Ventilation of premises: how to do it correctly, existing standards

A healthy microclimate is one of the most important conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of children attending kindergartens. To prevent the development of diseases, SanPiN standards have been developed, which are mandatory for preschool institutions throughout the Russian Federation. Special attention in SanPiN is paid to such a procedure as ventilation in preschool educational institutions .

Regular ventilation allows you to maintain humidity and temperature within normal limits, and also prevents the formation of excessively high concentrations of carbon dioxide. If the room is not ventilated, then due to the large number of people constantly present in it, the CO2 concentration quickly increases. Children are especially sensitive to changes in air composition, and kindergarten students may show signs of illness such as headache, fatigue, nausea, drowsiness, and lethargy.

Regular ventilation of the group in a preschool educational institution solves these problems. Normal air circulation ensures a proper flow of oxygen and reduces the concentration of harmful substances, and also allows you to get rid of unpleasant odors, normalize humidity levels and reduce the likelihood of the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. Ventilation in preschool educational institutions is of particular importance , since the influx of fresh air reduces the activity of viruses and, thereby, reduces the risk of illness. Finally, thorough ventilation improves children's sleep, increases their activity, normalizes the functioning of all organs and systems, saturates tissue cells with oxygen and promotes healthy metabolism.

Why is it important to ventilate?

The inhaled air has a direct effect on the heart, brain and other internal organs. Fresh air in your home prevents the further spread of germs and allergens. Microbes and allergens pose particular danger:

  • Forms.
  • Dust mites.
  • Dust.
  • Other harmful substances.

To achieve a positive effect, you need to learn how to properly ventilate your apartment. In addition, it is necessary to organize preventive cleaning of ventilation ducts and hoods. More than 20% of harmful substances will be eliminated. People exposed to such pollutants may suffer from migraines or other periodic pain.

Scientists have found that after ventilation, the child falls asleep 2-3 times faster.

The carbon dioxide content in the environment is significantly reduced. Lack of oxygen exhausts the internal organs, forcing them to work at maximum speed, causing loss of energy and a feeling of nausea.

Ammonia, methane and aldehydes can cause a variety of breathing problems. Ventilation has a positive effect on the indoor microclimate:

  • Significant air movement in the room.
  • Elimination of unpleasant odors.
  • Renewal and supply of new oxygen.
  • Avoiding carbon emissions.
  • Minimizes the growth of mold and wall fungi.

Requirements for ventilation equipment

Let's assume that all standards and parameters meet the required ones. But at the same time, a huge air conditioning unit hangs above your bed, and to clean the system you need to call a whole team with equipment that barely fits into the apartment.

Agree, in this situation you will think a hundred times whether clean air is so important or whether you can get by with vents.

The window is the most popular method of natural ventilation of rooms. However, not all rooms have them, and they are not relevant in all weather conditions. For the cold season, in some cases, a heated supply duct ventilation system is more suitable

Some residents of apartment buildings often complain about a massive ventilation system passing through the entire room and, of course, this is wrong and must be corrected if technically possible.

Therefore, there are also architectural, external, and operational requirements.

For example:

  1. Thus, in some cases it is strictly forbidden to install air conditioning units on the façade.
  2. Equipment should not take up too much space, everything should be linked to a minimum.
  3. Low system inertia.
  4. Installation and assembly are as simplified as possible.
  5. Operation - devices must ensure ease of operation and the most infrequent maintenance with repair and replacement of equipment.
  6. For fire safety, it is necessary to provide additional protection in the form of fireproof valves.
  7. Additional protection is installed to protect against vibration and noise.
  8. Mutual installation of 2 air conditioners so that in case of failure of 1, the second one can provide at least 50% of air exchange.
  9. In addition, ventilation and air conditioning systems must correspond to the economic capabilities of both the equipment itself and the costs of their maintenance/operation.

The ventilation system can be natural, forced or mixed. If natural air exchange does not provide the proper standards, it is developed with mechanical motivation.

Supply system is a design or type of ventilation air exchange, due to which there is an influx of fresh air. Exhaust system - a structure through which exhaust air exits

Thanks to accurate calculations, you can already find out at the design stage what kind of scheme you need for a particular room. In addition, this is regulated by separate regulations.

The choice of ventilation and air conditioning scheme depends on:

  • type and purpose of the building/premises;
  • number of floors in the building;
  • the possibility of releasing harmful substances;
  • fire hazard.

The frequency of air exchange is established by SP and VSN, and it is also determined by calculations.

Most often, for most types of buildings, natural ventilation without the use of mechanical impulse satisfies all regulatory requirements.

However, if it fails, there is no way to install ventilation, or the coldest five-day period in the region gives frosts below −40 degrees, artificial methods are envisaged.

The ventilation system is usually designed before the construction of the building, taking into account its purpose. However, if the building has a universal use, such as rent for different offices, retail space, you have to adapt the system to a specific case

In fact, ventilation is necessary to ensure a comfortable microclimate. What can we say about buildings where people who need clean air live and work.

The following types of buildings are documented based on the quality of air exchange:

  • residential and dormitories with premises for various purposes;
  • administrative, research;
  • educational, including school, preschool, residential boarding schools;
  • medical direction;
  • consumer services;
  • retail;
  • various cultural and entertainment venues - circus, cinema, theater, club.

Each has its own regulatory tables with a detailed indication of what air exchange should be ensured by high-quality ventilation.

But first, let's look at the regulations.

How should this be done?

The rules for ventilation of premises of a preschool institution are regulated by SanPiN In accordance with the instructions of this regulatory document, a ventilation plan must be drawn up and approved, which can be familiarized with by the parents of children attending the group.

Duration of the procedure

The duration of ventilation depends on the outside temperature, wind speed and direction and the power of the heating system. It is recommended to ventilate the room every hour and a half using natural air movement.

The duration of aeration should be at least 10 minutes. In the warm season, constant access of air to the group is allowed, provided there is no draft.

Is it possible to ventilate through the toilets of the kindergarten?

Cross ventilation through toilet rooms is not allowed. When ventilating the sanitary unit, the door leading to the group must be closed.

Parents who send their child to kindergarten for the first time usually have a lot of questions. Let's try to figure out the rules and regulations of child care institutions together. From our articles you will learn about how meals and the morning filter are organized, how many children should be in a group, and also what is the permissible air temperature in the room and during a walk.

Stuffy indoors: short-term and long-term consequences

However, few people remember that due to a sedentary lifestyle (which is already harmful in itself), most of the time we breathe “waste” air, saturated with carbon dioxide and other respiration products. A simple example: If a room is not ventilated all day, then in the evening the level of CO2 in it is 20 times higher than normal. Obviously, a full night's rest in such a situation is impossible, and exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike will only bring harm, not benefit.

What happens in the body when you breathe combustion air for a long time? In case of an overdose of carbon dioxide in the blood, CO2 begins to replace oxygen in the red blood cells. The breathing rate increases. O2 deficiency reduces the rate of oxidative processes, and toxins begin to accumulate in the blood at an accelerated rate.

Such experiments on oneself lead to a natural result - decreased productivity, headaches, lethargy, lethargy and mental depression.

In the long term, prolonged stay in a closed, poorly ventilated area is a direct path to chronic diseases.

Four reasons to ventilate more often

  • The first and most obvious reason is the need for O2. When we open the windows, the “old” air comes out through the eaves and is replaced by fresh air, saturated with negative ions and oxygen;
  • A good microclimate in the bedroom is necessary for sound and deep sleep; No headache in the morning!
  • The third reason is regulation of the indoor microclimate. By ventilating your home, you can achieve more comfortable humidity and temperature.
  • Elimination of unpleasant odors. Ventilation quickly removes unpleasant odors from the room - for example, burnt food, household chemicals, oil paint and other odors.

Why do you need to ventilate classrooms?

Stagnant, stale air is dominated by CO2 (carbon dioxide), which negatively affects brain activity.

The person becomes lethargic, concentration decreases.

Central heating dries out the air; with low humidity, the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose dry out, causing discomfort and creating the preconditions for frequent ARVI diseases.

In an unventilated room, the number of dust particles, allergens, microscopic mites increases, and favorable conditions are created for the development of mold on the walls.

Unpleasant odors appear.

It is impossible to gain knowledge or work in such conditions and is prohibited by sanitary and hygienic rules.

To stabilize the temperature, humidity and oxygen concentration, the classroom in the school is ventilated according to SanPin.

Types of ventilation

In educational buildings, three ventilation modes can be used, depending on the time of year and the volume of air exchange. Let's look at each of them separately:

  1. Air supply through a small window in ventilation mode. This ventilation takes less than fifty minutes and is suitable for ventilation in free time or before classes. However, this method is very cold (although good for humidity). This method should not be used in winter.
  2. Freshen the air with an open window. This method of ventilation is much shorter (5-7 minutes). It is useful to ventilate the room between breaks. Heat losses are not as great as in the first case, but still occur.
  3. Checkers. This method should be used rarely and when there are no students in the room. This method of ventilation will fill the room with fresh air within a few minutes.

Features of the ventilation system

The general provisions of ventilation systems must be strictly observed in all medical institutions: clinics, hospitals, pharmacies and even private offices. The size of the room does not affect the air quality in it. The relevant data from GOST will be given later in the article.

Regulated air exchange in a room does not always come first; medical institutions are also subject to other requirements (maintenance of a certain humidity, ionization of the atmosphere, etc.):

  • Operating rooms. This category also includes rooms in which anesthesia is prepared and administered to the patient. Such rooms are not provided in all hospitals, most often in clinics.
  • Wards for patients in particularly serious condition, as well as for patients with numerous burns. Such chambers are designed for one, maximum two people.
  • Maternity hospital wards.
  • Resuscitation rooms or intensive care units.

All premises of medical institutions (except for household and technical rooms) enjoy a high status. Therefore, when building establishments, some technical solutions should be provided:

  1. Provide free passage for personnel to window openings to allow fresh air to be supplied.
  2. In sterilization, dressing, and therapy rooms, space must be provided for a ventilation cabinet or an air intake/exhaust outlet.
  3. Dental clinics must provide space for the installation of dust extraction devices.

Ventilation is one of the most important sanitary standards

Our bodies are not designed to stay indoors for long periods of time—humans have evolved to spend most of their days outdoors. For a city dweller, there is little choice: if you cannot change the situation, you have to adapt to it. An acute lack of fresh air can be compensated for by ventilation, which should be carried out frequently and correctly.

What is difficult about ventilation, can it be done incorrectly? At first glance, everything is simple: if it’s stuffy, open the window. In reality, everything is a little more complicated.

The usual method (opening a plastic window to the “micro-ventilation” position) does not provide proper air exchange. Even an open window is not enough - the “old” air does not have time to exchange for “new”. In winter, this method simply cools the room without having the desired effect.

How to quickly ventilate an apartment? Fast and effective ventilation can only be achieved with draft. It creates a strong draft: 7-10 minutes is enough to completely change the air in the room. The temperature does not drop sharply: after closing the windows, it quickly returns to its previous value (fresh air heats up faster than “used” air). If for some reason it is difficult to create a draft, it is better to open the window completely, leaving the room to be ventilated.

Plastic windows, unlike wooden ones, practically “seal” the apartment. Ventilation is the only way to prevent this: without it, the house will quickly become too hot and too humid.

Seven rules of ventilation

There are several simple rules for proper ventilation of the apartment:

  • If the temperature in neighboring rooms is different, it is better to close the door when ventilating so that condensation does not form in colder rooms;
  • If this is technically possible, it is recommended to turn off the radiator in the room before ventilating. If this is not done, the apartment will quickly cool down;
  • In winter, it is recommended to ventilate the apartment every 2-2.5 hours;
  • The most important thing is to ventilate the apartment before going to bed. This is important not only for saturating the room with oxygen, but also for regulating humidity;
  • The optimal duration of air ventilation is 7-10 minutes. It is not worth leaving the windows open longer than this time, since during this time the air in the apartment is completely exchanged;
  • In winter, when the windows are open, there is less moisture in the air. Therefore, during this period, take care of humidifying the air, for example, using a humidifier or frequent wet cleaning;
  • If there are three or more people in the room for a long time, the room must be ventilated every hour.

Ventilation methods at different times of the year

How often and for how long should the room be ventilated? It depends on the time of year, but at least once a day you need to arrange through ventilation - by opening all the windows in the house. It is also necessary to ventilate the house after sleep, in the morning, and before bed, at night. Why do you ventilate the room before going to bed? During sleep, the breathing rate becomes slower, and the breaths become deeper, and the lack of oxygen with an excess of carbon dioxide affects the functioning of the brain of a sleeping person, disrupting normal sleep, sometimes even causing a headache.

In hot summers, it makes sense to ventilate only when the outside temperature is equal to the temperature inside the house - usually closer to sunset or after sunset.

Then, of course, you can open all the windows wide open. But resist the temptation to go to bed in a draft, even if there is no wind and on a warm night - this is still fraught with a cold.

In winter you also need to ventilate. But you don’t want to cool the room too much in cold weather. The solution is to open the window wide open, but for a short period of time - 5-10 minutes. If you open a metal-plastic window for “micro-ventilation,” say, for half an hour, little fresh air will come in instead of indoor air, and heat loss will be almost as significant as with the window shutters completely open.

Micro-ventilation provides a constant flow of fresh air

In autumn and spring, in very damp, foggy or rainy weather, you should also not open the window for a long time - since the goal is not to let dampness into your home, but only fresh air. Therefore, it is better to ventilate in the “winter” mode - 10-15 minutes with the windows wide open.

You definitely need fresh air when you are sick with airborne diseases, as well as respiratory diseases. In these cases, short ventilations every 2-3 hours are appropriate. And of course, no one forbids ventilating when necessary - if the room smells bad, stuffy, hot, etc.

Features of the organization of ventilation

Rospotrebnadzor, by letter No. 02/3853-2020-27 dated March 10, 2022, established principles for the prevention of new coronavirus infections. These include periodic ventilation of the premises.

The recommendations state that the procedure should be carried out at least once every 2 hours for 15 minutes. Fresh air will help avoid the concentration of viruses indoors. If possible, ventilation should be carried out more often. If the room is open 24 hours a day, it should be ventilated during this time. Methods can be different: opening windows, shutters, valves or bringing in fresh air.

It is recommended to create a special schedule to follow the procedures. In this way, you can find out when and at what time ventilation was carried out. This is an internal document of the organization and is not required for verification. It is needed only to comply with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and organize the work of employees.

The document is drawn up for every day. Within one day after ventilation, the employee responsible for the procedure must sign it.

For your information! You can also create a ventilation log. Its structure will not differ much from the schedule.

In schools and additional education institutions, classrooms must be ventilated after each lesson. In kindergartens, this should happen every hour and a half, during children’s walks and before bedtime.

Ventilation in kindergarten

For the proper growth and development of a child, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for his stay in the preschool. One of the mandatory requirements is the rules of ventilation in a preschool institution. Otherwise, the risk of spreading viral diseases or their escalation into an epidemic increases. The procedure is regulated by a set of state norms and rules - SanPiN2.4.1.3049-13.

The duration of ventilation depends on the specifics and volume of the room, as well as the ambient temperature:

  • Junior groups - the procedure is carried out for a total of up to 3 hours a day, with a frequency of 1.5-2 hours and must be completed half an hour before the children arrive in the appropriate room. Executed according to the approved schedule (example below).
  • In unfavorable weather, ventilation is not performed.
  • In the warm season, the period of procedures may be extended.

When carrying out sanitary ventilation in a kindergarten, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Characteristics of premises and arrangement of the ventilation system. For example, through toilet rooms the greatest volume of polluted air is removed when the windows are open. Ventilation ducts for toilets and dryers should not be combined into a common system with ducts from bedrooms and playrooms and at the same time must be in good technical condition.
  2. Maintaining optimal temperature. Warm air from the street in summer cannot harm you, but you should be wary of the cold. Drafts can trigger the development of colds.
  3. Weather and other external factors.

To carry out the ventilation procedure, a sanitary schedule (table) is drawn up together with a medical worker and approved by the head of the kindergarten. An example of such a schedule is below:

Ventilation schedule in kindergartens

How to ventilate rooms at work during coronavirus?

The virus can be transmitted by airborne droplets. When a person coughs or speaks, particles up to 5 micrometers in diameter are released. They remain in the air for several hours and can be transmitted over long distances by atmospheric currents.

Coronavirus parameters reach 160 nanometers. Laboratory tests have shown that it can remain in the air for up to 3 hours and on objects for up to three days.

It helps reduce the likelihood of pathogenic particles in the air by removing air masses through air conditioning and ventilation filters. Normally opening windows and doors also works, but is not as effective.

However, ventilation by any means will prevent more coronavirus particles from settling on the surfaces of furniture and equipment. In general, there is an increased risk of illness in enclosed spaces that are not regularly ventilated.

The Federation of Engineers recommends, where possible, 24-hour ventilation at reduced air speed. If this is not possible, ventilation should be provided for 15 minutes before the start of the working day, during breaks and during personnel changes. The space should not cause hypothermia or cold. The air is ventilated only on one side, outward.

The use of recirculation systems and local devices, as well as any supply systems, is not recommended to prevent the re-introduction of viruses that were removed by settling on the walls of the ventilation system. Such equipment should only be turned on with the recirculation dampers closed, especially during epidemics.

In ventilated restrooms, windows should be closed during ventilation to avoid backflow of air.

Exhaust systems in toilets must operate around the clock, since constant humidification of the air during toilet flushing contributes to the formation of moisture droplets in the air, which spread the virus. For the same reason, you should flush with the toilet valve closed.

The virus also has a survival threshold. The coronavirus dies at high humidity of about 80% and temperatures above 30°C, but a person cannot work in such conditions.

Does an employer need to create a ventilation schedule during Covid?

Based on the mandatory recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, the employer must draw up a schedule for ventilation of the workplace and keep a special log.

In the new edition of the Rospotrebnadzor document dated September 29, 2020, one of the preventive measures against coronaviruses is ventilation.

This is done every 2 hours. During treatment, restroom doors should be closed and employees should remain outside to avoid catching colds.

Surfaces should be disinfected before airing so that fumes from these products are also removed.

If it is not possible to carry out treatment regularly, you can purchase a bactericidal lamp for air disinfection. It works in recirculation mode and destroys all pathogens, including coronaviruses.

In order to improve preventive actions, an order is issued appointing a person responsible for the schedule and its implementation. Documentation is not mandatory, but will help ensure that the procedure is performed correctly.

The schedule is drawn up taking into account the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor (every 2 hours for 15 minutes) and the work schedule of the enterprise.

The schedule should include:

  • the premises for which it was compiled;
  • date and time of the procedure
  • duration of the procedure;
  • responsible person;
  • Signature of the person responsible for ventilation.

Sometimes, instead of a schedule, it is more convenient to keep a diary with similar data. In addition to the required data, you can specify the ventilation method. When personnel are not present, open windows, doors, latches, or use ventilation.

The correct ventilation directly depends on the sanitary standards for this type of premises. In institutions, the procedure is carried out every 1.5 hours for 10 minutes, in schools - at every break for 5-7 minutes, during the school day - every 1.5 hours.

Symptoms of an attack

There are a number of clinical signs characteristic of the presence of sleep apnea:

  1. Pronounced loud snoring. Sometimes a person himself wakes up from his snoring.
  2. Increased sleepiness during the day. Occurs even with normal or higher than normal duration of night rest. Spontaneous uncontrollable falling asleep during the day is typical.
  3. Increased pathological motor activity during rest.
  4. Decreased libido (sexual desire), sexual dysfunction.
  5. Increased blood pressure. It is usually higher in the morning. Moreover, there is an increase in diastolic (lower) pressure.
  6. Hypnogagic hallucinations (sound, visual, tactile non-existent phenomena that occur at the moment of falling asleep).
  7. Enuresis (urinary incontinence) at night or frequent urination. They are not associated with any specific disease or condition (pregnancy, diabetes, cystitis).
  8. Headaches, morning or night.
  9. Decreased intelligence and performance.
  10. Shortness of breath, suffocation that occurs during sleep.
  11. Heartburn or belching at night.
  12. Increase in body weight. Weight gain can progress even with interventions aimed at combating obesity.
  13. Increased sweating during sleep. Especially in the face and neck area, upper torso.

The benefits of ventilation against coronavirus

Undoubtedly, room ventilation during the coronavirus pandemic cannot be compared in importance to regular hand washing, treating surfaces with disinfectant solutions or wearing medical masks. However, it would be shortsighted to dismiss it as unimportant. First of all, because the ventilation regime, with or without coronavirus, must be observed for each home in order to maintain the well-being of its inhabitants.

Lack of fresh air:

  • Causes weakness, headaches and dizziness. During an epidemic, when many people begin to tremble and listen to their bodies, all this can not only make you feel uncomfortable, but also cause panic, causing you to begin to suspect that you have the disease.
  • This weakens the body and makes it more susceptible to viruses, which you should avoid at all costs.
  • This leads to the accumulation of odors, dust and, most unpleasantly, pathogens of infectious diseases in the room. Ventilating an apartment when coronavirus is present drives it away, while leaving windows tightly closed leads to its accumulation.

Of course, you can make the following argument: I’m at home, I’m in quarantine, I don’t let strangers in. Where did the coronavirus come from? In fact, there is not much chance of this. But, firstly, even in such conditions, ventilation is useful, since it improves immunity and improves well-being. And secondly, you can bring the infection home with mail, food or medicine from the pharmacy. In case viruses break through the barricades of disinfectants, masks and wet mops, a stream of clean air will come to the rescue. Therefore, ventilation as a coronavirus prevention is worth it.

Violation of air exchange parameters

If you see windows that are foggy without much to show for it, smell a musty smell, or feel like oxygen is being cut off, it's entirely possible that your ventilation system is either poorly designed or needs urgent maintenance.

The performance check of ventilation equipment is carried out strictly according to standardized rules, and not using the common method in the form of a burning match

Residents of apartment buildings should immediately contact a service organization, most often a management company, with a statement that there is a suspicion of a malfunction of the ventilation equipment. Based on this application, a specialist must come to you for inspection.

If the Criminal Code has not responded to the complaint in any way or the matter concerns another building, it makes sense to try to complain to Rosprotrebnadzor, the Housing Inspectorate, or the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station for an inspection.

Methods of ventilation of plastic windows

Metal-plastic windows are currently the most popular, and many of their owners face the problem of controlled ventilation. Let's consider the wide possibilities for ventilation of rooms glazed with PVC structures.


Another name for this ventilation method is slot ventilation. Essentially, this is opening the window in such a way that a gap of several millimeters is formed between the sealing elements of the sash and the frame. Externally, both from the outside and from the inside of the room, the window looks completely closed, which minimizes attempts by unauthorized persons to enter through it.

Turn the handle 45 degrees and pull it towards you

The micro-ventilation function only works on units equipped with appropriate fittings. The operating principle is quite simple: to open the sash in this mode, turn the handle at a 45˚ angle between the tilt and swing positions.

This method of ventilation is more desirable in the cold season, when the use of conventional options would lead to excessive cooling of the room. This is especially true for children's rooms and rooms where drafts are possible.

Step opening

Unlike the previous method, where adjustment options are limited to one position, offset openings provide greater freedom of ventilation. The ventilation gap can be set in several positions (from 3 to 5) depending on external and internal climatic conditions.

As with microventilation, step mode is available thanks to special fittings in the device.

There are two options:

  1. A more aesthetic appearance is when the rebate mechanism is located on the inside of the sash (under the rebate) and is not visible to others from the outside. The gap adjustment in such cases is carried out using the opening handle and will correspond to the degree of tilt (3-5 positions between tilt and rotation);

  2. Less attractive in appearance, but much more affordable in installation and cost, is the comb.

    The comb can be purchased at a hardware store. It consists of two components - a strip with special cutouts (attached to the frame) and a counter protrusion on the sash, which hooks onto the cutouts in the strip.

All of the above methods require the direct participation of the people present in the room, which is not always convenient. The ventilation process can be partially automated thanks to special window modules and built-in devices.

Installation of three-stage fittings for micro-ventilation on a plastic window:

Microventilation methods

Air exchange can be ensured without interfering with the design of the metal-plastic window or special fittings.

Seasonal adjustment

This is not exactly the micro-ventilation of plastic windows that is needed, but in this way you can still ensure a minimum flow of air from the street.

Metal-plastic systems are seasonally adjustable. That is, depending on the time of year (winter/summer), you can change the degree of pressure on the sash. Moreover, this is done by turning 1-2 pins to the desired position. How to do it?

  • At the end of the open sash there is an eccentric marked with a dot or marks. After installation, it is directed upwards, this is a neutral position for the off-season (spring/autumn).
  • To move the sash, you need to arm yourself with a hexagon (usually 6mm), and turn the mark outside (summer mode), or indoors for the winter.

What does this give? In summer, the sash is pressed loosely, forming a small gap through which a minimal amount of air will flow. But, usually this is not enough, and in winter the sash still needs to be made with a tight rebate.

What types of ventilators are there for plastic windows?

Ventilation mechanisms differ in type of design, method of regulation, installation and other criteria. They are made of metal, wood or plastic. There is no clear division into types.

There are different types of window ventilators:

Mechanism typeDesign features
ReinforcementAir supply through a slot in the frame. Lowest air flow (5 m3/h), but affordable, with high sound insulation. We recommend 2 units per window.
SlotThey are in great demand among consumers: a wide selection of models. High productivity (from 20 m3/h), dust and sound insulation, compact dimensions. Installed in the insulating gap between the sash and the frame. Double block frames require milling.
AutoSupplemented with a room humidity sensor that regulates the opening and closing of the diffuser.
ManagementThe air intake is manually adjustable
Built-inThe mechanism is equipped with an opening valve. It has increased air capacity (up to 100 m3/h) compared to the built-in type. For installation across the entire width of the glass unit. Can be installed in production or in a home with replaceable double-glazed windows.
Surface MountSimilar to the principle of narrow glazing. The highest permeability, but no sound insulation. Must be removed from the window. Mainly used in technical rooms
Handle with air inlet valveInstalled in place of a regular handle. Equipped with filter cartridges
AcousticsBuilt-in membrane isolates external sounds, maintaining a range of 30 – 40 dB

Rain and wind shock absorbers are also available.

Regardless of the type of window vent, it is recommended to install them indoors only. For example, places with high air pollution (kitchen, toilets) will spread odors throughout the apartment, disrupting the overall air exchange.

Types and types of ventilation

Before considering the classification of such systems, you should find out what ventilation is in scientific language.

Automatic control eliminates human intervention (only during scheduled maintenance or repairs).

Ventilation systems are divided into the following categories:

  1. Systems for maintaining a certain climatic comfort. They have higher installation requirements and are divided into: • Natural. Ventilation of rooms occurs through natural phenomena, such as changes in temperature or pressure (applicable: patient rooms and doctors’ offices). • Artificial. For constant circulation of air flow, devices operating on the basis of mechanical, thermal or electrical energy are used.
  2. Exhaust ventilation. The main function is to remove exhaust air from the room. Such systems are often used in rooms with high humidity to prevent the appearance of microorganisms hazardous to health (bacteria, microbes).
  3. Supply. It has the opposite principle of action - it supplies fresh air to the room. They try to combine supply and exhaust ventilation, since medical institutions have high standards for indoor air quality (for example, intensive care wards and therapeutic pools).

The classification of air circulation systems is also divided into the following groups:

  • General exchange. Install high-power devices that can provide high-quality replacement of exhaust air throughout the entire room. Not used for individual zones or rooms.
  • Local significance. The low power of such a system allows for high-quality ventilation of air in several specially designated squares.
  • Emergency type. Placed close to possible sources of increased danger. Emergency ventilation must operate autonomously and, accordingly, have one or more separate power sources.

Compact ventilation devices (breathers, ventilators)

Breathers are compact systems designed to supply fresh, clean air to rooms.

Breezer Tion 3s.

Air is sucked in naturally or using a fan. The first option provides quiet, energy-efficient operation, but may cause ventilation problems if there is no difference in external and internal pressure.

Review and review of Breezer Tion 3S:

The fan will provide proper ventilation regardless of external climatic conditions, you just need to select the right mode. In some models, performance depends on the fan speed, the noise level of the device and its power consumption.

The units are equipped with filters of varying degrees of purification. The number of elements and the degree of filtration depend on the specific model; The most modern ones are able to purify the air from the smallest dust particles. In addition, filtration at the molecular level (for example, neutralization of exhaust gases) is possible.

Fan Blauberg VENTO Expert A50-1 Pro

The fans are more self-contained than many others. You only need to configure it once (set a schedule, set the appropriate operating mode), and it will automatically maintain the required microclimate in the room.

Freezer Tion o2

Supply and exhaust ventilation.

It is provided in every school. With its help you can regulate the humidity and temperature in the room.

The necessary microclimate is created by air passing through the grille and filter, on which debris and large dust particles settle.

A fan and heater are part of the exhaust system; when used, they regulate the temperature in the room and clean the air from carbon dioxide.

The supply and exhaust system is an auxiliary element in schools for ventilation. The main air circulation is provided through the windows.

Legislative framework in schools according to Sanpin.

Sanitary rules for ventilation of classrooms in schools are legally defined in the annex (SanPiN, adopted on September 1, 2011 and amended on December 25, 2013.

According to it, each educational institution must be based on accepted sanitary and hygienic rules.

Chapter VI sets standards for individual classrooms and rooms in the school.

The main ones are the following:

  • pp. 6.6 – Classrooms are ventilated during breaks. Cross ventilation occurs before and after classes. During classes, rest rooms can be ventilated. The time depends on the climate, weather and heating system operation.

Cross-ventilation of classrooms.

Table 1. sanitary standards for separate ventilation

  • P. 6.7 – Physical education lessons are held in specially equipped rooms with good air volume and aeration.
  • When the outside temperature is above +5 C, windows can be opened against the wind.
  • Wind speed should not exceed 2 meters per second. If the wind is stronger and the temperature is lower, valves 1-3 should be opened.
  • The room can be ventilated for 1-1.5 minutes only at a temperature of 10°C and a wind blowing at a speed of more than 7 m.s.m.
  • During breaks and when students are absent – ​​5-10 minutes.

Important: During ventilation, the internal temperature must not fall below +14°C.

  • P.6.8 – Windows in classrooms should have ventilation holes. Alternatively, roller shutters should be open at all times of the year.
  • Ref. 6.9 – The glazing area is maintained or increased when changing the window installation.
  • Ref. 6.11 – the school must have its own ventilation systems in the following premises: assembly hall, classrooms, dining room, swimming pool, nursery, toilets and rooms where cleaning equipment is stored.
  • If the school has carpentry or plumbing workshops or classrooms with kitchens, mechanical exhaust ventilation must be installed for them.
  • Ref. 6.12 – the concentration of harmful substances in the school should not exceed the hygiene standards established in the area.

Natural ventilation of the school premises

This type of ventilation, such as natural ventilation of a school, refers to ventilation without directly changing the characteristics of the environment (temperature, humidity, pressure). Its implementation occurs in several ways:

  • through the pores of the material of the external fences (walls) of the building;
  • through openings and gaps between the component structures of the building;
  • through doorways and air-permeable window frames;
  • through windows and transoms.

Natural ventilation of the first type (through walls) directly depends on their material. The most breathable walls are those made of brick and pine wood. However, it is quite easy to reduce air permeability with the help of interior decoration (painting, wallpapering).

Air flows from the external environment also enter through the gaps between building structures, doors and window frames, but they are not significant. Thus, vents and transoms become the main source of natural ventilation.

The main reasons for the movement of air flows are the force of the wind and the difference in temperatures inside and outside the building. The stronger the wind and the greater the temperature difference, the better the ventilation. If there is no wind, and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air is insignificant, air movement will occur solely due to diffusion. In this case, the intensity of diffusion is directly proportional to the area of ​​the vents and the ventilation time.

According to standards, in educational institutions, in order to maintain a microclimate, the total area of ​​vents must be at least 2% of the floor area. The average area of ​​windows in a classroom is about one square meter. That is, in a classroom with three windows, at least two of them should have a window area of ​​half a meter square.

When designing a ventilation system (which includes natural ventilation), vents are usually installed in the upper third of the window.

The window must open at least 45°, with the outer sash freely tilting outward and upward, and the inner sash inward downwards. If installed incorrectly, problems with air circulation and disruption of the microclimate may occur.

Instead of vents, transoms are also installed, which, when tested, have a number of advantages over vents:

  1. The temperature of the indoor and outdoor air is significantly different, which promotes air movement.
  2. Higher thermal insulation, allowing you to retain heat in the room for a longer period of time.
  3. The ability to keep the transoms open even when children are in the classroom.
  4. In winter and late autumn, school classrooms are ventilated only in the absence of children. Since air circulation at low temperatures can cause students to catch colds.

In autumn and winter, it is strictly prohibited to ventilate the classroom in the presence of students.

Both in preschool institutions and schools, about four to four and a half cubic meters of air are provided per child, provided that ventilation is carried out every academic hour.

Creating a favorable microclimate

A comfortable room microclimate is achieved by observing several parameters: humidity percentage, temperature, air circulation speed, noise level, etc.

Standards have been established for each criterion.
For example, there must be at least 20% oxygen. Ventilation or special climate control functions contribute to this. Many of the plastic windows are equipped with this function. If possible, give preference to these modifications. Daytime temperatures can vary at 20-25 degrees, at night it is advisable that the thermometer does not exceed 18-21. The air must be moving.
The norm is considered to be up to 0.1 - 0.15 m/s. Both extremes are dangerous: stagnant air promotes the spread of microorganisms, drafts promote colds. Relative humidity, as mentioned above, should be between 35 and 60%. On devices, as a rule, this zone is highlighted and characterized as normal. Excessive humidity in a room can lead to respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc. Low humidity causes dryness. Being in such a room is simply uncomfortable and unpleasant.

As you can see, creating a favorable microclimate in your apartment is quite simple. One of the important conditions is the regulation of humidity, the excess or deficiency of which is easily compensated by regular ventilation. Ventilation promotes healthy sleep, cleanliness of the room, and the convenience of staying in it. This simple action can improve the condition of the body and relieve headaches. Follow simple rules to make your life more comfortable.

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