Rules for choosing a double-sided balcony handle for a plastic door and installation

If you have a simple balcony handle on your plastic door, then you probably already understand that it is so inconvenient that you want to replace it. In this case, a double-sided handle on the balcony door will come to the rescue. It will allow you to operate the doors on one side or the other side. But installing it is not as easy as it seems at first glance. In this article we will help you understand the existing types of devices and their advantages. And, of course, we will consider the step-by-step process of installing the structure on a plastic door.

Double-sided handle for a plastic balcony door Source

Types of double-sided pens

It is customary to divide double-sided handles for Euro doors into several types according to the mechanism:

  • Standard or stationary. This product looks like a conventional design, with a built-in element that, when pulled, opens the door. The internal structure of this type of device contains a metal plate located directly inside the door profile after installation. There is a thread on both sides; a functional part is screwed into it, or there are places for screwing in screws. The latter are necessary for fastening.
  • Movable. It has a more complicated design, unlike the previous version. To install such fittings you need to have a certain skill. The structure of such structures has a built-in movable locking mechanism. Such handles can be divided into rotary and push handles.
  • Petal handle. The use of such fittings is justified if there are children in the house. It is locked in such a way that the child cannot get out onto the balcony on his own. The product itself has a simple design and is installed on the outside of the door.
  • Shell pen. Made from plastic or aluminum. Promotes tight locking of the door leaf, resulting in reduced heat loss. It is used for premises for various purposes.
  • "Brace." This type of fittings is a bracket that is attached to a plastic profile in two places on the brackets. This design can only be installed on a balcony if an additional locking mechanism is provided, since the product itself is unreliable.

Double-sided handle with a lock for installation on a balcony door Source
It is also customary to divide double-sided handles into overhead and mortise. The method of installation of such structures also depends on this type. The movable handle is the most optimal device option, which they try to use to open/close the balcony door on both sides.

A simple double-sided handle for installation on a balcony door Source

Possible malfunctions and methods for eliminating them

Sometimes, when installing balcony handles, certain malfunctions occur. This may be due to a manufacturing defect, poor quality of the product as a whole, careless installation, and much more. The most common reasons are:

  • Jamming. If the handle is stuck in one position and it does not close completely, then you should not try to forcefully turn it - this may lead to breakage. The point here is that the lock has been triggered, and until it is turned off, it will not be possible to open or close the door completely. This is a metal tongue located at the end of the window. You need to gently press on it while turning the handle. If this does not help and the handle still does not turn, try contacting the manufacturer - they will provide you with the information you need.
  • Pressing force. If there are no problems, the handle turns quite easily. If you need to exert a lot of force to turn or press, then something has gone wrong. The reason for this may be an insufficient amount of lubricant (in which case you need to remove the lock, clean it with WD-40 and lubricate it with oil).
  • Displacement of mechanism elements. It is for this reason that the plastic door to the balcony often does not close. They can be returned to their place using a hexagon - they need to tighten or loosen the eccentrics.
  • Loosening. If the handle dangles or wobbles, then you have not tightened the bolts or screws enough. To fix this, you need to remove the decorative panel and tighten everything well. You can easily do this yourself in literally 5 minutes.

If you are faced with some other problem and cannot cope on your own, it is better to call a specialist. He will understand the situation, explain it to you and fix the problem.

Advantages and disadvantages of double-sided balcony handles: a complete overview of the qualities

A double-sided balcony handle is becoming a mandatory element on plastic balcony doors. It is very convenient to use, regardless of which side you are on: inside or outside. In addition to operational comfort, such designs have a number of advantages:

  • The internal fittings of the double-sided handle lock have a long service life. It does not rust, does not deteriorate over time, and the mechanism itself does not jam during its entire service life. Plus, it is very difficult to break.
  • The external and internal parts of the structure are made from both the same and different material options. Often this is plastic, but it can be metal, glass and other types of coatings.
  • Built-in locking mechanism that allows you to tightly close the sash, pressing it against the profile frame, thereby ensuring tight contact of the leaf and preventing drafts.
  • The double-sided handles have heat-resistant material inside. This means that the design will work stably no matter whether the weather outside is warm or cold.
  • Attractive appearance that fits perfectly into the design of the door structure. You can match the handle to the color of the profile, but ideally order it immediately along with the door.
  • The shape of the handle is quite narrow, so it will not look like a failed design on the door leaf. Plus, using a small handle is much more convenient.

Double-sided handle with a lock for installation on a plastic balcony door Source
The use of a double-sided door handle on a plastic balcony door has one significant disadvantage - a decrease in the level of security of the living space. The fact is that the handle opens from the outside just as easily as from the inside. Accordingly, it is even easier for an intruder to break into the house. However, manufacturers have already foreseen a similar problem and installed a special anti-burglary mechanism on the handle.

Plastering door slopes

Smooth plastering of the slopes of entrance doors in St. Petersburg is an important and mandatory stage of any repair. Performing the work in question at a high level is only possible if you have the necessary skills and select suitable materials.

Surface areaCost of workTurnkey cost
Walls (up to 100 m2)35,000 rub.from 60,000 rub.
Walls (100 - 300 m2)250 rub./m 2from 500 rub./m2
Walls (300 - 700 m2)240 rub./m 2from 480 rub./m2
Walls (from 700 m 2 )230 rub./m 2from 460 rub./m2
Ceilings (up to 300 m2)350 rub./m2from 600 rub./m2
Ceilings (from 300 m2)340 rub./m2from 580 rub./m2
Slopes (with dawn angle)300 rub./m.p.from 450 rub./m.p.
Additional services
Mesh installation50 rub./m2from 80 rub./m2
Surface areaCost of work
Walls (up to 100 m2)35,000 rub.
Walls (100 - 300 m2)250 rub./m 2
Walls (300 - 700 m2)240 rub./m 2
Walls (from 700 m 2 )230 rub./m 2
Ceilings (up to 300 m2)350 rub./m2
Ceilings (from 300 m2)340 rub./m2
Slopes (with dawn angle)300 rub./m.p.
Additional services
Mesh installation50 rub./m2

Do you need to finish the door slope and opening with plaster? Then turn to specialists and save your money and effort. Good experienced craftsmen will be able to implement any project in the shortest possible time.

Door slope alignment

High-quality leveling of the door opening, which can be done using solutions with different compositions, performs many functions, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • giving a finished look to the room (after hiding the mounting elements, as well as cracks and finally smoothing the surfaces, you get a good base for other decor);
  • increasing sound and thermal insulation (if the process under consideration is carried out correctly, the microclimate in the rooms will be stable and little susceptible to outside influences);
  • protection of the mounting foam from sunlight (this determines the durability and reliability of the installed frame).

Taking this into account, if you want to plaster door slopes, then approach this issue wisely - delegate it to professionals. Without overpayments and delays, you will get the desired result as quickly as possible.

Plastering doorways

Today, plastering of a door (opening) slope can be easily ordered from us. I am pleased to offer our Clients favorable terms of cooperation, including:

  • prompt execution of work of any complexity (the availability of modern equipment and the necessary tools, as well as the considerable experience of each master - this is what makes it possible to deliver projects on time);
  • loyal prices (specialists systematically analyze the purchasing power of the citizens of our city and current market offers, which allows us to set an adequate price for the services provided);
  • the opportunity to consult with professionals (managers will help solve various problems of every Client who contacts them at any time).

If you are interested in such a service as plastering of openings after installing doors in St. Petersburg, then we can help. After cooperation, many Customers spoke positively about our results. Moreover, we are often recommended to friends and relatives. You will also be convinced that the assistance of a professional in some matters is very beneficial! Call without delay!

Three basic rules for choosing a double-sided pen

Double-sided door handles are offered in a wide range. There are various models in appearance, also distinguished by manufacturer. To make the right choice, you need to rely on three simple recommendations:

  • Consider your own experience. If you have good self-confidence in this type of work, then you can give preference to a more complex design. Otherwise, it is better to purchase a regular standard stationary model. Ideally, in such situations, immediately order a door with double-sided handles.
  • First of all, you should look at the brand that manufactures the accessories. In the best case, this should be an option from an Austrian or German manufacturer, or from the company that manufactured the double-glazed door. Branded fittings will cost more, but will last longer.
  • Externally, the material can be different: glass, plastic, metal, nickel and others, but inside the structure must be iron. It will not jam during operation.

Such simple recommendations will help you choose the fittings that will fully perform the functions assigned to it.

Plastic double-sided handle of good quality Source

How to install a double-sided handle on a plastic door: step-by-step algorithm

Installing a double-sided handle on a balcony door requires stocking up on all the necessary tools and materials. Here is a list of what will be useful during installation:

  • the handle itself;
  • drills of two sizes (one thinner, the other thicker);
  • screwdriver (if you have a drill on the farm, you can also use it;
  • a special machine that removes unnecessary parts;
  • metal knife.

You can also purchase fine sandpaper in case you need to clean up some areas after drilling or sawing.

Removing the old handle

The next process is not complicated. All you need to do is turn the cover that hides the fasteners in the fittings. Then use a screwdriver to unscrew the installed screws. This must be done from both the bottom and top sides.

Please note that unscrewing should only be done when the fittings are located in a strictly open position. Otherwise, you risk simply slamming the door when making any careless movement.

Removing the old door handle before replacing it with a new one Source

Installing a new handle

The fittings installation process consists of the sequence of actions listed below:

  • After dismantling the old handle, be sure to check the placement of the mounting holes and the locking mechanism itself. If they are identical, then simply put the new structure in the old place.
  • If the holes do not fit or are too small, then take care of new ones. Before doing this, try on the structure and mark its distance on the opposite side. To make the seats, first take a thin drill, place it perpendicular to the plastic frame, and then start drilling with gentle, smooth movements.
  • Stop the drill the moment you reach the metal structure in the middle of the glass unit. The holes for the screws should be 6 mm, but the main one, through which the sleeve will pass, should be 8 mm.
  • Drill holes in exactly the same positions on the opposite side, then secure the handle, first removing one of the sides to fit the axle through the hole in the inner lock. Insert the fittings in the open position.
  • Then put the opposite part of the handle on the square axle and secure it with self-tapping screws or special screws (they are usually included in the kit).
  • After the handle is attached, close the covers and check the functionality of the fittings.

Metal door handle for balcony door with magnetic lock Source

Advice! In places where screws will be installed, it is better to install rubber seals.

What to do if there is a backlash

Often, after installing a double-sided handle on a plastic balcony door, play may occur. This can be fixed in a very accessible and simple way. To do this, you should turn the cap, which is located at the base of the fittings, at a right angle, and the next step is to tighten the fastening screws.

As for the type of screwdriver that may be useful, it all depends strictly on the model of the double-sided handle. After all, there are bolts that can be unscrewed with a figured or flat-head screwdriver.

Adjusting the resulting play on a plastic door Source

How to choose the right one

The following selection criteria are available:

  • the product must be universal (it is advisable that it be combined with profiles whose width is 5-7 cm);
  • manufacturer - Austria or Germany (the price of such a device is 1.5-2 times higher than a pen made in China);
  • material – high-quality plastic or metal, resistant to moisture;
  • the mechanism is metal (it is undesirable to purchase a product based on silumin).

The product must match the overall style of the window. If the window structure has different fittings, then the main criterion will be maintaining visual balance. Otherwise, the resulting dissonance will be very noticeable.

Recommendations for caring for door hardware

Door handles with locks are important key parts in the door leaf and therefore require maintenance. What accessories are needed:

  • in regular lubrication of locking elements with special means: litol, grease;
  • in removing small debris and dust, for which a special oil is used, which allows you to quickly clean the entire mechanism;
  • in processing the internal parts of the lock only if there is a key to it. To do this, simply pour oil inside, insert and remove the key without turning; repeat until all the dirt inside is removed.
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