Attaching a balcony to a room or kitchen. Parsing.

One of the popular types of apartment redevelopment is the addition of a balcony to a room or kitchen with the demolition of a window sill wall. Sometimes it is planned to simply remove the window and door at the exit to the balcony or dismantle the threshold and part of the outer wall. Below, looking ahead a little, we present photos of attached balconies that can and cannot be coordinated.

Attaching a balcony to a room is an inconsistent option

Attaching a balcony to a room is a negotiable option

Before we consider all the nuances of this type of redevelopment, we will make a small digression for those who want to find out how much it costs to legalize the redevelopment of a balcony in Moscow or the Moscow region.

Attaching a balcony to a kitchen or room - approval and price.

If you want to find out the possibility and cost of coordinating the connection of a balcony to the internal premises in your particular case, then call us at +7 (495) 507-74-67, write to us by email or fill out the call back form using this link.

We also recommend that you read the article on how to coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment. Now let’s move on to considering all the nuances of remodeling the balcony.

Useful planning tips

To avoid making mistakes, you should adhere to the following rules.

  • You shouldn’t engage in self-construction. Not a single ruble saved is worth the collapse;
  • You can't buy cheap material. The appearance of mold and cracks will be an unpleasant surprise;
  • You can’t start making repairs if there is no clear plan for step-by-step work. Visualization of the project will be the first assistant.

Remodeling a balcony into a kitchen is a complex and quite expensive process. Compliance with the proposed recommendations will help reduce the time for obtaining the necessary documents and choosing a future project. Freeing up valuable space and organizing it as you wish is accessible to everyone.

Redevelopment of a balcony into a kitchen or room. Is it possible to legalize the connection of a balcony?

Until recently, attaching a balcony to a kitchen or room and creating a single space was not formally prohibited or permitted by regulatory documents. In 2012, Appendix 1 to Resolution No. 508 of the Moscow Government contained clause 2.2.9, which stated that the connection of balconies is carried out on the basis of the redevelopment project. After the release of a new resolution No. 840 in December 2012, this clause was removed, which became the impetus for the ban on such connections. This instruction was issued “from above,” and therefore, in practice, such a redevelopment of the balcony was inconsistent; officials issued a refusal, classifying it as reconstruction under paragraph 14 of Article 1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (although, again, this was not clearly stated there). Now, after the release of Moscow Government Resolutions No. 1104 of December 29, 2017, No. 1572 of December 17, 2018, and No. 1335 of August 19, 2022, clause 10.18 of Appendix 1 has appeared, which as of 2022 clearly prohibits the connection of a balcony to a kitchen or room in its pure form.

Most of the institutes that author house projects also do not give their positive opinion on attaching a balcony to a room or kitchen, but it is necessary when affecting the window sill block, which supports the balcony slab, in accordance with paragraph 1.4.8 of Appendix 3 to Moscow Government Decree No. 508 . The designers justify this by the fact that the redevelopment of balconies with their connection to the internal premises increases the heated area (and even the cold one), for which the heating system of the entire house was not originally designed. If everyone is allowed to connect balconies, then the system will not be able to cope with the new heavy load, and the living conditions of the residents will become unacceptable (the temperature inside the apartment will drop below the minimum suitable for living).

Arguments that it is not just connecting the balcony, but also insulating it with the possibility of providing an engineering calculation of the load on the heating system, and then concluding that the heating system can cope with the additional load are not accepted with reference to the fact that this will affect consumption heat throughout the house, area, etc.

Sliding translucent partitions (French window)

Approval in BTI

If you are determined to completely demolish the partition separating the room from the balcony, be prepared to have to run through all sorts of authorities to obtain permits. In particular, you will need permission from the housing inspection and a detailed work plan agreed upon with the design organization.

First, you need to go to the BTI and get an apartment registration certificate, then order redevelopment of the apartment from the appropriate company. Performers must have a certificate to carry out this type of work.

Removing balcony ceilings is associated with a number of difficulties. For example, a loggia must be glazed and have sliding doors. In addition, radiator batteries from the dismantled wall cannot be taken onto the balcony.

If the housing inspection and other authorities have given you the go-ahead for redevelopment, you can begin the process itself. When the dismantling of the walls is completed, you will need to call a commission that will analyze the work carried out and draw up a certificate of completion. Take this document and go to the BTI, where you will need to re-issue a registration certificate for a home with a new layout.

How to legally attach a balcony to a room or kitchen?

Thus, attaching a balcony to a room or kitchen is a type of redevelopment that cannot be agreed upon in its pure form. But there is a way out. Between them you can install hinged or sliding transparent doors (French windows).

Some even install automatic sliding doors.

Attaching a balcony to a room. Apartment plan before redevelopment.

In some cities in the Moscow region, it is possible to coordinate the redevelopment of a balcony with its connection to the interior premises. Here everything depends on the position of local government bodies, which, in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, are entrusted with the functions of coordinating redevelopment, as well as on the legislative acts they have issued.

Next, we will consider some of the distinctive features of this type of redevelopment.

Video comment:

The clause has changed: now for 2022, attaching a balcony to a room or kitchen in its pure form without installing French windows is prohibited according to clause 10.18 of Appendix 1 to Moscow Government Decree No. 508 (after the release of PPM No. 1104 of December 29, 2017, PPM No. 1572 of December 17. 2018 and PPM No. 1335 dated 08/19/2020).

There is no need to leave a fireproof partition if the apartment is located at a height of no more than 15 meters from the ground (but in return you still need to install a French window or solid glazing). You can also install fire-resistant glass instead of a wall.

Carrying out reconstruction work

You need to start combining by making a fence. The fence can be made from:

  • Brick. Reliable and strong material, but such a fence is quite heavy.
  • Tree. Eco-friendly and lightweight material.
  • Foam blocks. An excellent material that has high thermal insulation properties.
  1. You need to start combining by strengthening the parapet.
  2. Then you need to insulate the fence.
  3. The next step is to do the glazing. You need to choose warm glazing.
  4. Then you need to insulate the balcony part of the room from the outside and inside. The main thing is to ensure sealing to ensure a high degree of thermal insulation of the room.
  5. Then you need to make an opening. First, you need to remove the old partition.
  6. Also, it is necessary to consider the heating system of the room. You can install radiators or connect a “warm floor” system.
  7. At the final stage, the room is finished so that the combined area looks harmonious.

Also, you need to think carefully about lighting and furniture.

Rice. 15. Carrying out reconstruction work.

Balcony glazing - is it a redevelopment or not? Is glazing a balcony a redevelopment?

Once upon a time, this event actually related to redevelopment, but after the release of Moscow Government Decree No. 508, this item was excluded from the regulatory documents, and therefore approval of the balcony glazing is no longer required, as well as the installation of an air conditioner. Also, the replacement of a balcony fence or the installation of panoramic glazing on it does not require approval. At the same time, we should not forget that on the balcony there must be a handrail at a height of 1.2 meters; there must be a handrail capable of bearing a load of 0.3 kN/m.

At the end of the article we will give specific examples.

Video: photo collections of ideas for inspiration

Beautiful solutions for rooms combined with a loggia:

Important technical points from the pros:

Despite the small area, the balcony plays an important role in the design of a living space. Turning it into a comfortable room requires you to think not only about the interior, but also about beautiful zoning. Doors, curtains, decorated openings – the variety of available solutions will allow you to choose the best option for you.


Agreed options for connecting a balcony to a room or kitchen.

The scanned drawing shows the agreed redevelopment with cutting out the window sill block and installing translucent sliding doors.

Attaching a balcony to a kitchen in a monolithic building.

The illustration shows the redevelopment of a balcony into a kitchen with the installation of a French window. As a result of this reconstruction, the kitchen expanded significantly both due to the balcony and due to its combination with the living room. In fact, only the equipment was located in the kitchen, and the dining table was placed in the common room and, in the summer version, on the balcony.

Attaching a balcony to p-44t.

The apartment in question was located in a house built in 1981, so it was possible to agree on the dismantling of the window sill block, contrary to paragraph 4 of this article. Attaching a balcony to p-44t with dismantling the threshold was impossible according to paragraph 6 of this article, and therefore the owners decided to make the floor level of the attached zone flush with it. The result was a kind of podium.

Converting a balcony into a room.

This time, the balcony was actually remodeled into a room: the outer non-load-bearing three-layer wall was completely dismantled and French windows were installed in its place. At the same time, on other balconies, in accordance with all standards, a fire-resistant partition between two window openings of 1600 mm was preserved. length. In fact, the room was enlarged due to the balcony, even despite the presence of sliding partitions.

Examples of completed projects

To find inspiration for choosing your redevelopment option, you can familiarize yourself with the images provided. Each design is selected according to the number of square meters of the balcony/loggia.

For any square, you can choose not only a beautiful, but also a functional design.

The solution is also chosen according to the form. Today, the most common ones are the following.

  1. Arched - the modern design of monoliths in new buildings can limit the choice of furniture. If you correct this shape using plasterboard sheathing, you will have to spend money on the work of a craftsman and on the purchase of all the guides. The ideal solution would be to select furniture modules that will easily fit into any space.
  2. Rectangular balcony. Most often it has an elongated and narrow shape, which can become an obstacle to organizing a recreation area.
  3. Square balcony. The happy owner of this shape can play with the space to his liking. The main feature of such a room is the ease of repair work. It is enough to insulate the balcony and select the necessary purpose.

In order not to waste time on calculations, you can immediately contact an experienced designer who will immediately be able to reflect all your ideas in the form of visualization.

Insulation techniques

The insulation of a balcony depends on the quality in which it will be used. A loggia can serve as a stand-alone room, or it can become part of a room (for more details, see the article “combining a loggia with a room”). Be cool or warm.

Cold glazing, minimal insulation

In order for the loggia to serve as a winter garden, a summer greenhouse, a place for drying clothes (for more details, see the article “clothes dryer for the balcony”) and storing things, you don’t need a lot of materials. It is enough to make cosmetic repairs to the loggia, if necessary, and minimally insulate the loggia using penofol - this is an elastic, elastic material. In this case, the temperature on the balcony will only differ by 5-6 degrees from the temperature outside.

In order to constantly have a positive temperature on the balcony, it is necessary to foam all the joints of the slabs, walls, and floors. After this, enclose all surfaces with Izolon, an insulating material similar in properties to Penofol. You can finish with minimal decorative finishing - linoleum on the floor (details in the article “linoleum on the balcony”), plastic slabs on the walls and ceiling (details in the article “covering the balcony with plastic panels”).

This is the most budget-friendly method of insulation, which takes up the least amount of usable space, about 25 mm over the entire area. For a “boat” this option will be the best.

Maximum insulation

If you plan to store things on the loggia of the 44t series (read the article “storage system on the loggia”) that require a warmer room, then you should choose several types of insulation for finishing. This is necessary because not only the walls, but the ceiling and floor must be warm (more information on “floor insulation on the balcony”).

Such measures are necessary because heating can be removed to non-residential parts of the apartment only after agreement with the competent authorities, which leads not only to time costs, but also financial ones - ordering a project, accompanying documentation, permits. (

❗ List of prohibited actions

When connecting a loggia to a room, the following prohibitions should be taken into account:

  • you cannot demolish the threshold, which is part of the supporting structure (it protects the slabs from freezing, and floor slabs often rest on it);
  • the window sill block can be removed only if it is not part of the load-bearing wall;
  • It is forbidden to remove the partitions if you live above the fifth floor - they are part of the fire protection system;
  • Wet areas should not be removed.

Is it possible to combine a room with a balcony without breaking the law?


Buying an apartment with illegal redevelopment

More details

Permissible noise level during apartment renovation


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