window decoration in a wooden house
Window decoration in a wooden house: features, choice of materials, installation stages, photos
The choice of window systems is a fundamental decision when building a house. Window finishing is especially important in
Beautiful glass decor in the interior - 70 photos of original design!
Thanks to glass decoration, you can create real masterpieces in your home that will attract a lot of people.
Double curtains are examples of the perfect combination and design in the interior. 125 design photos
Double curtains are becoming more and more popular and in demand. This is due to the unique design that allows
Option for decorating openings in the facade with brick
How to frame windows on the facade of a house with facing bricks + photo of masonry
Brick is one of the most common materials, widely used in construction. It is used in the construction
At what distance from the window should I hang a ceiling cornice?
Which cornice is better: ceiling or wall The main advantage of a ceiling cornice is the possibility of using
Installation of ceiling cornice - 5 options for carrying out work
How the cornice works Before you begin installing the cornice, you need to familiarize yourself with its structure.
Advantages of a revolving door
Roto-mechanism for doors: cost, comparison of popular models
The rotary door is an innovative system that will help decorate any interior and make it more functional.
How to understand where east is in an apartment without a compass. How to determine the cardinal directions in an apartment
How to understand where east is in an apartment without a compass. How to determine the cardinal directions in an apartment
As you probably already know, Feng Shui is the science of proper organization of space... Here
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How to install corners for slopes of plastic windows?
After installing the glass unit along the edges, it is necessary to install corners for slopes. This element allows you to give
Arched blinds
Review of vertical and horizontal blinds for arched windows
To diversify the interior of a room and let in more light, many designers resort to the idea of ​​non-standard window
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