How to get rid of birds: rating of the 17 best repellers

Publication date: September 20, 2022, 09:37

From year to year, in the fall, every first owner of windows on which there is a so-called “mosquito net” laments the fact that small birds have once again turned the net on the window into a “sieve”. No matter how ironic it may sound... Various forums are filled with angry comments from the owners of torn nets. We will try to answer why this situation occurs. Understanding why birds peck at window screens is sometimes difficult. The brain of birds is much simpler than that of mammals. Sometimes they tear the mosquito net just like that. Tits (fed by their neighbors and offended by your indifference) are especially often guilty of “mosquito robbery.” But still, the birds are not deprived of reason. And why titmice (and their companions) peck at the nets on the windows can be found in a completely logical explanation, and more than one! Moreover, perhaps this is your fault.

  • Picking out stuck midges

There may be small insects stuck in your mesh. Take a closer look, maybe you haven’t washed the net for a long time and the birds are just pecking their food out of it?

  • Looking for shelter and food

With the onset of cold weather, the menu of birds becomes very scarce. Those who did not fly south begin to fly around the windows of city houses in search of at least some food. And you have a mosquito net on the window! It’s a sin not to peck!

Nylon fabric, fiberglass, polypropylene (not to mention cotton) are materials used for the production of linens and are very attractive to birds during the nesting period.

So what to do?

1. Wash the mosquito net in a timely manner, avoiding clogging with insects and fallen leaves.

2. Remove the netting at the end of the summer season without tempting the birds to sin

Why do birds destroy mosquito nets?

Most often, structures are attacked by tits. Placing bird feeders near the house leads to the fact that tits cease to be afraid of people and calmly attack anti-mosquitoes. Many people consider birds to be rather stupid creatures, but this is not at all the case. After all, unlike other representatives of the fauna, they can fly, and for this you need to have a very developed brain. Therefore, it is unlikely that attacks on grids are senseless. The reasons for this behavior may be as follows:

  1. Birds feed on midges stuck in the meshes of the nets. If this is the case, then you need to wash the mesh more often so that they are not tempted to “pick around” in it.
  2. Tits are looking for a place where they can hide in cold or bad weather. If the net is not removed with the onset of winter, then birds may fly to it “out of old memory” or simply in the hope of finding food.
  3. When building nests, birds actively search for various materials that can be used for this purpose. Therefore, they make attempts to pick out the threads from the mesh and take them to their new building.

What can be done to preserve the mosquito repellent product:

  • Wash the mesh regularly to prevent it from becoming contaminated with debris and insects;
  • remove the net before the winter season;
  • hang objects on the mesh that scare away birds, for example, bells;
  • Place a variety of nest building materials near the mesh to redirect their attention.

But the easiest option is to contact and order an innovative anti-bird net that birds cannot damage.

Why tits tear mosquito nets and what to do about it

There can be many reasons why birds tear mosquito nets. Most likely, they are looking for midges stuck in it. With the onset of cold weather, it is more difficult for birds to find food. They may also pluck fibers from the mesh to insulate their nests for the winter.

How to protect a mosquito net from tits:

  • Before the onset of cold weather, the mesh must be thoroughly washed. This will help you get rid of midges that can attract birds.
  • You can hang bells outside the window that will scare away birds at the slightest movement of the wind.
  • A kind of feeder, not with food, but with small threads, blades of grass, small twigs, can distract birds from plucking fibers from the mosquito net.

If the proposed measures do not produce results, and you cannot remove the net for the winter, then you need to take more radical measures. Order a new mosquito net “Antiptitsa”. It is made of durable material that birds cannot damage.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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When is mosquito net repair required?

A mosquito net on the windows is reliable protection against unwanted insects - mosquitoes, flies, wasps. Often, after 3-5 years, holes appear in the structure fabric. The reason for this is birds. They tear the mesh, getting building material for their nests or thinking that it is edible. Sometimes the canvas is torn by pets - cats or birds released from the cage.

Photo: birds tearing the mosquito net fabric

What to do if the mosquito net breaks? Can I repair it myself or do I need the help of a specialist?

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It is difficult to understand why birds peck at window screens. The brain of birds is simpler than that of mammals: they do not need a reason to tear a mosquito. But still, the birds are not deprived of reason. And there is a logical explanation for why titmice (and their companions) peck at window screens.

Picking out stuck midges

Insects get stuck in the cells of mosquito nets. If birds get into the habit of tearing a mosquito net, take a closer look at what is happening and at the same time remember the last time you washed the net.

Looking for food in winter

With the onset of cold weather, the menu of birds becomes very scarce. Those who did not fly south begin to fly around the windows of city houses in search of food. And here is a mosquito net on the window with a midge stuck in it! It’s a sin not to peck! Why, one might ask, tempt hungry birds and leave the net for the winter?

Building nests

Nylon fabric, fiberglass, polypropylene (not to mention cotton) - the materials used in the production of fabrics are attractive to birds during the nesting period. Birds gnaw at the mosquito net, trying to snatch a piece to make a nest. And they do it so fanatically that holes form in the mesh that cannot be repaired.

Frequent breakdowns

Failure of the described structures can occur for several reasons:

  1. Plastic has high strength characteristics and is durable, but over time it breaks and its previous quality indicators are lost. The mesh frame is made of plastic and breaks and deteriorates during use.
  2. A common cause of failure is sudden temperature changes, direct exposure to direct sunlight in the summer and severe frosts in the winter.
  3. The cessation of functionality occurs due to the external action of animals and birds that hit the canvas.

In most cases, you cannot do without emergency repair of a mosquito net yourself. Often loss of functionality occurs due to failure of:

  • installation handles or plastic corners;
  • holders present on the inside and outside
  • the fabric is torn directly.

Methods for repairing mosquito nets

Replacing the mosquito net fabric can be done in two ways.

  • Option 1 is to call a specialist from a window company or window repair company. The method is simple, but it will require time waiting for a specialist and financial costs. The cost of a specialist’s visit and work + the cost of materials starts from 1,500 rubles per 1 piece.
  • Option 2 – replace the blade yourself. To do this, you need to buy a canvas or a kit for repairing/making mesh at any construction hypermarket or market. The repair kit includes a blade, a fastening cord and handles, and the cost of such kits is about 500 rubles. To replace the canvas with your own hands, in addition to the materials, you will need a very sharp knife, for example a construction knife or a stationery knife with break-off blades.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing mosquito net fabric

  • Place the mosquito net on a flat surface (on a table or floor)
  • Use a knife or screwdriver to pry the edge of the fastening cord and carefully pull it out of the profile groove, freeing the blade.

Photo: pry up the old cord and pull it out of the groove, freeing the blade

  • Place the new canvas on the mesh frame so that there are equal allowances on all sides.
  • Starting from one of the corners, begin to press the cord into the groove on top of the canvas. If this is difficult to do manually, you can use a blunt object, such as the handle of a knife.

Photo: press the cord over the new canvas

  • Gradually pressing the cord around the perimeter, it is necessary to ensure uniform tension of the fabric. If the canvas begins to sag or warp, pull out the cord and start the procedure over.
  • In the center of the frame, you need to insert handles between the cord and the canvas and press them down with the cord.
  • When the cord is inserted around the entire perimeter and the fabric is evenly stretched, you can trim off the excess fabric and cord with a sharp knife blade.

How to maintain a mosquito net

Repairing a mosquito net with your own hands is not difficult. To avoid doing this every year, just follow these simple recommendations:

  • Remove the mesh for the cold season. In winter, protection from insects is not needed and the canvas will not be damaged.
  • Replace the canvas with aluminum, then the bird will not be able to gnaw through it with its beak.
  • If there are pets in the house, it is better to give preference not to simple, but to a special, more durable Anti-Cat canvas, thereby protecting the cat and saving yourself from birds.

How to protect yourself from birds

There are three ways to protect yourself from birds:

  1. We cover the windows and vents with cellophane film. True, this option is not very good. After all, cellophane will prevent fresh air from entering the room, and it will quickly become stuffy and hot.
  2. Cover the opening part of the window with gauze. This option can be an excellent solution for windows made of wood. This is not an option for plastic window structures. After all, fixing gauze to plastic is unrealistic.
  3. We install a mosquito net. The method is very convenient and practical. The designs fit perfectly into the interior and last a long time. But they do not always successfully cope with the task.

What to do if the mosquito net is torn?

Surely everyone has had to face a similar problem at least once. The sooner you get rid of it, the better. Of course, you can replace the mesh. Or you can save money and try to patch the hole. Let's take a closer look at the second option.

When my mosquito net broke, I tried to simply seal it with tape. After a while it became dirty, dusty and began to peel off. I came to the conclusion that this solution is not effective.

The most successful repair options. Here's what I managed to find:

Method one: mesh on top of mesh

If you have a piece of old mosquito net lying around your household, try to find it, as it will come in handy in your business. Arm yourself with a needle and thread (ideally, if you have nylon thread). Cut a piece of mesh that matches the size of the hole, leaving a couple of centimeters on each edge.

You can repair the mesh directly on the window. Glue the cut piece on top with tape. Sew it on three sides with thread, then remove the tape and sew the remaining side.

Method two: self-adhesive tape

In stores today you can see tapes specifically designed for repairing mesh. Black and gray ribbons are sold, usually 5 centimeters wide. They are not afraid of water and hold securely.

First, treat the torn area with acetone, then cut off the tape (it is better to take it with a reserve). Remove the film, stick it on the hole, smooth the tape and blow on it with a hairdryer. The hot air will cause the adhesive side to melt, making it securely fixed.

Anyway, much more effective than tape. The tape is slightly noticeable on the grid, but does not affect the functionality.

What's the easiest way to seal a small hole?

As soon as you notice damage, it must be corrected immediately. Even the smallest tear renders the mesh useless. Every home always has adhesive tape, or rather its varieties - electrical tape, adhesive tape, adhesive tape.

Most often, transparent adhesive tape (scotch tape) is used.

  • Separate a piece of the required size from the roll, cut it off and glue it to the edges of the hole.
  • Repeat the same action and apply a second piece of tape on the other side of the mesh, above the hole.
  • Carefully smooth out air bubbles.

Such repairs can be called “first aid”. But this is a temporary measure. Scotch tape is unreliable and short-lived protection. At high temperatures (in the sun), the adhesive will melt and the patch will fall off. In addition, such a restoration looks ugly. It can be used for a short time until more permanent repairs can be made. There are several ways to repair a hole better and with your own hands.

Liquid patch

This is the name given to the paste-like mass, which is PVC - polyvinyl chloride. That is, it is a polymer from which many moisture-resistant things are produced - waterproofing, awnings, inflatable boats, etc.

“Liquid patch” is sold in tin or plastic tubes.

It does not require any special skills or auxiliary materials to use it. It is only important to follow the instructions. For example, repairing a torn mosquito net is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The damaged mesh must be removed from the window and placed on the table.
  • Thoroughly degrease the repair area around the damage. Solvent 646 is good for this. The mesh needs to be lubricated on both the front and back sides. Remove excess solvent with a clean cotton rag.
  • Glue a piece of adhesive tape (or electrical tape) from the inside out. This is a temporary measure to prevent the Liquid Patch from sticking to the table surface.
  • Apply the product to the hole, covering its edges. Leave for a day to harden.
  • After 24 hours the product hardens. After this, the tape can be removed. Complete drying occurs after 7-10 days. During this time, it is better to keep the net in a shaded place where direct sunlight does not reach. The optimal drying temperature is 150 – 200. Withstands temperature fluctuations from +160 to +500.

When working with the product, you must take precautions - use rubber or latex gloves and a respirator. The mass has a pungent odor.

Shake the tube vigorously before use. After work, carefully screw the lid on.

  • The glue successfully holds holes up to three centimeters long. If you need to repair larger damage, you need to first tighten the edges with a thread, as if sewing them together.
  • The advantage of the “Liquid Patch” is that after drying, a dense but elastic material is formed. It adheres firmly to the mesh without breaking it. That is, it can freely stretch a little and not be damaged.
  • Another advantage of the product is the variety of colors. Typically, protective sheets for windows are produced in white, gray or black. Liquid Patch's production range includes these shades.

TOP 17 bird repellers

We have written a review of all types of repellers discussed above. Choose exactly what is suitable for your situation and area - and the question “How to scare birds?” will not arise again. The most affordable solutions start at just $10.

  • Spikes
  • Scarecrows and repellers - “eyes”
  • Reflectors: tapes, pendants, discs
  • Electronic sound repellers
  • Chemical repellents

Electronic repellers

As mentioned above, not all electronic repellers are equally effective against birds. Water repellers work – provided they have a sufficient range of action. Scientists recommend using acoustic repellers together with other means. There are few popular electronic bird reflectors, which we will tell you about. Which one to choose is up to you.

Bird repeller “Balcony Gard”

This ultrasonic repeller works in areas up to 900 square feet, according to the manufacturer, and is suitable for use on a balcony, deck, or porch. It's harmless to children and pets, but is it effective? Buyers have no doubts; the product has quite a lot of negative reviews. Special mention is made of pigeons, which are not afraid of the device being turned on. One of the disadvantages is also the audibility of squeaks by children. But still, every third person was satisfied with the effect.

Price: 9690 rub.

Bioacoustic repeller EcoSniper

This sound device is a device that records the calls of wild birds of prey. It has both a general repellent mode and special ones for different species. The manufacturer claims that it can be configured to repel as many as 22 species: pigeons, crows, starlings, seagulls, woodpeckers, etc. The repeller works from the network - the speaker’s power is enough for 1 hectare of area. There are 2 operating modes: day and night.

Price: 5650 rub.

EcoSniper LS-987BF

This repellent is suitable for large spaces. It has 3 ultrasonic frequency settings. There is an additional deterrent option - a flashing light. The sensor detects movement up to 30 feet away. This all-weather device can be used outdoors. Manufacturers note that it can be used not only against birds, but also in the fight against mammalian pests, such as chipmunks. The product is generally highly rated by customers. But reviews regarding birds are not positive.

Price: 4100 rub.

How to fix the screen without removing it from the window

This option is suitable for repairing small holes. It is carried out using hot melt adhesive.

You can repair the mosquito net without removing it from the window using hot glue.

To apply the glue evenly, you must first clean the mesh from dust and degrease it with a solvent. When dry, use a glue gun to apply the liquid paste to the edges of the mesh around and onto the hole. After the glue hardens, it will completely cover the damage. This restoration will not allow the damage to worsen and will last at least two seasons.

Repelling birds in cities and villages

In urban and rural areas, deterrence methods differ depending on specific security measures, the scale of the problem and the property being protected. Usually the species composition differs, which is determined by the bird’s lifestyle, composition and availability of food supply for it.

Sparrows, pigeons and crows are most often found in the city, and seagulls are also found in coastal areas. Crows, seagulls and pigeons rake up the garbage and scatter it. Sparrows can cause much less harm, but they can sneak into warehouses and stores and spoil food. All of these species leave droppings on window sills, under the eaves of houses, trees and various structures. In disadvantaged countries they spread diseases.

In the city, it is convenient to use methods of limited action, such as gel or water repeller that works over a small radius, as well as spikes.

Outside the city, the arsenal of fighting methods is expanding. Deterrent sprays are sprayed on fruit trees or large fields. More powerful water repellers and scarecrows are placed near the house, and metal or plastic reflective tapes are hung.

Mosquito net repair kit

This set is sold in construction and repair stores. It includes:

  • Mesh, size 70x160 cm,
  • Sealing cord, 4.5 m long,
  • Handles – 2 pieces.

Using the kit, you can completely replace the mesh. It is carried out if there are too many holes in the mesh and there is no point in sealing them. For repairs, you will have to carefully remove the sealing cord located along the inner perimeter of the window frame. Then, remove the torn mesh and replace it with a new one. Then, carefully return the cord to its place, having previously installed the handles in the right place.

Bird repeller comparison chart

NameTypeHow to usePrice
Anti-landing spikesSpikesInstall on a cornice or windowsill170 rub.
Bird scarecrowScarecrowInstall next to a protected object1650 rub.
Reflective pendant – DropReflectorHang in the right place/stretch150 rub.
Scare tapeReflector500 rub.
Repellent eyesRepellers - “eyes”Hang in the right place or throw into the pool800 rub.
Bird netNetUse as a barrier290 rub.
EcoSniperSound repellerInstall in areas of unnecessary bird activity5650 rub.
Balcony GardUltrasonic repeller9690 rub.
EcoSniper LS-987BF4100 rub.
Bird repellent gelChemical repellents“Liquid nails”, leave a strip on the cornice2200 rub.

Alternative to sizing


In addition to a liquid patch, which is essentially a type of glue, you can restore a mosquito net with a regular patch. It is made from the same material as the mesh or similar to it.

For repair you will need:

  • The needle is curved, you can take a surgical one,
  • Thin fishing line or nylon thread. It is better if it is the same color as the mosquito net.

Restoration is carried out as follows:

  • Remove the screen from the window and place it on the table so that access to the work area is convenient.
  • Cut a rectangle around the hole to line up its edges.
  • Cut out a patch whose sides are not 5 mm larger than the hole.

The patch for the mosquito net can be made from a similar material or thick tulle.

  • Apply the patch overlapping the prepared area of ​​the mesh.
  • Sew so that the thread (or fishing line) covers both layers. You shouldn’t pull the edges too tightly, but you don’t need to sew too loosely either. The patch should hold firmly, but not wrinkle the mesh. It is important to carefully secure the thread at the end of sewing, forming at least two knots.

The advantage of such repairs is low cost. All the necessary materials can be found in any home. And to make a patch, no special skill is required. Anyone can do this job. The negative side is that it is not very decorative. However, if the question is about saving money, this option is the most budget-friendly.

Artistic darning and embroidery

Needlewomen who master this art have certainly noticed that the mosquito net resembles stitching - embroidery fabric. Therefore, it is not surprising that some housewives successfully use their skills to repair holes in window screens

Repairing holes in a mosquito net using embroidery is the most decorative type of repair.

The difficulty of the work lies in the fact that the embroidery area cannot be pulled onto the hoop. Therefore, you have to fix the frame in a vertical position. Otherwise, all actions are the same as the usual execution technique. If the damage to the mesh is large, it is better to mend it first with threads of the same color. After this, start embroidering:

  • Prepare threads of the desired color in sufficient quantities.
  • The drawing is transferred to the grid using a pencil with a soft lead.
  • When embroidering, the frame is placed vertically, this makes it easier to tighten the needle.
  • At the end of the work, it is better to spray the finished drawing with hairspray. This will protect the embroidery from encroachment by birds.

The result of such a repair is so impressive that those who do not know about the former hole believe that this is an original decoration for a mosquito net.

Those who do not have access to the art of embroidery should not despair. They can mend the hole. After all, every housewife had to repair knitted clothes at least once in her life. If this is not the case, then mastering the darning technique is much easier than embroidery.

Bird repellents


Birds are afraid of predators, so a very common method is to imitate the presence of a bird of prey nearby, for example, by reproducing the cry of a predator or installing an appropriate figurine. If you don't know how to keep birds away from your porch or flower bed, the first thing to try is installing a decoy like this. A life-size figurine of an owl for 1,600 rubles. It is convenient to fill it with sand for stability or place it on the top of a pole or pole. It should repel birds and rodents and, judging by customer reviews, it does its job well. As an option, a more formidable predator, the Hawk, costs 2,500 rubles. The principle of operation is the same, but, unlike the Owl, the reviews are far from being so clear. One of the negative reviews is illustrated by a figurine of a hawk in the aviary. From the photograph it is obvious that the birds are not very afraid of the scarecrow. Users give the hawk a rating of only 3.4 stars out of 5.

Price: 1650 rub.

“Eyes” repellers

In this case, they decided to simplify the task of intimidation as much as possible. Many animals, including birds, have associative perception of visual information. Therefore, only some characteristic elements are used to intimidate, for example, an image of an eye, for 800 rubles. Such a ball is also visually frightening due to its bright colors. Its swaying in the wind will also cause discomfort and a desire to fly away. The set includes from 1 to 3 inflatable balls (the price varies depending on the number of balls in the set!) with an eye-shaped ornament encircling the product. The ball can be used in two ways: suspended or thrown into the water in the pool - to protect against waterfowl. More than half of the buyers were satisfied with the product. Those who did not like the product complain about the short period of action, after which pigeons, sparrows and others get used to it and stop being afraid. But this is a common feature of all visual repellers. Scientists don't say anything about these newfangled repellers, but due to their availability, it's worth giving it a chance.

Price: 800 rub.

Bird repellent tape

The reflective holographic tape looks aggressive to birds and, according to the manufacturer, repels any pests. A 5-meter skein costs only 500 rubles, but it will last a long time. It is double-sided and you can attach the tape anywhere. This product is easy to use, effective and affordable, which is why users love it.

Price: from 500 rub.


The net protects fruit and berry plantings from attacks by flocks, without posing a danger to the birds themselves. Judging by the reviews on Yandex Market, the grid works well in most cases, but due to the cell size it is still more suitable for protection against large species. And small species of birds will be able to stick their heads into the cell in search of berries.

Price: 220 rub.


The easiest way to scare birds away from the eaves of houses and from fences is to install spikes. They sell good polycarbonate and metal spikes. Both products are 10 feet long. They differ not only in material, but also in functional features. The plastic spikes are branched and are suitable for repelling not only pigeons or crows, but also small species, such as sparrows. They are attached to the surface using glue, which is included in the package, and stand. Metal spikes do not have branches, so they are only suitable for countering large species such as pigeons. They have a flexible base that allows you to attach the spikes to uneven surfaces. Both products were highly rated by customers.

Price: 170 rub.

Reflective pendant – Drop

One of the most common ways to keep birds away and one of the most budget-friendly. Reflectors do double duty: they dazzle with reflected light and additionally repel with noise. In sunny, windy weather, there is no better solution for protecting windows and trees. Reviews are mostly positive. Users agree that birds, if not completely disappearing, but their numbers are decreasing significantly. Although some buyers claim that pigeons ignore reflective pendants. The manufacturer claims that such pendants will work against woodpeckers, pigeons, sparrows, geese, ducks and rooks - users confirm.

Price: from 150 rub.

Chemical repellents

Bird repellent gel

The manufacturer called this gel “liquid spikes” for its use on cornices and window sills. He also recommends using it on any ledges, signs, railings, roofs and other places where pests fly. Anything the gel gets into becomes sticky and unpleasant to the touch. This property promises to repel many species of birds, including pigeons, swallows, ducks, geese, gulls, sparrows, starlings, woodpeckers, crows and blackbirds, rooks, etc. The gel retains its properties well in open air and is completely transparent. It is non-toxic and does not harm buildings or animals - it can be easily washed off if necessary.

Price: 2200 rub.

Bonide 238 1-Quart Shot-Gun Repels-All

This repellent affects not only touch, but also smell and taste. Its active ingredients are rotten eggs, clove oil and garlic. Once in the mouth of the pest, the active substances cause slight irritation of the mucous membranes. As a result, the animal has a desire to leave a potentially dangerous place. The spray is designed to repel birds and mammals. Buyers have left various reviews, including quite a few negative ones, which note that the animals return after a couple of days. Those who fight birds note that it may even attract them. Try it yourself to find out if this is true and evaluate its effectiveness. Price: ~$13.95

Liquid Fence 1466X Goose Repellent Spray

This is a ready-to-use concentrate based on methyl anthranilate. This repellent substance has been approved by scientists to control geese eating berry crops. It suppresses the appetite of birds, acting on the nervous system, and is safe for people. In addition to geese, the product is also designed for other large waterfowl and land-dwelling representatives - ducks and turkeys. The spray is economical: one quart of product is enough for 4000 square feet. - The manufacturer advises using it on large areas. Safe for use even on fruit and berry trees and shrubs. Price: ~$39.99 (1-quart)

Bird-X Bird Stop Liquid Deterrent

A gallon of this spray is based on the same methyl anthranilate. The product is designed for a large number of species of waterfowl and other birds that cause damage to large fruit plantings, lawns or vegetable crops. Depending on the recommendations for use in various situations (see instructions), the liquid is diluted with different amounts of water. So far, few people buy the product, and the rating is low. But some users describe a positive experience of use. The guy who saved his blueberry bushes from swarm attacks writes: “I've used this on my plants 3 times. Because of the rain I needed to repeat the treatment. But after that the attacks on my blueberries stopped.” He notes the high price, but adds that as long as it works, the price is justified. And purchasing concentrate is still more profitable than ready-made products. Price: ~$91.48

Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion Activated Sprinkler

Unlike other devices in this top, this repeller repels animals with water. If someone comes within range of the 120-degree sensor at a distance of up to 40 feet, a powerful jet of water is released in the direction of the intruder. For better control, the sensor should be installed in the desired direction in advance. The unit runs on batteries. In general, users are satisfied with its work. “It shoots water so smartly that you don’t even have to hit the animal to scare it away.” Users confirm: when there is Orbit, bird excrement stops appearing in the pool. Price: ~$48.32

Mosquito net handle repair process

First you need to dismantle the old broken handles. To do this, you need to use a screwdriver to pick up the rubber seal on the mesh frame near them and pull it out to a width of 10-15 cm. The broken handles are removed from under it. New handles need to be cut from the walls of PET bottles. You should use a flat part of the bottle without relief. It is desirable that the plastic be thicker, so a 5 liter bottle or more is ideal. 2 identical tongue-shaped handles are cut out of it.

Next, the new handles are placed under the rubber seal, and it is pushed into place. As a result, the tongues will bend and lock onto the frame. PET handles are not afraid of sunlight, due to which they will last much longer than store-bought ones. They are practically invisible, so this alternative is the most successful.

Subtleties of repair

Armed with a minimum set of devices, you can fix the damage yourself, after which the product will last an additional season.

Required Tools

Replacing curtains on window structures is not a complicated process, but preliminary preparation and minimal knowledge will be required.

Tools you should have with you:

  • rivet tool;
  • drill;
  • bench vice;
  • rivets of a certain diameter and a drill for them;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • hacksaw for working on metal;
  • sandpaper;
  • file;
  • scissors, pencil with square.


Among the mass of breakdowns, the most common is the failure of corners. It needs urgent action; moreover, such broken parts can be quickly replaced at home and do not require special knowledge.

This often occurs due to too low or high temperatures, prolonged use of the frame, or a fall from a window.

The load on the corners increases due to incorrect initial installation. They simply cannot withstand the impact.

How to repair a mosquito net in this case, the following sequence of actions will help.

  1. The sealing cord is carefully pryed off using ordinary scissors and a screwdriver. It is usually located on the back of the frame.
  2. Next, you should carefully pull it, removing it from the groove located on the top bar.
  3. You should try raising the bar up. If this action does not work, you should use an additional hammer.
  4. Broken parts are removed from the grooves, for which you will need a screwdriver or pliers. If it is impossible to grasp individual elements, it is easier to push them inside.
  5. New corners are attached to the top bar, and all parts of the frame are connected.
  6. The edge of the material is carefully straightened and slightly stretched. The next step is to lay the seal, for which special grooves are provided. The cord is clamped very tightly, for which you need to arm yourself with scissors and a screwdriver.

Replacing the canvas

Unpleasant situations often occur when, as a result of unfavorable weather conditions, under the influence of birds and animals, the canvas itself ruptures. In this case, you cannot do without repairing the mosquito net on the window.

If the integrity is damaged, the performance of the direct functions assigned to the structure ceases.

The way out of the situation is to stick a special patch on the resulting hole. For this you will additionally need a special adhesive composition. With this option, the appearance of the window deteriorates significantly.

It would be appropriate to purchase a new protective sheet, which can be easily replaced in the frame if you follow the following tips.

  1. Carefully grab the sealing material from the back and remove it. The frame must be constantly adhered around the entire perimeter during work.
  2. In this method, the protective material is completely released, removed and disposed of.
  3. A new piece is applied to the structure, and the sealing cord is gradually inserted into its original place in the groove.

When purchasing a new replacement canvas, you should select it in sizes slightly larger than the previous one. This will make it easier to replace and make it easier to grip during final tensioning.

During operation, the material is regularly tightened; sagging is unacceptable. Otherwise, the window will have an unsightly appearance. The frame can also fail due to improper distribution of the load across the corners and on the profile. Remains sticking out of the groove should be carefully trimmed with a construction knife.

By following similar actions, the overall size of the mosquito is reduced.

To do this, the seal with the mesh is dismantled and the supporting frame is disassembled. Next, the excess parts are trimmed in width and length as required. Following the advice, the structure is put back together and installed on a plastic window.

Replacing handles

When the protective mesh is not removed from the window in winter, regular exposure to ultraviolet rays causes the plastic handles to wear out prematurely.

Their original properties are also reduced. These parts become excessively fragile and their elasticity is lost. Step-by-step instructions will help you understand how to change the handles on a mosquito net.

  1. Carefully remove the sealing material to the location of the broken handle. Next, the damaged part is picked up, and the fastening remains free.
  2. For a longer period of time, the handle wobbles and loosens, and is removed from its place, where a new durable part is placed.
  3. After this, the canvas is tightened, the sealing cord is placed in its original place, and pressed in with scissors or a construction knife.

In some cases, the handles are held in place with screws. The actions in this case are extremely simple. The fasteners are unscrewed, the broken element is removed, and a new one is placed in its place.

Rules for replacing holders

In the cases described, at least basic skills in working with household tools are required. Every person can handle installing a new holder on a mosquito net.

  1. The first step is to unscrew the failed holders on the frame. In most cases, they are held in place using self-tapping screws; they can be made of metal or plastic.
  2. When purchasing the parts necessary for replacement, it is recommended to compare the available fasteners. It is necessary to purchase similar ones and in sufficient quantities so that the mosquito will last a long time and not fail.
  3. The final stage is screwing the new holders to the structure and installing the canvas in its original place.

Plastic windows have recently been confidently leading in comparison with wooden structures in terms of cost, practicality in use, and durability. They are often supplemented with auxiliary parts.

A striking example of this are protective structures that block the smallest insects, dirt, and dust particles from the external environment from entering the room when the windows are open.

Using simple and accessible recommendations, a person will no longer wonder how to replace a mosquito net in a frame or its individual parts.

Comparison table of methods and repellers

Method/productHow, when and where to use it bestBenefits of exposureMinuses
SpikesOn the eaves of houses and city fencesPrevents pests from landing on surfacesViolates overall aesthetics and is not suitable against small species
GridsTo protect fruit trees, plantings, ventilation ducts and so onEffectively protects against large and medium-sized birdsNot always suitable against small species
Light reflectors with sound effect: ribbons, pendants, discsSuspended where birds are not wantedReflected light and noise from the device are a deterrentThe birds get used to it after a while.
The best effect is only in windy sunny weather
Sound repellersInstalled in areas that need to be protectedImitates the calls of predators - a natural threat to birds
Large coverage area

Setting up to repel different species

Must be used in conjunction with other control methods
Ultrasonic repellersInstalled on balconies, terraces and outdoorsCan repel different types of pests
Water repellers with motion sensorPlaced on lawnsPhysical repellent + additional watering of plantsRequires water supplies and battery replacement
ScarecrowsPlaced on a personal plot or porchThey scare away with their appearance and noiseBirds get used to it after a while
Chemical: gels and spraysVarious surfaces are processed: cornices, lawns, fruit treesCauses a persistent reflex that forces you to avoid treated areas in the futureSome compounds are toxic and require proper use according to instructions.
Nest destructionNests are destroyed with a stick with a hookBirds don't have offspringTemporary effect: they will soon build a new nest
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