Choosing a door for the veranda and creating it yourself

Requirements for terrace doors

  1. Since doors to the terrace are installed at the entrance to the house, their main task is to ensure the safety of the people living in it. Today there are many technologies that make even a glass door shockproof with reliable locks.
  2. Doors to the terrace must retain heat, so one of the important criteria when choosing is thermal insulation properties. This is important especially in harsh climates. Therefore, sometimes panoramic doors are used as an internal structure.
  3. Home lighting. Terrace doors should not bring additional shade into the house, especially since owners often place indoor plants in this place, which also need a lot of sunlight.

These three requirements are best combined in the following types of doors leading to the terrace:

  1. Steel - is a standard door to the terrace, the price of which is higher than that of the one installed in the apartment, since it has a rather massive profile.
  2. Plastic - it is also called balcony, it has a window profile, fittings, hinges, etc.

If you want to save money, then choose a balcony door that opens inward for your terrace. But the best option is considered to be an entrance door that has its own hinges, double-glazed windows and multi-lockers. Such a door can be safely closed in the cold season, and kept open or ventilated in the summer; it retains heat well and closes hermetically.

Heat insulator material

An ordinary metal door conducts heat very well. It will be able to protect from intruders, but not from the cold, which is why the practice of installing two doors at once was previously widespread: a metal one from thieves, a wooden one from cold air. Nowadays, doors with insulation have become a kind of standard. Its presence allows the metal door to be a full-fledged barrier to cold air. If the thickness and material of the heat insulator are chosen in accordance with the climate, then a steel door can easily become truly warm.

A logical question may arise here: which insulation in a metal door is better? Let's analyze the most common options:

  • mineral wool is cheap and not even cheerful. The material is distinguished by high heat and sound insulation properties, it does not burn, does not emit toxic substances, but over time it can shrink, which will certainly affect the quality of thermal insulation, therefore it is better that the door has an additional sheathing that will negate the shrinkage;
  • polyurethane foam is a durable and reliable heat insulator, dampens sounds well, withstands temperature changes well, but is more expensive than mineral wool, and its fire resistance leaves much to be desired. However, it is now being used more and more actively, as it has better thermal insulation qualities. To get the same effect, a door with mineral wool should have a thickness of 10-12 cm, and with polyurethane foam - already 7-8 cm;
  • polystyrene foam is even cheaper than mineral wool, it copes well with its tasks, retains heat and sounds, but is easily flammable, and the gaps between it and the stiffeners must be sealed with polyurethane foam, since otherwise there is no question of thermal insulation at all;
  • penoplex is close to mineral wool in many characteristics, but is inferior to it in fire resistance;
  • paper and cardboard are used in the most budget options; they are able to insulate from cold and noise, but still not as good as more modern analogues. In addition, paper insulation does not withstand high humidity;
  • Foam rubber and synthetic winterizer are used infrequently, because to ensure an acceptable level of thermal insulation you will need a layer of at least 10 cm.

Not only the door leaf, but also the metal profile must be filled with insulation, otherwise the cold will penetrate into the apartment through it. To check the presence of thermal insulation in the profile, you can simply knock on it: a ringing sound means there is no insulation, a dull sound means everything is in order.

Information on the properties of the main insulation materials is presented in the table below.

Single doors to the terrace

These are the most common terrace doors. They can open like a single-leaf window or be a tilt-and-turn window. The maximum dimensions of the door leaf are 240x160 cm. For the terrace, fittings are installed on the door, which has increased resistance to burglary.

Additional fittings for a single-leaf door to the terrace:

  • a latch with a special handle, which is located outside the door;
  • door opening limiter;
  • an opening lock that holds the door in an inclined position, so the door will not accidentally slam shut;
  • a mechanism that adjusts the tilt; it allows you to adjust the door in one of seven positions.

Absolutely all doors to the terrace must be equipped with a lock that blocks the incorrect position of the handle. In this case, when the door is open, it will not be possible to move the locking pins with the door handle. Then, in case of a draft or in other cases when the door closes uncontrollably, the door frame will not be damaged by the pin.

Correct installation

Another aspect that can negate all your efforts in choosing. If you save money and invite an incompetent craftsman to install the door, you will have to say goodbye to its thermal insulation qualities.

A competent installer will immediately say that it is better not to change the door until the wet repair work in the room is completed. Naturally, the installation is carried out using special anchors or dowels, and the gaps between the frame and the wall are filled with polyurethane foam, widely known to everyone as polyurethane foam. Once the foam has hardened, it is important to protect it from moisture. It’s probably not worth mentioning how important it is to install the canvas evenly.

Double doors to the terrace

For double-leaf doors, the door leaf is divided horizontally using a structural element. It is located at the level of the window frame, approximately at a height of 80 cm. As a result of this division, the glazing of the canvas consists of two independent parts.

Such a horizontal element is needed for doors with a height of more than 2.20 m with a white profile, and with a colored one - for door leaves over 2.10 m in height. This is due to the fact that plastic doors to the terrace expand much more when exposed to hot air than similar wooden structures. Especially if the plastic is dark. With rapid heating and expansion of the profiles, the door is deformed, so the structure must be strengthened. This is especially true for a double-leaf door. If there is no horizontal middle element, then due to deformations at the junctions of the elements, the door leaf will lower and rub against the door frame. As a result of the resulting stress, a crack may appear in the glass.

Furniture arrangement

Correctly arranging furniture in a 30 sq. m studio is a whole science. The following must be taken into account:

  • furniture should be in harmony with each other;
  • so that there is no feeling of chaos or clutter in the space;
  • not too empty;
  • the boundaries of the zones were clearly defined.

Furniture can also be located:

  • along the line of the wall;
  • on both sides of the wall;
  • island;
  • peninsula;
  • in the corners.

Before you start arranging furniture, think through all the areas in advance. You may find it helpful to make a drawing of the room to get an idea of ​​where things are located.

You also need to think about in which places in this room you will move more often. And arrange objects so that you don’t trip over them or have to walk around them.

Since everything is located in one room, then the TV should be in a convenient place so that you can watch it from anywhere in the room.

There is no need to place all the furniture along the walls so as not to visually stretch out the space. Do not place the dining table opposite the doorway; sitting with your back may cause discomfort.

Sliding doors to the terrace

Such designs have become increasingly popular in recent years. Their advantages were especially appreciated by the owners of terraces with a large glazed opening. A large area of ​​glass sliding doors for the terrace will not interfere with the design; rather, on the contrary, they will become the highlight of the room. When the door is opened, the door leaf rises slightly and smoothly moves to the side. In this case, only one blade moves, the second is fixed motionless. Even with a large weight of 300 kg of the door leaf, the entire structure moves easily.

Using sliding doors, you can glaze the entire wall of the terrace, or you can conditionally divide it into four parts, making two solid at the edges and sliding in the center. The maximum dimensions of a sliding door to the terrace are 3.23 x 2.67 m. Stoppers are installed at the edge of the blind panels; they block the impact of the sliding part on the door frame. Anti-burglary elements are also installed in the design - these are pins that cannot be removed and roller mushroom-shaped pins. Examples of sliding doors to the terrace can be seen in the photo.


The best properties of such products are well demonstrated by Lumon products:

  • sliding frameless glazing is an ideal choice for gazebos, verandas and terraces;
  • looks modern and stylish;
  • maximum room illumination;
  • in the summer heat, when there is no need for glass, the sashes are conveniently folded against the wall;
  • safety and protection from vandals (tempered glass is used);
  • variable design (possibility of painting the profile, applying a pattern to the glass, tinting it with color, matting it);
  • ease of use (the profile recessed into the floor does not interfere with the passage);
  • elite architectural solution.

Folding doors to the terrace

Such doors are universal and include the advantages of many types of terrace doors. The folding door can be placed across the entire width of the wall. The guide along which the canvases move can reach six meters in length. The width of each moving leaf can be up to a meter, so after the door is completely open, it will not take up much space in the opening. The door folds like an accordion. Door Features:

  • the canvases consist of several leaves, usually there are five of them;
  • the maximum door height is 2.40 m;
  • at the end of the last sash, a tilt-and-turn frame is installed, which opens in the opposite direction. Thus, you can easily ventilate the room without moving the canvas like an accordion. This frame is usually installed on a classic balcony door.

Variety of colors

Since the terrace in most cases is open, that is, without a roof, it receives a lot of sunlight. This advantage should not be ignored - the door to the terrace should be made as open and bright as possible. The white plastic frame is a universal option. But the already created interior design in a residential area should also be taken into account. At a minimum, it is recommended to combine it from the inside, that is, match it to the same tone as the shade of the walls.

If this option is not suitable, then you should choose doors in the tone of dark wood. It is precisely these models of special terrace doors that are produced by most manufacturers. They look modern, laconic, and easily combine with any interior.

Tilt-sliding doors to the terrace

These glass doors to the terrace are similar in design to sliding ones, but they have an additional function: each leaf opens separately. Design Features:

  • one door leaf is sliding and inclined, the second one can open inside the room, like a regular single-leaf door;
  • the canvas, which is movable, can either be moved to the side or placed in a folding position;
  • the second flap must be kept closed at all times if the first one is open;
  • such a door has a smaller area of ​​glazed areas;
  • the maximum dimensions of the canvas are 2 x 2.40 m, and the weight is 180 kg.

No matter how you design the exit to the terrace, the door should match the overall style of the house, look harmonious and be reliable.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Accordion-type glass structures in an aluminum frame decorated with wood embody eco-style. 100% unity with nature is achieved thanks to a large overview of the surrounding area and imitation of natural materials. The method of opening such doors is very stylish and elegant.

The winter greenhouse simply must be opened and closed using aluminum structures with glass. Only thanks to these materials is it possible to let into the room as much sunlight as possible, which is so lacking in winter.

A terrace or access to a pool from a high-tech or minimalist style house simply must be equipped with aluminum sliding doors.




Design of a kitchen-living room in a private house in the photo

Next, we will go through the most popular areas of design in a private home. And we will each draw a certain conclusion for ourselves.

Provence style gives a truly good atmosphere and comfort.

Loft loves large spaces and is considered a practical style solution.

Classic never goes out of fashion, easily combined with any color palette.

Scandinavian style involves a minimum of finishing and a maximum of decor. Pillows, plants, paintings, accessories, and dishes will be used.

Minimalism is for lovers of simplicity and “nothing superfluous,” only the essentials.

Modern style absorbs the latest fashion trends. For example, a white brick wall, glossy surfaces, light shades, a lot of light, natural materials.

High-tech chooses a cool range of tones, combining them with fashionable attributes.

Modern symbolizes everything new, fashionable and functional.

Country music, thanks to its simplicity and naturalness, is conducive to home gatherings and intimate conversations. Loves small floral prints, polka dots or plaid.

Pros and cons of merger

The kitchen and dining room, which were combined together, have advantages and disadvantages. Before embarking on the issue of redevelopment, you should study two sides of the issue.

Let's start with the positive qualities:

  • the kitchen-living room makes it possible to meet with friends and, while communicating with them, cook;
  • You can keep an eye on your child while cooking, which will please every parent;
  • if you install a computer in the living room, you can work and cook a delicious dinner at the same time;
  • the room acquires wide passages as a result of unification;
  • the room is endowed with more light, air, there is more space;
  • many options in choosing a style;
  • it becomes possible to create a full-fledged living room, which is relevant for a family with a large number of household members.

The combined premises also have some disadvantages.

  • During cooking, odors will spread throughout the room, which may not please other family members.
  • Odors and fumes can be absorbed into textile elements. For this reason, the kitchen-living room should be equipped with a high-quality hood.
  • Garbage from the kitchen will “walk” throughout the room. Frequent cleaning will be required.
  • Unwashed dishes will affect the overall atmosphere of the room.
  • The noise level is high, as there are no barriers to the propagation of sounds.

Color spectrum

Today, when decorating the kitchen space of a private home, natural color schemes have become widely popular. We are talking about blue, gray, green and brown colors and their shades. In the subconscious, they are associated with nature and give peace, balance and a sense of security. For owners of private homes who are not afraid to play with the color palette, designers suggest using bright colors, such as red, yellow or green. The main thing is not to overdo it with the brightness of the shades, otherwise even 2 minutes spent in such a kitchen can throw a person off balance.

How to arrange a summer kitchen with a veranda at home

How to set up a summer kitchen without going broke.
Read below There are several of the most common options for placing a summer kitchen on the site. An affordable and low-budget version is an easy extension to a country or country house.

To create it, a canopy is made on one side of the house. Under the future floor, the earth is removed in a layer of 15 cm and covered with sand. You can lay tiles or decorative stones on the sand. Having a ceiling and a roof, the resulting area is divided into two parts: the first will serve for cooking, and the second as a dining room where this food is consumed.

The advantages of such a kitchen are savings on communications, which will not be necessary to carry out separately, but for every housewife this issue is almost in the first place. Minimum amount of required building materials.

The second option for a summer kitchen involves a building that is secluded from the main house. Such a building is more expensive, but the owners themselves and the gathered guests will appreciate the proximity of nature, and will not disturb the inhabitants who remain in the main house with their gatherings. A separate building can be combined with the creation of a cellar for storing food for the winter.

It is better to choose a place in the shade of trees, which will provide shade and coolness on hot days. Slopes and uneven areas in the area of ​​the future kitchen can lead to flooding during rains and snow melting. You will also need to take care of well-traveled paths from all directions of the site.

An effective solution is to separate the layers

Entrance doors with a thermal break prevent the inside from freezing due to the fact that the metal installed on it does not come into contact with the street side. Metal doors with thermal break help prevent 3 problems:

1. Freezing.

2. Blowing.

3. Icing.

This is achieved due to the fact that the outer and inner parts of the entrance street doors with a thermal break do not touch each other. A special layer with low thermal conductivity is installed between two layers of metal, so materials with high thermal conductivity do not transfer their temperatures to each other. The formation of “cold bridges” is excluded.

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