What to do to get rid of pigeons - effective methods

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These unpretentious birds are often called “flying rats.” They coexist with humans - they have mastered the urban environment, causing damage to farms and grain elevators. Knowing how to scare away pigeons will help you avoid many problems. Coping with an invasion is not so easy. To solve the problem, chemical repellent gels, mesh, spikes and other means are used.

Neighborhood Danger

The presence of pigeons is revealed by droppings - it covers the eaves on the facades of the building, the floor in the attic and balconies, and the roof of the building. In addition to the fact that aesthetics suffer, this creates other problems. Ammonia present in excrement corrodes surfaces. On farms, bird droppings contaminate feed and drinking water. Its dried particles are spread by the wind, and infections are spread along with them. The most dangerous of them:

  • ornithosis is an acute infectious disease accompanied by lung damage, intoxication, and disruption of the central nervous system;
  • encephalitis - this disease leads to inflammation of the brain; epilepsy can become a complication;
  • salmonellosis - the disease leads to serious dehydration and intoxication, can cause kidney failure, it is especially dangerous for children and the elderly;
  • histoplasmosis - the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum mainly affects the lungs, causes pneumonia, and in severe cases it spreads throughout the body.

The list below does not include all the diseases that pigeons can transmit to humans. This makes you seriously think about the question of how to keep them away from the windowsill and balcony.

Stuffed animals and dummies of birds of prey

Many wrote that it helped them. Give it a try.

My pigeons were afraid for the first 30 minutes. Then they sat next to the plastic crow like good old friends.

It is necessary to place not just a figurine of a bird, but a predatory one (owl, crow, kite, eagle, etc.). Those who are afraid of pigeons.

Simple measures

You should think about preventing unwanted proximity. Simple measures will help with this:

  • in the attic it is worth sealing the cracks with mineral wool or other material, protecting the ventilation openings with grilles or special elements blocking access;
  • You need to remove garbage from the balcony and garden plot - uninvited guests can build nests there;
  • You cannot feed birds, leave food prepared for domestic animals open, it is advisable to complicate access to water;
  • if possible, you need to take care of glazing the balcony or loggia.

Landing interference, harsh methods

Thorns also sometimes don’t look very nice, especially on the windowsill. A fishing line stretched in several rows will be almost completely invisible to unwitting spectators. If you are afraid that the bird will get tangled with its paws, you can tie a string to a strip of durable material and stretch the resulting device along the window sill. The wind will sway the fabric, and the tension will not allow the pigeon to sit down, even if it turns out to be not a timid one.

Many who have often encountered the occupation of window sills by pigeons recommend rubbing the surface with something slippery. For this purpose, for example, Vaseline is suitable as a completely harmless neutral substance. Birds, when landing, begin to slide, and as a result they understand that this place is inconvenient for living. Oils and fats are not recommended as they will attract flies and other insects.

Another option, proposed by experts, differs only in that the substance distributed over the surface must be sticky and retain this property for a long time. Birds won't like their feet being sticky. However, this method is quite controversial in terms of convenience for homeowners, since it will be difficult to wash the surface afterwards. There is also a certain risk of sticking when the desire or need arises to go out onto the balcony.

How can you scare away from the balcony?

In cities, open balconies and loggias become a favorite place for pigeons. There they shelter from bad weather, keep warm in cold winters, and find food. Before choosing a solution, it is worth assessing the scale of the problem. If birds land on the railing, it is enough to make it awkward for them to land. Special spikes made of metal or plastic are suitable for this. The sharp teeth have different heights - usually 2-3 cm is enough. They are most often secured with glue. Place it so that the pigeons do not have any free space to land - this will scare them away from the balcony. Thanks to the flexible base, the spikes can be attached to railings of any configuration.

If you choose the interior space of a balcony or loggia, then you have to decide how to deal with the problem taking into account financial capabilities. The most expensive, but at the same time the most practical option is glazing. In addition to protection from birds, frames provide other benefits - the room becomes warmer and quieter, and less dust penetrates from the street.

If such expenses are not planned, then the situation will be saved by a grid blocking access to the site. It can be made of plastic, stainless wire, nylon. The color, size of the cells, their shape and orientation (horizontal, vertical) are different, which allows you to choose the most aesthetic protection option. The materials used are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, precipitation, and temperature changes. They have a long service life (on average 10 years).

If necessary, “windows” (slits with Velcro) can be provided in the mesh.

This design serves as effective protection without interfering with free air exchange. The loggia or balcony of the apartment is used as before. The owner of the premises no longer has to think about how to repel pigeons. The problem is solved forever with minimal costs.

Other methods:

  • fishing line stretched at a height of 50 mm from the outer window sill or railing (several strips will be required);
  • old CDs - they reflect the rays of the sun, blinding the eyes;
  • foil or silver paint (perform the same functions);
  • brightly colored balloons (under the influence of the wind they move and scare away birds).

What can be done to prevent pigeons from landing on the windowsill on the street side?

Pigeons often consider the windowsill “theirs.”
We looked at 20 ways to wean pigeons from sitting on the windowsill. But the main thing is to create such conditions so that they do not have the desire to return there again. Compliance with these rules will be a good prevention of birds visiting your windowsill or balcony.

  • Don't feed the pigeons. Birds remember very well the places where they managed to get food and will visit them regularly. If you love animals, arrange feeders away from residential buildings. Feed the birds in designated areas.
  • Do not create conditions for nesting birds on the balcony, do not leave food available. Keep your balcony clean.

Knowing folk remedies and what special devices exist to get rid of pigeons on a windowsill or balcony, do not use poisons or use plastic gel. Both the poison and the gel can kill the animal. There is no need for such cruelty, because expulsion can be quite humane. Love nature and do not harm it as much as possible!

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How to keep him away from the windowsill?

If the loggia is glazed, this does not provide a complete guarantee that the pigeons will not be annoyed - the outer window sill (drainage) becomes a convenient platform for them. You can keep them away from the window sill from the outside of the window by changing its angle to 45 degrees using special pads. This makes it difficult for birds to land. If the drainage system is already installed, then you can scare away pigeons from the window by attaching spikes to it, as is the case with the balcony railings.

Other methods:

  • pasting the window sill with food foil;
  • lubricating the surface with oil or Vaseline.

Flying rats - why it is advisable to ward off pigeons

It has long been known that pigeons are carriers of parasitic insects, in particular fleas, which, in turn, often become sources of serious diseases. Bird droppings are very difficult to clean off, easily eating into the surface due to the high content of uric acid . After contact with guano, it only takes a short time for the most durable paint to be corroded.

In the process of cleaning the surface from the products of pigeon intestines, you must be extremely careful and use rubber gloves and a breathing mask. The fact is that guano can be a hotbed for the development of a colony of bacteria dangerous to humans, which can lead to diseases such as:

  • toxoplasmosis;
  • pseudotuberculosis;
  • psittacosis;
  • encephalitis;
  • salmonellosis.

And this is not the entire list; there are also rarer diseases carried by pigeons that can infect not only people, but also poultry, for example, Newcastle disease. It is most dangerous for chickens. Tularemia poses a threat to humans, although its causative agent is quite specific and infections have occurred infrequently in Russia. But this does not mean that these beautiful birds only cause harm; they have many benefits. Therefore, the least stringent control measures are proposed below.

MethodHow and where to applyprosMinuses
GridsFor the protection of balconies, apartment and attic windows, ventilation hatches, flower beds and beds in the yard.Affordable, reliable, versatile.Not very aesthetically pleasing.
SpikesOn the eaves of houses, window sills, balcony railings, fences.Prevents pests from landing on the surface.Not very aesthetically pleasing. Needs to be cleaned periodically.
Wire/lineOn the eaves of houses, window sills, railings, fences, roofs, facades.Effectively repels birds. More aesthetically pleasing than spikes. From time to time you should check the integrity and tension of the wire.
Electrical systemsTo protect places and surfaces where flocks of pigeons flock.Durable: service life - up to 8 years. Harmless, only repels birds. High prices. Suitable for uninhabited places: roofs, industrial sites.
Chemical repellents: gels, sprays, naphthaleneAny surfaces are processed: window sills, cornices, roofs, railings, lawns, monuments, etc.They cause a persistent reflex, forcing you to avoid the treated areas in the future.Some compounds are toxic and require proper use according to instructions.

How to scare pigeons off your roof?

To protect the roof from “flying rats,” you can use spikes, but due to the large area, this is unprofitable. Since it is impossible to cover the entire roof, it will not be difficult for birds to find a place to land. This makes it advisable to use a laser repeller. It creates a cacophony of light in space - when it hits the eyes, the beam disorients. You can choose the method of operation - with or without beam rotation. The rotation speed is adjustable. Mounting options: on a tripod or on a bracket. The device operates silently and consumes little electricity.

You can also:

  • install weather vanes;
  • cover the roof space with a mesh at a height of half a meter;
  • install an electric repeller (power supply with cable) - upon contact, the bird receives a non-life-threatening electric shock;
  • sprinkle food mixed with sawdust, plenty of salt or a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

How to scare away from the site?

If the plot is large and poultry is raised on the farm, then pigeons pose a serious danger. They eat food and spread infectious and parasitic diseases. The enclosure can be protected by placing a net on top. It is unlikely that you will be able to scare away pigeons from the site forever, but the domestic stock will be protected. If we are talking about protecting the entire area, then you will have to purchase a repeller.

Sound vibrations that scare away pigeons are produced by a bioacoustic installation. It broadcasts sounds associated with predators or causing acoustic stress. Settings:

  • contain several dozen sounds;
  • able to operate on battery power for a long time;
  • are programmed taking into account the tasks being solved (the volume, range of sounds, and the interval between them are adjusted).

The case is protected from precipitation, dust and temperature changes.

Additional options are available to protect the device from theft and damage. Such installations are used in suburban areas, on farms, elevators, gardens, fisheries and other farms. When used on farms, farm animals become accustomed to the sounds produced within a few days - installation of the device does not affect productivity. You can also use an ultrasonic or laser repeller.

If you have to fight with other birds, it is advisable to place a scarecrow on the site. Currently, you can choose a complex model that combines a “predatory” appearance (owl, eagle, falcon), sound, light, movement (the scarecrow flaps its wings, screams, its eyes glow).

Another way to fight is water. In case of a massive invasion of birds, they are watered with a hose. For constant repelling, sprayers are used - special devices with a motion sensor are especially effective.

Electronics to the rescue - modern methods of scaring away pigeons

In order not to listen to neighbors' complaints, it is recommended to make the fight against feathered robbers invisible and inaudible, and for this purpose an ultrasonic repeller is ideally suited. Similar devices are sold in specialized hunting stores. By setting the desired frequency, you can get rid of not only pigeons, but also rats, moles and other pests that annoy the owner of a country farm. Among such devices, bioacoustic ones are the most effective.

You can arrange a laser show for birds; flashes of bright rays will cause panic in individual individuals or a large flock equally. To do this, you can use both purchased electronics and homemade ones. It is good to supplement laser sources with a rotating ball, which is often used in discos. An ordinary strobe light will also be an effective measure.

Experts highly recommend trying the so-called thunder gun, powered by compressed air, when fighting pigeons. Using a simple control panel, the frequency of gas emissions is set. As a result, at certain intervals, claps will be heard, simulating the sound of gunfire. The only drawback is that the noise begins to irritate not only pigeons, but also people with pets.

How to remove pigeons from the attic?

To prevent birds from entering the attic, it is worth sealing the cracks, glazing the windows, if any, and protecting the ventilation holes with mesh. If they do settle in, you can use natural or chemical scents. Knowing which ones are best at repelling pigeons can quickly solve the problem. The birds do not die. Strong aromas are unpleasant for uninvited guests - you can use spices (cloves, mustard, cinnamon, paprika, cayenne or allspice). As for chemical agents, it is advisable to use ordinary naphthalene in powder form. Specific food - millet with pepper - will also force you to leave the attic.

Laser repeller

It is also a very effective method, but it has a number of serious disadvantages. The device uses a laser beam to control pests - and this is its main disadvantage. Unlike ultrasound, which the human ear cannot perceive, the bright green beam is visible to everyone - pests, people, and pets. And it makes me uncomfortable

But if your home is located in a deserted place, we recommend that you pay attention to such a device. It works in different modes

  • Reaction directly to the presence of a pest. The sensor in the device tracks movement and fires a beam when an uninvited guest arrives.
  • Preventive repellent. The laser turns on every 10-15 minutes, regardless of whether there is danger or not.
  • Manual control. The owner independently decides when it is time to scare away thieves.

Since the beam is best visible in the dark, the most appropriate time for the device to operate is at night.

Chemical repellents

When deciding how to keep pigeons away from your home, you can opt for chemical repellents. It is advisable to use relatively safe means:

  • sticky substances - they glue paws, glue feathers, which makes birds refuse to visit “dangerous” places;
  • non-toxic repellents based on strong-smelling substances (essential oils, menthol, capsaicin) with an unpleasant taste - they do not lead to poisoning (preparations with such properties can be found in the assortment of Pestman or other manufacturers).

Such means have their drawbacks. Sticky substances accumulate dirt over time, lose effectiveness, and spoil the appearance of eaves, window sills, and ebbs. If a small bird lands on the trap, it may subsequently die due to feathers sticking together and the inability to fly normally. It is difficult to clean surfaces from frozen substances. Strong-smelling substances should not be used in closed spaces if there are people present. In open areas they lose effectiveness over time.

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