How to make a comfortable sofa for a balcony with your own hands Photos, drawings, tips

Having a balcony in your apartment is a great opportunity to make good use of this extra space. And we are not talking about turning it into a warehouse for unnecessary things or a smoking room, but about a full-fledged relaxation room. But in order to create it, you need to choose suitable furniture, especially a comfortable sofa. This will significantly expand the living space in the apartment, and besides, if you want to sell it, a landscaped balcony will be a big plus. Let's try to figure out which sofa models are suitable for creating a comfortable environment on a balcony or loggia and how to make them with your own hands.

Sofa on the balcony with drawers

Now let's look at how to build a sofa for a balcony with a drawer with your own hands. If, as a result of your work, you want to get not only a place for a pleasant pastime, but also a place where you can store old things or sunset clothes, then this option is best suited.

Sofa with drawer

The space located inside the frame can be considered as drawers. To store things there, you need to make not only panels on the sides and front, but also the bottom. To make it, you can use chipboard or plywood.

The inside of the box walls can be decorated with heat-insulating material or upholstered with upholstery fabric. In this case, the seat will act as a cover. Therefore, with this design, it is secured with hinges on the side of the lid. The principle of fastening is the same as for doors.

Sofa with drawers

It is also possible to make boxes that implement the principle of a shelf or box open on one side. To do this, you need to provide a dividing panel inside the space in the frame. And then build separate drawers and place them in the resulting space. It should be remembered that the boxes themselves should be smaller in size than the niche.

Basic requirements for a balcony sofa

The specifics of the loggia dictate special rules for the selection of furniture and interior items. Due to the small space and constant exposure to sunlight, the sofa must meet the following basic requirements:

Pros and cons of making your own sofa

To make the final choice in favor of creating a sofa for the balcony, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of independently arranging this type of structure. The main advantages include:

There are no obvious disadvantages to self-development. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that full responsibility for the quality of the furniture and its service life lies with the master. Therefore, when making a balcony sofa, craftsmen recommend that you carefully consider the choice of material, installation and assembly process.

Photo selection of interesting ideas for self-made balcony sofas

The choice of a suitable sofa for the balcony depends on the dimensions of the room and the imagination of the master.

A folding sofa on the balcony is not only comfortable furniture for daytime activities, but also an additional sleeping place. A prerequisite for such a design is that after unfolding, the dimensions of the furniture should not block the passage. If there is sufficient heating on the loggia, such a sofa can be used for sleeping not only in the summer.

A sofa with drawers is a practical option for storing a large number of things on the balcony. The competent design of retractable furniture mechanisms allows you to place conservation items, seasonal household items and clothing. Such a sofa frees up the main space of the apartment and makes the loggia functional.

A narrow balcony will be organically complemented by a corner sofa with soft upholstery. This sofa gives the loggia a finished look of home comfort. The static corner design is quite variable: it can accommodate three to four people in a sitting position and a full-fledged place for one person to sleep. Adding a floor lamp, folding table or footstool to the loggia gives the room soft comfort.

One of the most budget-friendly options is to make a sofa from simple pallets. This design is relevant for a fairly wide loggia space. Installing strong wooden pallets and placing soft pillows on this base allows you to create a sofa without complicated assembly.

what to buy and what to do it yourself


And now we will look at narrow balconies, whose interior is decorated with a cozy armchair.

In the photo below we see a balcony with wooden paneling - the boards are painted in light colors. A shelf for books was made from the remains of the board. It is attached to a regular long L-shaped fastener, which was also painted in the same paint tone.

We choose a chair for the balcony from GARDEN FURNITURE - wicker from willow twigs or rattan

And in the photo below we see a large format wicker chair - which is designed for two. If your balcony is wide enough, then you can bring this interior example to life. Wooden cladding is quite simple - you can do it yourself.

Three narrow vertical slats are attached to the wall (you can see how they shine through in the photo) - and boards are placed on these slats with a slot interval of 2 cm). We put fasteners for hanging flower pots on the board panel.

And here is the balcony on which a glass greenhouse is installed. A very convenient solution for planting on a balcony - there is no need to fill the entire balcony with seedlings (they can be placed on the numerous shelves of such a greenhouse cabinet). And you can safely ventilate the balcony even on cold days, without fear that a draft will freeze our plantings on the balcony.

The design includes a cozy mat and plastic garden chairs.

Instead of a standard chair on the balcony, you can hang this sitting hammock.

Balconies with sofas and benches.

The width of the end of the small balcony does not allow it to accommodate standard furniture from the store - an ottoman or a sofa. The balcony sofa option is only possible if you make it to order (to your size) or if you make it yourself.

And it’s really possible to make such a sofa for the balcony yourself. Let's take a closer look at several models of such sofas for balconies.

MODEL No. 1 – sofa made from pallets.

Wooden pallets are usually left over after delivery of building materials; perhaps you were delivered bricks or bags of cement to your dacha on such a pallet. Or you found a similar thing in the trash or quietly snuck away from an unguarded construction site in the evening.

MODEL No. 2 – bench with cushions on the balcony.

Or you can use an ordinary garden bench for your balcony - cover it with pillows and get a cozy relaxation area on your small city apartment terrace.

MODEL No. 3 – sofa in the form of a box WITH STRETCH

This box turns into a small sofa thanks to the pillows.

To make a box, you first need to make a frame in the form of a PARALLELIPIPED (something like an empty cube)... And then nail the LATTING STRAPS onto this frame - that is, buy a flat lath and nail it first horizontally, and then vertically - you get a cross lattice crosswise

You can make a BOTTOM for a sofa box (nail a sheet of plywood or make a thick lathing with the same slats, stuffing them without gaps) - and make a COVER (put it on hinges so that it folds up) and then you will get a box for storing all sorts of household items.

To make pillows, you need to buy thick foam rubber and cut more or less even squares from it. Buy fabric and cut out squares slightly larger than foam rubber around the perimeter (this is to allow for the thickness of the pillow).

We sew the fabric squares in pairs - on three sides so that we get a cover - through the unsewn side of the cover we insert a foam square inside. And sew up the fourth side of the pillow.

Now to make the pillow quilted, you need to stitch it through with thread stitches and cover the quilted area with a button.

MODEL No. 4 – a small sofa in the form of a box with ARMRESTS.

In the photo we see an ordinary box (empty inside) - with a hinged flat lid (on which pillows lie and you can sit). You can also make it yourself for your balcony.

The walls of the box are a regular sheathing of frame boards.

On the sides - the frame is made higher - and the sheathing boards are also nailed higher - this way we get ARMRESTS FOR THE SOFA-BENCH.

Or you can come up with a corner sofa box for the balcony. To seat a larger group around a small table.

Backrests in the form of pillows can not only be ATTACHED to the wall... but HANGED by the ears - see the photo of the sofa on the balcony below.

That is, we nail a holder rod to the wall of the balcony. We sew short strips of fabric tape to the edge of the pillow - we throw them over the bar - and sew them on (or attach them with Velcro).

If you still have boards left, then you can use them to create a WALL panel - with a shelf for flowers, and hanging hooks for various little things.

And since we are already talking about balcony shelves and other devices, here are some ideas of what you can do to organize the useful space on the balcony in the most convenient way.

Types of products, their pros and cons

Let's figure out which chairs for loggias and balconies are used most often, and what are their main advantages and disadvantages. It is important to understand the features of each type so that later there are no unpleasant surprises in the form of specific care or design features that affect ease of use.

Option 1 – soft chairs

This option is usually bulky and large in size, but there are also those that are perfect for our case. Let's look at the features of this type of product:

Ideally, you can place at least a small table near the chair

These options look very stylish

Chair-bed for the balcony - a convenient and practical solution

If you place a chair along the width of your balcony, then models without armrests are an excellent option; they allow you to use the space with maximum benefit.

Option 2 – rocking chairs

This option is great for a balcony for the following reasons:

This chair is a real decoration for the balcony.

It is very comfortable to relax in a rocking chair

Modern options are very original

Option 3 – wicker furniture

This solution is one of the most popular for the following reasons:

This option adds coziness to the atmosphere

Compact size is another big advantage

Papasan chair is very comfortable

This chair is great for both the beach and the balcony.

Option 4 – suspended structures

This option appeared relatively recently, but every year its popularity becomes more and more. These chairs have a number of features:

The hanging chair on the balcony looks very interesting

Suspended structure on supports is more mobile

Option 5 – folding chairs for the balcony

This type of product is ideal for small spaces and balconies that are used for different purposes. Folding chairs have many advantages:

Compact folding chair is suitable for even the most limited space

Folding chairs can be comfortable and stylish

This cute set will solve the problem with furniture on the open balcony

Option 6 – bean bag chairs

I remember a few years ago these products were so popular that they were installed literally everywhere. Naturally, they have found their application on the balcony; the features of this type of product are as follows:

These chairs look great despite their simplicity.

This is already a kind of mini-sofa

Bag chairs can also be used on open balconies

Option 7 – work chairs

I recently figured out how to turn a balcony into a study; if this is your case, then when choosing a chair you should be guided by the following considerations:

Designs with many settings provide maximum comfort and take into account the characteristics of any person

This chair makes the atmosphere more lively and dynamic.

Who said that an office is boring and banal?

Option 8 – homemade hammock chair for the balcony

This option will cost you very little, but you will get a very original and comfortable chair for the balcony. First, let's figure out what you need for work:

Here are all the materials and components needed for the job:

The tools we will use are an electric drill, a sewing machine, scissors and a ruler for measurements.

Now let's look at the workflow. DIY instructions are as follows:

There is nothing complicated in making a hanging hammock chair

The photo shows all the above work clearly

This is what you should get after these steps

This is what the almost finished result looks like

The chair should be securely fastened to the ceiling.

It is better not to immediately cut off the excess ends of the rope; after hanging, it may turn out that the system needs adjustment. Cut off any excess only after checking the chair at its location.

For convenience, you should sew a special pillow and put it in a chair; in such a design you can sit comfortably with a book, and children love to swing on it.

This chair will become your favorite place to relax on your balcony.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade sofas

Self-assembly is characterized by a lot of positive aspects. The development takes place on the basis of our own ideas, which allows us to create a unique, individual design, the dimensions of which will exactly match the room. At the same time, a self-made sofa has many advantages:

  • The product will cost its owner much cheaper than purchased analogues, which will help save money.
  • In the process of production, a person gains experience. Having learned how to do the work, he can easily repair such structures, reupholster the fabric, and assemble more complex furniture.
  • At the design stage, you can determine the design of the planned product yourself and design it in full accordance with the interior style of the room.
  • The work does not require special tools or special conditions. The usual means at hand will do, and assembly can be done directly in the apartment or in the courtyard of a private house.
  • Independent control of product quality will allow you to create a high-quality product.
  • A handmade sofa will become a source of pride for its owner, which will amaze guests.

One of the disadvantages of such products is that without sufficient experience it is impossible to manufacture complex structures. The process is also labor-intensive and time-consuming. If the technology is not followed, the structure may fail prematurely.

Choosing functional furniture for the balcony: 4 criteria

A balcony and loggia in an apartment are additional square meters that are found in almost every apartment. Most people use them to store tools or workpieces. However, recently the trend towards converting this room into a living room has been steadily growing. Balconies, which previously served as a cluttered pantry, have now become amazing and functional kitchens, bedrooms or children's rooms. And furniture that is correctly selected for the dimensions of the room helps to achieve this result.

Preparation of parts and installation

A DIY balcony sofa begins with preparing the frame. To do this, it is necessary to cut the timber to the dimensions indicated in the drawing. The slightest deviation will lead to damaged material or unevenness of the structure after the completion of the assembly process.

After completing the cutting, each part must be processed using fine-grained sandpaper until a smooth surface appears. After all the elements have been sanded, they should be covered with stain or varnish, and then left to dry. Preferably in a dust-free room at room temperature.

After drying, you can assemble the frame. The timber is connected to each other with self-tapping screws. To make the structure more durable, all seams are additionally glued with good furniture glue. Next comes the fastening of the rigid surface to the frame: sheets of plywood, fiberboard, chipboard or OSB boards. The base is also fixed with self-tapping screws.

The final stage is upholstery of the sofa. To do this, layers of foam rubber are laid on the base and covered with upholstery fabric on top, which is secured in inconspicuous places with construction staples. Instead of a soft back, you can make simple pillows. This option would be relevant for an ottoman.

It is very convenient to make a sofa for the balcony, which has additional niches or drawers for storing things. Before starting work, you should decide on the type of these products:

  1. The space under the sofa can be one large drawer; it is enough to equip it correctly. Having made a strong structure and a rising base, you can additionally cover it with foil material, for example, for storing soft drinks.
  2. The base of the sofa on the front side can be made open and divided into several compartments. Each will be a separate box.
  3. There is another option for arranging one large box, but only a double-leaf one, similar to a shelf. It looks quite aesthetically pleasing.

When starting to make a sofa with drawers, you need to pay special attention to the frame, since the space under the product will be hollow. Accordingly, the structure should be strengthened, for example, with metal corners or using a larger beam

As a surface for the frame, it is best to purchase OSB boards with a thickness of 12 mm.


Upholstery scheme

Collecting parts


Installation of the sliding mechanism

Hammock chair and necessary materials

A hammock chair, which is intended for a balcony or loggia, assumes the absence of a rigid frame. This makes it stand out from other products. Makes it a compact and mobile thing. In addition to the balcony, you can take it with you to a country house, on a picnic or any other place where there is a support on which you can attach a hammock chair.

This chair is designed for easy rocking, but not for use as a swing. Sharp swinging contributes to the loosening of the main fastening, which makes it unsafe over the years and contributes to injury.

How to make

Even novice carpenters will be able to do this task. It is not necessary to immediately take on a complex design; simple sofas look beautiful in Scandinavian and Provence style; the main thing is to choose the appropriate decor.

Take your time, carefully calculate the dimensions and quantities of materials, performing all the steps step by step:

1. Consultation with specialists; some furniture companies can provide advice and even draw a drawing.

2. Thinking through the production, starting from the drawing and ending with the finishing touches.

3. Draw a sketch and adjust the dimensions.

4. Prepare tools.

5. Purchase materials.

5. Proceed with assembly.

The simplest option is a rectangle with special niches for linen and cans, when the upper part of the sofa simply rises.


When preparing materials, pay attention to quality. They must be treated with special compounds that protect against fungus, temperature, and moisture

Moreover, a beautiful varnish will add an interesting accent to ordinary wooden furniture.

You will need:

  • plywood for back
  • corners for frame
  • foam for softness
  • glue for foam rubber (only special one will do)
  • tapestry fabric for upholstery


The easiest tools to prepare are:

  • screwdriver
  • furniture stapler
  • screws, washers, bolts
  • nails for upholstery and decorative elements
  • hammer
  • drill
  • pliers
  • jigsaw


Cut out the bars of the required size and assemble the frame. They need to be connected using metal corners, glue and connecting bolts.

Plywood becomes the back of the future sofa.

Be sure to screw it carefully onto the screws, the nails will not withstand time and weight.

We fix the foam rubber by carefully gluing it to the plywood. Try to achieve a round shape. Use two layers - the bottom one is hard and the top one is slightly softer.

The stapler fixes roundness and layers together.

The fabric is cut, stretched over the frame and secured using a stapler and furniture nails.

We sew pillows from the same fabric or matching material, decorating them with ribbons and buttons. Try to be consistent with the design and layout.

Look at the different sofa ideas in the photos and get something for your unique balcony sofa design.

Pillows create an interesting oriental flavor, especially if there are really a lot of them.

A picture and flowers above the sofa are beautiful, but not always comfortable for sitting.

Drawers are optional; you can make a sofa in the form of a large pillow.

On an open balcony in our climatic conditions, a sofa is not a very practical thing. For the winter you will have to bring the sofa inside.

A sofa and pillows made from the same material look boring; you’ll have to add some accents.


Final work

In the store you can purchase quite practical types of fabric that are convenient for covering homemade sofas on balconies and in other rooms. The upholstery is done by hand using furniture nails and a hammer; a furniture stapler is very convenient. If necessary, a sofa created in the manner described above can always be disassembled, it will not take much time, and the remaining materials will be quite suitable for further use.

DIY sofas for balconies can also have free space located under the seat.

Sofa - storage closed.

Please note: A rack on the balcony means order in the house!

When creating it, it is necessary to use canopies, which are usually mounted to the rear crossbar of a wooden frame and attached to one side of the seat. It is very convenient for balcony sofas to have free space at the bottom; it can be used to place various things.

Sofa - storage open.

Sofa book: how to make it yourself

You need to start making a sofa book with your own hands by creating the basic frame structural elements. These are the seat and back, sides and a storage box.

DIY sofa step by step. Photo

• Box

Work begins by making a box. You will need to take two boards one hundred and ninety centimeters long and one eighty centimeters long. Their width is twenty centimeters and their thickness is two and a half centimeters. You also need four bars 20cm long and with a cross section of 5x5cm.

A box is assembled from these materials.

The structure is supplemented with slats installed transversely, made of boards 80 cm long, 5 cm wide and 2 cm thick. The bottom is covered with a fiberboard sheet with dimensions of 190x80cm.

• Seat and back

To make the frames of the seat and back, take a beam with a section of 40x60cm. A rectangle of 189x65cm is made from it. The timber parts are connected with nails and self-tapping screws, drilling holes.

Wood slats are attached to the finished frames. They will become a support for the mattress.

• Armrests

First, the side walls of the sofa are cut out from a sheet of chipboard, the thickness of which is 2.5 cm. The dimensions are in the photo.

Then a frame is knocked down according to the same dimensions, to which the sawn wall is attached.

Holes are drilled on the sides of the box using a drill with a diameter of 10 mm.

• Assembly

When all the frames are assembled, the sofa parts are connected. To assemble a sofa book with your own hands, you will need special mechanisms. They are sold in hardware stores intended for upholstered furniture. They are attached so that there is a gap of 1 cm between the back and the seat (when they are unfolded). When folded, the seat should not extend beyond the level of the armrests.

• Laying foam rubber

Non-woven fabric is attached over the lamellas. Foam rubber sheets, the thickness of which is about six centimeters, are laid on it. To ensure that the sheet is correctly placed on the frame and does not cover the transformation mechanism, pieces are cut out in the corners.

To make a soft cushion on the edge of the seat, a strip of foam rubber 2 cm thick and 20 cm wide is glued there. Another sheet of foam rubber, 4 cm thick, is glued on top. Its edge is folded down, under the seat.

Similar actions are performed with the back. Then covers, sewn to size, are pulled over the back and seat.

To make soft armrests, a foam roller is made on them. Foam rubber is used with a thickness of 4 cm. The width of the strip is initially 15 cm, and towards the middle it decreases to 5 cm.

Foam rubber 2cm thick is fixed on top.

Such foam rubber is glued to the inside of the armrest at a distance of 32 cm from the bottom edge.

After gluing, the back of the foam sheet is fixed on top of the existing material. The excess is cut off.

There are protruding edges on the front side of the armrest that need to be tucked in.

The finished parts are covered with fabric and fittings are nailed to them.

All that remains is to assemble the sofa completely with your own hands.

Cushioned furniture

The main assembly work at home should begin with the construction of the base (supporting frame) of the structure, for the assembly of which we use timber.

First you need to choose a design for the future sofa that is suitable for the balcony. Or make a sofa and then adjust the design of the entire balcony to match it. So, let's look at the simplest design. To make cozy upholstered furniture with your own hands, you don’t need to have professional knowledge; it’s enough to get information from various sources and be patient.

Of great importance is the correct determination of the dimensions of the future sofa, made by yourself, for the balcony. The rule here is: “Measure twice, cut once.”

There is no need to be lazy to double-check your data or the resulting dimensions - it will be a shame if the finished product cannot be placed on the balcony or it does not function as intended.

Most often, sofas have a standard and familiar rectangular shape. This design is good because it allows you to arrange special drawers under the sofa for linen or storing things. Depending on the way the sofa is folded out, access to such niches can be made either in the form of drawers, or from above or from the side.

Having made the necessary drawings based on previously completed calculations, you can proceed to the third part - choosing a building material for making a sofa for a loggia with your own hands and purchasing it and other elements necessary for installation.

Materials for work

An improvised sofa of this type can fit well not only into the interior of your balcony, but can also decorate any other corner.

To make upholstered furniture with your own hands, you will definitely need:

  1. Several hardwood beams. They are needed to make a supporting frame on which the rest of the structure will rest. The bars must be free of any defects, smooth and of high quality.
  2. Materials for wood processing. It's no secret that bare wood looks a little budget-friendly. But the use of stain, paint or wood varnish will not only protect the frame from rapid destruction, but will also give it an attractive and modern look.
  3. Fastening elements for the frame. Since you already have a drawing of the future sofa in your hands, you can calculate exactly where the fastenings will be made. And if you can’t decide what exactly can be used to secure the structure, a seller or a construction forum will help you.
  4. Material for filling the seat, back and side bolsters, if provided for in the drawing. As a rule, this is foam rubber or padding polyester.
  5. Suitable fabric for upholstering the sofa and a zipper if you plan to wash the upholstery regularly.
  6. Special Velcro tape for attaching a soft seat with a backrest.
  7. Glue "Moment" for fixing padding polyester and foam rubber.
  8. Plywood for organizing the back of the sofa.

In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • stapler for upholstered furniture;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • saw or hacksaw;
  • glue.

In addition to the necessary building materials and tools, you will need time and patience.

Manufacturing work

When turning a balcony into a living space, it is not at all necessary to give up storing things in this corner. Instead of cardboard boxes, you can use a sofa.

Following the drawing made, you need to cut the timber and assemble (fasten) the sofa frame. In order for the product to last as long as possible, it is necessary to carefully strengthen all the joints of the beams. In addition to using the fasteners themselves, it is recommended to glue them with glue.

Now we move on to making the soft back of the sofa and seat. The main value here is the angle of inclination. You need to think very carefully about what kind of tilt you need - both the shape of the backrest and its design will depend on this. As a rule, soft material - foam rubber, padding polyester - is attached to the plywood with glue or a special stapler, after which the back is tightly covered with fabric.

The soft seat can also be installed with your own hands - using glue and a furniture stapler. When connecting a backrest to an upholstered seat, special Velcro is often used to hold these two elements of upholstered furniture next to each other. Leftover fabric can be used to make sofa cushions that will add coziness and warmth to your new living space. If you are initially making a sofa, then the curtains can be made from the same fabric as the upholstery.

Making a sofa with your own hands for a balcony or loggia is not such a difficult task, but it pays off entirely - at least in the fact that the sofa will not be an alien object on the balcony, but will fit harmoniously into the decor.

Tips for beginners

Before starting work, I would like to give a few tips that are designed to slightly improve the resulting piece of furniture:

  • in order to prevent the possibility of rotting and destruction of the surface by insects, the surface of wooden elements must be carefully treated using such means as primer and antiseptic;
  • to slightly improve the appearance of the sofa you will need stain, paint and varnish;
  • foam rubber or padding polyester must be attached to the base. In this case, you can use glue or a furniture stapler;
  • before starting work, you need to draw a drawing where you need to calculate and put down all the dimensions of the main parts, which will allow you not to make mistakes when cutting the main elements, and will also help you understand the sequence of work;
  • To avoid errors with the parameters of the sofa, it is necessary to carefully measure the parameters of the loggia or balcony many times. You can involve an outsider in the process itself, and then compare the data;
  • You should remember when building a sofa for a balcony with your own hands that it should at least be comfortable. If you have a low seat or a low back, this will cause some discomfort.

In order to make the most comfortable relaxation area on your balcony, you will need very little effort. The main thing is to have desire and patience.

Decorating a bench-box for a balcony

Since the main task of such a bench is to bring coziness and comfort to the balcony interior, its seat must be made soft. This can be done in several ways:

  • place a couple of comfortable pillows on the lid of the bench-box;
  • sew an oblong dense pillow with elastic bands at the corners, which will easily attach it to the lid and remove it if necessary;
  • cover the upper part of the bench with a pleasant-to-touch fabric or other material, use foam rubber as a soft filler.

It is also important to have a comfortable backrest. It can be either hard or soft

If you don’t want to upholster the elements of the drawer, you can also use ordinary pillows in this case - hang them on the wall instead of the back of the bench.

The most original looking seats and backrests are made from “fluffy” and soft materials – faux fur, velor, velsoft. They will add comfort and brightness to any interior.

To make the base of the bench look aesthetically pleasing, the wooden parts can be painted in any color that matches the interior of the balcony. In addition, an excellent solution would be to use stencils of a certain theme (plants, flowers, fish, etc.).

The process of making a soft seat:

A popular option for a hammock chair for a balcony

The manufacturing technology is very simple:

  1. To begin, fold a piece of fabric into several layers. The corners are trimmed and pre-marked with a marker and ruler.
  2. The fabric is unfolded, the lower and upper edges are stitched.
  3. It is necessary to unfold the material so that the longer side is on the right hand. The edge is folded to form a pocket, and the cord will then be inserted into it.
  4. The same steps should be done with the second side.
  5. The edges need to be carefully stitched using a sewing machine, and the seams are secured.
  6. Two holes are drilled in the oak stick to install the fastening.
  7. Using a can of spray paint on fabric, you can create a design of your choice. The color is optional. To make it easier, you can use a stencil. The fabric must be completely dry.
  8. The cord is threaded through the hole, which is located on the side closer to the edge. The knot is tightened. It is pulled through a pre-stitched cavity in the fabric. This procedure is also done on the other side, tying knots on the cord in the reverse order.
  9. A knot is made in the middle of the cord for a carabiner. The carabiner must be securely fastened. Using a drill, a hole is drilled in the ceiling for a hook, which is then installed.

For convenience, you can sew a round pillow or buy a ready-made one. The hammock chair is constructed very quickly and simply. This is an interesting and profitable thing that will decorate the interior of the balcony and give it a special charm.

Choosing upholstery for a sofa

A sofa for a loggia must have suitable upholstery that is durable, wear-resistant, and stain-resistant. But the most important thing is that balcony furniture should not fade in the sun or be afraid of high or low temperatures. The following materials have these properties:

Faux leather and suede.The materials are easy to care for, waterproof, and do not absorb odors or dirt. Disadvantages include poor resistance to mechanical damage and sensitivity to high temperatures. Furniture covered with leatherette should not be placed on a balcony whose windows face south.
Arpatek.The material consists of 25% cotton, 33% polyurethane, 42% viscose. Retains the warmth of the human body, does not stick to the skin, does not become rough in the cold, hypoallergenic, moisture resistant.
Flock.Soft, fleecy fabric. Animal hair does not collect on the upholstery, it is resistant to mechanical damage and dirt, and is easy to care for. There is a wide range of colors and patterns. During use, the pile accumulates odors and is wiped off over time.
Jacquard.Upholstery made from this material is suitable for any interior of a loggia or balcony, thanks to the large selection of patterns and ornaments. The material is strong, dense, does not fade, is easy to care for, durable, and is not afraid of cold or heat. Jacquard is not suitable for families with animals, because scratches cause puffs to appear on it.
Scotchard.This is natural furniture cotton, dense and durable. It is easy to clean, does not fade, and is not afraid of moisture, high or low temperatures.
Microfiber.Modern synthetic fabric that allows air to pass through, is resistant to mechanical and chemical stress, does not wear out, and does not fade.

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Furniture for balconies and loggias: rules for choosing

Furniture for a balcony should have visual appeal, compactness, and functionality. In order for it to become a truly living room, you need to carefully think through everything and correctly use the available space. However, we should not forget that we need to preserve free meters.

Here are 4 rules to consider when choosing furniture for your balcony:

  1. The most important point when choosing furniture is the presence of glazing. If there is none, then the humidity level is increased, which means the furniture should be made of plastic or metal. You can also purchase folding furniture that can be put away during cloudy weather.
  2. Area dimensions. This is also an important point for choosing furniture. Considering that the area is usually small, the furniture should be as functional as possible and not clutter up the area.
  3. When selecting furniture, you need to take into account the fact that during installation it could fit into the doorway. For example, the ideal option would be to install a folding table and chairs that can return to their original position after use.
  4. If the balcony is insulated and you want to organize an additional room here, take care to keep the furniture away from sunlight, as it can quickly fade in the sun. Read about how to shade a balcony with curtains in the article:

All these points will help you take a more specific approach to choosing furniture and not make a mistake with your purchase.

Sofas made from pallets

You should choose pallets as the main material for creating furniture. These elements are finished products, which are assembled in the form of shields.

  • Boards without cracks are selected.
  • The dimensions must fit the planned space.
  • Pallets must be durable.
  • The material is chosen in light shades.
  • Corners, fasteners, handles and legs are used as additional materials.

Before work, the surface is thoroughly cleaned and sanded. Three pallets are enough for the design.

Sofa made of pallets - an original and convenient solution

A simple sofa is made as follows:

  1. The base is made from two pallets. One element is placed on top of the other and secured with screws.
  2. The third element is mounted to the rear wall of the base.
  3. The structure is treated with a special primer solution.
  4. Coating with suitable varnish is carried out.
  5. Legs are mounted at the bottom of the structure.
  6. Upon completion of the work, pillows and a mattress are placed on the base. It is recommended to make a sofa with armrests or a corner structure from 4-4 pallets.

Advice! If the pallet structure has a woody tint, then soft elements made from burlap or wicker fabric are used. When decorating a soft set in black or white, the pallets are also painted in contrasting colors.

Which sofa is suitable for a balcony

If you try to place a standard sofa bought in a store on the balcony, it will take up almost the entire space and block the passage. The design and dimensions of a homemade sofa can be adapted taking into account the layout of the balcony, and it will cost much less than a ready-made one. Not every model is suitable for this room; you should focus on solutions that, when folded, take up minimal space, and when unfolded can be used for sleeping. These are sofas of this design:

a book or a Eurobook - you can sit on such a sofa, leaning back, it can easily be transformed into a bed;

  • a chair-bed is the optimal solution for a narrow balcony; it can be placed with its back close to a short wall, and when the seat is folded forward, 1 berth is formed;
  • corner mini-sofa type couch, comfortable for children and teenagers;
  • ottoman - a sofa in which the role of the back is played by large removable pillows, so it should stand close to the wall or other vertical surface. This is the simplest model to make yourself. At the bottom of such a sofa you can place drawers or divide it into cells, making the top folding (bed-chest).

So focus on your financial capabilities and furniture making skills. Having decided on the design, you need to make a sketch and drawings. It’s easier to take ready-made ones as a basis, substituting your own dimensions and making the necessary changes.

Video idea: podium bed with storage drawers

How to make a podium bed with spacious storage drawers on your balcony in just 1 day.

A well-organized balcony space can turn into such a cozy and beautiful room that few people will remember its original purpose. However, it will take a lot of effort and time from you to make it so. Therefore, assess your capabilities in advance. If you don’t have the time or desire to do everything yourself, but your budget allows, hire professionals.


Corner on the balcony

It is not necessary to put an ordinary sofa on the balcony; you can easily fit a small corner. It’s better, of course, to choose it in a furniture store, but if you want, you can create it yourself.

By equipping the balcony with a soft corner with cozy pillows, placing books and flowers on the shelves, you will get a kind of oasis, a cozy space and a comfortable corner on the balcony, where you will always have a pleasant time. Especially corner models on the balcony are suitable for non-standard room sizes. For small balconies you can use narrow sofa corners.

Furnishing features:

  • When buying a sofa for a loggia or balcony, first of all, you need to take into account the functional purpose of the furniture and the architectural features of the design;
  • The sofa can serve not only as furniture, but also as an additional wardrobe if the balcony is also used as a pantry/storage room;
  • If the balcony is an extension of the kitchen, then cabinet furniture is quite suitable;
  • If there is panoramic glazing on the balcony, a classic-style sofa will look very nice.

Using appropriate decorative elements, laminate and wood upholstery, you can create an excellent loggia design where a special atmosphere will reign.

Video selection of self-made balcony sofa

It is very important not only to pay attention to the manufacture of a reliable structure, but also to show imagination in design - to complement the furniture with important details in accordance with the chosen style.

Video: Step-by-step instructions for making a sofa for a balcony

Video: Reupholstering a sofa and attaching pillows to the beam

Video: Making a base for a balcony sofa - step by step

A self-made balcony sofa is not only a budget-friendly and uncomplicated option for arranging a living space, but also a great opportunity to make your home unique.


How to choose

When choosing furniture for a balcony, you should consider whether your balcony has insulation and whether it is glazed. For a cold loggia, it is better to purchase metal or plastic furniture, since they are least responsive to precipitation and high air humidity. It is best to purchase furniture with a special antiseptic coating. An excellent solution would be to purchase furniture for an open balcony that can be folded and removed at any time in case of precipitation or cold weather. In cold seasons, such interior items can be brought into an apartment or house and used to furnish the living part of the room, while it is impossible to place it on the balcony.

When purchasing furniture items for a loggia, you need to take into account its size. As a rule, the balcony area is very small, on average 6 square meters. That is why it is necessary to purchase only the most necessary interior elements, characterized by functionality and compactness, for a given room. Don't forget that about half the walls are occupied by windows and doors, so choose items that won't block them. In addition, balcony furniture should not pile up the room, otherwise you simply won’t be able to turn around there.

Don't forget that the front door leading to the balcony is usually quite narrow; measure its width before purchasing furniture. It should easily fit into the balcony opening for the door. If you are planning to make such interior items yourself, remember that sooner or later you will have to take it out from the balcony. It is necessary to first carry out all its measurements so that removal does not cause inconvenience and is generally possible.

When purchasing balcony furniture, pay attention to the folding and most mobile options. A very good option is also to purchase interior items with a folding design.

Multifunctional transformable furniture is ideal for placement on a loggia.

In addition, when selecting and placing interior items on the balcony, check which side it is on. If your balcony is on the north side, it is better to purchase furniture in warm and bright colors. But if your balcony is located in the southern part, and direct sunlight is directed at it during the day, it is better to refrain from purchasing interior items in rich colors. Such furniture fades very easily in the sun. In this case, it is better to give preference to light pastel colors or perfectly white furniture.

10 photos

Criteria to consider when choosing

To begin with, I will talk about those aspects that must be taken into account when making a decision; personal preferences alone are not enough for the chair to become a full-fledged part of the interior; several conditions must be met:

Combination with the interiorThe chair must be combined with the decor of the balcony; even the most beautiful product will look alien if it does not fit into the interior. You need to decide in advance what your balcony will look like in the end, and not buy anything for it and turn it into a bunch of beautiful, but absolutely incompatible things
Optimal sizesVery often, balconies have small dimensions, which leaves a certain imprint on the choice of furniture. You should not choose a large chair for a narrow balcony, the exception is when you place it at the end, and it will not interfere with movement around the space
Features of useBy this point I mean the nature of the operation of the balcony. If it is used exclusively as a place to relax, then there are no special requirements, but if you use it for different purposes, say, sometimes you play sports or work on it, then it is better to choose mobile chairs. They should be easy to put away or fold up if necessary.
Balcony typeIf you have a closed, insulated structure, then you can choose any option. But not everything is suitable for open balconies; you will either have to constantly carry the chair in and out of the room (in this case it should be light), or choose weather-resistant options that are not afraid of precipitation and temperature changes

volume of boiler room in a private house

If you choose a chair that matches the decor, the balcony will look much more interesting

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