Coordination of the redevelopment of the loggia: how to legalize the connection to the room or kitchen?

Dismantling a window sill block is the elimination of part of the outer wall located under the window opening to the level of the door threshold or floor without expanding the window opening itself to the sides. In this article we will look at how things are going with the implementation of this step.

In this article we will look at how things are going with the implementation of this event in 2022.

In the photo below, the window sill blocks are highlighted in red.

Window sill block

Dismantling the window sill block - permission.

This type of redevelopment occurs quite often when renovating apartments and non-residential premises. Let's look at a few of its features.

From the point of view of the law, the demolition of a window sill block requires obtaining appropriate permission with the provision of a redevelopment project in accordance with paragraph 3.1 of Appendix 1 of Moscow Government Decree No. 508. In other words, such redevelopment must be agreed upon.

In most cases, the window sill block does not belong to the load-bearing structures of the building, that is, its dismantling will not affect the operation of the building as a whole and the safety of its operation. However, certain types of houses have their own characteristics.

What is allowed?

What will you be allowed to do?:

  • installation of sliding partitions (keeping them open is not prohibited);
  • "French window".

Is it possible to attach a loggia to a room by removing the window opening? A living room can be added by removing the window sill block , but the threshold and partition must be preserved.

Experts also suggest a little trick : if removing the window and door frame is all that is planned, then this can be done without informing the supervisory authorities. In an emergency, you can always put it back.

You can learn about whether it is necessary to legalize the redevelopment that has already been done in an apartment, as well as how to legalize it yourself, from our articles.

What can you do and what can't you do?

What to think about the redevelopment of the loggia? Reconstruction of the loggia is permitted within the area of ​​the loggia, without violating the integrity of the outer wall, in which the loggia is structurally a niche.

The intermediate wall on which the window of the kitchen or room rests can be dismantled, but not always - permission is issued by a specialist depending on the structure of the building.

There are two ways to make the space of the loggia and kitchen or room common. These are the following types of space unification:

  • dismantle the door block and window, disassemble the window sill , as a result of which the area of ​​the room, to which the loggia area is added, increases and is united by a common floor;
  • remove the window and door, and leave the window sill itself , turning it into a bar counter or a decorative wall for flowers or other purposes.

In both cases, it will be necessary to resolve the issue of high-quality glazing of the loggia itself - now only this glazing will protect the increased area of ​​​​the room from the street cold, as well as insulate the entire internal area of ​​​​the walls of the attached space.

In the first case, the room or kitchen becomes one whole room, the floors and decoration of which are logically made in the same style, with the same materials.

But this is already finishing, and fundamental permission to dismantle the window sill wall
can only be given by a construction engineer vested with authority, after studying the design and estimate documentation for the entire house.
The second case gives more freedom to the imagination of the owner or designer: although the remodel resulted in one room, it is possible to roughly subdivide the spaces in it by manipulating the floor and wall covering materials.

Separation by a window sill wall also allows you to functionally separate the areas by equipping a study or sleeping area, or a space for relaxation, in the area of ​​the former loggia.

Find out from our articles about whether it is possible to do redevelopment in a mortgaged apartment, as well as how to independently make a sketch or project to legitimize unauthorized remodeling. You can download samples of documents such as power of attorney and agreement, as well as redevelopment acts, from us for free.

Dismantling a window sill block in a panel house.

In panel houses built before 2007, demolition of the window sill block can be carried out and approved. It is non-load-bearing and its elimination will not affect the functioning of the building in any way. However, in panel houses built after 2007, the author of which is the MNIITEP design institute (which is about 90% of standard series in Moscow), it is impossible to eliminate the window sill block. The authors of the house explain this by saying that this event violates, according to them, the protection of the building from progressive destruction, and without the consent of the author of the house project, dismantling cannot be approved.

What problems does this redevelopment solve?

French glazing will allow you to let more light and air into the room, as well as visually enlarge it due to transparent glass doors. And if you keep them open, you will create a feeling of a single space. This solution can be an alternative option for those who want to combine a balcony with a room.

TS Design studio, project authors Taras Bezrukov and Stas Samkovich

Approval procedure

How to legitimize such a connection of premises? Actually, there are two regulatory bodies here - BTI and Housing Inspectorate .

First of all, you need to contact the BTI to call an engineer. He will carry out an inspection and take the necessary measurements, on the basis of which a new registration certificate will be issued.

Next, you should contact the research institute that developed your house or a licensed design bureau to receive a project. Price will vary depending on complexity.

Sample application for redevelopment of an apartment

The BTI will tell you what other documents are needed specifically in your case. Often this is permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, SES, and the Committee for the Protection and Protection of Historical Monuments . They are always required to provide a heat calculation. For a cadastral extract, contact Rosreestr.

After this, all documents are submitted to the Housing Inspectorate. A decision usually takes the standard two weeks. After this, you will be given permission or refusal. Which, however, can be challenged in court .

What is prohibited?

What will definitely not be given the go-ahead when approved?


  • removal of the battery into this room (can only be moved to the adjacent wall);
  • dismantling the lintel above the opening (supporting structure);
  • dismantling the threshold when removing the window sill block;
  • complete combination of the balcony with the kitchen;
  • cutting the side walls of the balcony (SNiP “Fire safety of buildings and structures;
  • creation of an additional loggia (if the apartment is not located on the first floor);
  • extension of the balcony beyond the level of the facade wall.

Moreover, upon approval they will definitely require a thermal engineering calculation document.
Without it, they usually refuse even things that are not prohibited by law. Is it possible to convert the loggia into a kitchen, that is, to combine them? Kitchen-loggia “without borders” - such an addition is impossible under any circumstances, as is the reconstruction of an apartment “kitchen on a loggia”, if only because the kitchen is a warm room, and the balcony is a cold one.

Find out from our articles about where to start remodeling your apartment, where to order a project and obtain permission to renovate your living space.

Fire pier

In some cases, it is possible to expand the doorway using non-load-bearing side sections of the wall, but this has its own nuances. In apartments above 15 m from ground level (4th–5th floor), the so-called fire pier must be preserved. It will provide the necessary protection in case of fire.

According to SNiP 21-01-97* Fire safety of buildings and structures (with Amendments No. 1, 2) F1.3, each apartment must have an emergency exit. It is considered a balcony or loggia with a blank partition of at least 1.2 m from the wall to the window opening or glazed door or at least 1.6 m between a pair of glazed openings. If the apartment has two or more balconies, it is enough to leave only one fire partition.

Studio Kutenkovs Project, authors of the project Alexander and Irina Kutenkov, photo office of Asya Rozonova

It is possible to bypass the ban. To do this, you will have to make one of the double-glazed windows blank. To comply with all fire safety standards, glazing must be fire retardant.

Studio Platform, photographer Roman Spiridonov

Joining the common area

Is it possible to attach a loggia to a kitchen or room?

It is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Articles 25 and 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, and the change in the loggia is carried out in accordance with Resolution 508 of the Moscow Government.

The balcony can be considered both in the context of the overall project and as a separate element.

You can attach a balcony to a living room (with reservations). To the kitchen - with significant restrictions.

Housing Code of the Russian Federation Article 25. Types of reconstruction and redevelopment of residential premises

  1. Reconstruction of a residential premises is the installation, replacement or transfer of utility networks, sanitary, electrical or other equipment that requires changes to the technical passport of the residential premises.
  2. Redevelopment of a residential premises is a change in its configuration, requiring changes to the technical passport of the residential premises.

Find out on our website how to coordinate such renovation work on a balcony, kitchen or bathroom.

Voice of the law

The legislation does not approve of this kind of amateur activity , which is quite understandable and understandable: a non-specialist is unlikely to understand which structures in the house are load-bearing, what the load pattern looks like and how to redistribute them competently, without allowing the sections to weaken.
If all permitting documents are available, reconstruction, the purpose of which is to add a loggia to the area of ​​a room or kitchen, is legally possible, as evidenced by the following legislative acts:

  • Art. , Art. , Art. Housing complex of the Russian Federation;
  • Art. 1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170;
  • Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Illegal restructuring is fraught with serious problems if:

  • sale (purchase);
  • exchange;
  • registration of a deed of gift, which leads to a change of owner;
  • inheritance, etc.

In all these and other cases, a technical passport will be required, the layout of which must correspond to the actual one, otherwise they may be required to return everything back to its original form.

The loggia does not belong to the living space of the apartment , and therefore, combining it with a room or kitchen, the entire living space of the apartment is increased, which does not correspond to the volumes recorded in Rosreestr.

In addition, the purpose of the premises is changing, now the non-residential area of ​​the loggia is turning into residential.

Such transformations do not fall under the concept of “redevelopment”, regulated by Art.
29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, but relate to the reconstruction of the entire residential building , which is provided for in clause 14 of Art.
1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. If the residential building is multi-apartment, then, according to subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Art. 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, a decision on the possibility of reconstruction has the right to be made by a body such as the general meeting of owners of the Moscow Railway, on the basis that the loggia is the common property of the owners.

Read about how to coordinate the redevelopment of a balcony or bathroom on our website.

Related activities when dismantling the window sill block.

In addition to dismantling the window sill block, owners often want to demolish the threshold. Unfortunately, this is not possible in all cases. In monolithic houses, this measure is almost always permissible, because in them the threshold does not perform any structural functions. In a brick house, the possibility of dismantling the threshold again depends on the support unit for the balcony slab, and should be determined by the appropriate specialist. In panel houses, demolition of the threshold is prohibited. This event violates the rigidity of the enclosing panel, and also causes freezing of the walls and ceilings in the apartment below.

An example of redevelopment with dismantling a window sill block

Also, in addition to demolishing the window sill block, they often want to expand the opening itself in the outer wall. In monolithic houses this is most easily accomplished, since often the outer walls there are non-load-bearing or partially non-load-bearing and are made in the form of three-layer structures, for example, from foam blocks, mineral wool and plaster. In such cases, it is possible to expand the opening, but again it is necessary to first obtain the consent of the author of the house. The main thing during such events is not to affect the monolithic load-bearing pylons, which may be part of the outer wall. Also, another condition is the fact that the apartment located above the 5th floor must have at least one balcony or loggia with a fire protection wall of at least 1200 mm in length. In panel houses, such expansion of openings is prohibited, because this irreparably reduces the rigidity of the enclosing panel. In brick houses, such an expansion is rare; it is possible, but very labor-intensive, because the outer walls of these buildings are most often load-bearing. Therefore, the expansion will require appropriate calculations, the development of a complex reinforcement project, expensive repairs, and so on.

Be careful and careful when dismantling the window sill block.

What is a rework?

What concerns changes to the loggia: what can be done and what cannot be done?

Redevelopment is considered to be dismantling or changing everything related to its technical plan.

Glazing is included here - yes, it's exactly the same, along with eliminating walls or window sills, and installing new doors.

If the question arises about “redrawing” a balcony, you should under no circumstances take on this task yourself or turn to an amateur designer - there are quite a lot of nuances in this issue.

Many people prefer to simply make changes and remain silent, but, firstly, this will not achieve much: such a change will definitely be noticed - for example, when moving a heating radiator, you will definitely need to call an engineer from the BTI, and the neighbors usually become aware of it quite quickly.

Illegal work threatens with legal proceedings, a fine, an order to return the housing to its previous form, and in especially severe cases, the living space may be seized and put up for auction. Is it worth the effort?

But even if a miracle happens and no one finds out anything, it will no longer be possible to perform legal actions - for example, sell, exchange or mortgage.

Therefore, be sure to contact a licensed design organization and order a work project . Then, along with other documents, you will have to submit it to the Housing Inspectorate.

You can learn how issues of buying or selling an apartment with redevelopment are resolved from our articles.

Do I need to coordinate the replacement of window units with government agencies?

May 28, 2019

On the global network you can find many stories about how municipal authorities force people to pay fines for illegally (unauthorized) installed plastic windows. Of course, not all of these stories are true, but some of them do have something to do with the truth. There are a number of cases when, before installing PVC windows or balcony glazing, you need to contact the appropriate authorities in order to obtain project approval for the upcoming replacement of window units. In this article we will look at such situations, trying to touch on all points of interest to our customers.

When is approval not required?

In the vast majority of cases, replacing old window units with new ones is recognized as ongoing repairs, which does not force you to go through long and tedious approval procedures. Alternatively, reference can be made to maintenance, the purpose of which is to reduce wear and tear on a residential building without affecting its functionality. This is especially true for dilapidated standard houses, in which old window blocks are literally falling apart before our eyes. Thus, if your goal is to specifically replace wooden windows with similar plastic ones, without interfering with the design of apartment buildings of a standard (!) series, then in 9 out of 10 cases you will not have any problems with approval. And yet there remains that one chance in ten when replacing windows can be called the terrible word “redevelopment”, with all the ensuing consequences, bureaucracy and running around the authorities.

When is approval necessary?

Changing sizes and configurations

Regardless of whether you live in a standard house or in a house built according to an individual architectural design, replacing windows can be called redevelopment if the dimensions and configuration of the window unit change. For example, you wanted to put a plastic window on half the wall to add more light to the room. Or you were seduced by arched PVC windows, which you think will look good in your new interior. Or you just want to install a three-hung window instead of a double-hung one. In all these cases, coordination with municipal authorities is necessary.

Historical Buildings

If your residential building belongs to the category of historical or architectural values, then replacing the windows here will be quite difficult. You need to convince municipal authorities that when replacing window units, you will completely preserve the style of the historical building, ensuring that your new plastic window is as similar as possible to what was installed before. This means that you need to take into account the preservation of the original finish, color shade, size, location and shape of the window opening. If we are talking about glazing a balcony in a historical building, then in most cases you will be refused. This is indeed prohibited by law, since it greatly affects the façade exterior. Even if there was already glazing on the balcony, its replacement will still be considered a redevelopment, regardless of whether you change the dimensions of the structure or not.

Creating a new window opening

If your apartment has a dark, windowless hallway, you might want to give it some natural light by creating a new window in the wall between the room and the hallway. And if the specified wall is just a partition, you will not have problems with coordination. But if the wall is load-bearing, then illegal work can be considered not just redevelopment, but a violation of the house structure. And this is not just a quibble of municipal authorities who want to snatch an extra penny from citizens, but a real concern for the safety of the citizens living in your home. Illegal violation of the integrity of a load-bearing wall threatens with collapse, injuries, casualties and other horrors that you don’t even want to think about. However, if you approach this issue competently, developing a professional project and obtaining its approval, then the window can even be placed in a load-bearing wall.

Replacing windows on doors

For example, you wanted to install a glass sliding door “on the floor” instead of a standard balcony block, replacing the “window + door” configuration with the “sliding doors” configuration. Such actions require coordination and legalization, with the receipt of a construction permit. It's absolutely the same story when replacing a door with a window.

Glazing on balconies

If your balcony has not previously had glazing, its installation may require permission from the municipal authorities, unless you are installing frameless glazing that does not have a significant impact on the balcony structure. If you install heavy “warm” glazing in order to expand the living space, then this is already a redevelopment, with the need to obtain the appropriate permission to carry it out. But in this case there is an exception. If the glazing on the balcony is provided for by the architectural design, that is, it was already installed once, but was dismantled as unnecessary or is still preserved in a dilapidated state, then free replacement/installation of new glazing is allowed.

Is it possible to do without approval?

Due to the fact that legalizing work on installing or replacing glazing can be a rather complex and lengthy process, many Russian citizens refuse to contact municipal authorities for approval, hoping that fines will not affect them. Believe me, the risk is not justified, especially if your brand new arched window or glazed balcony stands out sharply from the general background of the building. At best, you will be forced to pay a fine. At worst, they will force you to dismantle the glazing and return everything to its previous form, which will be much more expensive and longer than the approval procedure that you tried to avoid.

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  • June 07, 2019

    Russian windows in Japanese style

    At first glance, it may seem strange that in our country, which has its own rich culture, there is so much interest in everything that is so different from the things we are used to. This is a way of life, and beliefs, and traditions. One of the countries that has a large number of fans in Russia is Japan. Moreover, the interest in this country is so great that people in love with Japan very often do not limit themselves to just the desire to complement their interior with some exotic souvenirs brought from their travels. The most passionate ones strive to bring into their lives the flavor of the life of the country that has so captured their imagination. They want to create an atmosphere around themselves reminiscent of the one they felt in Japan, and they even try to arrange their home according to the ideas accepted in this country. From our point of view, this task is quite difficult, but for our designers nothing is impossible; they find the right solution every time. And we, for our part, make our contribution in that part of the project that concerns windows.

  • June 04, 2019

    Why are drainage holes needed in plastic windows?

    Manufacturers of modern plastic windows in their advertising campaigns place a big bet on the tightness of their products, which will reliably protect the room from drafts, precipitation, heat loss and street sounds. Well, PVC windows really have a high degree of tightness. High, but not total. After all, plastic windows contain such an important element as a drainage system, which allows moisture to be removed outside the room and the window block in particular. Drainage does have a certain effect on the level of tightness of a plastic window. However, it is not so critical that you will notice the difference in thermal insulation or sound insulation in its absence. But the importance of this system element is very difficult to overestimate. In this article we want to dwell in detail on drainage holes, their types, functionality, possible drainage problems and drainage maintenance issues.

  • May 24, 2019

    If your dacha needs new windows

    No matter how much the weather resists the onset of heat, nature takes its toll. Today no one doubts: there will be a mass opening of the dacha season! And this blessed time is already within sight. And some of the luckiest (in terms of the location of the dacha) owners have probably already visited their property and even outlined priority tasks that require a priority solution.

  • May 21, 2019

    Do I need to change plastic windows from the developer?

    When you move into a new apartment located in a recently built new building, you get a so-called “box” in which there is practically nothing except doors, windows and wiring. And this is not so bad, because at the same time you get the apartment at a minimal cost, and you can do whatever you want here without having to deal with the removal of traces of the repairs made. You will have to invest a lot of money in new renovations, but at least you won’t have to install plastic windows. After all, caring developers rent out a property with PVC windows already installed. However, do not rush to rejoice. In 9 out of 10 cases, you will have to part with plastic windows from the developer in the very near future. For the benefit of your comfort, health and safety. This article will discuss the moments when it is necessary to replace PVC windows from the developer, and when you can get by with cosmetic repairs to bring the window structures into proper form.

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Categorical prohibitions

According to the Law, dismantling the window sill in panel houses built after 2006 is unacceptable, since it can lead to unforeseen and even tragic consequences. The reason for this is the use of special technology that prevents progressive collapse, which also involves the window sill block.

You will have to forget about dismantling the door sill. This taboo applies to all types of houses (whether it is a monolithic, brick or panel house). There are no exceptions here, and there cannot be .

This ban is due to the following reasons:

  • firstly, in brick houses the threshold serves as a kind of counterweight and is designed to hold the balcony slab;
  • secondly, the threshold can act as an integral element of the supporting structure, so its dismantling is unacceptable;
  • thirdly, removing the threshold in panel houses leads to a violation of the rigidity of the external hinged panel, and also entails freezing of the slab floor.

Designers also pay attention to another function of the threshold: it helps to reduce the concentration of opposite temperatures, since it serves as a kind of barrier at the point of convergence of warm and cold air.

Also, in some cases, you may be faced with a ban on dismantling a window sill block in a brick house, since it can hold the balcony slab, pinching it. Therefore, before carrying out any work, it is important to consult with specialists! As for dismantling a window sill block in a monolithic house, it is possible provided that the threshold is preserved and all rules are followed.

The cost of coordinating the dismantling of a window sill block is calculated individually for each case. The price may vary depending on the type of building where the apartment is located, the thickness of the walls, the area in which the property is located and other conditions.


Demolition of a window sill and combining a balcony with a living room or kitchen (as well as any other cold room with a warm one) is PROHIBITED. The optimal solution is a “visual” unification: demolition of the window sill block with the subsequent installation of swing doors (French partition). There are NO other options for implementing such a redevelopment.

How to dismantle a window sill block in accordance with the Law?

So, is it possible to demolish a window sill block? From the point of view of the Law, in order to carry out such work, it is necessary to obtain permission from the authors of the house and MZhI, providing the necessary design documentation, including thermal engineering calculations, in accordance with clause 3.1 of Appendix 1 of Moscow Government Decree No. 508. Let us note that in its pure form it is IMPOSSIBLE to agree on the connection of a balcony (loggia) to a living space or kitchen, since the law prescribes the need to distinguish between cold and warm zones.

As a result, if you want to obtain permission to demolish the window sill block, you will have to install a special partition (French window). Only after this requirement is met will the demolition of the window sill block be considered legal.

Therefore, before removing the window sill block on the loggia, you need to take care of the proper execution of all the required documents that will help you legitimize the future project. Failure to complete this step may result in problems with:

  • sale or rental of housing;
  • registration of an apartment on collateral.

Do not forget that unauthorized actions may result in legal proceedings and fines. And, ultimately, you will be given an order that will oblige you to return to the old apartment layout.

Therefore, in order to implement a project to dismantle the window sill area, without going beyond the scope of the Law, you will have to install transparent sliding doors (so-called “French windows”), which will not only serve as insulation of the room, but will also maintain the same load on the heating system.

There are two options for installing a partition:

  1. On an ongoing basis.
  2. Temporary installation (only at the time of inspection).

But you must understand that by removing the window sill and installing a partition, you still do not relieve yourself of the need for high-quality insulation of the attached room.

What to do with the radiator

Most often, the central heating radiator is mounted directly on the window sill unit. It cannot be taken out onto a balcony or loggia, so as not to disrupt the circulation of hot water. In Moscow, this is regulated by clause 10.7 of Appendix 1 of PPM No. 508. In the regions, they refer to clause 5 of Article 15 of the RF LC and clause 1 of Article 25 of the RF LC. They state that the transfer of engineering equipment is allowed only in the premises of an apartment building, and balconies/loggias are not such.

You can move the radiator to an adjacent wall or purchase a vertical model and mount it on the side wall. Another solution is to divide the heating into two units. Place one on the wall at the exit to the balcony, the other on the wall adjacent to it.

Designer Yulia Starikova

You can save space by using trench convectors. However, in this case you will have to sacrifice the height of the ceiling. It will be necessary to either raise the floor in the entire room or provide a step-podium.

San Galli Company

San Galli Company

Demolition of a window sill in other types of houses.

In monolithic houses, dismantling the window sill block can be done absolutely painlessly and legally, since it is not load-bearing. In brick buildings, the window sill block in rare cases can be involved in pinching the balcony slab. Therefore, in these houses we advise you not to dismantle the window sill without consulting a specialist. Otherwise, big problems may arise. For all types of houses, for their own safety, officials can, according to paragraph of Appendix 3 of the already mentioned resolution, request an opinion from the author of the house project on the possibility and safety of dismantling the window sill. Sometimes the Housing Inspectorate meets halfway and requests this conclusion not from the house designer, but from any organization that has the appropriate permission to carry it out. This allows you to save significant money. In both cases, engineers usually give their consent to this type of redevelopment with the exception of the rare cases already mentioned in brick houses.

In what cases is it permissible to dismantle the window sill block?

First of all, we note two points: firstly, combining a balcony or loggia with a room (kitchen) completely, taking into account free passage between rooms, is prohibited. Secondly, this planning solution is not always possible to implement. Depending on the year the house was built, the specific series, floor, and even territorial location, there are a number of restrictions on this type of approval.

Since the balcony/loggia is considered a “cold” zone, it is prohibited to combine them with heated rooms without a dividing partition ( PPM No. 508-PP ). Therefore, after dismantling the window sill block with a window frame and door, at the border of the balcony or loggia with the room/kitchen, it is necessary to install a translucent sliding partition or glass swing doors, which are also called “French”.

In this case, it is prohibited to dismantle only the window and door. Control and supervisory authorities will also regard such redevelopment as the addition of a balcony (loggia) to one of the interior spaces of the apartment, which is prohibited. Therefore, the window sill block must be dismantled, since otherwise the installation of “French” glazing is impossible.

In the vast majority of houses, it is possible to dismantle the window sill block. However, everywhere with this, apartment owners dismantle the threshold between the loggia/balcony and the adjacent room. This event is not always possible to implement due to a number of restrictions, both technical and legislative. It is possible to dismantle the threshold, for example, in almost all monolithic houses, since there it does not affect any load-bearing capacity of the structure. In second place are brick houses, followed by block houses . And the panel construction house closes the list. In panel houses, it is prohibited to dismantle the thresholds directly by their author . With rare exceptions, since there are a number of panel houses where it is possible to dismantle the threshold. For example, this is the 1-515 series and its modifications. In this series, dismantling the threshold between the balcony and the room is possible.

The threshold also performs a heat-insulating function. Therefore, in panel and block houses, it is not always possible or desirable to touch this structural element.

In addition, it is prohibited to dismantle or reduce the section of the wall above the window and door opening and to expand the opening itself to the sides. With the exception of apartments in monolithic buildings, where this can be agreed upon. However, when reducing the width of sections of the wall along the edges of the balcony opening, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the blind partition is considered an emergency exit. Therefore, in an apartment located above 15 meters from the ground surface, there must be one blank partition (a section of the wall next to the opening to the loggia or balcony) with a minimum width of 1.2 m.

Also, one of the options where redevelopment with dismantling the window sill block is impossible are panel buildings built according to the designs of JSC MNIITEP after 2007. In these houses, the window sill part of the wall is involved in protecting the building from progressive collapse. And if you demolish the window sill, this will weaken the load-bearing capacity of the house’s structures. Therefore, the design institute MNIITEP prohibited the removal of window sill blocks in its panel houses of the indicated years of construction. And on this basis the Moscow Housing Inspectorate refuses to approve such redevelopment.

Examples of prohibited connection of a balcony to a kitchen/room:

Speaking about dismantling window sill blocks, it is worth mentioning heating radiators, which, as a rule, are located under the window on the side of the apartment. Often, when demolishing a window sill block, they are moved not to the adjacent wall, but to a balcony or loggia. And according to PPM No. 508-PP, it is prohibited to take radiators outside the room (kitchen) and place them on loggias and balconies. Therefore, in such cases, you need to place the radiators in the same room where they were before, but closer to the heating riser. However, it is possible to replace the standard battery with a floor convector.

It is also prohibited to install “warm” floors on balconies and loggias, powered by a common house heating system. In some cases, the installation of electric heated floors is permitted.

Extension of the balcony opening

Typical housing has never been distinguished by a large area and convenient layout, so property owners often resort to combining a balcony with a kitchen or living room. Such redevelopment is gradually gaining popularity, which is understandable: such changes make it possible to make the room more spacious and bright, and also allow you to implement a unique design project in your home.

The process of combining a balcony with a room/kitchen is possible only when carrying out work to expand the balcony opening, which involves complete or partial dismantling of the window sill part of the wall, which is also called a window sill or window sill block, as well as the partitions and lintel area.

Features of expanding the opening to the balcony

Our company often receives orders from apartment owners to dismantle the window sill block so that they can thus attach the balcony to the living or kitchen space. However, many of them do not realize that such redevelopment in Moscow cannot currently be agreed upon. And that's why.

By removing the window sill part of the wall between the balcony and the adjacent room, the owner thereby disrupts the thermal contour of the building and creates conditions under which the area of ​​the apartment that needs to be heated increases.

Of course, this will not make any difference in the warm season or in a situation where such redevelopment is carried out in one apartment. But if all the residents of the house carry out similar work, then in winter the temperature in the apartments will be low due to the lack of capacity of the heating system of the house.

Despite the ban on combining a balcony with a room or kitchen, it is allowed to expand the balcony opening by dismantling the window sill. But only on the condition that the premises within the previous boundaries will be separated by translucent partitions - sliding or hinged.

And the project for coordinating such a redevelopment must necessarily include a thermal engineering calculation (calculation of heat loss) in order to determine the choice of power of heating devices that will be needed to maintain the permissible temperature in the living room.

In addition, when carrying out redevelopment with dismantling the window sill space, glazing of the balcony will be required. This can be a problem for apartments on the top floors in some brick buildings where there is no balcony slab on top. In this case, you will need to make a canopy, and this is a change in the external appearance of the building, for which it is difficult to obtain permission.

Extension of the balcony opening:

The possibilities of expanding the balcony opening also depend on the design and building materials of the house. For example, in monolithic houses, the window sill and threshold are non-load-bearing structures, so they can be dismantled.

Expanding the balcony opening in brick, block and panel houses is a more complex procedure. In panel high-rise buildings, it is prohibited to eliminate the door threshold containing reinforcement, since it is responsible for the rigidity and integrity of the enclosing panels and protects the apartment from freezing. And you can only remove the window sill block in houses built before 2007.

In residential panel buildings built after 2007 according to the project of JSC MNIITEP using technology to protect the building from progressive collapse, it is prohibited to dismantle the window sill space. In other panel houses, the possibility of expanding the balcony opening in this way will be determined by the author of the house project.

In brick buildings, this section of the wall can be load-bearing or self-supporting. In these cases, you will not be given permission to expand the balcony opening. In other cases, the possibility of carrying out work is determined by the results of an engineering survey carried out by experienced specialists, but not by interior designers or a construction team.

In addition, for the same reasons that we described above, it is impossible to expand the window and door opening in panel, block and brick houses. In “panels”, this will compromise the strength and rigidity of the outer wall panels. And in residential buildings made of bricks and blocks, the outer walls are load-bearing or self-supporting, so their dismantling is in principle unacceptable.

Dismantling the window sill block:

In monolithic houses there are more opportunities to increase the doorway to the balcony. Expansion of the opening to the sides is carried out in cases where the support of the facade wall is the interfloor ceilings and it is non-load-bearing. Therefore, its partial dismantling will not worsen the load-bearing capacity of the entire structure as a whole.

It must be remembered that certain sections of external walls in some monolithic buildings may be load-bearing. For example, when a load-bearing pylon or column participating in the power structure of the house is “sewn” into a non-load-bearing wall. In such situations, dismantling them is prohibited.

Expanding the balcony opening up to the floor slab is only possible if the wall above the opening is non-load-bearing.

But let us repeat once again, the determination of the type and purpose of facade fencing and the possibility of intervention in them should be carried out by experienced specialists who will conduct an examination and draw up a technical report that will be needed to approve such a redevelopment.

And here’s something else worth remembering: regardless of the design of the house, the balcony in the apartment serves as an emergency exit and must have a blank partition with a minimum width of 1.2 m from the end of the balcony (loggia) to the window opening (glazed door) or at least 1.6 m between two exits to one balcony (loggia).

Coordination of the expansion of the balcony opening

Like any redevelopment, the expansion of the balcony opening must first be agreed upon with the housing inspector, that is, even before the start of repair work.

It is a mistake to believe that you can carry out redevelopment in an apartment that you own without asking anyone for permission.

Expansion of the opening to the balcony:

Work to expand the balcony opening, carried out in violation of building codes, can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as deterioration of the living conditions of one’s own and neighbors (the appearance of mold, condensation, fungus, freezing of slabs, low room temperature in the cold season), as well as emergency situations when cracks appear on the outer wall of the house.

And if the dismantling of the window sill block is carried out without permission from the authorities, then, firstly, this is fraught with the occurrence of an emergency, and, secondly, if such redevelopment is discovered, it will be declared illegal by the inspection, and the owner will face a fine and an order to legalize the work performed or return the apartment to its previous appearance.

As we have already said, in order to coordinate the redevelopment with the expansion of the balcony opening, you will need a set of design documents - a technical report on the condition of the enclosing and load-bearing structures and the possibility of carrying out redevelopment work and a project containing a new planning solution.

You can order a project with a technical report from the author of the house project or from any design organization that has SRO approval.

Work to expand the balcony opening

The dismantling of the window sill part of the wall is carried out strictly in accordance with the redevelopment project approved by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate. Typically, project documents indicate that all dismantling work should be carried out in a non-impact manner using diamond cutting , which our company specializes in.

This method allows you to reduce work time, making it less noisy. In addition, much less construction waste remains. And the edges of the cut are smooth, which does not require additional processing or grinding.

The section of the wall intended for dismantling is cut into rectangular or square fragments convenient for further transportation and disposal. For safety reasons, it is better to contact builders who have an SRO permit to perform the work.

If you need to attach a balcony (loggia) to a kitchen or room, and, accordingly, carry out repairs to expand the balcony opening, contact our company. We carry out diamond cutting work of any complexity. And our long-term partners will help you design and coordinate the redevelopment with the dismantling of the window sill block in all interested authorities.

We work in all districts of Moscow, as well as in the cities of the Moscow region. Great experience - affordable prices. We have all approvals and permits.

What you need to prepare to create a project for demolishing a window sill block

First, you need to ask the housing inspectorate whether such a redevelopment is possible in your case. The fact is that not all houses are allowed to demolish window sill blocks, as this can lead to the collapse of the building structures. Housing inspection staff will also advise you on the collection of documents if dismantling the unit is permissible. Please note that the preparatory work (creation of design documentation, technical report) and the repair process itself must be carried out by competent organizations with permits from the SRO.

How to approve the demolition of a block

Since the demolition of the block under the window is a rather complex undertaking that requires calculations, a redevelopment project must be prepared for it. Along with it, they most often require to obtain a technical report for redevelopment, which indicates that the planned repair work will not entail harm to the comfort, safety and life of the residents of the house. You should ask the housing inspectorate about whether a technical report is needed in your case. You can definitely say that it is necessary only when you have made repairs and demolished the block without permission, and inspectors noticed this, marking the illegal changes with red lines in the BTI plan.

Experience shows that unauthorized action in the case of demolition of a block under a window is a bad decision, since it rarely complies with existing rules and regulations. If this is the case, then the owner of the apartment will have to eliminate the violation, and it will not be possible to legitimize them.

Houses in which window sill blocks definitely cannot be removed are new panel buildings that were built after 2006. The reason is that the design of such buildings provides protection against progressive destruction. Due to the structural complexity compared to other types of houses, it is strictly forbidden to remove window sill blocks here, since they are load-bearing. Their dismantling can cause tragedy.

What conditions must be observed when demolishing a block under a window?

  • Some owners place radiators on the balcony, which is essentially a prohibited activity. Because heating appliances cool faster in cold rooms, your neighbors on the upper floors may lose their heat supply in winter. The battery can only be moved within the living room.
  • It is impossible to completely connect the balcony with the premises of the apartment. You need a sliding glass partition or “French windows”. Nobody forbids keeping them open.
  • In some cases, approval for connecting a balcony to a room with the demolition of the threshold is refused for the reason that it holds the balcony slab and sometimes performs a thermal insulation function. However, in most monolithic buildings and in some other standard buildings it is not load-bearing and therefore legalization is possible. However, in 99% of houses made of brick or panels, such a move is prohibited.
  • In Khrushchev and some other standard buildings, it is prohibited to remove the lintel above the window and the walls on the sides if the wall panel serves as a load-bearing structure.
  • Before dismantling the block, it is necessary to insulate and glaze the balcony or loggia.
  • You cannot install a “warm floor” in the balcony area, which is heated by water.
  • Due to the fact that heat losses increase when dismantling the unit, it is necessary to carry out a thermal engineering calculation.

Thus, approval for the dismantling of a window sill block is a complex procedure that requires time and money. However, it is not always feasible, especially if you yourself do not know how to legitimize redevelopment. The cost of approval can be found on the calculator under the article.

I Apartment redevelopment

Example of an apartment redevelopment project



Thus, approval for the dismantling of a window sill block is a complex procedure that requires time and money. However, it is not always feasible, especially if you yourself do not know how to legitimize redevelopment. The cost of approval can be found on the calculator under the article.

Subtleties of dismantling

So, when conditionally combining a kitchen or room with a loggia, it is not prohibited to remove the window sill block, but you will still have to resort to a French partition. In addition, if the planned redevelopment project involves dismantling the window sill, then the project must necessarily include a thermal engineering calculation, because such changes increase heat loss and the load on the heating system.

But what if we are talking about such redevelopment as dismantling the window sill of the facade? This type of work also requires approval, since it is not ordinary glazing, but introduces certain changes to the outer wall. Please note that in monolithic houses (new buildings) they are reluctant to give permission to dismantle the window sill wall if we are talking about the facade of the building, because such changes “deteriorate” the entire appearance of the building, and initially for each house an individual facade design is thought out, which in the future should not undergo any changes.

The next nuance is the desire to expand the opening itself, when in addition to the window sill, the side walls are also demolished. The easiest way to implement this is in new monolithic houses, where the external walls are not load-bearing. But there are also some subtleties here: partial demolition of a non-load-bearing wall is permitted only if your property is located no higher than the 7th floor . This rule is due to fire safety. In a panel house, expanding the doorway onto the balcony is prohibited, since the integrity of the curtain panel is compromised. If this is a brick house, then the demolition of the window lintel and side walls is also often prohibited, since in most cases the outer walls of such a house are load-bearing.

In any case, having decided to modify your home, we strongly recommend that you contact qualified specialists with SRO access in order to avoid problems and unnecessary costs.

What is redevelopment?

Remodeling the loggia can be carried out in different volumes and types of work, and also differ in results. Which interventions are considered redevelopment and which are not?


If the glazing was included in the original project and was carried out during the construction of the house, then nothing needs to be agreed upon .

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing special about glazing. But experts rightfully believe that when installing glazed frames, the load on the wall, floor slab and, ultimately, on the foundations of the building increases.

If each apartment decides to arbitrarily load the wall structures and loggia floor slabs with glazed frames, this could cause serious damage to the load-bearing capacity of the entire building.

Although glazing does not entail changes in area, changes still need to be made in the technical passport plan drawings, since the outline of the outer wall changes (it becomes closed).

In addition, glazing changes the architectural appearance of the entire building. Judicial practice shows that glazing is also classified as redevelopment and is called reconstruction, but in any case, work cannot begin without obtaining permits.

Demolition of window sill wall

Demolition of a window sill wall is, of course, part of the reconstruction and requires permits and approvals.
Complete combination of a loggia with another room, be it a kitchen or a room, is not permitted for reasons of minimizing heat loss ; doors are needed, at least made of glass, possibly sliding ones.

Since the demolition of a window sill wall requires the attention of specialists, it is simply unreasonable to begin before obtaining permission to demolish it.

Removing the window unit

The elimination of a window unit, as well as its expansion or addition, requires approval, since it is a redevelopment requiring adjustment of the apartment plans on the technical passport.

Connecting to a kitchen or room

Is it a redevelopment to add a loggia to a room or to add a loggia to a kitchen? The answer to this question is clear: this is a reconstruction, permitting documents and approvals are required.

How to legalize the redevelopment of an apartment - connecting to a loggia?

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