How to protect plastic windows from being opened from the outside, from burglary, on the ground floor, in the country?

In this article we will talk about the most popular types of protection for windows in the country from the entry of thieves.
Let's consider the design features of roller shutters, shutters, grilles, their advantages and disadvantages. Find out the benefits of film for protecting windows from the sun and anti-burglary fittings.

Also, it would be a good idea to learn how to protect rooms from the scorching summer sun using blinds and thermal protective film.


How to protect plastic windows from opening?

If the windows are tightly closed, opening them is quite simple using a screwdriver and a regular crowbar. To do this, a screwdriver is inserted between the window frame and the sash, just below the handle area. The seal is pulled back and a crowbar is inserted into this hole. The handle fastening element comes out of the holder, the sash opens. Everything is quite simple and requires a small amount of time. People who live on the first and last floors need to fear for the integrity of their property. After all, according to statistics, these are the people who are attacked by intruders. You just need to go down from the roof to the top floor, bend the profile, open the sash and get inside the room. But this is much more difficult to do when installing special anti-burglary fittings.

How to protect plastic windows from opening:

  • According to experts, there is no fittings that can 100% protect against the entry of thieves. But it all depends on the time and amount of effort spent on penetration.
  • If we are talking about an apartment building, then the main task is for the penetration to be very quiet, in a short period of time. Accordingly, if you have to spend a lot of time breaking in and breaking windows, this will attract attention and lead to the arrival of the police. An attacker is not interested in attacking such targets, because the main task is to enter the premises as quickly and quietly as possible.
  • Anti-burglary fittings are a design that differs significantly from the standard one. It consists of special mushroom-shaped holders. This mushroom is fixed in the grooves and it will not be possible to open the sash by pressing, as in ordinary windows.
  • The mushroom fits tightly to the metal base, which is screwed into the plastic. Some modern window models require fixation not only with plastic, but also with an aluminum profile. Accordingly, you will have to spend a lot of effort and time to open the door. This makes it more difficult for the attacker, reducing the time to escape. Therefore, the risk of ending up in places of restriction of freedom increases.


Method No. 2 Steel doors

It is not necessary to install a door with a very expensive exterior finish to your dacha. The main thing is not appearance, but protective functions. Take a look at the economy steel door models; they are usually often used in dachas.

When choosing a door, remember that:

— The steel sheet of the door should be no thinner than 2mm, otherwise it can be opened with a kitchen knife.

— Install a door that opens only outward. So that it cannot be knocked inside.

— You need to install two complex locks, with different mechanisms.

A professional burglar understands well how difficult it is to open such metal doors with modern mortise locks.

To break open an iron door by force, which is correctly installed, you need to cut it out with an autogenous gun, and this requires time, equipment, and besides, there will be so many sparks and noise that the entire holiday village will wake up. It is unlikely that an attacker will take such a risk.

How to protect plastic windows from being opened from the outside?

By purchasing anti-burglary fittings, a person significantly reduces the likelihood of intruders entering. If the thief realizes that the window is equipped with anti-burglary fittings, then it is necessary to act in other ways. He can drill out the handle.

How to protect plastic windows from being opened from the outside:

  • To do this, insert a small cordless drill into the handle area and drill out this part. Thus, the mechanism fails and it is much easier to open it. But there are special anti-burglary handles, in the area of ​​which a special metal plate made of a heavy-duty alloy is mounted.
  • Drilling it is quite difficult using a cordless drill. Therefore, an intruder will not be able to enter the premises. The last option to break into a house is to break out the glass.
  • However, only a small number of thieves decide to use this method, since broken glass and loud noise attract a lot of attention, which is unacceptable in an apartment building or a densely populated area. However, this method is a good solution for opening a country house that is located at a considerable distance from other private mansions. Therefore, this method is most often used to penetrate country houses.

Treatment of summer cottage from fungus and mold

Starting the summer season, you may encounter such a nuisance as mold and mildew in the house and on the property. Wooden structures frozen after winter have absorbed excess moisture from snow and rain. And now they are covered with a layer of unpleasant fluffy black mold. The same picture can be found in greenhouses and outbuildings. Mold and mildew on surfaces is unsightly. But what’s even worse is that their presence turns out to be dangerous to human health. Everyone knows that mold is a powerful allergen that, with prolonged contact, can cause a person to develop chronic diseases. Getting rid of mold and mildew, especially on wooden surfaces, is not so easy. First, you need to determine and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. Secondly, areas of infection and spread of fungus, as well as neighboring surfaces, should be subject to deep treatment with special anti-mold agents. In this article I will tell you why mold and mildew appear in the country, and why it can be dangerous for humans. You will also learn about methods of combating these pests and methods of prevention.

How to protect plastic windows from burglary?

Using a crowbar, hammer or ax, you can easily break a window. There is a way to make this task more difficult. First of all, these are special impact-resistant glasses.

How to protect plastic windows from burglary using special glass:

  • Tempered. This is glass, which, after manufacturing, is heated to a temperature of 600-700 degrees. As a result of heating, stress bridges are formed inside the glass, which significantly increase the strength of the glass. It is much more difficult to break than usual. To knock out such glass, you will have to use not a stone or a crowbar, but a sharp and heavy ax. In this case, the glass will not break after the first impact. You will have to hit the surface several times to make enough holes to open the door.
  • Wired glass . During production, a special metal mesh is inserted between the coating and the glass. It is a kind of reinforcement, or frame, that prevents the glass from breaking into small fragments. However, such glass is not very attractive and cannot always be used, so very often a special plastic film is used as reinforcement. Thus, during an impact, the glass does not shatter into pieces and remains attached to the film.
  • Triplex. This is the most complex and reliable glass option. It is made by gluing two glasses, between which a plastic film is inserted. It is very difficult to break such glass, because you will not only have to achieve the formation of fragments, but also peel them off from the surface of the film. Accordingly, you will have to break out such glass in pieces. This may cause cuts and will take longer.

Cable lock

DIY alarm system

This was in the 90s, at the height of the theft “epidemic”. The only “security” in our SNT then was a watchman - a heavy drinker and, according to rumors, he himself worked as a gunner for local hooligans. Therefore, gardeners had to save themselves from intruders on their own. It was then that we decided to install an alarm system in our country house.

The husband approached the matter thoroughly. I bought the simplest and most inexpensive set of car alarms with a siren and a remote control on the radio market. I added to it a dozen and a half suitable magnetic sensors that respond to door opening, a dozen small red LEDs, a coil of thin wire and another siren (howler). The entire system was designed for a voltage of 12 Volts, so the electrical requirements were the most primitive.

Arriving at the dacha, my husband installed sensors on the jambs of windows and doors (on the windows there are also LEDs) and connected them according to the instructions to the alarm control unit. To fasten all this, as well as to lay wiring along the walls, instead of nails, I used a glue “gun” with hot plastic (the same one used by designers or compilers of compositions from dried flowers). I screwed two howlers - one inside the house, in the pantry, the second on the outside wall near the attic window. I provided the alarm with electricity using an old car battery that did not hold a charge well and was already destined for disposal, which I placed on constant recharging from the power supply (with a very small current, through an outlet separate from the rest of the network). Thus, the system was not afraid of temporary power outages, which often happen at our dacha in winter.

A month later, the thieves actually came to us. Moreover, at first these reckless people were not afraid to climb onto a snowdrift and bite through the power line running from the pole to the house. How come they haven’t been killed yet! But the lights in the windows did not stop burning - the battery was still charged. Then the thieves somehow climbed onto the porch canopy, smashed the first howler they could reach with a hammer, and climbed into the second floor window (since the husband was lazy and did not put an LED there). We went downstairs, opened the interior door - that’s when the second siren screamed! The attackers retreated shamefully and even left us their hammer. All the damage was broken glass in a small sash window and a fee to a local electrician for restoring the power cable.

But the most interesting thing: after this incident, even when my husband stopped turning on the alarm and eventually dismantled it altogether, no one even bothered us for more than 10 years (and then they established good security at SNT)! While the neighbors were “robbed” regularly. Reputation, however!

Elena Lebedeva, Moscow region.

How to protect windows from thieves?

Very often, home owners themselves attract intruders and thieves by using unreliable methods of fastening window frames. In a standard installation, using metal anchor plates, the windows are welded or attached to the frame, that is, to the wall. After this, the cracks are blown out with polyurethane foam. Next, window sills and slopes are attached. This design is quite strong, so it is quite difficult to break the frame from the window opening. Many people save on installation, or do the so-called temporary window mounting. It is placed on polyurethane foam and covered with cement mortar. It is quite easy to squeeze it out of the wall with a little effort. Therefore, contact professionals who will securely attach the window frame to the wall.

How to protect windows from thieves:

  • It should be noted that child locks make the task of intruders much more difficult. They are located in the handle area and do not allow it to be turned without using a key. Therefore, by installing such locks on the handles, you will not only protect them from children, but also make it more difficult for thieves.
  • To make it more difficult for intruders to enter an apartment or house, it is necessary to use all methods of protection at once. That is, anti-vandal fittings, durable glass and locking mechanisms in the handle area.
  • An integrated approach will maximize the time during which an attacker can get into the house. If we are talking about an apartment in a multi-storey residential complex, then this task is almost impossible, as it requires several hours of time. During this time, it is very easy to detect an intruder.

Setting up protection

Burglar resistance classes

When purchasing burglar-resistant roller shutters, you should ask the seller for certificates confirming the compliance of the security systems with a certain burglary resistance class (according to GOST R 52502-2012).

  • Class P1.
    Such roller shutters will withstand a load of 1000 N. This is equal to the pressure on the center of the canvas by a man weighing about 100 kg or throwing a brick weighing 2.5 kg from a distance of 5-7 m. Of the solutions presented on the Russian market, this burglary resistance class is assigned to Prestige roller shutters.
  • Classes P3-P4.
    The designs of these classes resist burglary with hand tools, including cutting tools, for at least 4 minutes. During this time, upon a signal from the remote control or a call from neighbors, the private security service or the police will have time to arrive. Roller shutters of the Security series, corresponding to these burglary resistance classes, are optimal for houses with increased requirements for the protection of window openings.
  • Class P5
    . Products of this class are suitable even for facilities with increased security requirements, for example, banks or jewelry stores. In private homes, as a rule, it is not practical to install these heavy and expensive systems.

Expert commentary

Stanislav Kuzmitsky, Deputy Director of Marketing, Alutech Incorporated LLC

“In order not to make a mistake in choosing protective roller shutters, it is important to know the maximum dimensions of the structure - they must be indicated in the certificate. It is quite possible that you are offered a solution that provides a certain class of burglary resistance only for small openings.

A simple example: if a shopping bag says that it can withstand 2 kg, then it is hardly worth putting 3 liter bottles of water in it - the bag will not hold it. Same with roller shutters. If they are stated to provide a certain class of burglary resistance on an opening 1.1 m wide, then they cannot be expected to provide the same security for an opening width of 1.5 or 2 m.”

How to protect windows on the first floor?

One of the most effective ways to protect an apartment on the ground floor is to install bars and roller shutters. However, this is not the only way to protect your home. The attackers are afraid that the owners will soon return. Therefore, the main task when leaving for a long period of time is to simulate the presence of the owner of the home.

How to protect windows on the first floor:

  • To do this, just use smart sockets. These are sockets that work using navigation, or turned on Wi-Fi in the house, that is, via the Internet. In order for such sockets to work, you will have to take care of constant Internet in the house. You can control such sockets using a smartphone at any distance, even while in another country. All you have to do is give a signal and turn on the socket.
  • Thus, the light in the room will turn on if a light source is connected to the socket. This is a lamp, chandelier or shades. In addition, this will allow you to turn on not only the lights, but also play music. In addition, it is advisable to close the windows on the ground floor using thick curtains so that intruders cannot examine the income of the homeowners and find something valuable for themselves.
  • Video surveillance is also quite effective. Pay attention to the quality of plastic windows, which was mentioned above. Do not neglect child protection and the use of special locks. It is best to order roller shutters to completely close the window and prevent it from being damaged by thieves or broken by hooligans.

Lines of Defense

According to the Austrian criminal authorities, conventional roller shutters are not burglar-resistant enough, so it is important to use additional protection against unauthorized lifting of the curtain and reinforced guide rails. A high level of home security will be ensured by reliable roller shutters in combination with burglary-resistant windows made of reinforced profiles and equipped with special fittings and vandal-resistant triplex double-glazed windows. Ideally, your home should have an alarm system connected to a remote control and a video surveillance system.

How to protect windows in your country house?

To protect windows in your country house, you must use the most reliable methods. This is due to the fact that very often in winter there is practically no one in the area of ​​the holiday village. Therefore, the security guard may not be there to call the police or help or a security organization. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the most reliable methods.

How to protect windows in your country house:

  • Role-shutters
  • Lattices
  • Roller blinds

Purchasing unbreakable windows is not the best idea, since in any case, an attacker, with effort, will be able to break the glass, along with the film or fittings that are inside. It’s not a matter of time here, because there are no people in the village, the likelihood that someone will call the police is minimized. Therefore, at the dacha, attackers can not rush anywhere, but calmly do their job. Special devices called “pugachi” have also proven themselves well. This is a kind of alarm system that works using motion sensors. As soon as a person enters the operating area of ​​the motion sensor, a loud alarm will sound. It is she who will scare off the attacker. Such devices are installed together with security systems. Thus, a few minutes after the alarm is triggered, security will arrive at the scene.


Read on topic:

  • Gazebos for summer cottages made of wood, metal, plastic: how to arrange them?
  • What is the difference between a bathhouse and a sauna: comparison, difference
  • Do-it-yourself Alpine slide at the dacha: step-by-step construction
  • How to make a well at your dacha with your own hands: wooden, brick, decorative
  • How and with what to seal wooden and plastic windows: tips

As practice shows, it is easiest to open a window sash that is being ventilated. Everything is very simple here, since there is no need to open the lock and unlock the handle. It is enough just to remove the sash from its hinges. This is quite easy to do if the window is for ventilation. Therefore, the main task when you leave home, even in the summer heat, is to close the window without leaving it to ventilate. This will at least make it more difficult for attackers. The same applies to balcony doors. Be sure to close them when you leave.

Summer cottage safety rules

There are many ways to protect a suburban area; each owner chooses the one that suits him in terms of convenience and cost. However, even for the most economical people there are traditional rules for the safety of a summer cottage. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  • Fence on a summer cottage. Do not neglect this structure on your site; the fence has not only an aesthetic role. This is a reliable way to protect a house, even if the house itself is simple and unremarkable in appearance. An economical option would be a fence made of chain-link mesh or edged boards.
  • Timely execution of work. Do not delay harvesting from the beds, do not leave equipment or equipment on the site that could attract intruders.
  • Make contacts. Friendship with neighbors in the village is not only a reason for neighborly gatherings and meetings over barbecue. Neighbors can play a critical role in the success of a site-proofing campaign. They will be the first to notice that something is wrong and will be able to provide you with information in a timely manner or call the police to scare off or catch the intruders.
  • Use the lock. A high-quality door with a security system is, of course, an obligatory part of protective measures. We will talk about this in more detail below. But even the presence of a door does not replace a high-quality padlock on the door. But experts do not recommend hanging a padlock on the gate; the presence of such a lock will make burglars think that no one has visited the house for a long time. When choosing a padlock, give preference to a reliable product. Pay attention to how the lock is located; it is advisable to consider a canopy or insulation; if the lock is frozen over the winter, you yourself will not be able to open it easily.
  • Join gardening societies. Owners of country real estate join communities whose privilege is organized security. Partnerships have the right to hire security; in addition, there are cases where the partnership members themselves went on duty to protect their own homes.

I take everything I own with me

All expensive and valuable things must be removed from the dacha for the winter. There should only be things that you don’t mind or things that are difficult to transport (large furniture). Definitely worth picking up:

  • documents and money;
  • household appliances;
  • tools: hand and electric;
  • products made of non-ferrous metals (aluminum basin, copper pot);
  • food (they may be of interest to the homeless).

Following simple precautions will keep your dacha safe and sound until the next summer season. The arriving owners will only have to clean up the mess and enjoy the coming summer.

  • Author: Zimina Tatyana
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Window shutters have been used by man since antiquity. Until the time when windows began to be glazed, they protected houses not only from unwanted guests, but also from cold, rain, and wind. Each country had its own traditions of designing shutters - they could be painted or carved, solid or dotted with slits for light and air.

Today, shutters are used mainly for decorative purposes - they are often fake and are simply attached to the wall in an open form. But they can also serve as protection from robbers.

What to do with building material

If a large amount of building material remains in stock for future work, optimal storage conditions must be provided for it, but what they will be depends on the type of raw material. Let's take a closer look:

  • bulk mixtures are suspended on a raised surface and protected from lateral precipitation;
  • the boards are laid in stacks of 50 cm, and space is left between them for ventilation, and the top is covered with insulation with ventilation;
  • the brick is completely wrapped in plastic film;
  • the sand is poured into a sandbox specially constructed from boards, having previously covered its bottom with geotextiles.
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