Window decoration - 70 photos of the best ideas for creating a unique atmosphere

Many decades ago, people sought to decorate the windows of their homes. They made intricate carvings and hung beautiful curtains. Modern window openings also become objects for decoration. This is a special place in any room that can highlight, complement the interior or become a key accent.

Window decoration option

Window decor in the apartment

Window decor idea

Fashion trends in window design

When purchasing curtains, the trend for which remains relevant, consider the following nuances.

  1. Give preference to curvy models with original draperies that add volume. If you once gave up heavy curtains, it's time to return to them.
  2. Dynamic and rich colors are at the height of fashion. They help create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. This is especially true with the onset of cold weather. A warm palette will warm the household;
  3. A key fashion trend is the use of natural materials. Silk and linen look great. Velvet ones also remain in demand.

Roller blinds, complemented by various prints, and Roman models made from natural materials continue to be very popular.

Window decoration

Beautiful window decor

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Examples of glazing rooms in a private house


Combining windows of various sizes and shapes within one room allows you to create not only an interesting interior, but also provide the room with the necessary level of natural light.

Living room

One of the most important rooms in a city private home or country home is the living room. As a rule, this is a fairly large room that can boast a whole set of windows of impressive size.

With the help of narrow, high windows, you can give the interior a touch of European style. Typically, similar models of window openings are used in English design projects.


In private houses, bathroom spaces can boast impressive sizes, unlike their urban counterparts, confined within the framework of urban standard apartments. And the consequence of this is, first of all, the opportunity, in principle, to install a window, and sometimes more than one, and quite a large one.

Office, library

In rooms where active work, creative activities, and reading will be carried out, it is necessary to ensure a high level of illumination, sometimes for this it is necessary to resort to additional installation of windows.

Children's room

For children's bedrooms and playrooms, in addition to the issue of sufficient lighting and ventilation, the issue of safety is quite acute. Currently, manufacturers of window profiles offer many options for “secret” locks that small children are unable to open on their own.

How to present beautiful windows

If light tulle is not suitable and some darkening of the space is required, it is recommended to supplement everything with roller blinds. They are fixed to the frame, which allows you to leave most of the details of the opening in sight. You can hang Roman blinds, complemented by a bright print. This option is suitable for apartments and country houses.

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Curtains with lambrequins

They perform several important functions.

  1. They give beauty and brightness.
  2. Helps hide imperfections in the area up to the ceiling.
  3. They make the room visually larger.

Lambrequins come in the following types.

  1. Tough. The basis is dense fabric together with non-woven fabric and dublerin, which is stretched over the frame;
  2. Soft. They are popular in the interior of the bedroom and living room. The material used is expensive fabric, complemented by lush drapery;
  3. Combined. The advantages of different designs are combined. You can place an openwork lambrequin, complemented by soft, elegant details.

Narrow rectangular models visually increase the space. When using wide ones, the dimensions of the room are reduced.

Window decoration option

Window decor in the apartment

Window decor idea

See alsoDIY room decor: ideas, photos

Curtains with eyelets

Eyelets are an additional detail that can add special chic. Such curtains do not have the usual special loops with which they are attached to the cornice. They were replaced by large rings made of metal or plastic, located in the upper zone. Their diameter corresponds to the dimensions of the cornice tube.

Among the key advantages, they note that they glide easily and without noise, folds create smooth lines, and look attractive. They are suitable for any style, both modern and retro.

See alsoFlexible stone in interior design

Windows located at eye level of a standing person

As a rule, we rarely have to stand for a long time at home. However, there is one room where we spend most of our time standing. Of course, this is the kitchen.

In this case, the ratio of the width and height of the frame has ideal proportions. This not only lifts the mood thanks to the cheerful green landscape outside the window, but also creates additional lighting for the work surface. In addition, the window blends harmoniously with the wall design, emphasizing the relationship between the kitchen interior and the surroundings of the house. The design features of the window are such that it seems to dissolve, turning into a completely open opening.


A wonderful source of positive emotions and sunshine.

A window that has such an interesting design is not only beautiful, but also has a high level of functionality. The outer convex part of the window attracts attention and opens up wide scope for the implementation of creative ideas.

Here you can hone your skills in using color contrasts and various stylistic accents. Thanks to this unusual design, the inner side of the window makes it possible to use the window as a kind of counter, a place to store some dishes or for flower pots.

Low strip windows not only provide a good view, but also have a significant impact on the design of the room. As we can see, this kitchen is quite narrow and elongated. This is not the most convenient layout, and everyone will probably want to expand it a little, at least visually. White color in the kitchen interior, successfully combined with the window design, visually increases the space.

In addition, the house in question is located very close to neighboring cottages, which is why there is often not enough light in the rooms. And this window configuration provides the best natural light.


Visual enlargement of rooms, which is especially important in urban environments.

Surprisingly, in this case it is difficult to understand at first glance: is there a kitchen apron or is the window located above the work surface? This technique made it possible to harmoniously combine the light base part of the set with dark wall cabinets. The free, open space between them softens the contrast and gives the interior lightness.


A well-lit workplace and complete harmony in the interior.

Rules and photos of window design with curtains

Window decoration with curtains must be done taking into account the following factors.

  1. Room size.
  2. How the room is located from the point of view of the cardinal directions.
  3. Is there natural light and how intense is it?
  4. Functionality of space.

The dimensions of the cornice and how correctly it is installed are important. It should be at least 30 cm wider than the window on each side. Fasten so that there is a space of 20 to 40 cm.

Among the key rules are the following.

  1. If the wallpaper is matte, choose synthetic or silk curtains that have a glossy sheen.
  2. If there are shiny embossings on the wallpaper, they are complemented by matte curtains to match.
  3. If the ceilings are low, it is not recommended to use lambrequins.
  4. The selected model should be combined with the overall style of the room.

Window decoration

Beautiful window decor

See alsoOld “suitcases” in interior design

Mistakes to Avoid

If, after installing windows and slopes, problems arise, air and moisture pass through the cracks, thereby negating the heat and sound insulation advantages of window structures, it means that the technology was violated during the work.

This can happen for two reasons: errors were made during installation, or the work was not completely completed on the street side. Let us dwell in more detail on possible flaws that should not be allowed:

  • Any material chosen for cladding must extend at least slightly onto the window frame.
  • When installing plasterboard structures, the sheets are placed under the window profile in an attempt to simplify the work, which is unacceptable.
  • Under the casing, at the point of contact with the window, there are voids - they should not exist. It is better to place mineral wool or foam insulation here.
  • Due to incorrect measurements, the cladding may not fit tightly to the slopes.
  • Do not neglect sealants, antiseptics, and waterproofing substances; they prevent the formation of mold and mildew.
  • It is not recommended to decorate slopes with a layer of plaster more than 2 cm thick; it may crack.

Decorating windows with curtains: if the window is narrow

There are two key problems in a narrow window opening:

  1. the space visually looks narrowed;
  2. Not enough light gets in.

Such problems can be solved with the help of a wide cornice. The difference should be about 50 cm between the product and the opening. Be sure to consider lighting. If it is impossible to place such an option, look for another. A pattern located horizontally helps to widen the opening. But not recommended for those with a low ceiling.

Window decoration option

Window decor in the apartment

Window decor idea

See alsoDecorative lighting can become the highlight of the interior

Window decoration ideas

People with a rich imagination and a desire to transform the interior of their home beyond recognition, even at low cost, using inexpensive materials, can achieve the desired effect. The idea for modern curtains can be borrowed from famous designers.

There are so many home decorating options available on websites that it is difficult not to choose at least one idea.

Modern curtains can decorate your interior design. Even in a room that hasn't been renovated for a long time, you can create the illusion of newness, magic and perhaps even glamor.

With the help of lambrequins you can create the most unusual patterns. Old curtains can be a new beginning, they just need to be replaced with interesting and unusual stitching, curtain rods or brackets.

The purpose of the idea of ​​modern curtains is to hide any shortcomings and shortcomings in the renovation process and highlight the shortcomings of the created style.

Curtain design options for low windows

When it is low, you need to visually add height to it. Required to divert attention from the large distance between the ceiling and the opening. To raise it, it is recommended to follow a number of rules.

  1. Install the curtain rod as close to the ceiling as possible. Curtains will cover the lack of proportionality.
  2. Use curtains with eyelets. Attaching them will help to form folds on top that visually lift the opening.
  3. Make a ceiling cornice. It will cover a huge empty space.

If after this the space remains visible, use lambrequins to hide this area.

See alsoWall decor: the most interesting ideas

What if you need to reduce the window size?

Large opening dimensions can create a feeling of emptiness and discomfort. To reduce its size, you can use the correct window design with curtains. Products with large patterns help to visually reduce dimensions. Color details are placed at eye level, then the overall size will not look too significant. Complete everything with lambrequins. They will create a horizontal zone that will help visually lower the window and reduce the height of the ceiling.

Window decoration

Beautiful window decor

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Decorative molding or stucco

The use of decorative molding or stucco is a win-win option for decorating slopes, ideal for any interior. These materials perfectly highlight the window, frame details and even the landscape behind the glass. Window slopes designed in this way fit well into any interior.

The main nuance of this type of decoration of slopes is that the material partially transfers to the wall, creating a frame around the window. This technique helps to visually enlarge the window and at the same time highlight it and focus attention on it.

The wider the window slopes, the more options for decoration with molding or stucco. The width of the slope allows you to use different colors, use relief inserts or make other additions.

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Decorating with curtains: choosing fabric and color

Many products involve the appearance of waves and folds. Therefore, when choosing a fabric, it is worth considering how drapeable it is. Rely on the practical characteristics of the material. Buy ones that are durable, wear-resistant, and cannot absorb odors. It is better if the fabric is easy to care for.

The shade of the curtains should match the overall palette of the room. You can choose a color to match the furniture upholstery or decorative elements. It is important that the model stands out and does not merge with the adjacent wall.

When using a single-color covering, purchase curtains with patterns. If the walls are rich and bright, then buy plain textiles.

Window decoration option

Window decor in the apartment

Window decor idea

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Materials and methods of finishing slopes

There is a wide variety of materials used to design slopes. Among the most common raw materials are: plaster, drywall, PVC panels, wood, metal, artificial and natural stone, and other building materials. Some of the listed types of finishing are sometimes covered with a decorative layer on top in the form of varnish, paint, or wallpaper.

When choosing a suitable cladding, experts recommend giving preference to the same base that is used in the production of the window frame. Homogeneous materials complement each other, make the structure a single whole, and give it a finished look.

The slopes may be a continuation not of the window frame, but of the wall, in which case it is worth paying attention to its design. To make the right choice, you need to understand the existing types of raw materials, consider the advantages, and installation methods. To do this, let us dwell in more detail on the different building materials that are used to perform installation work.

Drywall - choice of material and installation technique

One of the most popular materials used for interior work. He is very pliable. With its help, you can carry out construction activities with your own hands. Many people prefer it because of the significant advantages that are expressed:

  • low cost;
  • light weight;
  • simple processing;
  • flexibility;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • very smooth surface.

But before you opt for drywall, you should consider its disadvantages:

  • low strength, afraid of mechanical influences;
  • fear of high humidity; if the protective layer is damaged, it may swell;
  • Over time, stains form on the surface and require repair and painting.

A standard gypsum board sheet is not suitable for designing slopes. Depending on the type of premises, preference should be given to GKLV or GKLVO. These are waterproof and fire-resistant options that can withstand moisture and elevated temperatures well. For additional protection of sheets, antiseptics, dyes, and varnishes are used.

Drywall can be installed in three ways:

  1. On the sheathing. This method is used when the load-bearing wall has the same finish.
  2. Fastening with L-shaped corner.
  3. Fastening directly to the slope. For fixation, glue and polyurethane foam are used.


When starting to line slopes, preparatory work is initially carried out. To do this, remove the old finishing material, clean the surface from dirt and dust, eliminate small defects, chips, and repair damage with putty. The resulting surface is treated with moisture-resistant substances and antiseptics. Having completed these steps, proceed to measurements.

First, you need to determine the slope angle relative to the window, taking into account the sheathing, if any, and establish the position of its edge on the window structure. Next, use a tape measure to measure its length, taking into account other slopes adjacent on both sides. Afterwards, its width is set to the plane of the wall, the depth, which is calculated from the line of the inner edge to the frame.

When taking measurements, it is worth taking into account the fact that the slope should not be an obstacle to opening the sashes or interfere with access to the fittings.

Step-by-step installation

The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

  1. Installation of sheathing. For these purposes, you can use wooden planks or profiles, which are cut to the size of the opening and installed along its perimeter.
  2. The frame is filled with mineral wool insulation.
  3. Based on the measurements taken, appropriate pieces are cut out of the drywall.
  4. The resulting sheets are fixed to the profile or slats using self-tapping screws.
  5. Excess protruding parts are cut off.
  6. Crevices and voids are treated with sealant.
  7. Next, the surface is primed and puttied, after which a layer of paint is applied.


An old, time-tested method of finishing internal slopes. Many people decide to use it due to its low cost, simplicity, and large selection of modern mixtures. Using interior decorative plaster, you can make unusual, spectacular accents on windows and decorate any surface.

Mixtures can consist of various fillers and fractions - wood fibers, stone chips and others. Thanks to unusual granules, an interesting textured surface and a unique pattern are created. The finishing material has the following characteristics:

  • Fits well on any base (wood, drywall, brick, concrete);
  • Effectively masks unevenness and defects;
  • Does not absorb odors;
  • Restrains sound and noise flows;
  • Non-flammable, safe, environmentally friendly mixture;
  • Can be applied to deformed bases;
  • When renovating, there is no need to remove the entire finish.

Selection and preparation of solution

The plastering mixture can be simple or complex. The type of solution depends on compliance with the proportions of the main components and the presence of impurities for decoration. When making building materials yourself, it is important to correctly calculate the content of the binder component and filler. You can find the “golden mean” of fat content by dipping a spatula into the solution. A high-quality mixture will cling a little to the spatula.

Brick and wooden slopes are plastered with slaked lime mortar. Fill it with water, let it settle and filter. Then the remaining components are added. This is the cheapest and most popular option for interior decoration. You can add cement or use it separately with sand.

Gypsum-based plaster dries quickly, remains durable for a long time, hardening occurs within 5 minutes after application. You can increase the hardening time by adding wood glue to the composition. Gypsum can be used in its pure form, but only in dry rooms, not outdoors.

The strongest and most durable plaster will be based on cement. Preliminary setting occurs after 15 minutes, final hardening after 12 hours. To finish windows in a room with high humidity, latex glue (at least 20%) is added to the mixture.

Clay and sand are the most common fillers. To prepare plaster, it is better to use coarse-grained fractions - 3-4 mm. Before mixing, the materials must be sifted to prevent the ingress of debris.

PVC panels

Modern plastic panels are absolutely safe and can be safely used for interior decoration. Slopes made of plastic panels have a neat appearance, are easy to clean from dirt, and do not change color from sunlight. Practical material is installed quickly, without dust, unnecessary noise and many additional tools. Positive characteristics also include the following factors:

  • PVC panels are made from the same material as the window frame. The window structure takes on a complete look;
  • The ability to install insulation, which will eliminate the occurrence of condensation;
  • The material is absolutely insensitive to moisture;
  • Can be used without repair or replacement for several decades;
  • Tolerates low and high temperatures well;
  • A large assortment of plastic products allows you to finish windows with both budget and luxury materials.

Surface preparation

Plastic window slopes are usually installed immediately after installing the window block, after waiting at least a day. During this time, the surface should be prepared - remove protrusions, dust and dry. If necessary, the wall can be treated with a solution of silicate glue and primer for better adhesion.

The protruding mounting foam between the frame and the wall should be cut off with a knife so that it does not interfere with the fastening of the starting profile. You also need to remove the shipping tape from the window profile and seal the internal seams. Deformed areas above the frame and on the sides should be leveled with plaster.

Lathing or installation of a guide profile

At the next stage, the starting profile is established. The U-shaped fastening allows you to fix the slope without the use of glue, silicone and other materials. You can screw it to a frame or a wooden block. The horizontal top profile is attached first, from wall to wall. They are fixed with self-tapping screws exactly along the edge with a step of 20 cm. The vertical side elements are mounted at a distance of 4-5 cm from the joints with the same step.

If you decide to use guide bars, then first measure the length of the slope, cut out the products and attach them with dowels to the putty along the contour of the entire opening. Before installation or during the process, all elements should be treated with anti-rotting compounds. The starting profile is screwed onto a wooden base.

Wooden sheathing will provide the necessary rigidity to the structure. The bars are screwed with dowel nails along the outer edge. Their ends should not reach the edge of the panel and the wall; a few centimeters should be left for the cover profile.

Panel installation

The installation of PVC panels begins from the top of the slope, then proceeds to the walls. Based on previously obtained measurements, the necessary elements are cut out. It is necessary to work without pressure, given the fragility of the material. You can make an even cut using a guide ruler.

The prepared PVC parts are inserted into the profile and the connection is checked. They are separated from the walls and foam is applied to them or insulation is laid. Return it to its place, press it down, and fix it with self-tapping screws. If the abutment of the product is not enough, the voids are sealed with liquid plastic. The entire window opening is sheathed in this way.

At the final stage, the ends of the panels are covered with a finishing profile. They start working from the top. Apply the F-shaped profile and slam it with your palm onto the panel along its entire length.

Artificial or natural stone

When decorating windows with stone, the main thing is to correctly match the width of the opening and the size of the decorative items. Decorative elements should not make the window massive; their thickness should be a maximum of 2 cm. Artificial and natural stone is laid on a special glue, on a previously leveled surface.

Slopes made of stone and tiles are the most expensive option. They enhance the status of the room, making the window expressive and presentable. The high-strength material is not deformable, has a long service life, and is easy to clean. It is laid out only in a horizontal position. If necessary, you can trim with a hacksaw or a circular saw, depending on the composition and type.

After installation, the joints are grouted. A special epoxy and silicone mixture is applied to the joints and smoothed with a rubber spatula. Artificial bricks can be laid end to end without rubbing.


Wooden slopes will be an excellent complement to a wooden frame. A better result can be achieved if the finishing is carried out with one species. The color palette and pattern will completely match, which will make the opening more attractive. Using a natural finish, you can hide poorly formed seams, remnants of polyurethane foam, various gaps and cracks.

In addition to decorative purposes, slopes made of natural wood perform a number of important functions, the main one of which is window insulation. The frame also prevents the penetration of cold air through the cracks, the appearance of condensation, and the development of fungus. For interior decoration of windows, hard wood species (pine, oak, larch) are used. To extend the service life of products made from natural materials, they are coated with varnish.

Laminate and parquet boards

The material for finishing the slopes will look harmonious against the background of wooden windows, especially if all the elements have the same color and texture. Laminate and parquet boards are an excellent analogue to natural materials. A large assortment of types and classes allows you to choose a material with suitable parameters for independent installation in your apartment.

Parquet boards and siding are considered immediately as a finishing coating. The material is pasted over plaster and putty. Gypsum compounds are suitable for brick bases, and cement compounds are suitable for concrete bases.

Options for beautiful window decoration with curtains

For indoor use, it is recommended to choose the following products.

  1. Rolled. Popularity is linked in a key way to the lifting mechanism located under the frame. To add natural light to your visit, just click on the button. The model will quickly turn into a roll.
  2. Curtains. They look like long curtains made of lightweight material. Look great on windows of any size. They help add a little lightness and airiness.
  3. Italian curtains consist of several parts. The free zone can be filled with beautiful tulle.

Window decoration

Beautiful window decor

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Decorative plaster

This material looks great not only on walls or ceilings. Decorative plaster can also be used to decorate slopes on windows.

But there is a significant nuance - you need to use a material that is resistant to humidity and temperature changes. And, of course, the layer of plaster needs to be painted. This material can be supplemented with a variety of elements - shells, shiny stones, ornamental glass.

Patterns on fabric

The patterns on the material can be different, including geometry, stripes, prints, abstract patterns, etc. When purchasing such options, it is recommended to consider the following principles.

  1. When designing a room in calm colors, choose curtains with bright patterns. If, on the contrary, the interior is rich, buy products in calm, monochromatic shades.
  2. Dark material should be diluted with light patterns.
  3. Large sized patterns are suitable for spacious rooms.
  4. The image must be combined with the overall style.

Window decoration option

Window decor in the apartment

Window decor idea


Wooden windows are a sign of good taste, style and a certain social status. So why not use wood to design the slopes? In addition, this material provides incredibly many options for decoration.

Wooden cladding can be made from boards, plywood, carved panels, and decorative chips. Openwork panels and beautifully tinted solid boards look especially impressive.

This decoration gives the window a special colorful look. The room instantly becomes cozy and takes on a stylish look.

Curtain decorations

Various curtain decorations are presented in the table.

Type of decoration Description
Lambrequins There are hard, soft and combined ones, complemented by folds and draperies.
Tiebacks The window will appear half open. Decorated with stones and beads.
Magnetic decorations, braid and ribbon Perform the same functions as grabs.

If you want to add a little sparkle, choose jewelry with beads.

Main trends

Curtains in a modern style are quite laconic products that provide maximum comfort in the room. They also should not take a lot of time to form folds, wash and iron.

Popular frills, ruffles and frills are a thing of the past, and in recent years too. The one exception is rustic curtains, which are still often used to decorate charming bedrooms or kitchens. But even in this case, the richness of the decor is replaced by cozy and simple elements.

Modern curtain ideas are minimalist not only in terms of design, but also in terms of style and color choice.

Recommendations for choosing curtains and curtains

  1. To create coziness, use pastel shades, beige or peach. Especially if the room is on the north side. If you want to add coolness to the space, gray, blue and others are suitable.
  2. If the windows are on the sunny side, hang models that have reflective impregnation.
  3. Choose products for the summer period from chintz, satin or veneer. For the winter version, they are sewn from velvet, tapestry, velor, etc.

Window decoration

Beautiful window decor

Room with bay window

A bay window in a room always looks impressive. The decor of the window opening should favorably emphasize this expressiveness. Curtains for a bay window are selected depending on the purpose of the room.

Beige interior Source

The design of a bay window in the living room depends on the size of the window and the size of this part of the room. As a rule, in the bay window, if space allows, a dining room is arranged. Multi-layer curtains in a classic style with lambrequins and a light curtain will give a solemn look. Thick curtains are appropriate on the sunny side. Airy tulle will complement and, at the same time, neutralize some of the “heaviness and pomposity” of dense fabrics. Austrian and French curtains gathered in beautiful transverse folds look impressive in a bay window.

Living room in a classic style Source

In modern style, a combined version of blinds, “rims” and light curtain fabric is used.

In the case where the bay window is reserved for a seating area and upholstered furniture is installed in it, it would be logical to hang short, vertically rising Austrian or French curtains.

Decor elements Source Beautiful curtains in a children's room Source

Recommendations for choosing blinds

  1. For small rooms, purchase light-colored products;
  2. Dark shades of blinds suit spacious rooms;
  3. When choosing a color, take into account what room the product is intended for. Bright colors are suitable for the kitchen; buy a delicate palette for the nursery;
  4. Check how well all mechanisms work. There should be no jerking when opening and closing.

To find out the size of suitable blinds, contact a specialist so that he can take the correct measurements.

Tiles or porcelain tiles

This material is the best solution for decorating window slopes in the kitchen. The tiles are also suitable for decorating window openings in bathrooms.

Design options when using these materials are not as few as it might seem at first glance. Even the way the tiles are laid - with or without a seam - affects the impression made by the window opening. And, of course, you can lay out a beautiful mosaic from tiles on the slopes.

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