How do plastic windows open? Description of all possible methods

When deciding to buy a new window, you need to decide on the option for opening its sash. The method of opening determines the functional features of windows, the creation of a comfortable and safe environment, as well as the price range of the product. All methods have their advantages and disadvantages, which determine the practical use of a particular window.

So, plastic window structures can be of several types, depending on the method of turning the sash :

  • solid glazing;
  • rotary opening;
  • folding opening type;
  • tilt and turn mechanism;
  • sliding opening;
  • parallel-sliding mechanism.

Blind window

A blind design only implies the presence of a frame and a double-glazed window - this means that the window cannot be opened.

This is the cheapest type of construction. Usually such a window is part of a balcony block: in all other cases it will not be practical, since it will become impossible to wash it from the outside (unless, of course, the apartment is located on the first floor of the house, or we are not talking about a cottage). Of course, if you set yourself the goal of washing a window, then this can be accomplished, for which you will have to remove the double-glazed window (it weighs quite a lot, and a non-specialist is unlikely to be able to cope with this task well).

The most famous manufacturers

There are three most well-known companies in the hardware market that offer their products. Let's briefly look at each of them so that you can decide which fittings for plastic windows are the best.

  1. Maco, Austria. It has been producing many types of window fittings for a long time, the main difference is that you can buy everything that other companies do not have.
  2. Roto, Germany. The main difference from other companies is the promise of a 10-year warranty on their products. She is especially famous for her hands.
  3. Kale, Türkiye. The main advantage is the price, it is cheaper than other companies.

To summarize: if you want to buy any type of fittings and are not very limited by budget, contact Maco. If you need pens with a 10-year guarantee, buy them from Roto. If you want to save money, buy from Kale.

Rotary opening of windows

This is a classic design that allows you to easily access adjacent window sashes.

This window opening mechanism makes it easier to clean the glass, simplifying the operation process. However, with all its advantages, a turning window has one very significant (especially for residents of small apartments) drawback: when it is opened, the frame takes up additional space (if flower pots are placed on the windowsill, they will have to be moved or even removed to another place).

How to install or replace

Replacing a rotary structure with a tilt-and-turn one is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you have no experience in such matters, then you can trust a professional. But hiring workers costs much more.

And if you understand the sequence of actions, installing the system will not take much time and effort.

First, you should familiarize yourself with the tools you will need. Then they move on to the exact sequence of actions. It is not recommended to make mistakes, so it is better to study the plan and only then begin assembling the structure.


To replace the opening mechanism, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • new set of fittings;
  • screwdriver;
  • liquid plastic;
  • screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian.

Advice! Before installing a new system, it is worth preparing all the tools so that you do not have to look for the right one at an inconvenient moment.

Step-by-step instruction

If all the tools are prepared, proceed to assembling the device. It takes place in several stages. You should stick to a clear plan so as not to ruin the entire system.

How to remove the tilt-and-turn sash of a plastic window.

  1. Remove the cover from the top hinge. Using a cutout that is not difficult to see, lower the axle.
  2. Lower the metal pin down and slide the sash.
  3. Remove the plug from the bottom hinge and lift the frame. Then the device can be easily removed.
  4. There are clamp clamps on the window frame. Remove them and seal the holes with liquid plastic.
  5. Also unscrew the clamp clamps from the sash.
  6. Unscrew the hinges on the sash. Unscrew all the screws using a screwdriver, then the device will be removed.
  7. Remove the remaining elements from the profile. Also, remove the old hinges.

After all the old fittings have been dismantled, we begin assembling the new product. This process should also be done according to a clear plan.

It consists of the following:

  1. Install new hinges on the system. If the size of the structure is different, then seal the remaining space with liquid plastic.
  2. In place of the old system, install a middle lock and screw it with a screwdriver in all holes intended for fasteners.
  3. Using a grinder, cut the desired size of the folding part of the scissors and attach. The element must fit into the corresponding groove.
  4. Attach the frame part of the scissors to the sash part.
  5. Attach the tilt and turn bar to the frame. Fasten securely, as this part is subject to stress.
  6. Attach the striker to the side of the frame.
  7. Put the sash in place.

Advice! You should buy accessories from the same place as the device itself. Then, there will be confidence that it will fit the window product.

Hinged window

This window cannot be opened completely: it can be closed or partially open in ventilation mode. When washing, this will create serious inconvenience, since it is unlikely that you will be able to put your hand through the gap. Essentially, a tilt window is a slightly improved version of a fixed window.

The tilt window is not in great demand. Occasionally there are actually rooms where there is simply physically no room for the door to fully open. But, since absolutely any room needs ventilation, people are forced to look for a compromise, which is what a folding window becomes.

Non-standard types of glazing with plastic windows

In addition to standard window designs, which combine several modes of opening the sashes: rotary (hinged), tilting, slotted, you can also order less common options:

  • 1. Blind window

This type of glazing excludes in principle the possibility of opening it. Thanks to the simplified design:

  • the price of the product decreases
  • the ability to transmit sunlight increases.

This makes it an ideal option for basements and stairwells.

In warehouses and industrial workshops where ventilation is not required, blind doors are increasingly being installed. Also, owners of administrative centers give preference to them if they have high-quality air conditioning and ventilation systems.

  • 2. Sliding opening system

The optimal solution if there is not enough space in the room to turn the sashes. This mechanism involves the displacement of windows in the plane of the openings. Most popular for balcony glazing.

Thanks to the high-quality fittings used in the design (roller carriages), the service life of these products significantly exceeds the service life of other types of windows. But it is worth noting that their cost is much higher.

When selecting and installing products with a sliding opening principle, pay attention to the following:

  • tightness characteristics in the closed position;
  • ability to retain heat.

A significant advantage is that the sashes do not require additional fixation, but the window opens to any width. That is, you can make a wide window opening without partitions, but this is impossible to achieve using the swing method. The part to which the structure moves remains blank, which is not always convenient.

  • 3. Folding window (“accordion”)

Not a very common option due to its high cost, but incredibly convenient for large window openings that need to be opened to their full width. In this case, the sashes will overlap each other (like accordion compartments), after which they can be placed across or along the wall (depending on the design you choose).

This method has enough advantages:

  • maximum free space in open position;
  • Possibility of opening to any width;
  • modern and original look/

Tilt and turn window opening

This option is considered ideal for installation in any room. This is the most popular and in constant demand design.

A window with a tilt-and-turn mechanism can be opened either fully (in warm and sunny weather) or in ventilation mode (for example, in winter to ensure air circulation).

The mechanism that ensures the operation of the window is quite complex, but despite this, it breaks extremely rarely.

Which method of opening a plastic window should I choose?

As you can see, the designs described are quite diverse. And first of all, you need to evaluate not the design features, but their functionality. Answer the questions:

  • What is the width of the window opening?
  • Is there free space near it?
  • How often does the room need to be ventilated?

Provide information to our specialist, and he will help you choose the best option, taking into account the technical features of the product and your wishes for its appearance.

Portal window opening

The sliding (portal) design appeared on the market relatively recently. Such windows are installed in small rooms that require regular ventilation. This mechanism is often used when glazing balconies.

The layout of many apartments, especially those located in Soviet-era buildings, does not provide for a large balcony: often it is simply impossible to turn around here, and the open door will take up already valuable free space. The sliding design is good because it does not require additional space to open it.

Existing types of opening plastic windows allow you to choose the most suitable option for each room.

What are window fittings for plastic windows?

Fittings are parts that help in using the window and maintain the fit of the frame to the sash. Fittings for adjusting plastic windows include:

  • Pens;
  • Blockers;
  • Seals;
  • Loops;
  • Locks;
  • Folding scissors;

And other details. Together, these mechanisms make up a single system that helps in opening and closing the window.

Adjustment of upper and lower opening

To avoid damage to fittings and mechanisms, you need to correctly adjust the position of the sashes during opening. For the rotary method, this is done in this order:

  • press the blade against the frame and turn the handle 90 degrees relative to the closed position;
  • open the opening part;
  • To close, turn the handle 90 degrees to the “closed” position.

When installing the folding mechanism, the window opens at the top and is installed at an angle of 45 degrees. This position ensures safe ventilation, including in windy weather.

Position adjustment diagram:

  • press the opening part tightly against the frame and turn the handle 180 degrees from the closed position;
  • pull and carefully open towards yourself;
  • To close, perform the same actions as when opening the window structure, only lock the handle in the closed position.

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