Pros and cons of plastic windows, customer reviews about them

Metal-plastic windows (PVC) are by far the most popular in the construction market.
Until recently, plastic window structures were considered a luxury item, but today they have already replaced almost all old wooden frames.

The popularity of windows made of this material can be explained by the comfort they provide to their owners. PVC structures have many advantages, but just like any other product they have their disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic windows

One of the main advantages is a long service life. A plastic window can easily withstand changes in outside temperature, wind, rain, heat and cold. Moreover, they do not require painting or any special processing. By the way, such windows are also fire resistant. Also, PVC windows are sealed, that is, they have a high level of thermal insulation. This will help save on heating costs in winter. An additional advantage is a high level of noise insulation.

The cost of a plastic window is less than a good wooden frame. In this case, you can choose the color of the frame, imitating wood. Or choose any color, although the most common is white.

Another plus is ergonomics. The window opens by simply turning the handle.

Minuses. Still the same tightness. Plastic does not breathe, so a greenhouse effect can be created indoors. But manufacturers have learned to circumvent this drawback with the help of supply valves and split systems. Air circulation is ensured, but heat and sound insulation is not reduced.

Plastic windows are practically impossible to repair. Just replace the entire frame. Fortunately, it is very difficult to break a PVC window.

Despite all the disadvantages, the advantages seriously outweigh. Yes, the price-quality ratio is not left to plastic windows in competitors’ apartments.

Thermal insulation characteristics

One of the main indicators of the quality of a window is its ability to retain heat in a room. The main area of ​​the window is occupied by a double-glazed window, and it is this that will determine the thermal insulation properties of the entire product. However, in this review we compare only the material of the frames, so we will try to find the answer to the question: do wooden or plastic frames have better thermal insulation properties?

To assess the thermal insulation properties of a material, the thermal conductivity coefficient is used. The lower it is, the less heat is lost through the material. For plastic, this figure is 0.15–0.2 W/m*K. The thermal insulation properties of a PVC profile directly depend on its width and the number of chambers.

The thermal conductivity of wood primarily depends on the type of wood:

  • pine – 0.15 W/m*K,
  • larch – 0.13 W/m*K,
  • oak – 0.15 W/m*K.

However, let us remind you that the frames of modern wooden euro-windows are made not from solid wood, but from laminated veneer lumber, and its thermal conductivity coefficient is even lower - on average about 0.1 W/m*K

All other things being equal, wooden windows retain heat better than plastic ones.

PVC window installation

The window arrangement is quite standard. But the elements differ in their characteristics. Therefore, for each room you need to choose your own option.

Main elements:

  • Frame - installed in the window opening. Has a plastic profile reinforced with steel.
  • The doors are made from the same material as the frame.
  • The double-glazed window is the basis of the entire structure. Different glasses and air chambers are used.
  • Seals. The tightness of all structures depends on them.
  • Accessories. An important element that ensures comfort, durability, and reliability.

Features of the plastic type

To begin with, let us recall what is included in a multilayer PVC structure.

It consists of:

  • PVC profiles and chambers between them;
  • double-glazed windows with cameras;
  • structural reinforcement;
  • opening mechanisms;
  • accessories;
  • sealing elements responsible for the tightness of the product.

The structure is inserted into a frame made of a similar polymer material, which is also equipped with cameras.

The technologies used in production make it possible to produce products of various shapes. These can be standard rectangular types, as well as round, triangular, trapezoidal, composite, etc. PVC profiles can also have different shapes: flat, round, multi-faceted.

What to consider when choosing windows for an apartment

Buying the most expensive is not always justified. For example, a 3-layer glass unit is not needed in warm regions. What should you pay attention to when purchasing?

Profile classes

The basis of any window is a PVC profile. It can be made from both primary and recycled materials. The service life of the frame according to GOST is 20 years. But many manufacturers write about 40 years of service. It is worth paying attention to the thickness of the outer wall. By European standards there are only 3 of them:

  1. Profile “A” - at least 2.8 mm thick
  2. Profile “B” - at least 2.5 mm thick
  3. Profile “C” is set by the manufacturer.

The thicker the outer wall, the more reliable the entire structure will be. And for residential premises, a thin-walled profile less than 2.5 mm is not suitable at all. For cold regions, it is better to look at the “M” marking.

To prevent the plastic from suffering from temperature changes, it is reinforced with a galvanized steel profile. Metal thickness is at least 1.4 mm. The thicker the metal insert, the heavier the glass unit can be used.

Air chambers

Inside the frame there are cavities called chambers. Double-glazed windows also have them, but there is no need to confuse them. In a profile, this is a cavity that occupies the entire length and is filled with air or metal. There are profiles with cameras from 2 to 5, there are even 8. For apartments they use three- or five-chamber ones.

The more chambers in the profile, the better the heat and sound insulation. For a window facing the courtyard on the south side, a three-chamber frame is sufficient. But on the north side or near a noisy road, it is better to choose 5 cameras. The more chambers a profile has, the heavier the entire structure.

Profile width

For central Russia, the recommended thickness is at least 70 mm (minimum 50 mm). The level of noise and heat insulation and the resistance of the plastic to temperature changes depend on this value. For example, in noisy or very cold areas, it is better to use a width of 130 mm.

You can also install a thick double-glazed window into a wider profile. And increase the width of the steel reinforcement. And this will make the frame more reliable.

What is a plastic window

A plastic (PVC) window means a multi-chamber structure made using heat-saving technologies. It is distinguished by its reliability, resistance to heat and precipitation. In quality construction:

  • perfectly smooth surfaces;
  • there is no difference in shades;
  • good light transmission;
  • insulation and sealing are built into the design at the manufacturing stage;
  • large glazing area;
  • an anti-burglary mechanism is provided;
  • there are no drafts;
  • frost-resistant profile.

The average service life of a high-quality plastic window, even in the conditions of the Russian north at temperatures dropping to -600C, reaches 30 years. To protect against strong winds, the profile is additionally reinforced.

If there are small children in the house, secret locks on the handles and invisible opening locks will help to avoid accidents. They will allow you to ventilate the room, but will not allow you to open it more than a safe distance.

How to install windows correctly

A PVC window is a complex structure. Installation companies are required to enter into an agreement with the client. The contract specifies:

  • service;
  • the time during which the installation is carried out;
  • responsibilities of the contractor: sales, delivery to the site, installation, finishing of slopes, installation of window sills, etc.;
  • Client responsibilities: acceptance of the installed window, payment in accordance with the invoice, etc.

When calculating the price, the cost of the unit itself, delivery and installation costs are taken into account. Additional services are possible: installation of ebbs, slopes, window sills.

Another mandatory clause of the contract is a guarantee. It consists of two parts:

  • for installation. Does not exceed 3-5 years;
  • directly onto the window. On average, it lasts up to 40-50 years without replacement.

Advantages of plastic windows

Just 20 years ago, most Russian houses had wooden windows. But everything is changing, many have decided to evaluate the benefits of PVC in practice. But tree supporters are not giving up their positions. They claim that plastic “does not breathe”, destroys plants and spoils the microclimate. It's time to find out if PVC windows are useful? Can they be installed in apartments?

If repairs are inevitable, if you have to decide what to choose, wood or PVC, pay attention to the following:

  • plastic windows are completely sealed. If the installation is carried out correctly, the absence of drafts is guaranteed. You don’t have to think about how to seal the frames for the winter or hammer strips of foam rubber into all the cracks. In spring, you won’t have to spend half a day removing glue residue;
  • there is no dust. It is enough to install a special mesh for the summer to forget about the gray coating on the windowsill;
  • period of operation. Maintenance requirements are minimal. The seal must be periodically lubricated with silicone grease, and the fittings with machine oil. You don’t have to paint the frames every spring, and you can wash them with a solution of regular soap. Compositions with abrasive components, acids or solvents are not recommended;
  • sound insulation. If the window is closed, neither car horns nor the screams of children from the street will be heard. The analysis showed that a single-chamber double-glazed window is enough to reduce noise effects by 25 dB, and a double-chamber one by 40 dB;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures, humidity. Water does not penetrate inside, the structure is not destroyed or deformed;
  • fire resistance. If the ambient temperature rises above a certain level, the PVC will not burn, but will melt.

Windows are made in almost any shape and color. Exterior and interior finishes may vary. Industry and trade offer imitations of natural wood, stone, brick and other materials.

Incorrect installation as the main disadvantage of plastic windows

PVC has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Among the latter, noteworthy:

  • plastic does not allow air to pass through. The tightness results in the absence of natural ventilation in the room. Wood has natural micropores and maintains a natural exchange with the external environment;
  • From the first drawback (lack of ventilation), the next problem follows - the formation of condensation. The air in the room, if you do not open the window periodically, becomes unsuitable for breathing. The solution to the problem is slot ventilators, climate valves, combs;
  • installation of windows must be done in accordance with GOST. To avoid blowing out windows, mold formation and destruction of polyurethane foam, it is necessary to use steam and waterproofing.
  • impossibility of decoration. It is difficult to attach blinds or Roman shades to plastic windows. The exception is special cassette options designed specifically for PVC blocks;
  • If you manage to damage the frame or glass unit, repair is almost impossible. The design will have to be completely changed.

No less important point! You cannot buy windows from unknown manufacturers and installers. You can get a structure made of low-quality plastic, which negatively affects the atmosphere in the room. When heated in the sun, an unpleasant chemical smell appears.

Plastic window device

Anyone who is planning to replace windows is interested in a number of questions. Is it important to know which profile to choose? Which design is safe for animals and children? Can I do the installation myself?

The answers to many of these questions depend on the design of the window unit. After all, they buy it not even for 5 years, but often almost “forever”.

Speaking about the structure of plastic windows, it is important to emphasize that there is no particular variety here. All manufacturers use the same principle. The composition includes:

  • frame. The basis is PVC profiles. The frame is motionless. It is mounted in a window opening;
  • sash. There may be one, two or more depending on the design. The sashes are attached to the frame. They can be static, rotary, tilt-and-turn. The composition includes a PVC profile of a plastic window, a double-glazed window, beading and fittings;
  • glass unit May consist of 2-3 glasses connected to each other. It is important that no dust gets between them. It will not be possible to extract it from there;
  • The air gap between the glasses is called a chamber. The more of them, the warmer and quieter the room;
  • fittings - handles, hinges, strikers, anti-burglary pins, locks, etc. The task of these elements is to ensure smooth operation and hold the sashes in one position;
  • glazing beads that press the glass unit to the sash. Available with straight or rounded corners;
  • rubber seals. Thanks to them, plastic windows are completely sealed and do not let moisture in from the street;
  • low tides They are installed on the street side and are designed to remove precipitation.

PVC windows: how to make the right choice

If the window is made from a high-quality profile, it will “work” for up to 50 years. But are there more and more buyers complaining about the cold in winter, drafts and other inconveniences? What is the reason? After all, the names of very respected manufacturers appear on the profile?

The reason is the wrong choice. The nuances and basic parameters of the double-glazed window are not taken into account. It's time to find out what to keep in mind when ordering. Let's look at the most important points that determine both aesthetic perception and technical characteristics.

Types of structures

The first thing the buyer pays attention to is the number of sashes. For some, a small window is enough, others generally prefer “blind” modifications, and others want to open the window completely.

The industry offers options:

  • tricuspid. In most cases, one leaf is motionless, “deaf”, two open. This type is used in living rooms and large bedrooms;
  • double-leaf. They are the most popular. One door opens, two doors open very rarely. The reason is a significant increase in the cost of the mechanism;
  • single-leaf. They can be deaf or open. Installed in private houses, in old housing stock, in outbuildings, bathrooms, etc.;
  • balcony blocks. They are a structure that combines a window and a door to a balcony or loggia, less often to the street, courtyard or veranda;
  • glazing for verandas, balconies, loggias. The main problem is the large area, which means increased windage. Special requirements are placed on weight, strength and rigidity. The sashes can be sliding or hinged (less commonly).

Regardless of the chosen design, before ordering the manufacture and installation of a window, you must take measurements. This should only be done by a professional. There is no need to worry that inviting a surveyor will lead to an increase in the cost of the project. Most companies have not charged money for this service for a long time.

Classification by opening type

The most popular modifications are:

  • rotary. Identical to wooden windows of the previous generation. Not recommended for families with small children. In order to open the sash, you have to remove flowers and other objects located there from the window sill. There is no window mode;
  • tilt and turn. They are the most popular. Plastic windows of this type can be opened along vertical and horizontal axes. The most modern products provide micro-ventilation. The door opens by 1-2 cm, which prevents large volumes of cold air from entering the room;
  • sliding To move the sashes, special guides are installed. Purpose - small rooms, balconies, loggias, entrance areas.
Classification of double-glazed windows

If everything is clear with the number of sashes and the type of opening, you can proceed to consider one of the most important issues. You have to select the number of cameras. The temperature in rooms or offices in winter depends on this parameter. Manufacturers offer double-glazed windows:

  • single-chamber ones are the simplest and cheapest option. Two sheets of glass are joined together. The space between them is filled with air or inert gas. Single-chamber double-glazed windows are installed on loggias, balconies, utility rooms, and kitchens;
  • two-chamber. Thanks to three glasses, they provide better heat and noise insulation. Recommended for residential premises of any type and purpose;
  • three-chamber. Ideal for northern climates, Siberia, and the Far East. Recommended for the upper floors of high-rise buildings and buildings located near highways.
Additional options and functions

It’s just that no one is interested in the window anymore. It must be of a certain shape, color, provide the room with fresh air, and perform additional functions. Buyers want to receive:

  • winter ventilation mode. The door opens a few millimeters. You don’t have to choose between stuffiness and drafts;
  • ventilation valve. A hole with a special grille with a diameter of 2-5 cm is installed in the frame. You don’t have to open the window at all and enjoy clean air.

The valve is installed on both new and existing windows. No dismantling or replacement of individual elements is required. Sound insulation is not compromised. The hole can be closed altogether in case of severe frosts;

  • electric drive and remote control. This function is convenient for windows in attics located quite high;
  • energy saving. The glass is covered with a special film. In summer it reflects the sun, in winter it does not release heat to the street;
  • comb. Limits the window when opening. You don’t have to worry that the sash will swing wide open and the flowers will fall to the floor;
  • sash rotation limiter. Performs the same functions as a comb;
  • hidden loops. Performs a double function. On the one hand, they improve the appearance. On the other hand, they are better protected from the wind, since the seal is located along the entire contour of the sash;
  • lamination. A special film with a thickness of 100-300 microns will protect against the formation of sharp fragments if the window is broken, and will not allow strangers to “enter” the apartment in the absence of the owners;
  • Mosquito nets. In summer, protection from mosquitoes, flies, and poplar fluff will be useful in any region of the country;
  • child lock in the form of a button, plug, blocker. This function is indispensable if there are small children in the house;
  • anti-vandal fittings. Apartments on the ground floors attract thieves and hooligans. The presence of an anti-vandal function on plastic windows reduces the likelihood of penetration by ill-wishers.

When choosing anti-vandal and burglary-proof fittings, it is important to pay attention to the code specified by the manufacturer:

- WK1. Will withstand only standard impact from human hands or feet;

- WK2. A window with such coding cannot be opened with a screwdriver or crowbar;

- WK3. Will withstand contact with a crowbar;

- WK4. If there is a similar marking on the frame, the window cannot be opened with an ax, a saw, or a drill.

Prices for plastic windows

There are several dozen manufacturers of double-glazed windows and profiles in the world. The set of provided functions, equipment, PVC quality and other parameters differ.

Almost every manufacturer has several lines.

Economy segment

Main differences:

  • profile width - up to 70 mm;
  • double-glazed window - single- or double-chamber;
  • profile - three-chamber
  • two sealant contours in black or gray;
  • extremely simple design. White color.
Business Class

The buyer receives:

  • profile - from 70 mm with 4-5 cameras;
  • 3 sealing circuits;
  • Possibility to choose design and color.
Premium segment

The consumer is offered:

  • double-glazed window with a thickness of 44 mm;
  • profile - from 70 mm. For wide-format, panoramic glazing, profiles of 90 and 120 mm are recommended;
  • 3 or more sealing circuits;
  • additional options: anti-vandal fittings, micro-ventilation mode, etc.;
  • elegant design with imitation of natural materials;
  • maximum area of ​​the light opening.
Important points when choosing

Windows are not bought for a year or two. In order not to regret wasted money in a month, when signing an agreement it is important to pay attention to a number of points:

  • profile material. The seller must have a hygiene certificate guaranteeing the environmental safety of the material;
  • plastic thickness. For apartments and cottages, a class A profile is recommended. External walls - 2.8 mm, internal walls - 2.5 or more;
  • number of air chambers - from 3;
  • type of glass unit. It is better to leave single-chamber ones for non-residential utility blocks and summer verandas. In bedrooms and living rooms - two-chamber and higher;
  • number of sealing circuits. There are at least 2 of them. Material – rubber;
  • profile width. For central Russia, the minimum value is 58 mm;
  • accessories. Preference is for brands Roto, Winkhaus, Siegenia. Cheap fakes do not withstand even a year of intensive use.

When buying PVC windows, it is important not to trust dubious manufacturers who promise happiness at a price several times lower than the market price! But the main thing is the installation of windows, which must comply with GOST! After all, most problems with plastic windows arise due to incorrect installation.

How to choose a double-glazed window and its types

The largest part of the entire window is the glass unit.

By quantity of glass

Usually there are from 2 to 4 glasses in a double glazing unit. That is, there will be 1, 2 or 3 cameras.

Single-chamber ones are suitable for an unheated balcony. Their price is much lower than that of 2-3 chamber double-glazed windows. But thermal insulation, as well as noise insulation, will be low.

In apartments, 2-chamber double-glazed windows with 3 panes are more often used.

Three-chamber ones are the most expensive. And very heavy. But at the same time, the level of heat and noise insulation is practically no different from two-chamber ones.

By glass type

Triplex (safety laminated or laminated glass). Suitable for those who live on the ground floor, it will protect against burglary (be sure to use anti-vandal fittings). Or who have small children. Also, the level of sound insulation of triplex is higher than that of ordinary glass.

Float glass is transparent over the entire surface and has the same thickness around the perimeter.

Selective (low-emissivity) glass will help retain heat in the apartment. Due to special spraying, short-wave radiation is delayed, and only long-wave radiation is admitted. This allows you to keep warm in winter and keep hot air out in summer. From the spraying substance the following is distinguished:

I-glasses that use silver ions. They are not weather resistant, so they are often used for the inside of glass. At the same time, they have good translucency and efficiency.

K-glass is float glass coated with metal oxides, usually indium and tin. The surface is very dense, but the efficiency is less than that of I-glass.

Wired glass is fire resistant and the safest due to the reinforced mesh.

Tempered glass has properties similar to triplex. But the main difference is a special thermal or chemical treatment. If such glass is broken, it will form many small fragments that are absolutely safe.


To understand which type of glass is in front of you, look at the markings.

A single-chamber double-glazed window with a glass thickness of 20 mm is marked 4-12-4, and with glass 24 mm - 4-16-4. For K-glass, the values ​​used are 4-16-4K, for I-glass, respectively, 4-16-4I.

Double chamber:

  • width 28 mm 4-8-4-8-4
  • width 30 mm 4-12-4-16-4 and 6-10-4-6-4 (they have different heat transfer resistance and sound insulation coefficient)
  • width 32 mm 4-10-4-10-4
  • width 36 mm 4-12-4-12-4, with I-glass 6-10-4-6-4I.

The full transcript is available online. There are markings for argon-filled glass. Moreover, each type of glass has its own characteristics in terms of weight, sound insulation, light transmittance, and others. All these parameters influence the final choice.

How to choose seals

To obtain the required level of tightness, seals are used. They protect against dirt, noise, and cold air from entering the apartment from the street. The following materials can be used:

  1. rubber is a cheap option. And often used. The downside is hardening at low temperatures. And at high levels it cracks. As with temperature fluctuations. Although the rubber seals well. And changing such a seal is quite simple without calling a technician.
  2. Silicone is quite expensive. But at the same time, it does not change its properties over time and can withstand temperatures from -40 to +1500 degrees Celsius. Not subject to changes in properties when exposed to moisture or sunlight. At the same time, it will easily tear if even a slight tension occurs.
  3. Ethylene propylene rubber (EPDM) is not afraid of temperature changes, exposure to precipitation, sunlight, and mechanical damage. And the cost is reasonable. Installed without welding along the entire perimeter of the profile.
  4. Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE or TEP). Combines the properties of rubber at normal temperatures. And when heated, it has the properties of a thermoplastic. At the same time, it becomes deformed over time if it is pressed quite hard. Cheap and easy to install. Therefore, manufacturers often use it in double-glazed windows.

Noise insulation

Noise from the street in an apartment is an extremely negative factor and its elimination is one of the main reasons for purchasing new windows.

Sealed shutters of plastic windows and the possibility of installing special double-glazed windows with massive glass provide a level of sound insulation that significantly exceeds the capabilities of old wooden windows. To achieve acoustic comfort in areas with high background noise, laminated multilayer glass is used in double-glazed windows.

Which fittings to choose

Fittings directly affect durability, functionality, and convenience. This point should not be ignored.


Must be able to withstand the weight of the glass unit. It is better to choose durable material.

They differ in installation method:

  • Standard invoices can be tilt-and-turn or simply rotary. Consist of 2 metal cards. To give an aesthetic appearance, decorative overlays are used.
  • Screw-in hinges were previously used on wooden frames. They are attached to the sash and frame with pins; the more pins (usually from 2 to 6), the more reliable the entire structure.
  • Mortise hinges are the most common. Provide a wide window opening angle.

Anti-burglary devices will provide maximum security. They cannot be taken apart if the window is closed.

Hidden hinges make the opening angle limited. In this case, the sash will not knock on the slope. And the hinges will not be damaged during repairs.


They are used repeatedly every day. Handles differ in material (metal, plastic), color and their functions:

  • standard ones are most common. Allows you to open and close the sash, or leave it ajar for ventilation.
  • Anti-burglary ones are similar to standard ones in properties. But the mechanism does not allow opening the window from the outside.
  • Removable handles, as well as handles with a lock, are useful for families with small children. This way you can be sure that the child will not inadvertently open the window.

In addition to the standard location of the handle in the middle of the sash, you can install it on the bottom. Suitable for tall windows. Or in rooms where free access to the window is limited.

Locks and blockers

An optional element, but useful for those who live on the first and last floor and have small children. You can install a lock with locks, a child lock, or a latch on a plastic window in an apartment.

Glass walls (facade glazing)

Glass walls, “second light” stained glass windows, glazing of openings larger than 3000x2000 mm (more than 6 sq. m.), strip glazing with a length of 5000 mm, three-dimensional structures (winter gardens, roofs, corner stained glass windows) - for such glazing the choice clearly falls on aluminum.

Facade glazing can be part of a wall, or it can be a wall itself. Thanks to the high strength of aluminum, it is possible to produce entire glass walls, winter gardens, fashionable terraces and verandas.

There are few jumpers in such glazing; there is no need to connect several separate structures together. The glazing is light and airy.

Photo: Aluminum mullion and transom systems are used for facade glazing. There are no such systems in plastic. Compared to sliding warm aluminum, the post-transom system wins the fight (its price is lower)

For ventilation, the shutters are ideally integrated into the aluminum façade without disturbing the appearance of the façade.

With Roto AL* fittings, aluminum window sashes for panoramic glazing can reach a height of 3000mm and a weight of up to 300kg. This is the most suitable option for large-format glazing of country houses. The built-in protection mechanism will protect the windows from slamming even in hurricane winds.

For stylish windows, Roto AL fittings feature hidden hinges and designer handles without rosettes – all for a trendy, minimalist look and reliable opening.

Buy plastic or aluminum windows with Roto* fittings

Opening methods

The sashes of a plastic window can open in different ways.

Rotary opening is the simplest and most common. Suitable for cleaning windows. But it’s not very convenient to ventilate, since the sash swings completely open. You can use a limiter.

Tilt-and-turn. The window sash opens in 2 planes: towards itself (it turns out to be a window, convenient for ventilation), and turns to open the sash completely.

The folding one is suitable for ventilation; for washing you need to unfasten the mechanism.

Sliding (sliding) is suitable where there is no room to tilt the sash. Or the entire structure of the double-glazed window is heavy.

The blinds do not open and cannot be washed. More often they are installed on the ground floor or in combination with opening doors on the sides.

The fanlights have 2 doors, one opens - the upper or lower one. More often used in office buildings than in apartments.


The issue of security is currently very relevant for every person. An ordinary, unstrengthened and unprotected plastic window can be easily opened by robbers, who in such a situation will not have much difficulty getting to the valuable property of the apartment owners. This is a huge minus. Therefore, manufacturers and installers of plastic windows strongly advise customers, among other things, to install special anti-burglary fittings on windows and install armored glass. Naturally, the higher the level of protection, the higher the price of the window.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that we can talk endlessly about the advantages and disadvantages of PVC windows. There are as many visible advantages as there are disadvantages. Therefore, the choice of windows and the companies that produce them should be approached consciously, with caution and responsibility.

Ventilation in PVC windows

The main advantage of plastic windows is their tightness. That's why they loved putting them indoors. But what about ventilation?

Modern technologies have made plastic windows breathable due to special ventilation valves. With their help, the microclimate will be maintained, but there will be no heat loss.

You can use micro-ventilation (micro-slot ventilation) when a small gap forms between the frame and the sash. It is so small that it provides an influx of fresh air, but does not reduce heat and sound insulation.

The structure also includes vents. Then the cold air flows to the ceiling, does not hit the person, and brings fresh air into the room.

The combs allow the doors to open only to a certain width. And 4-5 positions optimally regulate the incoming air flow from the street.

To prevent the windows from “crying” or fogging up, the humidity in the apartment must be maintained at no higher than 60% and the temperature at 20-25 degrees.

Cleaning and maintaining PVC windows.

The undeniable advantage of plastic windows is their easy care. So, plastic windows need to be washed as they become dirty several times a year. Moreover, to wash the profile itself, a simple soap solution is used. In order for the fittings to work for a long time and efficiently, all its moving parts should be lubricated 2-3 times a year with ordinary machine oil or special technical petroleum jelly. In addition, it is necessary to clean the sealing rubber with products based on silicone oils or glycerin. Although you can get by with special substances for cleaning windows, which come with them during installation.

Design and color

Standard plastic windows in the apartment are white. But in reality there are many more options.

You can stick a film of any color and texture onto the frame. For example, under a tree.

The frame can be divided into zones of different shapes. Make it triangular or round. This will add zest and make the design more reliable. The windows themselves can be arched or oval.

Glass tinting will add tint to your indoor space. At the same time, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation will decrease. And the room will not be visible from the outside.

You can make a stained glass pattern as a decorative element.

Mirrored glass, like tinting, will protect from sun exposure and prying eyes.

It is not used so often, but smart glass has already proven itself. The degree of transparency depends on the light intensity. A convenient alternative to curtains and blinds.

Thermal protection.

Plastic windows are able to maintain a microclimate in a room due to their good tightness, the special design of the double-glazed window, as well as the use of special glass.

It is believed that the best option would be to purchase a double-glazed window consisting of 3 glasses and a three-chamber profile. In a double-glazed window there are air chambers between the glasses, which are intended for convection of air flows.

TOP brands of plastic windows for apartments

Dozens of companies are engaged in the production of PVC windows. There are leaders in their industry who have proven their products.

German companies:

  1. KBE is an industry leader with 2 factories in Russia. We participated in the creation of GOST standards for plastic windows, that is, their drawings serve as a standard.
  2. Veka has production in Russia. Occupies a leading position in the world. There is an entire research department that works to continually improve designs and technologies.
  3. SALAMANDER Industrie-Produkte GmbH teamed up with BRÜGMANN in 2002 in search of new materials for footwear. And since then it has been producing plastic profiles. Production operates in Russia taking into account German quality control.
  4. SCHÜCO has a presence all over the world. They are distinguished by the development of profiles for different climatic conditions. Therefore, the products are durable and of high quality.
  5. Deceuninck Group is constantly ranked among the best in the world. Profiles are developed for different climatic conditions.

Swiss ]Rehau[/anchor] is one of the leaders in Europe. Their products are highly frost-resistant. Ideal for cold Russian winters.

The South Korean company LG Chem began producing plastic windows in the 80s. high quality products. At the same time, there is an optimal balance between price and operation.

There are also worthy companies on the Russian market. Proplex uses Austrian developments in its work, adapting them to Russian conditions. Optimal cost, excellent operating characteristics.

Additional tips and tricks

Some companies do their work dishonestly. For example, instead of energy-saving ones, simple double-glazed windows are installed. The first type of glass has a bluish tint. This difference is easily detected when examining the material. Sometimes the frame is assembled from profiles without reinforcement. This design quickly sags, causing the window to lose its useful qualities. You can check for the presence of a metal strip using a magnet.

Another way of deception is considered to be a lack of intimacy. You can determine the number of glass sheets using a candle. You just need to count the number of flame reflections.

Features of windows for individual rooms

The choice depends on the room where the window is installed. So, in warm climates you can install 1-2 chamber double-glazed windows. Whereas in the north/cold side it is better to use a 3-chamber option. At the same time, on a balcony or loggia, if they are not used in winter, a single-chamber double-glazed window is sufficient.

It is worth paying attention to the level of sound insulation. It differs for each double-glazed window. For rooms overlooking a noisy street or courtyard, glass and profiles may differ.

Differences in design

Conventional plastic windows consist of PVC profiles that form a single structure. In addition to the polyvinyl chloride material, these parts contain stabilizers, modifiers and other additives that improve performance. Such combinations make the product durable, resistant to external influences and the vagaries of the weather. Let's give an example: produces

They declare that PVC products can be used in the temperature range from -50 to +50 degrees. At the same time, their performance characteristics will not deteriorate.

The production of metal-plastic windows is in many ways similar. The only difference that significantly changes the design of the product is the introduction of a reinforcement element. The liner is a closed metal contour installed in the middle of the PVC profile. In some models, U- or L-shaped reinforcing inserts are used to reduce production costs. Such liners are made of steel plates coated with an anti-corrosion substance, which ensures a long service life. The thickness of the metal inserts can vary from 1.2 to 1.5 mm.

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