How to wash sliding glazing of a balcony: procedure for removing the frame

For glazing balconies and loggias, windows equipped with a sliding mechanism are often used. Such designs are known for their compactness and reliability. They are quite easy to care for. However, despite this, in order to wash them thoroughly, you will have to take them out and, if necessary, disassemble them. Before you do this, you need to familiarize yourself with how to remove sliding windows on a balcony and what you may need for this.

Sliding window systems - often installed on balconies

How to replace glass in an aluminum frame?

How does glass change in an aluminum frame?

  1. Stage 1. The sash is removed from the frame (the rollers are first unscrewed).
  2. Stage 2. The frame is separated and the screws are removed.
  3. Stage 3. The broken glass is pulled out.
  4. Stage 4. New glass of the required thickness is ordered.
  5. Stage 5. New glass is inserted into the frame and it is reassembled.
  6. Stage 6.

7 Jul.
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Aluminum sliding doors on the loggia - when should they be removed?

Many owners of sliding aluminum windows on a balcony or loggia may be faced with a situation where it is necessary to remove the sash.

This may happen in the following situations:

  1. The sash “dangles” in the frame. When there is wind, the sash rattles suspiciously (“knocks” on the window frame). Also, if you take the sash from both sides with your hands and try to pull it towards you (towards the room) and away from you (towards the street). In this case, it is necessary to hold the sash with your hands from possible falling out. If the sash dangles, it is better to remove it and call a specialist.
  2. The door is jammed. When the sash moves, at a certain moment it stops moving: 1 of the edges of the sash comes out of its seat (the sash warps). Also, 1 edge may fall out of the frame.
  3. Sash inspection. The sash began to move with difficulty due to the fact that, for example, dust or poplar fluff had accumulated in the rollers.
  4. Replacing rollers. During operation, rollers may fail as a result of natural wear or breakage. To replace them, you need to remove the sash.
  5. The glass broke. The sash glass needs to be replaced. In this case, you will have to call a specialist (he will remove the sash and replace the glass). Maybe, to speed up the replacement, you will have to remove the sash yourself and take it to production, where they will replace the glass.

There may be other specific individual reasons.

Preparatory stage

To effectively dismantle a balcony window, you need to free up your workspace and assemble a set of necessary tools. necessary tools.

First of all, all items stored on the balcony should be temporarily moved to the hallway or another room. In a room that is combined with a loggia or balcony, it is recommended to lay plastic film with a self-adhesive inner surface on top of the furniture to protect it from dust. Some elements can be additionally covered with cardboard.

To work, you will need to prepare a number of tools:

  • saw;
  • scrap;
  • grinder;
  • hammer;
  • putty knife;
  • several screwdrivers;
  • sandpaper.

In addition, you will need a special protective film for window glass. By covering them, you can prevent cuts if accidentally broken.

Algorithm for dismantling plastic

It’s difficult to do alone, you need an assistant.

  • Carefully remove the internal fastening strips along the perimeter of the glass unit.
  • With a partner, carefully squeeze out the glass unit. One removes the glass, the second holds it from falling out.
  • Remove the large screws securing the frame to the walls. First, unscrew the screws, then cut off the old mounting foam.

If you want to carry out the work carefully, without damaging the structures themselves, contact craftsmen who know exactly how to carefully carry out dismantling. The company providing installation services always provides for dismantling work, which is carried out using technology. Our company will help you with the installation of new translucent structures; the craftsmen will select new windows, carry out all the work, and remove construction waste after completion. Our company also offers services for finishing slopes, installing and manufacturing mosquito nets. You can order the required work on the website using the online form.

Products that protect against fogging and ice freezing

We prepare the products ourselves and wipe the glass with them to protect against fogging and ice freezing in the winter.


  • add 20 grams of chalk per liter of water, heat the solution until the chalk dissolves, then add vinegar;
  • add two tablespoons of salt to a glass of water;
  • mix alcohol with a few drops of dishwashing detergent;
  • Add a few drops of glycerin to the alcohol.

We wipe the glass with a slightly damp cloth dipped in the prepared solution.

Preventing contamination of balcony windows

To prevent dust and dirt from getting inside the sliding window frame, it is important that the seals at all joints do not lose their elasticity. Twice a year they need to be cleaned and lubricated with special gels or Vaseline.

You should regularly clean the drainage grooves at the bottom of the frame, through which rainwater flows without getting inside the frame.

To give the glass dirt-repellent properties, it is useful to rub it with a mixture of water, ammonia and glycerin. Less dust accumulates on the resulting film.

What to do if the windows are jammed due to the opening being skewed

This type of breakdown can only be determined by a specialist. In critical situations, such malfunctions are signaled by cracked double-glazed windows or a deformed profile. In most cases, this problem can only be solved by installing new windows. Most often, with minor distortions of the openings, the sashes jam only when the dimensions are incorrectly determined and the windows are made with large dimensions. To avoid such breakdowns, during the manufacture and installation of windows it is necessary to strictly comply with the technologies and requirements of GOSTs.

How much do professional services cost?

If you do not want or have the opportunity to clean windows yourself, you should contact a cleaning service. You can find contacts through advertisements on the Internet or in the newspaper.

The cleaners come to your home . They have all the necessary equipment for cleaning sliding structures.

If the frame needs to be removed, this must be reported in advance. The cost of the service is calculated individually and depends on the scope of work.

The price must be agreed upon immediately, and not after the work has been completed , so that the quoted cost does not come as a surprise. The minimum rate starts from 350 rubles for a standard double-hung window.

You need to choose those craftsmen whose work has positive reviews. It is better to contact large companies rather than private cleaners. In this case, the risk of encountering scammers is minimal. Cleaners should never be left alone in the house or room.

How to clean balcony windows on high floors

It is important to follow basic safety precautions:

  • place working tools and cleaning products in a convenient place at a short distance;
  • take care of a stable position during the washing procedure;
  • use cleaning tools with long handles;
  • put on a safety belt (fasten one end around your waist, and attach the other to a heavy, stable object);
  • Do not start cleaning windows if you are not feeling well.

To work you will need the following tools:

  • sponges with a soft texture (products with an abrasive surface are not suitable);
  • containers for clean water and detergent solution;
  • absorbent microfiber cloths;
  • scraper with a rubber nozzle and a long handle;
  • stable stepladder.

In order to combat more severe pollution, it is recommended to use any of the types of mops:

  • regular, equipped with a soft nozzle and a long handle;
  • steam, which cleans the surface of the glass with steam and does not require the use of detergents;
  • telescopic, equipped with rubber and microfiber attachments.


Despite the fact that sliding aluminum windows do not have the window hinges on which the sash of a traditional window is attached, the sliding sash can also be easily removed or replaced if necessary. Sometimes this is required to prevent the sash from spontaneously falling out. Such a fall can have very sad consequences for those on whom such a sash may fall, or on whose property. The owner of the home from where the sash fell may also be held liable. The mosquito net may also fall out. The strength of its fastening in the frame also needs to be controlled.

Preventive measures to prevent the valves from jamming

All problems with doors can be prevented if you periodically perform some simple steps. First of all, the window mechanics must be maintained in good condition.

This requires:

  • maintaining cleanliness;
  • lubricant;
  • inspection and securing of mechanisms.

Cleaning of mechanisms is carried out only partially, within the limits of accessibility. It is difficult to clean them completely, since this requires disassembling the mechanics. However, if lubrication is performed, some of the contaminants dissolve and are removed from the body of this unit.

However, it is prohibited to use aggressive brands of oil with solvents. In addition, you cannot use vegetable oil - it polymerizes over time and completely stops the operation of the mechanics.

Liquid machine oil is used for lubrication (available on sale specifically for plastic windows, safe for PVC). The oiler should have a long spout to make it convenient to supply lubricant to hard-to-reach areas.

All fasteners must be periodically tightened. They weaken over time, and handles and other mechanical elements begin to loosen. This creates conditions for accelerated wear of rubbing parts. The process of tightening fasteners does not take much time, but can significantly increase the service life of plastic window fittings.

Use gadgets and call specialists for help

You can use the services of a cleaning company specializing in professional cleaning of premises, but this will significantly affect the family budget.

An alternative would be to purchase modern gadgets that will make the job of cleaning glazed balconies and loggias easier.

Magnetic window cleaning brush

The device consists of two identical brushes held together by magnetic attraction. You need to spray the washing liquid, and then place the brushes inside and outside opposite each other. The brush on the outside will move the same way as the brush on the inside.

Window cleaning robot

The device consists of a vacuum pump and rotating disks. It is enough to plug in the robotic washer into the electrical network, attach it to the surface and set the trajectory of movement. Control occurs via the remote control.

Cleaning hard to reach places

To clean hard-to-reach areas of a fixed balcony window, it is recommended to use a mop with a long curved handle. A double-sided magnetic brush will be even more effective. It must be installed so that one magnet is on the outside of the window glass, and the second on the inside.

You should wash as usual - move the mop from top to bottom. It's fast and safe.

Selecting cleaning products for window glass

Washing a sliding window includes cleaning the glass on both sides, removing dirt at the fastening points, cleaning the window frame and the guides into which it is inserted.

Some products suitable for glass may damage the frame. Aluminum frames are difficult to damage when washing, but plastic materials require care.

Rules for choosing detergents and accessories:

  • Do not use substances with a high alcohol content, as alcohol stains are difficult to remove from glass.
  • Do not use gasoline, acetone or other solvents. They damage the rubber window gaskets and destroy the protective coating.
  • Do not use powders or other abrasive materials to clean frame parts. They leave micro-scratches in which dust accumulates.
  • Do not use products that act in hot water. At high temperatures, the plastic may warp, and after several washes it will turn yellow.
  • Use solutions containing soda only for cleaning aluminum structures. Soda is harmful to plastic.

Use only special products for windows: Clin, Cinderella “Clean Windows”, Cif, Help, Mr. Muscle, Ecover and others.

Flannel and suede fabrics will help to wipe the washed glass dry without streaks. Cleanliness can also be achieved using old-fashioned materials - newspaper or paper napkins. But they are only suitable for washing removed windows; they are difficult to clean externally.

Folk recipes

Peroxide and soda are good at removing dirt in the grooves of sliding windows
. You can wash a dirty window using household products:

  • Complex cleaning mixture . 10-15 ml of vinegar, 50 ml of alcohol and 20-30 g of starch are diluted in 1 liter of water. Suitable for washing glass and frames.
  • A solution of water and crushed chalk . Applicable only to heavily soiled glass. They cannot wash frames.
  • A mixture of tea and vinegar . Add 30-40 ml of table vinegar to a 200 ml glass of strong tea.
  • Addition of glycerin . Adding a small amount to any cleaning solution will reduce streaks on the glass.
  • Table vinegar . For removing stains on washed glass and giving it shine.
  • A mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide . For removing dirt accumulations in the grooves of sliding window guides. The dirty area is sprinkled with soda and filled with peroxide until a liquid slurry is obtained. Together with the absorbed dirt, it is removed with a napkin after 2-3 minutes.
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