and long narrow loggias. From an aesthetic point of view, for such external structures, the French balcony is a panacea.

It creates the impression of lightness, weightlessness, adds additional centimeters of space and allows you to make the exterior of the house a little more stylish. You have probably noticed more than once how pleasing to the eye such a balcony looks on the facade of unremarkable buildings.

And if the apartment is well located, then the internal beauty of the balcony is complemented by a beautiful view from the outside.

There are also a number of reservations of a purely technical nature. In houses from the old housing stock there are very weak balcony slabs . They can simply collapse under the weight of a heavy metal-plastic profile. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to strengthen the balcony slab, instead of structures made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC profile), order lighter aluminum sliding frames . And carefully calculate the potential weight of the entire structure, including furniture and people who will be on the French balcony. It is recommended that you entrust this task to independent experts and listen to their glazing advice.

Installation of panoramic glazing is relatively quick (if we are talking about a standard rectangular external structure of a Khrushchev or Stalin building), but complex and dangerous, so it is relatively expensive. But don't try to save money - trying to do the installation yourself is extremely dangerous.


French-type balcony glazing opens up wide opportunities for realizing the most daring design ideas. Any decor of your choice: forged and other fencing, stained glass, frames, glass tinting, lamination of PVC profiles to look like wood.

Toning, by the way, will not only protect your privacy, but will also prevent excessive sun exposure in the summer.

To decorate a French balcony, you can choose frameless glazing, or thin metal frames with large glasses. Owners of their own homes can afford a luxurious loggia with warm metal-plastic glazing and any type of decoration and finishing. On such a balcony you can make a greenhouse or provide access to the veranda.

In their homes, they often install portal windows with various types of opening (tilt-and-turn, sliding, curtain, hinged). In dachas, such window-doors are not only a functional and decorative element, but also a way of zoning a room. In apartments, windows and doors can be installed instead of a traditional balcony partition, but for this you need to obtain a number of permits from the BTI, architectural bureau, and also residents of the house.

For a wooden cottage, frames made of euro-timber are most suitable. The most commonly used wood is pine, larch, oak, and ash. The most durable and also water-resistant profile is oak and larch. Of course, such glazing will be very expensive. A compromise option is pine. Glazing specialists still prefer wooden windows, namely frames made of Euro timber. They “breathe” and therefore do not fog up like plastic, conifers release beneficial phytoncides into the air, and in terms of thermal and sound insulation, wood is in no way inferior to plastic. Provided that they are properly treated with compounds to prevent rotting and fire, hardwood will last for more than one generation. Wooden French windows can also be installed on the balcony of a city apartment. From an aesthetic point of view, this option simply has no equal.

Also be careful when choosing glass. It can be tempered, laminated, tinted, heat-saving glass of various thicknesses.

a decorative semicircular fence in the form of a wrought iron lattice is attached to a traditional balcony with floor-length glazing - this is an imitation of the Riviera style. Let's take a closer look at this point.



In a private house, no one forbids you to make an authentic French balcony with wrought iron fencing and flower pots on the lattice.

Forged balconies are an elegant decoration of any building. Manufacturers offer a wide range of base and parapet configurations. A false balcony is quite popular among apartment residents. It either has no basis at all, or it is extremely narrow. Sometimes such a false balcony is placed on the front side of a regular balcony to imitate the French style. Forged balconies for flowers are often confused with a French balcony. The latter are distinguished by a minimum height sufficient to accommodate boxes and pots.

The lattice of a French wrought-iron balcony must be at least 1.2 meters in height to guarantee human safety. The dimensions of the forged lattice depend on the width of the opening, if we are talking about the historical version of the French balcony. If you have French glazing of a modern type, then it is often carried out with removal. This means that the grille will be located around the perimeter of the glazing. It can be installed externally or internally as a removable barrier.

Options for making a forged French balcony:

  • With a projection (a convex barrier with a platform).
  • Without protrusion (flat grille parallel to the wall).

The nature of forging also differs. It can be hot and cold. Cold forging is much cheaper, but it is used to perform standard designs. If you want to get a unique forged grille, order the fence using the hot forging technique (involves hand-made).

There are special requirements for the frequency of the lattice rods and the height of the barrier, which depends on the number of storeys of the building.

From an aesthetic point of view, forged lattice harmonizes with almost any architectural style.

Made of metal

The railing for a French balcony made of stainless steel or galvanized metal looks stylish and modern. The railings are attached directly to the window opening or to the facade of the building. That is, this option is more suitable for a traditional French balcony without a platform or with a very small base. Often a metal profile is combined with glass. The rods can be positioned vertically or horizontally.

Such metal railings are often ordered to enclose the façade of buildings with loggias glazed in the French style. We can say that the demand for metal railings is growing in direct proportion to the trend towards increasing the glazing area in houses. The advantages of fencing are that it guarantees the safety of people and does not interfere with the insolation of premises (unlike solid parapets).

Choose fences with high anti-corrosion properties, since it will be almost impossible to paint them (except for balconies on the first floors). Experts advise making a handrail for metal fences made of wood in order to comfortably lean on it both in the winter cold and in the heat.

From glass

Glass fences are located almost close to the facade of the building, which guarantees the safety of people. Glass combines especially well with brick or stone, emphasizing their texture.

Attaching glass railings depends on your design idea. They can be made in the style of minimalism (barely noticeable point fastenings on the sides) or order massive metal structures with glass filling. If the barrier is placed close to the building, the window-door (portal) will only swing inward. Or choose a sliding opening option.

A metal or wooden handrail will not interfere with the glass fencing (after all, it is not very convenient to rest your hands on glass). The height of such a fence should be at least 1 - 1.2 m. The design of glass fences is such that they are more compatible with a traditional French balcony with a small platform or no platform at all. If you have a balcony with panoramic glazing from floor to ceiling, then a forged or metal lattice will highlight the translucent structure much more effectively.

On safety clause GOST R 56926-2016 Filling the bottom screen of panoramic glazing can be done in any option technologically possible for the glass-bearing profile system used, and it must be ensured that a person cannot fall out, subject to the following requirements:

a) as a translucent filling of the lower screen, only safety tempered glass in accordance with GOST 30698 or multilayer glass in accordance with GOST 30826 is used;

b) the height of the lower panoramic glazing screen is taken equal to 1200 mm from the floor level in accordance with the requirements of SP 54.13330. At this height, the frame structure must be provided with a main horizontal crossbar of the profile system (main glass-carrying crossbar), designed for a combination of wind load and the glass’s own weight;

c) panoramic balcony glazing is used only in conjunction with additional protective fencing. The protective fence must have a height of at least 1200 mm in accordance with the requirements of SP 54.13330 and can be installed parallel to the plane of the panoramic glazing both from the inside and from the outside. The design of the fence must provide the possibility of unhindered and safe replacement of the filling of the lower screen in the event of unexpected destruction, as well as the possibility of periodic maintenance if the filling of the lower screen is made of completely transparent or translucent glass.

The fence must be made of material of the NG group (non-flammable) in accordance with GOST 30244 and in the event of a fire it must maintain its integrity until people are evacuated from the balcony (loggia). The estimated evacuation time is determined by current regulatory documents.

In the case of an external location of the protective fence, the fastening points of the main glass-bearing crossbar [see. listing b)] to the rack and its cross-section must be additionally designed to withstand the action of a concentrated impact load in the event of a person accidentally falling on it. The design load value is taken in accordance with SP 20.13330. The calculation results must be included in the design documentation;

d) in multi-apartment residential buildings with a height of up to 15 m, it is allowed to use translucent fillings of the bottom screen made of safety laminated glass in accordance with GOST 30826 without additional protective fencing. The thickness and type of laminated glass of the lower translucent filling must be designed to withstand the action of a concentrated impact load if a person accidentally falls on it. The design load value is taken according to SP 20.13330. The calculation results must be included in the design documentation. When delivering products to the site, the manufacturer is obliged to provide confirmation of compliance of the design structures of the lower screen with design requirements in the form of software calculations or test reports for soft-body impact according to GOST 30698 (if the screen is made of tempered glass) and according to GOST 30826 (if the screen is made of laminated glass).


  1. Price. If you remodel an existing facade, you will have to invest a lot of money, especially if you want to install windows with protection from the sun, burglary, etc.
  2. Summer heat. Portfnetr does not protect you from extreme heat. It is important to take this into account if the wall faces south.
  3. If you are equipping such a balcony from scratch in an already built house, you need to equip it with reinforcing elements. It is advisable to entrust this work to specialists so that the design is reliable.
  4. No window sill. For some housewives, it is very necessary for flowers and household items.

Compared to a regular balcony, a briefcase does not provide the opportunity to store some things, however, this function was not originally assigned to it.

Types of French balcony

Options for panoramic glazing (they can have an openwork forged, glass or metal barrier):

  • mini-balcony in a traditional Provencal style without an exit platform or with a minimal platform;
  • bay window , semicircular for corner apartments, L-shaped;
  • rectangular (the glass at the parapet level can be transparent, tinted matte, or covered with plastic panels);
  • French balcony with floor extension - expansion of the balcony area plus floor-to-ceiling windows.

From the point of view of frame design, panoramic glazing can be:

  • solid (block without frames with a thickness of at least 7 mm);
  • sectional (structures with aluminum, plastic or wooden profiles).

As you can see, French balcony glazing can be very diverse, both technically and aesthetically. You will definitely find an option that suits your technical conditions and cost.


The supporting frame of the structure is made of metal, such as aluminum. The profile type is selected based on the climate. For regions with warm winters and gentle gusts of wind, an aluminum frame is used, and for northern territories with a harsh continental climate, a metal-plastic bag is used.

For warm glazing of a balcony, it is necessary to insulate the floor according to the principle of an electric heating pad. A cable is laid on aluminum foil with a synthetic or natural coating, and a screed is poured on top. After complete drying, a “liquid floor” is applied and the floor covering (tiles, boards or other option) is installed.

Warm floors will maintain a comfortable temperature during the cold period. And condensation will not form on the windows.

Several fashionable interior decoration ideas

The decorative nature of the French balcony, as well as its complete transparency, motivates to carefully consider the interior. We bring to your attention some interesting ideas for interior decoration.

Interior decoration is the next stage after panoramic glazing of the balcony.

High-quality and carefully completed repairs are the basis for further improvement of interior design. If there is warm glazing on a loggia or balcony, there is wide scope for imagination: you can make a cozy office, a relaxation area, a small dining room and even a children’s room. After insulating all opaque surfaces, they can be finished with wood, plastic, covered with wallpaper or simply painted. By the way, for insulation they use penofol 4-10 mm, penoplex 20 mm, mineral wool 50 mm.


The original finishing option is a suspended ceiling. It is perfectly smooth and looks very neat.

Sometimes a transparent roof is made on the top floor. It's very beautiful, but not practical. Therefore, if you want originality, cover the ceiling with mirror tiles, which also visually enlarge the space.

You can also use ordinary materials such as plastic, wood, drywall. Be sure to make several built-in lamps on the ceiling - it’s convenient and beautiful.


We spend much less time on the balcony than in the apartment, so don’t be afraid of bright decisions. Colorful wallpaper usually tires the eye, but on an insulated French balcony they will only delight it.

If you have PVC glazing and good insulation, feel free to experiment with paint - it will last a long time. You can, for example, combine a basic tone with a more saturated one. Before painting or wallpaper, the walls and ceiling are covered with plasterboard.

The currently popular loft style can be created by decorating the walls with clinker bricks . Complete the atmosphere with a couple of modernist paintings and varied lighting. Brick finishing generally goes perfectly with floor-to-ceiling windows and wrought-iron fencing.

A practical idea for a panoramic balcony is to cover the walls with soft material . Soft upholstery will replace the back of the chair. You can throw a couple of bean bag chairs on the floor or put an ottoman cabinet.

The most affordable option for wall decoration is plastic or wooden lining . The walls can also be finished with wood moldings. Please note that wood does not like wet cleaning, but it is environmentally friendly and looks expensive. But PVC is resistant to moisture and is suitable for any type of glazing.

For an open balcony and a greenhouse balcony, finishing the walls with concrete or its imitation is suitable.

6 floor finishing ideas

  1. Wooden floors always look expensive. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and practical. The tongue and groove board has proven itself to be excellent. The flooring is carried out across the floor, since a long floorboard can dry out.
  2. Another popular flooring material is laminate. Its advantages: richness of colors, availability.
  3. To create the complete illusion of being in the middle of nature, complement the panoramic view from the window with a green carpet that imitates grass.
  4. Those who like to walk barefoot on the floor will appreciate the covering made of deck boards or decking. They usually cover open verandas and garden paths, so the board is not afraid of moisture.
  5. Tiles or porcelain tiles will go well with an aluminum profile. But you can’t sit on such a floor and admire the view.
  6. Fans of unique design will appreciate the self-leveling floor.

The floor on the French balcony can be tiled.

Furniture and furnishings

For a small balcony, choose a minimalist style. Try to use the space of the large loggia as much as possible. Furniture should be compact, light and multifunctional. If possible, foldable. On loggias, built-in wardrobes are installed near the blank side wall or ottoman cabinets. It is pleasant to admire the panoramic view from a hanging chair, rocking chair, or chaise lounge. One of the best options is several ottomans on the floor. A miniature shelf for books or other small items wouldn't hurt.

To create a cozy atmosphere, use decor: pots with flowers, rattan furniture, original lamps, candles in beautiful candlesticks. Some even install an imitation fireplace on the panoramic balcony.

If not only design, but also functionality is important to you, do not forget to make sockets and install a folding clothes dryer.

Owners of a real French balcony (without a parapet or with a small overhang) should place the main emphasis on the design of the window opening, since there is no balcony space as such. Roman curtains or blinds, light openwork curtains, and neon lighting around the entire perimeter of the window look original (by the way, correctly chosen illumination provides good protection from prying eyes in the evening). You can also lay out pillows in front of a large, bright window. It will be pleasant and comfortable to sit on them and admire the landscape.

If there is a small parapet, we recommend laying the floor on it with non-slip tiles or moisture-resistant decking. In the warm season, on such a balcony you can place a couple of narrow folding chairs and install a folding tabletop on the railing. In the evening, a small atmospheric lamp or lantern will look beautiful.

For lovers of flowers and herbs, designers have developed many interesting options for pots and other accessories for growing plants that can be hung directly on the railing.

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