Attractive decorative brick on the balcony can be a very creative solution for decorating your living space.
A high-quality finish will add some “zest” to the room, and also add uniqueness and originality to it.
Currently, the balcony performs a very important function. So, it allows you to expand the area of the house, as well as create a cozy atmosphere.
Light brick for balcony
The balcony, lined with brick, looks truly stylish and impressive. Brick laying on a balcony or loggia can be done either on your own or with the help of professionals in this matter.
Brick cannot be used for cladding if the balcony is located in an old panel house.
When can you brick a balcony?
There are several reasons why it is best to use brick for cladding a balcony:
— the loggia fence does not exceed one meter in height. In this case, the fence certainly needs to be increased, otherwise there is a risk of accidentally falling from such a balcony. The parapet is built up using three rows of facing bricks. The brick must be matched in size and shade to the façade of the building;
— the balcony is separated from the neighboring balcony only by a thin partition. Using a brick wall, you can easily isolate your balcony. Thermal insulation and sound insulation of the balcony will also increase, and elegant shelves, hooks or flower pots can easily be hung on the erected brick wall;
— the fence of the loggia protrudes forward to a fairly large distance, that is, there is no coincidence in the vertical level. In this case, it is simply necessary to lay out the balcony with bricks;
— on the balcony there is a parapet made of metal rods. It is impossible to install plastic frames on this parapet. In this case, you can cover the balcony with bricks simply next to the existing metal parapet, or instead of it. To dismantle the old metal parapet, you can use a grinder.
Facing bricks for balconies and their alternatives
Facing brick has a large number of advantages:
— spectacular appearance; — resistance to sub-zero temperatures; — resistance to atmospheric conditions; - durability.
But in addition to its advantages, brickwork also has disadvantages: high cost, installation difficulties, not very high thermal insulation properties, high consumption of masonry mixture. You can avoid these disadvantages by simply using foam blocks instead of bricks. Foam blocks can easily replace brick when cladding a balcony.
Features of brickwork on the balcony
1. In most cases, a brick fence on a balcony is built using either one or half a brick.
2. Often plastic-pressed ceramic bricks are used for masonry. This brick has low thermal conductivity, resistance to frost and moisture. Thanks to plastic pressing ceramic bricks, the weight and thickness of the masonry are reduced by 25%.
3. Before you start laying bricks on the balcony, you must obtain documented permission from a specialist to carry out this work. The fact is that the brick has quite a lot of weight and the finished masonry can seriously overload the balcony structure. The invited technologist carefully examines the floor slabs, parapets and walls and makes his decision.
Selecting paint
Paint for finishing a brick wall is selected based on three criteria: the location of the loggia, the quality of the wall and masonry, and the requirements for the finishing coating. If the wall is external and is located in the open air, then choose facade paints for stone walls.
There is an option to use elastomeric compounds in this case, but you need to know that these paints and varnishes are quite expensive, and applying them is by no means easy. But such paint has a lot of advantages: it perfectly seals cracks and chips, protects the wall from the harmful effects of moisture, and can withstand even serious temperature changes. Elastomeric coatings are applied in a thicker layer, unlike traditional paints.
In the case of an internal wall, any paints are perfect - these are polymer compositions, acrylic, cement or silicate. Since the wall is internal, there is no need for water-repellent and frost-resistant properties. You can also use traditional oil paint. The coating based on it is quite durable, the paint adheres very well and tightly to the wall, and is able to smooth out various small defects.
Oil paints fade quickly when exposed to the sun. Therefore they are not recommended for application to exposed walls. Outside, you can only use one color - white.
Design experts recommend latex-based paints for interior decoration of balconies and loggias. Latex paints have unique characteristics. So, one of the properties is good covering ability. In addition, latex paint compositions have high elasticity and can withstand moisture and low temperatures. The resulting coating will be highly durable. Latex materials have high adhesion rates with any materials.
As you know, brick is a porous material, which means it will “breathe”. SNiP for bricks indicates a long period for weathering and drying. If a new wall is being painted, then you need to prepare in advance for the fact that efflorescence and wet spots may appear on the surface, which will spoil the texture.
How to make brickwork for a balcony or loggia
When the houses were originally designed, almost all balconies were not designed for the installation of modern glazing. In many multi-storey buildings, the parapet on the loggia or balcony is made in the form of a metal lattice with handrails.
Many people, when decorating their apartment, often wonder whether laying bricks on the balcony is possible and how it can be done. After all, with the help of brick you can make a loggia comfortable, hide it from rain and snow, excess noise, insulate it, and thereby turn it into another small room.
Finishing a loggia 1.5×2.5 m in brick with storage space
Kirill from Minsk spoke about the renovation of the loggia:
– On our loggia there was bare concrete on the floor, through holes under the screen of the balcony frames, single glasses in the glazing frames. All this did not allow us to use the loggia to its fullest: even my grandmother’s seams turned into ice in the first winter. We made repairs on the loggia ourselves, and were very pleased with the result. Our immediate plans include installing blinds on the windows and LED lighting under the window sill, sewing pillows for the chest.
Advantages of brick masonry
There are several reasons why it is better to use brick to decorate a balcony.
- this building material is a reliable building material that will serve you for many years.
- brick is more durable to the influence of any weather conditions.
- using brickwork you can create the required height and width.
- a balcony, if decorated with brick, looks original and noble.
- Having construction skills, you can make masonry on the balcony yourself, with your own hands.
Preparing the wall
Any painting work begins from this point. Some modern paints, for example, those with a latex base, are able to smooth out minor surface defects and “tighten” shallow cracks. However, such compositions are not intended to strengthen the structure, so you should definitely prepare the surface before painting.
- Clean the walls from the old coating, remove all loose pieces of plaster, bricks or mortar.
- If necessary, perform bactericidal treatment of the surface against fungus and mold.
- Clean the surface from dust and dirt, preferably blow it with compressed air if you have a compressor. An alternative is to use a household vacuum cleaner.
- Prime the wall with a special moisture-resistant compound. This will improve the quality of the coating and also provide additional waterproofing properties.
- Seal seams and detected defects using compounds suitable for outdoor work.
- Re-prime the treatment areas.
Depending on the chosen interior style and the condition of the brickwork, one more item can be included in this list - plastering the surface. For this purpose, moisture-resistant compounds for universal use are used. They are more expensive than usual, but will provide additional resistance to adverse weather conditions.
Preparatory work
Usually half a brick or a whole brick is used for masonry, very rarely one and a half bricks. If you plan to insulate the balcony in the future, you can make half-brick masonry. Very often they use ceramic bricks, which are produced by plastic pressing, which makes it possible to reduce the total weight of the parapet by twenty-five percent. This building material is not only lighter, but also has lower thermal conductivity, good moisture resistance, and is resistant to temperature changes.
Before starting work, it is necessary to obtain documented permission from specialists. This is due to the fact that the brick is heavy. The mass of one is two and a half kilograms, and the total weight of the entire wall will be about one hundred and fifty kilograms, which is very heavy for a balcony slab. Moreover, you should be especially wary of the balcony slab, since it is attached only on one side, while at the loggia it is on three supports. The technologist very carefully examines the floor slabs, parapets, and walls before approving the project.
Purlin for floor slabs
Since the loggia is a continuation of the room on the 2nd floor, it breaks the main external wall to a length of approximately 3050 mm. That is, the floor slab on the 2nd floor has no support. In order to fill the gap, a large load-bearing bridge should be made - a purlin. It is made by connecting 2 I-beams of 160 mm, which are welded to each other. It is necessary to attach formwork to these I-beams from below and pour 200 concrete.
Next, the balcony must be covered with hollow core slabs. They can be purchased at a hardware store, and they will cost less than pouring a monolith. During installation of the ceiling, it is necessary to lay backfill masonry between the cornice and it, leaving a small gap for the insulating layer of mineral wool, the thickness of which is 100 mm.
Construction works
Finishing loggias and balconies requires a special approach. First of all, you should remove all debris from the balcony, clean it of dirt and dust. All detected cracks and holes, as well as gaps between the parapet and the side panel, must be well sealed; for this, you can use polyurethane foam.
The laying is done in a running start, you should start from the bottom. The cement composition is applied to the adjacent wall and floor, the brick is laid and pressed against the base with good pressure, after which the excess composition is removed with a spatula. For laying each next row, the horizontal thread of the plumb line is shifted by the width of the brick. To give the masonry the greatest strength, it is secured to the side walls using reinforcement.
The width between the rods should be such that the opposite ends of the reinforcement fit into the joints between the bricks. Another place that should be further strengthened is the place where the window sill should be. If you do not plan to glaze the ends of the balcony, and decide to lay the entire height of the balcony, reinforcement with a special mesh should be done every fifty centimeters.
After completion of the work and complete drying of the mortar, the new parapet can be improved upon the brickwork, if necessary, with siding or plastic panels.
How to paint a brick wall
You can improve your balcony with brickwork by painting it, thereby not only hiding minor defects, but also giving a unique shade to the walls. To do this, clean and prime the surface. Painting of brickwork is done after complete drying. For painting, you should take water-based paint for exterior work, which is sold only in snow-white color; to give it the desired shade, you need to tint it. It has high moisture resistance and is not afraid of sudden temperature changes. Apply with a roller or wide molar brush.
By taking the correct measurements, selecting the materials and watching the video, you can make the brickwork of the balcony yourself.
Choosing paint for a brick wall on the balcony
To paint indoor walls, it is recommended to use environmentally friendly paint solutions.
They usually do not have a pungent odor and do not emit chemical fumes. Modern compositions clean well and do not leave additional streaks.
For interior work, the following paints are used:
- acrylic;
- latex;
- water-based;
- polymer.
These compounds are well applied to the working surface of a brick wall. To give an intense color, it is recommended to apply several layers.
It is worth noting that after each application, the paint layer must dry well. With repeated application, you can get paint smudges that will ruin the entire appearance.
To add shine, you can add special pigments to the paint, which will shimmer in the sunlight. In the photo of a brick balcony you will note all the subtleties of this work.
How to make brickwork for a balcony or loggia
When the houses were originally designed, almost all balconies were not designed for the installation of modern glazing. In many multi-storey buildings, the parapet on the loggia or balcony is made in the form of a metal lattice with handrails.
Many people, when decorating their apartment, often wonder whether laying bricks on the balcony is possible and how it can be done. After all, with the help of brick you can make a loggia comfortable, hide it from rain and snow, excess noise, insulate it, and thereby turn it into another small room.
Our panel apartment has the usual renovation: this is done all over Belarus when renting out housing with finishing (wallpaper, linoleum, ceiling and floor skirting boards, painted walls in the kitchen, and so on). For a young family there is no better option. Moreover, over time, the house “shrinks”, cracks appear in some places at the joints, and hidden defects of the builders are revealed. Therefore, we are in no hurry to renovate the apartment. We wait. But they decided to make repairs on the loggia.
Related article: How to attach siding to a balcony
The size of the loggia is 1.5x2.5 meters.
My wife and I thought for a long time whether to combine the loggia with the kitchen or not. The combination, in my wife’s opinion, increased the total space of the kitchen room, made it possible to put a dining group there, perhaps a sofa, or even install a kitchen. I was against the merger, I insisted that that the loggia should at the same time be a place for storing small items, conservation, tools, a place for drying clothes, and, if possible, a place where you can drink a cup of coffee.
After a friendly discussion, “without arguing,” the decision was made - I won. We also agreed on the style of the balcony.
Advantages of brick masonry
There are several reasons why it is better to use brick to decorate a balcony.
- this building material is a reliable building material that will serve you for many years.
- brick is more durable to the influence of any weather conditions.
- using brickwork you can create the required height and width.
- a balcony, if decorated with brick, looks original and noble.
- Having construction skills, you can make masonry on the balcony yourself, with your own hands.
Home workshop
Anyone who is seriously passionate about fine art will certainly appreciate the idea of setting up a workshop on the loggia.
“Move an easel or table there, think of a convenient storage system for paper, canvases, paints, brushes, pencils, pastels and finished works - and create!”
- the specialist inspires.
Professional seamstresses can also do their work on the loggia, the main thing is not to skimp on custom-made furniture. What do we end up with? And the sewing machine does not take up space in the apartment, and the necessary materials are at hand, and you won’t go broke on electricity.
Preparatory work
Usually half a brick or a whole brick is used for masonry, very rarely one and a half bricks. If you plan to insulate the balcony in the future, you can make half-brick masonry. Very often they use ceramic bricks, which are produced by plastic pressing, which makes it possible to reduce the total weight of the parapet by twenty-five percent. This building material is not only lighter, but also has lower thermal conductivity, good moisture resistance, and is resistant to temperature changes.
The result of our work and estimate
In the end, it turned out what my wife and I planned. In addition, I gained a lot of experience in repair work, although I had never done anything like this before.
Article on the topic: Removal of the balcony permit and law
The most important thing in DIY repairs is desire and patience. There is no need to rush anywhere. But you shouldn’t turn repairs into permanent construction - bring the job to the end.
The budget for our renovation is approximately $700, including construction tools that were left for further alterations.
Construction works
Finishing loggias and balconies requires a special approach. First of all, you should remove all debris from the balcony, clean it of dirt and dust. All detected cracks and holes, as well as gaps between the parapet and the side panel, must be well sealed; for this, you can use polyurethane foam.
The laying is done in a running start, you should start from the bottom. The cement composition is applied to the adjacent wall and floor, the brick is laid and pressed against the base with good pressure, after which the excess composition is removed with a spatula. For laying each next row, the horizontal thread of the plumb line is shifted by the width of the brick. To give the masonry the greatest strength, it is secured to the side walls using reinforcement.
The width between the rods should be such that the opposite ends of the reinforcement fit into the joints between the bricks. Another place that should be further strengthened is the place where the window sill should be. If you do not plan to glaze the ends of the balcony, and decide to lay the entire height of the balcony, reinforcement with a special mesh should be done every fifty centimeters.
After completion of the work and complete drying of the mortar, the new parapet can be improved upon the brickwork, if necessary, with siding or plastic panels.
How to paint a brick wall
You can improve your balcony with brickwork by painting it, thereby not only hiding minor defects, but also giving a unique shade to the walls. To do this, clean and prime the surface. Painting of brickwork is done after complete drying. For painting, you should take water-based paint for exterior work, which is sold only in snow-white color; to give it the desired shade, you need to tint it. It has high moisture resistance and is not afraid of sudden temperature changes. Apply with a roller or wide molar brush.
By taking the correct measurements, selecting the materials and watching the video, you can make the brickwork of the balcony yourself.
Painting the walls after the wall plastering process
This method of decoration requires a special approach to the work process. It is important to fulfill the following requirements:
- complete cleaning of the working surface;
- plaster;
- puttying;
- priming the wall.
The surface is thoroughly cleaned of loose brick elements and dust deposits. After this, they move on to the next process - plastering the walls.
If the loggia does not have additional heating, then plaster based on cement and sand will be needed. The plaster layer is evenly applied to the problem area and gradually leveled.
After this, you need to let each new layer dry. Once the surface is completely dry, we proceed to puttying the brick wall.
This will help get rid of the presence of small irregularities on the wall. After the horizontal and vertical surfaces are completely leveled, they must be allowed to dry thoroughly.
Once drying is complete, we begin priming. The solution helps the paint adhere better to the new surface.
Walls can be painted using a brush or roller. The choice of tool depends on the design of the brick balcony.
Preparing for installation of brick fencing
Before starting work you must:
- Inspect the balcony or loggia for the strength of building structures. It is best to invite a specialist - a builder - for this. Balconies of old buildings may not be able to withstand the new fencing. In such cases, you need to first strengthen the balcony slab, for example, by installing additional brackets.
- It is necessary to check with the service organization whether it is even possible to make the balcony structures in the house heavier. Most often, permission is possible for the reconstruction of loggias, but balconies are not subject to redevelopment with bricks.
- Prepare a design for the future fencing. It is better to order it from a design organization in order to be confident in the future reliability and strength of the fence and not have problems obtaining permission to change the layout of the apartment.
- Coordinate changes with the supervisory authority.
What paint to paint a brick wall on a balcony
When choosing a composition for painting, you should definitely clarify its safety and the possibility of use in a residential area. Even if we are talking about an open balcony, toxic fumes will still penetrate into the apartment, so safe compounds have priority.
Suitable paint for a balcony:
Oil paints are less suitable for such purposes, because in direct sunlight they will fade over time. It would be a good idea to fork out money for moisture-resistant paint, so as not to subsequently eliminate defects if precipitation accidentally gets inside, and also to ensure resistance to wet cleaning.
No less important is the resistance of the paint to ultraviolet radiation, because even after a season, the painted surface can significantly lose the brightness and expressiveness of the chosen color. It is quite simple to take into account all the “whims” of such a choice, because modern manufacturers have thought through and created universal compositions that are stable and safe for use in interior spaces with possible adverse effects.
Required tools and materials
To work you need to prepare:
- Bricks. It is better to choose ceramic facing or foam concrete, their weight is a quarter less than usual;
- Cement (grade M400), sifted construction sand and clean water;
- Reinforcing masonry mesh to strengthen the structure. Wire diameter 3 - 4 mm, cell side size 30 - 40 mm;
- Master OK;
- Construction level and plumb line;
- Hammer;
- Twine and chalk.
If the project provides for tying the balcony (loggia) fencing with metal corners to increase strength, then the following are additionally required:
- Corner, dimensions and quantity according to the project, while the metal thickness is at least 3 mm, the width of the side of the corner is 40 mm;
- Angle grinder (grinder);
- Electrodes and welding machine with mask.
If you do not have the necessary skills, you will have to order the services of a welder.
Arch under the slab of the future loggia
The width of this arch should correspond to the width of the columns. Building an arch is quite simple; it can be completed in a day. It is also built according to a template. Next, it is necessary to build walls made of facing bricks above the arch, and continue to build the columns themselves, turning into the pilasters of the loggia. On the sides of the balcony, the brickwork should rest on an angle of 100 mm. The external brickwork above the arch should be laid to a level just above the floor on the 2nd floor. The internal masonry is up to the level of installation of the balcony slab. It, like the outer one, should move slightly relative to the arch so that the latter protrudes a little forward.
Next, you should place the formwork on the sides of the loggia between the walls of the facing masonry, where there are no arches. A mesh of reinforcement is laid on the formwork, and the whole thing is filled with concrete mortar. The formwork, which was cut from chipboard, should be secured from below with binding wire, tied to the reinforcement from above.
Loggia walls.
After the concrete has been poured and completely dried, 1 row of masonry should be laid out. This masonry can be made of backfill bricks. The distance between the backfill and the facing masonry must be filled with mineral wool. In order to bandage the backing and facing masonry, you should use a masonry mesh, the cells of which are 50x50, made of wire 3 mm thick.
Construction of a brick fence
The construction of the fence is carried out in the following order:
- 1 Surface preparation. The concrete slab is cleaned of dirt, dust, and paint. The smooth surface of concrete is made uneven by hammer blows for better adhesion of the mortar. Using twine rubbed with chalk, an even line for the future masonry is marked.
- 2 Preparation of masonry mortar. Proportions - 1 part cement to 3 parts sand, approximately 0.8 parts water. Water is added gradually as you knead until the solution reaches the consistency of very thick sour cream. Mixing must be very thorough, this will ensure the strength of the structure. The solution must be prepared for 1 hour of work, then done again.
- 3 Bricklaying. A layer of mortar no more than 1 cm thick is applied to the slab with a trowel. Then the outermost (corner) stones are installed as beacons. Twine is stretched along the upper plane of these bricks, and its horizontalness is checked with a level. Afterwards, the remaining bricks are laid in accordance with the chosen method of tying the rows and the wall thickness: half a brick or a brick. During the process, the bricks must be aligned along the stretched twine.
- 4 It is better to lay the balcony fencing using the simplest and most reliable type of masonry - brick with a single-row cross bandage. With this type, a row of transversely laid bricks is first placed. Rows of bricks are laid on top of it, directed along the wall in two lines. The bricks in the lines should be offset relative to each other by half their length (in a checkerboard pattern). Reinforcing mesh is laid every 3 rows.
- 5 All seams are processed (embroidered) before the mortar sets to give a neat appearance. This procedure is easiest to do with the corner of a trowel. Excess mortar is removed immediately when the bricks are settled.
- 6 The verticality of the wall is checked using a plumb line.
How to lay bricks correctly
One of the simplest methods of laying bricks is additive. Laying algorithm:
- 1 Using a trowel, apply a solution about 1 cm thick;
- 2 Press part of the mortar against the side edge of the previously laid brick;
- 3 Lay another brick close to the trowel;
- 4 Quickly pull the trowel out of the seam;
- 5 Lightly tap the back of the trowel handle on the top edge of the brick to settle it;
- 6 Remove excess mortar from the seams.
The mounted fence can subsequently be covered with plaster or siding.
Let's start the construction process
The main problems in bricklaying for beginning amateur masons arise in two cases.
The first is creating right vertical angles, and the second is laying bricks in a straight line and at the same level. You should start with the construction of columns. The foundation for them must be made perfectly smooth, otherwise the columns will hang unevenly over the base.
When hanging on a column base, additional loads will be applied. In order to reduce them, it is necessary to lay a masonry mesh from rows 1 to 3 of brickwork.
There must certainly be a layer of waterproofing between the foundation and the brickwork itself. This could be a couple of layers of roofing felt or a layer of aquaizol. In order to fix future columns, a metal pipe should be released from the foundation laid in advance.
The order of masonry of columns should be 720 mm or 10 rows, just like the masonry of the walls of a house, the seams should be made thin horizontal.
After the 15th row has been laid out, a reinforcement frame connected from rods with a diameter of 12 mm should be installed in the resulting frame. After 24 hours, the frame must be filled with concrete mortar.
Next, brick laying continues, and the reinforcement frame is tied together as construction work progresses.
Wooden structures
wooden balcony railing
Wood is widely used for both interior and exterior work. Thanks to the durability and reliability of this material, the product, regardless of configuration and size, has excellent performance and aesthetic characteristics. In addition, wood is easy to process.
Wood is a noble building material that can be combined with metal, glass, and brick. When making balcony railings, only those logs that have passed all stages of preparation are used. Craftsmen make railings and balusters of the configuration chosen by the customer. It is possible to combine the horizontal and vertical axes of individual logs, resulting in quite original designs.
It doesn’t matter at all what kind of brick houses there are, a loggia or balcony made of wood will simply look perfect against the general background of the facade. The cross-section of logs can be square, round, or rectangular. If desired, the racks are decorated with carvings.
The wood is pre-treated with special disinfectants, which will prevent the process of destruction caused by the negative effects of natural precipitation. The main structural elements are attached to the balcony floor. Next, all individual elements are assembled. If necessary, you can reinforce the racks with metal.
Glazing and finishing of balconies
Okonnaya provides professional services for comprehensive turnkey arrangement of balconies in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our services include glazing, insulation and finishing, individual measurements, manufacturing, delivery and installation, and service. All our clients receive high quality services and certified materials from the world's leading brands at a reasonable price. Cooperation with us opens up wide opportunities for decorating a balcony in exact accordance with the customer’s wishes.
Glass fencing
glass balcony railing
Traditionally, glass was used to glaze individual segments. Today, almost the entire surface of the fence can be made of durable, laminated glass. The greater the height of the glass, the more severe the demands placed on this material.
Glass fastening is carried out using special fittings and clamps. Metal or plastic can be used as a profile. At the customer's request, the glass can be darkened using a special film.