Fire glasses: types, testing, applications, pros and cons

Glass is one of the most popular materials in construction. Being the main part of the window, it lets in sunlight while maintaining comfortable indoor conditions. It is used for glazing facades, decorative elements, dishes and even furniture are made from it.

In addition to classic window glass, the industry offers materials that are similar in appearance, but have much higher characteristics. One of the striking examples of such products is fireproof glass.

Fireproof double-glazed windows - what is it?

In order to fill the openings of fireproof windows, doors, partitions, double-glazed windows of this type are used.
They differ in the following characteristics:

  • reliable protection from the cold;
  • blocking exposure to ultraviolet rays (if triplex is used);
  • safety for humans and the environment;
  • long service life and resistance to temperature changes.

Special fire-resistant glass is used in production. In addition to the main fire-fighting function, an important factor is the aesthetic appearance. The pace of construction of high-rise residential and commercial buildings is growing rapidly. Consequently, the demand for fire-resistant windows with fire-resistant double glazing is increasing.

This is due to the fact that standard light-transmitting structures are not able to stop the spread of fire. In addition, burning and smoldering metal-plastic frames not only have a harmful effect on the environment, but can also lead to suffocation for people currently in the building. The damage will be significant.

This is interesting: Fire closers: types, characteristics, requirements


The very concept of “fire-resistant glass” includes a wide range of materials that differ in production technology and purpose. There is a distinction between glass that protects from high temperatures and glass that does not interfere with heat transfer, but protects the room from combustion products and prevents the spread of fire. The first is used in fire protection systems, the second in heating systems, for the manufacture of cooking surfaces and dishes.

There are three main types of fire-resistant glass:

  • reinforced;
  • hardened;
  • compositional.

Wired fire-resistant glass can withstand loads associated with temperature changes due to the presence of a metal mesh inside. This solution makes it possible to provide the product with sufficiently high heat resistance, but noticeably limits the scope of its application due to low transparency. Such materials are widely used in fire protection systems.

The technology for producing tempered glass includes the procedure of repeated heating and cooling of the material (hardening). Both single-layer glass and multi-layer glass units are available for sale. In double-glazed windows, the space between the sheets is filled with a special transparent multi-component gel. These solutions are quite affordable in price and at the same time have good consumer characteristics.

Special mention should be made of composite heat-resistant glass. In a general sense, this is not glass, but glass ceramics. The material has a virtually zero coefficient of thermal expansion, which allows products made from it to withstand extremely high temperatures.

Areas of use

As was found out in the previous paragraph, laminated fire glass can withstand exposure to negative factors for 15-60 minutes. However, some brands can actually last for several hours.

It all depends on the quality of the raw materials and the immediate operating conditions. The use of materials primarily relates to hazardous types of production, so that if something happens, people do not suffer from fragments. Also, special glass is often used in various institutions in case of fire.

Fire doors with glass that is resistant to fire and temperature are commonly found in schools, hospitals, universities and other government institutions. Many samples have survived from Soviet times, when safety requirements forced the use of just such products.

Most often, they are equipped with reinforced glass, which is not transparent, which means no one can see what is happening in the office. Fire-rated fire-resistant glass is also often used to make doors for fireplaces and household stoves.

The average price of fireproof glass is about 300 rubles per square meter.

Classification and production features

Only windows with an aluminum frame and a special glass unit can ensure fire safety. All other attempts to present ordinary plastic windows as fire-resistant are an advertising ploy. At high temperatures, plastic always melts, emitting a suffocating odor.

According to the requirements for fireproof structures, such windows must always have a quality certificate available. This document must also indicate the time during which the glass unit continues to retain its shape despite exposure to high temperatures.

There are three types of fire-resistant windows, which are divided according to a certain time parameter:

  • class E 60 - withstands exposure to high temperatures for more than 60 minutes;
  • class E 30 - here this parameter is more than 30 minutes;
  • class E 15 - here this parameter is more than 15 minutes.

You can also choose a warm or cold profile for fire windows. Installation of cold profiles, without thermal insulation, used indoors. If the window openings face the street, a warm profile will do.

In the production of fire-resistant windows the following is used:

  • Aluminum profile reinforced with special fire-resistant material. Inside it there is a steel frame to which the glass is attached. Additionally, powder paint is applied on top. The profile can be made warm or cold;
  • Double-glazed window with fire-resistant glass, which can be single-chamber or double-chamber;
  • Thermal expansion tape due to which fire resistance increases;
  • Accessories from various brands. For example: Dorma (Germany), Iseo or Fapim (Italy).

Types of glass door designs

So, we figured out which glass you can choose for your fireplace. It remains to clarify the existing design options.

The door itself consists of a frame made of cast iron or steel material into which fire-resistant glass is inserted. From the outside, handles and locking devices made of materials that cannot be heated or wrapped with heat insulators are hung on the doors.

Frames can be tinted or painted with fire-resistant paints. Note that the percentage of glass to metal can vary within a free range.

According to the options for attaching hinged overhangs to portals, products can be divided into the following types:

  • with a vertical arrangement - used for hinged or folding doors;
  • with horizontal placement - made according to the principle of an opening window transom.

Door with glass for a fireplace Also, a fireplace door with glass can, like a guillotine, be lowered and raised, or moved to the sides (the latter option is rare).
Products can be grouped according to certain characteristics, which include:

  • total number of sections;
  • type of closing and opening doors.

Production of frames and double-glazed windows

The use of an aluminum profile is the best option for the production of a fire-resistant frame. Sometimes steel is used, which is also good at preventing the spread of fire, but such structures will be heavy. The rarest option is wood specially impregnated with a non-flammable composition.

High tightness is a distinctive feature of fire-resistant double-glazed windows. Thanks to this, during a fire, air is not allowed to enter the room. Also, double-glazed windows of this type do not burst under the influence of critical temperatures. Windows or balcony doors must ensure not only fire safety, but also transmit light properly, retain heat and suppress noise.

Triplex consists of several tempered glasses glued together. Bonding occurs using a special film that has undergone heat treatment. The big advantage is that such glass does not break if its integrity is broken. In this case, glass fragments remain on the film. Also, due to the fact that several layers of glass are fixed on a durable frame, the process of deformation under the influence of critical temperatures does not occur.

The thermosetting film, which is located between the layers of glass, is a separator. It is attached to the ends of the glass unit using sealant. When a fire occurs, the outer layer of the glass unit is heated as a result of exposure to thermal radiation. Then the thermosetting film expands, as a result of which the dry mixture foams, and the space between the layers of glass is filled. This provides protection against high temperatures. Combustion products also do not get inside the window.

Typically, such fire-resistant windows are installed for:

  • premises of shopping centers and sports complexes;
  • airports;
  • factory floors;
  • warehouse bases;
  • ships and submarines;
  • military equipment.

In rare cases, they are installed in medical institutions and residential buildings. Also, a new law has been in force for several years, according to which only blind construction is permissible for such windows.

East and west facades

Through the eastern and western windows, quite a lot of solar energy enters the rooms in the summer (in the morning - in the eastern windows, in the evening - in the western ones). During this time, the sun is at a low angle, so it may be advisable to provide solar protection to these windows to avoid overheating and glare. Pay special attention to the eastern windows, because... when the sun hits them (afternoon), the temperature outside is high, and ventilation through the window is not sufficient to cool the room.

For glazing windows on the southern, eastern and western facades, it is best to use glass that reflects infrared radiation and transmits daylight.

Defining Window Characteristics

Choosing the right window size.

Taking into account the energy balance of a window (the energy required to heat, light and cool a room), we can say that the surface of the glazed areas should be 35-50% of the total area of ​​the facade.

Windows should be placed in the highest position. The very top of the window illuminates the back half of the room. The top of the window should be at a height equal to at least half the depth of the room. If this is not possible, additional artificial lighting may be required.

The use of glass in opaque areas of the facade (structural glazing) will not increase the illumination of the room, but will expand the field of view downward, connecting the interior and exterior space.

The smaller the window frame size (the larger the glass area), the greater the illumination. Glass in a single frame reduces light penetration by up to 80%, a window with fine glazing (Georgian style) - by up to 45%.

The position of the window should be at the level of the inner surface of the facade wall: when the window is “recessed” into the facade, it is better protected from the effects of precipitation.


Solar radiation reaching the Earth consists of: UV rays - 3%, infrared radiation - 55%, visible light - 44%. UV waves have a length of 0.28-0.38 nm, visible light - 0.38-0.78 nm, infrared radiation - 0.78-2.5 nm.

When solar radiation hits glass, it is partially reflected, partially absorbed by the glass, and partially transmitted through the glass. The amount of absorbed, reflected and transmitted light depends on the thickness of the glass, its shade and the presence and properties of the additional coating. Each type of glass has its own coefficient of absorption, reflection and transmission, which are calculated in accordance with the standards, and are applicable for light wavelengths from 0.3 to 2.5 nm.

Solar factor

The solar factor is the total amount of thermal energy from solar radiation (in %) entering the room through the glass. The solar factor is equal to the sum of the thermal energy transmitted by the glass and the heat released by the glass, previously absorbed.

"Greenhouse" effect.

Solar energy entering a room is first absorbed by interior items, then released in the form of thermal energy in the long-beam infrared (more than 5 microns) range. Even ordinary float glass is practically opaque to radiation at this wavelength. As a result, the energy becomes “trapped” in the room. Remaining in the room, the energy heats it, creating a “greenhouse effect”.

To prevent overheating of the room, it is necessary to: ensure normal ventilation; use curtains (in a way that does not lead to the risk of thermal shock); Use solar control glass that allows only certain wavelengths of light to pass through.

Fade effect

It is known that some materials lose their color and fade when exposed to direct sunlight. This happens because the molecular lattice of the coloring components of the material gradually weakens under the influence of photon energy. The cause of this reaction is mainly UV radiation, and to a lesser extent short waves of the visible spectrum (blue, violet).

When a material absorbs solar radiation, it heats up, which can cause chemical reactions that damage it.

Typically, organic dyes, whose molecular lattice is less stable than mineral-based dyes, are more susceptible to fading.


Emissivity and ways to increase it

Heat exchange between any two surfaces occurs in 3 ways:

  • thermal conductivity, i.e. the transfer of heat through an object or the exchange of heat between two objects in direct contact. The amount of heat transferred from one surface of a sheet of glass to another depends on the temperature difference between the surfaces and the thermal conductivity of the material. Thermal conductivity of glass = 1.0 W/mK
  • convection, heat exchange between solid and gaseous (liquid) media. This type of heat exchange involves the movement of air.
  • Radiation: A heated body emits infrared rays, which are absorbed by a cooler body. Such radiation is proportional to the emissivity of bodies. The lower the emissivity, the weaker the radiation.

Emissivity of ordinary glass = 0.89. Special types of glass with low-emissivity coating may have an emissivity of less than 0.10.

The surface of a body loses heat due to all 3 types of heat exchange: conduction, convection, radiation. When it comes to heat loss from a building, it usually depends on wind speed, temperature outside the building and the emissivity of the building materials. Heat loss is characterized by the coefficient of external heat transfer and internal heat transfer. Standard values ​​for these coefficients:

External he - 23 W/m2K Internal hi - 8 W/m2K

Heat transfer through the surface of a body is characterized by the heat transfer coefficient U (K) of the object. U is equal to the amount of heat transferred through an object per m2 when the temperature difference between the media is 1 degree Celsius. U can be calculated using external and internal heat transfer coefficients. The lower U, the less heat leaks from a hotter environment to a colder one.

The window U can be lowered by reducing any of the 3 types of heat transfer. Methods:

  • Application of double-glazed windows. It provides better thermal insulation than single glazing. The principle of thermal insulation of a double-glazed window is that between the panes there remains a chamber filled with dry air. This design reduces heat loss through convection, and the low thermal conductivity of air reduces the U of the glass unit. For example, U glass 6 mm = 5.7 W/m2K, while U glass unit 6-16-6 is equal to 2.7 W/m2K.
  • The use of glass with low-emissivity coating (Eco, Planiterm, Cool-Lite, etc.) in a double-glazed window, which reduces the U of the double-glazed window.
  • Using inert gas (argon) instead of air in a double-glazed window. U air - 1.6, U argon - 1.3.

Solar factor and energy balance

On the one hand, through the window, heat is lost from the heated room to the outside environment. On the other hand, due to solar radiation, heat enters the room through the transparent glass. The total amount of heat entering the room due to the passage of solar energy through the glass and due to the release of previously absorbed heat by the glass is described by the “solar factor” value. The lower it is, the less heat enters the room due to solar radiation. The solar factor of a window depends on its position, the intensity of solar radiation and the material of the frame.

Since the window is both a source of heat loss and gain, we can talk about an energy balance. It is equal to the difference between heat loss through the window and the solar factor. When the solar factor exceeds heat loss, we can talk about a negative energy balance.


Sound intensity and spectral characteristics

The strength of a sound is described by its intensity or its pressure (Pa). Usually they use the concept of intensity level or sound pressure, recalculated on a logarithmic scale starting from the human hearing threshold. The intensity level is called “loudness” and is measured in dB.

The pitch of a sound is described by the frequency of sound vibrations. A person hears sound within the range of 16 - 20,000 Hz. Architectural acoustics usually studies the range of 50 - 5000 Hz. The frequency range is divided into octaves. As you increase by an octave, the frequency of the sound doubles.

The ability of materials to absorb sound waves is described by the sound insulation coefficient R. It can be calculated based on laboratory measurements. By knowing the R of the materials used in construction, the designer can achieve the desired reduction in noise levels inside the building.

In building acoustics, two types of noise are usually taken into account:

  • “pink noise”, the sound intensity of which is the same at all frequencies of the sound spectrum - C;
  • “traffic noise”, i.e. the usual noise of a busy highway - Ctr

Depending on the configuration and installation of the window, it absorbs the sound of high, medium or low frequencies. Optimal sound insulation is achieved when the structure absorbs sounds of those frequencies at which external noise is maximum. Until recently, glazing design did not take into account all noise source characteristics, often leading to costly attempts to meet all sound insulation requirements. To exclude this, a general sound insulation coefficient Rw (C, Ctr) was introduced, where C, Ctr are correction factors. Ctr is used when the main source of noise is the highway. In other cases, the coefficient C (“pink noise”) is used. Correction factors are indicated by negative numbers, in dB, and are subtracted from the known Rw of the facade or glazing, which ultimately determines the required sound insulation of the structure.

Example: The general sound insulation coefficient of the facade is known Rw (C, Ctr) = 37 (-4, -9), i.e. The sound insulation of the facade is 37 dB, and it decreases by 9 dB due to road noise. As a result, the sound insulation of the facade for road noise is Ra, tr = 37-9 = 28 dB. In the same way, you can find out the actual sound insulation of a façade for normal noise, knowing C.

The table shows the Rw values ​​according to EN 717-1 (tests carried out in the laboratory by the Industrial Development Center of the San Gobain Corporation):


Thanks to modern technologies for the production, processing and installation of glass, it is possible to achieve the necessary impact resistance and safety. The level of impact resistance is determined by 2 basic factors:

  • impact force
  • maximum impact force application area

Each country has standards that determine the required level of impact resistance of a glass structure based on these factors.

Impact Levels

Impact-resistant glass includes reinforced, thermally tempered, film-reinforced and laminated glass.

There are several levels of required impact resistance (subject to relevant standards):

  • safety glass (eliminating the risk of injury to a person in case of breaking) - especially important when designing glass roofs and fences;
  • protection against vandalism and breakage (standard level of protection),
  • Protection against vandalism and breakage (enhanced protection, includes protection against certain types of weapons and heavy objects - hammer, axe).
  • Bulletproof glass (gun proof)
  • Bulletproof reinforced glass (protection from AKM, rifles).

The window frame and the way the glazing is installed also plays an important role when it comes to ensuring the impact resistance of the structure.


Fire resistance of glass

The fire resistance of glazing does not include not only special glass, but the entire structure: frame, fasteners, etc.

To determine fire resistance, materials are tested in the laboratory. The properties of the material are measured, such as flammability, ability to intensify a flame, combustion rate, ability to melt or smoke, etc.

Based on the test results, the materials fall into one of the following categories:


  • non-flammable
  • flame retardant
  • flame retardant


  • fire resistant
  • flammable
  • extremely flammable

Fire-resistant glass is divided into classes:

  1. Class E - provides general protection against flames and hot gases;
  2. Class I - provides protection against high temperatures (insulated glass)
  3. Class R - highly resistant glass
  4. Class W - refractory glass, etc.

So, if glass provides protection from flames and gases for 30 minutes, it is designated E30; if the glass additionally provides protection from high temperatures, it is designated EI30, etc.

Scope of application

Brands of heat-resistant glass are widely used in enterprises whose production processes involve high temperatures. The use of transparent material with good heat-resistant characteristics makes it possible to ensure continuous operation of components and assemblies, while guaranteeing the safety of operating personnel. Installing fire-resistant glass in doors and partitions separating production premises significantly reduces the likelihood of a fire occurring and spreading.

This material is also indispensable in everyday life, where there is high temperature, and it is impractical to use metal. A striking example is glass fireplace doors. It is convenient, a beautiful and functional fireplace will perfectly complement the interior of a residential building, it will also create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. A door made of fireproof glass is beautiful and practical. It will not become a barrier to thermal radiation, while protecting the room from smoke and soot.

Fireproof glass can be found in the kitchen, among other things: kitchen apron, transparent doors of ovens and microwave ovens. Such solutions allow you to control the cooking process without having to open the door. Separately, we can recall the cooking surfaces of gas stoves; they allow you to distribute heat evenly, thereby helping to save energy resources.

Glass that is resistant to high temperatures is also used to make tableware. Transparent kitchen utensils are great for both open fire and oven cooking. Moreover, transparent dishes can be used in the microwave. An additional plus is that the glass surface is easy to clean.

This is interesting: Fire coupling (cuff)

Melting point of glass

The concept of “melting point of glass” is used by analogy with the melting point of a pure crystalline substance, however, amorphous or glassy materials, as is known, do not have a melting point, but exhibit an extended softening interval within certain temperature limits, which has an initial and final temperature.

The initial softening point of glass is characterized by the temperature at which its viscosity becomes approximately 1012 poise. For ordinary industrial glasses, softening begins in the temperature range of 400-600°C.

The end of glass softening is taken to be the temperature at which the glass has a viscosity of 2·108 poise, which for most ordinary glasses corresponds to a temperature range from 700 to 750°C.

The melting point of glass (or the beginning of softening) is significantly influenced by its chemical composition. In particular, the following oxides contribute to a decrease in the melting point of glass, as well as its viscosity: B2O3, BaO, Na2O, K2O, Li2O, Fe2O3, MnO and PbO. Metal oxides such as Al2O3, CaO, MgO, SiO, ZrO2, TiO2 increase the melting point of glasses and their viscosity.

Glasses with a high melting point should be noted. These include: quartz glass of various types, silica glasses, glass-ceramics and glass-ceramics. For example, the melting point of quartz glass can reach 1300°C. In the temperature range from 630 to 730°C, heat-resistant glasses and glasses for medical use begin to melt (soften). Window, laboratory, dish glass and crystal have a softening temperature ranging from 530 to 600°C. Glass melting point (softening point)

Glasst, °СGlasst, °С
Quartz I1300Heat-resistant T28645
Quartz CI1220Medical NS-1630
Quartz KV, KU, KVR1160Sheet window600
Quartz II1100Foam glass< 600
Siliceous foam glass1100Laboratory Ts32590
Sitall glass for pipes1100Sial590
STL glass ceramics980Medical AB-1590
Slag crystals950Laboratory N846582
Sitalls STM, STB930Laboratory N23580
Fiber alkali-free830N51-A574
Heat-resistant Ts26730Simaks570
Glass for pipes725Laboratory N29565
Heat-resistant Shch23710Pyrex glass565
Fiber sodium710High-quality (dish glass)560
Heat resistant N13680Uninost530
Heat-resistant T16680Crystal (lead)530
  1. Glass: Directory. Ed. N. M. Pavlushkina. M.: Stroyizdat, 1973.
  2. Sentyurin G. G., Pavlushkin N. M. et al. Workshop on glass and ceramic glass technology - 2nd ed. reworked and additional M.: Stroyizdat, 1970.

Main characteristics

There are several indicators that determine the properties of fire-resistant glass.
They help determine whether the material is suitable for use for certain purposes and whether it complies with fire safety standards. Thermal expansion coefficient. This is a quantity that characterizes the degree of change in the linear dimensions of a substance when its temperature changes.

Heat resistance. This value determines the maximum temperature at which the material retains its properties. Ordinary tempered fire-resistant glass used in everyday life is guaranteed to cope with temperatures of 500-550 degrees. Short-term heating up to 760 (for single-layer glass) and 1000 (for multilayer glass) degrees is allowed.

Material thickness. The industry offers fire-resistant glass of different thicknesses. For household needs, material with a thickness of 4-5 mm is used.

The service life of fire-resistant glass directly depends on operating conditions. To ensure the maximum service life of borosilicate glass used in fireplace doors, it is advisable not to raise the flame temperature above 500-550 degrees; in this mode it will last several thousand hours. With increasing temperature, this figure decreases noticeably.

Coefficient - Linear Expansion - Aluminum

The coefficient of linear expansion of aluminum is 2 times greater than that of iron, which causes significant deformations of the welded structures.  

The action of the thermal signal is based on the difference between the linear expansion coefficients of aluminum and steel.  

The principle of its operation is based on the difference between the linear expansion coefficients of aluminum and steel. The elongation of the aluminum body is approximately twice that of the steel parts. When the temperature rises above the permissible limit, the steel plates are straightened and the contacts are closed through the contact washer, including the signaling circuit.  

The influence of the content of copper (a, iron (b, nickel (c) and silicon (d) on the coefficient of linear expansion of aluminum at different temperatures.  

With increasing temperature, the nature of the influence of alloying elements on the linear expansion coefficient of aluminum, provided there are no phase transformations, remains the same.  

For aluminum pistons, the clearances increase significantly, since the coefficient of linear expansion of aluminum is almost 2-5 times greater than that of steel.  

Often, at elevated temperatures, difficulties arise due to the difference in the linear expansion coefficients of aluminum and metal coating. It would seem that due to the similarity of the crystal lattice of chromium and aluminum, chromium coatings should hold up well when applied directly to aluminum. However, the different thermal expansion of these two metals leads to the fact that even when heated to 200 C, cracking and peeling of the chrome coating occurs. In zinc, copper and nickel coatings, which occupy an intermediate position between chromium and aluminum in terms of expansion coefficient, these disadvantages do not manifest themselves to the same extent.  

Change in the lattice parameter of aluminum depending on the lithium content.| Dependence of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of aluminum on the content of magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, nickel, chromium, beryllium, silicon.  

In Fig. 213 shows the dependences of the influence of various alloying additives on the coefficient of linear expansion of aluminum in the temperature range 20 - 100 C. As follows from Fig. 213, beryllium, iron, nickel, chromium and silicon significantly reduce k. Of these elements, iron has the strongest effect.  

For parts operating at elevated temperatures, the possibility of cracking of the coating should be taken into account due to the large difference in the linear expansion coefficients of aluminum and chromium.  

The thermal coefficient of linear expansion of reinforced PA is 2-3 times less than that of unfilled PA and is equal to the linear expansion coefficient of aluminum.  

Thanks to reduced shrinkage, material rigidity and a low linear expansion coefficient (3.1 SG C, which approaches the linear expansion coefficient of aluminum), thin-walled parts of complex configurations with a large amount of metal reinforcement are well shaped.  

Aluminum is almost half as thermally conductive as copper, but still its thermal conductivity is very high compared to steel and its value must be taken into account when welding and soldering. The coefficient of linear expansion of aluminum is very high (25 - 10 - 6), as a result of which soldering aluminum with other metals is possible only in certain structural forms.  

As is known, the modulus of elasticity of aluminum is three times less than the modulus of elasticity of steel, and the magnitude of the deformations is correspondingly greater. It should also be taken into account that the linear expansion coefficient of aluminum is twice as high, and the specific gravity is approximately three times less than that of steel.  

In this case, you can use the proximity of the linear expansion coefficients of aluminum and the epoxy compound and abandon the buffer layers - completely or partially.  

Properties of fire-resistant glass filler

  • The gel or polymer layer changes its structure and color at a temperature of 120 – 200 0C
  • Cured heat-absorbing gel blocks the penetration of infrared radiation
  • The thickness of the polymer layer in the “sandwich” usually does not exceed 2 mm

It is important that the heat-absorbing polymer, regardless of its viscosity, is completely colorless. Thus, the transparency of the multilayer version can reach 90%, which is comparable to the transparency of standard window glass.

Purpose of fireproof transparent partitions

Fire walls and partitions are installed indoors to block the spread of fire in the building, as well as to create the safest and most favorable conditions for the evacuation of people. In addition, glazed partitions with a high degree of fire protection can become an excellent interior decoration. This type of partition can be used instead of gypsum plasterboard, since the surface can be either matte or transparent. Translucent partitions make rooms visually wider, and also create a feeling of safety and comfort. Fire walls are used in the arrangement of offices, banks, medical and educational institutions, staircases and evacuation zones, and industrial premises.

Photo: Product composition

Glazed partitions are of particular value in buildings where large crowds of people are possible; they can be used more efficiently than gypsum plasterboard structures. Translucent walls allow you, if necessary, to see what is happening behind them. During a fire, glazed partitions will improve visibility during evacuation, which will significantly reduce the time it takes to move to a safe place. It is worth noting that in terms of strength they are in no way inferior to walls with gypsum plasterboard.

Design features

The production technology used to produce glazed fireproof structures has a number of its own characteristics. Fire-resistant structures obtain a high degree of fire resistance when using new technologies for filling aluminum and steel profiles with a special gel. Special translucent fillings such as SPM-22-ei-45 are also used.

Fire-resistant translucent glass of the SPM-ei type has a multilayer structure like sandwich panels made of sheets of tempered silicate glass. The space between the glasses is filled with a transparent, water-containing, frost-resistant, non-flowing gel of a special composition, which, depending on its properties, can last from the first exposure to fire, according to SNIP, up to 45 minutes (the more popular gypsum board material used to create partitions will last no more than 2 minutes) . This type of gel can have a different composition, which determines the time that the glass can prevent the spread of fire.

When exposed to high temperatures, the special composition gel is converted into heat-resistant carbon-ceramic foam. According to SNIP, the transformation occurs during exposure to a temperature of 120 degrees Celsius. This type of foam can protect the back of the heat from fire. The length of time that this product can prevent the spread of fire according to class ei depends on the number of alternating layers of glass and fire gel used. Some versions of this type can maintain their integrity for up to 45 or 60 minutes when exposed to direct fire. Moreover, according to SNIP, the minimum indicator should be 15 minutes.

Along with glass, which has a special gel between the layers, metal is also used. Only this material can ensure reliable fastening of glass during prolonged exposure to fire. In this case, the metal used is subjected to special treatment to increase the protection time from exposure to high temperatures, and a special protective composition is applied to its surface. The use of plastic or wood when creating this kind of partitions is unacceptable, since these materials cannot ensure the fixation of glass and glue over a long period of time when exposed to open fire. But at the same time, we note that it is possible to decorate the metal surface with a natural material if necessary.

Features of the fire-fighting gel used

Under normal operating conditions, even when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the gel does not change its properties: transparency, fluidity, and other physical properties. Only when the temperature rises does the gel restore its fire-fighting properties.

Let us highlight the following features:

  • Light transmittance 80%. This property allows you to increase the illumination of the premises if necessary. This property is especially valued when arranging office premises, which often do not have sources of natural light. If the partition is to isolate rooms from each other, then tinted glass is used.
  • Its use makes it possible to obtain a design with a fire resistance rating of ei-45 or ei-60. In the absence of gel, the partition will be able to withstand fire for no more than 5 minutes.
  • Fully complies with all SNIP requirements.
  • Does not have a negative impact on the environment.

If the glass has been damaged, which is extremely difficult to do, then the gel will not spread throughout the room, since in its normal physical state it is an inactive amorphous mixture.

Manufacturers of such structures slightly change the composition and properties of the gel to increase the competitiveness of their products. In addition, various types of glass are used, which are protected not only from high temperatures, but also from physical impact. In order to make the product more attractive, special materials are often used to finish the fastening part. This will create the illusion that the mounting partition is made of natural wood or natural stone.

Fire-resistant vermiculite boards for walls, roofs and chimneys

Vermiculite boards are fire-resistant materials and have the following properties:

  • They are chemically neutral.
  • They are inert and do not have alkaline impurities.
  • Not subject to corrosion.
  • Can be processed with conventional paints and adhesives.
  • They do not require any protective measures during installation and operation.
  • In fire conditions they do not emit toxic or other harmful substances.

Such slabs are made by hot pressing from a composition based on calcined expanded vermiculite, liquid glass and inorganic targeted additives, which in the event of a fire provides the highest degree of fire protection for any structures (including metal ones).

Scope of application of vermiculite:

  • Fire protection for load-bearing metal structures and air ducts with a fire resistance limit of 0.75-2.5 hours.
  • Fire protection of wooden, including load-bearing building structures with a fire resistance limit of 0.75-2.5 hours.
  • Increasing the fire resistance of metal air ducts, shafts, casings, sleeves, cable ducts, fire barriers.
  • Used in the manufacture of fireproof doors, valves, safes, partitions and suspended ceilings
  • It is used for structural thermal protection and fire protection of chimneys during the installation of fireplaces, stoves and other energy equipment.

Fire glass markings

Most of the information regarding the characteristics of fire glass can be found from its labeling. Letters of the Latin alphabet are used for designation:

  • E – resistant to destruction;
  • I – has high resistance to heating to a critical temperature;
  • W – retains heat and does not allow heat to pass into the adjacent room.

The manufacturer guarantees the preservation of the declared characteristics for a certain time. Time in minutes is indicated after the letter marking. For a better understanding, you can consider examples:

  • EIW 60 – the product is resistant to destruction, resistant to heat and retains heat for 60 minutes.
  • EI 60 – resistant to destruction, prevents heating for 60 minutes.
  • EI 30 – resistant to destruction, prevents heating for 30 minutes.

The characteristics and testing methods of fire-resistant fire-resistant glass are regulated by GOST-33000-2014.

Product brands

There are several brands of products that differ in their level of durability. In the marking, the number corresponds to the time in minutes during which the material can withstand exposure to fire and not lose its integrity:

• EI 15 – used for the manufacture of partitions; • EI 30 - used for the manufacture of partitions and windows; • EI 45 - used for the manufacture of reinforced partitions; • fireproof glass EI 60 - used for shop windows and stained glass windows.

Reinforced fire glass is also a fairly common material. Its peculiarity is that a metal mesh is inserted between the glasses, which, on the one hand, helps to evenly distribute the temperature over the entire surface, and on the other, in the event of a violation of its integrity, it allows the glass not to split into fragments of different sizes, but to break strictly according to a given algorithm. This produces rectangular particles with the most blunt edges, so that the risk of injury to surrounding people is minimal.

Types (types) of fire-resistant glass

According to a widely held opinion about the design of fire-resistant fire-resistant (fireproof, heat-resistant) glass, it is generally accepted that it is necessary to have a multi-layer package of glass sheets with a film of heat-resistant material between them. This is not so, in fact, there are different designs of glass, which determines the production of different types/types of such products:

  • Tempered monolithic sodium/calcium/borosilicate glass , in the literal sense of this expression, has already passed the fire test in the factory.
  • Reinforced fire-resistant glass with a metal mesh inside the sheet material, which firmly holds the entire structure inside the frame for a long time.
  • A multilayer package made of tempered glass filled between the sheets with fire-retardant varnishes, similar in properties to materials used for passive fire protection of building structures, which swell, coke/char under the thermal influence of high fire temperatures. Becoming opaque, these alternating layers, one after another, prevent the spread of open fire, up to the loss of the integrity of the last such sandwich, which does not happen soon, meeting the regulatory deadlines for fire resistance.
  • Laminated tempered glass with the space between the sheets filled with a clear, water-based, multi-component polymer gel that foams/boils to absorb heat from exposure to heat/open fire, and then crystallizes/sinters into a fire-resistant insulating mass.
  • Monolithic glass ceramics. This is the rarest and most expensive type of fire-resistant glass made from a material with almost zero thermal expansion, which ensures its integrity under intense thermal influence. This is not surprising, because the production process of glass-ceramic products, incl. leaf, occurs at temperatures higher than during an indoor fire.

We should not forget that fire-resistant fire-resistant glass, in addition to design features/differences, is divided into types according to its ability not to collapse (E), not to heat up to maximum values ​​on an unheated surface (I), not to transfer heat to an adjacent room (W):

  • Fire-resistant glass EIW 60 in all three parameters is capable of withstanding the effects of an open flame and intense heat flow from a fire located in the protected room for one hour.
  • Fireproof glass EI 60 will provide only the first two characteristics, in addition to the fact that the air behind them in adjacent rooms will be able to warm up to critical values ​​- more than 3.5 kW/m


  • Fireproof glass EI 30 – the same within half an hour.

In addition, fire-resistant glass, GOST 33000-2014, which defines methods for testing glass products for resistance to fire, marked EI, REI, where R is the loss of load-bearing properties, is classified as insulating; and with the designations REW, EW - to non-insulating glass.

In addition to the high light transmittance reaching 0.85, fire resistance, heat and sound insulation properties, and impact resistance for fire glass, safety requirements are also important; first of all, the ability to collapse without the formation of fragments, like a car windshield, which is what characterizes primarily reinforced products, although the multilayer construction of other types of fire-resistant glass is also similar to triplex.

Additional information in the video: (8 minutes)

Fireproof glass in stoves and fireplaces

Fireplaces and open stoves are increasingly being installed in country houses and even in apartments.
An open fire decorates a room, but it can also cause a fire. Here you cannot do without fireproof glass. This is an excellent material for fire protection. It is used to create transparent doors that do not allow flames to enter the room, but not only that, modern design solutions allow you not to be limited to small glasses; you can easily create a unique transparent fireplace. Regardless of the size of the door or the scope of the project, installing fire-resistant glass into the metal frame of a stove or fireplace requires care and attention to detail. There are a number of recommendations that must be followed during the work process. When determining the linear dimensions of structural elements, it is necessary to take into account the difference in thermal expansion of materials. There must be a gap between the frame and the glass into which the fire-resistant cord is laid. When installing glass, it is necessary to ensure uniform pressure on it from all sides. Under no circumstances should you seal the joints; this may cause cracks to form.

Wholesale trade

About glass for fireplaces, protective screens for fireplaces

The combustion chamber of a fireplace poses a certain threat to the room due to the large number of sparks, embers emitted by cracking wood and hot ash. It is inconvenient to close the opening with a steel or cast iron damper; in addition, all the beauty of the flame disappears and heat transfer decreases.

Therefore, modern fireboxes use glass for the fireplace, which is strong enough not to shatter when closed, and heat-resistant to withstand the heat of the flame.


There is currently no alternative to using glass valves:

  • Doors for fireplaces made of heat-resistant glass do not expand or deform from heat, like cast iron or steel, thanks to this it is possible to obtain minimal gaps and a high quality seal between the frame and the edge of the door;
  • Fireproof glass for fireplaces does not burn or oxidize and retains its original appearance throughout its entire service life;
  • The main thing is that a fireplace door with glass allows you not only to enjoy the play of fire, it is the only possible way to control the combustion process so that the flame does not turn into smoldering with the formation of carbon monoxide.

For a small country house or cottage, a cast iron fireplace with glass is most often chosen. In addition to the beautiful appearance, this choice has a purely practical advantage - heat-resistant glass for the fireplace ensures faster and more uniform heating of the room. The champion in terms of heating efficiency is a round fireplace with glass, which is capable of heating and simultaneously lighting the room.


  • Quartz glass options are among the most heat-resistant and refractory;
  • Borosilicate glasses;
  • Multilayer glass sheets coated with cerium oxide.

Disadvantages of the material

It is worth remembering that most types of fire-resistant glass are fragile. When working with this material, shock loads and excessive pressure on its surface should not be allowed.

Fire-resistant glass is difficult to process. Many types of glass are not cut at all, or laser or hydraulic devices are used for cutting. Cutting it at home is extremely difficult. It’s better to measure several times to make sure the dimensions are correct than to try to fit the sheet to your needs.

When there is simply no other option other than cutting, a small grinder with a diamond wheel will come to the aid of the craftsman.

You must work with extreme caution, avoid excessive pressure, and constantly moisten the cut area with oil. Cutting glass with fire-resistant properties will be a long and dirty procedure, and no one can guarantee a positive result.

Glass surface care

The surface of the fireplace door or the hob of a gas stove is not particularly demanding in terms of care; in fact, caring for fireproof glass is not much different from caring for an ordinary window or a transparent table.
In addition, self-cleaning glass goes on sale; it is not susceptible to contamination and therefore does not require effort to maintain its cleanliness. Even if the glass does not boast the ability to clean itself, keeping it clean will not require much effort. For this, ordinary household detergents are used.

When starting to clean the surface, it is important to remember the fragility of the material. Fireproof glass can only be washed after it has cooled completely, otherwise it may not withstand sudden temperature changes. When working, you should not use products containing chlorine and abrasive particles. Such substances are guaranteed to ruin the appearance of the glass and the product as a whole.

Fireproof glass is a material whose popularity is only growing. If you want to add variety and zest to the interior of your own home, you should pay attention to it. Fireproof glass in fireplace doors is an excellent way to highlight the beauty of an open fire, and in a fire partition it guarantees the safety of the room and protection from the spread of fire.

Application of plexiglass

Organic glass is used quite widely. High transparency combined with good mechanical characteristics paved the way for this material to be used in the field of transport: aviation technology, the automotive industry, etc. PMMA is widely used in the lighting industry, both as polished sheet material and as granules for injection molding or extrusion of lamp lenses.

Fig.2. Motorcycle headlight

In addition, plexiglass is used in architecture and the construction industry, the manufacture of household goods, instrument making, etc. Widely used in agriculture as a material for glazing greenhouses and greenhouses. Plexiglas is a good structural material for use in construction, for example for the production of windows and doors, verandas and for finishing work and some products. In instrument making, plexiglass is used as components of tools and devices. In medicine, it is also used in the field of instruments, contact lenses and prosthetics. In the field of optics, lenses and prisms are produced from this wonderful material. Also, plexiglass can be used to make microelectronics components, games and toys for children, personal protective equipment (glasses, masks), pipes and tubes for the food industry, various products for sports equipment and much more.

Organic glass is indispensable for outdoor use; it covers billboards, signs, light boxes and other outdoor information and advertising media. Everywhere we see this material in the design and filling of shop windows, in stained glass windows, safety glazing, design products, plumbing fixtures, musical instruments, sales materials, such as price tags, POS materials, aquariums, souvenirs, etc.

Also, in the latest generation of materials, especially in aircraft and helicopter construction, plexiglass is actively used as part of multilayer composite materials, including in combination with inorganic glasses.

Testing of fire protection structures:

Additional options:

  • can be included in anti-vandal and bulletproof glass
  • can be used for external glazing
  • available in rectangular, curly and radius shapes


Documents that directly relate to all types of fire-resistant fire-resistant glass, methods of their use as filling openings in fire barriers, as well as the installation of fire partitions from them:

  • 123-FZ “Tech. regulations on industrial safety requirements.”
  • SNiP 21-01-97*(SP 112.13330.2011) on industrial safety of buildings and structures.
  • GOST 32539-2013, which gives the following definition of fire-resistant glass - these are products that can withstand thermal and mechanical loads accompanying the development of a fire during a normal period; localize/limit the spread of fire and combustion products.
  • GOST 30826-2014, establishing technical conditions for protective laminated glass.
  • GOST R 53308-2009, which regulates the methodology for testing the fire resistance of translucent structures.

Of course, this is far from a complete list of fire safety standards/rules, which in one way or another mention fire glass used in the design, installation as fire barriers or filling openings in them.

Purpose and form of delivery

Finishing the thermal insulation of a house with siding There is a wide variety of glass wool products used for insulation, which are installed on the same principle as sound insulation.
Thermal insulation finishing is carried out:

  • sheet metal (galvanized iron or aluminum);
  • siding;
  • clapboard;
  • brickwork.

Fiberglass is produced for the following types of work:

  • on external surfaces;
  • on horizontal surfaces;
  • on pitched roofs;
  • on internal surfaces.

Each type of fiberglass differs from other types of material in its properties, and is optimally suited for a specific purpose. One is an excellent sound insulator, the other has a large heat capacity. Delivery forms: plate and roll. The slab is usually used for insulating small spaces. Rolls are designed for covering large areas.

The main criterion for selecting a fiberglass product is the thermal conductivity coefficient. Most often it is indicated on the packaging or labeling of the product. The lower this indicator, the better its insulating properties. The basic requirements for fiberglass must comply with GOST R 53237-2008.

Watch a video that clearly demonstrates how glass wool resists fire:

Making fire-resistant material

Oddly enough, glass that is resistant to temperature and open flame is made by processing a conventional model. The technology is known all over the world and is widespread without any significant differences.

The production of fire-resistant glass in a step-by-step version can be presented in the following list:

  • 1. First, ordinary glass is obtained using a standard method. Silicate or organic matter is well suited for further processing. Here, special attention should be paid to the chemical composition of the finished product. Any impurity, even in small quantities, can negatively affect the heat-resistant properties. Therefore, the purification of raw materials must be at the maximum level.
  • 2. Next, the finished sheet glass is simply glued together using a special film or sticky photopolymer. These substances have a very complex structure and a unique molecular network, which allows them to evenly distribute thermal energy over the entire surface. This is why glass will withstand fire and temperature. Typically three sheets of glass are used, which is why the material is called triplex. But there are options with a different number of components, which are mainly made for a specific request.
  • 3. At the final stage, quality control is carried out, for which several products are randomly selected from the batch and tested for strength.

Another option for making the material is gluing fire-resistant film to glass. It is an elastomeric compound that, when heated, forms a special heat-resistant layer. The glass loses its transparency, but can effectively resist the effects of flame for several hours.

After cooling, the film returns to its original appearance, and the glass will again be transparent. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that, under the influence of thermal energy, the atoms of the compound are released and begin to move chaotically, lining up in a certain order.

Class confirmation

Confirmation of the flammability class is carried out both in laboratory conditions and in open areas using special equipment. In this case, standard techniques are used, different for non-combustible and combustible building materials.

In the case when the product being tested consists of several different materials (or layers), each material (layer) included in it is necessarily tested for flammability, and the final result - the flammability class assigned to the product as a whole - will be equal to the highest class of all , assigned to individual components of the product.

During laboratory testing, special requirements are placed on the room - it must be maintained at room temperature and normal humidity, there must be no drafts and excessively bright natural or artificial light that interferes with taking readings from the displays. The instrument used must be calibrated, tested and preheated.

At the first stage, the sample is measured, kept at room temperature for at least 2-3 days, then fixed in a special oven cavity and the recorders are turned on instantly (a delay of up to 5 seconds is allowed).

The oven is then turned on and the sample is heated. Heating is stopped when the temperature change recorded within 10 minutes is less than 2°C - this is considered “reaching temperature balance”.

Then the sample is removed from the oven, cooled in a special device (desiccator), after which weighing and measurement procedures are carried out.

Advantages of fire-resistant double-glazed windows

Fire-resistant double-glazed windows are practical to use, durable, and versatile. They withstand high temperatures and direct fire well. Such products will be the best option and are suitable for equipping openings of any size, both from the inside and from the outside.

Distinctive features of fire-resistant glass are:

  • good light transmittance;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • possibility of expanding temperature conditions during operation;
  • environmental friendliness of materials;
  • high level of thermal and noise insulation;
  • resistance to various damages and impacts;
  • long service life.

The use of fireproof bags helps prevent further spread of the flame, which contributes to the timely localization and extinguishing of the fire, without significant damage. When internal and external openings are equipped with fire-resistant double-glazed windows, this will help achieve the necessary fire safety. The fire will not begin to spread throughout the building, and people will be protected from injury and the negative effects of combustion products.

How to determine the flame temperature?

First of all, these parameters can be found in the instructions for the gas stove. If the equipment was purchased quite a long time ago, then the documentation may not have been preserved, but it is necessary to know the basic parameters of the equipment’s operation. There is a list of average indicators that are found in most models. For example, the operation of a gas oven is assessed according to the following parameters:

  1. Maximum temperature 280 degrees.
  2. With medium heating, the temperature is about 220 degrees.
  3. With a minimum gas supply - 160 degrees.

In order to check exactly what temperature a gas stove operates at, you need basic knowledge of physics. That is, information that relates to the boiling of various liquids. The main parameters include:

  • simple clean water will begin to boil at 100 degrees; Boiling water
  • To boil olive oil you will need 250 degrees, sunflower oil - 200;
  • soybean and corn oil boils already at 150 degrees.

This method of determining the combustion temperature of a flame in a gas stove is suitable only for older models. Since new and modern equipment is equipped with ultra-sensitive thermometers and special sensors that measure temperature as accurately as possible.

Important: thanks to measurements, you can regulate and adjust the operation of household kitchen equipment, setting optimal values ​​to achieve the ideal taste of dishes

Application on objects

First of all, you need to know that fire-resistant glass EI, EIW 60 can be used both as a material for constructing fire-resistant partitions of type 1, and in structures for filling openings of type 1; and fire-resistant products marked EI 30 - in partitions, gates, doors, hatches, windows of type 2 as follows:

  • Fire doors can have window inserts made of heat-resistant glass, varying in standard area up to 25 or more than 25%, and in the latter case they can be almost entirely glass, only framed in a frame made of thermally resistant aluminum profile with a non-flammable filler, for example, fire-retardant basalt material; have a tight/sealed seal around the perimeter of the door frame made of the same materials.
  • Fire partitions made of fire-resistant glass are widely used for separating/separating evacuation corridors, lobbies, foyers, internal entrance lobbies/vestibules; dividing the floor area of ​​buildings into fire sections, separate/isolated rooms/groups thereof.
  • As light-transmitting elements of coatings/roofs, skylights, and in rare cases even ceilings/floors.
  • For glazing facades, in the production of any types of filling openings in construction fire barriers.
  • When installing fireplaces, stoves, producing electric/gas household stoves.

The use of such material, in addition to a pragmatic attitude towards it due to its ability to withstand fire/heat, also pursues aesthetic goals; after all, the replacement of partitions made of brick, fire-resistant plasterboard, solid fire doors with transparent, attractive glass surfaces has today become common not only in public buildings with large numbers of people visiting them - in airports, train stations, hotel and hospital complexes, trade exhibitions, administrative and business centers , but also at industrial facilities.

Fire windows: types and installation rules

Pros and cons of using

The main advantage of fire-resistant glass is that it is a reliable replacement for traditional materials for creating internal barriers to open fire, spreading flows of smoke and heat in buildings and structures. Fire partitions and glass doors have become commonplace today.

In addition, with their installation and use, you can successfully solve the following problems:

  • Separate evacuation routes and exits from adjacent office, administrative, production, and warehouse premises with a fire load, ensuring that people can safely leave the building. Moreover, if there is no strong smoke, smoke removal systems are installed/operational, then in natural light conditions.
  • Partitions, windows made of fire-resistant glass, inserts made of it in doors and gates not only restrain the possible spread of fire, but also, due to good visual control of the premises by workers during the day, on-duty personnel, and security personnel at night, allow for prompt, timely detection of signs fire, report it using APS manual fire call points, turn on stationary fire extinguishing systems.

The disadvantages include the large mass of structures made of fire-resistant glass, due to its thickness in a multilayer production version, as well as the considerable cost per 1 m2.

Features of curved double-glazed windows

A bent glass unit consists of polished glass, bent along a given radius.

This glass is used for:

  • shopping centers;
  • light-transmitting glass roofs;
  • shop windows;
  • glass partitions (in homes or office premises);
  • balcony railings;
  • greenhouses

Thermal-protective glass helps reduce temperature differences (day/night). Also, the use of such glazing helps prevent fading of furniture and painted surfaces. Heating and air conditioning costs are reduced.

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