How to select and apply paint for interior doors

Repair is a labor-intensive process that not only causes a lot of hassle regarding the upcoming work, but also involves a long selection of building materials. Whether it's finishing or reconstruction. Increasingly, the most popular method to update your home nest is cosmetic renovation. But painting interior doors and suffocating with solvents, which make up most of the paint composition, is extremely unpleasant, due to which repairs are often postponed. Don't put off repairs too long. Odorless paint for interior doors is the most relevant and safe option for updating your home. But there is an opinion that such paint does not exist in nature. That odorless paint is an advertising ploy by manufacturers who dream of making money from it. It turns out that this is just speculation. In fact, odorless paints exist and are divided into silicate, dispersion and silicone. This is a rather conditional and generalized division. Their common features are the absence of a persistent and pungent odor and quick drying. But there are also differences. For example, dispersion paints have the most elastic composition and are resistant to climatic conditions. Silicate ones are distinguished by organic additives that ensure a long service life.

Varieties of odorless paints, their detailed division and distinctive features:

  • Water-dispersed or water-emulsion. This paint is especially beneficial if you are going to do repairs in the winter and you don’t have the opportunity to vacate the room, well, if you only ventilate it a little, and then not for long. The paint is water-based, dries very quickly, has no odor and is used for painting interior door panels. It is produced primarily in white, but if desired, you can dilute it yourself with the necessary dye.
  • For the bathroom. It is used directly for sanitary facilities because it has a moisture-resistant composition and serves as a decoration for walls for a long time, which can be washed with a damp cloth.
  • Acrylic. Not the most budget-friendly water-based option. Apply in two layers, because absorbs quickly and dries.
  • Interior. They differ in composition. In addition to the water base, they have many additives, thanks to which they stay on the surface much longer than competitors.
  • Thermal enamel is a paint that is made on the basis of water. Has a long service life. But this is compensated by the fact that the paint dries quickly and is considered safe.

What color should I paint it?

Which paint is best to paint interior doors involves choosing a color. The appropriate shade for painting interior doors is selected to match the tone of the exterior interior. The door block should be in harmony with the surrounding environment.

The presence of warm colors and furniture made of natural wood in the room requires the use of paint with a tint that matches the wall or furniture wood shade.

You can choose a paint color that will match the color of the carpet covering the floor or linoleum. In a room with a predominance of cold tones, it is better to make a smoothly painted white block. This shade suits any interior if the window frames and ceiling are covered in a similar white tone. The corrugated snow-white canvas can be decorated with colored strokes. The color of the drawn lines can match the color of the baseboard, wall pattern, or interior decoration.

How to properly use odorless paint for interior doors

Operating rules:

  1. Before you begin painting work, it is worth doing some preparatory work.
  2. Prepare your tools and clean the surface.
  3. Sand a smooth surface and level it with primer so that the paint adheres better.
  4. Start painting, starting with the decorative layer.
  5. We move on to drying, which lasts from three to five hours.
  6. Applying the second layer.
  7. Final drying, which usually lasts up to 5 days.

Be responsible when painting your interior doors. Paint in stages, allowing the first coat to dry and the second to be applied correctly. After all, only in this case the quality of your work will not suffer. By observing all the deadlines allotted for drying, you can get a long service life and an aesthetic appearance. Which fully complies with the specified parameters of the manufacturer of odorless interior paints.

Tools and materials for work

Before you start painting the door yourself, you need to prepare the canvas. To do this, you may need the following materials and tools:

  • screwdrivers, screwdriver;
  • sander;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • sandpaper;
  • remover or solvent;
  • wood putty;
  • primer composition;
  • rubber spatula.

To paint the surface, you cannot do without a brush and roller. If the chosen dye has a fairly liquid consistency, you can use a paint sprayer - the work will go faster with it. As additional and equally important tools, you need to prepare a paint bath, gloves, an unnecessary rag, and masking tape.

Three tips on how to choose odorless paint for interior doors

  • In order to accurately determine the choice of paint and make the right choice, you need to pay attention to the door itself. What material is the door leaf made of and how easily it can be transformed. Door leaf made of metal profile, wood or plastic.

For doors made of wood, acrylic paint is best suited


  • does not contain odor,
  • dries quickly,
  • looks aesthetically pleasing
  • has a long service life.

2. Pay attention to where the door is. If this is a bathroom or toilet, it is advisable to give preference to bathroom paint. The thing is that in addition to the absence of odor, the big advantage of this paint is its moisture resistance. That’s why it’s so perfect for sanitary facilities.

3. If you are planning a short-term renovation, because you simply do not have time for long cosmetic procedures, water-based paint is best suited, because... it dries faster than others. In just a few hours. The only nuance that may confuse the consumer is that this paint is produced predominantly in white. Light shades are not always appropriate in some interiors, but don’t despair. The composition of this paint allows you to add any dye and get the desired color.

Useful parameters that are taken into account when choosing

Choosing paint is a simple process. Most of the problems arise when people buy paint that doesn't match the surface. Paint and varnish materials are divided into types:

  1. Transparent. They have a special pigment that can amazingly accurately copy the structure of wood.
  2. Opaque mixtures. They are based on organic solvents. These include oil, alkyd and a number of other options.
  3. Odorless solutions. The smell quickly disappears, and the material itself dries in a matter of minutes.

Attention! Door paint, especially acrylic, is a good design choice. This is explained by the impressive color range. Therefore, you should not immediately abandon acrylic or other paint options. Initially, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages of materials, and only then choose the right one.

Are all quick-dry interior door paints odorless?

There is a myth that absolutely all paint that dries quickly is the same legendary paint for interior doors that does not have a chemical smell. This is not entirely true. The fact is that there are a number of paints that dry relatively quickly, but it is impossible to say with confidence that due to this they do not have a pungent chemical odor. For example, alkyd enamel. This is the most common type of interior paint because it comes in a very wide range of rich shades and is legendary for its long service life. It is easy to use, just one layer of application is enough. And of course, everyone is attracted by the minimum price of the product. Savings during repair work always play a major role. It dries relatively quickly due to the fact that sometimes one layer is enough for painting. But its distinguishing feature is its pungent chemical smell. It is recommended to carry out the work in respirators and ventilate the premises for a couple of days. Or nitro paint! It is often mixed with varnish, due to which it does not dry for long, but is considered the most powerful toxic agent and in rare cases causes allergies.

Interesting Facts. Adviсe

  1. It turns out that calculating the upcoming repair work of painting with odorless paint for interior doors is very simple. On average, the purely statistical formula is as follows: paint consumption is 100-250 grams per meter in one layer. Based on this, you can do your own calculations and know in advance how much paint you will need. But for a more reliable result, purchase paint for half the work. If the calculations are correct, then the second half can be calculated exactly according to the same scheme.
  2. All odorless paints contain mainly natural ingredients, especially acrylic ones.
  3. Important: painting work should be carried out at a room temperature of at least +10° C and at a humidity of no more than 75%. During this kind of finishing work and when drying the door leaf, it is necessary to prevent exposure to ultraviolet rays. A painted wooden surface can be fully exploited no earlier than one day after completion of painting work.
  4. Before painting, it is necessary to seal with masking tape all those areas that will not be painted. The door leaf can be painted with a large roller, with the exception of some small areas where a brush is better suited. Preparatory stages of work before painting the interior with odorless paint: how are they carried out? Secrets and tricks.

For better quality painting work, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Especially when it comes to painting doors with odorless paint. It certainly has a number of advantages, but it is very picky about the surface. Therefore, simply cleaning the door leaf from dirt and old paint is not enough.

What is important:

  1. Carry out all the preparatory work by first removing the door from its hinges, because it is more convenient to clean the door in a horizontal position.
  2. It is better to immediately fill the recesses for the lock with cotton wool to prevent accidental ingress of paint.
  3. Remove old coating. Sandpaper or a spatula is best.
  4. After complete cleaning, leave the door leaf for half an hour, after which you can wash and dry.
  5. Apply putty to seal small cracks, if any.
  6. The last stage of the preparatory work is treating the door with drying oil.
  7. All these stages of preparatory work will allow you to get a high-quality painting result. Therefore, you should not neglect them, especially since it will not take much time.

Price for odorless paint

But it is worth noting that all data is conditional, because daily changes in price ranges can vary greatly. But if you focus on the average statistical indicators, then they are as follows. On the building materials market, many manufacturers offer odorless paints. Thus, odorless metal paint has an average price of 110 to 170 rubles. per kg depending on packaging, and for wood from 150 rubles.

The price of packaged paint in cans is thirty percent more, which is why it is not recommended to use it for large volumes of painting work.

Dyeing technology

The dyeing technology may vary depending on:

  • the material from which the canvas is made;
  • type of paint coating.

It is necessary to take into account the features of all materials and follow step-by-step instructions.

If you want to paint a veneer door, use varnish, stain or acrylic enamels. In order to maintain the environmental friendliness of the design.

Painting an MDF door

Features of painting MDF canvas:

  1. The surface must be made glossy. Therefore, it is necessary to select appropriate paint and varnish materials.
  2. To increase adhesion, the surface must first be primed.
  3. MDF surfaces absorb paint strongly, so it is better to choose quick-drying compounds.
  4. If the sashes are blind, then use a paint roller. This way you will save time, paint and get rid of fluff that falls out of the brush.
  5. The more drying oil you use to prime the door, the more uniform the surface will look after painting.

No special skills are required to paint MDF surfaces. It is enough to do the work consistently and accurately.

Painting a door to look like wood

A door structure made of almost any material can be painted to imitate natural wood. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Apply a layer of base paint. Let it dry.
  2. Clean the surface with sandpaper. It is advisable to choose sandpaper with fine grain.
  3. Apply a second layer of paint of a darker shade.
  4. Immediately, without allowing it to dry, use a comb to apply a wood-like pattern. Leave until completely dry.
  5. Clean the surface and varnish.

You need to know that not all types of plastic can be painted this way. Also, when working with plastic, it is better to use a brush rather than a roller. To achieve a greater resemblance to natural wood.

How to paint a wooden door

Solid wood products look expensive and beautiful. Therefore, people try to preserve the natural texture and color. And they wonder: “how to paint old wooden interior doors so as to preserve their natural texture.” I coat wooden structures with varnish, glaze enamel or wood paint. You can also make such surfaces look antique.

For wooden surfaces, choose paints with natural oils. Solid wood products can be easily spray painted. This saves time and material consumption. The varnish is applied in two or three layers. Until the surface is perfectly smooth.


To summarize, we can safely state that odorless paint for interior doors today is the most popular and profitable material. Painting work can be done both in summer and winter, because it:

  • First. It is odorless and completely safe for households.
  • Second. It dries quickly and will not cause any inconvenience during long painting works.
  • Third, it’s easy to apply.
  • Fourth - relatively budget-friendly. It may be a little more expensive than some competitive brands, but due to its advantages, this price difference does not particularly detract from the merits of the paint.
  • Fourth. Allows use even in the presence of children. In particular, any acrylic.
  • Fifth. Non-toxic and completely safe.

Reputable manufacturers

There is a lot of competition in the paint coating market. Most manufacturers produce a wide variety of enamels - paints for metal doors, for wooden doors, various types of compositions. Let's look at the main manufacturers.

Dulux brand paint

The company that produces this brand of paint is one of the largest manufacturers of paint and varnish coatings, as well as various chemicals. The products are widely distributed throughout the world. The manufacturer assures that wherever a person goes, he will find doors painted with Dulux paint. This is a paint for metal doors, wooden panels, as well as doors made using MDF and PVC panels.

The paint is produced in 26 countries, on four continents - Eurasia, North America, Latin America, Asia. The company itself is located in Holland, Amsterdam. According to consumer reviews, this is a really good paint manufacturer, otherwise it would not have gained such wide popularity.

Tikkurila paint

Who doesn't know the paint from this company? The catchphrase “Well, Tikkurila gives a damn” from one of the heroes of the film “Peculiarities of the National Hunt” is etched in the memory of many. The company has been operating on the market for more than 150 years and is the undoubted leader in many countries, such as Finland, Sweden, Russia, and Poland.

Production technologies are constantly improving, and factories are growing and modernizing. We produce both paint for wooden doors and for surfaces made of other materials. Millions of the company's customers have already appreciated the quality of the paint. In addition, it is time-tested and definitely will not leave a negative impression.

Paint Tex

The Tex brand has been represented on the Russian market for quite a long time - more than 20 years. During this period, she formed a whole army of fans. Consumers claim that the products offer excellent value for money, are varied and are available everywhere. Of particular note is the paint for wooden doors produced by the company.

So, if you want to update your doors without spending too much, you can use paint. Its types and main manufacturers are described in the article, and making the final decision is a personal matter for everyone.

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