How to attach polystyrene foam to wood: materials, methods and instructions

Expanded polystyrene, which is a common type of foam, can be attached to wood using several methods. The easiest way is to use glue; it will firmly hold the material in the right place. Adhesive foam and special dry mixtures are also suitable. To secure heavy structures, lathing and “liquid nails” are used.

Residents of big cities have increasingly begun to move closer to nature, so the demand for private houses is constantly growing. Both traditional and modern materials are used for their construction. Buildings are erected from brick, concrete, and various blocks. There are many convenient and budget solutions, but wood still does not lose its position. This is due to its naturalness and environmental friendliness, pleasant appearance and health benefits.

Insulation of a wooden house Source

Recently, there are more and more opportunities to create comfort in the home. In particular, it is extremely important to ensure a constant comfortable temperature that will remain so at any time of the year. Most often, for these purposes, insulation is carried out with expanded polystyrene, which is a well-known type of foam. This material is lightweight, practical and reliable, which is why it is popular among builders and craftsmen. Using this product allows you to significantly save on heating costs during the cold season. To get a strong and durable result, you need to know how to attach foam to wood.

Types of material

The product is one of the types of polystyrene foam, therefore it has many of its characteristics. This is a special polymer filled with gas. The composition of the material is foamed polystyrene, various additional substances that improve its structure, as well as a small amount of water. Manufacturing technology allows us to obtain a unique product with high thermal insulation properties. Expanded polystyrene also perfectly prevents sound transmission.

Floor insulation in the house Source

The material is produced by various methods, depending on which it acquires certain characteristics. The result is products with different densities, so each type is used in a specific area. Also, the manufacturing method affects the final cost of the substance. Main production methods:

  • Pressless. These are granules dried several times and then foamed. This material is very fragile and retains moisture well inside.
  • The pressing method has low thermal conductivity. The granules are subjected to additional compression, due to which they close and change the structure of the product. The material turns out to be of higher quality, but the manufacturing technology takes longer, which increases the price of such foam.
  • The autoclave method is used quite rarely, since its production requires a special device. This material is practically not used for home insulation, since its characteristics do not meet the task.
  • The extrusion option provides for the production of household products. Various foams, packaging and other products for household needs are made from it. This polymer is not used for insulation.
  • The extruded method is most often used to produce materials that can then be used to insulate a home. This is a type of pressless manufacturing, but it must involve an extruder. The product retains heat well, since its pores are very small in diameter, they are maximally closed to external influences. Thanks to these indicators, this type has become widespread among craftsmen and users; it is presented in a large assortment on the construction market.

Work on insulating a wooden house Source

What you should know about this insulation option

Let us note right away that foam plastic is not the most popular solution for wooden buildings for a number of reasons:

Low vapor permeabilityAs you know, for the best preservation of wood, it is necessary that moisture from the material can evaporate freely. But if the surface is covered with foam, then the moisture has nowhere to go, and condensation can form inside the wood, so it is necessary to install high-quality exhaust ventilation for a wooden house
Material hardnessIf you use mineral wool, it can be inserted into a wooden sheathing and it will hold without additional fastening. Polystyrene foam can also be arranged in a similar way, but the sheets may crumble during operation
The need to seal jointsAfter completing the fastening, the cracks must be sealed to prevent the penetration of cold; this complicates the process and makes it more labor-intensive. This stage should not be neglected, since the result of the work largely depends on the insulation of the joints

Important! You should select high-quality polystyrene foam; you should not save money and purchase low-density materials, they are very fragile and can break during operation. In addition, it is advisable to use insulation with fire retardant additives in its composition; it is much more resistant to fire.

How to insulate a wooden house with foam plastic

To understand how to glue foam to wood, it is important to study its structure. The material is most often supplied in the form of lightweight but durable slabs, the thickness of which can vary significantly depending on the type and purpose. The structure of the substance allows it to work effectively in any weather and temperature conditions - it is not afraid of mechanical damage and natural factors.

Walls of a house with polystyrene foam Source

Due to its unique composition, expanded polystyrene is successfully used for both internal and external insulation of homes. The difference will only concern the method of fastening the material:

  • The house can be insulated from the inside by placing sheets of polystyrene foam on wooden walls. This method is not used often because it has significant disadvantages. Expanded polystyrene for interior decoration has high heat-insulating properties; it also does not allow moisture and water vapor to pass through it. As a result, the walls will not warm up well, but they will be exposed to cold and wind from outside the room. This can lead to the formation of a dew point inside the room, which can lead to the accumulation of condensation between the wood and the insulation layer. Constant exposure to liquid is dangerous by the onset of putrefactive processes, the appearance of fungus and mold on the surface of the walls.
  • The external method of insulation is increasingly used by craftsmen in the construction and renovation of houses. Its second name is a ventilated facade, which has special properties. When installing insulation, waterproofing is used to protect it from the effects of weather factors. Also, this method allows the sheets to be constantly ventilated, which has a good effect on the durability of such a coating. The only drawback of the solution is the high cost compared to the internal option.

A wooden floor can also be insulated using expanded polystyrene - in this case, sheets of material are laid between the floor joists. If the first floor is being finished, this method prevents cold air from entering from the ground, and in the case of intermediate floors, stabilization of the temperature regime is achieved. The heat is evenly distributed between the rooms, which avoids overheating of the upper rooms. Insulated floors help create a normal microclimate in the house if the upper floors are not heated in winter.

How to choose glue

There is a fairly wide range of different adhesives for sale for working with polyethylene foam. And it is advisable to make the choice using the following criteria.

  • The temperature range must match this characteristic of the insulation.
  • Adhesive properties must be extremely high.
  • If you plan to use glue for interior decoration, it must be certified and non-toxic.
  • If adhesive is selected for exterior finishing, it must be resistant to a variety of weather conditions and temperature changes.
  • If you intend to finish the sauna and bathhouse, then the glue will need to be mixed with water-repellent agents.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The production of the material is possible only in production; polystyrene foam cannot be made at home. The substance contains styrene, which is a waste product from oil refining, so the product is not highly safe and environmentally friendly. Despite this circumstance, polystyrene foam has significant advantages:

  • Low price, which is significantly inferior to other types of insulation.
  • Good density, allowing you to effectively retain heat indoors.
  • Low weight and excellent elasticity.
  • Does not allow sounds to pass through walls.
  • Easily tolerates interaction with liquids.
  • Widely distributed in stores, you can find different types of products for specific tasks on sale.
  • Large selection of structures and shades.
  • High resistance to various adhesives and dyes, chemical inertness.
  • It does not rot and is durable - the decomposition of the material can last for years.
  • It is not subject to ignition, which allows you to protect a wooden house from fire.
  • Long period of operation, which is more than 15 years.
  • Easy to cut and install, they can be done even without the use of special equipment.

Building walls with foam plastic Source
The negative aspects of the material are associated with its synthetic origin, as well as its complex structure, including many chemical compounds. Among the disadvantages of polystyrene foam are the following:

  • Poor tolerance to sunlight, prolonged exposure to which leads to damage to the product. Also, the initial properties of a substance can change significantly.
  • Flammable substances and solvents can damage the structure of the material. It is dangerous to use gasoline and fuel oil.
  • Animals and insects can easily destroy or damage polystyrene foam.
  • When ignited, a large amount of harmful substances are formed that are extremely dangerous to human health. Inhaling them can be fatal.
  • The material should not be heated, as this results in the formation of toxic compounds. For this reason, it is prohibited to use polystyrene foam in baths and saunas.

Insulating a house from the inside Source

Types of adhesives

There are a lot of options for using polystyrene foam. All funds are divided into groups, each with its own characteristics.

Dry mixes

Available in powder form, which is diluted with water before use. The proportions must be indicated on the packaging. These are universal pastes that contain cement with other binding additives. Used for external and internal insulation work. Suitable for different surfaces, but most often they are chosen to glue foam to brick or concrete when insulating walls.

Powder mixtures have good strength. When properly diluted and applied, they will hold foam boards for 35-50 years. If you need adhesive for interior work, it is important to make sure that it does not contain toxic substances. For adhesives used externally, this is quite acceptable. Be sure to check the expiration date. For good mixtures it does not exceed a year from the date of release.

Liquid preparations

Gels and pastes in different forms of packaging. These can be bottles, aerosol cans, tubes for construction guns. The advantage of liquid formulations is that they are immediately ready for use. They do not need to be diluted at home, risking spoilage in case of an error in dosage. This group includes liquid nails and polyurethane-based mixtures. The latter are considered the best for gluing polystyrene foam.

They form a strong, durable connection. Polyurethane products are universal. They glue foam parts to any base and securely glue them together. It is very easy to work with such pastes. They are applied pointwise to the base, then pressed to the desired location. Polyurethane adhesives are available, used for facade and interior work, and their price is low.

Sometimes polyurethane foam is used as an adhesive. It holds the insulation well on concrete or brick and is used for attaching skirting boards to a base without finishing. The foam is easy to use, gives a strong connection, and is inexpensive. True, if the foam contains substances that dissolve styrene, it will not connect, but will only spoil the elements. This must be taken into account before using it.

Expanded polystyrene insulation

Any type of material is subject to environmental influences. Products are affected by temperature fluctuations, humidity changes, sunlight, precipitation and other natural factors. Therefore, to prevent the gradual deterioration of the foam, insulation is used to protect vulnerable areas. In the case of a wooden house, the fight against humidity, which provokes putrefactive processes, is especially important.

Arrangement of the frame on the building Source

Important criteria for choosing adhesive

Area of ​​application of the material

Foam parts are used very widely. The choice of adhesive mastic will ultimately be determined by the application. So, choosing an expensive aerosol for gluing insulation boards to walls is wasteful. But even with a diluted inexpensive dry mixture it is difficult to combine, for example, fragments of a craft. In the latter case, experts advise choosing universal drugs.

So, to glue foam to cardboard or paper, it is enough to apply one of the varieties of PVA. This solution is considered a basic solution; it combines a variety of bases well. It is completely safe and can be used for children's creativity. True, the strength of its connection is insufficient. It is enough for a static craft, but if the element is subject to any loads, it is better to choose a different preparation.

Manufacturer specifications

On sale you can find products designed specifically for polystyrene foam. They are better suited than any other to work with it. However, you need to know that several types of such solutions are produced. Some are intended only for foam elements. Others can be used to adhere foam to paper, wood, metal, etc. Therefore, you need to carefully study the information on the packaging.

Application method

If possible, it is better to choose a drug that is easy to use. So, for children's creativity, PVA in a small jar with a brush is suitable. The child will be able to independently lubricate the foam parts in order to glue them or attach them to paper, cardboard, etc. A liquid in an aerosol can is convenient for joining large fragments. It sprays easily and evenly covers large surfaces. But small ones can simply roll off and not give the desired effect. For large volumes, for example, for insulating facades, dry mixtures are chosen. They are diluted to the consistency of a paste. It is applied to sheets of insulator, applied to the base and pressed. This is an effective and inexpensive option than gluing foam to concrete or brick. Sometimes the slabs are additionally secured with mushroom dowels. It is even more convenient to attach polystyrene foam to polyurethane mastic. Its price is much higher than that of powders, but the consumption is less. The paste is applied linearly or pointwise to the base, it is allowed to harden a little, then the element is placed in the chosen place. The connection is strong and does not require additional fastening. The polyurethane mixture is universal. It can be used to glue foam plastic to wood, iron, tiles, etc.

Composition of the drug

If you decide to use a universal drug, you must remember that some of them are contraindicated for polystyrene foam. So, if the composition includes acetone, alcohols, solvents, and similar substances, there is a danger that the styrene will melt. This means that defects form on the foam element, including through holes. It is impossible to correct the situation; you will have to replace the part with a new one.

Therefore, it is advisable to test any remedy on a small fragment. It is best if it is an unnecessary piece of the main product. If there is no such thing, choose its most inconspicuous area. A little solution is applied to the base and wait a few minutes. This is enough to see a negative reaction if it follows.

Caution should be exercised when using solutions intended for gluing certain materials. So, a mixture for wood or plastic will probably stick polystyrene. But the quality is unlikely to be good. Whereas the probability of the presence of styrene-dissolving substances is high. The composition of such mastics must be carefully studied.

Laying the material

In a private home, it is important not only to know how to attach polystyrene foam to a wooden wall, but also to understand the features of installation on the floor. In the latter case, the material is laid along the logs. Work begins by creating a foundation at the bottom of the structure.

Expanded polystyrene sheet on the floor Source

The easiest way to do this is by two methods. The first of them is to install boards under the joists, on which a layer of insulation is then laid. The second method involves installing slats on both sides of the joists, which serve as the basis for laying the material.

Laying polystyrene foam on the wall Source

Before installing insulation, it is necessary to lay waterproofing so that moisture from the ground or concrete does not penetrate deep into the material. This requirement is relevant even for monolithic types of foundation. After this, you can lay the polystyrene sheets themselves directly. It is best to install the slabs in layers, in a checkerboard pattern, so that the visible seams overlap.

Installation of foam plastic boards Source

When placing insulation under the joists, it is necessary to leave a 2 cm gap for ventilation. If the installation was made too high, the structure will need to be raised using lathing.

Base insulation with polystyrene foam Source

To prevent steam from the room from penetrating the material during the heating season, a layer of vapor barrier is laid. Lastly, they begin to organize the subfloor. To do this, use a board, plywood or OSB board.

Insulation of the roof of a house Source


The presence on the market of various and very reliable adhesives contributes to the development of new technologies in construction. The construction of quickly assembled houses from aerated concrete blocks using glue allows you to reduce construction time and the cost of materials for preparing the solution.

The question of how to glue concrete to concrete does not pose any big problems. Manufacturers' offers of numerous adhesive compositions with excellent waterproofing properties allow you to make the right choice. The use of glue helps to avoid the appearance of “cold bridges”. And this saves homeowners heating costs by up to 30% in the future.

In order to answer the question of how to glue concrete to concrete, climatic conditions should be taken into account. According to their characteristics, adhesive mixtures can withstand fairly low temperatures, but some of them are used only for the construction of internal walls.

Another definite plus when using glue is the aesthetic appearance of the wall. After its construction from aerated blocks, no additional finishing is required, the seams are almost invisible.

Adhesives based on epoxy resins are not afraid of aggressive environments, exposure to moisture and other adverse conditions. When constructing production workshops with similar characteristics, the question of how to glue concrete to concrete can be resolved quickly.

Fastening the material to the walls

Typically, insulation is laid on the facade using frames. This technology allows you to effectively hold the material and simplifies the installation of the entire structure. The procedure is performed gradually, step by step.

Preparatory work

Attaching expanded polystyrene to a wooden wall begins with preparing a reliable base. Since wood is very sensitive to external factors, it must be protected as much as possible from damage. Both old and new buildings are periodically insulated, so you need to pay close attention to the quality of the surface. It is important to remember that before starting the main work, the wood must be dry; remaining moisture can provoke putrefactive processes and even destruction of the structure of the material.

In painted rooms, all coating should be carefully removed, and the joints between the logs should be well sealed. All procedures must be completed before the start of insulation work. Damage is also eliminated; any remaining bark is removed, if there is any on the surface.

Scheme for attaching foam plastic Source

The prepared and dried wall is treated with antiseptic solutions. Particular attention is paid to this point, since after installing the insulation, this area will become inaccessible for viewing. As a result, it will not be possible to notice the formation of mold or the appearance of insects and fungi there.

Installation of sheathing

Installing the frame allows you to securely hold the insulation in place, prevents sliding and sagging, and also allows air to freely penetrate and ventilate the walls of the house.

Application of adhesive foam for installation Source

And here you are, my old lady

Polyurethane foam can be used to glue polystyrene foam to concrete, brick, and stone. To do this, just apply it around the perimeter and cross through the center. Place the slab in the installation location. After installing several rows, fill the gaps between the slabs with foam.

Advantages of using polyurethane foam:

  • reliable fastening of slabs to stone building materials;
  • ease of application.

There are still many more disadvantages:

  • increased degree of expansion after application (due to uneven expansion, voids and surface unevenness may form);
  • high foam consumption per meter of area;
  • the need for long-term fixation of the slab due to prolonged setting;
  • the structure of the thermal insulator may be destroyed under the influence of foam components.

If you can reduce consumption by using a spray foam gun, then nothing can be done about other shortcomings. Therefore, all that remains is to accept it or choose a different adhesive composition with which the polystyrene foam will be glued.

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How to glue foam plastic?
If you have a choice between glue and foam, then it is better to choose the first option, since the consumption of the product will be much less, and the quality of gluing will remain the same. The substance is applied between the wall and the insulation in a thin, uniform layer to securely attach the material to the surface. Before starting the procedure, it is important to thoroughly clean the area, remove traces of paint and varnish, repair potholes and damage, and dry the wood.

Applying glue to polystyrene foam Source

This method is well suited for timber buildings, but it makes no sense to use it for log buildings. This is due to the heterogeneous surface of the latter, which reduces the area of ​​contact between the material and the glue. Differences in the size and shape of the logs will make it difficult to create an even and smooth area, so the results of the work may be far from ideal.

After glue or foam is applied to the foam, sheets of material are laid evenly across the entire work area. Compared to using a frame structure, covered areas are more difficult to process and must be treated with caution in further finishing. The easiest way is to resort to plastering the surface, but this method is not very suitable for wooden houses. It would be better to build additional sheathing for the facade so that the choice of design becomes wider.

Adhesives for foam plastic in tubes Source


Using polystyrene foam allows you to create a kind of “thermos” that effectively retains heat inside the home and prevents cold from entering the building. This way you can significantly reduce heating costs and save significant money in winter.

Universal polymer glue Source

After preparing the base and sheathing, a layer of insulation is laid, and then the finishing of the building begins. If you approach this process responsibly, you will eventually be able to bring almost any idea to life. The most commonly used materials are wood - lining, imitation timber or block house. Sidings are also popular. Each type of finish differs in the method and type of fastening. Usually, to equip the facade, an additional frame is used, which is installed on top of the main sheathing.

What is the best way to glue foam together?

How can you glue foam plastic:

  • Dry cement mixtures. The packaging of such products indicates that they are intended specifically for polystyrene foam; other mixtures are not suitable for this.
  • PVA. It is advisable to use only for gluing to metal.
  • Polyurethane foam. Not widely popular for gluing foam.
  • Polyurethane glue. One of the best options for thermal insulation.
  • Liquid nails. A good option for fast and high-quality work.
  • Aerosol glue. Its cost is slightly higher than its analogues, but it is considered the most practical and convenient option for gluing foam. It is characterized by fast hardening and economical consumption.

Dry glue

Dry construction adhesive for extruded polystyrene foam includes sand, cement and auxiliary components that are needed to improve properties. It is usually sold in large bags of 5 and 25 kg. To prepare the glue, you need to mix it with water in certain proportions, which are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

The positive aspects of such an adhesive substance can be identified:

  • Can be glued to various substrates, including concrete, plaster, brick.
  • Suitable for gluing foam plastic together.
  • Has an affordable price.
  • Tolerates temperature changes and high humidity well.
  • Can correct unevenness and defects in the foundation.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the time required for mixing the product. The glue has a certain time to work after preparation. After 1-3 hours it becomes unusable, so you need to work quickly.

Polyurethane foam

The use of polyurethane glue will be a profitable and modern solution. Such a composition can glue the material together and stick it to other surfaces. The glue is not afraid of moisture, working with it is simple and convenient. The product is applied in a small layer, which is enough for a long and reliable fixation. This also makes this gluing method economical.

Polyurethane foam

The use of polyurethane foam for polystyrene foam is not always justified. It has certain disadvantages that are important when gluing this particular material.

Why is it better not to glue polystyrene foam with polyurethane foam:

  • It expands after application, which can cause deformation of the material.
  • The elements will need to be fixed after gluing for reliable adhesion.
  • Due to expansion, foam takes up a lot of space, reducing the area of ​​the room.
  • The composition may contain components that damage the foam.
  • High material consumption compared to other gluing options.

Reference! If you choose polyurethane foam, then only to glue the foam to the stone, then there will be maximum fixation.

It is better to choose PVA glue for gluing foam to metal. When gluing, you will also need burlap, which will improve adhesion. To do this, you need to moisten it in PVA and apply it to the base. Afterwards, the entire surface of the sheet is smeared with glue. When the mixture begins to harden, the sheet is applied to the wall and pressed for a few seconds.

Liquid Nails

Liquid nails are an excellent option for gluing foam to different substrates. They are universal and significantly speed up installation work. For reliable adhesion, you do not have to press the sheets for a long time.

Reference! This method also has disadvantages - high cost, the need for careful preparation of the base.

Liquid nails are applied pointwise along the entire perimeter of the sheet. You can also apply them from corner to corner diagonally, which will be enough for high-quality attachment.

Aerosol formulations

Polyurethane spray adhesive can be used for external and internal work. Working with them is simple and fast. The hardening period is no more than half an hour. A can of glue will be enough for 10 meters. The consumption of such a composition is significantly less than when working with dry construction mixtures and foam.

Spray adhesive is considered the best option for foam for the following reasons:

  • Saves time during thermal insulation work.
  • Has better adhesion to various substrates.
  • Improves the quality of insulation and insulation.
  • Ready to use, it does not need to be kneaded, which eliminates errors.

Gluing foam to a wooden surface

Before fixing the material, the surface is thoroughly cleaned and dried. To remove dust and small debris, use a sprayer and a regular brush.

Sheet of foam plastic on a wooden surface Source

The base must be coated with a primer, and then a mesh must be glued for subsequent reinforcement. Using a stapler or adhesive, the material is securely attached to the surface.

Since the mesh is supplied in the form of rolls, before starting to work with it, it is necessary to cut identical strips approximately 40 cm wide. It must be secured in such a way that at least 10 cm is under the foam layer. After installing the insulation, the remaining sections of the product are wrapped and glued to the sheets.

Indoor mounting

Insulating indoors is a simple process, so it can be done on your own. To ensure high-quality fastening, work with foam plastic is carried out in a certain sequence.

  1. The wall surface, insulation and adhesive composition are being prepared. The walls must be smooth and free of cracks and peeling. Polystyrene foam is easily cut with a hacksaw or a sharp knife. The adhesive used is a dry mixture or adhesive foam in cans.
  1. The finishing of windows and doors is dismantled. Subsequently, higher quality finishing elements are installed.
  1. The adhesive is applied along the edges of the slab, in the center and at the ends.

  1. Fastening the slabs to the walls is done in one of the following ways:
  • in rows - the insulation is laid with a shift in rows along the entire perimeter of the room;

  • pyramid - the first row is laid around the perimeter of the room, and then the corners are laid in the form of a pyramid.
  1. Using a spatula, remove the layer of glue squeezed out from the joints of the plates.
  1. The surface of the insulation is covered with a mounting mesh, and plaster is produced.

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What is the best way to glue polystyrene?
Before directly applying the glue, the surface must be treated with antifungal and antiseptic drugs. It is important to choose the right composition, since subsequently access to the junction of materials will be very difficult.

The cheapest option is dry polystyrene foam adhesive, which is made from cement. For use, this product is diluted with liquid. The result is a reliable and durable compound for attaching foam to virtually any type of material.

Also recently, solutions based on polymer cement have become increasingly widespread. They are universal in use and are well suited for gluing insulation to any type of base. To work with facades, you can use products that contain various mineral fillers. Many companies produce products to increase the protective properties of polystyrene foam. After applying glue to the front surface, the material becomes resistant to various environmental factors. In addition to the advantages, such substances also have disadvantages - a long polymerization time, which is about 3 days.

There are also aerosol mixtures containing polyurethane. They can be used as glue or to fill gaps and seams between sheets. These are universal substances that behave equally well both indoors and outdoors. They can be applied to facades, roofs and walls of houses, flooring and other wooden surfaces. In all these cases, the products set quickly and hold the material securely for a long time. And although the prices for such mixtures are relatively high, they are justified by the convenience of applying the glue.

Expanded polystyrene sheets usually begin to fix within 2 hours after gluing the surface. For better stability, the material is secured with anchor bolts for facades.

The main advantages of polyurethane products are: fire resistance, good tolerance to changes in humidity and temperature, environmental friendliness and safety for health. Modern production technologies make it possible to obtain high-quality and easy-to-use compositions. When choosing an adhesive, it is important to consider its chemical reactions with the material. To prevent the destruction of polystyrene foam, you need to purchase products that do not contain acetone or gasoline.

Sometimes sheets of expanded polystyrene need to be glued together. For these purposes, use any wet or dry glue that does not contain solvents. When choosing products, a specific task is taken into account, and then the most suitable product is selected to solve it.

Types of glue for penoplex

Based on composition characteristics, installation adhesive materials for penoplex are divided into four groups.

  1. Polyurethane.
  2. Mineral, cement.
  3. Polymer.
  4. Waterproofing.

Adhesives from the fourth group are not recommended for interior use. They contain various solvents and petroleum derivatives, which are very harmful to humans.

Penoplex adhesive for exterior use.

To insulate walls from the outside, cement-mineral compositions should be used. They are characterized by a high rate of adhesion (gluing, adhesion) to concrete surfaces.

For penoplex for interior work.

Installation of insulation on the ceiling and walls inside the building is carried out using glue from the polyurethane or polymer group. This is explained by their technical characteristics and safety for humans.

The most common adhesives for penoplex

Atlas Stopter K-20. Characteristics:

  • for external work, including for insulation of facades;
  • sold in 25 kg containers;
  • consumption 4 kg per 1 m2;
  • preparation time for the mixture is at least 4 hours.
  • ready mix;
  • Sold in a 750 ml bottle;
  • there is a special nozzle for application;
  • consumption – one bottle per 2 m2.

AtlasPlus. Characteristics:

  • versatility;
  • good adhesion and elasticity;
  • suitable for wet surfaces;
  • sold in bags of 5, 10 and 25 kg;
  • consumption – 1.5 kg per 1 m2.
  • from the group of polymer adhesives;
  • Drying time – 24 hours;
  • resistance to humidity and low temperature;
  • Available in 250, 500 and 1000 ml cans;
  • consumption – 250 ml per 5 m2.
  • suitable for external and internal work;
  • comes in aerosol form;
  • prevents the appearance and spread of fungus;
  • no noticeable odor, safe to use;
  • consumption – one cylinder per 10 m2.

Price range of glue zones

NameVolumePackingAverage cost, rub
AtlasStopterK-2025 kgBag320
Insta-stick750 mlBalloon550
AtlasPlus25 kgBag600
CeresitCT8325 kgBag400
Titanium750 mlBalloon270
Moment1000 mlJar300

How to glue penoplex - instructions

Before starting work, prepare the necessary tools and materials:

  • foam boards;
  • primer;
  • roller or brush;
  • degreaser;
  • spray;

Use step-by-step instructions for gluing insulation.

  1. Clean the working surface from paint and varnish materials, primer, and dirt. Use a spray bottle to degrease the surface.
  2. Apply an even layer of primer to the walls/floor/ceiling and allow it to dry completely.
  3. Prepare glue if required by the instructions. Apply it to the surface, as well as to the insulation board.
  4. Apply the penoplex to the surface: from bottom to top if it is a wall, or from left to right if it is a floor or ceiling. Hold the stove for so long until it no longer lags behind the work surface at random.
  5. Proceed to gluing the next slab.

Methods of applying glue depending on the nature of the work:

  • Spot. Dense drops at a distance of 30 cm from each other.
  • Stripes. Four L-shaped stripes in the corners and two long ones in the center.
  • Solid. Evenly over the entire area of ​​the slab, departing from the edges by 3-4 cm.

Please note important tips:

  • an assistant will be needed when performing this work;
  • read the manufacturer's instructions and glue consumption;
  • if you are installing penoplex for the first time, use aerosol glue;
  • treat the surface with a primer to prevent the appearance of fungus;
  • apply glue evenly over the entire surface in a layer of no more than 2-3 mm;
  • level the slabs immediately after contact with the work surface;
  • remember the safety measures.

A common question is how to glue penoplex to concrete

There are three ways to install this insulation to concrete surfaces:

There is no consensus on which of these formulations is better. You should choose based on the nature of the work. However, many experts prefer glue that is created specifically for working with penoplex.


Liquid nails can only be used if the insulation is glued to the floor. Foam is suitable for filling joints between slabs.

Penoplex is a thermal insulation material widely used in construction. For fastening slabs, modern adhesive compositions are most often used, the range of which includes several dozen items. Read this material to learn how to choose the best option and make the right choice.

Fastening foam with dowels

For external finishing of facades, sheets of expanded polystyrene are used, which are attached to the frame using disc dowels. These elements are considered mandatory for reliable fixation of the material. The parts act as insurance in case the slabs sag, so that they cannot slide and peel off from the wall. Dowels are placed according to certain patterns, which are selected for each specific building.

Most of the elements will be needed to fix the material on the plaster. For solid foundations, 2 to 5 dowels per square meter of area will be sufficient. To calculate the appropriate length of fasteners, it is necessary to measure the thickness of the plaster layer. The size of the element must extend through the entire layer and be fixed at the base of the wall.

The foam is secured using dowels as follows:

  • Fixation is carried out 4 hours after applying the glue, so that it has time to set well and is not damaged during installation of fasteners.
  • Surface drilling is performed with high precision, having previously installed a special limiter in the hammer drill, which does not allow penetration beyond the size of the fastener.
  • A disc-shaped dowel is placed in the completed opening. Inside the element there is a plastic core, which is designed to open it in the hole.
  • Drive the fasteners very carefully so as not to deform the surface of the insulation. Otherwise, its characteristics will suffer, the foam will be less effective at retaining heat inside the building. If you have difficulty placing the core, you will need to replace the drill with a new one.

Which foam plastic is better to choose for insulating wooden buildings?

Polystyrene foam can be used in any climate zone. This material is sold in the form of slabs measuring 1x1 and 0.5x1 m. Brands vary in density. For example, the PSB-S-15 brand means that the material has a density of 12-15 kg/m³. The denser the material, the better its strength characteristics. However, it is not recommended to use foam with properties higher than necessary: ​​in this way it will not be possible to increase heat saving, it will only waste more money. To insulate the outside of a private house, which is located in the middle climate zone, slabs with a thickness of 5 cm and a density of 25 kg/m³ are suitable.

The lightest and most cost-effective polystyrene foam is PSB-S. It is used for buildings with low weight. Foam plastic with average strength characteristics - C25 and 25F - is quite popular. Plates with a density of 35 kg/m³ can be used for structures where high strength is required.

Polystyrene foam has little strength, but sheets produced by extrusion are durable, elastic and more technologically advanced. Blocks made of extruded polystyrene foam can withstand high compressive loads and are used for thermal protection of walls and floors.

Some builders believe that polystyrene foam is not suitable for insulating wooden structures. The problem is vapor permeability - this indicator for foam is 20% lower than for wood. You should know that the vapor permeability of materials used in finishing private houses must increase from the inner layer to the outer, otherwise condensation will form at the boundary that separates polystyrene foam and wood. If condensation forms, the structures may begin to rot. This problem can be easily solved by installing a ventilation system and creating a steam barrier before attaching the foam to the wooden base.

Fixing polystyrene foam to a wooden ceiling

Before starting the main work, the ceiling must be carefully prepared, whitewash, dust and debris must be removed from it. You should also immediately place the electrical wiring, which will then be covered with plates.

The sheathing for insulation is made from wooden blocks. They are laid at such a distance from each other that the sheets of material are tightly located between them. Then the foam itself is mounted, and adhesives or fasteners are used to secure it. The cracks and recesses are filled with sealant. You can also use polyurethane foam for this purpose.

Next, a vapor barrier is placed on the frame. This is a film that will prevent moisture from entering the ceiling from inside the room. Lastly, the foam boards themselves are laid.

During preparatory work, the ceiling should not only be thoroughly cleaned, but also its surface should be disinfected using antiseptics. Then the entire area is covered with primer. If it is impossible to remove all the whitewash, it is recommended to completely treat the ceiling with special glue. The product is applied to the material with a dotted line. The sheets begin to be placed from the middle, moving them slightly. For greater reliability, it is advisable to add fasteners. Expanded polystyrene is also strengthened using a reinforcing mesh, which is subsequently puttied and processed.

The use of expanded polystyrene in the construction and reconstruction of buildings

External wall insulation with polystyrene foam has received the most widespread use in the use of this material. The thickness of the sheets in this case is from 50 mm to 100 mm.

Before starting this work, wall preparation is important. The foam is attached to the walls using special glue and plastic mushroom-shaped dowels.

According to the work technology, reinforcement with dowels is carried out only three days after gluing.

For corners use a special corner profile.

All this prevents the material from slipping while the glue dries during work. After all, the amount of slipping of even a light sheet can reach 10 cm. After gluing the foam sheets, a reinforcing mesh is used to create a more rigid layer under the plaster. This will make it easier in the future to finish the building’s exterior, plastering and painting. External thermal insulation work can only be carried out on days without rain.

Application of mastic under the mesh, leveling mastic, or primer should be done only after the previous layer has dried. The air temperature must be at least 5 C°. High environmental characteristics and fire safety made it possible to use this material for insulation from the inside of the house. Such work is carried out if external installation is impossible or inconvenient.

What glue is suitable

The fixation composition should not include acetone, gasoline or other solvents. They provoke the destruction of polystyrene foam sheets.

Polyurethane foam

The advantages include:

  • ease of use: a craftsman who does not have installation skills can work with foam;
  • low cost of the composition;
  • Foam is sold in cans, so it is used not only for gluing foam plastic, but also for sealing joints between slabs.

Disadvantages: the product glues any materials, but does not tolerate slowness. The foam dries quickly in the tube, so you will need a special solvent.


  • synthetic glue is easy to apply;
  • has greater resistance to moisture than dry mixtures;
  • frost-resistant;
  • guarantees high adhesion;
  • moderate consumption of the composition (1 cylinder is enough for 10 m2).

The only negative is that to use the aerosol glue you will need a mounting gun.

Liquid Nails

They are not considered a reliable means, so for strong fixation they are used in conjunction with a dry adhesive mixture. Surface application proportions:

  • 1/3 – liquid nails;
  • 2/3 – dry mixture.

This ratio ensures high adhesive strength. In this case, supports for the panels will not be required.

Review of popular brands

The adhesive composition used for gluing polystyrene foam sheets to metal must be characterized by:

  • endurance to decrease in temperature;
  • possibility of use for outdoor work;
  • absence of any solvents in the product;
  • guaranteed high degree of adhesion of bonded surfaces;
  • ease of use.

It is preferable to choose a composition that contains composite mixtures, bitumen or plasticizers.


Due to their high quality, the brand’s products are respected by professional builders. Advantages of the adhesive composition "Ceresit":

  • Ideally applied to foam blocks;
  • good ductility;
  • can be used for interior and exterior work, resistant to temperature changes and various atmospheric phenomena;
  • impact-resistant, vapor-permeable composition;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • long period of adjustment (20-25 min.).

Disadvantage: The working solution must be used within 2 hours.


The Moment glue line is expanding every year. Positive properties of the composition:

  • even with prolonged use, the adhesive seam does not crack;
  • has excellent technical characteristics;
  • does not shrink or deform when dried;
  • frost resistance, water resistance, heat resistance;
  • the adhesive is available in containers of different volumes;
  • short drying period.

The disadvantages include the unpleasant odor of the glue (disappears only after complete drying), and is more often subject to counterfeiting (as a result of which the composition contains toxic components that are harmful to health).

"Master Termol"

Combined adhesive for polystyrene foam “Master Termol” has the following properties:

  • long period of adjustment of slabs (up to 50 minutes);
  • high adhesion and ductility;
  • the composition is environmentally friendly;
  • the lowest temperature for using the mixture is -5 ˚С, which allows installation work to begin earlier and finish later;
  • the technological movement time is 12 hours, after which the foam can be doweled.

Time to use the finished composition is 30 minutes, material consumption per 1 m2 is 6 kg.

"Profline 3K-45"

An adhesive mixture for installing foam plastic and mineral wool, which is suitable for interior and exterior decoration. Positive properties of the composition:

  • ease of use;
  • moisture resistance, elasticity, frost resistance;
  • economy;
  • high adhesion;
  • Shelf life of the finished mixture is 2 hours;
  • environmentally friendly product.

During preparation of the composition, preventive safety measures should be observed. The dry mixture is characterized by increased dust formation, so it is necessary to protect the eyes and respiratory tract from it.

"Penoplex Fastfix"

Highly effective composition for installation of thermal insulation. Advantages of glue:

  • universal - glues foam equally well to various surfaces, including metal;
  • ease of use - time for preparing the adhesive is reduced;
  • heat resistance – not afraid of temperature differences from -50 to +90 ˚С;
  • after the glue hardens, thermal conductivity is not impaired;
  • no shrinkage.

Those who have used Penoplex Fastfix adhesive consider the disadvantages to be the fact that the amount of work performed to cover the surface does not correspond to what is mentioned on the packaging; it is much less.


Expanded polystyrene (polystyrene) is a material that can be destroyed by solvents and other aggressive substances. Therefore, the composition should not contain:

  • ketone solvents;
  • acetone;
  • nitrogen compounds (nitromethane, nitrobenzene);
  • chlorine derivatives;
  • gasoline, white spirit, kerosene;
  • alcohol and ether components.

The scope of application must also be taken into account: for external or internal work. Outdoors and for facades you will need frost-resistant adhesive.

The packaging of each composition contains instructions for use. It indicates which substrates can be glued.

Consumption per 1m2

Calculation of consumption per sq. m. is needed to determine the required amount of material to purchase. It is impossible to calculate the exact amount. This is influenced by factors:

  • material, its density and ability to absorb;
  • consumption of a specific type and brand of mixture.

The average data is shown in the table.

Type of compositionConsumption
Dry500 gr. / m²
Bituminous800-1000 gr. / m²
Polyurethane1 cylinder per 8-10 m²

Warm, lightweight and durable foam insulation

Warm, lightweight and durable foam insulation

To insulate houses, industrial structures and buildings, a variety of materials are used: mineral wool, fiberglass wool, polystyrene foam.

Foam plastic is one of the most popular materials for insulating walls and ceilings. It is economical, environmentally friendly, resistant to adverse conditions, and has good thermal insulation.

Foam plastic is especially popular: it has high performance characteristics, is 1.5-2 times cheaper than other insulation materials, and is easy to install and process: it can be cut, drilled, and glued.

Scheme of wall insulation with foam plastic.

Several years ago, mineral wool was considered the most harmless insulation. But after the abolition of standards for the quality of building materials, it is often made from waste, including asbestos. For thermal protection of residential premises, it is advisable to opt for self-extinguishing foam brands; they are somewhat more expensive than other insulation materials, but much more effective and safer.

The structure of expanded polystyrene with closed, non-communicating cells determines its low thermal conductivity and ability to absorb sound and vibration well. This universal material is widely used for insulating internal and external walls and partitions, floors, roofs, facades, and foundations. The range of thermal conductivity coefficients of foam boards, depending on the density, is 0.029-0.04 W/(m 0 K), which is 3 times less than that of wood and 17 times less than that of brick. A 10 cm thick foam board is as effective in thermal insulation as a 1.1 m thick layer of mineral wool or 1.7 m thick brickwork.

Which foam is better for warmth and comfort?

Scheme of wall insulation using polystyrene foam.

The lightest and cheapest brand of foam plastic is PSB-S, used for lightly loaded structures. Foam plastic with average strength characteristics - grades PSB-S25 and PSB-25F (weighted) - is widely used for insulating wall structures, building facades, floors, and roofs. Foam plastic with a density of 35 is suitable for structures where increased strength is required - foundations, pipelines, underground communications. High shock-absorbing properties make it possible to use it for the construction of heated parking lots and concrete paths.

Polyfoam is used for thermal insulation of external and internal walls, ceilings, floors and attics.

Polystyrene foam is fragile, but sheet material produced by extrusion is stronger, more elastic and more technologically advanced. Blocks made of extruded polystyrene foam can withstand increased compressive loads and are used for thermal protection of walls, load-bearing floors and floors. Foam plastic with special properties is produced - these are self-extinguishing materials of the PPU-E grade.

There is an opinion that polystyrene foam is not suitable for insulating wooden buildings. The problem is vapor permeability - this indicator for foam plastic is almost 20% lower than for wood. According to accepted rules, the vapor permeability of materials used to decorate a house should increase from internal to external layers. Otherwise, condensation will form at the boundary separating the foam and wood, which threatens the rotting of wooden structures. The problem is solved by installing a ventilation system and creating an additional vapor barrier before starting to attach the foam to the wood.

Stages and nuances

Gluing foam plastic is carried out in several stages:

  1. Disconnect power from the electrical wiring.
  2. Clean the base from paint, whitewash, residual finishing materials and dirt.
  3. Remove irregularities deeper than 1 cm, that is, level the surface. If this is not done, the foam boards will break during installation.
  4. Treat the surface with a primer that contains antiseptics. This will improve adhesion and prevent the appearance of mold.
  5. Wait for the primer to dry.
  6. Foam boards are usually glued from a corner or lamp. During operation, the desired configuration is given using a mounting knife.
  7. If aerosol glue is used, insert the can into the gun and cut off the tip. Apply the composition to the underside of the foam board in strips along the edges (step back 2-4 cm from the very edge) and diagonally. It is also permissible to squeeze out the glue in dots - in the center and in the corners.
  8. Dilute the dry mixture with water until you obtain a homogeneous consistency and spread it on the stove with a small notched spatula, you should get a homogeneous thin layer. Another option is to apply glue pointwise around the perimeter and in the middle, spreading it evenly over the surface.
  9. Press the foam onto the base and hold for a few seconds. Remove excess glue with a damp cloth or even spatula.
  10. In the same way, glue the next plate end-to-end to the previous one. If a gap more than 2 mm wide has formed between them, fill it with foam or putty.

It is necessary to press the foam to the surface as a rule, and level it using a building level.

Tip When using additional fastening (dowels), wait until the adhesive has completely dried and only then drill holes and drive in the umbrella dowels.

How to insulate insulation

Environmental influences, moisture, temperature changes, cold have a certain effect on any materials. Areas where access is restricted require special attention. To protect wooden walls and house structures when insulating with polystyrene foam, it is necessary to pay attention to waterproofing and vapor barrier. For this purpose, special roll materials are used.

Vapor barrier film

During the insulation process, the waterproofing material must be fastened on the cold air side (street, ground, concrete base). The vapor barrier is installed on the side of the warm air flow (inside the room). An alternative vapor barrier option can be polyethylene film used to cover garden greenhouses.

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