Calculation of fabric width for curtains: assembly factor, how to do it correctly

Once the renovation is complete, they usually move on to one of the most interesting tasks - decorating the window. Interior textile departments are replete with offers, but before purchasing, it is important to have at least a general idea of ​​how much fabric is needed for curtains. Many people prefer to go to a salon or atelier, but tailoring will cost more than the material. The style is sometimes imposed according to their own standards, and not according to the client’s request. For those who have sewing experience, it will be much more economical to do it yourself.

Textile window decoration is a difficult issue.

Where to start calculating when choosing window design with curtains

For those who have never made window decor, it seems that nothing is easier than taking measurements for curtains. The height to the cornice plus the width of the window - and all the measurements. In reality, everything is much more complicated; many factors have to be taken into account.

  1. Panel assembly coefficient (depending on the cut and style).
  2. The width of the roll minus the edges of the curtain fabric.
  3. Hem allowances.
  4. Allowance for free sagging.
  5. Allowances for the fastening method.
  6. The direction of the ornament or texture of the material.
  7. Removing the baguette beyond the brackets.
  8. Additional cost for matching two curtains with a large pattern.

It is important to calculate the amount of material for cutting to avoid unpleasant surprises.
All calculations begin with the style of window decoration - there is no point in saving on the width of curtain fabric and the beauty of freely falling folds. It is also recommended to focus on the roll format and its relationship with the borders of the curtains. In most cases, a curtain covering the entire wall looks much better.

The location of the battery in the window sill niche is also taken into account. The choice of style and length often depends on their aesthetics and dimensions:

  • Short curtains in combination with long drapes;
  • Curtain to window sill;
  • Long curtain;
  • Multi-layer window decor with a complex cut.

The choice of curtain style will depend on the size and shape of the window, furniture and interior design in the room.

Only after really assessing the format of the window space covered by curtains can you begin to measure and sew the product yourself. Designers also recommend taking a small supply, at least half a meter. There may be defects inside the roll or errors in calculations.

The remainder can always be placed on sofa cushions, which will organically complement the interior.

We take measurements

Naturally, the process of determining the optimal curtain sizes begins with taking the necessary measurements. So, the main data that we need to obtain is the width and length of the future curtains, and all other data, type of assembly, etc., are then calculated based on these data.

It is worth noting that measurements should be taken after the cornice has been selected and installed . Cornices come in different varieties and can be attached to the wall or ceiling, but in any case, the length of the cornice must exceed the width of the window. If this is a bedroom or other recreation room, then you can attach the cornice to the entire width of the walls, effectively emphasizing the window area. In other rooms, the cornice should be 20-30 cm larger than the window opening so that the curtains can move, making way for the sun's rays, the exception is the kitchen, where, as a rule, only a translucent curtain hangs, and the length of the cornice is almost the same as the width of the window . Please note that now there are curtain rods with adjustable length : if desired and necessary, they can be made a little shorter or longer.

It is advisable, of course, before taking measurements , to already decide on the model of curtains , since the calculation of the length and width of the required fabric will depend on the type of fabric, fastening, and number of layers of window decoration.

  • The width of the curtains can be measured with a tape measure or soft measuring tape from the first fastening to the last .
  • The length of the curtains is measured from the curtain rod or from the selected fastening elements, for example, rings, to the mark you need.

Curtain style and fabric consumption

The very name “curtain” (from the French store) means “window fabric drapery”. Each era had its own style in fashion, which is confirmed by the artists’ paintings. Initially, the window was covered with fabric (skins, fur) to insulate and regulate the flow of light into the room. Over time, certain types emerged:

  • Roman;
  • Austrian;
  • English;
  • French;
  • Italian.

It is worth clarifying that not all of them are directly related to the country of origin. Rather, it is a conditional design classification. Each variety requires its own type of cornice and assembly factor.

It is the style and the corresponding pattern that determines or emphasizes the style in interior design.

When calculating fabric for curtains, it is important to consider that there are:

  • multi-layer and single options;
  • trimmed with contrasting fabric on top or bottom;
  • into the assembly with a certain step (marquise) and into the drawstring on the tape;
  • with curly coattails, ruffles, frills,
  • with tiebacks and lambrequin;
  • with fringe, tassels and other accessories;
  • completely smooth - Japanese screened curtains, etc.

There is no single cutting formula, because each model is unique.

Some salons sew from their own material, others offer only tailoring. The estimated expense and cost of the work can be discussed with a specialist by phone or by filling out an online form where all the parameters are entered.

How much to leave on the edges

For edge processing, up to 3 cm is usually left on both sides. When the edge is stitched, the curtain looks finished.

Raw edges on thick curtain fabrics are allowed. During factory production, the edges of the canvas are made rigid. Sometimes it is enough to remove single threads, and the edge of the curtain is ready.

  • How to choose a ceiling cornice for curtains: types and design features

  • Curtains for the bedroom - 135 photos of the best new products and exclusive designs. Review of unusual design options and combinations of curtains in the bedroom interior

  • Curtains for suspended ceilings - features of design and selection of curtains for interiors (135 photos)

What is needed for accurate measurements

When taking measurements, many people make standard errors. It is important to eliminate errors, and the panel should cover the baseboard or even touch the floor covering with its edge.

The fabric is calculated for each individual element, and then everything is summed up and the footage is obtained, which will be correct for a particular option.

Even in panel houses, walls sometimes have curvature and height deviations in the corners. To do this, you need accurate measurements on both sides of the wall on which the cornice is. The difference usually does not exceed 1 cm, but there are deviations of up to 5 cm, although this cannot be determined visually.

Tip: To determine the average length of the curtain, hang a weight on a rope (plumb line) from the extreme point of the cornice. First on one side, then on the other, assessing the difference along the control line of the intended curtain. We derive the arithmetic average (add both measurements and divide in half).

It is always recommended to take into account the composition of textiles and carefully read the label, since natural components shrink by at least 10%.

Batteries, balcony doors, and some decorative elements in interior design make it difficult to take accurate measurements. A plumb line is the best way to accurately determine the correct size of a product.

Another important point is what the measurements are used with. You can use:

  • an ordinary school ruler, if nothing else is at hand;
  • a measuring tape (colloquially “centimeter”);
  • measuring tape.

A tape measure is preferred because it has the greatest length and does not twist or bend like a tape. With it, you do not need to summarize several measurements into a total footage, as with the use of rulers.

Light textiles drape in waves, while denser materials form clear folds, which should not be too many.

Important! Curvature or difference in height of the walls can be detected after sewing the curtains. Removing and altering them, leveling 1-2 cm, will be very difficult. It will take a lot of time and effort. It is much easier to interrupt the cornice by slightly moving one edge higher or lower.

Errors in width are also possible. It is easier to eliminate them by using a universal construction level with laser markings. Along the intended line, mark with a pencil and measure with a ruler the minimum width, to which allowances are added, a small margin in width for the removal of the baguette rod, for lush folds, etc.

The width of the selected fabric and the placement of the picture on the canvas play a primary role in calculating fabric consumption.

You will need a notepad for notes - it is easy to lose the sheet. Be sure to mark, for example, “measurements for the bedroom window” or “curtains for the living room” so as not to be confused. You should not calculate in your head and keep the parameters in your head, especially when you have to put off work for a while.

If you have to calculate the flow rate taking into account various coefficients, a calculator will come in handy. At the same time, it is easier to calculate the approximate cost of window decoration - cornice plus fabric, threads and fittings.

When the pattern is directed along the roll, its maximum width coincides with the maximum width of the finished curtain.

How to choose the right fabric

When choosing curtains there are many aspects to consider:

  • purpose of the room (kitchen, bedroom, living room);
  • size and illumination (heavy fabrics of dark colors are not suitable for small rooms, it is better to choose light, airy ones; short dark curtains can reduce the height of the walls, in this case there are two options: either long or short ones made of light fabric);
  • the length of the curtain fabric (long ones are a more universal option, suitable for different types of rooms; if you prefer short ones, then do not forget about additional accessories);
  • texture and color of fabric.

Of course, every choice is a matter of taste. But do not forget that the entire decor should be in the same style, all details should complement each other.

How to correctly calculate the width: what is taken into account in the consumption of material for curtains

Before you independently calculate the width of the curtains, check whether complex double or triple curtains are needed.

  1. If you want to hide the unsightly landscape of an industrial area outside a high-rise window, a single curtain made of thick fabric is enough.
  2. The first floor or curious views from the windows of the house on the other side - if necessary, curtains should be easy to move along the eaves; complex folds are impractical.
  3. When the main functionality is window decoration in interior design, it is better to choose stationary multi-layer curtains with beautiful folds and overlays; light should easily penetrate through the transparent curtain.
  4. Night curtains are needed for shift workers, when during the day they have to fully rest in a darkened room.

If you are planning two curtains, then you should divide the length of the cornice by 2. Keep in mind that in some cases you may need an allowance for overlap in the central part of the cornice.

Attention! Most window veils are produced with a roll width ranging from 2.8 to 3.2 m. In this case, dense curtain fabric is often located from top to bottom.

The curtain can be wide and narrow - there should usually be two of them, the standard is:

  • 1.4m;
  • 2.8m;
  • 3.0m.

Complex styles often involve different lengths of tulle, curtains and overlays.

In this case, the footage for each material is calculated separately, taking into account allowances for seams and edge processing. But the basis for calculating the width remains the assembly coefficient.

How to add light in a dark room

Not only additional lamps will help make a room brighter - you also need to choose the right window decor. In this case, it is better to avoid long curtains made of heavy fabrics. For lovers of daylight, curtains made of light, weightless fabrics, such as tulle or voile, are suitable. The length of the curtains can be medium or only reach the window sill.

Light curtains can be gathered using various decorative tiebacks:

  • brushes;
  • rings;
  • threads of beads;
  • braids;
  • flowers.

Well, to avoid being disturbed by the bright light of street lamps at night, you can use Roman blinds with double fabric for the “Day-Night” system. On the outside, a thin aluminum sheet protects from bright light, and on the inside, a fabric sheet decorates the interior. Many people use them as the main window decoration instead of tulle, lambrequins and curtains. Using a chain, the front fabric is assembled into large folds and the length of the curtain is adjusted.

Pleated curtains and gather factor: what is it?

Before you start calculating curtains for a window, it is useful to look at various styles in catalogs and illustrations. In most cases, the curtain is not just stretched along the cornice, but gathered with soft folds, which gives it special charm and luxury.

When buying window textiles, be sure to consider the cost of processing the edges.

Attention! For lush gathers, curtain tulle is collected not in length, but in width - the roll is unwound along the ceiling, repeatedly making soft folds or gathering on a special tape.

Some types of curtains require a special type of fastening. A regular baguette with rings for hinges is nailed approximately 5-12 cm above the window opening. The higher it is, the better it looks. Today, ceiling models of various formats are most relevant.

  1. Direct.
  2. Corner (for two windows in a corner room).
  3. Round shape (for bay windows).

The approximate amount of fabric largely depends not only on the width of the roll, but also on the style, where the type of cornice plays an important role.

Many have seen curtains on rings - metal eyelets are placed directly on a round rod, the design gives soft folds at equal intervals. Accordingly, these coattails require additional footage.

Good to know! Each style and type of fastening to the cornice has its own assembly factor calculated:

  • flat fabric loops - multiply the width of the cornice by 1.5-2;
  • curtains on a special tape for uniform assembly - multiply by 2;
  • curtains with eyelets – coefficient 2;
  • dense fine collection - 2-2.5;
  • buffs – coefficient 2.5;
  • assemblies with sagging “awnings” – 3;
  • bow folds (triple folds) – 2-3, depending on frequency.

Eyelets in the form of metal or plastic rings emphasize the beauty of the cornice, which is important for modern styles.

To correctly calculate the footage, it is important to take basic measurements, taking into account all reserves and errors, multiply by KS - the curtain assembly factor. It would be wrong to take some material at a discount from the remainder of the roll, and then decide which style to choose. Then the choice will be limited, but saving makes sense when sewing small curtains for the kitchen or loggia.

The eyelets glide easily, forming even folds with controlled pitch.

Recommendations for choosing curtains

The design of your room also determines what length the curtains will look best and fit perfectly into the interior. Let's look at how to choose the ones you need.

  1. Buy curtains that match the color of the furniture or carpet; it’s beautiful when the window covering matches the color of small decorative elements in the room, such as sofa cushions or lamps. Try not to choose curtains of the same shade as the wallpaper, otherwise the colors will merge, and this will not look very nice.

  2. If you prefer curtains without a pattern, monochromatic, then they need to be matched to the design of the rest of the room, not only in color, but also in the texture of the material. Let them match, for example, with bedspreads or pillow covers.

  3. Curtains with an ornament need to be matched to some decorative elements or accessories, if it was not possible to match the furniture upholstery or carpet (which would be an ideal option).
  4. You should think about the model of future curtains in advance. Classic models are appropriate in any room, but unusual ones, decorated with various special details, must be carefully selected to suit the decor. You must decide what kind of drapery will be on the canvas, you can even draw how you want the future decorated window to look, calculate the footage of the room and figure out which curtains will be suitable for it - for small rooms or large ones. And only after that start taking measurements.
  5. If there is little light in the room, then be careful in applying all kinds of decorations to the curtains, and it is better to do without them. This will make the room seem more spacious. Let the curtains be light, loose, allowing as much light into the room as possible.
  6. The most practical fabrics for curtains are polyester or a polyester-cotton mixture. They do not get dirty for a long time and are easily machine washable without losing their shape. You can also wash viscose curtains at home. And, for example, it is better to dry clean velvet curtains.

  7. Linen curtains, shiny and thin, look great in the kitchen. Linen in such fabrics can be with various additives, which gives even more gloss to the fabric. If you choose velvet or silk curtains, then they need a lining; it will protect the delicate fabric from fading and hide the seams. The length of curtains in the kitchen should not be very long; curtains up to the level of the window sill are perfect.

  8. For low ceilings, hang curtains with vertical stripes to make them appear higher. And to increase the width of the room, you need to take curtains with horizontal stripes.

  9. Lambrequin looks good in rooms with high ceilings; it is not suitable for low ceilings, as it visually makes them even lower. For compact rooms, take a closer look at straight lambrequins or in the form of an arch; they will expand the space. The color of the drapery may differ from the chosen color of the curtains, but the texture of the fabric must match for the window design to be harmonious. The dark lambrequin looks nice against the light background of the other curtains.

  10. Lush voluminous draperies fit into the interior of rooms only with high ceilings, do not forget about this. The smaller and lower the room, the smoother the curtains you choose for them.

To make the interior design complete, consider the following points:

  • curtains must be longer than the height of the draped window, otherwise the room will look sloppy and harmony in the interior will disappear, besides, long curtains hide the shortcomings of the window sill when it is not located parallel to the floor;
  • be sure to pay attention to the folds of the fabric; it is advisable that they be located symmetrically, giving a decent appearance to the room;
  • if the window is located in a niche, then choose draperies up to the window sill; the same applies to horizontal windows of modern houses;
  • if you plan to secure the canvas to the window with decorative tie-backs, then you need to add a few more centimeters to the required length; in this case, you can also first draw on paper what it should look like, and then, knowing the dimensions of your window, determine the length of the curtains based on your drawing and desire;
  • it is permissible to purchase long curtains for the kitchen only if it is spacious, with high ceilings and the window is located at a sufficiently large distance from the stove and sink, otherwise there will be a risk of not only ruining the curtain, but also the entire apartment due to the creation of a fire hazard;
  • Please note that materials such as linen and cotton may shrink slightly in size after washing, so it is advisable to purchase curtains made from them with a reserve, or order or buy draperies from a mixed fabric, which is less susceptible to shrinkage;
  • the higher the ceilings in the room, the more luxurious the drapery with the edge lying on the floor looks, but with low ceilings this option will visually make the room even smaller in height;
  • Curtains should never be shorter than a transparent tulle curtain, otherwise all the beauty of the expensive fabric will fade and the window design will look ridiculous and ridiculous.

Before ordering curtains, calculate everything inside and out, consider different options, discuss possible models with your household, and if possible, it’s better to contact a professional designer. And with your decision already made, feel free to go to the store or order selected curtains on the Internet. Then the design of your window will fit perfectly into the interior and will bring you joy and pleasure.



How to correctly calculate the length of a curtain for a window: important recommendations and examples

The most accurate flow parameters will be obtained if you have a suitable cornice fixed above the window - all measurements are taken with a tape measure from its edge. At a minimum, the ends of the baguette should protrude 15-20 cm beyond the window opening. This is enough to open the curtains after the night and provide more daylight.

The length of the curtains is chosen not only for economic reasons, but also purely practically.

We can talk a lot about how to calculate the fabric for curtains, but a large length is not needed for the kitchen or children's room. In the living room or bedroom, long tulle is traditionally chosen, which can even lie on the floor.

It is better to leave a distance of 1 cm from the floor level to avoid rapid wear.

There is a general length standard:

  • curtain to the window sill (the lower edge should not touch it);
  • the edge below the window sill, to the level of the heating radiator, if this is a new aesthetic model with painting or a decorative panel;
  • the fabric reaches the baseboard or just above the floor, can be easily curtained and does not get dirty if pulled frequently;
  • complex romantic cut with tiebacks and draperies, the edges lie softly on the carpet or varnish polymer (perfect order is required, the fabric is prudently lifted onto the windowsill during cleaning).

Curtains will look much more attractive if the bottom edge ends with the whole pattern rather than part of it.

Helpful advice! For floor-length curtains, choose practical materials that are easy to wash and do not require ironing.

When you want to somehow update your window decoration with original decor with draperies, overlays or a lambrequin, it is important to take into account the KS. It is calculated additionally, but the shape of the pattern is taken as a basis. For asymmetrical models, they rely on the longest length of the pattern shape.

Selecting curtain sizes for different rooms

Up to this point, we have talked about the sizes of curtains, taking into account the classic window design options - long in the living room and bedroom, short in the kitchen, on the balcony and loggia. Classic is good and practical in spacious rooms. The smaller the area of ​​the room, the more depressing and heavy the curtains and lush folds of tulle look on the windows. Therefore, when choosing the size of curtains, they are primarily guided by the overall impression of the future design. Then the material and color, the type of cornice and its fasteners are selected. Designers give some practical advice on how to choose the size of curtains for a window in a room for a specific purpose.

Recommendations for decorating windows in the kitchen

Everything in this room should be as practical as possible, even if the apartment is inhabited by a small number of people and the kitchen is rarely used. The size and type of curtain hanging is selected based on the following criteria:

  • minimum area of ​​settling of burning, fat and soot;
  • the fewer folds, the smaller the area where dirt accumulates;
  • curtain height - closed window sill;
  • tulle may be missing;
  • double curtain with fasteners to ensure ventilation.

The size of the canvas is calculated using minimum coefficients and allowances.

Tips for choosing the size of curtains for a child's room

A child's bedroom is usually small in size. Therefore, massive curtains will not work. When calculating the size of the panel, consider:

  • minimum coefficient for fold type;
  • increased distance from the floor so that nothing prevents the child from adjusting the position of the valves independently;
  • advantages of short curtains - the heating radiator is exposed, the bottom edge is less dirty, easier to adjust, etc.
  • The most convenient type of folds to adjust are loops and eyelets.

How to choose the right size of curtains for the bedroom?

Even a small bedroom can be decorated with curtains with massive folds and tulle. The length of the decor can fall to the floor in flowing coattails. This design will give the room a special charm and create a feeling of security. Massive curtains will absorb noise coming from the street. It is possible to combine curtains of different sizes. For example, Roman blinds and drapes. Decorating windows in the bedroom requires careful selection of decor colors rather than size.

Selecting the size of curtains for the living room

The most difficult thing is to choose the length of the curtains for the living room and their decorative effect. Size is very important here, because the first thing a guest sees when entering a room is the window. The decor should be in perfect harmony with the interior design. It’s hard not to stand out and not look good. Therefore, in 9 out of 10 cases they choose the classic design option:

  • distance from the floor to the bottom edge of the canvas - 1-1.2 cm;
  • average number of folds - light should easily penetrate into the room;
  • the presence of light tulle, organza, etc.;
  • double curtain.

In the living room it is better not to use a combination of decor types. Moderation and originality are recommended.

Now, having understood the nuances, you can buy ready-made curtains without any problems or sew them yourself.

How to calculate the width of curtains: recommendations from experts

You can come up with any style with unimaginable decor, but everything is determined by the width of the fabric roll. Often, markings are printed at the edge of the roll, and small flaws and creases are possible. It is necessary to inspect the cut when purchasing - the buyer has the right to refuse a piece with defects even if the receipt is punched.

The fabric has edges that are cut off when sewing curtains - they pull the edge and interfere with soft draperies.

Important! To eliminate errors, before making calculations, we mentally unfold the roll from floor to ceiling or along the baguette rod, taking into account multiple folds.

When calculating using any formula, all conditions must be met, for example, the height of the curtains should not exceed the roll format (minus the edge). Their measurements are multiplied by the assembly factor and adjusted to the length of the cornice. This is the basis of calculations if the direction of the roll is along the cornice.

Some people prefer to leave a small strip of material above the mounting tape in the form of a scallop or edge, which gives a beautiful fold and successfully covers the cornice.

If the height of a curtain is calculated - from the floor to the baguette, accurate calculations from the edge of the round rod to the floor itself are important, the style (curtain length and method of fastening) is taken into account, as well as adjustments for hemming.

In some cases, the roll is not enough in width or length. Then several panels of the same material are carefully sewn together, hiding the seams in soft folds and draperies. The consumption is multiplied by the number of pieces of fabric. If the curtains and drapes have a pattern, it must match exactly - this is an additional expense. There is also a standard gathering factor for different types of fabric:

  • thin veil and curtain with a small pattern - KS 2;
  • curtain fabric – KS 1.7;
  • organza without pattern for awning assembly – KS 3.

When using mounting tape, as the most budget-friendly and popular design option, take two widths of curtain tape.

How long should curtains be in the living room?

In this part of the house it is customary to welcome guests and spend evenings with the whole family. The decor in the living room depends on the tastes and preferences of the owners.

So, you have to decide what length of curtains to order for the living room. Long ones are considered a win-win option when the distance to the floor is no more than 1 cm or the fabric lies on the floor. They have significant advantages:

  • “raise” the low ceiling;
  • visually lengthen the walls;
  • expand the space;
  • help hide defects after repair.

A fabric sheet laid out on the floor in beautiful waves will cover crooked plinths and uneven walls.


You can slightly raise the curtains above the floor level. This will not spoil the appearance and will make cleaning easier. But in this case, measurements should be taken at several points so that the final result does not become an unpleasant surprise. If the walls in the room are uneven, then the height from the ceiling to the floor in different corners may differ, and the edges of the panel may hang unevenly and spoil the appearance of the room. In this case, you can use fabrics without patterns to make it easier and more invisible to adjust the length at the very bottom. They do this already when the curtain is hanging on the ledge.

Practical calculation examples

  1. The meter across the width of the canvas is the length of the cornice multiplied by the KS (assembly coefficient).
  2. The meter in height is the height from the cornice to the floor (another length) plus the margin for the hem (the bottom is separate, the top depends on the method of fastening), we add an adjustment to match the pattern.
  3. Fabrics with a large pattern, periodically repeated along the roll, are positioned so that it is entirely visible at the top or bottom of the curtain, depending on the design. When calculating, we sum up the length of the pattern repeat plus the additional cost for the full height.
  4. Sometimes the material puffs up when folds are formed, add another 3-5 cm for free sagging.

For tulle, the fold factor is 2 - 3 meters so that the curtain hangs beautifully on the window.

An example of calculations for a standard window, with a 2-meter cornice at a height of 2.6 m, if the fastening is on an assembly tape, tulle without a pattern:

  • width: 2m x 2 (KS) = 4 m;
  • length: 2.6 m + 0.15 m + 0.1 m = 2.85 m;
  • patterned curtains with a repeat of 0.5 m, we count 2.6 m + 0.15 m + 0.1 m + 0.5 m = 3.35 m.

Attention! To the resulting length we add a margin for hem (the top is larger, depends on the type of fastening, the bottom is enough 2 cm.)

With the help of correctly selected curtains, you can skillfully emphasize the design of the room.

To avoid any doubts when buying curtains with a large pattern, it is better to take about a meter in reserve. If a piece of fabric remains unclaimed, it is better to sew sofa cushions from it - an excellent interior decor. It is much worse to hang short curtains, lower the cornice, or come up with frills, wide contrasting stripes and other design elements, hiding the “undersize”.

Why should you choose short curtains for the kitchen?

Small rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen often suffer from a lack of light and free space. Competent interior planning and proper use of decorative elements help to visually expand them. Light shades and transparent textures of fabrics will refresh, add light, and make the room airy. Short curtains made of light fabric will be very useful here.

There are really many advantages to short curtains:

  • a minimum of fabric is used for their manufacture;
  • they allow you to achieve maximum room illumination;
  • they are easy to move and remove, for example, for washing;
  • frees up the work surface: the window sill can be used as a shelf or work table;
  • they get dirty less during use;
  • provide free access to light and air.

As you can see, short curtains are often much more convenient to use and are ideal for small rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen.

Selection tips

There are several factors to consider when choosing:

Combination with the overall design of the room

The curtain must match the style; it is purchased according to the design decision. Here the shape of the canvas, its material and size play a role. You need to understand that the curtain is a heavier accent of the interior, therefore it is not suitable for the kitchen area.

In this case, the choice depends on the chosen style in which the room is decorated. For a bedroom with an Avant-garde design, you need to purchase a product that is bright and intricate, which the classic solution does not tolerate. But for high-tech, you can choose simple colors and shapes.

This is an important accent; if you want to decorate a place to relax, then calm colors are suitable, and for the living room you can choose something brighter. Usually the color matches the wallpaper.


This factor influences the choice. The product can be used for zoning a room, as a curtain for a window. The shape of the curtain depends on the choice of place of use.

What curtains will go with gray wallpaper?

Decorating the walls in gray tones adds elegance to the room. The right combination with them helps to create a chic environment that evokes admiration. All shades of red, yellow and orange will go well with gray. They will enliven the interior and dilute the cold gray, adding warmth.

By choosing blue and green tones, you can visually enlarge the room. The white color of the curtains will bring lightness to it. The priority is soft tones of gray; they will add some sophistication to the design and make it unique.

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