Decorative plastic windows. Description of features

Currently, decorative windows made of metal-plastic are just gaining popularity in our country. They are distinguished by their affordable cost, excellent noise and heat insulation characteristics, and, of course, magnificent appearance. These qualities make their purchase a truly profitable investment in insulating the “living space.”

Many property owners prefer installing standard plastic systems in their homes. However, now there is a certain fashion for using different types of decor in windows. At the same time, the concept of “decorating a window structure” includes various options for improving it, for example: inserting embossed glass, laminating a profile. Glass made using Tiffany technology is also sometimes installed. However, the most widely used inexpensive way to decorate a window is the layout system, the advantages of which will be discussed in this article.

Types of window decoration

Window decoration can be divided into several categories:

  • replacement or modernization of glass;
  • window refurbishment;
  • creating a false window.

For this purpose:

  • window grilles;
  • shutters;
  • window casings;
  • colored stained glass;
  • laser engraving;
  • decorative layout;
  • decoration with natural stone.

Each of the options mentioned can be a good solution, it all depends on the concept according to which the living space is designed.

Textured glass for windows

Olin, one of the simplest options for adding individuality to a double-glazed window is installing embossed glass. The material is strong, original and durable. Disadvantages include high cost and problems with cleaning. Dust accumulates in the corners of texture elements and is difficult to wash out from there. The following types can be distinguished:

  • patterned glass is a material on one side of which there is ordinary glass, and the other has a relief surface, this option is used for windows where it is necessary to limit visibility from the street, it should be noted that the light transmittance of this glass is very high;
  • frosted glass - this option is obtained in two ways: by mechanical processing with a sandblasting machine or by applying a chemical matting composition, the glass is opaque on both sides.
  • Clear textured glass does not restrict visibility but features a unique surface.

The cost of the material depends on the size of the surface; the larger the glass, the more expensive its cost. The average price of textured glass is from $20 per square meter.

Rice. 1. Textured colored glass

No. 10. Anti-burglary fittings

If the area is more or less busy, then a thief will not break the double-glazed window - it is noisy and takes a long time. He will prefer to break the locking mechanism. An experienced burglar will need a few seconds and a simple screwdriver. It is better to install anti-burglary fittings on a new window, then you will get the most secure system. You can also refurbish an old window, but then there is a high probability that a major overhaul of the sash will be required, but in this case the safety of the system will increase significantly.

Anti-burglary fittings are a whole system that consists of several components:

  • the locking mechanism installed in the handle area does not allow drilling or knocking out the lock from the outside;
  • mushroom-shaped axles can withstand loads of up to 1.5 tons, which is several times more than conventional axles;
  • counter strips and hinges are made of durable steel, and due to the fact that the trunnions enter the strip in different directions, an attacker will not be able to overcome the window by simply moving the fittings to the side;
  • increased number of locking points. If a regular window has only one locking point, then a secure window has at least 5;
  • Instead of aluminum hooks that go into the frame, they use steel ones, which are more resistant to burglary.

Protective fittings are divided into several classes. WK1 class fittings will withstand kicks, shoulder impacts, and push-ups from four corners. WK2 class fittings protect the window from burglary with a screwdriver, pliers and other similar tools, and WK3 class is protection against burglary using a pry bar. It will be difficult to install everything correctly with your own hands, so it makes sense to take the help of a professional.

Decorative windows of unusual shapes

Typically, the basic geometry is determined at the time of designing a living space. Windows are usually made in a standard rectangular shape. If you want some extra flair while using your home, you can refurbish existing windows or make new ones.

According to the law, the façade of apartment buildings must meet generally accepted standards, so rebuilding windows will be accompanied by a fine and the need to return the structure to its original appearance. The solution to the situation is decorative windows.

You can choose any shape and appearance. The window will not be through, so you can come up with its filling yourself. The average cost of a double-glazed window is 50-60 dollars per square meter. However, to this should be added the cost of the frame itself; it is determined individually depending on the complexity of manufacturing.

Rice. 2. Arched window

No. 2. Air valve

A good plastic window is a reliable barrier between the street and the house, and so reliable that air does not even leak through it. Previously, leaks, cracks in windows and slopes were part of apartment ventilation. If, after installing plastic windows, you notice that the air has become stale, stuffy and damp, then it’s time to upgrade the window and install an air valve that lets in fresh air, but keeps out dust and noise.

The valve can be attached to an opening window sash , and it will not be noticeable. The air flow is adjusted either manually by moving a handle on the body, or automatically thanks to the presence of complex control systems inside. Some valves are easy to install yourself, while others require the assistance of a specialist.

If space allows, the valve can be installed under the window or on the wall near the window, but then you will have to make a through hole in the wall.

Colored profile for plastic windows

A laminated profile is obtained by applying a colored coating (special film) to the surface of the PVC material. Color film can come in a variety of shades and textures. The coating performs two functions: it creates aesthetic appeal and provides resistance to mechanical damage. The coating protects the profile from the negative effects of adverse weather conditions and temperature changes. The guaranteed service life of the film is up to 25 years.

There are several types of window lamination available for sale:

  • color film - allows you to paint white plastic in all the colors of the rainbow, there are matte, vinyl and gradient options;
  • film imitating wood or stone gives the window an original look by simulating natural materials;
  • texture lamination allows you to create a corrugated patterned surface on the surface of the profile.

The cost of a linear meter of laminate flooring starts from $20.

Rice. 3. Laminated profile

Film for window decoration

Ordinary transparent glass is gradually but surely ceasing to be fashionable. Architectural film is an innovative way to decorate glass. It is capable of reflecting infrared radiation and giving window openings individuality and originality. The assortment is quite diverse:

  • mirror film;
  • tinted film;
  • decorative film;
  • heat reflective film;
  • protective film.

Mirror film has a reflective mirror effect. It is used to decorate window openings of cafes and restaurants. A special feature of this material is its ability to appear as an ordinary transparent film on one side, and as a mirror surface on the other.

Tinted film effectively hides the contents of the premises from prying eyes. This option is widely used on low floors of apartment buildings.

Decorative film is a coating that will decorate a room from the inside. A film in the form of a stained glass window, pattern, or design is glued to the glass unit.

Thermal reflective film has two huge advantages - it decorates the window and also keeps the room warm. This makes it possible to save significantly, not only during the off-season, but also when it is very hot outside. Sunlight reflects off the glass and does not warm the room.

The protective film is available in a wide color palette. Most often, preference is given to transparent and silver film.

The cost of film varies significantly, but a regular roll with a width of 152 cm costs from $10.

Rice. 4. Decorative film for glass

Methods of applying film to glass

It is not easy to stick decorative film onto glass. In fact, this material does not allow for inaccuracies; they will be immediately visible and nothing can be done to hide them. Before starting work, you must collect all the required tools.

In order for the process of applying the material to end with the expected high result, you should pay attention to the condition and quality of the surface on which the film will be applied. The glass must be undamaged, intact, and the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. It is necessary to degrease the glass immediately before work, no later than half an hour before gluing.

Algorithm of actions:

  • take measurements;
  • cut workpieces;
  • degrease the surface;
  • apply adhesive to the glass;
  • Carefully glue the film starting from the top edge.

It is important that there is no air left between the glass and the film. Bubbles must be smoothed out so that the surface is perfectly smooth.

Decorative layouts and overlays

The main purpose of decorative layouts is to make windows more attractive. But sometimes this material also serves for more practical purposes: on large windows, layouts help make the glass more resistant to external influences. The surface becomes harder.

Layouts are of the following types:

  • covers for hinges and other window fittings;
  • external false bindings;
  • sprouts for the inner surface of the window.

Decorative layout can be very diverse: in the form of patterns, ornaments, at angles and with interlacing. The material can be of different widths and thicknesses, different shades.

Various materials are used for manufacturing: plastic, aluminum, wood.

Installation options:

  • internal - the layout is inserted into the grooves, installation is carried out before installing the window packages;
  • external decoration is installed after the window is assembled; this option is called a false frame; the use of false frame is for decorative purposes only.

The average cost of accessories is from 1 dollar.

Rice. 5. Decorative layout for double-glazed windows

Subtleties of choosing textiles for curtains with horizontal stripes

What to look for when choosing fabrics for decorating windows with curtains:

  • composition and compatibility of the selected textiles;
  • density of materials;
  • softness of cuts;
  • other fabric characteristics.

When sewing this kind of product (with the design described above), it is often the bottom strip that is highlighted, which adds a certain static quality to the room. In recalculation, this is about 1/4 or 1/5 of the height of the room; the remaining piece is sewn from a combined material of a different color or shade.

Decorative window lighting

This decor is made using LED strip. It is mounted either on a double-glazed window or in places where the frame adjoins the slopes. Sometimes both options are combined. The only drawback is that the aesthetic effect is noticeable only in the dark.

The LED strip should be of low power, but with densely spaced diodes. A wide variety of this material is sold in stores. The cost of the tape varies depending on many factors and averages 2-4 dollars per meter. You also need to buy a transformer.

To make the lighting more effective, you can use several multi-colored diode strips.

Windows with drawings

If you want to make the window original and very attractive, you can try decorating the glass using special paints. The main advantage of this option is the ability to easily remove the old drawing and make a new one. It is worth noting that after drying the paints harden and become durable and can be washed.

If the drawing is made on the outside of the window, rain and snow will also not wash away the picture. To remove the old pattern, you need to use a chemical remover that will easily separate the paint from the glass and will not cause damage. The cost of a tube starts from $5. To create a complete picture you will need at least 5-7 multi-colored paints.

Rice. 6. Painting painted on glass using special paints

Stained glass

Stained glass windows are one of the oldest known glass decoration options. Stained glass window surfaces can be used on windows of any size, which cannot but please owners of small and unattractive window openings.

There are several types of stained glass:

  • ration;
  • kiln;
  • painted;
  • etched;
  • sandblasting.

Soldered stained glass is a classic, when a design is assembled from multi-colored glass, then the edges are soldered and a reinforced frame is obtained that holds the glass.

Sintered stained glass or fusing is a more modern technique; the joining of individual glasses occurs by sintering, i.e. the edges heat up and melt to each other. The disadvantage is that if such a stained glass window breaks, all the glass will need to be replaced.

Painted stained glass is when a design is applied to the glass with special paint.

Etched and sandblasted stained glass is produced by machining solid glass. In the first case, chemical etching is used, in the second, the pattern is created by treating glass with sand. Both options are just an imitation of real stained glass.

Stained glass windows decorate not only the windows of private homes, but also shops, hospital departments, and offices. Among the advantages are the following:

  • decorativeness;
  • durability of use;
  • variety of offers;
  • ease of care;
  • possibility of recovery.

Stained glass costs from $5 per square meter, the final cost will be known only after the measurement.

Rice. 7. Stained glass on the windows


Very often they choose another option for decorating windows - painting. For example, a kitchen can be bright and cheerful by using colorful paints on the base of the window frames. In addition, this is also of practical interest, since cooking grease settles on the window sills and frame, and sometimes it is easier to repaint it than to wash it.

You can paint not only wooden windows, but also plastic ones. To do this you will need acrylic paint and a compressor gun. It is strictly forbidden to paint a PVC profile with a brush. The cost of acrylic paint starts from $25 for 5 liters. If possible, it is better to take starcryl - it is a more expensive material, but it creates a new durable coating on the surface of the frame. After drying, strarkryl turns into plastic.

For wooden windows, any water-soluble paint is suitable. Its cost is from 5 dollars per 1 liter.

To make the window opening original and unusual, it is recommended to adhere to the following order of work:

  • remove the cornice and curtains;
  • clear the window sill of everything that stands on it;
  • degrease the surface of the frame;
  • cover the glass with mounting tape;
  • apply the first coat of paint and wait until it dries completely;
  • Apply several more layers until you reach the desired shade.

Decorating the kitchen will be a real highlight and it will take a couple of hours of time. You can also decorate any other rooms.

Horizontal stripes on drapes or curtains

This is a method used during sewing of products. Only a good master can cope with such a task. Therefore, in order to make the right choice of fabric and correctly calculate the required amount of material, take a tailor with you. After all, you can choose a color scheme yourself, but a common person is unfamiliar with some of the nuances in sewing, so it’s better to consult with a person who understands this.

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