How to open a garage rack and pinion lock without a key; adviсe

How to open a garage rack and pinion lock without a key - tips

Locking devices of this type are mainly installed in garages, sheds, and are often equipped with utility room doors and gates. But it is not recommended to use them on entrance doors - you can open a rack lock with some persistence without a key. This article will help those who, for some reason, lost it (broke it) and cannot gain access to their own personal garage.

Homemade locks with a secret for the garage, making the right choice

By leaving a vehicle in the garage, we, first of all, protect it from adverse weather conditions, and also hope for its safety from theft. Tell me, have you ever thought about what exactly your car is protecting? Of course, an important factor is the materials from which the building is made, what kind of gate is installed in the garage, but the main role is still assigned to the lock on the gate. But even in such a simple question as choosing a shutter mechanism for a garage, a large number of nuances can arise: which one to choose - factory or homemade, cheap or more expensive? Our answer is to choose homemade options. We will tell you why and how to make homemade security locks for the garage in our article.

Secret mechanism device

It is quite common, the only difference is in the number of crossbars, their shape and location; The more parts, the more secure the lock.

In the upper part of the associated iron plate (“slider”) there is a notch in the form of oblique grooves (in some models they are located directly on the slats). The key has teeth with the same pitch and parameters corresponding to the recesses of the “secret”. Having inserted it into the hole, you can open the lock by turning it normally. In this case, it is recommended to press down the door slightly to facilitate the displacement of the fixing pins.

  • Easy to install - the rack lock is attached to the canvas using a costly method.
  • Durability. The system is so primitive that there is nothing to break in such a locking device; classic pins, levers, elements of electrical equipment are missing.
  • Possibility of self-production.
  • Low cost rack-and-pinion garage locks.

To understand how to open a lever lock, you need to know how it works. Its design provides for the presence of secret plates that are turned by the teeth of the key. “Suvald” or “zuhaltung” is translated from German as blocker or constipation. This is one of the most ancient castles; its description can be found in Egyptian writings that date back to two thousand years BC.

This type of lock is distinguished by its reliability, durability and practical impossibility of opening using various burglar devices. But what to do if you still need to open it, but the key is lost?

Autopsy methods

Option 1

If the mechanism is relatively new and is frequently serviced, then only a screwdriver with a long blade will be useful. You need to insert it into the well and test it to find the groove of the “slider”. After this, you need to tilt the press a little to achieve a solid “hitch”, and you can open the garage lock. By pressing the door and inserting a screwdriver alternately into subsequent grooves, the bolts are moved to the side. Usually, a quarter of an hour is enough, and the canvas is unlocked.

If you don’t have a screwdriver, any narrow object of the appropriate cross-section will do - a pencil, a piece of branch, a long nail. The only thing that is better to do is to wet the wood beforehand, otherwise it will split with more force.

Option 2

Using this method to open a rack lock without a key is somewhat more difficult, and it may not always be possible. You need to find a tool (optionally, “hard” wire) with a long and narrow tip - a screwdriver, an awl, or something similar.

The opening is carried out through the gap between the door leaf and the garage door leaf. It will have to be slightly bent and fixed in this position. You can use an axe, a nail puller, or a small crowbar; If the meaning is clear, it is not difficult to find. The working tool goes deep into the gap in order to get to the edge of the groove. After this, you need to press and try to move the crossbar from its place. It will take a lot of time, but the rack lock will certainly give way.

Option 3

If you have time, you may not even think about how to open a garage lock with a slider. Purposefully prepare the “lasso”; it will be needed more than once in a force majeure situation. It is made from an iron tube and cable; it is inserted into it and brought out in the form of a loop. By flattening the end of an improvised handle, you can get a typical key.

To open it, you need to remove the bolts one by one. At the end of each there is a protrusion in the form of a pin; These are the ones you should throw a lasso at. As it happens, by turning the tube and moving it to the side, they shift to the “open” position.

With this method, it is recommended to try two methods: insert the key into the gap between the doors (if one of them can be bent) or into the well. But in any case, the lock will open.

Useful tips

  • Virtually all industrial rack and pinion mechanisms are equipped with a return spring. To open a deadbolt lock with several locks, any allotted one must be fixed.
  • These locks are quite fragile. This must be taken into account during the unlocking process. Excessive efforts lead to deformation of the edges of the grooves, and this will cause difficulties with the next operation of the product, even if it is opened with the “native” key.
  • Taking into account the simplicity of rack and pinion locks, it is not worth using them separately. One can speak of reliable door protection only if it is additionally equipped with another locking device, and of a different type.

Knowing the mechanism of operation of the rack and pinion mechanism, it is not difficult to choose an acceptable method for opening it. And in this regard, it is appropriate to remind you of the need for constant maintenance of the castle. If it is systematically cleaned and lubricated, then there will be no problems with the displacement of the crossbars.

Homemade locks with a secret for the garage: why are they better?

The main advantage of homemade garage locks is their originality. Thieves are familiar with industrial locks and how to install them. A homemade garage lock, if it is original enough, can confuse the crooks , and this always frightens those who come to the business and discourages them from continuing.

It makes sense to make such a lock when you have access to good materials, hardening steel, lathes and milling machines, etc. Otherwise, the most original lock will simply be knocked down or broken by force. Another method is the unusual use of ready-made locks or parts thereof .

Photos of homemade locks with a secret for the garage:

What is a falling key locking device?

Drop key locking devices are unusual locks in design, most reminiscent of elaborate deadbolts. But the most remarkable thing is the design of their keys, which are an ordinary long rod, at one end of which there is a lamb, and at the other a clever drop-down iron bar with protrusions.

The lock itself consists of a massive bolt, the movable part of which is serrated; these serrations fit tightly to the gear, which is attached to the lock body. The gear can be placed either above the moving part of the bolt or below, the main thing is that during rotation it freely moves the bolt. In the very center of the gear there is a through hole that goes out through the garage door leaf. This hole acts as a keyhole.

In order for the lock to open, you need to place the hinged head of the key (the part with the notches that drops out) parallel to the rod. After that, you need to insert the rod into the keyhole all the way, so that the lamb rests against the door leaf of the gate. Now you need to pull the thumb towards you until it stops, so that the folding head straightens out and fits into the grooves of the gear. Then you need to turn the key until the gear moves the bolt and the gate opens.

Fundamentally! The more revolutions you need to create in order to open the lock, the better, so install locks with long bolts.

Main conditions of safety

Do-it-yourself garage locks must meet a number of requirements:

  • the mechanism must be completely hidden from the street;
  • It is advisable to use high-quality materials; it is better if the constipation is armored;
  • If possible, make combination homemade locks with a secret for the garage.

By following all the recommendations, you will ensure the safety of your property to the maximum. But before you make your own version of the valve, study the design options for the mechanisms.

Pros of a falling key locking device

Locks of this type have many advantages. No wonder they just appeared, they quickly spread and now you can meet them in almost any 5th garage. So, the advantages of falling key locking devices.

  • The lock is very ordinary, there is nothing to break in it, thanks to this it can serve not only for decades, but for centuries. The main thing is to clean it from dirt and lubricate it from time to time.
  • A similar lock is unremarkable; an ordinary key hole hints at an ordinary homemade locking device, although thieves will not find out anything about its type, nor about the surprises that this lock stores.
  • This device does not have a hidden part, which means it is not possible to pick up a master key to it. At a theoretical level, you can try to open it with a roll, but for this you need to create a special tool for a specific lock, because the distance from the gear teeth to the keyhole is unclear to thieves. Only a special master key with a drop-out head can help, and then with a lot of convention.
  • The lock is perfectly protected from rough hacking, as evidenced by the powerful iron case, a bolt made of an iron rod no less than 20 mm wide and an iron alloy gear no less than 8 mm wide. If you wish, you can further strengthen the body with an armor plate. In this case, it will be easier to cut a hole in the garage gate using an autogen than to open the lock itself.
  • The lock can be made with your own hands, this, on the one hand, will make it even more reliable, because you will determine the dimensions of the parts without the help of others, which means that attackers will not know anything about them. On the other hand, this will significantly reduce your costs of protecting your own garage, because the cost of such a lock is very low.

Fundamentally! When making a lock with their own hands, craftsmen, instead of an ordinary round keyhole, make holes of unusual shape, additionally embedding them into pins. These measures make mental hacking virtually impossible.

Disadvantages of a falling key locking device

Locks of this type also have disadvantages, as in general, and any mechanism made by human hands. True, these disadvantages are of a relative nature; one might even think that we are “being picky.” But for the sake of objectivity, they should be mentioned.

  1. Locks of this type have extremely long keys. In homemade versions of such locking devices, the keys are deliberately made even longer in order to increase the reliability of the locks. In this regard, it is necessary to figure out where to put the key, because an ordinary pocket will not be suitable for this matter.
  2. The second disadvantage is that it is difficult to return the falling head, which can lead to difficulties associated with removing the key from the keyhole after opening the lock. But the craftsmen solved this problem with the help of an ordinary narrow wire, which is tied to the edge of the falling head on one side, and to the lamb on the other. To refill the falling head, you just need to press harder on the thumb and then pull the wire, the key will just come out.

Interesting read: How to install a glass door in a sauna

Case Study

Many car owners do not understand how to make a good locking mechanism with their own hands from a finished product of low reliability. Let's describe a practical example of car protection for little money. It is suitable for a motorhome that is located close to the cottage and opens from the house.

Garage doors must only be locked from the inside. Build them one of these homemade garage security locks. The power of the bolt should be veiled so that a stranger, when looking at the open door, does not understand which element is holding the gate. From the side of the water gate, it will be possible to enter the motorhome only by ramming it with a truck.

Hacking a regular unit with a master key will prevent thieves from getting inside the motorhome. Before leaving the cottage, residents will open the electric lock by applying power to it, and thus unlock the gate, after which they will open a regular lock.

Electric locks on the garage should be installed so that it attracts attention to itself as little as possible. The solenoid unit is often supplied with a voltage of 24 V, a current of several amperes when activated, and an even smaller current to hold it in the open position.

It is possible to equip the electric lock with a latch with an electromagnetic control method. Or prefer an electromagnetic model with a beveled bolt, which locks the gate when closing.

To prevent a homemade garage lock with a falling bolt and key from freezing in winter, its body is heated. Wrap the unit in fiberglass, wrap it with nichrome wire, 0.3-0.5 mm thick. Select the length of the wire so that the heating of the solenoid at room temperature reaches 70 degrees.

The voltage source will be the same as for powering the solenoids. Next, cover the nichrome wire with a layer of fiberglass or a tin casing. Nichrome and copper wires are connected by welding and carefully brought out.

Making a garage lock with your own hands will provide reliable guarantees that an attacker will bypass the motorhome. Such garage doors are much more difficult to crack, since the homemade product is unique in its parameters.

Factory locks - overview

We are unlikely to help you in finding craftsmen who could make a custom-made lock for you. Well, it is wrong to describe the process of producing a locking device in the context of this article. It’s better to create a review of industrial locking devices with a falling key, especially since these are all very worthy locks and deserve your attention.

  • Locking device with falling key POLTAVA. A Ukrainian-made lock with a massive 20x20 mm bolt, controlled by a gear. The gear has special holes for the protrusions of the folding head. The lock body has dimensions of 150x90 mm.
  • Garage locking device with a falling key "Neptune" made in Russia. The lock has a double deadbolt controlled by a gear located in the center. The lock body is covered with an iron plate, so the villain will not see its internal structure. The lock is attached to 4 hardened, drill-resistant fasteners.

To summarize, we note that locking devices with a falling key are a beautiful additional protection for your garage door from attacks by intruders. Experts do not recommend relying only on such a device, but if you install it along with a reliable lever lock, you can thus create a reliable barrier between your property and offenders.

Stamping or homemade

The choice of a garage door lock manufacturer faces all owners of garage buildings, and it is quite small. You either choose a factory product, or create a unique mechanism that is suitable specifically for your garage.

It's no secret that many car enthusiasts would rather buy this product in a store. However, if you buy a stamped lock for a garage, you are not sure that thieves will not be able to find a suitable master key for it. In addition, the quality of such bolts is often poor. Factory-made shutter mechanisms that have the appropriate quality, guarantee, and are assembled by hand are classified as products in a fairly high price category. Do you agree to pay such funds?

A homemade garage lock is a guarantee that thieves will prefer not to have to worry about solving the design and will bypass your garage space. If drawings of factory products can, if desired, be found on the Internet, then the manual version is unique, and choosing a key for it is very problematic.

Autopsy methods

There are various current incidents that force the owner to open his own expensive lock without a key in order to get into the garage not through the roof.

There are various prerequisites due to which it is impossible to open the mechanism using the usual method:

  • Water getting inside and freezing;
  • Wear of parts or parts;
  • Damage resulting from deliberate break-in by thieves;
  • Lack of keys due to their loss.

In this case, you can try to warm up the mechanism or find the keys. Conventional opening methods are unlikely to be useful and it is not a fact that you will be able to open the lock in the shortest possible time. Dousing the mechanism with flammable substances is prohibited.

To make the warming process faster, you can use a hairdryer, a burner, and occasionally knock with a hammer on the garage door where the housing is installed.

Cutting the fastening involves drilling out the welding points of the body, fastenings, cutting the edge of the gate, and drilling out the secret. With the help of a master key, with knowledge and ability, this method is one of the easiest to open a padlock. Opening and destroying a secret is a quick and reliable method. After destroying the secret, it is usually possible to unlock the mechanism without any problems. One of the most common causes of jamming is the introduction of inappropriate lubricant or incorrectly installed doors. Lubricating with any type of food fat (oil) will quickly damage the device.

Modification of purchased locks

If you don’t have the latest material or a lathe at hand, you can try to modify a ready-made locking mechanism with your own hands for the garage.

But before you start work, it’s worth understanding what types of such units exist. Let's consider the classification of products according to installation specifics, presented in the table.

We will describe ways to refine each type:

  1. Mounted. It is optimal to supplement a gate with such a locking mechanism with another lock, made independently. A hidden electric lock will do. You can upgrade a conventional single-pin attachment by adding another pin with a custom slot arrangement.
  2. Invoices. To prevent the risk of hacking, it is worth adding an electrical circuit and a servo mechanism to the unit. The mechanism will only work if the key is turned inside the lock or it will open using the key fob. The system will be similar to a car alarm.
  3. Mortise. You can modify the cylinder of such a lock so that the key is unique. Then it will be difficult to find a master key for hacking. Another way to upgrade a mortise lock is to lengthen its deadbolt.

At first glance, locks created by the hands of craftsmen are sure to be of high quality. But many of them are too simple and defenseless against hackers. For example, a rack and pinion locking mechanism with a secret key is not really a quality product.

The highlight of the mechanism is the rotating bar on the key, the length of which is kept secret. Yes, the burglar does not know the length of this part, but he will be able to make a cardboard analogue of it, which he will then trim until the unit begins to crumple it. The next time the thief arrives, he will open the garage and take everything valuable from it.

Drilling options

To drill out a lock, you need to follow a certain method. First you need to look at it and find out what it is made of. Some have drill protection or may be made of hardened steel.

If you are not sure what the device is made of and what its structure is, it is better to contact a specialist.

It is necessary to make sure that an ordinary lock without a secret can be opened, and one whose cylinder can be pulled out without problems. Before you start drilling, you need to turn off the alarm. Stock up on tools, specifically a strong drill with adjustable speed (it is not recommended to take a hand drill), and drills suitable for the size of the mechanism. The drill must be inserted into the drill, the diameter should be 3 mm.

Above the well you need to mark a point, which is a guide for drilling; it must be located above the cut line. If you cannot find this point, you need to find a drilling template for a similar device that is sold in stores. This method is intended for breaking locks in your own house, apartment, or garage. Trespassing on someone else's property is a criminal offense and is punishable by law. Having completed the entire method on your door, installing the drill on the guide, you need to drill out the lock cylinder. Destroyed pins will allow you to open it.

Interesting read: How to change the cylinder in a door lock

What difficulties may occur during drilling:

  1. The occurrence of resistance due to the fact that pin 6 or more.
  2. Resistance when the drill comes into contact with each individual pin.
  3. If you get stuck, you need to turn on the reverse and remove the drill, remove the sawdust from the alloy.

There is no need for haste in such a matter. You should not work at high speed and press on the drill, otherwise it may break. The drill must be kept level so as not to further destroy the device. After you have a hole with a diameter of 3 mm, you can drill a new one 6 mm in diameter, then the pins will probably collapse. It is necessary to insert the end of a screwdriver into the lock cylinder and turn the mechanism like a key. If everything is done correctly, it will open.

Hidden parts of the castle

In addition to the visible parts of the bolt, the lever lock has a hidden one, which cannot be seen without opening the case. Often it has a shank that is fixedly connected to the crossbars. The shank has a comb that, with the help of a key, moves the bolt. The shank has a stand; if you try to open the lock by pressing on the bolt, then the stand will prevent you from doing this.

The stand has a square shape. Levers have the shape of a plate. The plates themselves, depending on the manufacturer and model of the lock, can have different shapes, alloy compositions, movement methods, thickness, dimensions, and so on. But in any case, the lever has a code labyrinth in which the shank stand moves. The labyrinth has protrusions and depressions called code slots.

The space near the lever, where the key moves directly, is called the “key window.”

It can be closed or open. The key of a lever lock has a head or handle, the key is held by it when opening, a long rod and bits with which the key pushes the plates and the shank stand along the labyrinth. Due to the symmetrical arrangement of the bits, this type of key is often called a “safe” or “butterfly”.

Tips on how to open a garage lock

Such shutter mechanisms have a long history. Their advantages are their low price, ease of use, but they are relatively reliable. There are different situations when you may need to break your lock. For example, the keyhole breaks when it is used all year round outside under falling rain and snow, which causes it to wear out faster. It may also be due to thieves who tried to knock down the doors or open the mechanism.

How to open a padlock without the help of others:

  1. A broken device can be tried to be opened with a master key made from an aluminum can. A triangle should be cut out of it, which will help open the lock with a sharp angle.
  2. You can use a paperclip pick to open the mechanism if you work well with the helical spring. The main thing is to get into the spring.
  3. A more correct method is to open it with special master keys: then you don’t need to create anything unnecessary, and the lock opens quite simply.

Can be knocked down with a crowbar. Some locks are difficult to open, so you have to drill out the entire cylinder to open the door. Then you need to take a 12 mm drill, either a special one for drilling locks, or a tubular one. When drilling, do not touch the drill with your fingers; it is very hot. You can get burned and injured. When working, wear safety glasses.

Types and features of homemade garage locks

The garage is designed to protect the vehicle from the harmful effects of external factors and to protect it from theft. No garage can give a complete guarantee of car safety, but its safety largely depends on the strength and reliability of the garage door lock.

Homemade garage locks, like most devices, can be of several types.

They can be:

  • Mounted.
  • Mortise
  • Rack and pinion (see).
  • Invoices.
  • Mixed devices.

One of the main criteria that distinguishes these devices is the method of their manufacture.

They can be:

  • Factory products.
  • Homemade locks for the garage.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Often the choice of product is determined by its price. If you want to purchase a reliable and high-quality factory device, you will need to pay quite a lot of money.

This is due to the fact that the lock will not be a simple factory stamping, but a mechanism assembled by hand by a professional. There are a number of points that distinguish factory products from handicrafts.

The main ones are: low quality and lack of reliability of many factory designs. In any case, you will have to pay a fairly large amount for good devices.

When making a lock, due to the desire to save money, you can lose in its quality, which can affect the safety of the car.

Advice: The installation of the structure should be approached very responsibly. You need to remember the basic rule: the lock that is not visible protects better.

Ideas on how to open a deadbolt lock

The rack and pinion lock is an expensive mechanical one and has 2 bolts for locking. It is not burglary-resistant and wears out quickly. In principle, it is unpretentious to temperature and humidity, which is the main advantage.

It is burglar-resistant and therefore not suitable for use in apartments and houses; it is more common in garages.

This type of lock is installed using a costly method and is secured with screws and bolts. There are different ways to hack such a mechanism.

Several main methods that have already been tested and are widely used:

  1. Opening using a guitar string, wire or fishing line. To do this, you need to create a loop from the fishing line, push it into the hole and loop it around the pins. Next you need to pull the fishing line in your direction with smooth movements. The door must open.
  2. You can open the door with a pencil. It is necessary to lubricate the device and release the bolt, drive a pencil or similar object into the hole. The rack teeth leave grooves on the object, allowing the mechanism to open.
  3. You can open it with a screwdriver or an awl. It is necessary to clamp the door using your own weight and move the teeth with a screwdriver or other object of similar properties. After opening the upper bolt, it is necessary to block it from closing with a narrow object such as a match and use the same method to open the lower one.
  4. One proven method is to open it with a drill and screwdriver.

The advantage of the extreme method is that there is no damage to the door. You need to take the paper and push it between the doors, determining the position of the bolt. Then drill a couple of holes in the box and move it.

Rack and pinion keys are quite difficult to make in a workshop, which is why it is not always possible to create duplicates.

Modification of purchased locks

If you can’t make a garage lock with your own hands due to a lack of necessary materials or processing technologies, then you can try to modify ready-made locks.

There are different types of locks:

A padlock can easily be knocked down with a sledgehammer, no matter how cunning its cylinder turns out to be. The loops can be cut with a regular hacksaw without much noise. A padlock is not a big obstacle for modern children, who are very well equipped with excellent tools .

Overhead and mortise locks are much more difficult . In essence, this is simply knocking out the door (this is especially true for mortise locks). For such cases, hackers use two methods:

  • opening with a master key;
  • sawing the bolt (bolt).

If there is a gap in the door that allows access to the deadbolt, it can be sawed through with a jigsaw in a few minutes.

Some types of locks proposed by craftsmen, for example, a rack and pinion lock with a secret key , are too naive to protect against burglars. The only secret here is the length of the rotating bar on the key. The burglar will make this strip out of cardboard and cut it with scissors until the lock begins to wrinkle it. Next time the burglar will come not for reconnaissance, but for action .

Protecting your garage from being opened must be considered a little more broadly than just choosing a lock. By location, garages can be collective , located in the courtyard of a residential building or attached close to an individual house or cottage. In many cases, the garage may be part of the house .

The worst case is a collective garage .

But recently, many garage communities are installing surveillance cameras , and they are doing it quite cleverly, hiring watchmen, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for car thieves to work.

A garage in the courtyard of a house is more convenient for the owner, especially if it is visible from the apartment window, but a garage on a private plot with a house is absolutely good. In the latter case, the garage can be protected best.

To best protect your garage, you should use durable metal gates and doors , ones that cannot be knocked down with a sledgehammer. A homemade garage lock should be completely hidden from the outside, and its bolt should be armored. Such a lock cannot be opened with any master keys, or even ordinary keys. This is an electric lock controlled from a distance.

Another, also very practical option, is to install a hidden electric lock along with a conventional mechanical one. Moreover, you can even use a padlock. The mechanical lock serves as the first barrier that burglars will have to overcome. But after they do this, they will encounter a new, incomprehensible obstacle, get nervous and withdraw.

The most advanced for our time can be considered a hidden electric lock controlled via a radio interface . The key is a miniature radio transmitter (key fob) that transmits a code combination. The receiver checks that what is received matches the given key and opens the lock.

To prevent advanced hijackers from using the intercepted key, the transmitter and receiver change the code for the next time according to a specific algorithm, so that a one-time password . This is called an anti-scanning system or dynamic code encryption.

But this is not the cheapest option . The minimum price here is about 9,000 rubles . Self-manufacturing of such a system will be much cheaper in terms of money, but will require a fair amount of knowledge in radio engineering, electronics and programming, as well as the ability to solder very miniature parts.

{Instructions} how to open a garage lock

Opening lever locks does not seem to be a common task, but it completely can be done. It consists of recesses and grooves, of which there are a huge number. To lock such a device, you need a butterfly key. If you open the lock without the help of others, you can damage parts of the mechanism. If you have no confidence in your own abilities, you should use the services of masters.

What is needed to open the lock:

  • Screwdriver edge;
  • The needle is bent at this tip;
  • The resulting roll is inserted parallel to the master key into the keyhole.

Such a homemade key must be pushed all the way, then turned around and thrown in this position. Later, you need to carefully move each plate.

How to get a key if it is broken in the lock

This usually happens with worn cylinder locks. The well there is narrow, and the key is flat, so if you overdo it in dealing with a jammed mechanism, it will only get worse.

First of all, you should try to open the door with the rest of the key. To do this, you need to push it all the way into the slot, and then insert a nail file or other thin object and try to turn it, opening the lock.

If the key is broken so that part of it sticks out of the hole, you are in luck. The fragment is quite easy to remove using pliers or a similar tool. Borrow it from your neighbors and carefully pull out the rest of the key, firmly grasping the part sticking out.

You can also try turning the key and opening the lock.

Didn't it work out? Well, then you'll have to get a jigsaw file. It must be inserted into the keyhole on the side of the key, with the teeth pointing towards you.

When the file enters the slot all the way, turn it 90 degrees to pick up the key and try to get it out.

Another option is to remove the remains of the key by gluing the broken part to it. Carefully apply superglue to the broken area and connect both parts.

Wait a little while for the glue to dry and try to slowly remove the key from the hole.

Internal lock: how to open

Interior doors do not have the highest level of security or alarm. But, owners often use internal locks to lock them, which are quite strong. Often their purpose is to protect the room from drafts, children and animals. There are often cases when such a door is locked, but the owners have lost their keys somewhere, and it is necessary to get into this room.

There are proven methods that will help open a closed door:

  1. You can open the lock using a pin or knitting needle or wire. You need to push the object into the keyhole and scroll. The main goal is to hook the mechanism, which must be turned in the desired direction, then the lock will be opened.
  2. You can use a ruler or knife as a master key. They need to be inserted into the gap where the crossbar is and moved to the sides. It is possible to open the door.
  3. A plastic card often helps out in a similar situation. You need to swipe your card along the castle.

It is better to avoid a similar situation than to get into it. To do this, you need to ensure that keys are available and that locks and handles are in good working order. If the slamming occurs due to a malfunction of the door handle, you need to try to disassemble it using the means at hand: a file, a knife, etc. When all the excess has been unscrewed, you need to turn the mechanism.

A door with such a lock can close from a sharp jerk. Then you need to find a hole in the lower half of the handle and insert a nail or other narrow object into it. By pressing, you can push the button out and the lock will open again.

Case Study

What can a car owner do if he wants to protect his car for little money?

One of the practical options, suitable for a garage located close to the house, is given below. The apartment or house is well protected , and the garage can only be opened from inside the house.

Garage doors can only be locked from the inside , using locks with powerful bolts, and it is advisable to disguise this power so that through the open garage it is unclear what exactly is holding the gate.

From the side of the gate, the garage can only be taken by a ram using a truck, but this case goes far beyond peacetime conditions, when crooks prefer not to make noise.

The owner enters the garage through a separate door in the rear wall of the garage. This door is also locked with an internal lock , but there is also a regular lock. Interior locks are solenoid-type electric locks that are controlled from inside the home via a cable that runs parallel to the garage's mains power cable.

When the door is closed with a regular lock , the solenoid locks . Opening a regular lock with a master key will give burglars nothing . And the owner himself, before leaving the house, opens the electric locks by supplying power to them and, thereby, unlocks the garage door for subsequent opening with a regular lock.

These electric locks should be installed in such a way that they attract as little attention as possible.

24V powered and require a few amps of current to operate and much less current to hold open (unless equipped with latches).

Some electric locks have latches that are also electromagnetically controlled. But most often you come across electromagnetic locks , which have a beveled bolt and fix it when the door is closed. Opening occurs after current is applied.

In winter, it is possible for the crossbars to freeze , but this can be dealt with and it is quite simple.

To do this, you should warm up the electric locks . The lock body is wrapped with fiberglass, then evenly with nichrome wire, 0.3-0.5 mm .

The length of the wire is chosen such that the solenoid warms up at room temperature to approximately 70 degrees Celsius .

The voltage source used is the same from which the solenoids are powered. must provide a current of at least 8 A.

The nichrome wire is then covered with a new layer of fiberglass, and you can also make a tin casing on top, and connect the nichrome wires with copper wires (preferably by welding, using coal from a battery and boric acid) and carefully bring them out .

In winter, after thaws and repeated frosts, it is enough to turn on the heating a few minutes before opening the doors and the locks will work flawlessly .

When working on this project, it is important not to show anyone the existence of such a cunning system and not to tell anyone how it works. All car owners love to brag to each other about their technical achievements, but this is not the case. Since the garage power (220) and lock control can be pre-routed in corrugated pipe, take advantage of this and don't tell anyone.

Let everyone think that you are installing lights in the garage . Otherwise, crooks can dig up the cable and open the garage according to your instructions.

Personality of hacking garage locks

Opening garage locks has a number of aspects that need to be taken into account in order to simplify the process. The main significant element is the type of locks. In terms of the internal mechanism, all locks are identical and differ in the number of bolts, their shape and location . The more parts a secret mechanism contains, the more resistant it is to hacking.

Interesting read: How to open a jammed front door lock

The main types of garage locks and their independent production

Currently, you can purchase a variety of types of garage door locks in specialized stores and building materials markets. Naturally, each of them has its own real advantages, disadvantages and features.

The rack type lock is rightfully considered a classic traditional option for garage protection. However, it must be admitted that by now such locks are partially outdated. In order to open a garage gate equipped with such a lock, you just need to get the key into the hole and forcefully push the door inward. Locks of this class have few advantages. We can safely talk only about their durability and reliability. At the same time, the operation of a rack lock is associated with certain inconveniences; in addition, breaking such a structure is quite simple.

Another traditional option, which has been used by owners of various types of buildings for many centuries. To install a padlock, special hinges are welded to the door. Constipations of this type can be called quite reliable, in addition, they are very easy to use. The main disadvantage of this option is obvious. The locking mechanism is located outside, for this reason a thief can cut it down or knock it down without any problems. In this regard, we cannot talk here about the high level of security of the garage premises. On the other hand, many specialized companies now offer models of padlocks made of high-strength alloys, which are much more difficult to break than “their predecessors.”

Such devices usually cut directly into the surface of the garage door. The process of installing them is quite labor-intensive. Like the types of locks described above, this design cannot provide a truly high level of protection against burglary.

Security mechanisms of this category are mounted on the inside of garage doors and are closed using bolts. Let's talk briefly about the two most popular types of rim locks, namely:

  • about cylinder mechanisms, which are almost impossible to open with a master key, since they have code protection. However, there are often cases when such locks were simply cut down;
  • about lever locking mechanisms, which are considered the safest mechanical type locks. Such devices are characterized by: high strength, large dimensions and a complex key combination.

In addition, the lever lock can be equipped with protective armor plates. Well, let's move on to locking devices that you can make yourself from simple and affordable sources.

About the "spinner"

Rotary locks are usually used when installing garages with double-leaf gates. The real advantages of this option are ease of use and high level of strength. To manufacture and install the turntable, we will need wooden beams (50 millimeters thick) and metal strips. The principle of operation of such constipation is elementary. A crossbar is placed in the middle, which is secured with a through bolt. The crossbar moves along the wedge-shaped bars. When the doors close, they rest against the door block, coming together almost closely. An additional deadbolt is not necessary in this context. The rotary lock is located entirely on the inside of the garage door, making it almost impossible to break into the security mechanism. From the inside, the constipation opens with a slight push of the hand or foot.

To install standard bolts you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort. In principle, the option with an espagnolette bolt is considered quite reliable and practical, but with one caveat. With this approach, the fit of the gates to each other is not as tight as possible (a small gap remains). Espagnols are rods with stops made of metal. Such a rod moves inside a structure designed specifically for it. This type of lock is easy to make yourself. One of the most popular options for a lock with a latch is presented in the form of a simple bolt - a metal bolt moving towards a loop welded to the surface of the door (the loops are welded from the edges of the doors). In addition, an element similar to a tongue should be installed on one of the edges. This part should fit into one of the loops with maximum density. To make the mechanism reliable, you should take care of the stopper.

About constipation with a falling key

The next category of locks used in garages are locks with falling keys. Designs of this type have a common feature - transverse pins are installed inside the drums of the devices, which seriously complicate the work of attackers when trying to break into them. There is currently no industrial production of such locks, but a mechanism with a falling key can be freely purchased from numerous artisans working at home. If you have certain skills, the mechanism can be made with your own hands.

How to make a lock with a falling key? First of all, we remove the locking unit from a conventional lock. Then we squeeze out the drum and drill a hole in it for the rod, at an angle of 90 degrees to the path along which the inserted key will move (we recommend choosing a drill with a diameter of 1.5-2 millimeters). Now we place a steel or brass pin into the drilled channel. Make sure that the rod fits tightly into the hole. The ends of the pin that stick out should be cut off. After carrying out these procedures, only a key with a unique (original) longitudinal slot can penetrate inside the lock drum. Such a constipation is difficult to open using standard methods - using wire picks or bunches of various keys. If you decide to make a lock of this category with your own hands, remember that drums are quite fragile devices. In this regard, an accidental strong hit on the drum body (instead of the rod) can lead to breakage of the structure. It is best to drill a hole for the pin while the key is inside the drum - then making the required type of slot will become a very simple procedure.

Garage cooperatives, gates and locks are a very popular topic that continues to gain momentum. But at the same time, garage locks are a very specific area due to difficult operating conditions. This is what we’ll talk about now: what locks can be installed on the garage, and what you should pay attention to during installation.

Properties of a garage lock

Many people associate the phrase “garage lock” with rack and pinion locks of various models and designs. We will not consider them here. The first reason is that we reviewed locks of this type earlier.

The second reason is that these locks are completely worthless and cannot be recommended for protecting the garage from the point of view of a responsible approach.

To begin with, let's decide what properties a garage lock should have and towards the end of the material we will recommend specific models that we offer to our customers based on our experience for a high-quality solution for protecting the garage.

A garage, if it is located on the street, is an aggressive environment in which not all locks will work. It is a fact that lever locks, all other things being equal, work more or less correctly here. We talked earlier about what a lever lock is and on what principles it works.

In addition, the garage lock should not be opened from the inside at all. That is, when the gate is closed, a rogue getting inside through the roof or a tunnel should not be able to open the gate by simply turning the handle from the inside.

Based on all of the above, focusing on the experience of installing and operating locks specifically on garage doors, we offer our customers the following options for locks for garage gates.

We'll start by telling you from best to worst. It is clear that our list is our personal opinion, formed on our experience, priorities and preferences.

The best is still SAPPHIRE

In our opinion, one of the best options that can be offered for a garage is Elbor Sapphire. A powerful lock with many protections. A huge number of code elements and shut-off curtains as protection against opening by intelligent methods. Huge bolts and a decent supply of them in the body, armor plate - as protection against forceful opening methods.

Elbor Sapphire is produced in both overlay and mortise versions. This castle was discussed in more detail in a separate video.

Sapphire has two disadvantages.

  1. Average quality, far from ideal
  2. It is produced only on one side of the opening, apparently on the right, and you cannot place it on the left-side gate with the levers facing down, don’t risk it

Second on the list

Inexpensive in price, unusually impressive in its dimensions and proportions, with good performance. Works for a decade in any dirt and cold. Minus: a lock of the previous generation with all the ensuing consequences. That is, clumsy, inconvenient, with holes in the design and protection.

No matter how surprising it might be for you, we again talked in detail about the RIF-1 lock in the video.

Principles of installing a lock on a garage.

When installing any lock on a garage, you must adhere to the following principles. We will not dwell on every point of the rules, since the main part of the plot is still about the castle models. But let us note that these rules were formed empirically, as they say, through sweat and blood.

  • The housing must be installed in compliance with all planes.
  • Do not overtighten or deform the body with fasteners. It is also forbidden to drill out mounting holes and key holes.
  • When opening and closing the lock, there should be no pressure on the bolts when rubbing the bolts against the box. That is, it should be positioned so that the bolts have a slight play.
  • The lock fasteners should not be visible from the outside of the gate, no matter how super-hard the caps and bolts of the mounting screws you have.
  • It is strictly not recommended to install additional bolts or up-and-down rods on garage door locks and gates. If you want more serious locking, it is better to put two locks on the gate and space them from the center of the gate up and down away from each other.
  • Well, the latter relates less to installation and more to operation. Modern garage locks cannot be lubricated at all. Grease + street dirt + frost catastrophically reduce service life and cause a lot of trouble.

Anything to add? Feel free to leave questions and comments in the comments!

Homemade garage locks have a simple design and are opened with a special key. They are installed from inside the garage, which makes the devices invisible.

Such locks are made according to individual sketches of the garage owner, for which it is quite difficult to select a master key, which can be done for standard models of locks purchased in stores or markets. What types of homemade garage locks there are are discussed in this article.

Selecting the right tool

To open a garage lock, you need special tools that need to be used for any type of internal structure. You can hack using the following tools:

  1. A versatile master key equipped with a retractable hook. From the outside, the instrument resembles a key with an oblong shaft and a complex bit on which is attached a hook for prying off the internal plates.
  2. Pick with rounded tension. The device is suitable for breaking locks of the 2nd and 3rd degree of protection. If you need to open a mechanism with the most complex device, this type of master key will not work.
  3. Roll with a hook. The device is more reliable to use, but it can only be used with certain skill and experience.

The listed tools are used for manipulative opening. The most common and fastest method is brute force hacking. In this case, the following tools may be required:

  • electric drill;
  • curved scrap;
  • Grinder;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • hydraulic shears;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • acetylene welding.

A specific list of tools depends on the type of lock and its serviceability. When resorting to a crude method of hacking, it is important to take into account that manipulation can cause powerful harm, and as a result, it will be necessary to change the mechanism.

Homemade locks with a secret for the garage: why are they better

The issue of protecting a garage building from intruders is always acute, and especially for those people who drive a brand new car of a prestigious brand. Fraudsters are trying to get their hands on just such cars in order to resell them. A homemade lock with a secret will help to secure your motorhome from unauthorized entry.

Such products have a simple design; a special key will help you open them. Finding a master key to open a homemade locking mechanism is extremely difficult, because it is created according to an individual sketch. It is this quality that is the most important advantage of such mechanisms.

Installation of homemade garage locks, made by yourself, is carried out from inside the building. For this reason, the locking mechanism is completely invisible to the eye of an outsider. Under such conditions, even an avid burglar may hesitate or even change his mind about getting inside the building, because this will require a lot of effort and time from him.

If you have a certain kind of skill, you can even create an electric lock. But if such skills are not enough, you can go another way. It is worth remaking the finished product by modernizing it in a certain way.

Let's further describe in more detail what types of garage locks there are and how to modify them.

Types of locks and how to break them yourself

The individuality and sequence of independent hacking directly depend on the type of lock. It can be mounted, lever-mounted, rack-and-pinion, cylinder-type, or have the least common internal structure. You can find out which type is installed in your garage by external signs or in the attached technical documentation.

Rack and pinion

The system of rack locking devices implies the presence of several crossbars inside. If they are rusty or broken, you can hack using several methods:

  1. Insert a narrow tube into the well and thread an iron string twisted into a loop through it. To move the crossbars, you need to put a loop on their handles.
  2. Carefully move the crossbars through the key hole with an awl or other similar object.
  3. Through the gap between the sashes, alternately move any crossbar with a narrow iron tool.

If the rack lock is equipped with a bolt locking function, it can be opened with a suitable master key. Also, rack varieties are subject to forced opening by cutting off the crossbars.

Cylinder lock with cross plates

The transverse placement of the plates in the cylinder lock ensures ease of opening. To maintain the serviceability of the mechanism after hacking, you can place an iron rod inside the well and turn it until it opens. If the plates in the cylinder device cannot be opened, it will be necessary to destroy the internal elements.

The cylinder can be drilled out using a power drill and a suitable sized hard alloy drill bit.


The more common internal structure is the lever variety. If the mechanism is jammed or the key is lost, you can open the lock with any similar key, wire or a regular master key.


Despite the complex system, the Barrier type deadbolt lock is also subject to hacking. Inside the device there are 3 pins and an extended bolt made of durable material. The drawback of the locking element is the weak part that secures the cylinder assembly. Using a hammer, you can knock out the fixing part, then remove the cylinder.

Cylinder lock with pins

When hacking, it is necessary to take into account that the presence of internal pins can complicate the process. Some cylinder-type locking devices have several rows of pins. Since the elements are made of weak materials, they can be removed using a sharp roll. The outside of the tool is a blank of an ordinary key. To successfully open a lock, it is important that the iron tool can fit freely inside the hole.

During the opening process, the roll is inserted into the key hole and rotated in the cylinder using a special lever. Pins with a minimum strength rating will be cut evenly with a sharp roll. After cutting off all parts, the mechanism will open. After using the package, you will need to install a new lock, since a hacked device cannot be restored.

What secrets are most effective for protecting your garage?

The basic rule of a secret in a lock is that the design or design of the device should not be easily readable even by indirect signs. The simpler a homemade locking device looks, the less likely it is that an attacker will understand how it works.

Today, among the huge number of various designs of a homemade garage lock, several main groups can be distinguished:

  • Alterations of standard industrial structures with the addition of their own secret part. Most often, another turnkey secret is added, with the possibility of mutually blocking the movement of the crossbars. Thus, to open a garage, you need to know the sequence, which key, and in what case it is necessary to open the gate;
  • A device with an added electrical circuit and a servo mechanism that is triggered when the key is turned in the garage lock or from the key fob, similar to car security systems;
  • Manufacturing and installing a padlock or internal lock of your own design on the garage door, which has a non-standard method of opening, often even without the use of a key.

Important! When making a secret for a lock, please note that opening and closing the garage, even in the presence of strangers, should not reveal the principle and essence of the operation of the cunning secret structure.

Most often, security locks taken from conventional car alarms have this disadvantage. Any car alarm uses standard mechanisms and devices; it is enough to see the key fob or alarm box, wires and mechanisms at least once to understand exactly how the principle of additional secret is implemented. For machines, a way to make the system more stable is to use special ways of programming and changing keys. For a garage, such a method of arranging a secret will be very unreliable, since it can easily be opened by various kinds of anti-scramblers and scanners.

How to create a repair and replacement larva

After opening the locking device, it is necessary to return it to function. The main element of any type of lock is the cylinder, which can be repaired or replaced. If the larva breaks, you need to perform the following steps one by one:

  1. Remove the broken part by unscrewing the device or using a drill.
  2. Inspect the cylinder for serviceability and damage. If the cylinder is dismountable, it can be repaired. Otherwise, replacement is required.
  3. After repairing or replacing the cylinder, it is installed in its original space, after which the end plate is fixed.

Core removal

If the core of the larva is faulty, it can only be removed by drilling with a drill with a tip 10 mm in diameter. After drilling, the element will fall out without the help of others, without using a key. The jammed part can be removed using the following method:

  • insert the key into the hole and turn it all the way in the direction of opening;
  • Without removing the key, carefully unscrew the screws holding the end plate;
  • remove the screw located in the center of the tongue and locking device;
  • turn the key so that the core falls out of the lock.

When it is necessary to remove the pins when removing the core, it is necessary not to mix them up during the upcoming assembly. Otherwise, it will be impossible to open the garage doors with the same key.

Cylinder repair

To repair the cylinder, you need to carefully bend the clamps holding the iron plate. The part is placed on one side of the collapsible core. After sliding the plate, access to the pins and springs is revealed. After inspecting the elements, it is necessary to clean the sockets, stretch the springs and firmly press the pins.

Replacing the larva

When purchasing a new cylinder for replacement, it is recommended to compare it with the broken one so that it fits in size. It is better to choose parts made of strong materials, since brass cylinders without protective linings can simply be knocked out and do not provide a sufficient degree of safety. The replacement process is carried out as follows:

  • the key is inserted into the cylinder;
  • the key is turned so that the protruding elements of the cylinder do not prevent it from freely fitting into its final location;
  • the fixing bolts are tightened;
  • the cylinder is connected to the lock;
  • the outer plate is installed.

Advantages of handmade locks

Manufacturers offer a choice of padlocks, rim locks and push-in locks with varying degrees of security. All of them have one drawback: template production makes it easier to find a universal master key.

Knowing the weak point of standard designs makes it easier for attackers to bypass the protection. Really reliable locks are not cheap, and not everyone is willing to spend that kind of money.

The advantages of homemade structures include:

  1. Saving money. There is no need to spend money on expensive mechanisms. A high-quality lock can be made from available materials; it is advisable to have (or borrow) special equipment to complicate the design.
  2. Protection. You won't be able to open the gate with a classic master key. Not every homemade mechanism can have it. Sometimes the time spent by the attacker does not pay off.
  3. Combination. You can create a whole system of constipation. Opening the garage will become much more difficult. Sometimes a regular and a homemade lock are installed at once. If an attacker opens the usual one, but the gate does not open, then he will leave it and will not waste time figuring out the secret mechanism.

How to remove a broken key

If a key gets stuck in the hole during the opening test, it can be removed using several methods. Holding the visible part of the key with pliers, try to turn it in the opposite direction. To simplify the task, it is worth spraying the well with anti-corrosion liquid or machine oil, which will make sliding easier. You can also gently tap the key to swing it.

If the key breaks and a fragment remains inside, you need to pry it off using a brass tube. It is enough to heat the base of the tube with a soldering lamp and put it on the fragment. After waiting for the tube to cool, all that remains is to turn it to open the door and remove the key.

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