Balcony curtains: interesting ideas, combinations and review of the best projects for using balcony curtains

Curtains in an apartment perform not only a decorative role, but also a protective function. The asymmetrical shape of the window block complicates the choice of curtains for the balcony. To ensure that the designs do not fall out of the interior concept, you need to find the right model and methods of drapery.

In the article we will look at two options for curtains: for a room with access to a balcony, and, in fact, for the glazed block itself.

Roller curtains Source

Roller blinds complemented with tulle Source

Functional purpose of drapery for balcony windows

Often, a balcony functions as additional space for storing kitchen utensils, or a bicycle or scooter. In this small room, clothes are often dried after washing, and boxes with vegetables and fruits are placed. Therefore, it is advisable to protect the balcony from direct sunlight.

Another important rule: at night, the balcony windows should be closed from prying eyes. Most apartment owners necessarily glaze their balconies and provide lighting inside these rooms.

Features of balcony drapery

The decor of windows on the balcony simply must meet a number of parameters. Among the main ones:

  1. Moisture resistance.
  2. Resistance to burnout.
  3. Impossibility of deformation due to changes in temperature and humidity. This is especially true for regions with a humid climate and cold winters.
  4. Fabric strength.
  5. The presence of special impregnation against the adhesion of dirt and dust.
  6. Non-marking, easy to wash and clean such surfaces.
  7. Ability to pass air well.
  8. Aesthetics.

In addition, balcony curtains should absolutely not interfere with the process of opening and closing window sashes.

What can be placed on the balcony

It all depends on the parameters of the balcony and windows, as well as the preferences of the apartment owners. The design of balcony curtains should be laconic, since there is quite a bit of free space in this room and you have to save every centimeter. Since very little furniture can be placed on the balcony, the window drapery should be minimalistic.

As a rule, a cabinet up to the ceiling is installed on the balcony, which is ordered according to individual parameters. Often there is also a small plastic chest of drawers with drawers.

To dry clothes, ropes are stretched in the upper part or a small specialized shelf is placed. On a more spacious balcony, they will equip a resting place by paved with a miniature chair and equipped with a stand in front of the window sashes.

Designer tips

What kind of interior are curtain panels suitable for?

Panel curtains, originally from Japan, look modest and practical, so quite often they are chosen as window drapery, without paying much attention to the previously created interior. This is a fairly common mistake, because such products are organically combined only with such styles as:

  • minimalism;
  • high tech;
  • Japanese;
  • Oriental;
  • loft;
  • eco;
  • avant-garde

It is not recommended to use such models with all other design styles: curtains simply will not “fit” into them. For example, “rich” interiors, decorated in classical, antique or baroque styles, will partially lose their pomp and luxury if combined with these products. The so-called home styles (Provence, country) will become less warm and cozy if you try to complement them with curtain panels. And original and slightly rustic styles (country, chalet) will simply lose all their charm if you add to them modern exoticism in the form of panel curtains.

How important is the size of the room and windows?

Most often, panel curtains are used to decorate window openings and to visually divide a large single room into small functional areas. In this regard, it may seem that such products look appropriate only in wide rooms with high ceilings and French windows. This opinion is only partly true, since in small apartments or houses it is really difficult to use such a piece of furniture. But difficult does not mean impossible!

  1. To ensure that narrow windows in the living room do not completely “disappear” behind panel curtains, carefully select their shade . Ideally, it should match the color of the walls.
  2. Products with a bright, clearly visible vertical pattern will help to visually increase the size of wide but low windows in the living room . It can only be located on the outermost elements closest to the wall.
  3. If window draperies are hung in a small kitchen, then rely on shortened models up to the window sill . They do not “eat up” the height and cope with their functional tasks perfectly.
  4. There are two ways to decorate the kitchen window facing the loggia and the balcony door itself . The first option - one or two panels are placed only on the side of the door, the rest of the space is decorated with thin tulle. The second option is that long panels are placed on both sides of the opening, and the central part is occupied by light, short panel curtains.
  5. To decorate a narrow doorway or arch, use only one or two light panels . They should not fit tightly to the walls to create the impression of lightness and freedom.
  6. The smaller the room, the lighter and lighter the curtain used for zoning should be . Properly selected panels will not “press” and overload the interior.
  7. If Japanese panel curtains are used to decorate a small bedroom, try to make them part of an existing textile set - for example, match the products to the color of the blanket.
  8. In a children's bedroom, this product can be given the main role by moving all the bright colors to it . Or you can “adjust” it as much as possible to the existing interior, so as not to overload the child’s psyche with accent tones.

If Japanese panel curtains are used to decorate windows located on balconies or loggias, then the following rule applies: the greater the height and width of the window, the longer the panel should be. And its color and density are selected individually in each specific case.

Which panel curtains do you like best?

Thin, airy, letting in a lot of sunlight Combined, consisting of thick and light stripes Bright, painted, complemented by a pattern or hieroglyphs Thick blackout, so pleasant to sleep with Short, they look very cute

Types of curtains that are recommended to be used for draping balcony windows

Among the types of “clothing” for balcony windows is a huge range of varieties of curtains. In a number of the most used designs:

  1. Blinds of horizontal or vertical types.
  2. Roller curtains.
  3. Classic curtains made of thick fabric.
  4. Bamboo roller shutters.
  5. Mat.
  6. Threads.
  7. Pleated.
  8. Roman balcony curtains.
  9. Japanese curtains.

Each of the above options is good in its own way. It is worth using one or another type of curtains on the balcony depending on the style of the room and the size of the balcony.


The Japanese curtain has a lot of advantages. The following advantages stand out most clearly:

  • high quality of materials used;
  • beautiful color schemes;
  • absence of draperies and folds;
  • ease of washing;
  • variety of sizes;
  • functionality.

It is also worth noting the uniqueness of the fastening system for Japanese curtains.

Roman blinds

On the balcony, such sheets are most welcome, since the canvases are made of dense fabric, impregnated with a protective mixture against the adhesion of dirt and dust, moisture penetration, and deformation.

The distinctive feature of Roman curtains is that, when open, they are neatly gathered into pleats at the top of the window. This is very convenient in a small balcony space. In addition, the folds look very beautiful, creating the impression of rich decoration.

Roman blinds are easy to use and care for, and are compact. In addition, they practically do not allow light to pass through when they are closed.

In the bedroom interior

The bedroom is a resting place, a place of deep relaxation. This is where you can throw off any “masks”, change into home clothes and enjoy peace and quiet. Moreover, if adults treat this room as a place for temporary respite, then children study here, play, meet friends, and sleep.

It is for this reason that the bedroom interior needs to be thought out especially carefully, because it will have to cope with many functional tasks almost simultaneously. And in small rooms, every meter counts, so curtains here should take up minimal space.

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Roman curtains in the bedroom interior

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Roller blinds

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What should ideal Japanese panel curtains look like when used to decorate windows in a child’s bedroom?

  • bright _ When choosing multi-colored, accent window drapes, you should understand that children grow very quickly. And literally in 1-2 years they can outgrow rainbow images or canvases with the faces of their favorite cartoon characters. Therefore, in this case, a more economical solution would be the option when ordinary plain and not very “noticeable” curtain panels are simply decorated with additional bright elements that are attached to the fabric with tape;



  • dynamic . This is especially important when it comes to a children's bedroom for a boy. After all, future men are on the move almost all the time, and the interior of their favorite room should in no case lag behind its little owners. You can give static panel curtains the necessary dynamics with the help of a three-dimensional abstraction pattern that seems to flow from one panel to another;


  • romantic and fantasy . Here, greater emphasis is placed on the classic “girly” bedroom, the obligatory attributes of which are pink, hearts, unicorns and fairy princesses. Girls are not so interested in chaotic movement (unlike boys), but they need a fairy tale more. Therefore, soft pink, light green or golden panel curtains will look perfect here.




Options for an adult bedroom

Unlike children, adults do not want to turn their bedrooms into a gathering place for fairy-tale creatures or a sports ground. Maximum - they agree to decorate this room gently, romantically, laconically or, as an option, brutally.

Japanese panel curtains in an adult bedroom may look like this:

  • impudently . Active ornamentation, deep, eye-catching color, severity and symmetry - these are the main features of ideal window draperies for a purely masculine bedroom;




  • feminine . Neat vegetation or openwork patterns will fit perfectly into a soft interior imbued with femininity;



  • tender and romantic . Soft pastel shades, lack of clutter, rounded shapes and an abundance of mirror surfaces - this is the design that young couples who have recently entered into a relationship usually choose for their bedrooms. In turn, for such interiors it is better to choose panel curtains that completely match the shade of the walls or echo the color that prevails in the design of the room;





  • cheerfully . If the windows of an adult bedroom face north, then it is impossible to do without sunny and seemingly living fabric products;



  • concisely . Panel curtains can not only beautifully decorate the windows in the bedroom, but also decorate the entrance to the room in an equally interesting way. For example, if the room is decorated in a simple, no-frills style, then a short linen curtain will fit perfectly into the existing interior.



Japanese curtains

A very impressive design, which is mounted on a special cornice. The canvas closes and opens, moving along horizontal guides.

It is important to consider that Japanese curtains take up a little more space than standard blinds. Therefore, it is advisable to hang them in a more spacious balcony area. Otherwise, you should abandon unnecessary decor, giving preference to brevity.

Material of manufacture

The design of these curtains is the same. However, the material used to sew them may differ. Below are the most popular options.

Roller curtains

They save a lot of space because the structure is attached directly to the frame. The fabric is dense and impregnated with a protective composition. It practically does not allow sunlight to pass through and perfectly protects the room from prying eyes at night. This is quite relevant for apartments on the first floors.

The mechanism of the roller shutters allows you to fix the canvas at any level, which makes it possible to optimally regulate the flow of light during the daytime, and in the evening to completely drape the window.

Fabric roller shutters

Roller blinds are considered another of the most common options installed on balcony windows to protect the room from the sun. They are distinguished by their simplicity of design (free-hanging or cassette), ease of installation (on a frame, ceiling or wall near a window) and control (on a chain or using a remote control). Roller blinds for the balcony fit tightly, without sagging, to the opening, allowing you to adjust the degree of illumination of the room, rising/lowering and fixing at different heights along the window. They are easy to care for because the products:

  • impregnated with dirt and water-repellent agents;
  • can be cleaned with a mini vacuum cleaner;
  • Made from durable fabrics.

The most commonly used roller blinds for balconies

1Black OutLightproof, dense structures capable of reflecting UV rays to almost 100 percent volume
2Day NightProducts whose canvases consist of alternating stripes - transparent and light-proof, and are placed on both sides of a horizontal shaft. By changing the position of the canvases in relation to each other, you can either partially or completely block the balcony from light
3BambooEco-friendly, moisture-resistant roller blinds that are not exposed to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and consist of bamboo cut into strips. Installed on the loggia (photo), they protect the room from overheating as much as possible

The advantage of fabric roller blinds is their versatility: the products do not visually reduce the size of the room, and therefore fit harmoniously into any type of interior.

Curtain tiebacks

The pickup is an integral part of the window composition. Correctly selected curtains, taking into account practical tips and recommendations, are not always the key to a successful final result. Just a few details and the decor of the entire window looks more elegant. The tiebacks subtly emphasize the interior, look great, successfully decorate the windows, being an integral part of the completed composition:

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Curtains that are additionally attached with Velcro

They are very easy to fix at the bottom of the window frame. Often such curtains are selected exclusively to fit the size of the window, and not to fit the floor. Due to the savings in material, they are much cheaper than standard options. When thinking about where to buy balcony curtains, you should consider the option of sewing curtains according to individual parameters.

Design options

Our imagination is so spoiled that quite often, to decorate a loggia or balcony, just one curtain is not enough; you should listen to yourself and experiment.
Decorating balcony windows is a great place for creativity. You can not only choose the fabric and choose the style of the functional curtain, but also create your own unique and inimitable composition of materials and styles, which will give you more than one wonderful evening in comfort.


This is the most versatile and popular option. Despite the fact that such designs were invented in ancient times, modern manufacturers have adopted these ideas relatively recently.

Today there are any colors of vertical blinds on sale. Horizontal ones are often made of aluminum. Often the slats of such structures are wooden. Vertical blinds made of fabric or plastic. It is worth considering the latter type, since plastic slats do not fade, are easy to clean, and are very practical.

Photos of balcony curtains

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