Roller shutters for windows (29 photos): internal automatic structures, fabric window blinds for an apartment

Home safety is one of the top priorities of every owner. And here you can’t just use strong walls and reliable doors; special attention needs to be paid to windows, especially if it’s a private house or an apartment on the ground floor. grilles were used for this , but technology does not stand still, and a design has appeared that is increasingly used to protect homes from thieves and ill-wishers - metal security roller shutters for external windows for cottages, offices, etc.

This is the best means of protection against penetration. They do not prevent the penetration of light into the home, since when raised they are almost invisible, which cannot be said about grilles. And this design looks much more aesthetic and practical.

The application of these products is quite wide: this includes the protection of private houses , apartments, shops , shopping centers, boutiques and so on. Designs with different functions are used for different rooms, but the principle of their operation is similar to each other.

These designs have their own characteristics, which it is advisable to know, since not only the appearance of the facade of your home and its safety, but also the cost of the product depend on them.

Difference between indoor and outdoor structures

Which side to mount the structure on depends solely on the wishes of the customer, since technically there are no differences between these two types of shutters.
In any case, roller shutters for internal or external windows will effectively protect your home from uninvited guests, hooligans, wind, rain, sun and dust. If you place them indoors, several important advantages will be revealed, for example, the structure cannot be dismantled without getting into the building. The appearance of the facade will not be disturbed, which is an advantage if the shutters do not match the style of the building. Such shutters have only one disadvantage: the window remains outside and can be broken by vandals. For this reason, if your apartment is on the first or second floor, it is advisable to use a structure mounted on the street side.

External roller shutters

Internal roller shutters for plastic windows can also be invisible indoors: the box can be positioned in such a way that it will not be conspicuous; ordinary curtains can be hung in front of the window. If the house is just being built, you can use the built-in installation technique. In this case, the slats rise, folding not into a box located above the window, but into the wall. But this method of installation is impossible if the structure is already ready.

Internal roller shutters

The overhead method is convenient and universal. The box is screwed over the opening that needs to be protected. This can be done from the inside or outside of the building. Structurally, shutters are no different. Most often, the box is mounted directly on the wall above the opening. This allows you to simplify the process as much as possible and save space.

Using roller shutters is an effective way to protect premises from criminals, as well as unwanted weather conditions. The design will help create a pleasant indoor climate and fit well into the interior.

Installation features.

Installation can be done in several ways, it all depends on preference. By calling an experienced specialist, you can get practical advice on how best to install the product. You need to know not only which method is preferable, but also the advantages and disadvantages of each. Let's take a closer look.

Surface-mounted box outwardBuilt-in mounting box outwardsBuilt-in installation box insideHidden installation of the box

Built-in installation.

This installation is carried out inside the opening, where the fastening is made to the internal end surfaces. The advantage is that the box stands directly in the opening and does not protrude. But the fact that the view from the window becomes much smaller can be considered a disadvantage.

Overlay installation.

External roller shutters are installed on the opening and attached to the facade of the building. The box in which the roller shutter is assembled is installed above the window, and the guides frame the window on all sides.

The advantage is that the window opening does not change, and from the inside of the room, the roller shutters themselves are not visible, the window looks normal. A disadvantage can be considered the protruding boxes relative to the facade.

Internal installation.

This option is similar to the previous one, only the box is located on the inside of the room. Both the disadvantages and advantages are comparable to external installation, only in a mirror image. The only thing I would like to note is that the roller shutters will not fit tightly to the window. In addition, the double-glazed window will be open from the street, and intruders can break it.

Built-in box.

Installation takes place in the opening. At the same time, a special niche is made for the box in the window opening from its upper part.

The advantage of this installation is that the protection against penetration is maximum, since the box is located in a protected place. The window opening remains free.

The downside is that such an arrangement of roller shutters needs to be laid out during the design process. If this has not been done, then it will not be possible to do without dismantling work. And the appearance of the facade will be spoiled.

Non-standard designs.

Roller shutters can be installed not only on standard windows; this design also looks good on non-standard openings. For example, they can be ordered for window openings:

  • Arched;
  • Bay windows;
  • Attic;
  • Panoramic.


Indoor roller shutters have several advantages over conventional doors:

  1. Space saving
    . It happens that it is not possible to install even a sliding door in a room, because there is absolutely no free space on the sides of the opening. In such cases, roller shutters become the best option because they open upward. This saves space in small spaces, such as hallways or hallways.
  2. Improved sound insulation
    . The dense lamella fabric effectively blocks sounds, drafts, dust and dirt. Therefore, if one of the rooms is undergoing renovation or the room needs to be protected from extraneous sounds in the apartment for a comfortable stay, it is difficult to imagine a better solution than roller shutters.
  3. Automatic opening

    . If you open and close frequently, automatic control will be a convenient method. It is enough to press the wall button, and the roller shutters rise, freeing up the passage.

  4. Easy to install.

    Roller shutters can be installed in a room without the help of specialists. A box with a shaft is attached above the opening, and on the door slopes there are guides, between which the canvas is installed.

Protective functions of roller shutters

The main function of such a roller shutter system is protection from prying eyes and possible hacking. Roller shutters when lowered ensure the safety of property, as well as the integrity of doors and windows. This roller shutter system also protects the premises from adverse weather conditions, providing an optimal microclimate. Another function is to protect the room from dust and noise. Roller shutters are often used to reduce the levels of extraneous sounds in a room. This system is also necessary to regulate the flow of sunlight and protect against dust and sand.

Rice. 2. Roller shutters prevent unauthorized access to the premises.

Protection from prying eyes

Window shutters are a reliable means of protection and privacy. Using such a roller shutter system allows you to protect yourself from the prying eyes of random passers-by. This function of roller shutters is especially important for residents of the first floors. In addition, such roller shutters provide comfortable work in office premises. It is worth noting that roller shutters are also an original decorative element that can emphasize the exclusivity and style of the building’s facade. This can be achieved through the variety of colors and shapes of these roller shutter systems.

Rice. 3. Scheme of fastening roller shutters.

Noise protection

Roller shutters are also actively used to protect against extraneous noise. A similar effect is achieved through the use of aluminum profiles with soundproofing foam filling. Polyurethane foam is usually used as this filler. These profiles, distinguished by their strength and rigidity, act as a kind of filter, which also prevents dust, sand and various debris from entering the room. Thus, this roller shutter system protects the room from unnecessary noise and dirt, allowing you to work efficiently and relax comfortably.

Weather protection

Roller shutters of this type are also actively used to protect premises from negative weather conditions. The installation of this roller shutter system allows you to maintain the required indoor microclimate at any time of the year. Roller shutters are a reliable shelter from snow, rain, hail, heavy winds and other types of bad weather. Thus, installing roller shutters prevents the possibility of causing serious damage to the premises. In addition, such roller shutters allow you to control the degree of sunlight received. In this way, it is possible to retain heat in winter and prevent excessive heating in summer.

Rice. 4. Installation methods.

Sun protection

As for sun protection, window roller shutters help keep the room cool even on the hottest days. Thanks to this, it is possible to protect furniture, carpets, curtains and other interior elements from fading. Such sun protection is also relevant for stores that display perishable products on display. It should be noted that even after long-term operation of such a roller shutter system under negative solar and atmospheric influences, the roller shutters retain their appearance and continue to function efficiently.

Rice. 5. Roller shutters are the best means of sun protection.

Hacking protection

Another function of window roller shutters is burglary protection. When lowered, this roller shutter system ensures the integrity and safety of windows and doors. In addition, the presence of roller shutters allows you to protect property from possible unauthorized access. This function is achieved through the use of unique design components. They are made of high strength aluminum. Accordingly, such roller shutters are able to reliably protect the premises even in the absence of its owner. It should also be emphasized that roller shutters, as a rule, open from the inside, thus ensuring the possibility of unhindered evacuation of people.

Rice. 6. Roller shutters protect against burglary.

Features of internal roller shutters

Manufactured in accordance with EU standards, roller shutters are lightweight internal products made of high-strength plastic that have a more aesthetic appearance than classic outdoor options. They are often installed in offices, conference rooms, meeting rooms, clinics, child care facilities, etc. Internal roller shutters consist of a load-resistant profile. It is made by rolling. The profile can be filled with solid polyurethane foam (PPU), a polymer that improves the performance characteristics of products. It perfectly absorbs sounds and has high fire-resistant characteristics.

Advantages of roller shutters

Among the main advantages of these structures, it is worth noting the increased degree of rigidity of the roller shutter curtain in the open position. This effect is achieved by installing extruded end profiles. They also prevent unauthorized lifting of the roller shutter curtain.

The advantages include the possibility of reliable protection of glass from mechanical shocks and vandalism. Thanks to this, residents of the first floors and shop owners do not need to use massive metal gratings, which have long since become obsolete. Another plus is its ease of use. Roller shutters do not require regular preventative maintenance or repairs. These roller shutter systems are also durable, safe and simple.

The roller shutter system can be controlled manually or automatically. In the second case, special electric drives are used. Roller shutter controls are selected according to their weight, size and operator comfort. Also noteworthy is the fairly low cost of this roller shutter system in comparison with manor or garage doors.

Rice. 7. Roller shutters can be made in a variety of colors.

Internal roller shutters - installation advantages

By installing internal roller shutters on plastic windows in your home or office, you take care of:

  • improving sound insulation of the house;
  • additional thermal insulation;
  • improving the individual interior qualities of the room;
  • simplicity and ease of window maintenance. Heavy curtains need to be regularly washed, ironed, hung, and internal roller shutters just need to be wiped with a damp cloth;
  • saving space indoors. Curtains weigh down the space and hide it.

What elements does the design contain?

Any roller shutters have a simple design. It includes the following elements:

  • Protective box: This is where the slats are when you raise the shutter. The box is needed to physically protect the canvas from weather conditions, dust, ridges, and create a decorative appearance for the structure.
  • Lamels are what the movable canvas consists of. A lamella is a thin plastic, steel or aluminum plate; a web is assembled from several such elements. If roller shutters are intended to protect against vandals, steel slats are used. For other purposes, less durable and lighter material can be used.
  • The guides are attached to the walls. This element ensures the movement of the web.
  • The canvas is the main part of the structure that covers a window, door or other opening.
  • Drive: it is used to set the blade in motion. It can be manual or mechanical depending on the complexity and cost of the design.

Indoor roller shutters are not always equipped with a mechanical drive, but some models can be operated from a control panel and opened remotely.

Roller shutter design

Features of roller shutters

Roller shutters also have several features that determine how they can be used. First of all, these metal products usually have a symmetrical shape. They open vertically, winding down or up in the form of a roll. There are also roller shutters of asymmetrical shape. Such options are usually used if the roller shutter system must accurately follow the shape of roofs and windows.

As for the use of roller shutters, they are most often used to protect apartments located on the ground floors, shops, cash register windows and other similar premises. Sloping roller shutters can also be used, which ensure tight closure of the roofs of winter gardens and other translucent structures. Additionally, these roller shutter systems can be used as office partitions and even independent interior elements.

It is also worth saying that roller shutters are controlled by mechanical or electrical drives. There are several options for mechanical drives - cord, cord, belt, spring-inertial and crank. A mechanical drive is usually used to protect rooms with several small windows. But to control large roller shutters, it is customary to use an electric drive.

Rice. 13. How electric roller shutters are connected.


The market for roller shutters is vast. The main categories by which they differ:

  • material of manufacture;
  • type of installation;
  • control method;
  • functionality;
  • type of panels.

You can choose various designs for your home, for example, such as:

  • fabric;
  • built-in;
  • louvered;
  • roll;
  • with electric drive;
  • with mosquito net;
  • roller;
  • inserted into double-glazed window frames;
  • for bay and roof windows.

It is not at all difficult to install such structures on the windows of a summer house. Attaching the grille block is quite simple.


Depending on their main purpose, roller shutters can be made of different materials. These are mainly metal (steel or aluminum alloy) and plastic.

  • Steel roller shutters serve primarily to protect the premises from thieves. Among the disadvantages of steel, it is worth noting its heaviness and susceptibility to rust.
  • Plastic is advantageous in that it can be selected in the desired color scheme. Plastic roller shutters are often used as a decorative element.
  • Aluminum is not as strong as steel, but it can provide sufficient security against thieves while being lightweight.

Criteria, characteristics and nuances when choosing

When choosing window shutters and roller shutters, you should pay attention to the following technical characteristics of the products, design features of window openings, and elements of their filling:

  • Dimensions of the window opening.
  • Wall material.
  • Mechanical strength of the enclosing structure.
  • The category of responsibility of the object, on which the material and protection class depend.
  • Fire hazard class of the structure.
  • Availability of sanitary and hygienic requirements.
  • Architectural features of the building facade.
  • Personal wishes of the owner of the premises.
  • The size of the budget allocated for the purchase of these structures.

Each product from a trusted supplier is supplied with a quality passport, which indicates the number of the quality certificate, as well as official documents providing fire and environmental safety class.


There are no technical differences between external and internal structures. If you plan to install roller shutters in a building that is still under construction, then an installation option is possible when the canvas is rolled up not inside the protective box, but directly into the wall. The control method can be automatic or mechanical. Roller shutters can be controlled automatically using a remote control, switch keys or an electronic key-lock. Another option, the most modern and expensive, is connecting to the Smart Home system.

The mechanical control method can be divided into three categories. Models are:

  • tape;
  • geared;
  • gimbals.

Tape roller shutters should be made only from lightweight materials. They are controlled like blinds. The gearbox is suitable for blades weighing no more than 25 kg. In this case, a handle is installed in the box, with the help of which the roller shutters are set in motion. Cardan control is suitable for steel lamellas. This control method is considered the most complex in design and installation.


Don’t forget about profiles for roller shutters, because you can’t do without them.

These include:

  • lightweight profile with foam filling
  • reinforced one-piece profile
  • lattice type profile of one-piece structure.

Profiles with roller bars and foam weigh very little, but this does not prevent them from serving their purpose well.

The only disadvantage of such roller shutters is the mutual stability of the rollers, but otherwise everything meets the needs of buyers.

This design option is suitable for those who do not want to invest significant sums in home security, because they practically do not protect against intrusion.

As for the seamless design of roller shutters, it is responsible specifically for the protection of housing. It is very difficult to open or damage.

The lattice type is usually used in stores, because it allows you to display goods and protect them when necessary.


Before deciding to install slats on windows, you need to decide what exactly you need protection from. Depending on this, it is easier to determine the material and method of their installation. There are anti-vandal roller shutters and fireproof ones. Vandal-proof fabric can withstand serious mechanical damage. The main function of fire shutters is to contain a fire that occurs inside a room for a fairly long period.

The type of panels can be perforated or solid. Perforation – the presence of a large number of holes in the panels. Usually their size does not exceed 1 mm. Located symmetrically across the entire surface of the lamellas, they create a kind of pattern, which gives the appearance of the canvas additional attractiveness. Perforated slats allow air and sunlight to pass through to a greater extent than solid slats. Externally they look more aesthetically pleasing.

Technical characteristics and typical dimensions

Almost every manufacturer of shutters and roller shutters installed on the facades of civil buildings can produce individual designs in strict accordance with the technical specifications from the customer. In this case, the only limitations are the capabilities of the production line and the dimensions of the raw material.

At the same time, to equip standard window structures manufactured in accordance with GOST, factories produce products with the following dimensions :

  • For single-leaf windows, shutters are rarely used, since their design involves the installation of two opening elements. Roller shutters are made with dimensions from 650 x 600 mm to 950 x 2400 mm. The width of the products slightly exceeds the dimensions of the opening, since the runners for the shutters are located in the walls outside of it.
  • For double-leaf windows - from 1250 x 600 mm to 1850 x 2400 mm.
  • For three-leaf windows, shutters are also practically not used due to the too large width of the sash, and roller shutters are made with dimensions from 1850 x 600 to 3000 x 2400.

The maximum width of the shutter leaf, as a rule, does not exceed 1200 mm, that is, the structures can be installed on a window with a size of up to 2400 mm, and the width of the roller shutters is limited by the length of the supplied profile from which it is made. As a rule, this dimension is 3000 mm. The height of the roller shutter is also limited to 2400 mm, since the diameter of the roll formed at the window lintel level depends on this steam gauge.

Shutters and roller shutters have the following technical characteristics, which are indicated in the quality certificate of each factory product:

  • Product dimensions.

  • Thickness - depends on the presence of effective insulation, usually from 8 to 20 mm.
  • The width of the roller shutter section is from 45 to 80 mm.
  • The weight of the product or canvas is from 2 to 6 kg/m2.
  • For roller shutters, a separate indicator is used for the number of horizontal sections per 1 linear meter of structure height - from 13 to 25 pieces.
  • Availability and number of shutter clamps.
  • Number of loops.
  • Presence and type of locking element.
  • Drive categories – mechanical, belt drive with gearbox, spring device or electric motor.
  • Heat transfer resistance – up to 0.5 m2 * oC / W.
  • The noise insulation properties of the structure are up to 35 dB.
  • Color, type of painting.
  • Eco-friendly class.
  • Fire protection class.
  • Material of manufacture - wood, aluminum, sandwich or plastic.

When purchasing these products, you should also pay attention to the manufacturer, the date the company was founded, as well as the presence of positive reviews about the brand’s products on the Internet. The above characteristics correspond to GOST.

Scope of application

Due to their versatility, roller shutters can be used in almost any room. Due to their design, they are able to reliably protect property from thieves. Depending on the choice of panel material, roller shutters have varying degrees of protective resistance. The highest burglar-proof function was recorded for steel sheets. People often choose roller shutters in an attempt to save money on climate control systems, since the products allow air to pass through or reliably retain heat inside the room.

If previously roller shutters were chosen mainly by residents of the lower floors of residential buildings, now you can increasingly see roller shutters on the windows of the upper floors of high-rise buildings. This can be explained by their decorative function and practicality. Roller shutters installed outside help protect your home from thieves and accidental mechanical damage. Roller shutters, made of fairly light plastic, can withstand the impact of a ball or stone. They are able to reliably detect a fire near its source, preventing the spread of flame and smoke to adjacent rooms.

Roller shutter systems with advanced functions

the PRESTIGE series have a variety of colors and additional properties

. Premium quality foam-filled profiles have improved wind resistance, heat regulation, as well as class P1 burglary resistance. They differ in the thickness of the profile walls and guides.


We recommend selecting roller shutter profiles according to the wind resistance parameters and the wind area in which the object is located. At a wind speed of 19.5 m/s (1st wind region), it is recommended to use the AR40 profile for openings up to 2.7 m wide, and the use of the AR/555 profile for openings up to 3.4 m wide.

Additional option - perforation of the roller shutter sheet

A distinctive feature of roller shutters for Prestige series windows is the presence of not only blind, but also perforated profiles. Perforation - narrow slits along the top of the lamella. They allow diffused light to pass through and promote ventilation.

A perforated profile compared to a blank one looks like this:

! If desired, the perforated roller shutter leaf is also closed tightly, in this case it is necessary to select the control of an electric drive or a knob

Roller shutters for windows with mosquito net

A unique solution from Alutech is roller shutters with a built-in mosquito net (AMC).

Such roller shutters protect against mosquitoes, flies, horseflies and poplar fluff. This is very important for people suffering from allergies. There are no analogues of the design in the CIS. The uniqueness is that the 2 in 1 system is both a rolling mesh and a roller shutter fabric. Moreover, they can be controlled separately, independently of each other!

A roll-up mesh has an advantage over a frame mesh - it does not need to be removed for the winter, it is compactly stored in a folded box. Also, in the summer, a collapsible mesh is more convenient to use - it can be easily lowered or raised at any time, unlike a frame mesh, which is rigidly installed and will take time to remove or install

The mosquito net is wound into a box using a separate mechanism. It is fixed manually with one click on the latch.

Types of control

There are designs with mechanical (manual) control and roller shutters for windows with electric drive.

Methods of mechanical (manual) control

Roller shutters with a belt and crank drive do not require additional locking elements, since they are fixed with locking elements, unlike roller shutters with spring-inertia control

Methods of locking (blocking lifting) for roller shutters with a spring-inertia mechanism.

The valves are suitable for locking from the inside, and the lock is suitable for locking from the outside (street) side

Latches (latches) Deadbolt lock

Automatic control methods

Automatic control is carried out due to the electric drive of the roller shutter and control elements. Roller shutters for electric windows, if necessary, can be equipped with an emergency lift function (which will allow you to open/close the roller shutters when there is no power supply)


A rocker wall switch is the simplest, most inexpensive and popular control element for window roller shutters

The radio control system includes portable or wall-mounted remote controls, the possibility of individual and group control (several roller shutters at the same time).

Installation of internal roller shutters on doors and windows

Installation work for installing internal protective structures does not differ from standard ones. Preference is given to the overhead method, in which the box is placed on top, while the most preferred control option is mechanical. Using this system, you can delimit the space of an apartment into several rooms, hide plumbing and other communications. In some cases, the architectural features of the building do not allow installing the system outside, so they resort to the internal type of roller shutters.

Types of window protective structures

In recent years, manufacturing enterprises that manufacture and supply protective structures for windows to consumers have significantly expanded their product range.

Shutters, roller shutters

Shutters have been produced and used in our country for many centuries, but in recent years, their designs have improved significantly. Products are classified according to the following criteria :

  1. According to the material:
      Wooden with paint coating or laminated PVC film.
  2. Plastic with lamination, or painted in the mass, with a textured surface or smooth.
  3. Metal, hollow or filled with effective insulation, powder-painted in RAL.
  4. By design:
      Panel-type, with a solid cross-section.
  5. Paneled, consisting of a supporting frame and internal filling with variable thickness.
  6. Louvre type.
  7. With a shaped non-standard cross-section.
  8. By mechanism type:
      Classic, with swivel hinges.
  9. With spring mechanism.
  10. With piston drive.
  11. By the presence of a lock:
      Without a lock.
  12. With an internal latch.
  13. With eyelets and padlock.
  14. With mortise locking mechanism.

Their retail cost depends on the type, material used and design of the shutters.

Roller blinds

Roller shutters are also manufactured by a variety of manufacturing companies, each of which strives to provide consumers with a wide range of products to choose from.

Roller shutters are classified according to a number of distinctive features:

  1. According to the material:
  2. Sandwich structures with insulation.
  3. Metal-plastic.
  4. Metal.
  5. Based on the presence of a locking device:
      Without a lock.
  6. With external padlock.
  7. With mortise lock.
  8. With automatic lift lock.
  9. By drive type:
      With manual opening.
  10. With remote belt drive.
  11. With electric motor and remote control.
  12. With a remote control transmitting a signal to the electric motor.
  13. By installation method:
      There is a wall in the body, on the opening.
  14. In the opening, if the wall thickness allows installation of a product of the selected size.
  15. Built-in – mounted to the window profile.
  16. Combined installation method.

When choosing a product, you should also pay attention to the thickness of the metal , since armored roller shutters are available for sale and are installed in banking institutions. Such products are much more expensive than others, but they provide the highest class of burglary protection.

Indoor roller shutter control

Price from:

990 rub.

Inertia spring

Manual method, where the load capacity can reach 100 kg. Very simple, reliable and autonomous. Raising and lowering the canvas is carried out using a handle at its bottom. Used everywhere.

Price from:

2500 rub.


A cardan is attached to the gearbox on the shaft, to which the handle is in turn attached. Opening is carried out by rotating the handle. A very convenient method that has restrictions on the weight of the canvas. Also suitable as doors on interior roller shutters, in other options.

Price from:

1000 rub.

Belt drive.

One end of the tape is attached to a pulley located on the shaft, the other to a tape laying machine installed indoors. Simply pull the tape towards you to open the shutters. There is a load limit of up to 15 kg.

Price from:

3300 rub.

Electric drive

The canvas is driven by an electric motor. This is one of the most convenient ways in which you can use a remote control or a wall switch. Has no restrictions on carrying capacity.

Price from:

3300 rub.

Combined: electric drive with cardan.

Combines both principles in case of power outages or failure of the automation system. You can use such roller shutters instead of doors to the kitchen, office or commercial space.

Manual control of roller shutters.

This system is the simplest and least expensive. It is practical and does not have such “whims” as automatic ones. It does not depend on electricity, and therefore in the event of a power outage, you will not have problems closing or opening the roller shutters.

In turn, it has several drive options:

  • Tape,
  • Cardan,
  • Cable,
  • Spring-inertial.

Belt drive.

Designed for lightweight construction, the most uncomplicated and inexpensive control option. It works according to the following principle: the end of the tape is attached to a pulley that stands on the shaft. And the other end to the tape stacker, which is mounted on the inside of the room. To manipulate the roller shutters, simply pull the tape. The weight of the structure should not exceed 15 kg.

Among the advantages are reasonable prices, ease of operation and maintenance.

The disadvantages are the weight limitation and the impossibility of exiting through the wall, that is, they can only be opened or closed from the inside of the room.

Open and close the roller shutters by moving the control handle up and down

Cardan mechanism.

Suitable for medium-heavy fabrics – up to 36 kg. Controlled using a cardan handle. The handle rotates in both directions, and it depends on the direction whether the blade opens or closes. A very convenient system that controls the canvas.

The advantages include low cost, reliability, and the ability to install an automatic top lock.

The disadvantages are that output through the wall is difficult.

Cable reducer.

The roller shutter is set in motion by tensioning the cable using a special lever. A cardan shaft with a spring, onto which the cable is attached, rotates the profile blade. This device is intended for heavy structures whose weight exceeds 100 kg.

The advantages include a low price and the ability to install on any side of the room.

The only drawback is that the controls can be difficult to bring out, due to some construction nuances.

Open and close the roller shutters by turning the control knob left and right

Spring-induction mechanism.

The most common mechanism in use.

The configuration of the mechanism is intended for 80 kg sheets.

Special levers are installed on the lower guide, which allow you to control the raising or lowering of the roller shutter curtain. A very common option that is preferred by ordinary people.

The advantages include reasonable price and easy installation. And the disadvantages: the mandatory installation of a lower locking device.

Open and close roller shutters by pulling the curtain up or down

Primary colors

RAL-9016 (white) RAL-8014 (brown) RAL-7038 (gray) RAL-1001 (beige) RAL-9006 (silver) The entire palette>>
is an official partner of Alutech, a leader in the production of protective structures on the Russian market. Therefore, we can offer high-quality service, installation and repair, and the optimal cost of internal roller shutters. The company's online catalog contains photos of our latest work, useful information about profiles, control systems and installation methods. Here you can arrange a surveyor’s visit, calculate the cost and get professional advice over the phone.

Roller shutters for windows at the price of a calculator

The price of roller shutters for windows consists of the above factors. Having decided on the choice of metal roller shutter profile, type of control (manual or automatic), installation method (external or internal), you can calculate the current cost using our calculator

and purchase roller shutters for the windows.

Get advice and an accurate cost estimate from the company manager by phone in Moscow or order a measurement. Call a surveyor with samples to the site

You can go anywhere in the region.

WE'LL HELP YOU CHOOSE, WE'LL CALCULATE THE COST! We are ready to answer all your questions at any time, so call right now and we will find the best solution for you!

Calculate the cost How to choose roller shutters

Prices for popular internal roller shutters


1600900Mechanical, PIM (spring)3300 rub.
2600900with engine4726 rub.
39001000Mechanical, PIM (spring)4352 rub.
49001000with engine5977 rub.
510001200Mechanical, PIM (spring)5175 rub.
610001200with engine6660 rub.
710001500Mechanical, PIM (spring)6638 rub.
810001500with engine8025 rub.
912001800Mechanical, PIM (spring)7405 rub.
1012001800with engine8792 rub.
1115002100Mechanical, PIM (spring)9628 rub.
1215002100with engine11020 rub.

The prices in the table are indicated in case of purchasing the product without measurements, without installation and without delivery.

Photos of works

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Popular sizes

Internal roller shutters 900(w) x 1800(h)


from 4,479 rub.
Internal roller shutters 600(w) * 900(h) Price:

from 4,479 rub.
Internal roller shutters 700(w) * 1000(h) Price:

from 5,088 rub.
Internal roller shutters 700(w) * 1500(h) Price:

from 6,294 rub.
Internal roller shutters 800(w) * 1200(h) Price:

from 6,306 rub.
Internal roller shutters 900(w) * 1200(h) Price:

from 6,771 rub.
Internal roller shutters 700(w) * 1800(h) Price:

from 7,478 rub.
Internal roller shutters 900(w) * 1500(h) Price:

from 7,808 rub.

Internal roller shutters made of foam profile: the most popular because they are light and inexpensive

They protect not only from burglary, but also from the sun - they act as protective blinds.

Roller Rolled Aluminum Profile with Foam Filling

  • lightweight - weighs a little, easy to open even by hand
  • durable - will last at least 10 years
  • quiet - serves for additional sound insulation
  • easy to maintain, easy to clean
  • aesthetically attractive - 8 colors to choose from
  • inexpensive - price from 2700 rub/m2

Advantages of Rusroll

The surveyor will arrive at the specified address at the time you specify.

Consultations are provided daily, our managers are always in touch without weekends and holidays

Individual approach. The manager works with you to solve a specific problem and meet the specified requirements

Initially low prices, but for regular customers there are advantageous offers

Variety of choices

Products are adapted to Russian operational realities - humidity and temperature fluctuations

Efficiency of order fulfillment

The company has more than 10 years of experience, we carry out orders regardless of the degree of complexity.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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