How to choose and secure a roller blind, design features, design of a balcony door

Roller blinds look like a solid, uncut piece of fabric attached to a shaft. The lift is controlled by a chain mechanism. The kit includes a clamp that secures the canvas at any height of the window opening. At the bottom there is a guide that pulls the material along its length, preventing it from sagging. Gained popularity. Often used in interior design for the following reasons:

  • Ease of use.
  • Do not require complex care.
  • They can be plain, with patterns, or from fabrics of different densities. Fits into any interior.
  • Durable, reliable.

Roller blinds are of the open type, when a shaft with wound fabric is visible

Another type is closed type curtains, in which the shaft with fabric is hidden inside the body

With the right selection of material, holder systems are ideal for windows and doors in your loggia. They will provide not only an aesthetic appearance, but also functionality.

Roller blinds for the balcony. Criterias of choice

In order to choose the right model for glazed balconies, first of all you need to pay attention to the design of your windows and doors.

There are three main types:

  1. Sliding systems.
  2. Aluminum windows.
  3. Let's look separately at the balcony door.

Important. When choosing curtains for a sliding system, it is necessary to take into account the features of its operation.

The components move along two parallel guides. Simply put, the principle of a wardrobe. In this case, one leaf overlaps the other. Let's assume the balcony consists of four window frames. The middle two can move apart, running over the outer ones. In this case, we can fix the product directly to the frame only for moving parts.

Curtains can only be attached to sliding sashes, the inner plane of which does not overlap when the window is opened.

In this case, there will simply be no space for fastening on the fixed parts. This option cannot be considered entirely suitable. Only half of the balcony will be protected from the sun and prying eyes. How to attach curtains along the entire length? Installation is carried out to the ceiling or wall. The optimal distance from the glass to the shaft is selected. In this case, you can close the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bbalcony windows. This variation will not interfere with the full operation of the sliding system.

It is also acceptable to place the canvas in the gap between the double-glazed windows. In this case, the control structure is brought out so as not to interfere with the operation of the windows themselves. But hygienic care becomes impossible, since the main part is simply inaccessible.

In view of all of the above, the ideal solution for such a window design would be to mount it to the ceiling.

Fastening curtains to the ceiling of the loggia will be the optimal solution for sliding window systems

Aluminum windows are more common and common. In this construction scheme, each sash is equipped with separate fittings. It regulates the positions: open, closed, ventilation. There may be “blind” parts that do not change their location. This makes it possible not to be tied to the mechanisms of the windows themselves.

Cassette roller blinds on an aluminum profile window

The components for roller blinds include fasteners with clips and tape (not ordinary, but professional double-sided construction tape). They are able to firmly secure the curtains without damaging the window frame itself. We will look at the designs and step-by-step fastening instructions in more detail in a separate section of the article.

The balcony door is a separate topic, as it has a specific design and function. Just like individual parts of aluminum windows, its position in space is adjustable. But most often it occupies an extreme position, that is, almost close to the wall.

Roller blinds of the day-night system, depending on the location of the stripes, can completely block sunlight or create diffuse lighting

You need to choose the right fabric size for roller blinds on your balcony door. So that when opening the roller does not rest. If the calculation is correct, there will be no interference with the door operation. The finish of the door slope is not damaged. Installation from the outside is acceptable. The inconvenience is that each time you have to open the balcony door to change the height of the curtain.


Not everyone can afford such blinds on the balcony because of their high cost. However, if you need a practical and at the same time beautiful decor option, give preference to pleated fabrics. The configuration and fastening systems for this type of blinds can be very diverse. Pleats will be the best decoration for balcony windows.

The model has many advantages. It can be washed. In addition, its installation is recommended in cases where the windows are non-standard, for example, trapezoidal, oval or semicircular in shape. Pleats are used not only on balconies, but also in attics, and also when the window is on the ceiling.

Blinds have a wide selection of control systems. They are made from various types of fabrics.

Pleats are divided into several varieties. The classic model is designed for standard windows.

There are also arched and corrugated blinds. The most practical is the day-night model, which combines 2 types of fabric - transparent and dense.

Such curtains make it possible to choose the necessary lighting option. With the help of blinds, your window can be completely open or closed.

The model allows you to create twilight.

Examples of using

The variety of materials, designs, and mounting methods makes it possible to use roller blinds in any combination and setting. It doesn’t matter which room your loggia or balcony opens from. The number of colors and textures will allow you to fit in and be a continuation of the interior. They will create comfort and coziness.

Curtains with vertical stripes will visually raise the ceiling on the balcony

With plain walls, you can play with contrast. Black - white, white - red, gray - beige and so on. The curtains will stand out with colorful spots, focusing attention on themselves.

Shades of the same color. They look like a continuation of each other, without sharp transitions. For lovers of a calm, peaceful atmosphere.

The density of the fabric is selected based on the desired level of illumination of the balcony and the adjacent room

On the sunny side, thicker fabrics are used

With drawings on any topic. If the loggia comes out of the nursery - scenes from cartoons. From the adult bedroom - your photographs (material suitable for photo printing). The flight of fancy is unlimited. This move will be the highlight of the whole situation.

Curtains with bright patterns diversify the interior and create an attractive atmosphere

Textured. Fresh, not hackneyed. It is advisable to match the wall decoration. Get as close as possible to the pattern on the wallpaper, or shade it (Stripes on the walls, circles on the curtains).

An alternative to roller products can be sliding vertical curtains mounted on the ceiling cornice

When giving preference to a specific model, consider the practical side. After all, the main role of balcony curtains is to protect from the sun and protect privacy. You should have a panoramic view from your balcony, not passers-by.

Choosing the color scheme of curtains for the living room

When choosing tulle, be sure to adhere to the color scheme of the room itself. Curtains should match, for example, the upholstery of the sofa or the color of the walls. If the owner of the apartment is a fairly active person, then the color scheme of the room should be in bright colors, but if it belongs to the calm category, then you should opt for light and calm colors.

When choosing the color of curtains, it is also worth considering that dark colors will make the room visually smaller, so such curtains are used in large rooms, but light shades, on the contrary, visually increase the area.

Photo: roller blinds on the balcony


CurtainsHow to install roller blinds on a plastic window


CurtainsHow to attach a ceiling curtain: assembly and installation


Perhaps our selection of ideas for decorating a balcony door will encourage you to make changes in your home?

When choosing fabric for curtains, take into account all the requirements that apply to them. Since these products are constantly used, they must be durable, not easily soiled, and easy to wash. The mechanisms that attach them to the structure can be easily removed.

In that case, watch and dare!

Choose a fastener so that the curtains slide as freely as possible and the fabric does not create creases. Curtains with grommets are considered a practical option, while curtains with a hidden cornice are more aesthetically pleasing.

An idea for minimalists who want to let as much light into the room as possible. If you live on a high floor and enjoy the view, you can leave the window with the balcony door empty. The reception will not be suitable for supporters of cozy country and Provence styles; it will look out of place in an expensive classic setting, but it will fit perfectly into the Scandinavian style.


Among the most popular raw materials for the manufacture of curtains for residential premises, it is worth highlighting natural and synthetic materials, each of which is in deserved demand. Most often you can find curtains made from the following fabrics on sale.


A category of natural products that will require a special approach to care during use. The advantage of the material is its visual appeal and resistance to fading from ultraviolet radiation. However, linen curtains will wrinkle very quickly, and the material may shrink when washed.


This type differs from the previous one in being less resistant to sunlight, however, cotton products have a more affordable price, are easy to care for, and also have minimal weight, so the curtains will not lose their visual appeal and will not sag from their own weight.


Natural raw materials that are not resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation and therefore need protection. That is why such products usually contain a lining, which eliminates the need to use additional lightweight curtains with them.


A material based on natural raw materials, tactile sensations reminiscent of silk, but with a more affordable price. Viscose withstands active use, as well as constant contact with ultraviolet radiation.


Synthetic material, notable for its long service life, does not fade in the sun; curtains made from such raw materials will be affordable.


Raw materials that can completely block the entry of sunlight into the room. The material is resistant to fading and is also quite durable. Curtains of this type have several layers, which determine their characteristics.


An expensive material, which is still quite often used for sewing curtains. The products are notable for their attractiveness and small thickness. However, silk curtains will require careful care.


An affordable option, curtains made from such raw materials will be light and smooth. The material hardly gets dirty or wrinkles, retains its shape well, but its resistance to ultraviolet radiation will be minimal.


Heavy raw material with pile, which is most often used in living rooms with a classic interior, since velvet curtains have a solemn appearance.


A soft material that is in demand due to its beautiful iridescence on the folds. Curtains made from such raw materials can be smooth or embossed.


A popular natural material that resembles silk in most characteristics. Curtains made from such raw materials look good and retain their attractiveness for a long time.

How to hang

Curtains on the loggia can be hung in different ways, without a cornice and drilling:

  • String pendant. The kit includes steel wire, mounting angles with holes, spring plates and boxes. It is easy to hang on this design.
  • Hooks. You can attach plastic hooks to the sides of each window where you plan to hang curtains. Make loops at the ends of the curtain and place them on the hooks. This is perfect if the fabric will be stretched, if you plan to make folds, then you need to use several hooks.
  • Glue. Roller blinds can be glued to the window frame on the balcony. It is recommended to use construction adhesive for this.
  • Velcro. Velcro must be attached to the material, and the second one must be glued to the window frame. Then connect them. The disadvantage of this method is that the curtains cannot be moved.

If the loggia has a large area, then you can hang a cornice, and then curtains on it.

How to do it yourself?

Sometimes making curtains with your own hands is the only right solution if the loggia has non-standard windows or an original interior.
The easiest to sew at home are Roman blinds. They will need:

  • thick fabric;
  • wooden slats for folds;
  • metal rings;
  • strip for the bottom of the curtains;
  • cord (like two lengths and one width of future curtains);
  • Velcro across the width of the product.

The cut of fabric for Roman blinds should be equal to the area of ​​the windows plus 2 cm at each edge for seams. First you need to cut it out and sew pockets for the slats. Then use chalk or pins to mark the places of the folds and sew the edges. After this, you need to sew on one part of the Velcro, bend the bottom edge and stitch it with a double stitch.

Once the fabric base is prepared, the weight bar and slats can be inserted. Rings are threaded along the upper edge through which the cord is pulled. It turns out to be a real Roman blind that can be attached to the window sashes.

What types of cornices are there?

A well-chosen cornice can significantly transform the interior, giving it completeness and integrity. This also applies to balconies and loggias, especially if this room has been well renovated.

You need to start your search for this interior element by finding out the appropriate variety. There are not many variations in total, and not all of them are suitable for a balcony - many nuances should be taken into account. Namely:

Of course, if your balcony or loggia is converted into a living space or even attached to a room or kitchen, you can choose any material to suit your taste. But in the case of an unheated space, you should make sure that the cornice will withstand the harsh conditions of the balcony.

Rod cornices

They are an ordinary barbell suspended on cornices. They have a fairly universal appearance; you can choose several different shades and interesting accessories for this design to suit your interior style.

Rod curtain rods are light in weight and are quite easy to mount on your own on the wall and ceiling. Another plus is that they can withstand almost weightless tulle and heavy curtains. But in combination with some fabrics, the rod looks out of place and bulky, so you should take this into account when choosing curtains.

Telescopic curtain rods

Telescopic curtain rods look exactly the same as rod curtain rods. Their main difference lies in the design - the telescopic rod can be extended and moved along its length. Thus, this type of cornice is universal in terms of room size.

A telescopic curtain rod is an excellent option for those who have not yet decided on where to place the curtains or want to use the same rods on the window and in the opening.

String cornices

The design of this type of cornices is completely different from the previous two. One or more thin but strong metal strings are stretched between two brackets.

This option is suitable for placement in minimalist interiors, as well as in cases where you do not want to overload the window with massive decor. With such a cornice, an interesting visual effect is created in the room - the curtain seems to float in the air without support. That is why string curtains are the best option for use on small balconies and loggias.

Another advantage of string cornices is that they are inexpensive and can be installed quite quickly. However, in this case there are restrictions on the weight of the curtains.

Profile cornices

Profile cornices, unlike other types, are attached not to the wall above the window, but to the ceiling. The design is based on a metal profile with carriages or rollers attached to it. Moving from side to side, these elements move the curtain suspended on them.

Thanks to this method of fastening, profile cornices are often used not only near windows, but also for zoning rooms with curtains. For a balcony, this option is attractive due to its simple design and ease of installation.

Baguette cornices

A baguette, in simple words, is a carved decorative strip. In this way, picture frames are decorated, window or door openings, and walls are decorated. Another beautiful way to decorate a room with baguette is to use this element on the cornice.

Of course, the main advantage of such cornices is their appearance. The style and motifs of the pattern on the baguette can be completely different, but they always indicate the luxury of the interior. Curtains made of thick fabrics look most successful with massive baguette cornices.

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