Sofa for a balcony - modern interior options and the best models of sofas for balconies (85 photos)

Initially, when apartment buildings were designed, little space was allocated for balconies. But over time, the understanding came that this is not only a place where you can store unnecessary things and hang wet clothes to dry. This is a place where you can relax physically and mentally, breathe air and enjoy the silence.

The balcony is a full-fledged room that requires appropriate decoration - and a sofa on the balcony plays a very important role.

In modern buildings, loggias are made into a separate place, standing on a par with the rooms of the apartment. Therefore, the approach to decoration and design should be based on the plans for this place. One of the most popular solutions is to install a sofa on the balcony.

If we are talking about a small room in which you need to save space, then the best option is built-in structures, and this also applies to sofas.

Criteria for choosing a sofa for a balcony or loggia

When it is finally determined that a resting place will be created, it is necessary to choose the right sofa. To do this, you need to evaluate the following factors:

  • Capacity parameters. It is worth considering that the furniture should not occupy the entire area;

Built-in sofas are minimalist and can fit into any interior.

  • The functionality of the selected furniture, the presence of drawers for storing things or the ability to move apart and form another bed;

Furniture for a balcony or loggia should be compact, and folding sofas or beds are ideal.

  • Sheathing material. If the loggia is used not only for relaxation, then it is worth choosing a more durable and less easily soiled material;

They save space as much as possible, as they are installed in a special niche and allow you to use all the free space.

  • Color. Must correspond to the selected design design.

You will not have any difficulties transporting the finished product to the balcony - you can simply assemble it there.

Sofa with storage box

The most popular option. When there is an opportunity to store things, a place to relax acquires household functionality.

The boxes are:

  • retractable;

They are also multifunctional - they can be used to store things, as they have built-in drawers.

  • internal.

"Box". This is a sofa with plenty of free space inside. It is hidden under the seat and, due to the opening mechanism, it really looks like a chest.

For drawers, it is necessary to provide space, while with internal ones it is more compact. Simply lift the seat up to access storage space. A sofa for a balcony with a storage box is suitable for economical people who wisely use all the possibilities of the apartment’s space.

Sometimes there are several niches separated by a thin partition. This option is convenient if you are going to store linen, any rags, or clothes on the balcony.

what to buy and what to do it yourself


And now we will look at narrow balconies, whose interior is decorated with a cozy armchair.

In the photo below we see a balcony with wooden paneling - the boards are painted in light colors. A shelf for books was made from the remains of the board. It is attached to a regular long L-shaped fastener, which was also painted in the same paint tone.

We choose a chair for the balcony from GARDEN FURNITURE - wicker from willow twigs or rattan

And in the photo below we see a large format wicker chair - which is designed for two. If your balcony is wide enough, then you can bring this interior example to life. Wooden cladding is quite simple - you can do it yourself.

Three narrow vertical slats are attached to the wall (you can see how they shine through in the photo) - and boards are placed on these slats with a slot interval of 2 cm). We put fasteners for hanging flower pots on the board panel.

And here is the balcony on which a glass greenhouse is installed. A very convenient solution for planting on a balcony - there is no need to fill the entire balcony with seedlings (they can be placed on the numerous shelves of such a greenhouse cabinet). And you can safely ventilate the balcony even on cold days, without fear that a draft will freeze our plantings on the balcony.

The design includes a cozy mat and plastic garden chairs.

Instead of a standard chair on the balcony, you can hang this sitting hammock.

Sofas with sleeper

This option is suitable for large balconies. It makes it possible to get complete rest, unlike sliding sofas, since it provides a comfortable sleeping place with a solid mattress. Most often, installation is carried out on glazed balconies - loggias.

A loggia sofa can be an excellent solution for expanding your apartment space.

Choosing a sofa size

An important rule when purchasing is to remember that the volumetric dimensions of the store visually reduce the furniture. Therefore, it is always necessary to look at the technical dimensions of the selected item.

If you have a recess or indentation from the wall on your balcony, you can install the sofa there.

Before purchasing, clearly measure all the parameters of the loggia and do not forget about the parameters of the front door, so that you can then bring and install the purchase where you planned.

Due to its design, this furniture can take up very little space.

Examples of mini sofas

A sofa for a balcony is an excellent solution not only for small balconies and loggias. By installing miniature furniture, there is room for additional placement, for example, a small armchair or coffee table. This will make it possible to create a relaxation area where you can spend time not only alone, but also with friends.

They are just right for get-togethers. Another table nearby, an armchair - and everything will look very nice.

Narrow sofas

This format is suitable for installation in a corner. When decorated, it is embedded between the inner and outer walls. Visually blends with the interior. They can be either sliding or with drawers for storing things.

This is an ideal option if you want to not only create a cozy place, but also use the space to its maximum advantage.

Practical materials

When choosing a sofa for the balcony, great attention should be paid to its upholstery. Its service life will depend on the quality of the material used. Therefore, the fabric must be durable, not afraid of frequent loads and mechanical stress, and be easy to care for. There are three types of materials that combine beautiful appearance with practicality. These include:

  1. Chenille.
  2. Natural and artificial leather.
  3. Flock.

A fabric that looks like velvet, with the addition of tapestry, jacquard or satin threads, which gives it additional strength, is called chenille. It is used not only for upholstering sofas, it is also used to make decorative pillows. Furniture upholstered with this fabric looks expensive. The advantages of chenille include:

  1. The fabric does not stretch.
  2. Does not shrink when washed.
  3. Draps beautifully into folds.
  4. It comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns.
  5. Does not fade when exposed to direct sunlight.

Criteria for choosing a sofa in the living room, the best solutions, placement options

The next popular fabric is natural or artificial leather. The material has high wear resistance, is not afraid of mechanical damage, as well as high humidity. Suitable for almost all interior styles. Easy to clean, just wipe it with a damp cloth occasionally. But this fabric has a significant drawback: under the influence of high temperatures it can become deformed. Although if you provide it with proper care, the furniture will last for many years and will become a stylish decoration for the balcony.

Families with small children should pay attention to flock upholstery. Main advantages of the material:

  1. Easy to care for.
  2. Eco-friendly and hypoallergenic.
  3. Does not stretch or deform.
  4. Not afraid of moisture.

All sofas on the balcony must have frames made of materials with high moisture resistance. This is due to the high humidity of the place in which they will be located. Therefore, when choosing, you should avoid products made from chipboard and MDF, and give preference to a frame made of solid natural wood. This design will cost more, but will last for many years. Especially if it is additionally coated with varnish or any other water-repellent agent.

Options for placing a sofa on the balcony

Here again it all depends on the desire of the owner, design and size. It would be best to place it in a corner. This way it will be more compactly located and will leave some free space.

This option is suitable for those who like to sleep in the fresh air, and a nightstand can easily fit next to it.

Designer design allows you to successfully fit into the style, making it invisible and at the same time an excellent addition to give comfort. For example, by installing a sofa on a loggia with a sleeping place, placing a small chest of drawers and hanging shelves or a small TV, you can create an additional room that will accommodate guests or an adult child.

On a small balcony, it is advisable to install compact mini-sofas, folding or folding upholstered furniture, placing it in a corner or against the side walls.

Choosing a sofa for the interior style

This is also an important stage for creating an atmospheric environment. The discrepancy between the design styles of the room and the selected furniture is always striking.

Modern style

Neutral color tones and smooth shapes are suitable here. The sofa will look good. In modern style there is no place for functionality, but there should be maximum comfort:

  • delicate upholstery fabric;

A stylized sofa is very suitable for a balcony.

  • soft orthopedic mattress.

You can turn your balcony into a cute and cozy place to relax by using wicker and soft materials and filling the space with pillows.

Also, by installing a small sofa on the loggia, you can additionally equip a place for children to relax, which is ideal in the summer. Fresh air and natural light have a beneficial effect on a child's health.

Next to the sofa you can install a bookcase or an easel with a chair.

Classic style

A combination of beauty, comfort and functionality. In addition to convenience, the sofa should be equipped with the functions necessary for everyday life: a drawer for things and the possibility of additional space.

Corner structures can also have a roll-out or sliding mechanism, thereby providing a comfortable place to sleep.

Scandinavian style

The primacy of nature. Geometrically correct shapes, wooden legs, armrests and the plane of the sofa. Soft pillows for comfort. Executed on the verge of minimalism, it creates an atmosphere of the north. It is better to relax on it under a blanket and with a hot mug of tea.

Drawers are ideal for storing bedding, clothing or any knick-knacks.

High tech

This is the style of the future. A combination of plastic, metal and glass. Flexible shapes and sparkling colors allow you to blend seamlessly with the surroundings and become an inconspicuous addition. Here we need extraordinary solutions, made according to the latest fashion.

There is no place for functionality, the main thing is style.

Industrial style

Minimal interior finishing. Space and simplicity dominate this style. The ideal option is a couch on the balcony. It will not take up much space and will serve as a wonderful place to relax.

If you prefer a balcony as a workplace, pay attention to strict wooden designs.

Pallet furniture ideas

Modular furniture is especially in demand for cottages, terraces, and summer gazebos. This is a functional setting for a patio, patio or large entry hall of a country house. Often, they first purchase sets of pillows for backs and seats, matching them to the tone and style of the room’s decoration, and only then calculate the dimensions of the modular furniture. Templates are made according to size, and then sections - as many as required. Sofas and a table made of pallets, designed in the same style, make the decor of the veranda or kitchen modern and playfully elegant. It’s not for nothing that manufacturers picked up the idea of ​​furniture made from pallets, and today you can buy home furniture and fashionable decor in expensive stores.

In spacious courtyards or patios protected from rain by awnings, it is more convenient to have light, mobile furniture. Soft pillows can be immediately carried into the house if there is a thunderstorm on the horizon, and lightweight lattice chairs and tables can be moved under the protection of the canopy. Often they do without painting; sanding and staining in two times is enough - this reduces both the cost and time spent on country furniture.

Furniture for a bathhouse and dressing room should be natural, and pallets are quite suitable.

Cushions for furniture made from pallets

Mattresses and pillows for garden furniture are often made waterproof - for example, soft thermal insulating panels are covered with fabrics. But for the home, pillows should not only be beautiful, but also environmentally friendly, provide tactile comfort and softness. Therefore, they often prefer natural fillings and upholstery, and the design can be anything. Replaceable covers and capes will help diversify the look of the room, and they are much easier to wash. Style, color, shape of the furniture cover - all these are additional opportunities for creating a harmonious and cozy interior.

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