How to remove and wash Roman blinds at home: care recommendations

Roman blinds are a very modern and practical piece of furniture. Since they differ from ordinary curtains, they require special care. Find out from our article with useful tips, photos and videos about all the nuances of properly cleaning such fabric. Knowing some of the subtleties of the process will help not spoil the material and ensure its long service life. And at the end we will share secrets on how to keep canvases beautiful for a long time.

What are Roman blinds

Such curtains cover the window with a continuous sheet and are slightly reminiscent of blinds in appearance. They strictly correspond to the size of the window itself and are divided horizontally into equal parts. Each part is equipped with a solid partition, thanks to which they rise in the same way as blinds. Each housewife chooses the fabric for sewing curtains of this type according to her own taste. To do this, you can use either light and airy fabric or thick lined curtains.

To decorate such curtains, you can attach bows or tassels to the bottom, or sew on various ruffles and frills. This allows owners and designers to use their imagination to the fullest. But when choosing a color, you should pay attention to the general style of the room and color scheme. The fabric should not differ much in color from the main decor idea. Roman curtains are perfect for both the bedroom and the kitchen.

Free mount

If it is not possible to install a full-fledged cornice or plank, you can use other methods:

  1. Hang curtains on loops or hooks.
  2. Use a homemade cornice and secure the fabric to it with a stapler.
  3. Make a “pocket” on the curtain - hem the top edge so that a hole is formed for the holder. Then insert the holder into the curtain and place it on the wall;
  4. Another way to hang curtains is to attach them to a kitchen rail. To do this, you need to make loops on the fabric.

Aesthetically, free fastening is inferior to other types of fastening, but this option is the most common when fastening homemade Roman curtains or custom-made ones.

Types of curtain rod fastenings for Roman blinds

Roman curtain rods can be secured in different ways. This will depend on what result you want to achieve. If you need a free window sill, it is best to attach the crossbar to the window itself for any purpose. This will allow the canvases to hang tightly pressed against the glass, thereby freeing up the window sill.

There are also situations when, on the contrary, it is desirable to close the window sill for some reason. These could be window defects or a designer’s stylistic idea. Then it would be best to mount the structure on a wall or even a ceiling. An interesting design solution is to attach the crossbar to the window opening. Thus, you can use several types of curtains at the same time.

Tips from experienced housewives

Once upon a time, Roman curtains were a novelty in our interiors; few knew how to properly care for them, and many housewives wore out their expensive curtains prematurely due to excessive efforts. Don't repeat other people's mistakes!

Vacuum your fabrics regularly. Dry cleaning is always preferable for all types of natural and artificial materials. Washing is only permissible when other methods no longer work.

Secrets to help extend the life of Roman blinds:

  • Even a small draft can blow away dust from the surface of the curtains, so basic ventilation of the premises can replace a vacuum cleaner.
  • To remove dust with a broom or brush, you do not need to disassemble the entire structure. Clean without removing it from the curtain rod.
  • If the cleaning is dry, then there should not be any, even slightly damp, rags.
  • Homemade detergents made from laundry soap are prohibited. They effectively remove grease and dirt, but they cannot be completely washed off and a plaque will form that is susceptible to fading under the sun's rays.
  • Curtains with an embroidered or printed pattern are under special control. You need to iron them so as not to stretch them. It is preferable to iron from the front side - wet and using gauze.

How often can I wash it? Traditionally, modern housewives carry out general cleaning before Easter and in the fall, when it is already getting cold and the windows are closing; these two times a year are quite enough.

How to choose the right cornice

  1. First of all, when choosing, take into account the size of the window on which the crossbar will be attached. It is not recommended to choose a structure larger than two and a half meters. With such a large size there is a risk of breaking the lifting mechanism.
  2. The material from which the cornice is made must be durable and strong.
  3. It is extremely important to consider the shape of the window when choosing a crossbar.
  4. The height of curtains should not be more than 4.5 meters.
  5. Correctly calculate the mass of future curtains for the correct selection of the mechanism.
  6. The appearance of the cornice should fit into the overall style of the room and match the chosen canvas.

Machine washable

The fabric of Roman blinds can be machine washed if a number of conditions are met:

  • the material freed from the slats must be placed in a special bag for washing (however, you can safely use any non-fading pillowcase);
  • make sure that the drum is less than half full: if you want to wash curtains from several windows, do it in several stages;
  • use products suitable for washing delicate items; before washing, make sure that the powder or gel is pH neutral;
  • choose a gentle (“manual”) washing mode with several rinses at minimum speed - all chemicals should be “washed” out of the material;
  • do not wring out the curtain - it should drain on its own.

Installation of cornice. Step-by-step instruction

As a rule, installation instructions come with the curtains.

Well, if there is none, you can cope without it, the main thing is to know where to start:

  1. The first stage of installation will be correct marking. It is necessary to measure and mark the places where the cornice mounts will be located.
  2. You need to make holes in the wall for fastenings. You can use a drill for this. Use self-tapping screws to secure the brackets to the wall or ceiling.
  3. There is a special tape on the structure to which you need to attach the sticky side of the Roman blind. It is very important to press the strips firmly against each other.
  4. Then you should test the curtain in operation to see if the curtain is rising correctly. Make sure that it rises smoothly and without wrinkles.
  5. If the cornice is attached to the window frame, you can use special adhesive tape. This allows you to attach it without drilling holes in the window frame.
  6. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the fabric does not interfere with the frame opening freely if necessary.
  7. Roman blinds with automatic control are mounted only on the wall, because they have a large mass and the window frame may not support it.

Dry cleaning

For 100% natural materials (bamboo, rope, eucalyptus, paper, etc.) wet cleaning is completely unsuitable. They are treated exclusively with dry exposure. To do this you need:

  1. Do not remove the curtains from the curtain rods. This way the processing will be carried out from all sides.
  2. Wrap the opening of the vacuum cleaner pipe with fleece or fleece and carefully walk over the entire surface of the curtain, ridding it of dust. Be sure to adjust the suction power, otherwise the curtain may become deformed and stretch unevenly.
  3. In the folds of the fabric, use a soft synthetic brush and a sponge, which can be slightly moistened with water. In all cases, there is no need to put too much pressure on the material. Act carefully and consistently, gradually processing each area.
  4. A good preventative against dust settling is regular ventilation of Roman canvases. Their composition allows you to get rid of small particles of dirt and unpleasant odors on your own.
  5. In some cases, the use of a steam generator is acceptable, but this must be indicated on the tag.

Important: stains from curtains made of natural material can only be removed by dry cleaning.

Double curtain rod for Roman blinds

A double cornice allows you to simultaneously use two canvases, usually of different colors. This makes it possible for the owners to darken or brighten the room at the moment. The principle of operation of such a cornice is no different from the operation of a conventional cornice. But the whole point is that you can control two canvases independently of each other, thereby playing with light. Also, such a design will be an excellent design solution, because the number of options for placing curtains is simply unlimited.


Regardless of the chosen washing option, hand or machine, the Roman blind cannot be wrung out. In the washing unit, excess water will drain out of the linen thanks to the holes in the drum. When washing by hand, after rinsing, it is advisable to place the product on an inclined surface in the bath so that the water can drain freely from the fabric.

The Roman shade should then be laid out on the floor on a clean sheet to dry in a horizontal position. If the product is immediately hung in place or hung on a rope, there is a risk of deformation of the canvas. The exception is thin synthetic fabrics like organza; they can be dried in a vertical position.

When drying, the curtain should not be exposed to direct sunlight, which will cause the colors on the fabric to fade. Also, you cannot dry the material using a fan heater, hair dryer or other household appliances - this spoils the fibers of the material.

If you fasten the slightly damp but almost dry canvas back to the cornice, replacing the strips, this will help you avoid ironing the product.

Accessories for curtain rods for Roman blinds

The range of accessories for Roman blinds is huge. You can find absolutely everything:

  1. Chains. They can be made from different materials and using different decorations. It all depends on the wishes of the customer.
  2. Chain weights can be the highlight that brightens up the entire window.

The cornice is usually sold with all the components included in the set. But you can buy everything you need separately in the store.

Accessories for cornice:

  1. Mechanism for lifting the canvas.
  2. Fastenings for the crossbar.
  3. Curtain rings.
  4. Rods for canvas.
  5. Weight or weight
  6. Velcro tape.
  7. Droplet.
  8. Bottom plumb.
  9. Chain connectors.
  10. Profile.
  11. Bobbin.
  12. Chain.

Material of manufacture

So, we found out that Roman blinds can be washed. Currently, the following materials are used for the fabrics of such curtains:

  • Satin.
  • Tulle.
  • Linen.
  • Combined fabrics.
  • Silk.
  • Bamboo.

Fabric Roman blinds are washable. It’s worth noting right away that this process can take a lot of time and effort. As for curtains made from bamboo, they cannot be washed. Cleaning of the canvases here should be done exclusively in a dry way.

How to wash Roman blinds? First of all, you need to determine what they are made of. Canvases made from natural fibers quickly deteriorate from contact with moisture. For this reason, they are cleaned using a vacuum cleaner or a dry sponge. Fabric Roman blinds can be cleaned with damp gauze, and if heavily soiled, machine washed using standard powders.

Natural fabric

This group includes materials with special properties: bamboo, thick paper, eucalyptus, burlap (jute). Paper products are destroyed when in contact with water. Products made from other materials are better able to withstand exposure to liquids, but in this case the risk of changing the shape of the fabric increases. For this reason, it is better to use the dry cleaning method.

Possible dust removal options:

  • processing in the fresh air (for this you need to remove the canvas);
  • removing dust from curtains with a vacuum cleaner;

You can also wipe off dirt from the surface with a dry cloth, but there is a risk of streaks.


The maximum water temperature during washing is +50°C.

Recommendations for caring for this type of product:

  • use manual and automatic washing methods (in the second case, the delicate mode is set);
  • squeeze out the material with minimal effort;
  • dry linen curtains in a vertical position;
  • iron the product when the fabric is still slightly sensitive (this will avoid the appearance of kinks in the material);
  • use oxygen-based products if you need to restore the whiteness of the fabric.

Cost of curtain rods for Roman blinds

Of course, the price of the structure will depend on several factors. Firstly, the size of the crossbar directly affects the cost, because the price is usually indicated per linear meter. Secondly, the cost of the cornice will depend on the material from which it is made. Thirdly, the price will vary depending on the lifting mechanism.

The price can range from 500 rubles to three thousand rubles per linear meter. The most expensive will be holders with an automatic mechanism. They have a number of advantages over others, but can cost about 25 thousand rubles.

With all the variety of window curtains, Roman blinds will always look perfect on any window and in any apartment.


Why is it better to remove the slats?

Is it possible to wash Roman shades without removing the guide rods?

Pros: saving time, no need to spend it on pulling out and inserting slats back.


  • Automatic washing is not possible. You will need a large manual container so that the canvas fits into it without damaging the guides.
  • Even gentle hand washing can damage the fabric.
  • The guide bars can be made not only of plastic, which is not affected by water, but also of metal or wood. And they are susceptible to deformation when in contact with moisture. Moreover, metal ones may begin to rust, and yellow spots will appear on the canvas.

Laconicism in the interior: how Roman blinds are attached

Roman blinds will harmoniously fit into the interior of any style. Roman blinds, due to their ergonomics, functionality and decorativeness, are extremely popular. They can be easily combined with any type of window drapery. Roman blinds will harmoniously fit into the interior of the living room, bedroom or kitchen. The advantages of Roman blinds include ease of assembly and dismantling. This type of drapery can be installed both from the outside and from the inside of the window opening.

Preparing for washing

First, remove the curtains from the cornices.

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Step-by-step dismantling of the RS:

  1. Raise the curtain with the control cord up.
  2. Release the ends of the lifting cords from the weight bar.
  3. We remove the canvas: - open the Velcro if the fastening is on Velcro tape; - remove from the pipe if the mount is on a round cornice.
  4. We remove the cords (solid horizontal slats) from the drawstrings on the unstitched side.
  5. We remove the weighting agent that regulates the lifting of the canvas.

The curtain is now ready for washing.

Carefully read the information label on the product or instructions. In addition to the type of fabric, the manufacturer indicates:

  • washing mode;
  • temperature;
  • permissibility of ironing;
  • care products.

Before you start washing the curtain, let's check if there are any stains on the curtain. We remove the detected stain with a non-aggressive chlorine-free stain remover, having previously tested it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric.

For cleaning, choose a liquid detergent with a neutral pH. It will prevent the protective coating of the fabric from destruction, and the material itself will not fade.

Fastenings for Roman blinds: what are they?

The mechanism of Roman blinds consists of:

  • End element;
  • Aluminum profile;
  • Lifting mechanism;
  • Ribbons with hooks;
  • Plumb line with plugs;
  • Pulling element;
  • Tapes;
  • Bolts for fastening;
  • Threads;
  • Tip.

Attaching a Roman blind using a special curtain rod is the easiest option. In addition, this type of fastening is considered the most ergonomic. For example, if you are planning to install Roman blinds in a small room, you can use a mini curtain rod. It does not take up much space and is very convenient to use.

Diagram of a cornice for Roman blinds

There is also a classic curtain rod for a Roman blind. Its dimensions are 1500x1800 mm. If you plan to attach curtains to sloping windows, you can purchase a special curtain rod with cord control.

Alternative mounting methods

In addition to a special cornice, you can secure the curtains using:

  1. Velcro. With its help, the curtain is attached and removed in a matter of minutes.
  2. Furniture stapler. Using this tool you can easily attach the curtain to the curtain rod. However, this method is not recommended as the stapler may damage the fabric or window.
  3. Loop. If you prefer this method, then you will have to make loops on the curtain and attach it to the railing.
  4. Thin tubular cornices. This method is advisable to use if you want to hang Roman blinds on a high window.

Secrets for preserving the texture of canvases

To ensure that interior products last a long time, it is recommended:

  • Purchase high quality materials. They are resistant to deformation and fading.
  • Avoid exposure to heating devices, both during drying and during operation.
  • Wash curtains as rarely as possible.
  • When washing windows, lift the canvas and wrap it in several layers of fabric so that the detergent does not damage the fibers.
  • Ventilate regularly (1-2 times a week). This way you will prevent the retention of foreign odors and the settling of dust.
  • Vacuum curtains 2-3 times a month.
  • Dry velvet curtains exclusively on a horizontal surface.
  • Avoid using traditional mixtures to get rid of stains. When it comes to curtains, they can be harmful.
  • Do not exceed the recommended temperature for ironing and washing.
  • Iron curtains with embroidery from the front side, covering the image and the canvas with a damp cloth

Tip: for an additional fee, dry cleaners can impregnate the curtain with special compounds that will repel dust and keep the fabric fresh for a longer period.

Care for Roman blinds correctly and they will last you a long time, providing comfort and highlighting the beauty of your rooms.

How to hang a Roman blind: step-by-step instructions

Before you begin installing a Roman blind, you need to decide how you will hang it. There are 2 methods of attaching curtains to a window: external and internal.

Stiffening ribs made of fiberglass elements give the structure stability, which allows the curtain not to sag under its own weight

External installation involves installing curtains outside the window opening. This method is suitable if your window opening is strong enough.

The external installation algorithm is as follows:

  1. To begin, carefully lay the drapery against the window in the location where you want to hang it.
  2. After this, mark this place on the wall with a pencil. Remember that the edge of the window and the bracket must be flush.
  3. Using bolts, secure the brackets to the marked location.
  4. Then carefully pull the curtains so that the brackets are tightly secured.

Rules for hand and machine washing

You can use a washing machine, but do not forget that even the most gentle mode is inferior to hand washing. If you are sure that nothing will happen to your curtains, choose the appropriate mode for the type of your fabric - without spinning and with a temperature no higher than 30-40 °C, additional rinsing is welcome.

If you wash by hand, be prepared for it to be a long process. Don't forget to prepare a powder with a neutral PH and, if necessary, a natural-based stain remover.

How to wash Roman blinds step by step:

  • Before washing, the items should be soaked for about one hour in warm water, to which a little washing powder should be added. Prohibited are bleaches, too hot water and the desire to rub certain areas of the fabric.
  • Next, follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer - look at the labels on the items.
  • If there is an automatic wash icon, do not hesitate, but be sure to use the delicate cycle. In this case, you can skip soaking.
  • After soaking, change the water to fresh water. You can clean the curtains with soft brushes, but do not allow sudden movements: do everything smoothly, without pressure.
  • Rinse the cloths until there is not the slightest soap stain left.
  • Hang it first in the bathroom to drain, but further drying should be done in a well-ventilated place. Do not dry near fire or heating devices!

Features of washing Roman blinds:

  • Fabrics that are susceptible to shrinkage should only be washed by hand.
  • Do not hang heavy fabrics vertically - dry horizontally, placing a well-absorbent fabric (for example, a terry towel or sheet).
  • Use store-bought stain removers with caution. In difficult cases, it is better to use the services of professionals.
  • Use synthetic detergents. Kitchen curtains can be washed using dishwashing gels to remove stubborn grease.

To prevent the shape of the curtains from being damaged, it is important to assemble them in time and return all the liners to their places. There is no need to twist the canvas. Once the water has drained, many lightweight types that do not need to be ironed can be hung while damp.

How to remove a Roman blind: dismantle it correctly

In order to remove a Roman blind you will need a shaped screwdriver or a knife.

Dismantling must be done in the following order:

  1. First, use a cord to pull the curtains up.
  2. After this, you need to remove the fishing line from the lower edge of the window opening.
  3. Then you need to carefully remove the Roman blind guides.
  4. Next, remove the bar responsible for rotating the curtain.
  5. Then you need to remove the latch.
  6. Then, using a screwdriver or knife, loosen the hook and remove the Roman blind.

Layout of slats and rings on a Roman blind
If you attached the curtain using tubular curtain rods, then you need to untie its ribbons. If you secured the curtains with a stapler or Velcro, you just need to remove the staples or adhesive, respectively.

Design and mechanism: how to assemble a Roman blind

Assembling a Roman blind with your own hands is quite simple using a simple cord device. To do this, you will need rings (three pieces for each of the folds), which will be used for the cord system, Velcro, 4 fastening ears. You also need to take 3 cords, the length of which should be at least 2 times greater than the size of the curtain.

In order to assemble the device, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. First you need to sew on the rings. It is recommended to attach them to the inside of the fabric, behind which there are fixing strips.
  2. Divide the Velcro into 2 equal parts. The first (hard part) must be attached to a block, which must first be sheathed with fabric, and the second must be stitched from the wrong side along the upper edge of the drapery fabric.
  3. Then you need to attach the curtain to the curtain rod.
  4. After this, attach the ears to the cornice. Three of them should be attached to each row of rings, and one should be attached to the edge of the curtain where the cord will be placed.
  5. Next, you need to thread each cord through the holes. It is recommended to attach the cord by tying a knot on each of the rings. After the cords are tightly secured, they need to be gathered together and pulled through the ears.
  6. Secure the cornice together with the canvas above (on) the window opening. Place a bracket or metal loop on the side.
  7. If you are not using a block, attach the stiff side of the curtain to the window. In this case, you can use rings that must first be sewn to Velcro.

Procedure at home

There are differences between the procedures for cleaning curtains from dust and other contaminants, but there are general rules for caring for such products.

Among them are the following:

  1. Before washing, the product is cleaned of dust and shaken off several times.
  2. If there are greasy stains, the material is pre-soaked in water with dishwashing detergent.
  3. Use gel even if there are no restrictions on the use of detergents.
  4. They use oxygen analogues (chlorine-containing bleaches have many more disadvantages).
  5. Pre-soak the curtains in water with washing powder or bleach for 20-30 minutes (this will remove dirt faster).

There is an automatic machine in the machine

After preparing the product (shaking, bleaching, soaking), the curtains are immersed in the drum, having previously been folded, otherwise creases will appear on the material during the washing process. A special bag is used to protect the fabric. Moreover, you should not fill the drum completely; it is better to run the machine twice: this way the material will not wrinkle intensively. Bleach is added to a special compartment, but chlorine-containing products are not used for machine washing.

It is not recommended to wash curtains together with other things, otherwise there will be snags on the fabric and the color will change. In addition, before starting the washing machine, it is recommended to turn off the spin function. You should also not use the “drying” mode, as this will lead to the appearance of kinks, which will then be difficult to remove.



  1. Soak the curtain in the liquid solution for 20 minutes.
  2. The water is poured out of the container and refilled, this time using detergent, but for washing. At the same time, harsh and abrasive products (scrapers, brushes, etc.) are not used, since they damage the structure of the fibers. It is acceptable to use a soft sponge to clean dense material.
  3. During the rinsing stage, change the water several times to avoid streaks on the fabric.

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